xt7rr49g5644 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rr49g5644/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1943 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 13, 1943 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 13, 1943 1943 1943 2012 true xt7rr49g5644 section xt7rr49g5644 Prof.   E
wokee J   "`“ '''' ""'M ' "` "
· A · I r .
mm, , QPU c i;§}§   _c   _  c_ccc1g§>§_1NGjQ§<, KY-»__J{§I\ UARY, 1943 NUMBER is
1 bhé ` —é*_`—%__%——r_v`—v`—*W—_¥—`"`v `
Rm}- e  ;.;2;2e2‘:zie; KENTUCKIAN ELECTED
it 111 *·`;# ¥*é;sé7" ”i° * ·*1`% ,i ?*i‘ "&~¤£Er=/‘*€¥£?7' ·!   I " `    3*5   
· _   2+- 7 nr ~. '.;¤.¢¤’_-=·.=¤*·:,‘·& .   .*2-       _:1?‘;2,z2=:@’#&1#i~»
V :;*3 ,’· ‘ ·i "5=". r ‘· ‘ ,¤ '>;·`:¤‘. . ini"'—-"»,;;.·:¢=,z'·¤;,‘g·;·,.;·.,·‘·4.·.  2*2;.4**:**,,=·.»;€·i1a?H:2v•g F; ..v·
at ine   y» .       \··» :·¢¤=¢%i .¢»,  
Delta {    . *;.;:;·»;.;_·;_¢;{;?&:: i James Graves Scrugham, who was elected
   i$5}*S`i’i¥$7€¥?·I¥'·?‘??¥Fi-WY? ·.’-‘ i*?i**? ¢¥“·‘Zf *5  U¤it€d States Senator of the state of Ne-
·  ···=·~. ~·>·¤ ·· ·:·";=·¤¤·i;;  - »·<  V.~,$;`i;w»,_ ;‘;;·£¤k:;:'r ·j»··· `v'‘‘’. I =_·:· .-‘,· = _. , I ··  I  Agéx.   . .
 ,·  yyiiégi:3:;gaj;-;g:j·i5;;;:j.·,;»_y_¤_~;;;;··A;;—. ‘v·; ·       vada, NOV€IHb€I‘ 3, 1942, 1S 3, native Of Ken-
i ~‘·! er- z ~»·*’=‘-iw? ·”»*F§·.r · #:/ V- ~»’Y‘>£·   .   rr     U ·‘ _·     ¢7."~.·}·‘l·H;::;;,‘ `>7;>;.{ ., . .
_ _  gjg;§f§;;ya’p;;yi;}.j·;·g};j;gi;;y;~i·=r:··,_3;{ j v»-· ·· V  .  V}  Lucky, 3 gldduate of the University of Ken-
LSS V -   ,V~e ; V_e» , ·_;_»;jj:Vj;ffV —’t.V           Lucky m 1900 and has had one of the most
‘   "¤·f¤¤j}{.g·.‘{‘-"f*}7E»’;§*;??’EfE'f§·."‘·fQ-g-'·‘     1  #‘V‘ 4   zi2';¤; *·=   · ~ .
&’1‘¤d· »   .»e·¤   Jia: LiT»ii¤<“·,iii¢    fantastic calms Of any °f tmsg men ,°f
Delta z           ';__a;  __4L·__*·}i;é3•"1:E:_=.*;, destiny who W&I'€ gI`3.dU3.t€d U]'1dE1` th€ guld-
4 M-·-·»r.= .<¤.;   ‘»¤::¤ ;¤·¤¤,;:¥:Zr’2:.J;~:s*;Jn;·i;::i;···L—%;t=*»j`   1 <   ia., ,· ’’'r·   `.’v i   3J?‘ .· —··.;·;=‘ TSE ·i‘Z4¥>`“'¢··= ‘ · ‘ · ·
m his ‘ jj?;·_3.T·;‘~:·;:'lg_iQ@4,-;  4*;;s&;g;;é,j;;i$gqxyigt,;;ig§3,,?9;g;,;;  .V,V  . ; ;,-·<_  IHS d1l`€CUOI1S of "Llfble Pa.u1" and became
p Q  ,     _tt‘ I ·»‘_.   engineers. teachers, leaders even beyond
'ardesi  —   ’’.‘   ·‘=n   their cwn state.
s. in V .¤i.¤i;g.$:_$»’i_    cv;,_,·,,§fg;.L;:i;-,é,}--" e;·==¤i?*:;$·‘=;& _».- '§.3;é5,c§—t·¥¢T>i2`=v.4;€~¥~*,P‘= -`.‘; iz·¤2`1T   .’.<-53-.'=`};::·?vY§& .i · H . .
      V-r,   =:  .-                   Jim SCI`l1gh&m 3.CC8pt€d that fazmliar
necomé ·  -g»i¤;=:;Yy;#  ’7f{57?i¤‘)‘ _:.$‘*·;*·Qf.€;.· $2*1i·‘i_";·_;:QiLZ·`_f*   .:_ ·;·, V  
e nm.       S‘°ga“ °f "G° Wm Y°¤¤g mm E0 West" -
tion in     g ’ r}s&>f;?'i§»3*§;’g;~ ¢§* ` , '‘ ‘ ·  7=¤—     Lys    and shortly after graduation took up his yes-
.   · ,5; .·,~ n .I-‘ —·`·"7€··:4     ' z ,,  §g`£~*;,`  ·¤_*..·,.-· *·"-.·;Ar=·`.(·\.é_c-  »‘,§;€§.r Q . _‘._i;¢:j3..r—.f:1; ·4¤ · . .
