xt7rn872wc30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872wc30/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-01-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 15, 1954 1954 1954-01-15 2013 true xt7rn872wc30 section xt7rn872wc30 The Kentucky Kernel
or kknuckv.

i'M i:i;snv




ki.m i ckv.


i.iday. januai.y

Efforts To Provide
UK Medical School
Will Be Continued

State Funds Fail
To Cover Deficit

Kentiickian Prices
Will lie liaised
Last chances to buy a ' 4
Kentuckian at the rrguiar price
tif S3 will be given during registration for the second semester,
Kay Jones, Kentuckian business
manager, has announced. After
this time, Jonrs said, prices will
be raised.


UK's chances for a medical school remain unchanged, in spite




various news stories to the contrary.
Gov. Lawrence V. W'etherhy. contrary to stories carried in the
after he
papers and the Iouisville Courier-Journa- l
the budget to the General Asscmhly on Tuesday, did not
ignore the recommendations of an advisory committee on medical
education to cstahlish a medical school at the University.



UK Budget Plan Cut
By Over Two Million


Papers Have The Facts,
Give Wrong Impression

i. wi





the next two ears was
cut to
er two million dollars, in the
budget hill presented Tuesday Ixfiue the GeiiciL.I Asscinhk by
Gov. Lawrence W'etherhy.
The Uniersitv had asked lir an appropriation of VS.7 lu.TM)
lor each of the next two vc.irs. Instead, it will s,tt S t.7l."()0 for
the lirf-.fiscal vear and the same a
nut for the next ear.

