xt7rn872zd7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872zd7x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1982 1982 1982-04-07 2020 true xt7rn872zd7x section xt7rn872zd7x l l ’
l, t . ,,
Wednesday it 3 . 4»
April showers '
There Iust might be May flowers alter “a‘:" Doysgono by I‘.
all. Today will be Cloudy The highs will \ 1P2. '
be near 50. Tonight however there is a ‘, ‘ Photographer Jorme Durban takes a look '
40 percent chance of showers that Will 9 i. 1A.; - fl 4: ‘ . at occupations that have fallen by tho
continue into tomorrow The low tonlght r I 1 ' wayside in today s l9(l’1nl(0lly advanced .
wrll be in the upper 30$ 2 - .1 .. age See pages is and 7 I'.
Vol Lxxxlv. No4 138Wedn6dly.April'l, 1m Ummmremu. W, 4, ,’ "“ ’ ' " » » ., 7 .y ,
3 ‘ * l Trustees briefed on ‘
~- ~ I. he “ - b] ' '
. ma!“ - ack lung clinic
. 3‘.’ a“: - 3a . ‘ g: . . .'.:

“is ———— ‘1; . 7 ow” . N ‘ _ ByJAMES EDWIN HARRIS Clapp also said the Program has
. ...i4;"‘s . ' ' r. 4 “ 2 $.33 . . ‘ _ ' l \ \ ‘ AsSlstant Managing Editor been 5”“me 1" keeping faculty '1'.

“ ’ . ~ “335" , '3» ' . . . {3 l salaries here competitive With other 1‘33 .’

5‘ -. '- (1 ~' . s3 < 3 ‘ l , . teaching hospitals and in providing "If
'6» " v 33" ”s “is: L. Four University officials yester- {EnahC'hl SUPP"?t for the Medical if,“

‘ ~ ' :2. - 4r ”3' day presented the UK Board of tentersacademlc programs '1
is» . ' . ~ ~ ‘! . i it, £5 Trustees detailed explanations of a ‘Singletary said the inherent ques- ;-_ .‘
‘51s, .. fl -» ' 3W§§ rs,» N: V ,t ' ' controversy surrounding the L'niver- “9" 15 whether ““81?1 adhered .to
i, _ , . ”'3 i . f : sity's black lung clinic, its former his contractual obligation to contrlb~ '. .

a ‘ “ a: » : i director and a lawsuit he has ute all of his earned clinical income 3.

. ......,.._.., - ‘ ~ «S a...“ .., ' » , broughtagainst the University 599 “"5"“- 90998 ,{i’f

Es “"‘ ‘ '1‘ "An enormously complicated situ- _ . . I 5-:

33' ' '~ l - g; (4 ation." is what President ()tis Sin 1'}.

.. ._ ..,............. . ' - M " .: gletary called the investigation of UnlverSlty Stll
~ . A -‘\\ "If? Dr. Ballard Wright and his opera- . . .
:4 -;. ,- . ~ m . 4; tion of the t'nlversity‘s Respiratory In vestlgatlng ' 3'9 .
stung; . ' '.3“:' 3r “‘3; . j. ‘ Wright and the unit were the sub— 1 ‘ ' .1, . ‘
“gag“ »- - ' ' ' ' ”:3 '5': _ »: .4 a »..14 ~ ‘fi' . jects of a copyright story in the Feb. L 0a] m In lng .'
‘3‘" “ ‘ '&w3“7~.133s K - ~ . , _. that 26 Lexington Herald. The Herald
'1 ,V . discovered after a twomonth inves- W ..‘ 'zf

t . w tigation that Wright and another 'Managing Editor ~'

c4... , _.._._ ._.._,wgmw_m ~. clinic employee allegedly withheld ‘, ;,,
__ . , »> " fees paid them for testimony on be-
y 4 . . ' .‘ 3 b i. “an“ half of miners in Department of _. ‘71"'}""7—v‘3_'—w“' ' i

» ' _ ’fitj‘fi - “is Labor hlacklung benefits hearings. Kgfigfigim" pizza?! magma
- “3;; Wright has filed suit against the Forest was addressed yesterday at a . .‘

. ' 4 x 4.2.... .. University. contending he was a pro meeting of a special committee of . 3 'h
Nfg'w as. .4 , . . _ ' ~ fessor and a physwlan during his the UK Boardof'I‘rustees.
g» ~... « ‘ . ..; _ . _ ‘\ tenure here. and he would not have The committee also approved the ,1:

