xt7rn872zb2w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872zb2w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 2005 Vol.76 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, May 2005 Vol.76 No.5 2005 2005 2019 true xt7rn872zb2w section xt7rn872zb2w Volume 76, Number 5 U. s_ Postage
” , w 4,3" . “gag. fl «LL Kentuc Press Association PAID
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' May 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
_——____—__________—___————————— .
appea 5 sm 553 o awsu May :
After having its lawsuit challeng- The lawsuit was filed in United Juvenile Code) violated the First -,:NeWSNteS ; I
ing parts of the Kentucky laws that States District Court for the Eastern Amendment,” the a peal claims. . , '
require juvenile court proceedings to District of Kentucky in Frankfort on "Openness would ui'lquestionably LifemtheBaCk 5110}? . g '
be closed dismissed in District Court, July 15, 2004 challenging parts of have an institutional value to juvenile Acollectton of. tales .‘ {old} '1 by '
the Kentucky Press Association has Kentucky laws that require juvenile courts the same way it does in other prmtersand 1311193511813 ofiweekly I
filed an appeal with the Sixth Circuit court proceedings to be closed. KPA criminal and civil courts.” linewspapers ”Life 31, the: Batik 1
Court of Appeals. claims in its suit that the law violates The suit states that closure should 1151:1994 has beenwnttenbya ,. .
In February 2005, the court dis- both the US. and Kentucky be done on a case-by-case basis and fetlfeanWS?aP€I3530€1afion .
missed the complaint for failure to Constitutions. The suit claims that not be mandatory. executivemlvlmnesota'; I
state a claim and on the basis that KPA Kentucky Revised Statutes 610 violate “Our action would still allow a 323‘ ”WSfiO‘iabGflt gmung “but .i
could not prove a set of factors enti— the First Amendment and contains ”a judge to close some proceedings or {flak-(5m P1391529)? Said "3935,93 M j
tling them to relief. The court ruled number of provisions which work to records just as they are allowed to do Shaw, 'mana'gél‘ emeritus 0f the ,
that KPA’s complaint failed to allege create an irrebuttable presumption at the present,” said Ion Fleischaker, Minnesota NeWEpaper ASSOC" ,
both factors of the “experience and that certain court proceedings and general counsel of the Kentucky Press iationi “It's 3130131138 proud class 0f
2 . logic” test formulated by the US. "records be closed to the public.” Association. ”But it would not be peoplecaflegletterpjfieyssgrmters 'r
Supreme Court in Richmond ”The absolute and mandatory automatic closure as it is under the {havefifafltaafifieatemin‘dte
Newspapers, Inc. v. Virginia. secrecy of the (Kentucky Unified current law.” words OfprmterstheTHSelV88~ .
, thesounds,‘ '-smellsvf and working
a 'V’chditions of those old print
Two new board members showwanteamtenwhatpm
I e’rs felt as. they worked these. mur—
o derously‘l'ong hours in'the pres-
attend first KPA meetlng enceofponderoufianddangerous
, . equipment, , as they converted
There were two new faces around editor of its sister publication, the m “r gfgd‘gggcflie: ginggggs’
the .KPA Board of Directors table Carroll County News In ,, ,: into neatly folded Weekly news-
during the meeting 1n Frankfort Huntingdon, Term. in 1976. He 4? papers.”
April 14 — those belonging to new returned to Kentucky in 1977 and gt > Shaw interViewed 38 printers
board members Loyd Ford and went to work for Central Photo lnc., " for the book, including several ,
David Dixon. which was also a graphic arts sup- who had owned weekly newspa- ,
Ford, with The Lake News in ply house that sold various products ' *W - ' r * pers. Stories cover the first six
Calvert City, was elected to District to newspapers in four states. In 1983 Loyd Ford and a half decades of the last cen-
1 and Dixon, with The Gleaner in he began to work on a master degree tury, from the arrival of Linotype
Henderson was elected to District 9. in college teaching with an emphasis machines to the coming of offset 1
Ford, 52, is the owner of The Lake in journalism and worked as a part printing and computerized type- f
News where he has been for nearly time journalism instructor and j ,t ' pf Setting. f
21 years. His responsibilities are to adviser to the college newspaper at _I ' ”Life in the Back Shop” is PUb'
manage the total operation, sell Paducah Community College. He 9W , l l lished by the Superior Letterpress
. advertising, writes stories and deliv— also worked part time at the H . _ ; CS“ The bOOk has I86 pages, C9”
er the paper. Marshall County Messenger. He Em V tarns 42 photos OI contributing
He started in the newspaper busi— stopped pursing his master's degree _‘ :f I . 92' prlnters and early print shops, '
.. . « . . ., ~ - v . 1:: and 13 other illustrations. It sells :
ness in 1974 as a reporter/photogia— in late I983 when he became editor h . j . :63 f 19 9- 1 $3 30 f ‘1‘ ..