{   ·r ; _i_ ; E;; i_; :;U ;; _.   xdence in Nevada, W1th1n three years he
»nif0rm  i.       ».`·’   was teachmg i¤ the University ¤f Nevada
ihgrg n   ' j¥`     Y.·       and in 1916 WBS madé Dean of the Engineer-
¤ ` z .     ='; .··i‘,.¢». - J *,· ,·‘·‘{»$»5_L<¤€*~¥;. ;'· =·‘ ;;,Z¥= .   g ·—   *f..¢‘ ·: ·*   `_‘4.;5*il;p:‘.*·;;~{€·:.,f‘; · . . .
mah is  3 A¤£é;{2_§‘;·i€“€};§{€ - the Army frC>m 1917 to 1919 leaving the serv-
i mia-  #1   ‘> ¢ ··   :;f'f:;%# wéi 4.§?J.;E ·  e°~i¥??~;*· J-. . 1. ·.   .‘¤5?*J>—¤.·’;-tm;2¤s.&·"€€»=~t¢;: » . .’
in  *2  It    ey: _:._;;¤:;i2·»_;;ig;i;   ICB w1th the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
»>? QE?`2 ‘.‘‘‘ ·       3    i§"E‘Zf;‘i,ié.=,»,,?¢Z;’T€?     ·{  wd ¤P0¤ F€t¤1‘¤i¤g t0 Nevada he wok up his
  ·‘   ·:‘ P. ‘ "· ’ ·- ‘ —:=.¤.;   > . » . . . . J?»;;»..,· ·i:.»*   -r-- · ~*‘-;’»·‘:’rf:i'Jivi_*   ~ · · ·
  f. ¤ ?_._;;; ,   Ag;   -  yi __·» Li;     dubles agam as eng1neer, actmg on the Pub-
— H i* · ='. »- ·   .¢-`S ·~¤   » 4 ; $:·1·"jf»;·-i·}'··é·f-'¢.x€,·'  ¥···"£‘;é··-r2jT'·'£:?·;··’¢e.G·.7 · · - · ·
  ·   V .;.    ec, ,;,i;4c—;;:,·q.   ;;;_·;,_  ·.;~,-;_;;-,.;;1;i;;;;.__; 11C Scrvme C0mm1ss10n for four years and in
  ...· ·   . i....:f1r»:»··  "E , *1 ' *2  ~ .:-1  ·`::;SMi-e.·éi     "*‘?i·-·.£:1I·5 
farmer. .   5::.   .V.V _  V V ._·i·_ji.iTyg=T$k·;_·;;i~V_·§·i1j;.gi 1923 he was elected Governor of Nevada, an
Ober H           oifice which he held four years. From 1933
K .- - · e we   · i "·-;  *#i»:.’;.. .4-`: ·   ;·¤;·gq¤.,_·:;¤;;.e_¤;»;.=_;\=;»;;—;. e 1* .5-,.,·>i,.— i ‘·    _1_;4·;i . . ·
Vvameu    ;§I§§{ /,%:6   _i_ ·      to 1942 he was representative m Congress
rt LH,         ‘  ,*‘·    ‘ _;`  "   ··i from Nevada and was elected last November .
i · · ~ ‘~ - ‘ ~·‘ . ».  ‘ . ·—; ‘—=i¢., ···*- Ame  ,·r·.» H ·¤~<»;¤'J---·_;:>¢,·i·  !$3_{·_xv_  . _
  j  $j,?§: » ‘*%j ;   H:} ’·i.·.`i}g;;;;_;;,g_2gi>;—;·;,  §f,;( ..’.j   c to i3h€ S&n3.b01‘Sh1p to iill out the unexpired
.. ·¥ Z"   = " s¤:P'*;a‘ f      " "" ‘  “>¥5l·'€?~:¤’*`*·?‘··?:"a—?¤·`7? term of Senator Ke Pittman
the Hm       ·» `¤l·‘¥z*`1$;-·3§e;·  —- · » , " "  `;·Y·  i :_ ·i.f""*_r§,{»,§‘-€j;;’·`1·j??sZ,¢¢?,¢"*¥;-` y ‘
id Ken-     `  N .;    Since the United States entered the pres-
1 at tm   yy gi v fj)        {ji? ent war, Senator Scrugham has been called
*¢~N . r  X: "‘ ‘;•;.',·- ‘ '\5‘ '{ ' .- ·•· '·>"t*`*,{A_~·`·_ —Le:·,;·¢;,:·‘¢,`,·[q··»_’v _ _
B Street,     _:; #.;,5,%  ·  ¤s_ ny t  ;_»·—·;e;—;<:;»¤*.<;_»;—=·*c;i_;,;_;_ upon to serve as Lt. Colonel, Anti Axrcraft
. .~ -· -~;-·°‘ a— *‘ . .· ‘ -i-. *6*;. ,.·. ·- Z.? `Z•»··  1* >"·’€¤·.'s·   · · · ·
gssamine   V   » _;;;;s_  _     _ ·_ ;f_:;   >;ri;·'i;_.r_·A___:;·r£;  A1‘t111ery, 1D trammg camps at Fr, Monroe,
ve moved       ·—_?; _    {wig;-gg-ii¤5e.‘;£.€{#$_`; _~`- Q  i°»; Va., and m Camps Haan, Callzm and Elliott,
      ~` I     -**97}; Sei";   ·'·'   G¤1if¤r¤i¤.
. ri i¢;i··* re<¥2~;%*?¤··$*:.;`~=f·"?=$—·*· qQ~¤i1z=·3£      `   ·· 7 ·   "?` »     .‘*` ?§·¢·¤¢-.»a=°f,  .