“.33...“ .3 ‘» so? . _ - 4 x l given deWS‘t‘OHS 1” the labor de a intment of Jesse Dukeminier, a = "5
sow: 'iljh”3.«:§ _ . . , . ‘ ‘ pann‘enl ” he had “low” he would 1:50 professor at the University of «
~4 :fi'.3““ ~. ~ «4...... be requ‘red ‘0 .Clmmbme pa" "f California—IDS Angela. as legal "
J.D.VANHOO$I Kernel sign ‘. ”105° l995l0'h9l3n1Ver51tl’ . ' , council for the University concern- i

No, Mary Brachey doesn't often talk to large bird-like creatures, annual blood drive set up by the radio station. Brachey is an oqro» Dr.:Peter ‘losnmw‘mh' l h Medl- ing the issue. Dukeminier is a for— -.‘

but Yesterday the WKQQ '0 Bird' was out recruiting donors for the nomv sophomore from Louisville. l cal ‘9'?” vice preSldent. said he mer UK professor 0f law and an ex- 3' "
and LnlverSlty general counsel lohn pert on property and trusts. '. _
0 . Darsie have been conducting their The committee was formed last :
11. annual onor Derb out for blOOd 0W” three-pronged investigation of December With the task of “eval- ‘.~
1 the allegations. Bosomworth said uating the‘legal environmental eco~ 3’, ._ _
3 the investigation has focused on monic and technical aspects of con— ._ V"
—___—_—_ ' :3 . . l 1‘) l0 3 . , . . . 35.:
, By BARBARAPRICE SALLEE There are four steps to becom- blood-giving process loss than nating yesterday because ”ll ls 3,313,343,:,:,ndltl:§:dwttfhmthe “(3382:? ducting miningnoperatlons m the ,ri
t Senior Staff Writer ing a donor, Wilson explained. pleasant. something to do on a cold after- Medical Services Foundation the RObthOU Forest — 15.000dCI‘t5 Ol ' ~.
i The step is registering to donate “The worst part about donating noon.“ veracity of his (tpphsmhhs th the land donated by [5'0 Robinson 10' s.
_..._-..____..._._ blood. Then comes a medical blood is the needle," said donor Ted Maringer. 8150 a DOWSlU' state fiepartment of Labor and the cated'ln Breathltt, Knott and Perry '
What‘s red, in constant demand screening, followed by the actual Mary Sue Findley. Findley, who dent, said, ”W8 a 800d insurance KSMF'S contracts with Dataswim counties. . . .
and, in some cases, a lifesaver? donation of blood. The final step is not a UK student, said she tries POllCY- especially for my ‘ (‘orp which Wright'sfamilvowns. The IpOSSlble mining 0f the forest i it, t:
1 It‘s blood. is rest and relaxation, in which togive blood onceayear. friends.“ Darsie said the t'nivérsm' Wm “he raised protest from STOUPS Shell 3:: .'
1 It’s time once again for people donors lie down and rest because “There is a little sting, but “The main reason I give blood 3 collntersue ergh, about April 21 to 3§ the (:umberland Chapter 0f the ,-_ .
1 to roll up their sleeves and give donating blood sometimes cre- that's about it," said Tommy is to keep track of my blood pres- ‘ recover nearly 3“th it claims he ”er.” (“bulk L‘K student Asso- ”fl“, ", ‘3
1 blood at the third Annual Donor ates a feeling of “lightheaded- Graham, a junior majoring in sure. 1 also get a ‘mini‘ physi- owes it. He also said he expects a 6‘13“?“ and Students to Save ROb‘n' ‘g___; 3
Derby. “‘55-" hlStOFY- cal." Rogers said. lawsuit against the t’niversitv by son Forest. About 20 SSBF members '
l The derby is sponsored by the Following their donation, do- Russ Rogers of Nicholasville, “It‘s also one of the few things the hpxmgton heralduader' a; were Pmenlatmemee‘mg; .3; ’
1 Central Kentucky Blood Center nors are also given something to who has donated over two-and—a- you can do for mankind that over accegstotheKNlSF's records I JaCk Blan‘l’“ “Ge president for
and WKQQ. The Student Associa- drink, such as coffee or a soft half gallons of blood, said there doesn‘t cost anything," he said. The “9:01,”de has claimed h busmfis affairs and a member. of
l tion organized the event. . drink and something sugary to was a small sting and a burning “If it saves one life, or helps one should have access In the ”coma: ”‘9 mmmmeg has been studying '3'
t “This year’s 8031 is 700 PlhtS." eat,suchas doughnuts or cookie. sensation because of an antico- person,it's worth it.“ since the t‘oruidation h a part 0f the the papers M Thomas P99 C0096.”
' = said Suzanne Wilson, community As an incentive, a plaque and agulant on the needle, “but the “It‘s something to do to help l'niyersitv dean 0f the 001188? 0f agriculture In 1
1 services coordinator. “Last year pizza party will be awarded to prick on the finger” during the people,"Graham said. DonaldllClapp VICE, president for m? teens and 19205- who worked _’.-‘.J"
| 561 pints were donated. This was the campls organization and the preliminary blood test “hurts “My friends are big. macho administration contended the foun- with Robinson on the donation. ' f
I the largest amount collected residents of the dormitory donat- more.” chickens.“ he said of his fellow , datlon is independent from the L'ni- 1“ Prwehhhg hlS F990“ t0 the 1
’ 1 from a single drive in the Lexing— ing the most blood, and individu- “People find excises for not Kirwan tower residents. “1 want versitv illustrating its independence Commltlee- Blanton said he‘was U‘y-
; tonarea." a1 donors are eligible to receive donating blood," said Wilson. them t0 prove me wrong (50’ l I with a‘ lengthy history of its creation ing 1.0 determine Robinson 5 frame ‘
I Wilson said 110 pints were col- albums, posters and coupons “They are afraid it will hurt, no challenge themtodonate." . and development The foundation 0f "“1"? “he." he granted the land to if 3’
lected Monday, 90 pints short of from local restaurants. one asked them and it‘s inconve- Alphonse Coune, an elementary created h, thp Trustees m 1978 ,5 t; the LnlverSlty, and thus decxde ex- ' .973"
the daily goal. She said yester- Each person who registers to nient." The reasons most people education senior. said, “I owed it 3 non-profit. corporation with Medical 3C“)? What he wanted the land used 15', '3'.
day’s goal wasz90pints. donate can also enter a drawing give for not donating blood, how- to some peOPle. Center faculty members as its ofti for; , . , , ‘rf _»

