xt7rn872zf9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872zf9n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1993 1993 1993-12-07 2020 true xt7rn872zf9n section xt7rn872zf9n L_







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Kentucky Ke rn

Remember? ”


DEC 7 l993


on Kent ,









New group to govern black greeks


By Brant Welch
Senior Staff Writer


Eight predominantly black social
fraternities and sororities at UK will
be under a new governing umbrella
next semester.

A constitution for the National
Pan-Hellenic Council Inc. will be
signed Ian. 20, taking the eight fra’
temities and sormities under the
new group's auspices.

The fraternities and sororities
currently are supervised by the Na-
tional Parthellinic Council, which
also governs UK’s predominantly
white social sororities.

The traditionally white sororities

Experts say root
of youth crime
found at home

By Tyrone Beason
Editor in Chief

People used to think that youths
who committed crimes needed to
go tojail. But in a rapidly festering
period of teen violence across
America. experts now say the solu-
tion lies near the root of the prob-
lem — in the home.

“Our children are suffering from
an early loss of innocence." said
Rebecca Ballard DiLoreto, an attor-
ney with the state Department of
Public Advocacy. She was one of
four panelists last night in “Hard
Core Criminal or Troubled Child?."
a public discussion about proposed
revisions to the Kentucky Juvenile
Justice Code. sponsored by The
Democratic Women‘s Discussion
Group and the UK College of So—
cial Work.

DiLoreto said the revisions, put
together by a statewide committee.
do little to address the underlying
causes of juvenile delinquency. She
described the current way of han-
dling troubled youths — incarcera-
tion — as merely a knee-jerk reac-
tion to the deeper problems.

As for the proposed revisions,
which divide treatment of juvenile
offenders into four categories. “it‘s
bull." DiLoreto told the crowd of
about 30 area residents gathered at
the Student Center.

“It's bull because we don’t fund




One category, called a dependen-
cy action, addresses allegations that
a child who commits a crime has
been neglected or abused in the
home prior to breaking the law. In
this situation. the coun could issue
an emergency custody order and
have the child taken from the
home. The problem. DiLoreto said.
is that emergency custody pro-’
grams are too underfunded to ade-
quately treat the child's needs.

But it‘s better than prison. some

“What we have is a mushroom

See CRIME. Back Page



CM' Q/preco Hill m

w on latest release
Sunday. Review.


oLady Kats meet Indiana .
tonight in a game that -
matches similar talents. Story.
Page 4.
-UK football season filled with"
highs and lows. Column.
Page 4

Mostly sunny today: high " '
around 45.

oPartly cloudy tonight; low
the lower 303. . .
uPertly sunny tomorrow;
in the lower 50s.






will continue under the guidance of

UK‘s multicultural programming
coordinator said the change will
benefit the entire campus.

“It’s not an issue of wanting to be
separate; you need people you can
identify with," said Lisa Brown,
who helped bring NPHC to campus.

“There are distinct differences
between predominantly African-
American fraternities and sororities
and predominantly white fratemi-
ties and sororities.

I think (traditionally black frater-
nities and sororities) will feel more
comfortable now."

Brown said some black greeks at-
tended Panhellenic and lnterfrater-

nity council meetings. but the
NPHC was needed to meet their

"There wasn‘t any congruence
between them," she said of the
needs of white and black greeks.
“The concepts are totally different."

Dean of Students David Stock-
ham told of an instance when IFC
and NPC meetings weren't essential
to black greeks.

“If they go to one of those meet-
ings and they speak about house
management or house rules. well
that really doesn‘t concern them
since I believe only one of them has
a house.“

Tamar Smith. who was elected





Andrea Holden, a member of Sigma Kappa social sorority,
and Ben Koostra of Farmhouse social fraternity place or-
naments on Sigma Kappa's Christmas tree last night.





