xt7rn872z80m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872z80m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-10-08 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 8, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 8, 1914 1914 1914-10-08 2015 true xt7rn872z80m section xt7rn872z80m 9 ,‘\d _
. *£ 2s '•· V
. \ g [
, University of Kentucky
I -- .--·-s _;ss*-__-;_-4; __.-s.•t_-1-;,— , 4
P d Mr. A. T. "D•.rt" Bryson, a former Oponlng Enhrtalnmont For Yur 8troIl•r• Will I•gln Important Work Six "No Brooks" Program Will Give Dean W. E. Rowe, ofthe College of
l ntnneht nt Btnt°· 'nn tnnnnen °n lent Prov•• Notablo Social ln Early Fall. All 8•nlor• Chance at "Her." (svn Engineering nt State Uht"*’l`”ltY·
[ Wednesday, Sept. 30th, to Miss Juliet E t is planning to have two members of
v•n . t_... ....
Gaines, of Frankfort. OFFICERS ELECTED , Th tr m , d t td nd the Senior class prepare theses on ll
. e s a s o wo s a  
Mr, Bryson graduated ln both the 1 d It m d ilsth H D, th General Delivery System tor Merogn-
' P
Am, lnd Sc|¤nce ‘nd Collggg of ]_,¤w_ The Phllosophlan Literary Society, -——— s Z W ssduzd n s lws sos b tllc Houses for the City or Lelllngtonf
H9 Wl! qulto well known and [DDUIBP compgged of the women student; of The St|'0ll€|‘8 had lhGll‘ Drst IDGGUDK armory on s ay sven ng' cso er This work wlll rgqulpe a great doo] of
, 16, when the llrst dance of the season,
being n ment" °t the versity bass State University, entertained with a of the YGRT Tuesday, October 6, at th I [ d in b , lnvcsllsation 0¤ th? Daft of the writ-
e n w , v
basl telus, oditorssuschsef of The   l'n§§q\]6]‘8,dQ Ffidjy   gt Patterson `vhksh the election of Officers was   ther; nun ag ances 9 8 en   TS all ofliie merchants of [hg  
d, ‘ th g- tud nt of ceo, _]_ E t B m . ] ted l . ' w iave to inve.tl t d d -
sn numerous 0 e 8 8 Hall, ln honor of the Freshman girls. s sn 0 ns was me sc sms This dance given each year for the s ss s an an ss
He has served his district in the Slllé ident; Miss Rebecca Smith, made b dt { th HK t k, H , tlmhte cf th? DTBSGM cost of delivery
  Legislature and ls at presnut prnctlc- The d°"°° wes °n°n°n by ° mend vice-president; Herald Graham, lltllge lss:] bs [ ds ss;   ss' s ;:s obtained.
s o e es ances o e se n. e
lng law ln Ashland, Ky. march, led by Miss Llla Estes, presl- medeeer, end Frenk Keneddy, eeere_ d k t d du H d tdson t ,, ,,, ,,e,,eved that by hdvmg the cm,
c e s a m n ou an er os
Miss Gaines was a popular and dent of the society, and Miss Christine tary. The election of a business man- $100-,,, s yr t c Wd Oh ln routes Bild one truck for
r . e same s or s s.
R ,* much   sir] in the Univefglty Hopkins. After the march, the V"` age]- was postponed unul the next     3 tl Eg 1 { U each route, thG COSt of d€uV€I‘y  
from 1909 to 1913. KTIGUIUDS Wlth the Y meeting. mss srs sm 0 s X no be l‘€dllC€d about seventy-five per cent,
glnla reel was danced, and the long ,,reeke.. ,r, ,,,e ereerem 0, e,e,,,ee,,
°‘“** °' *°‘°· llrrt or charming rlrlr DICIUTGBQUGIY “*° *"°*""°*** “****°"**°‘* “‘”° "’**’”‘ rl l r ll lll r A ""“"“' “""°‘ ‘”°“"’ "‘"° ‘° "° "“"*
, ances, near y every e ow w ge a
_____,.•.,_..__. tl H kl t th [ {tt Hill} all packages for delivery sent to
· rbed W S th rgtucst sg ht the Old ns Op ns 0 s psy comm ee chance to dance with the especially _
AN     lss ' s s D s for the year, and Miss Smith was ap· dd i I llllh depot. the number of packages
FOR     gymnasium had witnessed ln many a polnted by Mn G,-,h,m_ The commu. gr iis, S h T i dl { sent determining the total expense or
< oo w n’s axop one ro w ur-
GBY. tee as it stands is composed of Mr. Id€llV€"Y-
....._. l l l , th t hl h l’ l—.
