xt7rn872wc4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872wc4k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1959-10-21  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1959 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1959 1959 1959-10-21 2013 true xt7rn872wc4k section xt7rn872wc4k ""





Girl. Likes UK


drop sociology because of the difficulty with the textbooks, Miriam
Someone once said, "If you
dont like the weather in Ken , has had little trouble in undertucky, wait five minutes and It will standing the students or professors.
"The studies In my country are
Freshman commerce major Miriam Perdomo finds this statement much more difficult than . they
especially true. She comes from seem to be here," she said.
sunny Guatemala City in Central high school we may take as many
America where the tropical cli- as 14 classes at once."
High school students attend
mate is the same the year round.
aspects of Kentucky meet classes from 7 a.m. until noon
Miriam's approval, however. She and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon.
describes the Lexington scenery (Plenty of time allotted for the
as "Just beautiful,'' and she Is Im- .noon siesta I) Saturday mornings
pressed with the friendliness of are included in the schedule.
the students. In addition, sho "In Guatemala 'we stay in the
found the Keeneland races quite same room for all our classes,"
Miriam remarked. "The teachers
speaking Eng- do the changing."
Miriam has been
lish for only three years.
There Is no semester division In
Although she admits having to Central American schools. The


Julia Barnhart Instructs two coeds, Brenda Roberts, left, and
Deanna Gorman in a recent Tan Sigma practice session. Tao
Sir ma will bold these sessions each Thursday night for four weeks
before the actual membership tryouts on Not. 12.

school session is from mid-Ja- n
nary to
Several holidays Intervene, however. Labor
Day in Guatemala is May L


The Independence holiday, a
celebration of the freedom of
Guatemala from Spain in 1821,
comes in September. In April the
students have an Easter vacation
similar to ours.
Children start to school when
they are four. After eight years
they may leave school or choose
to study for five years in one of
several fields. They may even obtain a "bachelor's degree" for
further study in college.
There Is one university In
Guatemala the University of San
Carlos de Borremeo,"
Continued on Page S

Tail Sigma Begins
Membership Tryouts
Tau Siguais sow holding instruction sessions for students
terested in trying . out for membership.
They are held from 8 p.m.
each Thursday hi the Euclid
Avenue Building. The sessions
began last Thursday and will
continue for four weeks. The actual tryouts will be held Nov. 12.
To be eligible to tryout students
are required to attend three of
the four practice sessions, Julia
Barnhart, Tan Sigma member,

added that Tau Sigma would like
to encourage more male tryouts.

University of Kentucky

The purpose of Tau Sigma is to
give thoee interested in dance an

opportunity to participate and to
promote dance and dance ac- Vol.
tivities on campus. Tan Sigma participates In the
Lexington Jaycees Christmas program and other civic organizations functions.

Officers for this year are Martha
Keffer, president; Sandra Tatter-shal- l,
vice president; Lynn Bos-tic- k,
secretary; and Jo Core 111,
Miss Barnhart said about 40 students attended the sessions. She treasurer.



