xt7rn872w142 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872w142/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1982-11 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 3, November 1982 text images Kentucky Alumnus, vol. 52, no. 3, November 1982 1982 1982-11 2012 true xt7rn872w142 section xt7rn872w142  
  NOVEMBER r 1982
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  Nove ber 1982 Vol.52 No.3
  University Archives
I Mawmr |_ Krrrg Library - North
I Y our UK Beat! 3 university ¤t l<¤¤*¤¤ltr,·v|rl· 'Sf],
_: Alurnnr Association, 400 Rose Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, lor its dues—pay¤ng rne·r»l>ers. TREASURER Tx/tts Joe I- tt/\:·-ns 'I38, I,r··tngtt ry SIVREIARY Ja, lt·u··‘r¤·l·t Kilt Iannrrttrir
l _ Individual dues are SI5 annually with $2.00 ol that arnaunt used in publmatton ol the magazine A5$OLtAItOM 5l»`·IE~ L)tRE(r TOR Ja, Brutnlrettl 118, Abotftt I/tif IJtREt It lt~.‘ It rI»C Wt ·~·· iler ";8;
l {  Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky and additional ntarlrng atltces POSTMASIER EDITOR Liz Hr>.·.a·.1 Duntoran 'oB, MEMBTRBHIP tsLJORDll"JAiOR Atta L) R·-ltxunt ‘3‘?, Brenda
V Send changes ol address to The Kentucky Alumnus, UK Alumni Association, Lexington, Kentucky Barn, Julia Brrniters, Ltrn1c1Brit·n‘ielil, Margie- Cathy, lfittlt ft   An ·· ·,i ‘}·x··· R»~I»,t Hzrwttn and
k 40506-Ol lf?. Ennis Jolrnson ARI DIREK IOR Elaine lcrttltilt Vt/i·:n·t
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Sl1ppOI‘t OllI‘ colleges. They pI'OV1d€ OUT 1'13,t101’1S gI'€3 GS I‘€SOl1I’C€.

 il A Grand Addition
> Grand opening and dedication cere- — -   I .   _» ",,,,   ‘ ;
1 monies for the University of Kentucky's ._ V   if   `— `_ · i ·· ' Y. _
new $43 million addition to the Student ` . ‘ `·'? ~   la? ' . 3  
Center were held the weekend of Sept. 4 9* .. V i gg A , _ 4 ·
17-19. _ "‘ x l ;‘>
Festivities began September 17,   h   ,. _   `Z ‘_ ` »°
with the dedication of the 500-seat i     Qi . V. " V   . _`Qf
Worsham Theater, named for the late ° _ — i ` K __ _ `>`Qf.  
Margaret \X/orsham,long-time employee *·»,,;_-. : _   A   ` Q ,, ..    ijfqj .   ‘  
of the Student Center. A free movie and         mr   if W     ‘     ‘-‘` .` ` · ` `··-
door prizes followed the dedication. Q  if--   ~V 1. ‘ 3 J _"'j   Q . gpo-. ;_   -_   -~y *  
Saturday's activities included thegrand       € " -   N ur W E " O4   i FQ ’.’_ i°    
opening of the new 14,000-square-foot   VV S .,     ’ i _-if-   i§ _
bookstore complete with free refresh-  _`?$_iQ~~·”¤~· 1 _;    $°’»_    i ` A   nt   ·`$ i
ments and balloons. Approximately i , ‘· i   ':"' v   ` . 1 fFY”j
double the size of the former bookstore, 1 - __   _ .    j;;;_____ - p  
the new facility includes Zlcash registers,   =   _       _,.,_..  
all connected to acentral computer which ’·?· g. =   _ C   _.·_» #     ·
provides a day-to-day inventory of all     »_·  _`   ` ‘ ·
major items in the store. Q- ia   iis‘   U
William T. Eblen, bookstore manager, ` " "’”N°     — ‘ . ·
said new features in the bookstore include A free movie and surprises for children Harris said the financing of the new
grocery items, more reference and trade of faculty and staff highlighted the Satur- structure also came from students, be·
books, and an expanded paperbook day schedule of events. ginning with the 1981fall semester when
section. September 19, UK President Otis a $10 fee was added to the existing
  _ Singletary participated in a ribbon- student activities fee.