` 0 L e h Great ingenuity was shown ln the .B0lll¤8. M1'. Graham. Professor ,l;;;_musc 9 program 0 W C 0 __,_•_,___
Kmsssys 'swsssss ss. mss sr crlllrllrrllrl llrlll rrlllll unl ue and “’°°"°"· Ml" S'“"*‘ ‘""’ M‘“ "°** s I l IHOME E N ’
Maryville by th• lla ¤<=¤r• s' y q inns They will select all reductions ssss°°° °f s“""y`sr°°k s°"°‘ C0 OMIC S
clever effects were the result. Witches, ` p | Cecile, I        
°t N t° °· l C I I b put on by the Strollers this yeas l l’m the Gu Who Paid the Rent for
igyps es, 0 onlal dames, wogg e- ugs The D,_dmd,,c cme we, med charge, d R, V YW, kl , __ —
,and devils mingled in happy disregard of the Hall0we'en ,,,.og,.om_ and do.§‘ rs' D en n °‘ ,Bu•inc•• 8c••ion Followed by Social
MISSISSIPPI A. A, M. NEXT. of pictorial he,.mo,,y_ 8,,,,8 ,0 hud dd edmdtdur d,dh,,,_, Eelvicdtdogdgom Sari. Hour ddd Refruhmddn are
e ———— Games and dancing were the order »,—,,,e ie dede ,,, erder ,0 nee, e dee Y · *
` Another parade was "pulled off" IBM of the evening, and after refreshments e,,·· new meteriel in college prizes Sexteue {mm Lucie s°"V°d•
, _ Th Hl C l' i .
Sarturdly lt     Wh¥ UIC vIT· were 8erved• Prof- E-   Farquhur of not hlconsidgrable yung     9 gh ost 0 Lov ng ·—-———
any but lnlrrrlllr 80 to ll srrm ¤·¤¤¤ · clmr ·¤¤¤¤¤ ·¤¤ ¤*¤·¤¤·¤¤ awarded the successful rrrtrrrrrrr. · °°“"“*“‘“*‘°““· ***6 Home E¤¤¤<>·¤*¤¤ CM-b Mid ¤
b cdddld www mdcdmd was in ddd -,,,8 ,,,1,,, ,0,. the ,,,,,8, 0,.,8,,,,1 ,,0,,. The ,,8, or ded, for wmch any 0,,,,] You re Here and l’m Here. so What] pleasant and prorltable meeting Mon-
3 mmd, ,t wes won by Mme Made mdy ddtdr follows, ,D0 We CMB.   day afternoon in the lecture room on
shape as the count shows and the » Sky Leek Love, de hi d d ,
Becker who portrayed the charlctgr l [ T OOP of {IIB Ed\]C8.[i0D  
game was roplote with long and spec- ’ 1. Dramatic readings (girls only). . , l
idduldr mud of "Alloe in Wonderlgnd," ' 2, Dremeue medeleeuee (mer, Benin the Jenn- lng. This society was organized lggt
dm, h rd rd d b the The erue wee e ,,ee,,,,,,d,y beund (ddd., My Croony Melody. May by the Senior girls of the Home
N Hong e scc ma e Y copy or Mrs, B,_0wd,dg,d ,,S0dde,e 3, Character dodge, Just a Little Love, a Little Kiss. lgconomlcs Dgpg,rtmeut_
Chtn Wu °hlY '°"°n le" thnn mane ,,,0,,, ,,,0, ,,0,,,,, eee., Mme Becker l’m Crying Just For You. Those eligible to membership are
Wllmlngton· the game from su `   4* music nencing * ’ l
tfnthst ·, my add { , W · dn end M,ee E,,ze,,e,,, Becker ded ,0,, 5, Acmbddd {ddd,. lf I Should Meet you Pace to l·`¤c€.,nll girls taking a two or tour-years’
le ctggebzdcs n nn n · ne Y ,, end M,ee Becker wee ,,,e ,er,e,,e,e   6 Sldlgheddhddd tricks mdg,d Il Trovatore. major course in Home Economics. lt
ve · ° ' ` Saxophone Rag. was the reat l f h ld
ooo etc, . g p easure o t e o mem-
" {rhs ssusivnle mlm ::5 a scraps; The committee of judges was com- The concluding numbers wm be el At the Close of R P€l`t€€‘t W8Y· lbcrs to welcome about glxtggn new
ctseu secu dstm°:1’dduthdw;;sr dd posed of Judge Barker. Professor por, ehort pldy Due on by me Serdlmre Medley of PT€€€dl¤S VVRNZQB- lmembers into their mldgt 5i0nday_
s rong no g o sa a a · • ___ l___o c _ _____,______,__ . ,
war df the wddcd, dddddd, quhar, Miss Mary G. Fisher and Miss merely ,0 ..w,,,d up-. ,,,e ereerem, ,,0,, e,,e,r,,,er,, , A SIDCGFB and grateful welcome ad.
