xt7rn872w03x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872w03x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1951-1952 The University of Kentucky catalogs contains bound volumes dating from 1865 through 2007. After 2007 course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 24 (1951-1952) text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky, Volume 24 (1951-1952) 1951 1951-1952 2012 true xt7rn872w03x section xt7rn872w03x %:.I%ULLETIN OF THE
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:;VOLUME 44 MAY, 1952 NUMBER 5

1952 _
Ex Officio Members
K"Lawrence W. Wetherby, Governor
‘ /Wendell P. Butler, Superintendent of Public Instruction
*/°Harry F. Walters, Commissioner of Agriculture
`—"‘Ben S. Adams, Commissioner of Agriculture
From the State Boord of Agriculture i
TUeorge M. Cheek, Frankfort, 1951  
. r l/`i·Dr. W. M. Coffee, LaCenter, 1949
véCarl Dempewolfe, Henderson, 1950
Members at Large l
Paul M. Basham, Hardinsburg, 1953 E
»··/Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Ashland, 1950
·./]ohn C. Everett, Maysville, 1951
*’Harper Catton, Madisonville, 1953
fR. P. Hobson, Louisville, 1950
v' ]. Woodford Howard, Prestonsburg, 1951
Alumni Members
Herndon ]. Evans, Pineville, 1953
v Guy Huguelet, Lexington, 1951
. H. D. Palmore, Frankfort, 1950
Officers of the Board
Lawrence W. Wetherby, Chairman
·/A Frank D. Peterson, Secretary and Treasurer
, E
Executive Committee
Guy Huguelet, Chairman
]ohn C. Everett
Harper Catton
R. P. Hobson
H. D. Palmore E
° Died june 16, 1951
°' Since ]une 16, 1951

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0 F g .l*<><>l university is recognized credit for credit. Credit earned in an accredited junior
:0 the college is limited to a maximum of 32 credits per year.
.€dCn` In order to be classified as fully accredited, a college must be a member
fldent of a regional accrediting association or it must be on the approved list of the
Slgiml state university of the state in which it is located. Advanced standing from
C6 an unaccredited college may be obtained at the University only by special
fT'€i(l‘ subject examinations.
_igI_?(I)ll\i Out-of-State Students. A non—resident who, applies for admission·with
C SUP advanced standing must in all cases have maintained a standing of 1.0 in all
previous college work. In other respects, the requirements and conditions of
transfer are the same as for Kentucky students.
VVritten applications for admission with advanced standing should be
submitted to thc I’iegistrar’s Oflice on forms furnished by that office.
mittetl Admission as a Special Student
of uc` A graduate of another university or college may enter the University as
for A a special student. Any other person may be admitted as a special student pro-
Week vided he is fully prepared to do the work desired and provided he is at least
><¤·l>l¤ twenty-one years of age.
Wl¤¤l· Before a special student can become a candidate for a degree he must
Qemcfl have his status changed to that of a regular student. This may be done in one °
·lbl€°`t‘ of two ways:
'lSS1_°n* 1. Satisfying the entrance requirements for admission to the freshman class.
ngllslf 2. Completing in residence sixty-seven credits with a standing of at least
il-“fOf}' 1.5 in all work attempted.
ZHHEMQ A special student is eligible to take any course for which he has satisfied
will be the prerequisites except one numbered 200 or ahove.
ation. _ _ _
I those Admission as an Auditor
lditioii By payment of the required fees any person may he admitted to a class or
versity classes as an auditor. A student regularly enrolled in any college must apply
I tothe Dean of the College in which he is registered in order to be an auditor.
tm. my Other persons should apply to the Pxegistrafs Office for admission. No credit
hc ml. CHD be given for 21 class 2l\lClllC€d, HOT is thc student permitted an examination
for credit. No instructor is authorized to admit an auditor to any of his classes
except on presentation of an auditor”s card from thc Registrar`s Office.

Admission to Colleges `und The Gruduute School adn
College of A·rts and Sciences. Admission to this college is governed by UPF
the general admission requirements of the University outlined on the preceding
pagei this
College of Agriculture and Home Economics. Admission to this college out
is governed by the general admission requirements of the University outlined
on the preceding pages. lem
College of Engineering. In addition to meeting the general requirements ~ arm
for admission to the University, the applicant for admission to the freshman dof
class of the Colle