induct request of



Seven Students

of ox


Dr. Donovan points out that, "the
In comparison to this year's bud- get. the University will get an in- - increase in the new budget from
crease of approximately one-ha- ll
State funds will scarcely off-sthe
loss of revenue from the Federal
million dollar.-- , of state funds. However, the University at the present Government, since there are practime operates on a deficit of nearly tically no GI's of World War II enmillion dollars. Ac- rolled in the University. The FedSix UK students and one former three-fourt- h
student now enrolled in the Univer- cording to President Donovan, this eral Government does not pay the
sity of Louisville Medical School deficit is being taken care of out of University any tuition for Korean
were initiated into the Alpha of lederal hinds which come from GI GI's. However, the government does
tuitions and rent collected on fed- give the Korean veteran certain
Kentucky chapter of Phi Beta Kaperal housing projects, such as benefits for his own personal Use.
pa last week.
CcMiperstown and Shawneetowu.
"The increase recommended in the
One of the initiates. Floyd Camnew budget increases the UK Exmack. graduate student in modern
periment Station bv Sfi'l.nno and the
foreign languages, receativ won a
Agriculture Extension Division by
Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford Uni$78,150. These funds, however, can- versity.
for any other purpose.
not be sjx-nOther initiates, their home towns, W
The new budget will not allow for
and majors include Diogenes iDick
any increase in salary for faculty
Allen, Lexington, philosophy: Paand staff members, nor will the
tricia Hervey. Mountain Lakes. N.
carry on
J., modern foreign languages: Sally
The first in a series of lectures to University be able to However, an
Hill. Ashland, library science: Mary be sxi!Mred by the Kentucky So- expansion program.
Ordell Ray. Dypio. anatomy and ciety of the Archaeological Institute buildini! program underway at presphysiology (now at U. of L.i: Nancy of America will be given tonight in ent will not be effected by the new
budget. Funds for such' construction
Allen Turnian. Ashland, ancient Memorial Hall.
languages: and Mary Conrad Voor-he- s.
Tonight's speaker is Dr. Schuyler work have already been approLexington, political science.
Canunaii of the University of Penn- priated.
The new budget will go into effect
Dr. Carl B. Cone, president of tlie sylvania Oriental Museum. He will
at the beginning of the fiscal year,
local chapter, conducted the cereuse as his subject "The ReconstrucJuly 1. 1954. Pr.or to that date the
mony. He was assisted by Dr. Man-ric- e tion of Old Angkro."
Hatch, treasurer, and Miss MarAccording to Dr. Jonah W. D. University comptroller, vice presicolleges will
garet Bell Humphreys, secretary.
Skiles. vice president of the society dent, and deans of the
A tea for the new initiates was and head of the Department of meet to discuss expenditures for the
held at the UK Faculty Club followAncient Languages at the Uni- next two years. In turn, each dean
ing the program.
versity, they will present seven lec- will meet with the heads of his
Phi Beta Kappa was founded in tures during the current school year. .department in order to work out
1776 to recognie high intellectual
Dr. Skiles has
the other departmental
l').::-5- t
liu.l-- rt
t ut
attainment in the field of liberal speakers as: Raymond H. Thompson,
arts and sciences.
Curator of the Museum of Anthro- $4,412,500General University for the
to the
pology at the University of Kenwas
tucky Jan. IS. "The Problem of In- current fiscal year, but this
ordered tut by $278,830 last July
ference in Archaeology:" Dr. Wilwhen the governor found that the
liam S. Webb. UK professor of
would not receive in income for
and head of the Physics state
general fund purposes enough to
PreDepartment. Feb. 25. "The
cover the amount estimated in 1952
historic Village at the Mouth of the
appropriated to various agencies
Jonathan Creek on the Tennessee and year.
Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha, naThis fall, in asking for an increase
S. Smith of the
Dr. William
tional music fraternities, will
in its appropriation for the 1954-5- 5
Boston Museum of Fine Arts. March
the Sunday Afternoon
school year. Dr. Donovan based the
at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial la. "Recent Discoveries in Egypt;" request on five factors: 1 To reDr. Henry T. Rowell. president of the
store to the budget appropriations
Featured soloists for this concert Archaeological Institute of America. of the University the cut made in
will be Sally Hoffman, soprano: Jo April 20, "Ostia. the Port of Rome:" July. i2 To make up depleted reAnne Thomas,
and Dr. George W. Radimeiski of Michi- serves built up during the post-wDavid Schmieder. ilutist. One of gan State College. April 23. "Life in years and used to supplement state
the featured performing combiiia- - the Middle Ages:" Dr. John D. appropriations. i3 Critical needs
Coonev of the Brooklyn Museum.
tions will be a brass choir.
for salary adjustments for academic
The program includes "Concerto April 2J. "Treasures and History of
personnel. i4 To
in the and
by Vittorio Giannini. the Egyptian Collection
for Trumpet"
; meet
the continuing impact of inBrooklyn Museum."
"Concertino" by Ernest Bloch. "Mi- randa" by Richard Hagemaii. "Three
and Dr. Radimeiski flation upon cost of supplies and
Dr. Cooiu-Constructions for Woodwind Quin- - will be the principal seakers dur- materials, and 5 To strengthen
tet," Opus 38. by Norman Cazden. ing
the University's Foreign Lan- ' the program to serve better the
"Four Figures in Time" by Burril
people of Kentucky
guage Conference.
Phillips. Prelude for Two Pianos''
by Beryl Rubensiem: "Joy" and
"The Junk Man" bv Howard Swan-- t
son, "Sonata for Organ and Strings" Book-Exchange
by Daniel Pinkham. and the finale.
"Introduction and Allegro" by Rob-- i
ert Bcadell. which will be presented
by the brass choir.
Non-Prof- it
Barbara Weesiier, a senior m the
Music Department from Iiulianap-- !
ice project by Wesley Foundation,
olis, is president of Phi Beta, and
r.v i i.aim: mookh
student Methodist group, at the stuAlbert Asch. a senior from Ludlow,
is being dent center. 151 E. Maxwell, across
A student
is president of Phi Mu Alpha.
The next inusiiale wl be pre- set up for L'K students to provide the street from the Shrmcr's Hosa means of exchanging this semesented on Feb. 14 and will feature sters books and ones for next se- pital. money
will be exchanged un'il
King and Anno Kiviniemi. mester. The Exchange will be opeJames
the book is sold. If students particiit
basis as a serv- - pate this semester tiie project will
members of the music faculty.
rand on a
be continued in the f.i'ure Wesley
Foundation will bear all expenses of