S,e,e»e nre, tedebdewd eeme ene,. Bettie H°npe"· in competition. A committee was also appointed to r sj-sss sss gwsn sy ms prssmsss Miss
e ,,,,,,,,,e 0, ,,,ey,,,e_ Meryvme ldeked The tnneqnemne wen nne ef tne The six turns are open to all Uni-\ select and fit up a studio on the cam-islsis Specs This wss sslswsd by sn
0,, ,0 ,,0,,, ,,,,0 ,0,,,,,,00 ,0 ,,,0 ,,,,y_ mm ¤¤l¤v¤¤l¤ °¤t°*'¤*l¤m°¤*¤ mr rerrlry students, llrlrl nre Strollers purl. At lm rllr Strollers are to llrrr. "‘*""’S*‘***‘ ***n‘ °** ***8 *******°*° °*’ ***6
yerd ,,r,e_ meter. ure, eley wee mm given by the gn`l“· and tne nnnn was hope for a large number of contest-la home of their own! Many plans are   sms sy mss Jsssis Ask"' sbs mm
med ddd Pdrk pddtdd, lddyd dropped successful enough to be ample reward e,,,e_ Fer (,,r,,,er ,,,,,,rme,,e,,, er ,,,r, ,,,0,,,,, ,,,,_rr,,,,,,,ed, and ,0,,,, ,,e 0,_gd,,_ how ll was their desire to cultivate
,, edd Bde reeerered me rdeeldr, er, te" the w¤rk nf tne e°mnnttee· entrance registration, participants , ization practically perfected, the Ura- mm? indus: lussls economics Dsse"`
,,,e ,e,,_,,e_rd dee edd T,,,,,e eerded ,, Serving nn the nncnn entnnnttee may see the Hallowe’en committee,,matlc Club will, without doubt, ex-,mss ss sp is sven possible way
I '
ever_ Before the dderter wee up were Miss Christine H°nnine· che"' Miss Bessie Whlte. Miss Natalie, perience a big year—notable for good [0 bulls up ms “en“""‘“"t·
_ men- wlth Mine Inn Dnrnnn end Miss Wood, John Marsh, Herbert Graham, l productions and remarkable progress. All st ms Hsms scsnsmlss [sschsss
0 =w¤¤¤y—¤*¤¤ ¤<>*¤*¤ Md ¤¤¤¤ *0***** ,,,,,,,,,0 W,,0,,_ .,,,0 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - t- r,.r. llrrrlnl with lll., rin. tml atleast
b tl Bl d Whit , t t — l "'W `G "s"`—"__; _`*_`"  M _
up Y 16 UG on G Won Y S X were ,d charge of Mme Judd vdd Aw   one ls present at each meeting.
points were added to the second period tu ,, _ . _ _ .
de]o_ ohai,.mo,,_ with Miss Annie ? Z me a iiiontli this tlub holds a joint
end the hen ended with Stats mu" Hodges and Mies Annie Lewis Whit, E , inceting with the Agricultural Society.
three points to the good. worth, For edc0,_e,,0,,e ,0,,,,,, Made   , I Miss Luila Purnell read the constitu-
ln the thtrd qnnrte" the Tennenneane ,d0d,dd M,c,,0, 00,,,, Mme ,,4,,e,e He,,e,_ lldyi ® I tion so that thc new members might
braced and held the "Cats" to one " ' 'l"·" .
lonesome touchdown mddd dddr md were ,_ee,,°de,,,,e, ,. r id, o B`, O becoinc acquainted with its contents.
