xt7rn872zj01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872zj01/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1984-08 1984-09 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, August-September 1984, volume 8 number 6 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, August-September 1984, volume 8 number 6 1984 1984-08 1984-09 2020 true xt7rn872zj01 section xt7rn872zj01 CENTRAL KENTUCKY


Vol. VIII August- September 1984 No.6

May the blessings

of peace/
good health and happiness

be yours throughout

the coming New Year.




The LEXINGTON HAVURAH will hold Rosh Hashanah services
on Thursday, September 27 and Friday, September 28 at 10 a.m.
at the Laketower Clubhouse. For Yom Kippur, they will have a
Kol Nidre service Friday, October 5 at 7 p.m. On Saturday,
October 6 services will be from 10 a.m. until i p.m. and again
at 6 p.m. Location of Yom Kippur services will be announced.
For more information, contact Evelyn Geller at 272-8972.

OHAVAY ZION SYNAGOGUE will observe Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 26 at 7 p.m.,
Thursday, September 27 at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., and on Friday, September 28 at 9 a.m.
Youth and Junior services will be held both Thursday and Friday at ll a.m. For Yom
Kippur, Kol Nidre service will be Friday, October 5 at 6:30 p.m., Yom Kippur service
Saturday, October 6 at 10 a.m., and Yizkor at 1:00 p.m. Youth and Junior services
will be held at l2 noon on Saturday. Sukkot will be observed Wednesday, October l0
at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October ll at 10 a.m., and Friday, October l2 at 10 a.m.
Shemini Atzeret services will be Wednesday, October 17 at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday,
October 18 at 10 a.m. (Yizkor). Simchat Torah will be held Thursday, October 18 at

7 p.m. and Friday, October 19 at 10 a.m.

TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL will worship in its renewed sanctuary for the High Holidays
this year. Work will be finished just in time for the congregation to celebrate Rosh

Hashanah in its renovated and rebuilt building.

Services for Rosh Hashanah will be

at 7 and 9 p.m. on Wednesday, September 26, and at 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 27.

Children's services will be at 1:30 p.m.

Yom Kippur services will be on Friday, October 5 at 7 and 9 p.m. and on Saturday,
October 6 at 10 a.m. Readings from Jewish sources follow morning worship. Children's
services are at 1:30 p.m. and afternoon services begin at 2:30 p.m. Memorial and con-
cluding services begin at 4:30 p.m. (Onty membeta 06 the Tempfle and theth guebtb by
Apewt CCULCi/s cuttt be seated tn the sane/many 05 the Tempte. Nonmembw who Wit to
won/shtp at the Tempte wtt’t be tented tn the beteong 0/1 tn the and/(tom whe/Le the/Le

tut/U1 be eta/s ed ovum/ct tetevt/ston evatKabte.)

The Temple and Synagogue will hold Selichot service Saturday, September 22 be-
ginning at about 11:30 p.m. at Ohavay Zion Synagogue. On Sunday, September 30 they
will conduct a memorial service together at the Lexington Cemetary at 2 p.m.

Thoughts Foe The High Hoflicflay

Creator of the Universe, Ruler and Judge of all

On this most sacred day of our solemn season. when we
recall our heroes and martyrs of Old, the saintly men and
women of our people who gave their lives for the sanctifica-
tion of Thy name, we pray to Thee on behalf of their modern
counterparts, our valiant brothers and sisters residing within
the Soviet Union. Separated for many years from the com-
munity of Israel, forbidden to communicate with their
coreligionists in the world without. deprived of the right to
instruct their children in the traditions of their fathers while
being subjected to the most determined efforts to wean them
away from their spiritual heritage. they have kept their faith
and at enormous self-sacrifice and with superhuman courage
maintained their identity.

Endow them with patience and the power of persever-
ance to carry on as they have done heretofore. Gird them
With strength to resist the pressures brought to bear on them

to deny Thee and Thy teachings. Open wide the doors of
what has been their prison for more than half a century so
that they may be reunited with their brethren and in the land
of their fathers, or wherever else the sun of freedom shines,
live a life dedicated to the worship of Thee, the enhancement
of Thy glory, the uplifting of the honor of Thy people, and
the service of all mankind. Grant that we and our brethren
throughout the world, who share with them a common past
and destiny and whose lot is inextricably bound up with theirs,
have the wisdom and the resoluteness of heart, to support
them in their struggle to assure the fulfillment of their hopes
and not rest until they are realized. Speed the day when this
will come to pass, when the segment of our people, that has


so greatly enriched its culture, may again take its place withi.

the ranks of Israel and make its unique contribution to it
progress and growth. May the words of our mouths and the
meditation of our hearts be acceptable before Thee. oh Lord,
our Rock and our Redeemer.