M,  -   cutting ceremony at the patio entrance to The grand opening for the original
 · -_;  .• h g   W _ N _,  , __ _,___ the new addition. Music, more balloons building was held Saturday, May 14, 1938,
 .4  __  it  and refreshments were included in the and the ballroom was used for the first
 , V   ·     2      xgl '   festivities. time that night for the Omicron Delta
      ° it ,.  .-..   Frank Harris, director of the UK Kappa Engineer`s Ball.
, _ _ g   iE`»fi_  `’   Student Center, said the new addition In 1963, the second section was
        __pAé i includes a music room with 23 listening completed which added a new cafeteria
_ ‘:—**    M 'iiii if _   if  stations; five meeting rooms, and an and grill on the second floor, plus offices,
i V   4       architectural design which allows easy lounge, recreation and study areas on the
·   Vw;  _·—‘.   access for the handicapped. first floor.
· {___ The addition which contains 53,049
    ,    ii ·;—-       _  square feet, forms the third section of the
°‘“”"   I }  ig;  ;;  "VV·" I  ·  complex. The first section was built in
  ...-    ·   1938-—the results ofa 1951resolution by
      Omicron Delta Kappa, a UK leadership
i‘ li Vi · [ ’ " · "` Fi fraternity.
, -_   ’~ ,_- Q      rr,   ·~ E, V;. The student organization appointed a
i " l° Vli.  if   r" ; Will  l   ' `h h Pre ident
· ~ N. a. M      .. . committee to meet wit t en s
,, i. ,     _ _ _,, I _ _   ,   L,  Frank L. McVey about the possibilities of
’     ·r  `  1* i‘*‘“ " l     .    ¢ a “center of student life."
Several UK fraternities and sororities
i pledged $1 from each initiation fee to
 * help pay for the building. Other campus
i organizations also donated money.

     ..v-   l.v·       .1-  ~·»—» · ? I   it   r `~»    _-$=,»   ,-—~-   T2-I   F *A`Aé‘.4   . S.   ;.   t .
Country's Best Bone Marrow Transplant Personnel Promos  .
Tau chaper of Phi Alpha Theta, history The Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit Emmett Bleixinr, operations, Ashland
honorary, has been awarded the Best in University Hospital is now open. The Community College, is the author of two
Chapter Award for the 1981-82 collegiate medical director of the unit is Dr. Robert different articles in national publications.  
year in category V, which consists of Ash, who had been a hematology/on- In CM Cleaning Management, his article `
chapters on campuses with more than cology fellow in bone marrow transplant was titled, "Computer Provides Inven-
12,000 students. research at the University of Minnesota. tory Management by Objectives." In
This is the second time the chapter has Building Operating Management, his i
won the award. In 1969-70 the chapter article is based on the same material with
was judged best in category IV. Category   Anniversary emphasis on the inventory program.
Vwas created only recently because of the   Philip DeSim0ne, hematology/on-
large number of nominees from chapters Virginia (bngreggman William Q cology, medicine, was featured on a
on campuses with a larger number of Wampler, member of rhe Hguse Seieer nationally televised talk show. He dis-
students. Committee on Aging, was the featured cussed the "investigational spring-loaded
The award carries with it a value of speaker as the Council on Aging cele- iflfl1Si0¤ pump f0l' home chemotherapy
$250 worth of books to be selected by the brated its 20th anniversary in August. use" developed at the Medical Center.
department and the chapter. This The Donovan Fellows’ Radio Drama ]0bn Patton Seabolt, medical techno-
amount has been matched with asimilar Troupe also performed a dramatic pre- logy, College of Allied Health Profes-
amount from the University. sentation of the 20-year history of the sions, was awarded the annual Difco
Tony Bartley, president, saidthe appli- council's establishment. Scholarship in microbiology by the
cation for National Best Chapter Award The Council on Aging was founded in American Society for Medical Techno-
contained more than 100 pages. "For the 1962 to allow anyone 65 years of age or logy at its annual meeting.