’ potted plume end golden ,.od· were A     ,.1»f;>e§`v _  Alter thc meeting a social hour was
and of me quart"` In the ust ssl-md` used attractively, and small tea I {Wt `.F` s `    ·1    held and refrcshnlellts served, Tlllg
though State pulled up and &dd€d tdbldd were dddudrdd down dddh due A 5 _ {  6    nas inuch enjoyed by all. '|`he next
another twenty points, Maryville in 0, md ,0dd hd",   1-* \ V  Illt*t*(llll{, \\'lll(‘ll will bc held Monday
thhl ‘lh¤l‘t°" uhm Put hl) lt $°°d n¥ht ,,.,,0, emeere here men, e,,ree,,,,e   elk  uftcrnoon at 323ll o’l·lock. is being an-
and at one time threatened to score _. . l ,_, , _
plans ln view for the coming year, and l   · wv it t Pnten “nh ln*’*=t¤U*`*’·
but two attempts at drop·klck by 3 _, .,,, ,,,_ _ , , _ _. , ,
P' Henry ,,6,, dhdr, ddd by mdhde ddd the Phllosophlan is looking forward to ·. , le *’ ‘**"*· n tle ¤°¢*°t> ¤l`€·
S, td   ved ’ ° the most suocessbul year ln its history. , s :.._ ` ._ P"e“lne"t· Elsie Sn‘*’*`k-
gtdtdleswirdd eddkddld rd, sd ml Mddy mghldlddd drddmmd ded bend .   _ ` @ \’l('t‘-l'l`t’>lid8ll[, Julia Van Arsdllll.
1 e n - * . l   _ _ _ ._
s prepared. and new members will tind ~  0 r ’r-•,, _ .-·· ‘ `~ ll(‘¢l>lllt*!`, Lois Bartlett
ly at will through the Southernor's 3 #» ~_ _; . __ _ _, . ,
the literary society one of the most ·—  , ,,,. "‘ ·. “"*""*"*· Lnlnn '*n`n*`n·
and its work against real teams, such ddjdydbld fddmrdd in Umvdrdny ldd , w [  — l ,,,,,,0, J,_00,e deed,
w ` s` ZL; , * I st s 4
**“ M*”’l””*l*l’* *· & M·· s“'”****°· (ll"' _, 0 ~ ·*‘f -/»__   .-\SSlSl&Illl ndllor, lllllilel·llll· Mll(‘ll6ll.
clnnatl and University of Tennessee ·m,,,,.e wee e |.·,.,,,,h,,,,,,,, o,,o,,_ ,   , _  
will ne wntcnen with internet ` Whose name was Wllllv Beard. l   .  A , Louisville Club will meet in chapel
e"“t°h°" “'“ n“n ln the “““‘*’ “*, He once hud u wondrous pomp. , ‘;_ _   S T  ®g |Thu··•¤lay. 0m¤•r 8, at noon. eur-
“_TFriI.ima‘El*l5.;;.J"siiitl`i"l ***·* Mw *¤‘· ·**~·¤¤···*·*·** I ` l ‘ •·¤·· ·>· <>·•·¤•l·-
` *\ •

 2 T H E I D E A • I •
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures (lo Where the G0’s Go. I
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE “"""'°"“‘
Me At Admission l0c
FIROT-CLAS! IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Mena er. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. I
4 to 4. 4 9 4 te 4 ·|» Q •|» ·|• 0 O 0 O sl.oul Hound of Anoth0r's Hell, beavcs SMH Fl°|d’ sawrd°y' 3'OO O°|°°k’ last Monday night as usual, with to mum., your laundry bm
EVA TANGUAY. ._ .. . A -»-— _ 1 '
l s No Rest. from an essay of (»0l<>ll+‘l I 1.,,,, F,.,,,,hnm" f,,,,tb,,II ,,,,,,m_ ,,IhI,.h Inesldont Morris presiding. After the; Soph. —l.et me congratulate you on
(im. or tho most Important events Nmvhm the Bl-mah amhm-’ to mm`? at   has been working out daily under thc gnvcl soumled for order, business be I b€l**8 i0l‘ll|¤¤i0 enough t0 secure a
I , 1 · I `
