xt7rn872wv72 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872wv72/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1947 journals 3_04 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.04. text Kentucky fruit notes v.3 n.04. 1947 1947 2014 true xt7rn872wv72 section xt7rn872wv72 num· _ *’.  
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R. H.
New " """‘*'*' ’_4 [
~01‘ am , “?`; i' ‘*· "`
ml in Vol.3—_·_V~_“—gg>g>g’_1~__l\’i¤r¤h. 1947   i,&,t_q;.4r  N0. 4
;e and .  
e a
  W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
1 "_"m· ORCHARD SOIL MANAGE- Seems to be corrected by the use of 1
_“ - _D_ MENT pound of borax, broadcast uniformly
>i>cciz;. around a mature apple tree. The
S btw A· J· OLNEY use of boron is not recommended
‘l15<·¤.> . Soil is of course one of the chief generally because it is toxic if too
¤1`<·¤¤f1 {actors in fruit production. lt must much is used or if it is not carefully
W SFF- provide not only the water and applied.
‘~*$‘l‘·¥1 ' soil nutrients needed by plants, but
l?*`lm· also the soil environment in which NITROGEN FERTILIZERS FOR
glu lt roots can thrive. Soils containing ORCHARDS
mil? the same mineral elements may dif- The only fertilizer element besides
fer widely in fertility. This is due boron that has been found to pro-
owtre to variations in size of soil particles; duce a direct effect on either trees
makt in proportion of sand, clay and the or fruit in Kentucky is nitrogen. The
attend more or less inert minerals; in ab- nitrogen fertilizers include sodium
vme ci sorption of rain; retention of capil- nitrate_ ammonium sulfate, am-
t and lary water; drainage of free water; monium nitrate, and calcium cyan-
and penetration of air. Thus, soils amide. All of these are good. but
may vary considerably from farm to calcium cyanamide should not be
farm and even from field to field on used on sandy soils while the trees
DICE the same farm. The best index of are in leaf. The percent of nitrogen
soil fertility is the growth of plants. should be noted. Sodium nitrate
tat the Most soils in Kentucky contain an carries about 16 percent nitrogen;
*ms t·· abundance of the elements essen- ammonium sulfate 20 percent; am-
ut the tial for fruit production, except monium nitrate 33 percent: and
·rs of nitrogen and, in some areas, boron. calcium cyanamide 20 percent.
centljv Nitrogen in the soil comes chiefly Long-continued use of nitrate of
Ken- ‘ from the decomposition of organic soda and calcium cyanamide tends
age tt matter and the work of micro- to make the soil alkaline, while am-
quicle organisms on the roots of legumes. monium sulfate increases acidity.
;— con— . Even on Kentucky soils that are low For this reason it is desirable to al-
peaclz in phosphorus for satisfactory ternate these fertilizers after a few
earl: growth of some crops. there is years’ use.
ground ` usually enough soluble phosphorus Most orchards need nitrogen fer-
.1ld be for satisfactory fruit production. tilizers every year. The rate varies
found. Likewise with potash, though the from 2 to 10 pounds or even more
senin: major part is insoluble, the soluble per tree on mature trees. depending
· Ken- portion usually is enough for fruit on the amount of growth. Trees that
2.   production. make a good medium growth tend to
Ken- Calcium is low in some soils, but be more productive than those with
ehead. fruit trees do best on slightly acid either excessive growth or poor or
todent soils and caution should be taken spindling growth. _
terior. not to over-lime. Sometimes, liming At one year of age, trees may re-
lcQ¤’· is necessary to obtain satisfactory ceive about 14 pound of sodium ni—
cover-crop growth. trate or its equivalent. The appli- ‘
The only minor element so far cation per tree may be increased
found to be deficient for fruit pro- each year by about ¥4 pound until
duction in some areas of Kentucky is bearing age. _ _
boron. A deficiency is indicated There is considerable latitude in
when corky spots are found in the the time to use these fertilizers.