    *·   ·"“`·"*  *·‘ { · `° °’”" M " M For exght years Congressman Scrugham
  Mums Graves Sc,.ugham_ 1900 served on Naval Appropriations Committee
S a Um  ee e 7 e , ._ 7 M W   Y.   r-e-.4-r» 4.——~——»—~e»Y»—e »»»—-%— of the House. the last four years as chair—
* .   man passing upon and authorizing approxi-
. 0: i’»— é » V · r ` ’ . .
hda; ;P0STHUM0US AV ARD INSTALLATION SERVILQ FOR Y maeiy me- mmm com worth of Naval
Ozihim   M ADE T() FRED B_ HILL GRADUATE OF UN IY ERSITX construction and has speciaiized in the radio
; », . - . y.
gf ‘ `E ' echo tire control for Anti Aircraft Artillcr
Ember °‘   Lieutenant Fred B Hin wnc was kiued The Reverend R°’°€"° Jules Rmble was .
,r Several jg _ ' ` 2 d _. me installed as minister of The First Unitarian It is Safe to venture the Opimon that PO
[rel S€m·   acmm On November 8' 194 ’ mmg Church 0f Dallas Texas 011 Sundav, Jan- part °f Senator S<=r¤gh¤¤¤’S Career has hmm
edited ai §*Ic1·th African invasion, has been &\V€i1d€d um.}, 10, 1943, at 11 0~c1OCk_ The Services m_ ngire IIIEBEBSCIHEI or beneficial to his con-
. · · y • ' . · . , , V 1
nfiuence, ghe Purple Heart posthumously f01 \\OU1`ld$ eluded musmy Invocation SC1.1ptm.€_ Prayer   l}Bl`1C} mn 1S wnrk as a meminer of ine
jg Laurd —,l‘€CBiV€d in combat. The [1DllOUlIC€IH€1}t»\V2l$ Of Installation` Response, Welcome to the Ollglllal C0g>1&d0 River Commission which
. ¢ . . . . . . i r
»i—i0d. F0? ;§€Ht by the Adjutant General and was F9- Civic Community, Welcome to the Religious pmmotid t E Bowder Dam p*`OJ€°t ***21ih
insuraiué `Eeived by Lieutenant Hiirs parents, Mr. John Community, Welcome to the Southwestern “ ?i_bm     cost O? Om? bundled {Wd    
cf: · . · M Community amd the Act of Installation ml 101* 0 mS· Whlle On the Engmemmg
e . Hxll and 1VI1s, Hill of Somcxsct. .— .. . . .
Si? . . _ which in churches of the Unitarian Order ·°’d"}SOU` Bomd Of Phe Bfmldel Dam _P0“'&*
 Lieufenarw Hm WRS Smduatéd m MTW recogmzgs the relqummmp bam-Em me mm_ Project he placed his services at the disposal
»·· ' * ‘ ' . . . .
I 31942 from the University of Kentucky, Col- ism. md the COu,,1.C,,.auOu md tO the ChaI_ of P1`€S1dCl`itS WIISOII. Harding, Coolidge and Y
» : ¤ ‘ . .
5165 C; @$62 of Arts au;1 Sciences, majoring in Jour- lenge Of the Cmdrman the Mimstcl. and the Hoover. Back and forth 111 the interest of
ms aqrmll .g§a_hSm_ He was Sports Cdm)1. fm. the Kem Ccugrcgnmou (Smudmg) mspmld m m.dm._ mustmig§11ii<§e11&R}111;1c1Minn? Mi. .Sc1ughzi§n
153  L cky Kernel. sports editor for the 1942 Dr. Rzmible, son of Mrs. IC.   Raiblc 0f ";;S’ E $133111]%     X;/Eh`
` F? entuckiqn {md publicity m·m&¤€l· for the Louisville, attended the University 0f Ken- S B C ‘· E G H I gs e ·
  ‘ · ‘ ¤ tuck`, from 19.,7 to 1921 As ,1 meolcgicql many other uuforsecn events stalled the
»g*0¤· K’~¥ “?“"S‘°y “““"`“°S ""”“""““ “"““ 2** me Wien he attended Haiwd Uiiiversitv and werk ¤¤¤ mans were d<>1¤>’€d and held ¤¤»
geball €““;» _`mV€Y$itY wld 1`€·D01`@€d f01` active GULF in ` . _/ _ . A · ,. ` · · _ In s itc of all handicaps the great eiiginecr- V ‘
· .·ii~¤· · . ins msi, nesignuieut was as ass1s.a~11t 11111118 _ P _ ,
U¤1V€15l·E§(  8 A1`mY 111 July at Camp Wh€€‘lG1‘. GH. LGI, Of mg First Ppmsh in C.lmb1.idg.€ Before mg was accomphshcd and Boulder Dam can- g ,
29 W1 q§;;ei _Th€ Citation reward of the Purple Heart Bmermg On hls dutles m Texas, he was for Structed. Leg1s1at1011 0f. benefit to nmnn;_
lpléyedcgii l EXCIUSWBIY il Ulliféd States award and is Several y99.1·5 pastor of All Souls Church of and m€t8um`SY» Y€Cl&m&ti0¤ find I`03d·UU1Y*" I V __
mmg if§V¤¤ for a wound received iii action, Greenfield. Mass. (Continued on Page T1w·~» -
l· '    

 , . · "  ` ` " " x
Y. ? macmvnn o1·m·r1oNs i