... ...t· young t..t..t.1.-.1 ..t.....t... ls t..» I"‘ 'I'*”“"  ""“H*""“'*""· "‘”"’:’"';;‘:':"I..1rt·t-.1.... of vm:. .1. ... ·.·.g.-.., ....1 ,,,,,, ,,,. ,.,,.,.,,,,,, ,, ,,,.,.,,,,,,,y_ ,, ,,,.,_,.·erm¤¤<»nt Joh. -<...1nt.r..1a Pelican,
announcement of the coming of "'l`hel l ; TT`! uk; 1··  }?r;·9I':U“ “T|;‘k:"*i   nncot the- strong Manual Trnlnlng Illnl. w_um_ut_m_mS` um, hmrmg my mp0rmI 
madcap comedlenne" Eva Tanguay, lnlnm N mm H " N ° A ’ IScI.ooI tcnm, of lxinlsxllle, 011 Stoll I I
a new farce with songs, "Mlss Tobas— which MIB wml an uumimodprn   Field, Saturday aI‘1er..oon, Ot·t..h.~r I0, UI me dmpwm mmmmewi
mn at the Hen Au Friday and S“m__ phase of Russian llfe." .,.h‘_ .Vm_,m`, Num wm nm may on Il<·porI of thc coinmlltcc which had
day. and Saturday matinee. This In H"` mst of Nrhp lenuw lmpkm this date, and the Freslinien will hold *’*‘*'*l ¤*l’l’•’***l'**l lll **•‘****’l *lll*‘*l lv 80**
piece has been the reigning sensation an Such wewknmm names as MI" the- center of interest. crn the- house was accepted by the so-I H   I S
W O · d F I ·, W . .
of most of the prominent European `1 at"? I;;d‘lE(;:°r H (Q1? Ma:] 'Ihe Louisville team will match up ,..9,,. to mk,} effec, at 0nc,._ The rules ` '
~ I ` 4 ` W' , l SB 1
capitals during the past season. lt ls I (`::):;°;;m Jagv vmrde Holton pretty evenly ln weight wlth th.- stat;. mpnrmd and accepted were {MRI are fast in color
from the pens or Janatt Horst and Ar- ' ‘ · ‘ l>o>·>·. uml the semc will vrelielily l>·· d df ‘
. ..dopte¤dYI   up. I
"The Blue Mouse." Miss Tanguay's *‘; when they end the season here with l and has taken on the dignity which,
I _, .. .. I » Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers
name ls certainly one to conjure wlth.I l’0l88ll & Perlmlltter an uD-t0- I the Freshmen team of the Ilniversltr ,,,.,.,,,,,,m."y b(.I0,,g,, to E body of th,_tI
u ,  
It ls a veritable box ottloe magnet than date garment ln three pieces. made I or Tennessee. ' (_hmacm_·
has never {aged to attract thegtralfrom material in the famous Snturdayl The probable lim--up of tho Fresh-; “r H T nuumme a member Of}   J D  
I . . . . , O O I
goers, and in consequence [hg|•@()f_ ghg‘ l*:\'PIllIlK Post BIOHES of MODtBKU€ m€I1 will bél ' EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT
ig the most, imitated gctrggg in th9;(ll8.FS," Bhd ])l‘PS8lli.0d by MRYIBKQT A. T. S. H8yd0ll ............ . ...... L. E. I uw mst Legislature in this State' was ’ QPECIALIST I
world, I-lor very name inspires new I H. Woods, Wlll come to the Bell All Hickerson ..................... L. T. _"*""*»*`** Sveeker of the **0**59 and lm' Glneee Ground to Order. 4* "
me, jgujty, happiness, and good gel.   Wednesday and Thursday. and Thurs- Simpson ....................... L. G. mediately took up his duties. He was! M°c*°"*"°d ¤**lld**`*9·
lowshlp. She has interpolated fifteen I dey matinee. direct from its secondl Dempsey _________,_______________ (;_ the popular choice of an the m8mbersI °ll`l¢¢ l’h¤¤• TEX Reeldence 73t)t .