«item the .‘JC-mcn'b PECa F011 Saute/”f Jew/Lg



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3 It

Partners For Life

hard at work. Chairwoman Judy Levine and Co-Chairwoman Simone Salomon returned
from a one-day Women's Division Region I seminar in Chicago loaded with ideas
and enthusiasm. The Women's Division Board of Directors will meet for the first
time Monday, September 10, 1984, in Alberta Gerson's garden for wine and cheese
and lots of planning.

The first major event of the 1985 Campaign for all women in CKJA will be
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 198A. Mark your calendar now and hold 7:30 p.m. for something
really special!

Judy and Simone have announced their Board of Directors for the CKJA/UJA
1985 Campaign:

Cheviot/to, 8619/1. Banbana Grumman Renee Hyman
Judy Baumann Nancy Hofifiman (3110/1111 Kaxz

Liz B/wudy Linda Levy
Susan Calla/L Sana Levy
Aldene Cohen MwLi/Zyn Mac/such
(Ea/CC Cohen Linda Rauvin
Ham/tat COOPUL Che/bi Rose

VLnnLe DubWe/L Ricki. Roz» enbmg

Chiba ELdeLson I/una Robemtu'n
Sue Ezru’ne Judy Saxe
Atbe/uta Gwen Canot Vedfl
Ten/Ly Gofidéanb Mute Web/stein
EMQ Gofidrnan Canola: (mason





Omitted from the list of contributors
to the 198h Campaign was

$150 — $199
Ada Gail



This Fall, the University of Kentucky Evening
and Weekend College is offering a course that

promises to be enlightening and interesting.

Taught by Dr. Jeremy Popkin, Hibtoay 06 the
Jmutéh PQOpZQ, l492—Paabent will meet approxi-
mately six times for class period. While the

class begins August 29, one can register for
the course up to a week after that date

paying an additional fee of $20. Auditors are
welcome, being charged regular class fees.

For further information and/or to register,

call 257—3l59.

The course, entitled chttagc: Ctutfitzattcn and
the Jews, will be televised on KET on Friday

evenings, October 5 - November 30 at 9:00 p.m.


 welcome to Central Kentucky

The Central Kentucky Jewish Association, with assistance from B'nai B'rith, . ‘
Hadassah, Lexington Havurah, Ohavay Zion Synagogue and Temple Adath Israel, is
sponsoring an outing for newcomers to the area to meet each other and get ac-
quainted with the Central Kentucky Jewish Community




at Carnahan House on Newtown Pike in Lexington. Newcomers and representatives
from the Community will enjoy refreshments and musical entertainment under the
Indian Summer Bluegrass sky. Fun For the entire family! if you're a newcomer
to Central Kentucky and haven't been contacted, or if you know of a newcomer
we may have missed, please call the CKJA office (277—80h8) today. Let's get




Hey, Snoopy! ’
What' 5 Up?! I'm off to the
3 — 4:30 P.M.
I at the Hearing 8 Speech Center
” 158 N. Ashland



Elayne has parties planned for Chanukah (December 16) and Purim (March 3) also.
Plan now to have more fun than grOWn-ups are allowed to have!




Jack Miller, President Phyllis Scher, Editor ' 5
Judith Saxe, Community Worker Beth Altenkirch, Ofc. Manager CEIF
258 Plaza Drive, Suite 208, Lexington, Kentucky A0503 (606) 277-8048

Z"‘KL" rt-



Jewish Faculty Meeting

The University of Kentucky Faculty Association on Jewish Affairs will meet
Monday evening, September 2A, I98A. (Time and place to be announced.)
Dr. Michael Meyer of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati will speak on


”Anti—Semitism“. For more information, contact Dan Frank, Philosophy Department,
I l
r 1
College students with an interest in public
% Intern and Learn service can add a practical course in

.i'm'“ ‘ About Government government by interning in the offices of

Win“ Congressman Larry Hopkins and Senator
Wendell Ford.
Positions are available in Lexington and Washington during the fall, spring and summer
semesters. Those working in the district office help process constituent casework as
well as track applications for federal funding with various agencies.