_   =     _ _ ;¤;g;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;c;=;.g=;=;¤i=s£¤i=Ei=E=siri:E=E¤E=Ei=E¤E¤5=E=?E=ESri?S=3;$$3EE;§§$=§i$Ei$$®=i5Ei?E¥??&=S§`§ CLYDE `
i  ·. W¤1¤¤m N¢1S<>¤ BOM. EX   A
      Pad h, Ke t k    ==·-‘·   ;;; ‘ ``‘‘  
    omit cnn. tt tt. Alumni tssttiititn tt tt. . uw n uc y    
 ff;   University of Kentucky published quarterly on the Richard Samuel Starks: Ex   "?’?iE§E;§§é·:   A Kenmc
 ;_ jj  _ campus of the University, at Lexington. Subscription Midway, Kentucky   _._. ,.,.:.,.§fQX§.. 4_._ , .__4     " A1
·,·- _   to non-members, $1.00. Membership (Type Ai in  @$5;;,.;.;;§zgs§s§;§;§;S;S25;5;i=i=5¤¤=:=:¢¤-°¤" ‘·°» \>,._  l'Am€T
  ;   me Association mutate subscription to me Aiummis. Thomas Wesley Spiekero Ex z2e;z2az2%;s2a;z;e@e;e;z;;z;%;§;if   ·‘`‘` " *:\   e son did t·
 ew     , ’    .. · ·<¤=· » i X   i , ·
    Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Omce Pmncetom Kentucky       ,     i ihe ablut
    Bt Lexington. Ky., May 22, 1929, under the act of V t Ed I C 1 egg;E;égeiigiggggegiigggi,_    K}   lt Lakes
  M'"°" °· ‘°"*’· ic 0* SE ¤m €Y· 1942.   ._  i         5 was big ei
  3    Nicho1asvi11e, Kentucky    v·—   =\   have mis;
 * .»  e.  Marguerite McLaughlin ...... _.....-.-....... Editor    e,-..\,,_e\  ~ Th e
  -`·   G. L M Cl 1 ........ ~ ....... ~.-........ Ma si in Editor     R It
    Heleiiexiiig 5.1?.._..............._ Asgociatg Editor G°*d°“ Sympsom 1937 $5532$52EEEEEEEQEEEEEEEEi§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§E§i§E§E§§?».J ii : ·  ··‘` ’ S   six inche
 gg   Mrs. Ethel mx ...-........ Business Mwnw BardSt°W“» K€¤t“¤kY   `‘ii=   :;...... . ·` ` "d‘;   e pounds 8
— A  T      -=‘    »;s¤ . rs».;.:.—..   2 -
    G L °*§‘§;‘?S °*` ALUMNI *‘SS°°‘“TI‘;_fesidm Fred B- Hm, 1942     cet in ih
  *‘   . BC C 11*1 ...... .. ..... .................. .... .. .... ..0.-...-· $¥?E—eE*$? ¤¥*°*:`°`:7i·:-$-1-:¤E¢i7€?¥E?E?f‘P?P*E¤E?F*P-1 _.'Z¢Z?}i€EZ`];-:_Z:;:iE_P§P`.g}¥:§E§E§E§E§:§t§:Q;Z;Z]];.;:: ~
 gy   cmu cieetn ............ 1.- ...... -... es,e. ...1vi¤e-msiuenz S°m"rS€`°* Kentucky   ...   Egagg E?
ii  gg, it M L hli ,,........ --..E t' S et r isiéiéisisia2§2§2§2§2€;E$§s§2§;§;§;§a§2=jj.Q,.;;;;;§2§¤§;§;§s§;§;§;. ,;§·§;§;§;E§;%= ,fj‘·?;i;5=`g;{2Qeg;§;§;§;§¢§;5;5;}§;€;i~-,3. 1 mu
    ggziuegigg   ------   -~·------------- — --j;il;i;"i¥E T:;;S“:°¥ PRISGNERS REPORTED   .-;¤   Johnson
    Exncmvn commmm A. P. Adair. HI. Ex   d’;   . this fall,
 gt i  jif  Marshall nai-nes L. K. Frankel Paris, Kentucky   43QQE2§iE§E2§:§§E:§i§f?§i§i§2;§E’Q2,£,  iE¤** `.._ the history
   _; James Park T. H. Cutler iiiiéiii=éi§%§¥E¤E""%§%§é§i§‘¥2 ;.ii§ii3§&€5Eiéiééséiiéiéiéiiiiéiéiiii.a:%5§Z§%§i§F%%&§i§3i5E52ii€¥é»Z°*.—:;·§.§Z*»‘ Q.;a¤5?* z “
   ii 11. D. Pulmore glilliemsg. elunton William W. Buckhold, Ex   wiEf`?Z§i?:?€§i§i?iQ€fii§i?iQi;'ZEj$.r5Ei$§$§i§E5{§:§i§~§i§igi§E$E€i§:f?i.'  °_1,.,;,.ge·;‘ 5 2; was 5*
 »a . ¤  L. 11 L erne ve  aiziaiziziéiiv ti2i2Z=i‘5**.5.’:i.:,i;iZ;5z€2.i2i=€£2€2i;5;is¤zi;=2...¤ :E?E:`:‘ iF2%z%=1;Z A ‘
 .[j.__ -·   Ezbgtt Kiguizeath H. C. Robinsgn H°’z8‘rd· Kentucky .     `.·. ¥*" ?}ii%;?%€.%§€§€E€E?%?§?::§*ii   iiiiiiii   Opated
    Gracean M. Pedley Dr. E. C. Elliott Ed d   “° prevwusly
  ._   Dr. C. C. Carpenter Mrs. E. D. Shinnick War A- Cave- Ex . BTH Confei
L   Di-_ G. Davis Buckner Mrs. T. B. Underwood Paducah, Kentucky MISS Wehle NOW In England eel. of V
 .. 4 Di-. George H. Wilson _ 3]
    ~   ' ——————-— ———i—·—· William Henry Gentry, Ex Miss Ruth Dowling Wenle, who joined ut.  g1¤i¤·
 Q.;   VOL. XIII JANUARY, 1943 NO- 3 Harrodsburg, Kentucky American Red Cross military division foigt For the
   rt. ie   Basu Jones Gilbert, Ex overseas servicein Novembereis now on dui;   Aehland, i1
 ii   .  LEST wc recom. L""‘“gt°“· K¤¤¤¤·=ky §`.’?.‘ZF‘?$`.‘i; 52155..¥Z'§‘§.li.§i‘J“¥§2t.T.'2§2'.?b$§at $.2S“§Z$.}2‘
