xt7rn872vz8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872vz8s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-10-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  5, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  5, 1928 1928 1928-10-05 2012 true xt7rn872vz8s section xt7rn872vz8s I

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KY., OCTOBER 5, 1928






Campus Politicians Marshall Forces for Heavy Straw Vote AWAITS VISITORS





Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds Asks Students to
Observe University Rules on
Ballot Box Will Be Located In
Elimination of Fire Hazards.
Front of Administration


Election Officers For Both Par
ties Will Be In Charge
of Polls


(By Tom Riley)
Kentucky has the Wildcats, Wash
ington and Lee has the Generals. Flo
rida has the' 'Gators, but the whole
nation has two contenders for the
'highest throne of honor in the land,
and they are Alfred E. Smith and
. Herbert C. Hoover.
All other strug'
gles for supremacy have been dimmed
in the blinking light shed by the
sparks from the first skirmishes of
the campaign for President. Just how
far those sparks have spread and how
calorific they are Js evidenced even
in the large institutions of learning
who have all gone so far in showing
their interest that they are conducting a straw vote among the student
bodies and faculties that they embrace.
College Humor Sponsor
"Now is the time for all students
to come to the aid of their party"
and in complying with that axiom the
students and faculty members of the
'University will vote today for their
choice in the presidential derby. Ken
tucky students are not alone in this'
activity as all the other large schools
are having a similar vote taken. College Humor is sponsoring the contest
and will clear the votes and publish
the result in the December issue of
the publication.
Excites Great Interest
Many opinions have been stated
tW strength of the candidates', both" in the University and the
nation., Perhaps more argument has
been introduced on both sides of the
question as to the merits of Smith and
Hoover than in any other presiden-tia- l
race in history. At least it can
be said that the forthcoming election
has caused more comment in collegiate circles than ever before.
Vote Today
To determine the sentiment in the

on Page Ten)

American College Straw Vote
conducted by all college dailies
and College Humor on two presidential candidates. All college
students, regardless of age, are
eligible to vote. Returns on the
vote will be published in The
Kernel November 1.
Mark this ballot and tear it
out and drop into ballot boxes
at the Administration building
Republican Candidate




Democratic Candidate

(Sign here)

The Kernel wishes to state that
it has not, in any way, supported
cither of the presidential candidates in this straw vote. It has
not printed posters nor advertised
The Kernel is conducting thin vote impartially and hopes that the students
will cooperate.