In Washington, students assist with legislative research and participate in a program of
seminars hosted by different members and agencies including Vice President Bush,
House Speaker Tip O'Neill, and the Supreme Court.

TO WORK WITH CONGRESSMAN HOPKINS: Contact officials at your school who coordinate
internships and call Robert Rangel in our district office, 606/233-28h8.

TO WORK WITH SENATOR FORD: Contact Dr. William Berry at the U.K. Political Science _
Department, 257-3136. Application may also be made through Eastern Kentucky Universuty.
Or call or write to the Senator at 363 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.,

20510, (202)22h-A3Li3, or in Lexington at 606/233-2u81i.
(Note: Sena/taxi Fond’zi Lexington 066400, a flocking 5m an Lute/Ln 50a the gay: Mme/51221.)

Preference is given to those with majors in political science, public administration,
sociology or related areas.



«fl “E 0%


D Jamil “I


Since the PLO began its terrorist Operations within Israel in 1965, a total of
730 Israelis and visitors have been killed and 3,905 wounded...Since Operation
Peace for Galilee began in June, 1982, 585 Israeli soldiers have been killed
and 3,AOO wounded.


Because there is an Israel, there was a rescue at Entebbe. Because there is an
Israel, thousands of Argentinian Jews are alive today ..Israel is a source of
Jewish affirmation for every Jew in this country. Israel has given the world a
new image of the Jew: the Jewish pioneer, the Jewish head of state, the Jewish
officer whose battle cry is achehat: after me...Much as we regret the necessity
for that last image, much as we long for peace, we take pride in it along with
the other proud images of a Jewish nation reborn in our lifetime.

Alexander Grass
UJA Nattonafi Chatnman



[/zam Z/Le M We

First of all, I am very sorry that 1 can't say ”Good bye“ in private.

Thanks to you, we made many new friends in our new life and country. It was
very important for us because we left all our friends and relatives in Russia.

From the first steps of our new life we understood that we are not alone, we have
new friends -- you.

You taught and helped us with everything and continued to do that until our
last day in Lexington. Though you have families, some problems, not enough time,
etc., you never refused us any help or advices. Everything what you did was so
important for us. i don't know how we can thank all of you for everything what you
did for us. We can only to say to all of you our GREAT THANKS and to invite you to

visit us in Los Angeles.
I am very sorry that we must leave Lexington and you, but we didn't have any
choice and you knew our situation.
Good luck, good health, good frame of mind to all of you and your families and
don't forget us!
Yours truly,

1:. Sovvvgz/1ng:.——

Leonid Simanovsky

Follow-up notu, occupied Mom Lettw to Mend/s hue in Lexington:
Roman hoes maimed Gay Couege in Santa Monica and hoped, to mam in a
germ, poutbty to UCLA.
Olga has attended a Same/1 Camp paogzuzm and L5 Madge/1g Heb/Lew moth the goat
06 pulsing an car/mace exam 60a 0. Jewx’Ah Day School.

Illa/Lena as detemfmed to mamy hUL "eweexhewzz" Mom Tenneusee. She Luca be
rte/taming to Jackson, Tennessee 50/: hen wedding and new use.


Dear everyone -

Hadracha is really a lot of fun! This morning we went on a h-hour hike. It
was fun, but hard work! Everyone here is in a hub—bub about the elections. It
will be interesting to see who comes to power next weekend. We each spent the
weekend with someone from our sister-movement, Tsofim (lsraeli Scouts). I stayed
with a really nice 15 year old girl. i ate so much good food! He even went
swimming at a pool in her cousin's village. They all thought we were part of the
American Tsofim.

This week we‘ve been up north which is really nice, except for our living
quarters. We're in tents and we live out of our suitcases. Everything's a mess!
It's hot during the day and breezy at night. On election day we spent the whole
day in the Kinneret getting tanned or sunburned. Everyone's backs hurt for a
couple days. Luckily i moved into the shade after lunch.