 1.·—    L ' The University of Kentucky, whose more J¤·¤"{°$ L· Leggett. 193'7» Washington, D. C. and New York City. Sm _ Davis boys
    than 2,500 former students are serving in the Lexmgtom Kentucky heé been assigped **0 duty Wiih the Yank Oi   Clyde, "E
 ”’i Y J; armed forces of the United States, receives Edwin Wilson Rue, Ex a lieutenant With We €¤t€1'i¤1¤¤’¤€¤t unit 0f   honor the
; `‘l_ · _ %    daily messages of missing, imprisoned and Harrodsburg, Kentucky $9 ged CY°S$· which travels as guests 01`_{ and pound
  3 =“   dead heroes whose deeds of loyalty and pa- G _ I _ _ 8 Ymy-   test in nie
  V Q .; triotism are recorded in the daily papers and Hgcgggsguigr ;2:t€;-;;au` EX As an ¤¤d€1'ST8d¤¤¥€ on the Campus MiS¤‘ I That in its;
    git , broadcast over the radio. Since the last Dub- ’ Wehle was honored by her associates Whi. —Dlaying 5
 }iQ;=_  Y. it iicction or the Alumnus in November eight Irvine C- Scudder. EX Selected her f°’ disuncmn many times am In his t
 e       ,   Kenguckians, graduates and eX..students of Lexington, Kentucky She was ethe representative of t.he.Univers1t;e   eooteste  
 yi ·     the University, have paid with their lives for Norman Aaron Widest, 1939 at the Pme Mountain La‘{I`€1 Festival and   an utter hi
 of _r   their determination that ioo mon can hght Lexington Kentucky the Rhododendron Festival at Asheville]; alone may _
   {   for me.’ Some reported missing last fell ’ N- C· Sh€ Was selected May Queen in 193€;"i The Ten;
      hw bm 10%*69 in Japanese and Spanish rmucss w11.soN uouse and ‘”S,f‘ ‘?‘“'“"‘” °? C‘”‘*‘?S· M°“i" B°“°-ii was on the
 7   prisons and three new names were reported ENTERS FAMOUS ARMY SCHOOL Peg He 617:0 Cgunfil, Phi Beta, Stroller tl, knee. TWO
    i t among the missing. _ an Guigno, an A pha Gamma Delta. L   he wa t
· · · Q Framics Wusgn House 1930. graduate Oi Miss Wehle devoted much time and interes   S Ou
 .4 ,   OUR HQNORED DEAD the University, 1S one of the sixteen WAAL .     At the cn
 ‘·· " if officers to attend the Command and General to the Commumty theatre and portrayed Si`; ` was Hamed
~. · g` § William B, Bywaters, Ex . roles many times for the Guignol. Afttf ,-
. - Staff School of the United States Army at . , _. the fourth
 ,_ A.   Ashland, Kentucky Fort Leavenworth Kansas be hmm F8b_ graduation she was a member of the stan: .. to be h
V  +_   _ _ mary 8 ’ ’ g g Columbia Broadcasting System in New York I Playin C (ise
 i‘;_, Y   §u`$11g§6B€;$l;Z&§{; ' for nine years and resigned from that. posi- " mates gwirin
_ ·,  ·· ex1n n, e · · · · .. i
n  ,   ,42 HOME EC GRAD IN WAVES tion to·enl1st in the American Red Cioer __28_o. John e
  .,.1 Fred Bruce Hm, 1942 Mi Jos hh H d 22 d t _ for oveiseas duty. As far as our records , YMmtary the
 " . a·_l Somerset Kenwoky ss ep 1 ° °War · · augh el Of she is the nrst of the University alumna oght On th ‘
      Joseph H°Wa'rd and Mm H°W?rd# Ver' to receive an overseas assignment. Since lh' _eSa_m,S AI E
  _ :*5 George S. Lawrence, 1941, Sa1¥1€S· ha’S_b?€n accepteq as a· candldate for organization of the Stage Door Canteen   _ _my‘
 M 2. Cadiz, Kentucky oificers training school in the Waves. Miss year ago in New York Miss Wehle took R; estM3·,l0r1ngji
 ?   J h W.m M nt m r E Howard was graduated fmm th? Umvgrslty active part in its entertainment features arf whiandmg   8
 .   FOIII eh altgmtg kgo B y' X 9f Kentucky m may 194% havmg m8·JO*`€d also as hostess, as only notables of the stnzf dis ?sS°°1a'$€
· . ,.·§ amou ’ C Y m Home Economics screen and radio were eligible for this S6! g"‘¤?d mal
   i   R_ LEG Crowe, Ex ` vice her membership was all the more c0¤¢`   E};Tm_ COI
 _  .— Stanton, Kentucky U. K. POLITICAL SCIENCE HEAD TO plimentary. and _ acm?
  ' i JOIN U. S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ....._.._...—. · lf he W2
 2 · . .   » .