musical numbers, all of which were I l’e¤l"S Pull Bl the Cohan Theatre. New   Spalding ....................... R. G. rpgurdless of politics and his service
Wyman by John Ford, and carries he.- York City. This is the play that creat- Serber ........................ R. T. _
_ ` lor the evening proved that he wasl
own special orchestra of tlfteen mus.- I Pd the Sellsetlofl 0f the Season by its I l . Hayden ..................... R. E. I ‘
c|gng_ The company gurrgunding the 0\’0l"Wll9ll`I‘llllg and lml1l€dlBl.0 SUCCESS. I (}I‘&bf9ld€l‘ Ol` S0l(* ............. R. H. the man for the place' and E muster 0fI
star are all actors ot Metropolitan rep- 4 N0 more remarkable and Substantial l Britton ........................ F. B. of Such ¤ Of the l¤¢¤¤>¤t l¤ their w¤rl°€l¤l¤¤ W"' be held- A °°mm**·I   21;** l;"‘i‘::'*g ;” Il':   ‘"h::;   Bicycles and Repairs, Pennants and Posters, l
‘ ‘ tee, composed of Leo J, Sandmann, L. " · K °" ** Y S v · ,
  J_ ammo", and E_ E_ Taylor was up Tuesday evening in the Mining lluild I fishing Tatkle ,
Klnkead (.:03,1 Co, pointed, who will have the entertain- *"“· '*`*'“ """"“’*"l* *’*""**"“ “"“*‘* I   Special Prices on Gymnasium Equipment, Eastman Kodak; ` I l
· • • ment in charge. They will be assisted *“*°"""l: I l I and Sllpplicl. Toy!. '
Anthracltc and Bltumln0u§ in their arrangements by Miss Mar—I w· Hr N""*· l)""”*‘l“'*'·   I F
CQALS ,,,,6,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,, ,,,,,, J,,,,,,,, B_ S. J. cancun. v1t—t»I·resl¤e¤»t. II I l46-l48 WEST MAIN ST. LEXINGTON, KY. "
_ Lycul <‘hristopher }•lyl, Secretary and ‘
Lexin ton - Kentuck I I . ·I
g ’ tee —e ————ryI All (`¤lll0ll*‘ =·li¤d€¤l¤ of the l'¤l·.‘"*“"“""`· I _;_QQ;"`.._.-.`; 
W. S.   ,.0c°pu0D_ S. J. t‘audill a1.d Mr. ll. t‘. 'Fhoinpson '_'_-  
_ I _______n_ about their experiences Ln the coul     & IMI   f
The Sanltary Grocer I Last year over $11,000 was spent tields last Sllllllllvl`. l I `Fl
Phone   ·   to support athletics at Ohio \\'esleyull M.-, Thomas Robinson, of the ’14  
Cor. 8. Limestone and Vlrglma Ave. lllll’el`Sll>’. class, was at the society meeting. He ,·
.;..—.......—....-.—-- I ·—‘*—·*•*· *··~· _has been employed as mine l°OI`t+llllillI °
I THE SHIRKER ALWAYS l by the Ilarby Coal t‘o., or Darby, Va.,l Incorporatde.
clearung PI-°··Ing’ Anerlng   A     I \\'llt*l‘¢‘, >illl('t: lllli |l,l'u,dUl.|.IiUH, ll\9 llU$l `
**El’***l*NG ' H ld A r I increased the output of tho inline frolll? I  
I "nc wor owes no man any more _ • • ·
..,000 tons to over 6,000 tolls. Mr. Rub-I I h R h N I   S l
I l I I i .? I g  
W. H,   fwan IB wu {ugly tries to put mw t Iinson`s excellent record .•.ttrncted thc! e 1 t O    
` ***" *'***** ***0 $*’“*‘*** lv sel ***0** °***I ,,,,0,,,,,),, of HH, North |·,,,, wml (·,_, I  
• 9 ' I f I X _ ‘ " ‘ '* I
Ladies Work d I°m’*f"H‘*;:*" hr; ’“ *"”“*’“‘* “’ *’"‘ l" ,..... ·.·.,... 1..... .....4. ...11..1 tt. .x....1.».· to .