Right now it's 12 p.m. and everyone else in my tent is finishing packing.
| just have a little left to do. We got back from Ha'alot, a development town,
around 10:30. We stayed with Israelis our age and had dessert or dinner with them.
It's cool meeting people my age; we're a lot alike. They even listen to the same
music. i got to practice my Hebrew a little too.

Jill (Caller) is staying in the same camp I am until tonnrrow. We've sent
messages to each other, but I haven't talked to her in person.

Love Always,

Baabaaa Baumann and Laaaa Steinea weae in isnael {hie cummea on a Young
Jadaea Hadnacha (Leadeaohipl Counoe.

Sana AdeA and JLLL Calten took peat in a netted Synagogue Youth Paognam thee
banned in lAhaeK.
Natalie Saxe utoizcd Icnaefi with the Ameatean Zioniot Youth Foundation Cottage
Summon Paogaam.





When Fidel Castro came to power in 1959,
Cuba's Jewish community was 11,000; today,
it is reduced to about 700. More than one
quarter of these have indicated that they
wish to emigrate.

HIAS' work with Cuban refugees began
immediately following the Cuban Revolution,
at which time a special temporary HIAS office
was set up in Miami, Florida. In October of
1962, the last regular Pan American plane
from Cuba arrived in the United States and
since that time, there have been no flights
from Cuba to the U.S.

HIAS continues its work in assisting
Cuban Jews who wish to reunite with relatives.
The emigration process is slow and arduous.
The few Cuban Jews who have been allowed to
leave during the past several years were not
permitted to take any belongings with them.

During the past three-and-a-half years,
HIAS assisted some 125 Cuban Jews in their
migration. For the most part, the receiving
point has been Venezuela, where the Jewish
community, working in close cooperation with
the HIAS representative in Caracas, has ren-
dered much assistance in helping the refugees
in their resettlement. In 1983, HIAS assisted
28 Cuban Jews to Venezuela.



In an attempt to help ease this difficult
transitional period, a special committee was
formed three years ago by members of the
B'nai B'rith in Caracas. With the help and
cooperation of HIAS' Caracas Representative
Lizzy Mostert, they set out to see to it that
all the basics were provided--food, housing,
clothing and medical care.

The first step was to rent a house. They
found the ”Quinta” - a large residence capable
of housing 25 people. The home was then
prepared as a welcoming place for Cuban Jews.
It has served as such ever since. it is at
the ”Quinta” that the refugees get their
first taste of life in a free society.

The resett1ement cannittee extended their
services to the finding of employment for
those who could work and the placement of the
children of the Cuban families in appropriate

As of this writing, there are 25 Cuban
Jews in the ”Quinta”. Some will join close
relatives in the United States. HIAS repre—
sentative Hostert has worked with these
people - as she worked with their prede-
cessors - to guide them through the intrica-
cies of the U.S. immigration process. And
while she works with the refugees in Caracas,
staff at HIAS headquarters in New York assist
the stateside relatives in implementing their
part of the immigration proceedings.



Australia's Jewish population is currently
estimated at 75,000; only four decades ago it
stood at 23,500. The Austrailian Jewish
community considers its newcomers a vital
source of cultural growth and strength.

Jewish refugees arriving in Australia are
resettled by the Australian Jewish Welfare
Societies in Sydney and Melbourne; small
numbers are also resettled in Perth, Adelaide
and Brisbane.

The Welfare Societies, which have worked
closely with HIAS and the JDC since their
inception, provide a wide range of services
for Jewish people. These include resettle-
ment services, care of the aged, the disad—
vantaged and the handicapped, as well as the

During 1983, HIAS assisted 70 Jews to
Australia. Forty-eight of these were from
the U.S.S.R., the remainder from other
countries in Eastern Europe.


These llCrJO’Lté wen: taken 540m the Him
1983 Annuat Repeat and the HIAS Repaired

Vol. 2, No. 2.

Each month we mitt

genome. depOII/Cb 6.10m counmu mound

the wowed.


 3 It‘s not true that Denmark's
King Christian X donned a yellow Star
of David, thereby setting an example

which his Christian subjects followed,

when the Nazis demanded Danish Jews
wear the discriminatory badges. But

on er u there's no need to mourn the debunking ' '
of this well-known fiction. It's true in

spirit, and there are plenty of real epi—

sodes that chronicle Denmark's support
of its Jewish citizens as well, or better,
than this legend.