 _. William Herbert Popplewell. EX Di; Amry vahdehhoschy head of the d€_ MISS FLORENCE LEACH Ivgcglplgigd a·
‘ Jamestown, KSHWCKY partment of Political science at the Uni- BECOMES A WAN .;§i.etirm int?
. g Leteuo Stephenson, 1941 Vfireiiiy of K€¤ti1¤kY. left January 1 to join the Mary Florence Leach, Lexington, a senii iigpyess gis {41;;;
- — Lexington, Kentucky division of special research of the Department in the College of Arts and Sciences, mHJ0Y’ _;;$hiS fellow
, of Siate, at Washington, D. C. He has been ing in elementary education, was Ca]if·"—j§ing S ar
. · 2; THE MISSING gran Ed all extended 168*/6 of 3bSe¤Ge from January 12, 1943, to take up her duties HS-   I
_ ,   . his duties at the University. mgmb · { th * A liu?   Between hf
T A lb J h   d C 1 ’   I I 81 O G Womans Army UX] r.M.A ·
  ; e   N(;C§0laS$;;eal;{€I;'§cky A member of the executive council of the Corps, for which She had enlisted mst Dt; .,3;,% gasket?}
  ee   is  ’ American Society of International Law, Din cembert Miss Leach was Ordered to Dayttteigoogssgy High
  ·_    Jghn S_ Ya_nk€y’ Ex Vandenbosch   gI'3I1t€d 2, leave last y€3,l‘ Beach, Flgyjdgy whgrg she has taken   tra i?8’ C13
  ‘ ».-~ ._  kt  A Lexington, Kentucky to ect ee special Dutch East Indies advisor training in Administration, site nad plannio om ge “g ba
,.      ~‘r_.., ` e_ 111 the d1V1Sl0n Of special information, Office to Continue her Work in the University dtiilgiihe tasketbai
3d .     William Ross Y9·“k€Y· 1936» of Coordinator of Information, at Wash- ing thc Winter um-ter ahd had enrclli ..5 S aff Of U
 T · -   r~ i . ‘ii.   . Lexington Kentucky in ton . q i  
__  L   we  _ ’ g - and classified. ;  
 ee ellv he      o , ...—   A  

  ·*LL·AMEmCAN FOOTBALL l   ~   .i   it CONFERENCE AT Mmsmsoiv
  TITLE T0 KENTUCKY I l   r  A " Th Kentu k W‘1d at b k tb 11 t
gE;E;§; , , . · 9 C y 1 C 9,5 8 8. Bam,
    Kentucky went 51 years without football - Gt   __   - · champions of the Southeastern Conference
  All-Am€Fi¢8¤S, but when Clyde Elmer John— V ',~_ . > last year, has had an interesting record so
  son did turn up this fall he certainly showed ‘ . F -   ,  Y ` J · far this season culminating the schedule up
  { the ability, determination and attitude that     ” J __ ’ A I to date by defeating Notre Dame in the
    it takes to make a successful athlete. He - ' '   Jeiierson County Armory, Saturday night,
    was big enough to make up for what we might `  " F  , · January 23, before a crowd estimated at more
    have missed in the past decades. U   ' _ than 7,000. It was the first win over Notre
    That massive hulk of humanity Six few , ..   Dame in a nine-game series. The game was
  l— six inches tall, tipped the meter at 238 ‘ ‘ xiii  full of thrills and both teams played a style
  pounds, and on the gridiron he was a Wild- "   of basketball seldom seen in any land, and
gee   cat in the fun sense Of the word, though { .      I decidedly wonderful to the many Kentucky
§ Og the flg]d he was as quiet and assuredlyv as Qxjga (· A  · -. fans, who realized throughout the game that `.
  unassuming as any one could be. ’ ‘   A °‘  the ’Cats had a big job to do.
  Johnson, following the Tennessee game   `* \_·_ "€?__  A Kentucky started her season by losing two
  mae ran, became the first All-American in   » _    .KK games, one cf which was in the Afm01'y at
  the history of football at the University when ‘ ·‘   :. 4 _ ‘ . l   Louisville. The iirst game was lost to Uni-
he was selected as the left tackle on the V     · · i " _ ‘ `   versity Uf I¤di*ma· December 23, and the
  Associated press chg;-med eleven H8 had i ` . V ~_   < . _.   4   second to Ohio State in Lexington on New
  previously been named on the a1i-seumeae¤- -   s   _  _.  ., G 4; Years ¤¤ght· Both gems were Well ¤tt¤¤d<·>d·
ii em Conference squad, and all opponents ros- · . _ . _     `     ·_   In the Southeastern Conference Kentucky
ld   ter of Vanderbilt, Alabama and West Vir- s _ _ I- _ c ‘‘`‘   ···’ e _»      Z;  has met Georgia at Athens and Tennessee
t ti ginia. - g ' _;`_g `; _ `. “ · *   ~   T and Georgia Tech on their own floor. The
if {gg For me native Kentuckian, he hails from , · ,_`.   ‘· {    _`  ¤¤sk€t¢¤rs_<>¤ their Hrst s<>¤_th<=>§¤ swing of
,n dunf Aamand, it was e distinction that Kentucky g _ , ‘ ° ‘ · . ·'   [ ; i· . { the campmgn °am€ mm behind m the T€¤·
Vcmber gridders have sought mr years, but one that V . V _ . . ’  * i-_s ~ _ _ Q  ¤¤ss<=<= same to ske wt a narrow 30-28 yic—
rion in was never attained—not even by Kelly, the —_   _'  .; _   tory and Om mgm later m€_K€*}tu°k19·¤S
y_ Sh, Davis boys, or Kercheval. _ 4 i_ _ __i¤  :._ A- > n ig-I _ J   · went on to Athens where their victory of
iank of Clyde, ··B1g John" to me mates, eamed the s K   `.‘    1   — 6°`28 °v" Gemgm was °V"wh€lm}“g·
unit of - honor the hard way—up in the line, digging _ · ·      _  _   _’ In the language Of a sports WNW? fthe
ests 05 and pounding for 50 minutes of every con- ‘ V ' __   V  " . —     t°ugh°?st game of the éwmgn was against
test in his three years or collegiate reetbau. _       K ·‘   ‘ ‘  ;   Gwsla Tech- After mums for the mam
is Mis That in itself is enough to justify some honor _ A   ,jf  Q » ‘ { K,   »_Q‘ portion Of the contest] K€¤t¤€kY 1”HU1€d IMG
as wht —D1aYinE so minutes or every contest. ( `· r  e;   ;_     Y  to edge wt a 38-37 vwtory-
Bs ml; In his three years, he missed just two —   VV   j       1 ··__   1 ‘   Vanderbilt and Alabama are yet to be met
News contests, and then he was so stoved up it was , .· . ‘ K -·   V · _   J  ill   in       for two games each and others are scheduled
and ic an utter impossibility for him to walk, lc; · Q [ ` " J E- j   e  fc; _·_. -a   ·_ _ for Tennessee and Georgia 'l'ech and an out-
heville alone play football ‘ _·‘—     gg  ·’—  side game with DePaul, Chicago, before the
in lggg The Tennessee game in 1941 __Big Johnn _ V ,     j-_ ·_ ‘ ._ · ’Cats face a tournament ser1es in Louisville.