“We take one pint of blood for a $500 worth of stereo equip- ever. just don‘t make sense with One student, who wished not to CNS (‘lapp said. ._ The only thing we re able to say i ‘.
from each donor," Wilson said. merit. an event like the Donor Derby, be named, said, “This way I can . (1th said “math. we” “my”. 1“ 30” hé‘e to make inferences to "'2 “»‘ '

“Each person has about 10 01' As of yesterday, Farmhouse shesaid. eradicate all those bad things ' sm- teaching hospital has a Slmilar Eh? question 0f mining, Blanton Cl"?

twelve pints in their body." This fraternerity was the leader in the The reasons for giving blood I‘ve been doing for the last six 3 program to regulate clinical income said; . . . . a, {”1"
takes approximately40minutes. campis organization category, ranged from the noble desire to months or so." i earned by faculty members. and .“e “am to 39°“ the legal I‘m" :23,”
It takes about two months to and Holmes Hall was the leading helpothers tosimple boredom. For people wishing to donate, 2 there wag a megs“, for the Um. ”“095 0f m? Fmvermy on theme ','.

replenish the red blOOd 08115; and dormitory. Jan Upton. who is not a stu- the derby will continue tomorrow 1 versitv to create an organization ad. 0f "“5 land, said A' Stevens M”‘*‘ L, .‘ "'
24 hours to replenish the fluid While the perks may be appeal- dent, said she used to give blood at Memorial Coliseum from noon , ministering that income. See ROBINSON. page 8 '3 x. l. .'
-lfitashe SE51_* ._ ins, some donors find the actual -__3..|9t-flButshssdidflrasdo- until 3P:,m- . 1

O O . 53"“ :

C0016 rel/151011 t0 deal Wlth sexual harassment

;.--.'»._»- .

'r" [l ‘;

_——————— Singletary appointed the commit- tional experience or creating an in- The groups pushing for the ”5.5 ‘

Sgdflgfiiglvlv’sog tee to study the proposed revision timidating, hostile or offensive aca- amendment are more interested in .- .37“.