, . . 0 ' ht, th t'l f D k
A reveahng new eXhlblt at the concealzdnishoo JeSséenDurngotheeggt
’ ' ’ ' ' t th , ll but f
B nai B nth Klutzmck Museum gagglssdejish popiigfioieiiiniefried
catCheS the Danes and DanlSh to safety in neutral Sweden.
Jews in their finest hOUI'S. If it could happen in Denmark, why

didn't it happen elsewhere?

The answers are to be found in the
current exhibit at Washington's B'nai
B'rith Museum, ”Kings and Citizens:

The History of the Jews in Denmark
1622—1983.” The show explains the
events of l9h3 by puting them in the
context of a 300-year history of RECOMMENDED
toleration for Danish Jews by the
monarchy and people.


A two-volume catalogue, on sale at the
museum shop, accompanies this exhi-

bit. It is more than a pretty keep-
EXHIBIT SCHEDULE sake of the exhibit. The essays by
”Kings 8 Citizens: The History of American and Danish curators in the
the Jews in Denmark 1622-1983“ will catalogue provide a much fuller
be at the B'nai B'rith Klutznick history than does the exhibit, and
Museum in Vashington, D.C. through ' relates some fascinating details
September 15. The section on the about individuals and events. .
rescue of the Danish Jews will remain .
open through October 15_ 640m the Baitimohe Jewibh Tich, 7/27/84



. SingleScene


SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2-5 P.M.: New Directions in Cincinnati will hold
their Annual Fall Open House at the Jewish Community Center, 1580 Summit Road,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Daniel J. Ransahoff, Ph.D., an associate professor of
Community Planning at the University of Cincinnati, and among other things,
“tour guide extraordinaire“, will relate fascinating stories about Cincinnati,
its past and present - with special attention to some intriguing tales about
Jews of the Queen City...Admission: $3.50

OCTOBER 26—29: Baron Hirsch Congregation of Memphis, Tennessee will conduct

an exciting weekend for Jewish Singles 35 years of age or older. The weekend

of cultural, social and religious activities will be held at the beautiful

Sheraton-Memphis Hotel, opposite the Convention Center and within walking dis— . .
tance of famous Mud Island, Beale Street, and many other new and exciting

tourist attractions in downtown Memphis. To make reservations, call Mr. Ben

Schwartz at (901)682-5200 or Miss Sylvia Sizeler at (90l)AS8-5956. All reser-

vations must be received no later than October 1, 198A.





”Uris is not only a modern day Aesop-like weaver of

7 fascinating tales —— but a superb portrait painter.
His characters, Israeli and Arab, are delineated with
paint & brush, chisel and perception. The Haj evokes

conflicting emotions of love, empathy, hatred and
contempt for the Arabs. One is also left with a heavy
despondent feeling and fear for the safety of Israel
when faced with the reality of the burning passionate
'I‘I I I" hatred festering in the Arab world.”

‘ AdaGaLE

"The Haj, to me, showed a unique type of Arab
culture — very severe difference in tribal attitudes
and why Arabs cannot agree on anything. Israel's
fairness to Arabs living in Israel was very apparent
in Haj's group.”

Stanley Robe
"If someday we hear Leon Uris ”His fascinating tale of the Arab
has been murdered —— perhaps blown refugees written from the aspect of
up when he Starts the motor Of his one of those who were the victims of
car —— there'll be no question false fears keeps the reader glued to
about who did it." the book."
Mali/dun Moowich Hana/Let Rose

Books For Younger Readers

Aflefi Babie. Rachelle Heller and Diane Martin.
Kar-Ben Copies, 11216 Empire Lane, Rockville, MD
20852. $5.95 spiral bound. ISBN 0-930b9h-31-8.
An introduction to programming computers in BASIC,
using information about Jewish holidays, history,
and customs. ho pp, ng illustrations. Ages 8
and up.