Wildcat Leader


Francis Galloway Will
Take Part of Judith

An appeal for the cooperation of
the student body and the faculty in
fire prevention of the University camIS OPENING DATE
pus was made by M. J". Crutchcr, superintendent of buildings and grounds
Elaborate Stage Settings Plan
in n statement issued yesterday.
ned; Season Ticket Drive
connection with fire prevention week,
Now On
which begins Monday, Mr. Crutcher
asks that the students review the University rules regarding Are prevenThe new University theater, The
Alpha Gamma Rho Heads Fra Guignol, Thursday evening announced
The annual cost of fire insurance
ternities; Organized Men Lead the complete cast for its forthcoming
on the University buildings approxi
Over Unorganized With Av production, "Hayfever," which will
mates $15,000 and the standing fire
open October 29.
erage of 1.317.
fighting equipment represents an exTryouts were held all this week and
penditure of $3,000. All electric wirDirector Frank C. Fowler has selected
C. R. Melcher, dean of men, aning on the campus agrees with the
the cast as follows: Julith Bliss,
national code and a movement is con- nounced this week the standings of Mrs. Francis Galloway, wife of Prof.
stantly under way to eliminate fire the social fraternities for the second W. F. Galloway of the English 'deAlpha Gamma Rho
hazards such as rubbish, gas burning semester, 1027-2- 8.
again wins first place but the ved-di- partment; David Bliss, Charles Blaine,
equipment, and epen flames.
Delta Chi, a senior in fhe College of
is reversed in regard to the rankCarelessness in disposing of cigar- ing
Arts and Sciences; Sorrel Bliss, Alof fraternity and
ettes, cigars, and matches is the chief
ice Spalding, Zcta Tau Alpha, a ju
men, the former leading this year
source of fires on the campus, acnior in the College of Arts and Sciwith a standing of 1.317.
cording to Mr. Crutcher.
The total summary of standings of ences; Simon Bliss, Alvin Hammell, a
figures on fires from the cause reachthe men for last semester indicates graduate of the University with the
ed $37,700,292.
in 1927. Throwing
class of '26; Myrle Arundel, Mrs. Herprecigarette stubs in dry leaves or in a slight increase over that of thebeing bert W. Brown, Jr., Chi Omega, a juREGISTRATION IS OVER
the highest
hallways is contrary to the Univer vious semester,
nior in the College of Arts and Sci
1.755 and the lowest 1.005.
sity rules.
ences; Richard Greatham, Leon Wlg- Monday was the last day for rec
Of the 1,621 men students enrolled
Smoking in the Men's gymnasium
istration at the University, at which
University last year the 31.5 glesworth, Sigma Nu, special student;
has been prohibited and this rule will per the
time a total of 2,471 students had encent who were organized rated Jackie Coryton, Garnett Shouse, Delbe strictly enforced this year.
The an average of 1.317 standing while ta Delta Delta, a sophomore in the
rolled for the vcar's work. Tin until
committee on buildings and grounds
remaining unorganized group had College of Arts and Sciences; Sandy Fivp One-APlnvs SclprfpH ns'last week the number was 2,405. 69
has no alternative in enforcing the the 1.260.
Tyrell, M. L. Nollan, Delta Chi, a seonly
s regisusrra a. me last
Basis to Judge Aspirants; otui
regulations against smoking in any
nior in the College of Engineering,
The individual score follows:
nt;. Tnhls '3 a slght increase
Clay Brock Is Elected Treas- building on the campus, as this is
and Clara Verne Law, a freshman in
Standing the College of Arts and Sciences.
contrary to the rules of the fire mar Name in order of Rank.
Monday was also the last dav
shal's office and the National Board Alpha Pamma Rho
classes could be dropped without a
A Hilarious Comedy
under whose Delta Tau Delta
of Fire Underwriters,
dramatic grade of E.
The Strollers, student
"Hayfever" is a comedy in three
Sigma Beta Xi
acts by Noel Coward and contains club of the University, will begin its
Alpha Gamma Epsilon
(Continued on Page Ten)
many scenes of mirthful hilarity and annual tryouts Monday, October 15,
Phi Sigma Kappa
dramatic tenseness.
The play has and continue through Friday, October
Phi Kappa Tau
been produced by professional com- 19. Tryouts will be held both after
IKappa Alpha
panies with great success, including a noons and evenings and will be judg
Pi Kappa Alpha
London production in which Marie ed by a committee composed of Louis Nominations Must Be In Ken-tuckia- n
Sigma Alpha Ep3ilon
Tempest took the part of Judith Bliss, MacDonald, Frank Davidson, Harry
Office By Noon
Kappa Sigma
and one in New York with Laura McChesney, Leonard Weakley, Martha
University Literary Quarterly Delta Chi
Hope Crews as
Freida Minnihan, and Bob Thompson.
oecunui xr'Jf" iirfii- 7.1
Alpha Sigma Phi ...