IFC presidency
changing hands

Bruser wants stronger fraternities


By Clarissa Blair
Staff Writer

Kappa Alpha Order‘s fall into
probation last year became an op-
portunity for its newly elected pres-
ident Jonathan Bruser. to rise to the

But that wasn't his purpose at the

Bruser was determined
to save his failing chapter
—— and that he did. People
took notice.

There was a buzz in the
air: People believed Bmser
would become the next
president of the Interfrater-
nity Council. When Bruser


bleak financial situation threatened
the KAs with the possibility of los-
ing the house altogether.

“We had to make sure we were
going to stay on campus,“ Bruser
said. “We were threatened a couple
of times (by the national office) that
our charter might not remain if our
chapter stayed as it was."

KA reorganized under
Bruser's leadership. put-
ting a firm grip on financ-
es and pulling itself out of
the mire of chaos that led
to the probation.

“I‘m a slave driver.“
Bniser admitted. “I like to
delegate authority well

and push other people to
was nominated, he still 44k“). excel.

didn't believe he'd win.

But yesterday Bruser took
up IFC‘s gavel and. in his first offi-
cial act as president he adjourned
the last meeting of the year and
congratulated out-going IFC Presi-
dent Mike Wainsoott for a job well

“I feel good about taking this po-
sition because I‘ve brought the
(KA) chapter to a point that, for
now. it can support itself." Bniser

The fraternity had more problems
than its social probation when Brus-
er took over as president The house
was in disrepair. and the fraternity‘s


“At first it was like I
was almost babysitting the
fraternity. but when I got
them involved in decision making.
and making the right decisions. the

, chapter improved."

With very little money to func-
tion and the house bills piling up.
Bruser armed himself with strict fi-
nancial policies to get at the root of
KA's money shortage.

"We had a problem with people
accumulating a debt and just taking
off. The fraternity runs like a busi.
ness; it needs money to survive."
Bruser said.

See IFC, Back Page

vice-president of NPHC last night

“When we go to IFC and NPC
meetings, our problems and con-
cerns aren't really addressed.
(NPHC) will serve as a liaison for
us. but we'll still work with other
organizations,” said Smith. an ac-
counting junior from Louisville
who also is president of Omega Psi
Phi social fraternity.

“I see it bringing us closer togeth-
er as a whole."

Brown and Smith said the NPHC
will meet regularly with IFC and

“It's not a splitting of. but rather
an augmentation of. what we al-

ready have.“ Stockharn said.

“It doesn't exclude them from
anything. It’s an addition that pro-
vides an opportunity for them."

The UK chapter of NPHC. which
Brown and others have been trying
to form for more than a year, will
be informally known as NUBIAN,
which stands for Nationally United
By Intelligence and Necessity. It
will consist of 17 members, two
from each of the eight fraternities
and sororities. and a president.

Although NPHC is not officially
on campus yet. there already have
been some functions involving po-
tential members. including two
workshops. a community service

project and trips to NPHC confer-
ences in Louisville. Ky. and Pitts-
burgh. Brown said.

The NPHC was founded in 1930
at Howard University and has 1.5
million members.

Officers elected to NPHC last

‘President — Melody Holliman,
Delta Sigma Theta social sorority

oSecretary — Kamara Gray. Del-
ta Sigma Theta social sorority

~Parlamentarian — Heather Wat-
son, Zeta Phi Beta social sorority

-Historian — Gary Bright. Kappa
Alpha Psi social fraternity

oTreasurer — Charlene Sanders.
Alpha Kappa Alpha social sorority

British scholar hopes to
revive piece of the past


By Lance Williams
News Editor


In a forest near the Kentucky
River in Garrard County, a lone
frontier farmhouse remains quiet.
long removed from the family that
inhabited it in the late 1800s

Geoffrey Morgan. a historian
originally from Stratford-on-Avon,
England, said he hopes to change
all that by “making history come

He bought the house and the land
around it in hopes of one day restor-
ing it and making it into a history
museum to show Kentuckians part
of their history.