No. 18

Budget Off $11,275
Is Approved By SC

Student Congress Monday night largest single item on the SC Include $900 to help finance the
approved an estimated budget call- - budget. $2380. The SC president activities qf the debate team, $650
lng for expenditures of $11,275 for and judiciary chairman will re- - to the House Presidents' Council,
celve tuition expenses in the form '$310 to Stylus. $500 to
the 1959-6- 0 fiscal year.
$200 to the Men's Residence Hall
of work scholarships.
The congress also passed a mo.
Student government will make Governing Council.
tion tha.', it accept an income estiMost
budget items passed
mate of $10,375. To balance its $8,710 in grants this year, exclud- expenditures for the coming- - year. lng an addition of $250 to the. with no discussion, tut several of
me grants were questioned of
New members of the University Scherago, Vincent Cowling, Ber- SC will have to draw $900 from .grant list for Law Day expenses,
members of the assembly. There
Faculty were announced yesterday nard D. Kern, Vincent E. Nelson. its reserve funds, estimated by SC
Homecoming Dance will receive was considerable debate on the
by Dr. Charles Ellon, dean of ad- William P. Wagner. Lee W. Gild-ar- t, Treasurer Tom Young to be ap- - Yoan
$900 grant for the debate team.
Urest in! 8proximately $5,400.
missions and registrar.
Thomas O. Roberts.
said the dance will cost appro xl- Law School's delegate moved
From the College of Agriculture Included in the expenditures are mately $2,000. This expense will that $25 be removed from the de- The faculty determines the ed
........ n.fl..
ucational policies of UK, Dr. El- - and Home Economics are L A. $3,795 for personal services. These be balanced out by an Income of k.t. tn.tt
Bradford. A. J. Brown, George B. Include the salaries of the president roughly the same amount from debate team that SC will not alton said. Each member is elected
by the members of his respective Byers, Wyatt M. Insko, Don R. and Judiciary chairman, secretary the dance, he continued,
ways be financing its activities. A
Jacobson, George W. Schneider. In the Office of the Dean of Men.
departments for three years.
According to Young, last year's similar motion was made concern,ederml Homecoming
Stle' Gllbert T' Webs" sc 0,,,ce
Dance featuring the ing stylus.
from the College of Arts and ter. Abbv ' L. Marlatt and HHpn R taxes.
I. .7toppers cost approximately $1,
In both cases Dean of Men L. L.
Sciences are Arthur L. Cooke. Marshall
The salary of the secretary in 875 and grossed about $7,200.
Martin Informed the congress that
Lou Lecky,
John Kuiper. Emma
In toe College of Engineering the Dean of Men's Office is the Other grants to be made by SC the grants to both these groups
Hill Shine, William Ward, J. E.
has been reduced from last year's
Reeves, Bennett IL Wall. Richard are Samuel C. Hlte. Warren W.
Blanton, C. E. Henrickson, Ralph waiion, uavia K. Biytfte. R. S.
Weaver, Ralph F. Wiseman, Tullio Mateer. Robert A. Lauderdale Jr.
Questions arose concerning the
grant. It was pointed out
J. PlgUAni, and William K. Pluck- - WlUburt D. nam la from the r
net U
that $1,200 was granted to
College of Law. Morris B. Cierley,
were distribut that no
Elected from the College of Harold R. Binkley
and Carsle
buted. This, Dean Martin said, was
Agriculture and Home Economics Hammonds are from the College
because there were 54 mistakes on
Awere Richard A. Chapman. Mil- of Education.
the first 15 pages of the booklet,
ton C. Coughenour, Robert W. IL W. Hargreaves, Joe Logan
and it was decided to withhold disRudd, and W. O. Survant.
Massle and Luclan H. Carter, are
tribution of them.
New members from the College from the College of Commerce and
An additional grant of $250 to
defray Law. Day expenses was apof Engineering are C. P. Graves, Harry A. Smith, is from the Colproved by SC to be included in the