pher for the Camden Chronicle in of the Marshall County Messenger. IE5} 0rd$h '51.? us ' or mai mg
Camden, Tenn. after he graduated After that paper ceased publication an an mg.
from Murra State Universit that in Ma 1984, Ford and his wife Teri ‘ ,
same year. H}; was later promoIied to Y S - See NEWS on Page 11
. ee BOARD on Page 10 David Dixon , ,fi ., , . . .
___ LLLLL L if W 7%, L L LL L Li, VVL. LL , :L L: w L

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, May 2005
K t k 1 ° th V‘
en uc y peop e, papers in e news
Paul Monsour has stepped down recruiting industry, helping existing nalist Neal Cardin has been recog- the opposite lane and hitting a UK
as editor of The Union County companies thrive and expand, over- nized with two awards in the guardrail causing the van to catch 0
Advocate to become executive direc- seeing13 industrial loans and a lease Munfordville Tourism Commission fire. Pinson was not seriously ml‘
tor of the Union County Economic of a building and assisting local gov— third annual open photography con— injured. The newspapers, including It’:
Development Foundation. His last ernment with the pending construc— test based on the theme, ”History, those labeled for delivery, were lishei
day at the newspaper was April 21. tion of a $1.5 million sewer line. Heritage 8: Heart.” Cardin’s work destroyed in the fire but were ter fr
His new responsibilities include The News-Enterprise photojour- was judged Best in Show, and he reprinted on the next day. Libra
. . ., received an award for second place Patricia ”Trish” Mahon Daniel woul
TheKentuckyrgss in the adult division. The photos was recently hired as the community tion.
"—-—-——-—- 5”;le . . .—————-—— were on exhibit at the MunfordVille news editor at The Gleaner in Ci
j}; )5 City Hall until April 29. Henderson. She will be the newspa— UK
mKemackyPresflPmtfi939hspub~Wattlefionflstep,WfieyNews Paintsville Herald readers were per’s principal contact with cus- decic
hshedmonfidybyfltemmcky‘i’ressIolmfirgzalz’531:: 21:35:11.1:{j‘i‘ffjjifil’EiE‘Egi‘féi" late in receiving the Wednesday, tomers on news items ranging from wast
ixssoelauoanerituckyPressSemmlnc. April 6 issue due to a 5 am. fire on church notes to weddings and ed p
mgfgmmmdatflasgommctlbflmac,Casey US. 23 which claimed all the newly engagements to news brevities. The woul
pmem$89erCeuntyNews ' d E 10 ee Chuck life—lon Henderson resident holds a
:yearPoemas :.. armchmeofadereee pfmte papers" .mp y . g . . . SUSP'
toTheKenmckyPressAmCmsmfizcti3~WhfietAnfiemnN°W5 Plnson was travehng on‘U.S. 23 in degree in library seience from ed a
Lane,Frankfiyr;K¥w601,(502)223-8821 Floyd County after picking up the Western Kentucky Universny and is micrl
14eTeresaScexuersBezeacifizen papers from the printing room at the a former elementary school librarian U
Kmm‘YP‘essAWt‘msmmwfia he ran over. an unknown object, caus- A University of Kentucky School the 1
TafioxfiayesKeutuckyNewEra ing the delivery van tire to blow. He vidii
gxifit'mkymfim$§efi§£§$§fi§i§§§f lost control of the van, crossing into See PEOPLE on Page 12 :md
Washesrayzhmeaermvawamwmgmwy of a Vietnamese refugee as he pyage
WeeWeatsAhcefiemmmemmmmmm . . . appeared in newsPapers across the gent
[gagerand‘l'iines BowfingGmenailyNews Longtime Hopkinsvflle county and in Time magazine. It . peo]
Teeeneeheeemgmseweeey edit“ dies 0f cancer 3°“ ““35”“ ”at-“‘5 iii”? .1... Li”
AdvaWsaWweWWemmda died at his home Wednesday. April E‘Eew Eff as 315“? we; and phfi' ‘4
ii; .. ogra er an a er serve as grap - etl
DcfimgioydhrdeheLakeNews,)KentuckyUtifitiofi tor fory the Kentucky Nev}; Era in tor. C91“
' f Wm ‘3" I ,T' " J. 72-}; Educmonmmnmm Hopkinsville, where he began his U :1: retlrlelc: as a Comrpélgrgder in the me]
Demetlied Wenonah; ~ f LizHansenBastemKenmqumversity " career as a reporter and Photogra‘ ' ‘ ava eserve m 9 ‘ E
Spfingstgress 3,; . . ", ” '. j IV‘E, ; '5; , ‘, E. pher in 1981 . .