flesh of the apple. This deficiency Split applications (that 1s. part used

 during late fall to early spring, and permanent cover crop. The lespe-  
part in June, depending on the size deza is not ideal because it dies in
of the crop) is a good practice. the fall, but it reseeds abundantly ari
To promote tree growth and aid in and the residue left during the win- 8
set of fruit, nitrogen should be ap- ter gives some protection from ero-
plied before April 1. The June ap- sion. The use of lespedeza over a
plication is used to promote the de- period of years has been generally
velopment of the fruit. The satisfactory from the standpoint of · U1
amounts to use at either time de- fruit production and the mainte. M
pends on tree growth and the size of nance of soil fertility. fe:
the crop, respectively. Many peach All sod systems of orchard man. of
growers consider a nitrogen appli- agement are subject to mouse od
cation immediately after harvest of trouble, and they provide a harbor . HF
great value in feeding the trees and to some injurious insects. _ st
strengthening the fruit buds for the ar
following spring. . pt
C It 1 °;a‘;'“ mi { _1 comme Mom
u ura ma emen o soismay .
be varied somewhat as to the use of A" J' QLNPX
cul{i\ra{ioi‘i and Coygy Ci·oi)s_ The RCCCIlt ()l.)St€Z‘I`\'llllOllS lll K(‘lllUCk}'
young oychard yyill need good cul{i- Z;lI`\Cl IlC‘lgllbOl`ll'lg Sl.EltCS lL‘Zld U) the
yg{ioi·i during {hg fii·s{ {hi·g€ yggps CODCILISIOII Ihilt the. SUCCCSS (li (.‘11C0tS_ and plums) is
muse ods. and pmblcmsl Every Kentucky arm u because it kills a number
_ _ _ _ . , , - of blossoms that might otherwise
{ibm _ apple grower would profit from _t f_ .t d b
Siudrag this ¤¤*i¤¤¤— A few com ?tmgL`;‘ ;i2€eiOpi""‘l§'3tt*L2eb’§?Z§a§§§
are available from the Illinois Ex- .
’ periment Station, Urbana, Illinois. bleeeems and Often Enters the twlgsi
)F cjausigg some oftéhi triiewlgrowtlihto
ie. e spores a eve o in is
BROWIg’ORI&?T'1£z(?I?lD ITS dtiseased tissue then serve eco carry
t e rown rot infections along and
ucky w_ D_ ARMSTRONG tigese later (cause infections among
’ in Dr R- H· D¤·i¤¤5· l°l=·¤i P=¤h<>l¤· aaligaieiiialiis Ztiiislieniiieiilii lleteilgi
md. gist Of the New Jersey a>=¤¤¤‘im¢¤i been serious a clean-u of all mum
lenns · Stati0n_ made a very interesting and migs from me ground gnd trees am;
ierim enlightening tink On b¤‘¤w¤ mt at the removal of diseased stems twi s
ined the recent Kentucky State Horticul- and wood is im Quant in réducg
iboui mi-ai society meeting at Mayfialdi {hg amount of inifection ar i€d 0 *9%
n O; Kentucky. The points he brought out from year to year Insegt gunctules
i O are Valuable le Kentucky reach of the fruit are also important places
if gi`0“`erS· Many Of these points are for brown rot to enter the reen or
_bmk related below for benefit of those ri Bum fruits Come ueng ood
i “T° mi ¤r¤S¤¤¤· as wai as 3 r¤mi¤d·¤¤‘ iaieet Faiiaai is a sig iiaeiaiiii isn-
'hmd for these who were piiesene trolling the brown rot disease
§ inc In parts of New Jersey, as in many '
`v.Q)`· p3I`t,S of K0lltUCk}', bl`OV\'H I`Ot is 3      
iight serious disease on peaches and `