C. T. Maney and II. A. Roman-owit- z. lege of Pharmacy.
budget. This appropriation will
Ex officio members are Frank G.
Continued on Page 8
Dickey, Leo M. Chamberlain,
Dorothy Salmon was elected
Charles F. Elton. Frank D. Peter
frpm the College of Law, and M. R.
Trabue from the College of Educa- son, M. M. White, Frank J. Welch,
Kolaja To Speak
M. Stanley Wall, R. E. Shaver,
Dr. Jirl Thomas Kolaja, proWilliam L. Matthews Jr.. Lyman
College of Commerce elected V. Ginger, Cecil C. Carpenter,
fessor in the Department of
Wendell E. Seals and M. Rodman Herman E. Splvey.
Sociology, will speak to the
Sullivan Charles A. Walton was
Patterson School of Diplomacy
William R. Willard, Marcla A.
chosen from the College of Pharat Its noon meeting tomorrow
Dake, Earl P. Slone, A. D. Albright,
at the Donovan Cafeteria.
New Georgetown President
Leslie L. Martin, Doris M. Seward,
He will talk on Impressions
members from the Col- Lawrence Thompson. William E.
Dr. Robert Lee Mills, left, former UK registrar, was Installed
of the Communist Regime In
lege of Arts and Sciences are Grubbs, Roland W. Boughton
Jr. president of Georgetown College In a Friday ceremony at the
Yugoslavia. All Interested perJaqob II. Adler, Jesse DeBoer, and Philip Austin, acting SC
school. Dr. Dick Houston Hall, Decatur, Gan was the principal
sons may attend.
Maurice A. Hatch,' Arthur K.
speaker at the Installation ceremonies.
Moore, Edward W. Rannells, Kenneth R. Wright, Robert J. Buck,
Bernard Fitzgerald, Robert D.
Jacobs, Niel Plummer.
"winning," In the
thrill of fame; an old actress,
Paul K. Whltaker, Carl Cone,
William Saroyan simply lets completely
The Ouignol Players open their the Queen; and a dethroned boxer. these characters live out the lasc critics words.
Herber N. Drennon. Thomas P.
Field. II. E. Wetzel, Sidney J. Kap- season with an unusual play called These three have set up resi- days in the old abandoned theater Going all out in an attempt to
lan, Charles E. Snow, Richard S. "The Cave Dwellers." by William dence on the stage of an old aban- with the natural quality that communicate this "winning" quality
cast, consistthe
Allen, Wilbur A. Heinz. Frank A. Saroyan, tonight through Friday doned
theater which for them is play from the unashamed dis- ingisof Dave Browning, the king;
at 8:30 pjn., in the ' Laboratory
Pattle, Louis L. Boyarsky.
of all man's emotions.
the whole world.
Lucky House, the queen; Lamar
John M. Carpenter, Morris Theater of the Fine Arts Building.
During the play they are joined This play challanges the audi- Ilerrln, the duke; Jo Hern, the
The play takes place on an entirely bare stage, and one of the by a girl and a family made up of ence and actors alike, when their girl; Alvln Plok, the father.
are confronted with the
leading characters is a bear.
a father, mother, baby, and trained mindshumanity
Jane Cox, the mother; Bill How-erto- n,
Jam Session
and simple, warm
It concerns a strange and bear. The sanity of this mlcrocos-mi- o
the bear; George Smith,
existance Is violated by a love, which is presented in the the boy; Larry .Strong, the boss;
A Jam session will be held in wonderful group of people who are
old and degenerate, and want to milkman's son,
who steals the play.
and Don- Galloway, the helper,
the SUB Ballroom this after,.
It Is William Saroyan's ability Jamie.
noon from 5 p.m. Music will live in the past where they were heart of the girl, and a wrecking
'' )
crew which has the job of tearing to make his fondness for battered
"The Cave Dwellers" has been
be funil&hed by Dave and his in their glory. .
In the play are an! old clown; down the theater In which they humanity seem real, and healthy one of the most popular plays
Collegia tes.
the King who once knew the are living.
'and joyful; which makes the play among the critics.