Butcheflb and Bahehb, RabbiA and Kings. Jacqueline Dembar Greene; illustrated by
Marilyn Hirsch. Kar-Ben Copies, 11216 Empire Lane, Rockville, MD 20852. $9.95 hc;
$h.95 pap. ISBN 0-9390h9h-27-X hc; -28-8 pap. The Jews of 12th-century Tudela in
Spain are apprehensive when a new king conquers their province. Fearful, Jewish
leaders meet to discuss what should be done to assure their safety. Many suggestions
are offered, but it is the rabbi who devises a plan that seems best. 32 pp, two-
color illustrations. Ages 6-10.

Gun Gofida: The Stohy 06 Goflda Maia. David A. Adler. Illustrated by Donna Ruff. The
Viking Press, 625 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022. 198%. 6% pages. Ages 8-12.
$10.95 (cloth).

We Live in IAaaet. Gemma Levine. The Bookwright Press, distributed by Franklin
Watts, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016. 198A. 6h pages. Ages 9-13. $9.90




Multidisciplinary Center of Gerontology, the lecture series

will meet on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month at

A p.m. in Room 230 of the new Student Center Building. The

first of the series will be "Lower Back Pain" by Thomas . '
Brower, M.D., on September 11th.

Program will consist of a variety of music classes, in-
cluding Orchestra, History of Music, Beginners Folk Instru-
ments, Advanced Guitar, Mixed Chorus, Music Sight Reading,
free of charge 8 open to individuals aged 60 or older.




The Donovan Program has a Radio Drama Group which meets every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.
in Room 115 of the Old Stedent Center. The group rehearses and presents radio plays
for the University radio station, WBKY. Interested individuals in Council on Aging
Programs should call (606)257-2656.

GEROFlTNESS ... Beginning in September, Bernard ”Skeeter” Johnson will conduct a gero-
.fitness class for persons aged 60 or older. The course Features a variety of exercises
apprOpriate for older people and conducted with a qualified instructor. Additional in-
formation is available at Campus Recreation (606)257-2898.



Tuesday, September 18, we will celebrate our third anniversary with a luncheon
at the Senior Citizens Center. Larry Sherman will provide musical

entertainment. .

Tuesday, October 23, to be announced.

Tuesday, November 23, Professor Samuel J. Quick of the University of Kentucky
will entertain and inspire us with his great and positive outlook,
llSelf Mastery: The Giving and Receiving of Love”.

Gun ban Ethan wttt cetebaate htb Ban Mttzuah
by co nduc/téng A ejwtc 9/3

Fudag, OC/‘CObQJL 12, 1984
at 8:00 p.m.
at Ohavag Zton Synagogue

and M be called to the Toaah
Satujtday, OUCObQ/L 13, 1984 at10:00 a.m.

we tnvtte you to bi’LCULQ ou/L jog
by foam/Lg w.» 5021 the/5e Aejwtce/s ' _
and attending the Oneg Shabbat gouowtng the thdag eventng 6211414110.
and a thdu/sh tuneheon fiat/(lowing the Satuaday AQ/‘LU/LCQ.

Ptea/se jotn 023 60a a aeeepLéon tn Ethan't honoa ‘ ..
Satuadag evantng, Octobea 13, 1984 at 7:30 at »
Sptndtetop (Stub, Mon Ulla/1M Pthe

Kcoten 8 Lou/(A Dtamond






Temple Brotherhood
TAl Board Meeting

OZS Board Meeting Hadassah Opening

2 3 4 5 6 7 8



7:30 p.m. CKJA/UJA
Women‘s Division
Board Meeting Hadassah Board

9 1O 11 12 13 14 15

12 p.m. TAI Mitzvah

Hadassah Solicitor


12 p.m. TAl Sisterhood

CKJA Corps
3-5 P-m~ . 8 prm. CKJA Board Temple 5 Synagogue
at 025 Snsterhood Hadassah Discussion Selichot service
11:30 p.m.-coffee/cake

15W 17 18 19 20 21 22 2: :1:-;::;;;;;

First Day Rosh Hashonah Second Day Rosh



CKJA Pro-School U.K. Jewish Faculty ‘
Rosh Hashanah Party “Anti—Scmitism” --- CKJA office closed ---

3~hz30 at Hearing 5
Speech Center

23 24 25 26 27 28 29


Erov Rash Hashonah


2 p.m. Temple and
Mnmorial Service
Leyington Cemetery

TAI Board Meeting
025 Board Meetinq Hadassah ,
’ Yom KIppur

Erev Yom Kippur

go 1 2 ‘3 4 5 6 4













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80907 AX ‘umfiuvei
80Z Suns SAHG DZWd ssz

uoiioibossv ‘lslMaf bpmuax Iouuag

Olympic Follow- Up


His U.S. gymnastic teammates call
him “Hollywood Mitch,ll as much for
his good looks as his flashy style on
the horizontal bars.