Specialty -I" “ ‘ “"‘“ ’· °“"‘"”‘*’ "‘“* ““”"' ....t.- .-.....·t· ...· .. I .· ..1.-..- .......... I
tt. ....1.. ....0.. t... ..........- tt t....t·.., u_H__, ` "' " ' (70l.l.E(il·} W()RK A SPE(}lAL'l‘Y
Club R8t€S, 5S\IltS   {but on the tlnal reckoning he will l __r___i_ _ ____ I
to. s. om. .=...... tm-x I·‘~···~ ~*····‘l *·· l·l=· ¤··¢<>¤··¤~t **·*¤~·" Call and get acquainted I24-128 North Limestone Lexington, Ky. '
•_ I Itliink about lt. eltellector. with 0ur advertisers. I '

 I wi,
1f g
° EI 'I` H E I D E A 3
  Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q of Q Q Q Q Q' t1•·st1l11g naborntory ol' the- tTlvll Engl- 1-. ····11 1l1·~ s1..•·· I·l’¢:.l1l1lt·ll uml l,¤·xi11;;-  ·l•-nt att ll:·org•·town College at that Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
I   ··rlng ll· 1·l ·1t1 l` tl ~ Sttto l'nl- 111 lligh >l·· .*1 tritginmlly st-l1¤·¢l11l··¤I.....1 1.»·..1.1......—.-. 1... ..1.1..1. ..1... ......1.- ..1. ...; .~.-.- .1 ..1 ....-1.... is ..,1...g 1.. I`·III·‘>=····I IM ··I` I`I·I··=·¤···K·*··¢·I¤· ¤I·** 2:*******1 ‘;· r"r""'·'*`· Am'- ‘“·· E-
(·"Ik`Kp· ;u{[‘•·|>5 |() pay ()ll•‘-hfllll HIP VHS] Ul- (f()Il~ V .lIl`i1l1:.<' }Lllll1<'># '.‘.lllI I U\ IIIMIUII     VH), of ( h">"g°‘ lu>" r-oar. 1 A axwel K  
'_ *_· · _ st11.<·tim1 t1l` Hmtls ll` ll1•· Fllllllly 1Iu1:~•·>< .¥< howl uml .‘.o¤»1l\\:11‘l` >~o111~· lll1l· l‘ 111 tho vol- I
l‘ro1` \l1·l·`urlnnd 'll1•· evonln was { I ·~ — 1 ‘ 1
}   i 't_ (   I K '_ t the other ('()\llll.I*‘H take utlvtmtuge ol" "mm Imp" I···I··I···I=¤lI** II>I` UW ¥llY.l\I‘*I· MF A· (I-   4 I.—<1..1·· l1.i1·1·si¤,> NllI‘lll .\lo11’{ Phone 365
Yllllllti \\ilS 4·I•~¢·l•·•I |ll'|'5l<|'i“t IIN ¤*""lu'] 'I'l1¤· tlvlunllrna; r·ou111·il ol' the l'11iv•~l‘ ..1·...1 ut {Ill' trolliut; ll'2l·‘Ii :1.. IJ,|U*'.`€lS ¢1l`;|.HH__'| stalks hnmnjs; in .·|1urg•· or?
11•:¤l1·»11. II1·· 1·•·1nul11¤l•·1· ol ll14·¢·l`|l4·¤·l‘s guy of ;{....g...·ky has 1·1·e···iv•e¢l n (‘ll2l|·;Il`·' l<·IHIIl·‘k> 'Il`I*IlIIIH H*"`S'I II·‘·····I 1.11,..,. i,,.,.`m;u.g,,.. 11.. wm quil |·lt)III7
Iilll lw ··l.I<·l•·Z\llI`I1llI()II llI|`Ull);lI ther vo¤11‘l•·sy1S\m |v.'_mH4iSm U(_wbm_ 24. ` D  ,N I   I
` ' I"rII$'I‘~ U<·toI»or ]6· 'I`I¤*I r"mm“d€'r|(`ur0Iinu, for an IllI.8l`·('l)Ilf·‘gIU.l.H debate   l`r1~si1I¢:nt Ed. A. Tipton. The Mtll- Thu mary H $1 mm to $2000 at y‘_Au_`
I or UI" lrogrmn WIII <*·>l¤•·¤`. lII‘¤¥‘>I 8 3-m- UI 8 D·¤\· Ph€¤€ 8M·X
· · Y |’l‘<1l' li l·` I"l|l'l{llll8,K` of the- Depart ."'* ""'“" m Iiourlwri I UUIIU'- $¢+V*‘¤‘ulI
the Illll‘S ol biology and natural his- Judgt. L)-mlm (·ha[k1(.y' {mmm] a_.·..l,1y · · · t I 1 r _ l _ _' _ Y » ··———-·——··
- . . 111• 11t of l~L11glisl1 has been requested I···I···r MUUQUIS ol btate Unhersity ?•
""Y *‘r*` “"“*’d to b€"°m*` members or to the challenge uml .l.ow1·1l the effects of the- hard game ut State, amiiuonces that urr21n1;en1e11ts o11 'l`l1urst,1i1·11l school, at Louisville, und o11 Ucto— Saturday'-        
Stow, while the T, U. huskles kicked, to be held Ovtober 31, on Stoll Field. Q bor l•; ho will address a. conventionl -—-—·— _ 1 311 W nl . Su I
· passed and ran with the ball and{'l`ho meet is only for the students of   o1` several counties ut Springfield. I bumrday €V€¤l¤S U19 Hiarftage of •
scored almost at will. The report ls: this llnlversity who have not made-. -—-~ 1MlS° mm K' Pmmr to Ml" ”“Ig'“1 The Sr“d°nr· Ph°t°”.Ph“