training facilities for doctors in the
state. The University of Louisville
has the only medical school in the
A medical school built according to
niemhers of UK's version of the I'olar Hear Club line up heliind
UKADY. AIM. I UU:'.!-Fo- iir
newspapermen covering the stories recommendations of the committee
Nliller Mall lor a traditional snow hall fiiiht. Niemhers of the warm natnred quartet are . left to
for the local papers had the right would be large enough to graduate
Toss Dimlap, (,'hickie Schrider, and Jovce Stevens.
right. Nlary Louise blake-more- .
75 doctors a year and would have
facts but the wrong inferences.
500 beds.
a hospital with
Intrndrd For 1356 Legislature
Would Need Over J15.000.00l)
He explained that the committee's
To build such a school, the comrecommendation, made last month
in a report prepared by the Legis- mittee estimated that $15,731,250
lative Research Commission, was in- - would be needed. Taking into ac- tended for the 1956, not the 1954 count the possibility of $5,500,000 in
federal grants, the committee said.
Dr. Massie said that Gov. Wether- - in its report prepared by the Leg-b- y
did not mention the medical islative Research Commission, that
Sorority quotas will be raised to until bid day. Feb. 20. Informal teas
school in the presentation of the the net cost to the state would be
70 members iext semester as a rebudget because it was not included, $10,231,250.
wi'l be held on the 13th and 14th of
If the establishment of the medi- sult of action taken at the last
or intended to be included, in the
February from 2 to 5 p.m. Panhel-leni- c
cal school depends upon state ap- 1954 agenda.
meeting Monday afternoon.
decided. Refreshments will be
Passed to enable new students and served only from 3 until 3:30 p.m.
Belief that the 1956 legislature will propriations, $315,000 would be
girls who did not pledge in the fall in each house. The sororities will be
funds for the proposed ed for the first two years of
to receive bids this rush season, the divided into two groups of five and
school at UK was expressed ing the school,
Will Take Nine Years
plan was the final solution Panhel six each, so that half will hold teas
by Dr. Massie, although he em- Since nine years have been esti-te- c
worked out to the problem that on Saturday and half on Sunday.
phasized the fact that his commit- faced them last semester of too
will continue its efforts to raise mated as the time needed to put
The motion that contacts with
many girls out for rush and not each rushee be reduced to less than
the medical school into full operafunds from private sources.
enough vacancies.
Over a month ago, during the tion, three of the years would call
five was defeated.
As the motion is stated, the quota
Discussion was held on the Delta
first week of December, 1953. Dr. for appropriations of $3,085,000.
Operation of the medical
increase will be effective only for the Zeta proposal that each rushee be
Massie pointed out that any ap- Eddy Gilmoke
spring semester. Provisions for the required to sien a guest book at
propriations from the Kentucky leg- - would demand an appropriation of
To Lecture Mere
fall rush season will be made later each house when she visits there
islature would be independent of $680,000 a year.
on and based on the results of the and that a girl not be allowed to
Sufficient funds from private
the funds the committee is now
sources individuals and businesses
one next month.
socking to raise.
pledge who had not visited all the
would place the date of operation
Propose Plans
Campaign To Be State-Wid- e
houses. The motion was passed,
Several plans for taking care of amended to state that new girls out
At that time, the plan was de- - of the medical school at 1964.
the nearly
as an attempt to make a suming that the funds could be
of the fall for rush would be asked to sign the
raised in a year s time by the be- state-wid- e
rushees who did not pledge any so- register, but that former students
campaign for funds.
rority had been proposed to
Recommendations of the advisory ginning of 1955.
would not be required to do so for
and referred to the sorori- this rush season.
should the establishment of the
committee for a medical school at
ties. The quota raise was seen as
the University were based on the proposed school rest entirely or
Panhellenic will send out letters
the most satisfactory and workable to all of the girls coining to UK next
fact that there are less doctors mainlv on state appropriations,
per capita in Kentucky now than
Eddy Gilmore. veteran Associated plan by the majority of the memsemester to welcome them to the
made m
reporter, will appear at the bers.
campus and to explain the rush
there were 40 years ago.
school Press
Formal rush will begin for all so- rules.