“‘0’ n March 19 and asked for a decision demic environment." preventing sexual harassment than .~,-.'.34'

by Nov. 1. The issue of sexual harassment is punishing professors, Worell em- STUDENT RIGHTS AND a '-.‘

____#__.~__.__ I d t .u one of power, Worell said. “Any of phasized.

3“ wotma: Slide"; “and? m ha app‘oifitgsemgagi‘dm“glth3$lneef these things have the element of "The sanctions aren't important. '

paper 0 er “0 er. en 5 e ' ' . . ' ra . (A student) doesn’t know what It's ettin a rule and askin 0 le -' 1. ‘3.
ESked him for the graded paper. he ther the Student Code ReVlsmn Com- topdo, and (the professor) has con- to cgoperagte with it," she satigdptl‘lge- RESPONSIBILI'I‘IES .:1 33
said, t‘bet’s 80 out ‘0 3 bar and dls‘ mlttee nor I have eVidence that sex- trol over her academics." fore there wasnorule to go by.“ .~“ - l: l
0055 ill" 1010me her '08th W85 “31 harassment ls. a w idesprfiezd A major part of the amendment The main problem in obtaining a ’3' ,
maths; Sh; refmect. Thet teacher grugmsllrdaghnmi: gigwslrfsfléyegr fronl would include teaching women on statement prohiniting sexual ha- ,'
pews til srh dingo“? Fag; er most other universities it is impor- campus means of handling sexual rassment is that most people tend to PART 1- (”DE OF STUDENT CONDUCT:
paperun e en W‘ . . harassment,she said. blame meldents on students. saying .. .~

The above is ammg the milder tant that we insure that the (:1th “Once we have the definition in “she asked for it and she got it," RULES. PROCEDURES. RIGHTS AND .-; 3,
cam 0‘ sexual harassment ”Wood ‘°' “mm and Study” ‘5 .3 the Student Code, it will give more Worell said. RESPONSIBILITIES GOVERNING

on the UK campus that prompted healthy one. Your task,'therefore, ‘5 students the courage to say no, “Like if a student says. ‘is there NON-ACADEMIC RELATIONSHIPS 7
Jch‘dlith' “1011!", education‘ and 1:2; an§2r3$r3ingtigzle proposal recom whereas now students have noth- anything I can do to get a better ' w

008103 counseling [1‘0 3501'. . . . ' ' “ orell said. “The revision lus ade'.’,' most rofessors, as iall El ECI‘ . 3 l V»
several women‘s organizations ‘0 mended the reVision fimt be includ- gauballlon will aid the solutionp to gen, interpretpit as a sexflfil ad3i '“T [I - 3 ED RULES OF THE “NZ: .' '
propose an amendment to the Stu- ed in the Student Code and then in sexual harassment." vance,“ she said. “Women profes- : '3 8m SENATE GOVERNING A - . ‘

dent 00d? PTOhlbltlhE sexual ha- the faculty and staff employee More and more women are fight— sors, on the other hand, are more ‘ ' ' DEMIC RELATIONSHIPS ' 3.
rassment of students by faculty and 0mg, The 9mm" “mammal ing back and are turning to proies- likely to interpret it as an academic 3 ,4 it” , . . . ' _
unployees- "“3 A “we“ “l“. he "“3 "m“ sors such as herself for help. She question." .5»? 39:. 1.1mm .iuiGUleoNs GOVERNING TIME, . ' .

Currently. no campus volley 3" “spec‘s °‘ “PM" sexual “i" said the two most common reactions The 0,, s “50,," the n, 1g rum. AND MANNER or MEET- , . .
statement contaim 3 definition 0’ "small by faculty, staff, supem~ to sexual harassment she bears are posed gang; E2": begn 1 ea: ed " #r.% , [NOS DEWNSTRATIONS. AND :’ ' ‘

sexual harassment. Worell pre- sorsandemployers. from students who do not want to with the action taken by the fjniver- , 3?"; hfllifxvt'1‘0‘fllél ASSEMBLIES , g i
sented the reVision'proposal to the The proposal also stated: “For the get their professors in trouble and sity so far particualrly the decision 3'3. .7";sz fit-31s,. 3
Studeltt Code Committee Dec. 1. The W of this whey, sexual ha- therefore avoid filing complaints, to form all advisory committee but w: aging, . vj-‘fi" ,. f...‘ - . mmm _, 3 3.:
comm1ttee studied the "W113"? rassment of a student will be de- and students who feel guilty. be- she added that she is worried about 3 ‘ é-f-r‘vr‘g... ”411%?” ._ 7 ~ 1‘ I .
decided '30 We“ President 0‘13 fined as unwelcome sexual ad- lleveing that perhaps they “asked thetimeelement Worell said .. “5;? tiling; "'r'iilzdvai' . _ ' if“ '3 . ~
Singletary appoint an advisory oom- vaiices, requests for sexual favors {op-it." “I just don't want the committee 3. “’4 - [igniflzrst My}, . .. . .- . .2 -