Morgan hopes to not only restore
the house. but put on exhibitions of
the lives of 19th century women. as
well as battlefield recreations. He
said that the exhibit on frontier
women was exceptionally impor-

“They not only had to deal with
the children. keep the house in or—
der and find food. They also had
to keep their family from being
scalped," Morgan said.

These are just some of the
dreams he has for the Wolf Trails
Study Center for American History.

“I‘m devoting my life to helping
Americans learn about their past."
Morgan said. “I just want people to
realize that these were real people."

Morgan said he enjoys history be-
cause “history is changing and al-
ways unpredictable."

Morgan said history is especially
important because of the way it of-
ten repeats itself; as a result, mis-
takes can be prevented by studying
the lessons of the past.

Morgan said his native England
was at one time “bigger than Rome.
Greece. everything.“ but that now it
has been reduced “to a small island
off the coast of Europe."

“If you don't have a sense of the
past. you are trapped in your own
ignorance," Morgan said.

Several Bledsoes played
bit parts in world history


By Lance Williams
News Editor


After Geoffrey Morgan bought
an old cabin in Garrard County
to use as the possible site for a
new museum, his investigative
instincts led him on a

That search lead him
to the the Bledsoe fami-
ly, which flirted with
fame for much of the
late 18th and early 19th
centuries. and to the UK
Archives. where he
spent hours sorting
through reams of aging \

After buying the cabin.
Morgan began to wonder
about the history of the building
Who owned it? What were the
people like?

He looked up the deed in old
records and found the name: lo-
seph Bledsoe. That name lead
him on a quest that crossed paths
with everyone from George
Washington to Winston Church-




Morgan said each new discov-
ery brought tremendous pleasure
— so much so that he often
found himself shouting with
happiness in the whisper-quiet
Margaret I. King Library. where
the UK Archives are located.
“There are probably not
very many screams of
joy heard in the ar-
., chives.“ he recalled
with a touch of humor.

Morgan discovered
that the family moved
5 to Kentucky in the
l760s but didn‘t buy
land until I78]. After
settling here. the family
dryided. with some

moving to Tennessee.

Arkansas and Mississip-
The first link to fame came
With the name of Jesse Bledsoe
and a letter from him and ad-
dressed to “Bushrow” Washing-
ton. who was a nephew to
George Washington. Morgan
also found a letter from US.

See HISTORY, Back Page



He said the “US. is a beacon
cutting into the darkness of a dark
anti hostile world" but wanted that
fiscal responsibility could turn the
country into a second~rate nation
sometime early in the next century.

Morgan said his travels over the
years have given him a wide variety
of experiences in both Europe and
the United States. He has sipped tea
with Lawrence of Arabia‘s brother.
talked with the Queen of England‘s
uncle and spent time in Belfast Ire-

land. studying urban guerilla war-
fare with bomb disposal experts.

Morgan first came to Kentucky
during his study of horse racing and
the history of the sport. His studies
led him to work for Keeneland.
where he spends pan of his time.
He has not. however. settled down
anywhere yet.

“I still commute between here
and England. I live with family

See SCHOLAR. Back Page




chemistry. civil engineering.

Geography professor Michael D. Konned
Building yesterday to View city street ma



y uses a new Unix workstation in the Robotics
ps. The computers also are used by architecture.
forestry and physics students.

J” ”ROW our



"' firm~v> "





“"‘-"“* WW» swat—w
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2- Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, December 1. 1m

Ky.’s Mantle Rock shows no sign of ‘tears’


By Berry Craig
Associated Press


”or. Ky. 7+ Minut- Rock tells
no tales of suffering and death.
Hundreds of men. women and
children perished beneath the 40-
foot sandstone arch in the bitter
winter of 1838- W. But there are no
heroic statues or tall monuments at
the site to honor the dead, who lie
unknown in unmarked graves.

There is only Mantle Rock.

Straddling .l thickly-wooded
westem Kentucky hollow near Joy
in Livingston County. Mantle Rock

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