Board was on the sidelines with a painfully injured _K_r    52- “    ' ’ Tickets are being reserved for the post sea-
trouep lm _ _  ·‘ · . . “ son game with Great Lakes, in Louisville, on
_ ee. Two years ago against Southwestern,   __ _ _ _ . March 6
·&· » he was out with a bruised back.   -.   ` » ` · :· ` . .
Lmereg At the conclusion of the season Jolmson   53*, , . a ` The pérsmmel 9f the Wudcat Squad In-
ed Sit J was named a tackle on the Biuecéay squad       4 ~ ~ °‘“°"’S T’°°°’ D"?S· N°°1» B’€“’“’ La“°"*‘”·
Am the f _ _ _ I   ..v,__ ’·-j ‘v l ~ *¤·   ··i._ f   _   Akers, Parker, Rollins, Barlow, Webber, Hamm
_ ourth player from the University evei   ._>_     ig __;Ee ·_  ,  ..;__ and Althalm
Stain; to be chosen to participate in this game. ggge:{;·,i;g; i’'’     ·__,· y `}'_;"jj:""y `?f
W Y0? Playing almost three quarters, John’s Gray  · -..y         — 
it pw mates won handily over the Northerners, n i U
I Cm;} 28-0. John will be graduated from Advanced All-American Johnson COACH KEMPER RESIGNS
Tdsng Military this June, and then he’ll start to  "__w   _ __r_ W i   ___ T0 TAKE ARMY POST
um V ·  
me th, iight on the biggest team of them all—Uncle D. C, Kemper, athletic director and Sci_
_S°·m$ Amy- JAMES GRAVES SCRUGHAM t h t U . .t . . h I
New Q Majoring in physical education, with a good _ 8}*% Bac €I` 3 ¤1Vc1‘S1 y Traimng sc oo
mk   standing in academics, Johnson has impressed (commued From Page One`) Smce 1929* repmted January 20 mr duty m
regtggg his associates and opponents with his quiet ing can be traced to Mr. Scrugham’s far- the chemical warfare branch of the United
$5 sgi digniiied manner. Down south the men who sighted vision and the success of many in- States Army_ H6 entered me Army as 3
_€ com ;1;;>;2€l;f11n· could not tflliive thagtlltlgs quiet, ter1o€·pr<;i]e§:tsdn‘$z;y1il;;>e attributed to his ]udg— Second lieutenant
- acing man cou e an - merican men an ea · .
and if he was it €€¥`t3·i¤1Y had ¤0t LEON? to Like many successful men whose public
his h_€ad, as the Saying €°€S· Accepting interests have taken them beyond their pro- 14R/UPP AND READY!)