. . ‘ -‘. , . (h.;,'\’7_-l‘ "233.34 .' ' 4 - 3 ‘
"fittOElOStudl/WF‘WL and/orother verbal or physical con- In 50 percent of sexual harras- - 3 . . '« . 3., . "33. "as”; :. .. 3-3.x ., . «.13.; ' 3
. , to put us off too long. Our group has 3.. . .. W .-.,,, it,“ . .. ”a, ..
W Zumwinkle, vice F3169!“ duct or written communication of on merit cases where women simply already been studying the issue for 55$:- --;r,;4 .; 3 . = . -3 l , . -,,-i 3 3 ~
0‘ "went “tot", find the Code intimidating. hostile or offensive said “no 33 Worell said they were a .. ,he ,1 dd, 2.73.4: sustain. -. ' r .».
'ttee died the dvl- . i, . . . year. sal ,3 ng that most , . ~ , 3,4' wrap, ‘35:. l 1‘ 3..“ -. . .

Commi recommen _ ' sexual nature where subduction to succesful in handling the situalon. colleges have a statement concem- , gurus “'3, ten-tint r u it .. a, . ,
sory committee determme a deft- such conduct is made dolor explici- She said she hopes to encourage mg ”ml harmmmt in their 1,. ' ‘tlr‘ 1“}! '7 {l3 -
nition of sexual harassment “d ty or implicitly a tam or condition women to handle such situations cies p0 ', ' nil—“fl i..“4./; . m1: 3. r . . ‘ _ ..
specify policy autumn“ in which it of the student's statu in a course, themselves and overcome their ' . » . :‘~"" .‘F‘f‘tchi't _I.€-.'"’€3- - ' 4.‘ it??? ‘ .-».' ~4 '
Mdhelhdm- prop-am or activity; submluion to furs, “Our goal is for the proposal to 33 ' 3‘ 3:5 3" ‘jia’f‘i'e‘lvg‘. 3:371“ " "’ttxi‘rg.’ _-‘

”The-e is a gene-d casement or ”who“ of such m by a The mm likely targets of semi give in visibility and imtitutional ‘ , .' ,i-f-..".,;a,~+.-.-.'.'¢“whi‘éi . 3,131.54

that there Md be ' staternait 0“ strident is mod n a but: for aca- harassment by professors are grnd- recognition so people know we are . . Bilge “wig“qgr": ._
sexual hot-Imam but the m"! demlc a- other decisims affecting unte students, she said, “became it not just ii bunch of mm scream- ' k ', . as..." I . ‘ " y,“ ""..
ind lh Wh“ documents ll M be such student; or such conduct ha is so hard to get into gradmte lng in the New." she said. 4 - ‘ V .3 "3%?3‘37'? a " 3,. 3
MM " ‘5‘ "“1”" 2“” thepwpoaeoretioctoimunmny school and a student has to do “(me amendment) will ave us It» 'i7:".3’"".d3’”‘:« »‘3-‘5‘3'3' '
winkieuld. trite-faring with a Indoors educa- nnythimtostay in.“ gitlmncy." ' ‘ “ ’ ‘ '