Another reason for the recom- - 1956. the date for putting the
Memorial Coliseum at 8:15 p.m.
mendation is the lack of sufficient into operation would be 1965.
Monday in a forum discussion en- rorities Feb. 13 and will continue
Rush liulcs Include
titled, 'Report on Russia."
Unchanged since last fall, the
This program, one of the Com "
rush rules include:
1. Silence in the dormitories on
munity Concert Series, had orig
inallv been scheduled for last Thurs
preference night.
day, but the change was made at
2. No more than five personal conthe request of Gilmore.
tacts with a rushee, and three of
Gilmore, 46, and a native of Sel-mPat Hervey and Floyd Cammack, these can be planned parties.
Ala., recently returned from seniors in foreign languages, have
3. No men other than professional
Russia where he served as chief of been named winners of the depart- entertainers may be present at a
party or tea.
Kentucky is now the only south- no desire to weaken the existing the AP's Moscow bureau. During ment's Zembrod awards.
4. No girl may be invited to more
stay behind the Iron
These awards, presented each year
ern state without a state medical school, for to do so would be to re- his
CurWain. he became an expert on to the outstanding
school either in operation or being establish the present deficiency."
students of than one party at a time.
Members of the University Com5. No rushee may spend the night
French and Spanish, are for $100
Wins Pulitzer Prize
as provided by the will of the late with a sorority member or at a soThis is the finding of a UK fac- mittee on Medical Education are Dr.
writing on condiProf. Alfred Charles Zembrod.
rority house the week of rush.
ulty committee, appointed over a Leo M. Chamberlain, chairman.
6. No oral bidding.
year ago by University President Prof. R. S. Allen, Dr. Howard Beers, tions inside Communist Russia have
Miss Hervey, a major in Spanish,
7. All planned parties must be
Herman L. Donovan to study medi- Dr. Alfred Brauer, Dr. J. S. Cham- brought Gilmore several journalistic recently was selected for membercal education in Kentucky and to bers, Dr. J. D. Farris. Dr. R. L. Hop- awards. He was awarded the Pulit- ship in Thi Beta Kappa. She is cleared through Panhellenic.
8. A sorority may ask a girl to go
consider the possibility of establish- per, Prof. James W. Martin, and zer Prize in 1947 for his written in- treasurer of Chi Omega, social soterview with Premier Joseph Stalin rority, and is a member of Suky. out for rush, but there can be no
Dean Elvis J. Stahr.
ing a medical school at UK.
at the start of the Big Four talks. In Mortar Board, Student Union Board, understanding or promises made by
The committee's report, which
1946. he was presented with the Cwens. Alpha Lambda Delta and either the rush.ee or the sorority.
had already been submitted to the
Headliners and Sigma Delta Chi Phi Sigma Iota.
Kentucky Legislative Research Comawards for the best foreign correCammack. a French major, was
mittee, was made public yesterday.
A summarization of the commitchosen as a Rhodes Scholar for
Gilmore, however, seemed not to study at Oxford several weeks ago.
tee's point of view is as follows:
1. There is an urgent need for
UK's debate team placed first in be content with reporting only the He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa
more physicians in Kentucky.
the annual Kentucky Intercollegiate serious side of Russian news. It was and is president of Phi Sigma Iota,
2. In order to have these physiDebate tournament last Saturday at he who revealed, through the fa- national language honorary.
The Graduate Education Club will
Faculty members in the Departcians, it is necessary to train them Danville, with Centre College com- cilities of his press service, that the
Volga boatmen didn't know the ment of Modern Foreign Languages meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the cafeing in a close second.
who served as a committee of selec- teria of the Taylor Education Build3. One medical school, at the UniOne of UK's debaters. Bill Doug- Song of the Volga Boatman.
The veteran newsman graduated tion were Dr. Alberta W. Server, ing. A group of foreign students will
senior, was judged the
versity of Louisville) cannot train lass, pre-laof Prof. Blaine W. Schick and Dr. L. discuss customs and folkways of
all oT them.
best speaker, and another member of from the Carnegie Institute
4. The people of the Common-we- n the UK team, George Shadoan. Technology in 1928. Through lack Robart Ryland.
their own countries. Refreshments
1th must establish a state medijunior in Commerce, was named the of experience, however, his search
w ill be served.
speaker. Fred Drogula, for a job was unsuccessful until he