New UK Faculty
Announced Monday

K-Bo- ok.


K-Bo- ok

K-Bo- ok,






Guignol Players Open With 'Cave Dwellers'




� XIJEr KENTUCKY KERNEL Wednesday, Oct. .21, 1959


Med Center May Change
Folkways, Thompson Says
"The University's new Medical
Center may well bring a different
order of .things to rural Kentucky
as far as health Is concerned but
it .will wreak havoc with a fabulous tradition of folk medicine."
Thus writes Dr. Lawrence S.
Thompson, director of UK Libraries, in .the current Issue of the
Kentucky Folklore Record.
rGone will be the granny woman
and the thrush doctor, gone the
last phrenologist (one who studies
the skull formation as an Indication of mental ability) and the
last ginseng hunter," Dr. Thompson states In the study, entitled
"The Vanishing Science."
Among superstitions believed not
to have been previously recorded
In these forms and cited by Dr.
Thompson are "a penny placed in
the fist of. a new born infant will
insure prosperity for him throughout life (Pulaski County).
"When the new mother first gets
out of bed, she should walk around
the room' in her husband's shoes
to make sure he will be faithful
to her in the future (Cincinnati
Negro who .was born In Lexing"




Unrecorded remedies for thrush

are "Hang a chicken foot around
the infant's neck (Owsley Coanty),

put an onion under the child's
pillow (Fayette County; informant a native of Hell County), and
feed ' the child nanny-go' (Clark County)."
A buckeye carried in your pocket
"has many virtues," Dr. Thompson writes, "but its specific medical qualities are to protect against
tuberculosis (Kenton County), boils


The rilkin nub will meet at
noon today at the Maxwell Street
Presbyterian Church. The Rev.
John King will speak to the


(Christian County), headache and

The power of the rattlesnake's
rattles ' is enormous, the author
writes. "In a Juke box located in
a questionable road house (now
closed) on the Fayette side of the
Clay's Ferry Bridge, two strings
of. rattles hung for luck, according to the proprietress (from
In Nicholas County, "burr tine
In a garden Is a protective against
poisonous mushrooms," and "domestic, but not wild, ginseng will
cause warts to disappear If rubbed
on tbem at Easter."
Among methods to get rid of
worms which Dr. Thompson has
collected during the nine years he
has lived in Kentucky are sassafras tea, popular throughout
pumpkin seed tea (Montgomery County); "drinking water
in which a cat or dog has been
dipped (Lawrence County); and
uncooked corn on the cob."
Writing on - phrenology. Dr.
Thompson states that it had a
sophisticated group of devotees.
The "Kentucky Reporter," an



UK's Lute
Is Made
Ky. ColoneL
UK Band Director Warren Lutz
was commissioned
a Kentucky
Colonel Saturday night immediately , preceding the Marching 100's
appearance at the L.S.U. game.

Governor Chandler's citation
said the award was presented to
Lutz "in recognition of his outstanding service to the Commonwealth through his work in making the Marching 100 a nationally
'famous organization."
The commission was presented
by Dr. Worrell of the UK music
department during the band's
pre game warmup.

Today's '
JVDKY Schedule


running this advertisement in December, 1822, "for no less learned
a scholar than the Inimitable
Itaflnewqe: .'A discourse
by request on Phrenology, Cran-Jolag- y,
and the Analysis of the
Human mine, on this evening at
7 o'clock In the Medical Room.'"
Dr. Thompson adds "the distinguished Charles Caldwell of Transylvania University's Medical Department was completely taken in
by the new pseudo-science- ."

M. Emmert, UK Agricultural lcles were scattered and a second
Experiment Station horticulturist,, layer of plastic was placed over
announced that a double layer of the soil and secured at the center
plastic mulch on early vegetable and edges with more soil.
This system provides a dead air
plots produced larger early yields
space between the layers, he said.
single layered plots.
BOth layers can be machine laid,
peed or plants were planted he added.
througti holes or slits made
Emmert estimates that the top
through the double layer of thin layer gave him a week's earlier
production. He noted that the
tin nnderlayer of black plastic clear plastic top layer gave him
was laid over the furrow In the a higher soil temperature on sunny
normal way, Emmert said. Over days than if the top layer had
this first layer, coarse soil part- - been black plastic.




Women's Club
The drama group of the UK
Women's Club will meet at 7:30
p.m., October 2L at the home
of Mrs. James W. Martin, 211
Tahoma Road.
The program wiU be a group
reading of a current Broadway


All Times Are CDT
p.m. Music Humanities.
. 5 pan. Dinner Concert
6 p.m. News Digest
6:15 p.m. Sports and Campus'
6:30 p.m. Reading the Writer
6:45 p.m. UN Story
7:00 pjn. Ways of Mankind j
7; 30 p.m. Music Magazine
7:55 p.m. News
8 p.m. Musical Masterworks
11 p.m. Sign-O- ff

Con-stanti- ne

Plastic Mulch Aids Crops

'lilts' jw


UK Horticulturist Finds

Delta Zeta Elects
Pledge Officers


Pitkin dub


Fiji Pledge Class
Chooses Officers





Educational Leaders To Hold Conference
An address by Dr. Clarice Wills,
The Kentucky Association on
Children Under Six will have a "Programs In Early Childhood
Education." will conclude the
conference at UK October
Registration will begin at 1 p.m. Friday program.
30-3- 1.