- Oil plums. The disease appears in the Where brown rot has not been
, ° blossom blight stage, as well as on $€F10¤5. Suliui $Pi`aY$ OF (lusts €l¤Y·
8 in the green and ripening fi·uit5_ lng th€ last Hlollth b€fOI`€ h8I`\'€St
helps The brgxyn i·O[ munimicgv wiiich 8I'€ often SL1fl`lCl€Dt to CODtl`Ol. thé
S "e‘ are simply the remains of peaches disease. aiid many K€¤t¤¢l<>{ gl'0VY‘
  · V that were ruined and dried up by ers have succeeded by following this
nlzes  , brown rot. are the main factor in P_FaQi1€€· Oil ii`¤€ other hand, the Va- "
Elm carrying bl`()\\']‘] rot Ovgy from gpg I`l€t1QS and O1`Cl'l3l`ClS \Vh€I`Q brown
disc year to the next Also, brown rot rot is serious and ·where_ it starts
nal" is carried over winter in diseased with blossom blight mf€9tl0¤$»
nxi? twigs and old fruit stems remaining spraystfoi the aontrpl oflthlel d1seIase
— · on the trees. and in cankers. m¤S 5 ai` muc aa? l€l`~ ll €“’ el`-
¥ the Brown rot mummies that are left S€Y Wii€i`€ bl9$$0m_ blight and subS€'
nice hanging on the trees are considered qU€¤t fruit i¤i€·€ti0¤$ are anmially
nnn' m0l`€ dangerous than those that fall serious, the Experiment _ Station
`Ongn to the ground. The reason for this recommends an aiimlal Pink bua
·eneSj is that the mummies on the tree pro- D1`€-bi0SSOm_ Sl§i`aY_ of €liil€I` H2
Yem duce spores from early spring clear gallon of liquid lime sulfur or 6 `
D thc ` on through the season every time l£>0u¤dS wettablo Silliui P€l` lim gal'
$0 as they are wet by rain, The early lons. Where the blossom_ blight 15
Jglnii _ Season spores given off by these serious th€Y D1`af€1` the liquid lling `
nie I ti’€€ mummies cause the blossom sulfur at this time and emphasize
ge ef _ blight stage of brown rot and the that this material should be put on
me ` SDOFGS given off later in the season only up to the full pmk _bud Stage,
. iiiféct green and ripening fruit at because applications of lime sulfur
fenl ilai`V€St time. On the other hand, with blossoms open may C8l1S€ IH-
pnng the mummies that fall to the ground jury. This lime sulfur spray has also
ago; D1‘0duce spores only during the early been used by some Kentucky grow-

 ers with good results. Following this it advantageous to have a small ob:
pink bud spray, in problem orchards duster attached to their peach use
they recommend a full bloom spray brushing equipment so that a pro-
of 6 pounds of wettable sulfur per tective sulfur coating can be added pp
100 gallons. Sulfur is also included just before the fruit is placed into
in every spray through the season the baskets for shipping. l
thereafter for brown rot control. It Many new fungicides are being sur
was pointed out that the sulfur tried for the control of brown rot yea
sprays early in the season reduce and some are showing promise. sur
the amount of brown rot spore de- Until these newer materials have pir
velopment that would otherwise be been tested further, are proven and see
carried over to the green and ripen- are availabile, srgfur is the) material yic
ing fruits. we must epcn on or rown rot Bl:
Dr. Daines pointed out that durgng LOmm1'
warm, moist weather favorable or
brown rot, infection occurs in a mat-     IN . _?