’ f ' I :- GeneralCounselsJonFlelschakes His connection with the New Era Courier-Journal graphics F
35‘1““ 3'Dm‘101xomfl‘efitmd‘3‘999g AslfleyPademSmorescShom; began just months after his family researcher dies 3‘5
eanerw . e: :.=.,_;-,-;;3>s..«:";:J ~ - - - , '.
. .v , , ' " ' . Harem sea $23955 Eeifipii‘é‘itliéfifii6igfli 101... Patrick “a” Chapman] a 1
District 4 — Ieff lobefiutlerCountyBannerw[)3deThompson, ExecuhveDnector , d 1, . graphics researcher who worked for
-, ‘-’ ' ‘ . ‘ :1 g . . kennels-Howas/Cesheller ' e mime PaPerS' . the Courier-Journal 8: Louisville of
District 54:01}- Filkms, K911?“ cky ,. . TmsavReka‘jfi}: DirectorofSales I; ., While in middle school, Riley had Times Co. for more than 28 years, W11.
Standard ,' , . j I _ David GreenMemberServrcesDirector adarkroom and set upa small print— died early April 11 at the Hospice ren
' . ‘ , - - ~ g-Dana'Lear, NewsBureaanector ing press in the family basement and Palliative Care of Louisville per
Disuict6—johnMura, L011i5Vfl1€C0UIifiP DafidspemNeWMedlaAdImmstrator where he printed small jobs printing in atient unit at Norton He lth upt
\ Journal -' ' , .1 . 1 BuffySamsz39°kk£€ PuflgASSIStant party invitations and tickets for Peg/illon of com lications afroglar: inf.
District7e Kelley Warnick, Gallatiné l §gm§omad,Rem&/MMMg El ' Hopkinsville High SChOOI ball heart attack. He tias 53. we
County Nears ' I H I, SueCairriiiiack'Adrrfinistrative'Assistant » games. . _ In his position, Chapman used Shi
. . 33.91191, MCCa'rty, AdvertismgAsmstant _He graduated from HOpkmSVflle resources ranging from the Internet inf‘
Dish“ 8 7K3“ Metz, Bath County News E Holly Willard, NAN BusmessClerk 1» E ngh _SChC_)Ol m 1971 and attended to printed reference materials to find rec
Outlook ' (' “‘“W‘Hrwwm-MTanuHensley TearsheetCierkE . / ' H0pkmsv111e Communlty College. details and context for the art and d0]
, ~ , » ' . He earned bachelor’s and master 5 ra hics with ever thin from dail me
District9-Loretta Tackett,Paintsville Staff members,0fficers and Directors ' degrees from the University of gt p to C-] -y1 g t y ins
Herald , ' ' maybe ’9“th by e-m’ailusing the indi~ Missouri. After college, he joined the s 02:8 speCia prOjec 8'
. vidual‘s first initial, fulllast . , , . apman started as the compa-
District 10-Edmund Shelb B ‘ ' name@l _ _;
‘ . spokesman Noel Milan. through months '33- 1 "fiiiiiééiii -. 13* ' , ”Wk The University of
hls But UK and the other libraries — of newspapers 3% gkgie,m ”_ ~ 1; i Kenm‘TRY has Preserved
‘ or .in California, Florida, New York, and check every e gwfe " i " V 1 a more than 1-5 million
ant. that elephant in small bites. Under a digital file, she 1 saw“ yt mlcrfifln} fwmd} heflP
0f “5 state 5 newspapers coverlng her ancestor S grant, UK muSt began
the decade of 1900 to 1910- name And digitizing 100-000-Pages
13“ in our nation’s history,” Milan said bility means she State's newspapers “0“"
last week, ”but frankly, it conve— can do it from ing the decade Of 1900 to