wml .°°r{1Phm€ntS and congratulations in the most fession even into hobbies, Senator Scrugham ,
A, ,_""mmH fashion he has not hesitated to 8X' was at one time owner, editor and publisher "He’s Rupp and Ready," that is the title
“ Sem ipress his appreciation and the assistance Of of the Nevada State Journal. His classical of Esquire’s personality feature on Baron
ma};   f€H°WS and the iml>¤f¤¤¤<>€ Of his ¤0¤¤h· 1eei—¤ma·, studies which he pursued back in Adolph Rupp, the master of Kentucky bas-
ce ‘ ·_ 8- Kgntucii alon with his technical training, ketball wars, in the February issue. "Rupp and
i€SP5‘ I Between halves at the Kentucky—Vander— gave hir; the gbility required for successful Ready" was written by Jimmy JONES. f01'm€1’
umm jébilt basketball game in Alumni Gymnasium, editorship and the instinct that is born with Courier-Journal sports writer. Jones first 1
wills; ,;9`¤¤S¤¤y Hight, January 26, which Kentucky most Kentuckians for keen discernment in met the 1?»aron of basketball ·back in the V
my , WVOH 39-38, Clyde Johnson was presented with matters of politics have evidenced their ex- early thirties when he was plymg the trade
KTHM?   traveling bag by the "K" Club and with a istence in the life of James Graves Scrug- on the Atlanta Constitution. It’s as  
F; adm géold basketball, suitably inscribed, a, gift from ham, now United States Senator from Ne- as locker-ioom chat with the Baron and 1 A
grow gthe staff er the athletic department. vada. s°°d r°¤dmg· - -

  ; .     ».  A " ;-§*=;1Z'** ;   L
  . ¥{0LDS MPNTHLY MEETINQ C. Hunter Green, a graduate of the Uni- McHenry Rhoads, 84, retired member or
    · Th? Executive Committee Oi the _A1umm versity of Kentucky in the class of 1927, has the faculty or the College of Education of ,
 ;:;   AS$°f*18·t}°¤ has held three meetings smce the been named district manager of the South- the University of Kentucky, died Saturday, -—-—
   ie; -· P¤bh°¤*¤°¤ <>f_*>h*> N<>v¤m¤¤r Alumms- The ern Ben Telephone and Telegraph Company, January 16, at the Good samaritan Hospital · V()L‘
 ;;, .s  §‘/I°“;h1Y m°°§;“gS 2*;** Eid °“ *;*2 i"°°}‘g Inc., at Louisville. mei- an illness or ten days. He was retiree p -—
   ·  iniiviitaiiimiifs aim; Zliitit Sis-,§L‘sS Me Gm WM ls =»» me M 1»¤»¤e¤1·=» from me campus dm in me me of  
 gi   for the dit ner which precedes the business was Educated in the Louisville public 1928* when he was 70 year? 01q’ and Spent the Q
    homo ` schools and was graduated from the Louis- f0U0W1¤g Summer travelling in Europe. SE
 is .   At the November meeting the committee ville Male High School in 1922. Flollowing his Mr. Rhoads’ life from the age of 18 years r§
rg   Voted to Send 2,000 copies of President DOnO_ graduation he wxkec; one yetar ng gouisville was divgteg ta;} educational work. He taught §
   Vg  , , i, . . e ore en ermg e IllV€l`S1 y 0 en uc y an s u ie t e remainder of his life. He .-
    ;$';;,,i%°2i$j&1n§Y;}l1;1E; tg tggggiligiikgogf Eg; in the fall of 1923. received a master‘s degree in 1833 and was P
 {3];   Many letters of appreciation have been re- O¤€ of th€ 01-l¤St3¤di¤g men 011 the Campus honored _bY 9· d°Ct°1`”·t€ from G€°Y8€t°W¤  
si V   eeivec by President Donovan on me expres- durme his college career, Mr. Green main- C°“€$€ m 1923- I¤ 2891 he was elected  
 Iii   sions or policy and prospective action on the tained a high Scholastic Stwdine and partici- Supmntelldent 0f the my S¤h<>¤lS at F1‘¤¤k- y
   2:}, part of the University. pated in many extra-curricular activities. fort and in 1911 came to the University of A
it i  V,  At the December meeting the Committee He was a member of Sigma Chi social fra- Kfmtucky as professor of secondary educa-
 S. ` ? voted to request the cooperation financially ternity, Keys, Mystic Thirteen, the ;SuKy tion; H8 Was B1`8¤t€d 9. leave by the Uni-
    Of the University in Sending news to the Um, Circle, and held gifiggs in each Of these l/€1'S1ty to S€1`VB YOI`. f0l11‘ y€B.I`S as State Super-
s  P  versity men and women now in the service. EFOUDS- He Was graduated in three and 0¤€· mtendem of Pubhc Instructmn after which ;f
    The matter was presented to the Board of half years, remaining Oui; Of school the he I`€tl1I'Il€d to hlS dl1T»l€S li'1 tht: University  
  in . 3;* Trustees and the Alumni Association was first semester of his senior year, to return where he remained until his retirement.  
Q`  Q authorized to prepare e, publication which in February and graduate with his class in Professor Rhoads was the author of mam
 U ` N  ¤ ' would be sent. It was decided to prepare June, 1927. articles for educational journals and his
 i_`   about sixteen columns of printed matter of M1`. Green began work with the Southern "Ana1ysis of Educational Legislation was  
  » r the length of the weekly Kernel and send it Bell Telephone Company in Louisville on published in 1935.  
  ° T to the service men and women in a sealed July 15, following his graduation from the One daughter, Mrs. E. P. Hatter, of Frank- i
 i'  ` ·  envelope as first class mail. The Secretary University, and has remained with the com- lin, Ky., and five sons survived Mr. Rhoads YQ;
   .1 l  of the Alumni Association and a committee pany ever since. During his fifteen years he Major Wayland Rhoads of Camp Gruber, "
 { f `   composed of Helen King, Niel Plummer, Don has served in every capacity in the Commel'- Oklahoma; Captain Harold Rhoads of Fen
  ii Grote was named to do the mechanical work; cial department, from clerk to the present Benning, Ga.; and Private Raymond Rhoad,  
A _'  lj  the staff in the Alumni office to address and position of district manager, which he as- of Camp Shelby, Mississippi were called te  
·    _; =_j 1 mail the sheets and the University to defray sumed January 1 of this year. Lexington by their fathers death. George  
  , F_ .Qgi the expenses. The first edition was placed He is active in many civic organizations in William Rhoads came from chester-_ s,_ cf
 Z Q ‘ .§`ZY in the mail January 23. Louisville. and Crawford C. Rhoads and Mrs. Hatte:°"'
  W }  ti Ei, Coach Rupp was a guest of the Committee Mr. Green is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John were with their father when he died,
 ih  P   l   for the December meeting. He was as usual Green, 208 Kennedy Court. His wife was the ...--——-——-—·· .-
    ill. vgry graslibiiil discussing gh; possibigtieg. gf foimer Miss Estelle Wright, also of Louis- ` HENRY E_ CURTIS