chapter's 45th anniversary, we were older to attend the University without Z Govindarajalu, statistics, was on the
determined we could once again be a paying tuition. program of the International Statistical
National Best Chapter." Amanda Newell Hicks was the first to Conference held at ]erusalem's Hebrew
earn adegree under the program, in 1966, University in june.
and since, 16others have earned degrees, Werley Morgan, music, gave the
Enrollment Record including one Ph.D. In 1975, Dr. David keynote address at the opening of the
  Arthurs of Canada earned a doctorate in Annual International Symposium for
Summer enrollment in the community psychology and counseling. Pianists in London, England. Ranald
colleges set a record high: 7,100. This In that first Donovan Scholars class Peter Monren, also of music, was visiting
represents a nine percent increase over were 16 students; today there are 250. In professor of clarinet and saxophone in
the summer of 1981. its 20 years, more than 2,500 elder stu- August at the Royal Military School of
Colleges with impressive gains were dents have taken part. Music in England.
Ashland, 17 percent; Elizabethtown, 14
p€l'C€¤I; Halafd, 52 p€I.'C€Dt; Madl$On- __ ‘ ”   l The Donovan Little Theatre performs a radio
ville, 18 perggnrg Maysville, ]() pei-Cent, r  _ ` gl Uk. l g     2 `_ U.; dromo at the Council on Aging’s 20th anniver-
and Paduwh, 21 percent. jefferson had a `H    `-=·i     - scry pony. The Donovan Little Theatre can be
seven percent increase and Somerset had ·.   fl Q ”· "?   ·“   felliligtlriilazfl-t?lv\fdK`?;llAlnOmh On the
a nine percent increase. `e   .
Elm, '   R ·i.
ll  `‘’l   ·
. T r t . Q
qi ? l l l r
  it tt. l t e
ii: O il \   4
2.  e" A
 _   .¤;    ‘--» ti · ;  V ,  

   Nufrition's Role in Smoking Sofer Food Pockoging Most Job Offers
j CBB f111ffifi0¤ have H role i¤ lT10 ~ ih. By Lee Pennington
nce upon a time, seven storytellers for Corn Island. and precision `of a japanese print.`
O years ago to be exact, a Observes joy Pennington, coordinator Then there is Linda Goss who does
small group of people, of the Corn Island Festival and both mountain tales and traditional
about 50 they say, gathered associate professor of English at African stories. Linda recently told
in the study/library of the old jCC, "I remember one year the NAPPS stories to 24,000 people at the
Presbyterian Seminary Building at storytellers outnumbered the audience. Philadelphia Museum.
jefferson Community College. The "All that has changed," she says "We had Gamble Rogers who has
people sat in a circle around a single laughing. 'just consider the event at been called a modern Will Rogers.
candle in the center of the room and Long Run last year." Playboy Magazine said Gamble was `a
eerie shadows danced in the wooden She is referring to the ghost tale country picker who intersperses songs
bookcases around the walls. session held at Long Run Cemetery with maniacal monologs in the style of
To gain admission everyone either just east of Louisville. Although the a Southern revivalist preacher.' That's
paid ode dollar or told a Story Nearly Com Island people expected a crowd of close. Michael Parent who has been
everyone, children and adults alike, told perhaps 500 or 600 people, crowd written up in Time also came back
stories. estimates ranged upwards to 4,000 or again.
'That was the beginning of the more. "In addition there were two
second festival ever created in the "People were parking all the way folklorists/storytellers —— Hafiz
United States with the sole purpose of back on Shelbyville Road, two miles Baghban from West Virginia and
storytelling. away, and walking to the cemetery," William Wiggins from Indiana a.long
And now although there are perhaps says joy. "It was just amazing." with several local storytellers."
over 500 such festivals, all established It also was apparent last year, with "The quality of storytellers is one
over the last ten years, the Corn Island people coming from 19 states, that the thing," he says. "Another thing is our
Storytelling Festival remains one of the Corn Island Storytelling Festival had uniqueness. We’re the only festival in
most unique and one of the most grown into a national event. the United States with a storytelling
successful. "Our success is due in part at least to cruise."