October 30.
Dr. Opai

Wolford . and Dr.
Jeanne Kuhn, UK associate professor of education, will speak on
nursery schools and kindergartens
at 2:30 p.m., followed by a panel
discussion and reaction groups.

em dilv

trse p.m.

Now Showing!
SMriy MmIin
David NivM,

Aden, a British crown protectorate, is located at the point
where the Red Sea meets the
Arabian Sea. Aden has a popu:
lation of about 650.000.







(Sth itrtmrt

UH Chm4r



The Pledge class of Phi Gamma
Delta elected officers Wednesday








Those elected were Cliff Holli-da- y,
president; Howard Roberts,
vice president; Ed Stum, treasurer;
George Mills, secretary, and Mike
Borardus, historian


Larry Proctor was chosen




Henry Evans, song leader.






iimwotow mwtxcKT

. . . 7&




Bob Jones was appointed captain
of the football team; Malcom CofN
man, counseler and broker of
Jim Howell, act've

The pledge class of Delta Zeta
sorority elected officers at their
meeting Monday.
Those elected are Emajo Cocan-oughe- r,
scholastic chairman; Polly
Bottorff, standards chairman; play.
Noel Rohyons, activities chairman;
Virginia Klaren, junior Panhellenic
Reading Termites
representative; Maxine Cates, pubNORMAN, Okla. (AP) Twenty-nin- e
licity chairman.
copies of "Our National ForShirley Boyd, music chairman;
from the
Ana Hankins, courtesy chairman; ests" had to be removedlibrary bepklahoma
arid Julianne Russen,- partlameri-- '". Vnifcrsity of tarian."-- ,
"':.':'':.".: :. Vv; ... cause .they were ' damaged, b j








vir cars' oa ivV the ughts go off











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r tare 'selara.-.JthA- e

a sandwjch company ana.stme wq

. likes


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� --


21, 1959- -3

United Nations Program
Is Scheduled For Friday

Panhellenic's Lances Action
Causes Rise Of Indignation

of the Student Union Building.
countries' unique approach to the
The program is being sponsored subject. Other speakers are Sylvia
by the Cosmopolitan Club, the Paes, India; Elsemie Esser, Ger- YMCA, and YWCA.
many; Oabor Escodi, Hungary;
The theme of the event will be Sammy Sad, Jordan; Charles Cap- "What the United Nations Means stick, UK, and Jose Fandlno,
to My Country."
Quest speakers to be featured
Following the program an Inter-ar- e
Dr. E. O. Trimble, chairman national dance will be held In the
of the Department of Political Ballroom. .

Panhellenic, the governing body
of the 10 sororities at UK, unanimously agreed at its Oct. 5
meeting to abolish, individual
sorority competition at Lances
Carnival and produce one show.
Since this action, a flurry of
Indignation has risen from fraternity groups and independent stu-

United Nations da?. will be ob- - Science and Bill Nelkirk, editor-in- 6em d this year with a program chief of the Kernel.
at 7:30 p.m. Friday In the Ballroom
Student speakers will give their

Tau Beta Pi
Gives Award
To Gibson
John M. Gibson, UK sophomore,
was presented . the Tau Beta Pi
award for the highest scholastic

standing during the freshman year
in the College of Engineering.
Bobby Oreene, vice president of
Tau Beta Pi, presented the award
during the recent engineering convocation in Memorial Hall.
The award, a personalised slide
rule, was donated to Tau Beta
PI by Rows and Company distributors of Post Equipment In the
Lexington Area.
Tau Beta PI Is a national engi

Elsey Addresses
UK Engineers
Prof. Edward E. Elsey spoke
before the student chapter of the
American Institute of Mining


and Petroleum Engineers
Thursday on interviewing procedures and what UK does for its
The head of the engineering
placement service discussed demands for engineers. Importance
of company training programs, and
guides to choosing a permanent
His talk also covered the responsibilities of the company, the
university, and the student in
conduct and methods of interviewing. It was attended by about 40
uppercla&smen from mining and

metallurgical' engineering.