But it was a quiet, soft-spoken
Mitchel Gaylord, yamulke on head, who
welcomed the entire lsraeli Olympic
team to ”my shul” during Friday evening
services at Stephen S. Wise Temple.

A few days later, Gaylord's bril-
liant performance on the rings was to
help lead his team to a gold medal in
an upset victory over the Chinese.

But on that Erev Shabbat, the 23-year
old Gaylord was more interested in
talking about his Jewish upbringing and
especially about his 1981 visit to
Israel, which he described as ”perhaps
the most exciting experience of my life.”

On that trip, as a member of the
American team to the Maccabiah Games,
Mitch won seven gold medals in gymnas-

tics. while his older brother Chuck
garnered two more in the same sport.


Recently, recalling the thrills of
some of his athletic victories, he com-
pared them to the emotional high of his
Bar Mitzvah celebration. His mother
Linda, also athletic, teaches lsraeli
folk dancing to children's groups.

Off the field, the Israelis have been
the focus of considerable media atten-
tion. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley led
a solemn observance at City Hall com—
memorating the 11 Israelis slain by
terrorists at the 1972 Olympics in

The two leaders of the Los Angeles
Olympic host committee, Paul Ziffren
and Peter Ueberroth, joined the
Israeli athletes in unveiling a large
bronze plaque with the names of the
11 victims, which will be permanently ..
mounted at the Los Angeles Coliseum.



With the High Holidays rapidly approaching (Rosh Hashanah begins September 26),
now is the time to begin thinking about sending out New Year's cards to relatives
and friends. If you have had trouble finding moderately priced, yet artistically
pleasing cards in the past, your search is over!

The Lexington Chapter of Hadassah has available for immediate purchase a number of
lovely New Year's cards. There are several attractive designs available. The
cards cost 50¢ each and may be purchased either singly or in packages of ten.
Unlike many of the cards available in local card shops, these cards conform to the

size requirements of the U.S. Postal Service and may be sent through the mail
either domestically or overseas.

Cards may be viewed, ordered and/or picked up at the Hadassah Opening Meeting on
September 5, or by calling or visiting Helana Nardell at 3353 Kenesaw Drive (in
Century Hills off Buckhorn Drive). Her phone number is 273—7337.



The Ohavay Zion Sisterhood doesn't want anyone to miss their chance to wish all the
members of CKJA a Happy New Year. Let us print your greetings in our New Year
Greetings Book.

New Year and Memorial Messages

Full page ....... $100
Half page ....... S 50
Third page ...... $ 35
Fourth page ..... S 25
Eighth page ..... $ 15
Sixteenth page ...$ 10
”Name only"

memorial listing.. $2/name

Please call us now: Sue Ezrine, 299—4404, or Ruth Luckens, 276—1666, or Natalie
Sherman, 278—4210.


\lfi CKJA would like to send this Bulletin to all
"' college students away from home this year.
{Eai Please call the office at 277-80h8 with their

’15! current addresses.



Bring Summer int
your Fall with fresh
bouquets of Daisy
or Cushion Poms,
beautiful for your
Rosh Hashanah or
Yom Kippur table.
Each with twenty-
five to thirty blooms


Order Form

Order Deadline - September 14,1984 NAME


( Fayette County Only )
September 25, 1984 PHONE



Check one: Ejbutterscotch Special Instructions __
Clyellow “" “‘— "
[:3 lavender

[3 white
[:J.bronze Check here if gift order.... [:3


Gift from


Check one: .Daisy Poms

(Recipients will be notified)
D Cushion Poms

Send orders and checks: .
(Payable to Hadassah)

$ 7.50 a bunch to: Vicki Doulkas Ph. 223—5364
3459 Snaffle Road

$ 14-00 for two Lexington, Ky. 40513