 l l l

- Lima a lit . ll
um smun x... Alvin. Many MsGoo Mo- (vouch llrl-v Sui-Mn- M. (Mb! lolln
, t l...“ r illlr‘ [lu.[(1lliil Nancy I. Davis ”My, f ,. , Ans Edl'O' Graphiis Eli-luv Prime Editor
JIMOI (dwln ”unis
I n Ann. Charla: Lini “.4... John um. ”’55“ “”“' Lou". Michelson Pony load- J... VCR“...
. , Munuwpqs ,r , III “I. A - SVUI‘VMUHUQH‘qkt’l'l' Artie-mum, hf” y , Assw'mHAl's (mm: layoultd-lm l in." Photographer
. ' Q 0
“ ’ n r u ' a reeze 1s nee e
». e l .
I WASHINGTON. DC (sometime in the fu- madman in the White House capable of ., , ,
_. ture) — The President today announced all pushing the button that could potentially an- ,l
stockpiles of nuclear weapons at us. mlll- hilate all life 0" Earth. With the exception 0f as.
. tary installations will be liquidated at the a few stray cockroaches (which is why Rca- '::
3' , earliest possible date and all production of gan has everybody so scared). “thief” 15:“? 55$?in ”5553535 g
' nuclear weapons will be halted immediately- It‘s time to face up to the fact that this in- l .
3,: “We don't want to play this silly game credibly expensive bluff can’t be expected to '
s anymore." he said in an afternoon press con- work forever. Eventually, somebody some .
' felence- “Et’e‘lybodY'S tiled 0f lt- and it where is either going ‘0 a) get “01d Of a in £2;
NEW YORK, New York (a few days later) have a very serious accident. And that will I_ I
I5.- ' -— New York’s eight million residents were be the end of that. ‘lll-l'ii‘IIll/llih .,.,
find all theirstreetsigns had gone Cyrillic. this world. it’s time to listen to the people l II will . ill .. l l,-
viatethelr worries, either. freeze on the construction of nuclear weap- , We . "
er . stopped spending billions of dollars each The nuclear freeze proposal put forward ""“? lit”; will i. ll” . ",lilllllI. , "WM r1"
year to build, develop and maintain nuclear by Sens. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and it .’ W “has ’ W‘Wllllfill‘" l ”of“?
,l -- .: i, - iii: .~ . l 'l Mull illiiiillfi24245;i55525555eisiilisialiéiiizi7:55
I . ‘, weapons . Mark Hatfield, D-Ol‘e., must be taken se' 5%.I225:z:.§.§::I§:::§:§I§§§§E::§:§:§I::3:E::i. ( I /,"’II’:I?I ml l m "“"h ,l Il5ig2éiEEEzigiifidziiéiiizifiliiil;Eléiiliigii-lgg
' This obvious question apparently has its assets. Somebody has to take the first , ‘ IIl‘IIII IqilllIlIl P9 III‘ III Irv," ,t' 31,",
: never entered into the planning of U 8- mili- step it we are to put an end to this suicidal . Whirl. l a hill ll ll“
'_ " tary defense priorities. Rarely has a philoso- insanity, and it might as well be us. M ‘ .3. IIIl- I ‘IiI I J a. ”II , Willie I ”'”,
phy been so widely and unquestionably ac- Ten years ago, it might not have worked. .I . aImglflnuii.III"I ll " Ii ,IIIIWH~~ "iiigI:
- "Ig-j cepted as that of “nuclear deterrence," first But with both the us, and Soviet Union set- MW . I III ,IIIiIliIIsI:\\lllIlIlII~r,II,'IliIIIIIn, Illll ”33:1,“
. emitted in the early days of atomic wear the yearly deficit spending reorder mostly . 1/)? "ill/Hallie"ll ’ it‘ll”
. j « onry. for military items, and a worldwide depres- J§5§fle “ .g » "'-""“I,,'t‘i“"'-...ilnulil1' Qfig
'. 2, Unfortunately. the idea of depending upon sion imminent, the implementation of such a '- ‘ flux‘% NEW,” _.
'- I; the implied threat inherent in enormous proposal wouldbeaveritable blessing. ’ I’wé‘fifl—g‘fggfiigs
,-I stockpiles of nuclear weapons to deter agres— It‘s simply a matter of overcoming the . etsfifl/M’Z‘I’Vlyhfif
» , 5, sors from attacking the US. or its allies has mutual paranoia. As Franklin D. Roosevelt a ' . ‘r‘ 0' . Io,
-' some serious flaws. once said (and then was quoted as saying, /, e ,, . ,, . , load
-II_ Ir, . . , . II . //’///’//y,rh ’4. . /// ,,,, ~ ‘2‘ \\\ \ .:-;\‘“>}‘.’h‘:~r\
w . H In practical terms, It 8 nothing more than ad nauseam) ’ the only thing we have to 4/19/49577/92 471/ rx'n, ,gr, ' out. a ~ci-rofr'ti'l‘fi;“lifilati’eri‘Eliii‘
F: a massive bluff, unless there is actually a fear is fear itself." “”'”" ””‘ "'""""’ ””“ ' ‘ “ *‘ " " " ‘
I. .. __ Arms control stalemate can be turned to U. S . advantage
:, When the Puritans arrived in duced into the Senate a resolution willing to accept less than numerical as each percentage interval passed, Their acceptance, should that come the Soviets are serious about arms
~I America. beginning the colony of calling for suchanuclear freeze. equality with the USSR. He should, any gap that exists would be nar- about, would serve the goal of arms reduction should the US. reduce its
if. Massachusetts Bay. the natural President Ronald Reagan opposes therefore, be amenable to another rowed. Such a proposal would trap control. In either case, their accep- weapons levels.
-‘II. form of government for them grew the idea of a nuclear freeze. The So approach. The United States should the Soviets with their own words; tance or rejection, the United States To provide incentive for the USSR