neering honorary fraternity com-po- e
ed of members from all depart
ments in the College of Engineer


"By concentrating our efforts on
a few larger campus projects, we
feel that there would be more
enthusiasm and more time for
study," she added. ,
Lances members who were interviewed feel that the carnival
and dance were moderately successful, but that the combined




was missing. "However," he stated,
"there is too much emphasis on
trophies and not enough on the
real value of providing scholarships for deserving students.".
A Theta ' said,
"There are so
many queens' elected there Is1 no
honor or thrill to any of the elect-Ion- s.
There H some big ' event
every weekend' of first semester
and people finally lose Interest"
Her opinion was upheld by an
Alpha Gam and a Kappa Delta
who added that annual activities
get old after a period of time, and
sororities and fraternities prefer
more time for
their individual
parties, which are smaller and less

Members of
Fanhellenlc said from the carnival's success.
"Panhellenic destroyed. much of
dropping out of some of the
annual campus activities had been the spirit, but we must not lose
a point of discussion last year, sight of the fact that the real
out a definite move had never purpose Is to provide scholarships
been made on the activitiesc in and not to entertain and get
trophies," said Garryf Slpple.
which they would participate.
Martha Sherfey, Alpha XI Delta. Bob Wainscott thought that
said, "The seemingly endless list much of the idea of competition crowded.
of programs which sororities are
expected to promote must be halted sometime, and that time seems
to be now.
"One Objective of our organization is to cary out the desires of
the 800 sorority women on campus,
and the general opinion Is that
scholarship could be improved by
For ALL Occasions
fewer activities," she said.



"Panhellenic thought that



side activities were becoming
bothersome rather than being entertaining as they were originally


120 S. UPPER

Intended," said Judy Pennebaker,





Chi Omega.

New 1960KM brings you taste... more taste...


The purpose of the fraternity
Is to recognize outstanding scholarship and exemplary-- character of
engineering students.

.Moret aste m

Anyone Interested in being on

the Steering Committee for the

World University Service drive
should' report to Room 294 of
the SUB today at 4 pan. Barbara
Wall and Clark Gorxaely are
of tbo committee.


Miracle Tip


unlocks natural tobacco flavor!

Named President
Of Assembly
Dr. Frank A. Tattle, UK profes
sor of psychology, was named
president of the American Society
of Clinical Hypnosis at its annual
assembly in Chicago last weekend
While at the scientific assembly,
which is composed of doctors,
dentists and psychologists inter-- 1
ested in the clinical application of
hypnosis, Pattie spoke on "Hypnosis as an Aid in the Wearing of
Contact Lenses."
Pattie Is a diplomat In clinical
psychology- of the American Board
of Examiners in professional psy
rho'ogy, and is an associate editor
of the American Journal of Clin
leal Hypnosis.
An author of several articles on
hypnosis, Pattie contributed sev
eral chapters to a book, "Hyp-- ,


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More taste by far...yet low in Ua..And they said "It couldn't be donel"

� The Barristers' Rebirth
Throughout the history of the


tradition has
versity, a
prevailed that Law students, those
esoteric barristers who are noted for
their youthfulncss, flippancy, and exuberance, would whistle at pulchri-tudinoyoung ladies meandering
past their haven, and pitch pennies
on the steps of their building.



But, alas and a pity, we hate to report that a transformation has occurred in the halls of that edifice indeed
it is a change that is above every
change. We shed tears at the thought.
For our barristers are now dignified
and dead serious, as befitting to the
professional members of their unique
society. By a simple donning-the-derb- y
ceremony, they have altered
their complete philosophy and are1
as lawyers should
and seriously.

cold-heartedl- y,

This is particularly Irking to us, for
since time immemorial, we have toss-- ,
ed flaming swords of sarcasm and
cast myriads of aspersions at the
formerly ebullient and enthusiastic
group and we have received the same
sort of verbal battle from them.
When one places a derby upon his
cranial ball, he is constrained to follow the ideal it symbolizes for the
rest of his natural life. Striving to be
like his fellows, he must walk circumspectly and be a witness of his convictions in order to create newness of
This is why we are weeping. For
dignity and a serious mind are indeed the best of all virtues and good- ness, and we can no longer criticize
and satirize our beloved barristers.