cal school to train the physicians second-belanded a position as police reporter
they need.
a Centre debater, was third.
5. The state medical board must
Accompanied by Dr. Gifford Bly-to- on the Atlanta Journal.
He moxed to Washington as a
be a part of the state university.
professor of speech, the debate
6. The University of Kentucky team participated in debates on the publicity man and later to the staff
must affirm its obligation to train subject, "Resolved: That the United of the Washington Daily News. In
A medical team from AFROTC
States should adopt a policy of free 1935. Gilmore joined the Washing- Headquarters in Alabama, will be at
ton bureau of the Associated Press, UK for five days, beginning Jan. 13.
7. Lexington is the best site for trade."
the medical school and its auxiliary
for the purpose of examining Air
Other schools participating in the where he concentrated on the lightincluding those of a state tournament were Eastern, Western. er side of the news.
Science II cadets, it has been anMeets Wilkie
nounced by Col. R. S. Larson, proAsbury, and Kentucky State College,
On assignment to London in 1941, fessor of air science and tactics.
8. The Commonwealth can build
and support a medical school of ex- which competed with the other Gilmore became friendly with WenThe physical examination will be
dell Willkie. while the unsuccessful a type of flying exam to determine
teams for the first time.
cellence at UK.
presidential candidate was on an the cadets' qualifications for
9. The medical school of the Uniinspection tour of British defenses.
versity will work with presently exinto the advanced course of
It was Willkie. two years later, who the AFROTC program.
isting medical schools to meet joint
appealed personally to Stalin and
educational responsibilities; its presmade it possible lor Gilmore to
ence will be an aid and not a hinmarry his Russian ballerina-fiancdrance to existing schools.
10. Tlc presence of a superior
William Seneteza Kajuba, a na- Tamara Chernashova. The Gilmores
medical school at UK will greatly tive of East Africa,
to mem- now have two children. Vuki. 9. and
extend the service of. enlarge the bers of Societies Around the World Susanna, 3.
During tlie war. Gilmore reported
support oi. enhance the prestige of.
The second preliminary session of
on the UK the freezing, muddy warlare on the
raise levels of scholarship at, and classes during his visit
the National Intercollegiate bridge
campus early this week.
rai.--Russian front. He told in his stories tournament will be held at 1:30 p.m.
disalary scales in the other
A member of the Baganda tribe, how the Russians moved entire invisions of the University.
Saturday m the card room of the
A population-per-physicia- n
ratio a group studied by the geography dustrial cities to safer locations be- Stuiient Union.
hind the Ural mountains.
in Kentucky of 1.250 to one was
Dr N. B. Allison, associate
In 1946. the Gilmores and Vlcki
given in the committee's report, class. Kajuba discussed his homeof electrical engineering, will
realons with a national ratio figure land and his impressions of the visited the United Stales. The
piesidc at all preliminary sessions
porter returned in 1950. but his fam- and will direct the actual tournaof 750 to one. This means that there United States.
ily was not permitted to accompany ment on
now a shortage of 1.400 physicians
Feb. 20.
Kajuba. who is studying in the
in the state.
Both the bridge preliminaries anil
U.S. on scholarships from the Unil ie lits Kussian (l In i.tlilum
The report was concluded by astournament are sponsored by the
Gilmore lought Russian oflicial-doserting that a new school here versity of Chicago and the Fulbright
Student Union Activities Committee.
lor three years lor permission The next preliminary session w ill be
would meet that lack "for medical Foundation, is finishing his master's
Accor.niNG TO I It ) I I . I .i en anil ie oh w ad h i,t I k blielue pl.'.WTS are net him
education facilities) and strengthen decree in geography at that college. to allow his wife and children to held on Feb. 13.
liae tlie country. Permission Was Students
readx lor the Stiuli nt Union bridge toin naiiieiit an lla- later national tournament to be held
the existing medical school by tak-niHis wife is a teacher in the Native
are asked to try out for
denied until last June 9, alter Sta... 1. It
i"', t
i v.. urn' l
o II ii'islini" up on
'( k
'"ii ll,.
olf the pressure for it to sncri-ln-- e Anglican Church in Alrii-aih.e ie. Ii
He is lin's death, when the Russians miu-- ,
use pleinil.liaiy sessions in order
ii:ility inr quantity. We have the father of twin baby girls.
H. Stanlex, Gaiohn IVdnian, and I'hvllis Shallci.
i Continued on Page (it
Ttiime-to qualify for the tournament.