According to the festivals co- the quality of storytellers we've been Next to the ghost tales in the
founders, Allan Steinberg, a Louisville able to attract," says Lee Pennington cemetery, the storytelling cruise is
alderman and a counselor at jCC, and who is director of programming at probably the most popular event of the
myself, a jCC English professor, Corn Corn Island. "A list of storytellers who festival. The cruise takes place on the
Island had plenty of help from NAPPS have appeared at Corn Island reads like Ohio River on the Belle of Louisville,
(National Association for the Preserva- a national storytellers hall of fame. an old paddlewheeler giving one a
tion and Perpetuation of Storytelling) "We`ve really had some great sense of days gone by. This year's
in getting started. storytellers here," says joy. "There is cruise sold out six weeks in advance.
NAPPS, sponsor of the National Laura Simms from New York; she's "The storytelling cruise is something
Storytelling Festival (ten years old this been written up in such places as we always want to keep as part of our
year and the oldest storytelling Scholastic Magazine and the Clarirtian festival," says joy. "In fact, we`ve
festival in the United States), early on Science M0nit0r. One reviewer said of booked the Belle of Louisville through
provided both advice and even her, 'She performs with the elegance 1985 just for that purpose."

<(T€H €2l1°S 8 O €V€1I OIl€ W EIS
Y 8 Y
, thought of as an amateur
j storyteller. Now there are
I erha s o er t t `
p p v 100 s ory ellers 1n
America o m ` `
wh ake a l1v1ng
h ° 3)
EIC t €11T Elft.
Sponsored by jefferson Community during the 1960`s. Corn Island is really October in jonesboro, Tennessee, began
College, with financial help this year right at the forefront of that with story sessions in the living rooms
from the Kentucky Humanities movement/’ of Victorian homes and last year had to
Council, foundations and corporations, Considering all that is taking place, h3V€ fhf€€ €if¤1S IBHIS F0 handle fh€
and individuals, the Corn Island movement likely best describes the audience.
Storytelling events took place all over storytelling phenomenon. "Everybody loves stories," says joy
jefferson County. In addition to the Corn Island Pennington. "Storytelling is part of our
Always the third weekend in Festival, jCC offers a class now in heritage, tremendously so here in
September (this year September 17 and storytelling. The college recently Kentucky."
‘ 18), Corn Island opened with the established a permanent "Gallery of Lee agrees. "What we're doing with
` storytelling cruise on the Belle in the Storytellers," with photographs of the the Corn Island Storytelling Festival is
afternoon and an evening of nearly 50 storytellers who have saving something very valuable,
storytelling in the ballroom of appeared at the Corn Island Festival. something that might otherwise be
Louisville`s Galt House. Each year the newstorytellers lost," he says.
All day Saturday the festival appearing will be added to the gallery. "Yes," says joy, "and if you think
continued at jCC`s Southwest Campus A group of storytellers, who call this year's festival was something, wait
where there was storytelling, themselves the "Theakkers," formed till you see next year`s."
workshops, exhibits of arts and crafts, out of the jCC storytelling class and Put the Corn Island Storytelling
down home food, even a pie auction. have been telling stories to students at Festival on your list of things to do in
This year an amateur storytellers the jefferson County Schools. Governor September. Tickets for the Corn Island
session was added to the Saturday john Y. Brown jr. last year and again Storytelling Festival and further
events. this year proclaimed the third week in information can be had by calling Chris
"You know," says joy Pennington, September as "Storytelling Week in Brown (Phone 502-584-0181, ext. 169)
. "ten years ago everyone was thought of Kentucky." or writing Ms. Brown, Office of C.E.,
. as an amateur storyteller. Now there Similar things are taking place jefferson Community College, P.O. Box
are perhaps over 100 storytellers in nationally. Storytelling and storytellers 1036, Louisville, Ky. 40202.
America who make a living at their art." have been featured in major articles in Oh yes. The price of admission to
The Corn Island Festival ended, as such magazines as Time, Qnerz, the ghost session in Long Run
usual, with the ghost tale session at Sc/ao/astic, and in such newspapers as Cemetery is one dollar. The tickets for
Long Run Cemetery. The tickets, the New York Timer, Christian Science that event, by the way, are printed
printed with fluorescent ink, glowed in Monitor. and the Wall Street journal. with fluorescent ink so they will glow
I the dark. Radio, both public and commercial, has in the dark.