Carteea By Hank Chapman

" think it's about time to quit this teaching business,

Yes, suh.

The Readers' Forum:

Comments On Politics, ROTC, Lawyers
other by Jones? This

Politics Clash
To The Editor:
UK.SC politics is back in swing for
another year and once again we have
a good opportunity to see human
beings in action.
Now that SC has settled, down to
a reasonable state of normalcy, it
might be time to see where things
stand now and what might happen in

the future.
Taylor Jones has finally, been installed as president of SC. His fight
to avoid another election last spring
might have been the reason he went
oa pro and is now unable to assume
the powers of the SC presidency .x
This all brings up another question. What position will Jones hold
in SC until he regains his eligibility?
And what real power will Phil Austin
exercise as temporary chairman of the
It would seem that Jones would
have appointed someone to take his
place who would carry out some kind
of Jones program. In the case of
Austin, however, Jones may have another reason.
Way last spring the name of Phil
Austin was mentioned as a possible
CP nominee for president in 1960.
What better way would there be to
groom a potential candidate than to
set him up as a "temporary president?"
Oddly, Jones and Austin, though
in the same party, are quite different
in their political thinking. While Jones
was fighting the NSA issue last spring,
Austin was not active in SC, but he
was very much in favor, of NSA.
If Austin should choose to propose
his own programs as temporary president, his ideas would probably be
more in line with the old Pete
ideas than with the man who
appointed him to the top post.
Although Jones officially has no
power in SC now, this is only an
official matter and nothing more. He
maintains control of CP party machinery and probably has enough
influence in the assembly to muster
a fair amount of support.
It is obvious that Taylor will not
sit back for a semester and not make
'action on some
some effort to get-Squestions.
This brings up another question.
Wliat happens if two programs developone supported by Austin, the
Perl-man-- SP

especially if Austin starts thinking
about NSA again.
This also brings up the issue of
where the SP will fit in all this. If the
party's choice was left between Austin
or Jones porgrams, they would probably back Austin.
The SP future is a bit bleak for
regaining control in the next assembly
since four of the eight seats in the
coming election are held by them.
The CP holds three and one, the
College of Law seat, is held by Bob
Manchester (SP), a consistent Jones
The chances of an SP program in
the assembly are slight, but the party
will have a great deal of influence if
there is a choice between Austin and
Jones ideas.
Potentially, the political differences
between Jones and Austin set the
stage for a battle that could be much
bigger than any election contest.


The Cracker"
New Physics. Garb
To The Editor:
Noting with more than passing interest the new .symbol of the esprit de
corps in the Law Department," we
took it upon ourselves as a
committee to see if we could
not emulate our colleagues in the
matter of wearing the proper attire so
that all the world will know, what our
major it.
Being physics majors presented the
little problem. Waves of horror shook
us when we came across the idea of
succumbing to the popular misconception and stereotype of a scientist.
It was felt by all, that we too, could
not look backward in time and don
the garb of an ISth Century man of
science. Hence we have dopted what
we term the Forward Look, a phrase
which we think adequately describes
our costume. After much thought and
research, we have decided to adopt
the Buck Rodgers uniform No. 1856.
The colors will be fluorescent orange
with chartreuse trimming.. The pocket
blaster will be the neuronic whip No.
5, which we feel will be adequate to
practice fast draws on squirrels.
Instead of standing on the steps of
Pence Hall and whistling at girjs, we
have decided upon yell, "EMCa"
which we shall shout with glee at a
pretty young thing passes by, and we


shall nod at each other and mumble
obscenities in terms of the Schroedin-ge- r
will first be donThe new costume
ned in public on the steps of Pence
Hall, Feb. 31, 1960, and for festivities we shall have on