1 I " · " · ‘ t ) A ' I ' H ° I » .
that T. U- wm have mp best mum ` plums on mw of me .VmSm1 mamS·1 .lr. Roy H. Ill0Illd“l, of the class 0f1ll1elp~1 tyreen, ofLh1tag0, will be tele R
~ 1 •¤•‘! o- · s · 3 —. . ‘ · *"“"`  `~*· ‘*
that has represented the University This new fealiiro has aroused consid-? l' "' nmdumpd from um depdrtmemgbldted dt the home Ot Mr' and MrS‘IBenkart A Fotech, Proprlctorl
' ' r · u ` , ' " ) * · .
for several seasons past. erahle interest among the students. lm mrwrb who rds mst ytar a popu j( ‘ b' [Omen On Last Maxwell Stmehl
  _“ Qlur ond successful teacher in the I·`ul·1 Miss Porter is a. very popular und'      
ll, .vol Davies, business agent 0I` the }.·mSmmm ut ·l~.-m,,.y1va,,iu [1mv€.·..to11 High School, is now instructor in 1 attractive State University girl, grad- my South L""••t°n• ggnn
l'11ive-rslty, arrived in Lexington last sity will wear green caps this y€u.·|l1istory and economies in the Shenan- uating in 1913 and taking the master's OPP°‘“° r::xr;?T"K;•°t°' ¤'°°k
.. _ . .. . , n o , .
Wednesday from Washington, D. C., 1,-, a(.(·(,rdam.€ gyith the dismiss of thgidoah Military Academy, 1n \\1nches- degree in 1914. Several parties on
, FIR - A W AR D
where he held a conference with Pres- S,,mO,.S_ The Seniors \vil mu-ry canes | ter, Va. this weeks calendar for her: Miss  
ident \Voodrow Wilson in regard to and ..4.,,,- mollwlgs as H mark of Crawl + + + _;__;_+ + it + Muyme Taylor entertained with al Meet Me After the Game ll
V ‘ the coal 111lners' strike in C0l0rad0.|.;1,,tm(-u0n_   + linen shower Thursday afternooml M  
The <·ommisslon for medlatlon of thel _-_._       + + +I Miss Elizabeth Rodes, Wednesday af- C
strike is composed of Mr. Davies and A School of Journalism l1u.s been es· I + °l° °r° °·° + °'°;|° °'° °r °'° + * °|' ,,.ruU(m; Miss Dome };m_ume_ Thu,-S. when ·u il wan md CWD.
\\’. ll. l•`uirley. They have for their tubllslwd ut the l’lll\'€l`>iIl)' of Mon-}\-EXINGTON AFTER day evening; Friday evening. Miss
. secretory H. B. Davies, the son of tant, ut Missoula, Mont., the purpose] FEDERAL COURT }>0pw;· wm bg at h0m9_ {Hot CEOCOIIIO, Clhdy llld [GG
Hywel Davies, who is now in Denver, and course of study of which ure sim-{ .;—..•...—..- 1
(‘ol0rudo, with Mr. Falrley, where they ilar to those of the recently estab-I Mpmbum of E18 Law I)el,m·tm€m NEWS OF THE OLD GIRLS‘  
ure trying to bring about u peaceful lished School of Jouriiulisin at tl1e;m._, quite imt1r(,S“,d in me QHONS to Miss Sue Mg-fhews 114, is in the OF;
· · ·· · ·· W I Ot on
S.·mgmgm_ University ot kentucky. Alhe mtu olltyublisll at l,·l.d€ml Coun in bcxiug. me of Dean Miller of me Arts and • . a,