ter of one or two hours. This makes ”“
it essential that the developing fruit W. D. ARMSTRONG  _ Ye
be kept coated with sulfur at all Strawberry variety trials at the . -
times during the few weeks preced- Western Kentucky Experiment Sub-
ing harvest. When the sulfur ap- station at Princeton have considered 19‘
plications are weakened or diluted chiefly berries adapted for shipping 19
by rains during this period they purposes. However, a number of 19
should be renewed as quickly as home-use varieties have also been 19
possible with spray or dust appli- tried. During lrecegit years Blake- 19
cations. more has usua ly een at or next _
The above discussion should make te the tee m _y}?1d among th? _ST0` ·,
it clear that the control of brown §§;€d Isorggqgl(gggvcizlgpglglkgglgfé Fi
rot is an individual orchard proposi- _tO6d in third' lace amén the shi _ =
eee ssd meeseees ther my ee eee- hn varietiespwith ug irates Se
eeeee ie eee eeeheee Weele be e gcrg while Tennessee snr er xgas r
complete failure under other condi- S8 Ohd with 157 Cmteq crpgire and ·
tions. For this reason, each peach Tecmmssee Beam MSI; with 180 · be
alld elem grower is urg°d to study crates per acre. yAr·oma, formerly ab
ms brown mt problem thoroughly one of the main varieties in this a
and take all steps necessary to con- Section mduced On] 70 crates er . av
trol the disease under his conditions. acm ’Bq3k€mOI_€ Em};1 Aroma Sad at
It is not enough ee Simply knock a higher ercentage of rotten ber- ve
the brown mt mummies feem the ries than peither Tennessee Beautv bc
trees. They should be removed OI, Tennessee Shi Q,. ‘ V}
iviofsrslibliaw tgmrilexigutrgxvilrige   Among the Softly; berries suitable fr-
from the ground, a disking just fm 2926. uig&6T\i,¤31€;S($1€ ixpgengi . 3
prior to blooming will disturb the Wa? lg dmM t- 1 tg 663;;] fa
mummies sufficiently to cause them gmc se b _ay 1m_€’d ang 1;; ty W
not to develop the small brown cup- OI?1€`uS° Guy' pm ucc cm es
like fungus growths that produce p.€l.laCri' T$Ijm€$S€1€ Sgpri;n€’ Very Z:
the brown rot spores from these S1m1§r,·?h·{€m1€l[·an Olin 30;],; th
ground mummies. No such growth Pageb     153 ree ?§at1.y’ ,au_ O,
develops from the mummies hanging 1% tegyfo gl?) SIZE E _lS “·";k_ , W
in the trees, since they produce a a_ap-Q ee Omg. use 91 qliu
- freezing, and has given high yields ~
g1§£i1§n;bg{/ieggsggggalggéeassggigg both at Lexington and Princeton. .  
in abundance to be spread over the Mayume IS `lmothel good quahtb  
· - soft berry, strictly for home use or M
ilgégl ?;l$ti£(g13§Sri;g0uFhi tgfgilvisg lgcal mapkeg, that hasdgiven ¢0¤· » €’t
Season srstent, satrs actory yre s over sev- }
' eral years. 15
In addition to the earlier sulfur Fairmore is another high quality, ` cl
applications applied through the dark red berry, but its yields have  · ll
season, it is advised that each been unsatisfactory at Princeton. A b~
grower apply a sulfur spray or sul- number of new seedlings put out T
fur dust immediately before harvest for· trial by the U. S. Department of · ff
operations. Many growers also find Agriculture are being tested and S4

 mall observed for their possible future average of 180 crates, Tennessee
each usefulness. Shipper was third with 155 crates
P1`0- and Aroma was a poor fourth with
ided ¤vE-yEAg VARJETY SUMMARY a five-year average of only 73 crates
into . per acre. It was also interesting to
_ Following the 1946 harvest_ a note that the home use and quick
·eing summary of yields for the past five freezing berry, Tennessee Supreme
_rot years was worked up and, to our yielded higher than any of the other
DISB. ` surprise, first place among the ship- four varieties mentioned with a
have ping varieties was held by Tennes- five-year average of 193 crates per
and see Beauty with an average yearly acre. A table showing these variety
erial yield of 185 crates per acre. The yields by year and age of planting
. rot Blakemore was second with a yearly follows:
Five-Year Yield Comparison Between Five Leading Strawberry
. IN Varieties, in Crates per Acre, with the Five-Year Average
· ~, ·,. i'I`•·nnc:4S·:•: liluke- •'l`t*llIl¢•!<2<··` l . .a·
the year arm har   H__um>_ ` more Shipmét, Aroma iT§&;¥é};<;¢
sub. l , ` ""¤;“
ered 1942 ............ lst year ....,,...... l 276 { 296 , 240 74 268
ping 1943 ............ 2nd year .......... J 257 J 192 V 195 101 251
. of 1944 ............ lst year ............ · 93 Q 175 j 96 63 142
been 1945 ...,........ 2nd year .......... l 118 120 . 88 55 101
ak€_ , 1946 ............ 1st year ............ [ 180 l 118 l 157 70 201
next l . »
‘ S0-   7 :
arie- Five-year average ....,....... * 185 | 180 I 155 l 73 193
nore [ · ; I
;hip-  —"`”;‘;*'_‘
was VARIETY DISCUSSION hardiness of the Blakemore plants
and Among the early season shipping will enable it to stand a bit more
180 berries, it will be noticed from the abuse. A survey of growers who
ierly above table that the Blakemore has have tried Tennessee Shipper indi- ‘
this a comfortable lead in the five—year cates that the majority are well sat-
per average over the Tennessee Shipper isfied with the variety and that they
had at Princeton. This Blakemore ad- intend to increase their plantings.