Dr. Francis M. Massie. chairman
of the Fayette County Medical So- ciety's committee on medical educa- inter- lion, said in a Tuesday-nigview with a Kernel reporter that

.52() for


H .X)0. a reduc

Initiated Into
Phi Heta Kappa


Limit For Sororities
Changed To Seventy


ill Sponsor
Lecture Series

Pan-hellen- ic



Gilniore Scheduled
In Lecture Series
On Kussia Monday





Pan-hellen- ic



Hervey, Caimnack
Receive Awards

UK Committee Cites
Need Of Med School


Music llonoraries
Sponsor Mnsicale
ln 'Memorial llall

Mu-sica- le










UK Debate Team
Wins First Place

UK (Graduate Uluh

Schedules Meeting

Set Up







AF Medical Team
To Cive Physicals



African Lecturer

Visits UK Campus






hvr-- v




fP ;j







..crat mil.



ill be


operated a3

At least one student w ill be at the
to 5 p.m.. the
Center from 8 a
wiek of final exams, tiie week of
registration, and the following week
to kee p a record of the books When
students bring in their books to be
exchanged, they will put their own
name, the name of the booic and the
price they want for it on an envelope. This enel.-.will then be
put m the back of their book.
Books will be sold only at the price,
m.uked on the euveloie in the bai k
ol the book. Winn a book is sold,
the eneloH' will be taken out of
the b.Hik and the money for the book
nil! he put in the cnv.-l.'pwill then be- sealed and placed on

A post card will be sen' to the
owner uilorming !::m that his book
has been s. .1.1 and he may pa k up
hi-- ,
money. People not receiving
'ha) their beoks have not been
A student uiav at any time pick
up Itu books without iiiiv cost :
liim. eh'. When a student hrt brings
1:1 his b.H.k or books he will fill on:
a form wi'h his n line the name ol
hi-book and 'he price he wanls for
them. A cariion of this loiui will
be kept on file at the center, and
ins copv for
the sf,;, ,.,t win
purposes wiun hi
lor his books or lor his nioiic-v-




� oesi uopy Mvanaoie


li.is hnnmht
the University's ehanees lor
.nu cinciit wiiliin
the' next two years to a si.ii'.Ktill. I'K's plans for a
program of expansion arc now froen; nor arc there
liow enough liinels to provide lur ineivascel salaries
among the faculty and pi t.oihk I.
Kentucky is
as a hack ward state in a
IiiiiiiImt ol respects, as coin pa red with other states
in the Union. Mich on the list ol needed improvements is education. But it takes adequate funds to
cam on such a project.
Is the State 'join to overlook the apalliiKj need
lor a substantial increase in an appropriation for
the 1'niversity in the next two vcars.J The slight increase of halt a million dollars granted hv the new
biulge-will not even cover the deficit of
of a million dollars on w hit h tin- I'niversitv
operating this ear. much less allow for
an increase in salaries or an expansion program.
In the past the I'niversitv- has been able to take
advantage of federal binds comim: in from VA
tuitions following World W ar II. but that source of
revenue is now practically
veterans do not get their tuition paid by the government, so the total income derived bom federal
source's must come bom the rent collected from
( iooperstovs n and Shaw m ctow n.
It is logical that a state miivcrsitv turn to the
slate for enough money on which to operate properly. And it seems logical that the State would provide its youth with an opportunitv to seek a college education. For the sake of the future the University must have sufficient financial support. It




Ix-e- n


10") t



We have- witnessed with seme- pleasure the"
gradual growth of Look magazine from the- poer
man's Life te a slightly higher status, anel while- we
question the- pilicies of the" (onles
family. "America's Family Magazine"" has Income"
an entertaining
Its principal claim to tame" is a splash ef color
en the cover and light articles en the- entertainment and fashion whirl, along with occasional
looks at the national scene, preferably sensational
in portent. This aelds up to a nice magazine, if net
a dignified one.
However in its late DecemheT issue, unde r the
disarming cover pie of bishop Sheen, is the" rather
uninteresting article, "The Herring anel The Thing."
by the Hon.
hittaker Chambers, which concerns
the exhumed corpse of Harry Dexte r W hite anel is
about as uncalled-fo- r
as Tim Cohan''s slaneh rous
attack on Adolph Hupp a couple ef ye ars ago in the







Another reason in asking for an increased appropriation has to do w ith the S27S.S)() cut made in
this year's budget last July by the (Governor. That
amount should be restored to the h)i-r(- i
budget. The I'niversitv has managed to supplement
its income in the past few years from a reserve fund
built up during the last six or seven years, but the
bind, which was used to the extent of $.0.)00 to
SS(H).(XK) each year in meeting the increased costs
of education, has been depleted.
Confusing accounts concerning the new budget