According to Lee Pennington, who given much air time to the art.
served on the board of directors of Recently CBS Cable began a series
NAPPS, "It`s all very exciting, what`s called "The New Storytellers," and  
happening ro storytelling in America. featured Corn Island regular, jackie Lee Pennington U dn Eflglub pmfefmr
It`s kind of a 'movement,' something Torrence. The National Storytelling at Ieffermn Commun"}! College' an
like what happened to folk music Festival, held the first weekend in  
_ 7

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. he substance in one laboratory population grows, deeper natural process not as surgeons but as
` dish is frostily white, another understanding of immune reactions in therapists. "All plants have chemically
is threaded through with edible plants becomes vital and based systems for defense," he
  serpentine blue, a third seems perhaps indispensable. Dr. john P. observed. "It's not a matter of whether
  to consist of tiny pink blossoms. These Fulkerson, principal scientist at the a plant can resist infection but whether
  deceptively beautiful growths are fungi. United States Department of a plant can engage_ the infection in
  lt is hard to believe that something so Agriculture, says Kuc's work is of time and in sufficient magnitude. All
    benign also could be so aggressively "enormously great potential," and that plants have mechanisms for disease
‘  ,»_‘`·   unfriendly to mankind and to the fruits assessment is shared by Kuc's peers at resistance — all susceptible plants, all
  (or vegetables) of human cultivation. other universities and laboratories. resistant plants . . . I believe you could
it But they are unfriendly. These dishes Within five years — sooner, if Kuc say that we (University of Kentucky
,, Q from the biochemist’s refrigerator and the international research group he researchers) have been instrumental in
’ contain specimens of criminal behavior. has assembled at UK are lucky —— they hammering that insight through."
By living as they have always lived, for may discover the chemical nature of Immunization is a complicated
  untold millions of years, encroaching, the "signal" through which plants process. Plants may be threatened by
  infecting plants, these fungi have muster their inherent immune several different diseases, and one of
I   become the enemies of mankind. They reactions. Through research at UK, the these may weaken the plant so it
  destroy potatoes and other edible signaling compound already has been cannot resist the others. Nevertheless,
Q  plants — and they do so with a isolated; this breakthrough may lead to immunization can be accomplished on
 g  deftness which challenges the abilities widespread plant immunization a large scale. In one of his many
Qi  of our best scientists. through the application to crops of the papers, Kuc puts it this way.
I ,`,   "It is a dynamic encounter," said Dr. compound or its derivations. "Immunization is effective against
 ,_ joseph Kuc, as he returned the dishes Immunization through field viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. It is
  to the refrigerator in his laboratory at spraying would reduce dependenCe On likely that immunization is dependent
  Plant Science North. "It is a question chemical pesticides and improve upon the activation of several different
    of survival. We are trying to tip the chances for the breeding of resistant mechanisms and therefore is stable . . . ·
  balance very much in favor of the plants. Breeding is currently the Immunization can be considered to
U  plant." agriculturalist`s major weapon against have stood the test of time and
 jp  The potato — or any other plant — plant disease, but the breeding of contributed to the survival of plants
  is fully capable of resisting infection productive plants with disease resistant throughout evolution . . . Since
  from bacteria, virus or fungi. This strains may reduce yields. Pesticides immunization utilizes mechanisms for
  much is Certain. But the invader may have notorious drawbacks; poisonous resistance in plants, it may be
 ig  outsmart the plant. If a potato is to residues, and the targeted predators considered as natural and as safe for
  resist infection, Kuc said, "it must often develop immunity to the man and the environment as disease
  recognize that the intruder is not also pesticides. resistant plants (are) . . .
  a potato. If it does this promptly it is Kuc is pleased with the naturalness "The ability to immunize susceptible
  more likely to resist infection. The and safety of the processes for immuni- plants implies that the genetic
  intruder or pathogen which successfully zation which are be