ber- vantage seems to be brought about They report favoring its larger,
auty by the extra vigor of the variety bright, firm fruit with its low per-
which enables it to set a good row of centage of rotten and cull berries.
able fruiting plants most any season and They also generally like the strong
·eme enables the old fields to come fruiting stem of the Tennessee ·
aper ` through late summer drouths in Shipper that holds the blossoms,
early fairly good condition. During two young fruit and much of the ripe
rates very dry summers recently, it was fruit up off the ground and the
very observed at the station and in com- mulch. As far as having clean fruit
:om- mercial fields in the Paducah area is concerned Tennessee Shipper
dark that Tennessee Shipper plants died does not seem to need a picking
vell- , out badly after the first harvest mulch as much as the varieties that
iick- i while Blakemores survived. bear their fruit closer to the ground.
ields Also, when a drouth follows Our tests have shown, however, that
zton. heavy barring—off of the Tennessee Tennessee Shipper profits as much
ility, Shipper variety after harvest the from an overwintering protective
e or . variety has been observed to make mulch as any of the other varieties. ~
COH- Qpoor come-back. For this reason, In the late berry class the Ten-
Sev- _ it is thought that Tennessee Shipper nessee Beauty has an outstanding »
is better suited to simple scratch five-year advantage of almost three
ility, ’ cultivation of the middles, between times the yield of Aroma, formerly.
have · the rows, rather than to heavier the main late season berry of west- -
n. A barring~off practices after harvest. ern Kentucky. This difference also
out 5 The same thing is true of Blake- exists in the Paducah—Mayfield dis-
it of · more; yet, to a less extent, since it trict where Mr. Leonard Overby of
and Seems that the extra vigor and Mayfield has had a three-year aver-

 age for his Tennessee Beauty va- whole, Elberta retains its lead as .
riety of 240 crates per acre com- the main commercial shipping peach OT
pared t0 a three-year average of 80 because it is well adapted and bears » lm
crates per acre for Aroma. This heavily in many sections_ is a good, ls
high yield, coupled with the fact firm, shipping peach, has size and $95
that Tennessee Beauty is a firmer, reasonable quality when properly ls]
more attractive shipping berry than handled. On the other hand, its buds l‘S‘
the Aroma and approaches it in size are tender to freezes and frost, its _ lll‘
of berry, is ample justification for fruit is often poor quality when im- (
the fact that a number of growers properly handled and its lateness “ we
will try out small plantings of Ten- often makes it subject to attacks of Ju
nessee Beauty in 1947. if this variety the oriental fruit moth. thi
eehtlhues to de well in Weslelh Halehaven, a good—quality peach ' °"‘
Kehlllfikyt lt C0l·ll€l ha\'e a bright l'·l· ripening two weeks ahead of EL P0
llll`e lh this al`ea Where a lale bel`l`Y berta has become the leading one of ml