.~~‘" to be direct democracy. The town n‘ets now have, he claims, “a defi- propose an immediate nuclear Leonid Brezhnev, who has managed cannot lose. In either case the Unit- to accept the proposal, the US.
I. , . meeting decided what for them were nite margin of superiority" in the freeze with the proviso that at rela- to paint himself as a peacemaker edStates gains in prestige. must make clear its resolve to mod-
. -- the major issues of the community: nuclear arena, both in strategic and lively short intervals the nations compared to the “hawkish” Mr. There are major obstacles to suc- ernize and expand its nuclear forces
" - - how to build a schoolhouse and hire shorter range systems. would reduce their arsenals by 10 Reagan, would either have to accept cessful implementation of such an if the freeze is not accepted. .
.j.’ a teacher, how to deal with the Indie It would be ridiculous to agree to percent; if either nation refused to the proposal or suffer great political agreement. The nuclear arsenals of The USSR is not given to hasty di-
,v., '- -' ans. a freeze that would lock us into lnIfec meet its scheduled reductions, the damage to the image that he has the superpowers are very dissimi- plomacy. But as long as the USSR
riority; it wouldIboth be militarily freeze would be automatically worked to create. With such a propo- lar, and negotiating what constitutes possesses a nuclear edge (regard-
V V " . UnSOUYld and POllllcally UDWIse, 85 cancelled. sal, Mr. Reagan could snatch the po- a 10 percent reduction would be a less of whether or not that edge is
the USSR would no longer have any This does two things: it reduces litical initiative from the USSR and hard, thankless task. The USSR utilitarian) it is up to the United
" .’-,._ incentive to partic1pate in arms re- the amount of money both nations solve many of his and NATO’s politi- would almost certainly demand that States to get arms control negotia-
',I-j . o ductlonsI talks Rather, the US. have to spend on defense and reduc- cal problems. the weapons of France and the Unit- tions off dead center. The Soviet ar-
i-I'II“ P232; must build up its military systems es the threat to each other at the We should be under no illusions edKingdombeincluded. senal is of such a size and type as to
’ '1," . 10 some form 0f parity With the 50“- same time. about Soviet intentions. They have Verification would be a problem. give the US. a tremendous political
.3“ng . I els before arms reductions talks can Politically, it would be one of the driven for nuclear superiority and Even if the Soviets accepted, they advantage. Nonetheless, we must
[5'15 Recently. town meetings in New have any realistic chance of suc— smartest actions that Mr. Reagan are unlikely to accept a proposal might well try to drag out the reduc- act prudently if that advantage is to
l“ Hampshire, where they still survwe ceedlng. could take. It would immediately which would eliminate that. Their tion data. To guard against this, the beexploited.
r7 «.f; and have aIvmce in government, Mr. Reagan‘s current plans for satisfy the advocates of a nuclear almost certain rejection of such a United States must continue to plan
:I I; ’_‘-.‘ began adopting resolutions calling strategic and theater nuclear weap- freeze, and it would also meet the proposal would make plain to all for continued strategic enhance- Dana Pico is a graduate student in
I ’II for an immediate freeze on the onry, however, Will not prov1de the demands of those insisting on parity; who wish to see their intentions. ment. Only if it can be proven that the Patterson School ofDiplomacy.
. j existing levels of nuclear weapons. equality of which he speaks. The 100 ‘ , , . ,
~;‘:‘.‘.'l :~ This is hardly something that John MX ICBMs for which he asked (and reallty IS hard to Ignore
III__.".l Winslow would have foreseen. which the Senate Armed Services '
’ Many opponents of the nuclear Committee blocked due to a dis— ' ' °
'13:.- freeze proposals deplore the idea of agreement over the basing system) ra t 0” met 0 t0 uaran tee ml ltla
.,,--_'..:., a town meeting trying to decide would neither have narrowed the
I‘I ' ' American strategic policy; it is, they gap between the USSR‘S 1,398 (or 1,-
.I claim, neither the proper forum in 4,77' depending on whom one be- Yesterday‘s Kernel editorial came our point of view can usually be can be a real threat to the continued and instantaneous world-wide de—
:, j, which to debate such an issue nor llevesl ICBMs and the US. 5 1,052 out in favor of a mandatory draft as pegged as falling in the liberal stablility of a civilian government if struction. Rather, the conflict would
I- the right of small towns to under nor made them any less vulnerable an alternative to the registration camp, that doesn’t mean we nec- he wants to be (witness the recent probably begin on the battlefield