A long,

for the University have been published in the newspapers. An increase over last year's budget has been
cited, a mention made that UK will be operating on
less funds in the next two years, and a spokesman
for the State budget Division is quoted as saying
the University actually is not receiving a reduction
in funds, despite the contradictory figures.

cold winter

It shexild be needless


The Toolbox

Driver Of Sun Chariot Hot Rod
Reveals Secret To 'Nosy' People

Nevertheless, the need cannot be obscured. The
University must receive more funds if it is to operate
two years.
properly in the

J. Hill. HA


Magazine Rates
Word Of Praise

must be a recounied institution where both an
excellent faculty and a progressive program can be
maintained, but this takes binds.
The University w asii t being unreasonable nor too
demanding in asking for an increased appropriation
lor the next two years. In order to keep up with
the progress being made by other state universities.
UK must also stride lorward or be left behind.
With the University's advance1 being halted for the
next two years, it will lace an eve n bigger task in
the future'.

non-eistan- t.


The Gallery

University's Progress Is Hailed
is Result Of Inadequate Funds
The' cuttinil of I'K's In




Chambers. He has
senie thing of a national
here) as" a repentant Communist anel professional
his country, the n
traitor. Chambers
Russia, anel nenv, much wise-- anel perhaps
much richer for his trouble, he has eielentlv decided that America wins the toss. With Alger Hiss
deservedly behind bars and Richard Nixon at the
Senate rostrum, ChamlnTS now sits sagelv on his
pumpkin farm and grinds out myste'rv stories.
People have fe)rgotten the fat, little- witne ss, who
pointed the finger at his
anel, luckilv
failed in an attempt to take his own life.
Chandlers' lxek "Witness," was a minor masterpiece, as were his shorter series in the SatEvePost,
but that should have alx)ut take n care of his alxr-tiv- e
Communist career. In his article- in .e'A
Chamlers adds a little personal reflection of ne
particular worth and repeats the
career of the anonymous Mr. Harry Dexter W hite,
recently thrust into the news by Atteirney General
The White case is alxnit as confusing anel contradictory as any in a long time, and Chambers doe s
nought to clarify the mess. However he waxes
"we remember Harry Dexter
down Connecticut Avenue, with his brie
of stolen documents under his arm . . . ten) selfconsciously, glancing a little tex conspicuously ovt
his shoulder . . . etc., etc."
If Mr. Chambers has anything of value left after
his prolific memoirs, then it is alout time he started
reporting to the F.B.I, and not to Look magazine,
which plays up his name as the expert on the commie underground and betrays its primary motive
by changing the name ef the article' en its cover to
the sensational: "I Knew Soviet Spv HARRY
DFXTER WHITE, by Whittaker Chambe rs."
And se) if we may lxrrew the lyrics of a
song which Chambers, himself, uses in
saiel article in describing commies as The Thing:
"Get out ef here with that ump-ta-tAnel don't
come back again."
Well, this is merely our opinion, anel of little
value, and we urge any readers who ceiulel enlighten us inayln-- , te) write care of Tlf Kernel.
If nothing else, this column tries ne;t te) lack
variety and so we turn, inevitably, te) Rita in
This picture, "Miss Sadie Thompson," seems to suffer fnm a common Hollywexxl ailment: it tries te)
be as suggestive as possible without say ing "sex"
out loud. The advertisements display Rita in various stages of undress, but 'the movie gex-- merrily
alemg trying ne)t too hard te convince every lxxly
that Sadie was a nightclub singer in Heinoluhi anel
leaving all concerned, including Rita, a bit confusedthanks te the Rreen olfice.
Mrs. Hay mes, however, does a remarkably gexxl
job, and her terch numlx-- is a
Ray is excellent fer a change, but we've come te expect better things from Rosie Clooney's lxy, Jese
Ferrer. Ferrer seems a trifle sulxlued anel unconvincing and finally gex-- and jumps in the lake. The
moral te all this mile! immorality is, as a
says, that, for one thing, Jese "couldn't practice
what he preached." Its about that simple.


Our Readers Speak

t neisy sooner er later, so I mifjht
Yon had tei
as well tell yon the- - stery. My name is Phaeton,
son of Phoe bus, sun-golike t