ilfgthe ?l`0l'ha Sgaaoh :;*5 the T{€l¥ah; this season in Kentucky. This va- gg
a e 0 Celhlh Oh e lhal` C a rict* is hardier in bud and los`
the time when the earlier berries of thatlt Eybct-ta_ tends to Sctb ttcitliiii fir
the southern intermediate statesare Crops and gcnm-ally nccds heat.} tw
finished· While the Tennessee thinning. snum Haven is still is
Beauty lies l'l0'§ beizh 0th$el;`V€€l lhtla$ hardicr in bud, and ripens with  
lhahy paces lh eh ue Y es e Halehaven, but the tree is tcn >
Tehhessee Shlppeli lt (Tehhessee and short lived and the fruit, vslilile an
Beauty) S€h€l`3llY has Dl’0€lllC€‘d a excellent, is subject to cracking and G‘
g00d YOW ef nlents ahd seems l0 be brown rot. July Heath (Othcllw E8
€i2‘$‘i322l§§s ?r%`§3‘§§$` ii? t£`§g°'§‘§sp2‘3§’ “,, gm ‘*“‘*‘“’·` “’*‘“° °‘§“gS“’“* Si
` ` — · t at ri ens about with Ha char
The Dl8¤tS ale deep l`00le€l ahd bea? is doing) well generallv in Kentuclilel le
large €l`0D$ ef fruit elnse l0 the and in many quarters is liked for l
gl`0¤hu_ ave not yet ruite here._ It is
fini? Coming about three and one-half being W¤¥·¤d ¤¤ the lfovember issue of
t up hearing, and thc t-nct thnt tt docs ltentucky Fruit l\_otes. Undoubtedly,
Ssom not resist frosts at blossom time. A $0*TlO Of these will become of 1m·
nav`, firm fleshed peach ripening about l?Oll¤0<`0 to K€¤tl1Cky peach grow-
tom;. two days later than Golden Jubilee Cf? Tf€O§ have bO€¤ $€€¤Y€O for
Sith ts Tt.wgt,m_ Thth hunch ts tn-mnt., tiract plantings andreports will be
with better colored, has borne heavier at md 'O__flOm U_m€ to Um€· _
mdu Princeton. is a better canning peach iVdU€llU$ m_ 0*9 DYOSOUT- \'3i`1§?'€Y
white and the fruit hangs longer than Pldmtng at Prmcemn that are being
I and . Gntctnn Jubllcc and tt ts gcntirallhr discarded because of their softness,
mths) gaining favor. Early'Halehaven and 1¤¤lf h?fdm€$$» _5mall $1ZOi DOO?
Stone Fairs Beauty. semi-cling of high qual'l¥i_dl5caSO mluryi Ol`.b?cauS€
Event tluahltty. are showing some promise   gégggnb§;;€TJJ§;1€I§ti);r?;
uckvt or is same season. _ ~ {_
i ra - A tai- days diidtd of Golden ida- jtl}{1k¤d¤gtO¤¤<3lsé §=¤rly!}jgSs· g¤jtd
July lee or about four weeks ahead of _tbaT°‘ Hapgbi S°i)°ra’C_ Oni te '
if the Elberta is Redhaven. a firm fleshed t C1, att Cal QQ; utf? IO? nec ar`
favor . freestone of high color. A number mc` ‘m Ompars C €Iry`p um"
rther of trees are in production in Ken-
tthis tuek)'. Chiefly with variety testing STOP SCALE INJURY
’ and cooperators. and it is well liked. The DR. P. O. RITCHER
e, at. variety has to be thinned early, and with thc San JOSQ scale On the in,
few heavily and because of its early col- Ctnttsn in Knntnchv Orchards many
doing <>ri¤g there is a t¤¤d¤·¤¤>’ to rick it gi—dtt·ei—s need to take drastic action
on. too soon. Dixigem. introduced in non. it they at-C to prevent an in_
iaven ` 1945 by th'? U· S· D°l)al`ml°m of creasing amount of injury to their
s is a Ag¤¤¤1t¤·`s_¤¤¤l now Plimlcd but peach and apple orchards in 1947.