Ir: ,"~".’ mine the President‘s policy. . toaSoviet first stnIke.I . . . run-around that has left millions of ossarily subscribe to a certain politi- coup in Guatemala, or Julius Caos- between conventional forces —— nei—
.‘Ii Such a View tends to ignore histo- The admimstration s ballistic mis- young men rebellious and confused. cal line, all elsebedamned. er, for that matter), ther side would conceivably want to
. ”ii-l" ry. It was in many town meetings sile submarine building program It is an unexpected stand for what , By mandating a draft of all citi— bethe first tounleash the holocaust.
:.I ., I that the drive for American indepen~ will produce boats at a slower rate has been labeled a “knee-jerk liber- zens (and by all, we mean male and And, the way the rest of the world
t."- ,‘1 dence took hold. Certainly the good than the Sovxets currently produce. al“ newspaper to take, and we‘ll ’ female), a blurring of the lines bet- and at least a few enightened Ame-
-; I citizens of New England were voting The planned theater nuclear force probably catch a lot of flack for it. , ween civilian and military is as- ricans see it, the US, with its atro—
It on national and international issues modernization program for Europe Admittedly, it would have been Bull . sur ed, limiting the numbers and in- phi ed conventional forces and lesser
'I‘IfiIiII "(i when they opted for independence will have fewer warheads when more characteristic for us tocall for Stelden fluence (and thus, power) of career manpower, would probably be the
l'I from the crown. completed than the Soviet 88-20 an end to registration and show re- .z ‘ _ militarists. first to consider the atomic alterna-
;‘I.,I The votes in the recent town meet- force which prompted the TNF mod- pugnance for any suggestion of man- We're not alone in this point of tive as the tides of war turned
Ile‘ j. ; ings reflect a trend in the United ernization in the first place. For datory military service. it‘s important to remember what view. A warning to the same effect against it. Given a universal draft,
. States, a trend to send a massage to whatever reasons lprimarily Ibud- . But our basic editorial goal isIto the word “liberal" means because it was issued by Admiral Elmo Zum- however, the manpower problem
;: Washington to do something about getary constramtst. the PreSldent intelligently cons1der problems With is often misconstrued. The diction- walt, a lifetime military men and wouldbesolved.
Iv‘I-I. the arms race. Washington has oer- has not chosen to match his rhetoric an eye toward suggesting reasona- my definition says nothing about po- former member of the Joint Chiefs of course, there would still be the
.I-I'i ,, talnly heard; Senators Edward Ken- With performance. ble alternatives to ideas that may litlcal affiliation — rather, to be lib- of Staff, when he retired recently. problem of ensuring our military is
.I.IIrIIIv,2~I‘I nedy and Mark Hatfield have intro- The President has shown himself not — or won‘t - work. Although eral is ”to “favor reform or His authority in this matter should properly equipped with sturdy, stan-
‘s'tI. 'I r BL M COLIN ”£35. accordlnSwVIlIlebsfteIlI’ SI. beunquostionable. dardized materiels, as opposed to
“.1 (x) TY b B r bed new we genera Y 8 "“0 There's another long-time problem the fragile jetengined, hyper-elec-
'J‘ . ' '. .I \ I y e kc Bregt . that category, or at 1935‘ I hope so a mandatory draft would help alle- tronic boondogglas the Reagan ad-
74‘ C’MON Wi...(£l.‘2VEE¥ . {$31 .- \ \d (I . nu, w w s j I r“ ‘4» l: i. If our stand on the draft is consnd- viate, one that is even more fright- ministration is pushing. But a draft
; . mownewmm . ' - ~ l. I this ~ .l W‘ lI, ered in light of the originaleoneept ening in its implications. This as wouldbeabigstepforward.
.' I Wm) MXWW. mi l I I I of liberallty, sans political implica- tion’s dependency on nuclear Don‘t get is wrong — we find the
.j; r . ' ‘ 'I gist mots W I l! . . "MS. It ls purely liberal. . . weaponry as the backbone of its de- entire idea of war repugnant, and
. ’ i I I I 00% III We ar en t a bunch 0f nght-wmgers fense is a growing threat to the 61- like Melanie, we'd like to buy the
. 2‘ ..,, \' I’ l _I ~ 3 l ' w ,Il and red-baiters. 1" fact, that’s 9’9“? tire world. world a house and just forget about
, 1 r. :‘I . I . IWI snarl , O‘ ' lly the sort of peeple we think a eiti- Contrary to popular notion. if the the whole dirty affair. But reality is
L": .‘ , d. . . v \ ‘ I \ . , a o l . zen draft would work against. As it US. were to go to war with the Sovi- hard to ignore.
. I a , II x. \ t, I \ II Ix i stench now,w1th the military meet- of Union, it probably wouldn't sim- Bill Steiden, journalism senior, is
V: M.) I) -.’. / in K I I, if) t '1 I l \ (u . ")8 "5 enlistment quote as hard ply be a matter of button-pmhins editor—ln-chfefoftheKern