xcept not YM fmlled in K€muCkY· is of Some growers in the summer of
than - the same season as Redhaven and 1946 alarmed by dying branches V
sport i s°m° thmk It will bs 1m`gC"· and `the large number of crawlers,
ee in A hardy. white freestone of this applied summer oil sprays. These
rs of Same season is Raritan Rose, did some good, but if scale is to be
iction which many in Kentucky think is a kept in check thorough dormant
ship better peach than the older Cum- spraying is also needed.
than §J€l’lH¤Cl which ripcns a few days Where scale is gbundant the dori
ood Hier than Raritan Rose. inant spray shoul consist o an oi
bibly . Just a few days after. or almost emulsion containing 3 percent actual
ween ` with Red Bird in ripening, is Erly petroleum oil. This same strength
will Red Fre. This peach seems adapted material will also kill European red
rmer- ` 0Ver the entire southeastern section mite eggs which are apt to be pres-
gofth of the United States. It is not always cnt on apple trees if DDT was used `
just - 8 true frecstone and is slightly in the spray schedule last year.
imon- D0¤8lized in quality; however, it is Growers needing protection from c
en is f81‘ better than Red Bird and so far rosy aphis should use an oil con-
seems has not had the brown rot or blos- taining one of the dinitro com-
_b€i·tn ‘ som blight that hits Red Bird so pounds. s
tucky . heavily. For these reasons many are On peaches the same percent of
. enthusiastic about it as a variety to oil is needed. To control leaf curl the
nada, ~ l`€PlHCe Red Bird_ and its use on a oil should be combined with 4-4-100
nd is Small trial basis is suggested. Bordeaux mixture. Liquid lime Sul-
, Cflming just after Mayflower and fur. 1212 gallons per 100 gallons of

 sprziiy canfzrlsebe rised brit it li nlet HINTS AND OBSERVATIONB _
qui e as e ec ive or sca e con ro .
Peach growers wishing to use By W' W' MAGILL
tank-mixed oil emulsions can emul-
sify the bulk spray oil with the bor- LET THE   FELLOW
deaux mixture. Apple growers .
have a choice of calcium caseinate, Sellelel lepleeelllalllles ef e°m‘
bordeaux mixture, or one of the melelal eOmPe“les· .wll° llllenlled
commercial emulsifiers. Many elll Stale Fllllt Meellllg at Maylleld "'
growers, especially those with a few lll Deeemlleli edvlsed us lllel aV8ll‘
trees, will find it more convenient able. ellpplles ef Spley melellels and · W
to use one of the commercial oil lelllllzel lol 1947 wele qlllle llm·
emulsions or miscible oils. ltCd· lf YOU set YOU? SUPDIY ¤0W, ,
the shortage will not affect you per· V
Apply dormant sprays in the S°““lly· TREES re
spring before growth begins. If pos- _ _. _ iii
anne, select bngnt, eiear weather lgigiypulgseifes sold pug ellitncn T ·.-.~ r
when there is little wind. The tem- _. l°°S   ellllllly ‘ 00 llllll ¤?`
Q prices always stimulate the planting ni
perature should be above 45 F. Of new fruit trees - `
San Jose scale belongs to a pecul— DDT  
lar ereup ef small sucking insects Unless eodhng moth have become {I
called scales because of the scale- so serious in your orchard that the rr
like covering which protects their worms have been taking your crop ir
flattened bodies. It is hard to find in spite of a full lead—arsenate spray gil
a light infestation or scale, but when schedule. better net use DDT this 1 =>~
they are abundant they can easily Yeelq DDT Spleys deslleyi useful ll
kill peach and apple trees or greatly plllllslles bel lllll. l° klll mlles allll ,_
reduce their vigor. When numerous Woolll eph·lS‘ "hlch may thelelole l.-
. ’ become serious pests. 11
the overlapping scales appear on the rr
twigs and limbs as a grayish scurf. HISTORY REPEATS ;-
_ _ Will apple scab control be your *1
Young scales are barely visible to big fruit problem in 19472) Keep rrr  
the naked €Y€· Duflilg the $¤mm€i` mind that it has destroyed many A
months they crawl about over the