tear wun
plays have been select
Five one'-nInescourt as Sorel Bliss.
Fall Edition
This year the beauty section of the
Alpha Tau Omega
ed as a basis on which to judge dramatElaborate Stage Sets
Monday 1929 Kentuckian will be selected on
The plays
Plans for the production include ic merit. be placed arrived reading an altogether different
and will
basis than it
in fhe
"Letters," the University literary Sigma Chi
1.050 three elaborate stage sets which are room. They may be copied but must has ever been picked before. In prequarterly, will enter upon its second Phi Delta Theta
now being constructed under the di1.005
year with its fall number which will Sigma Nu
not be taken from the reading room. vious years a group of campus "fair
rection of Thomas Lyons, a profesappear the first of November. This Men students regularly enrollThe following are to be placed on re- ones" has been photographed and the
1,521 sional stage man, and William Zoff, serve: "Before the Play Begins," one finished prints turned over to some
ed second semester
number will contain several
student stage manager, with the asboy, one girl; "A Borrowed Lunch- more or les3 noted authority on
and articles of unusual merit and is Membership in Men's social
482 sistance of Julian Lefler. It is the eon," five girls; "Meow," four boys; beauty, or some artist.
eagerly awaited by students and perambition of the crew to perfect a setboy, one
sons of literary tastes throughout the Percentage in Men's social fraThe school will select the group to
magnificence, "Their First Quarrel," one
31.5 ting of extraordinary
girl; "A Rural Belle," one boy, one compete this year, and the contest
1.288 the like of which has never been at- girl.
maga All men student average
Since the introduction of the
will savor more of popularity than
tempted here before. Misses MargaOne must first become a Stroller merely beauty. In order to be eligizine last year, its subscription list Average of men in social fra1.317 ret Fry and Rosana Ruttencutter are "eligible" in order to try out for a ble for this contest a
has been growing steadily and all
must be
constructing a model set of one of the
part in the fall play which will be put nominated by at least 20 male stuthose who wish to subscribe for the Ave rage of
1.260 scenes which will be displayed in one on sometime before the Christmas dents on the campus.
forthcoming year are urged to do so
These nominaof the. store windows downtown.
holidays. The three most successful tions must be in to the editor, in the
early.jenough to receive the Novem
First Night Formal
one-aplays will be put on "Amateur Kentuckian office in the armory, or
ber copy. Miss Maud Van Buskirk
The first night performance will be Night,"
is assistant business manager and is
the date to be decided later. in the Kentuckian mail box, by noon
formal this year as at previous plays
Clay Brock was elected treasurer Wednesday, October 10. From those
at The Kernel office every afternoon
and Mr. Frank C. Fowler will speak
to handle all business.
of Strollers at the meeting Tuesday nominated a suitable number will be
between acts on the aims and purClub
White hall. A commit- selected by popular vote of the stuAlong with the number of subscrib
poses of The Guignol. A reception afternoon in
reputation of "Letters" has
tee consisting of James Shropshire, dents and then the final group will be
ers, the
A debate on Al Smith's prohibition will be held afterwards on the stage Leonard Weakley, and Charles Blaine,
likewise increased. Last year it num
photographed and these photographs
McVey and
such policies, speeches by Presiden J. W. at which Mrs. Frank L.
also was appointed to see Dean Mel- turned over to a competent judge or
bered among its contributors
Dean Alvin E. Evans and
Kentucky writers of note as Cale
judges, for the final selection.
cher about the Stroller dance.
(Continued on Page Ten)
Young Rice, Alice Hegan Rice, Cotton Professors Black and Randall, were
The fall play will be selected from this way the contest this year will
the features of the first meeting of
McMee-kithree-ac- t
plays: "The combine the best features of both the
the following
Noe, Madison Cawein, Isabel
and Ruth Melcher. The student the Henry Clay Law sooiety held
Butter and Egg Man," by George S. popularity and beauty contests.
contributions were on the whole, ex Thursday night, September 27, in the
of "Dulcy," last
Every student should start thinkcellent, and the editor, Prof. E. F. Law building.
year's Stroller play; "Charm," John ing about this contest and have all
Mrs. Minerva Allen and Richard
Kirkpatrick; "Love 'Em and Leave nominations turned in promptly by
Farquhar, is always glad to receive
'Em," George Abbott and John V. A. Wednesday at noon. To be nominat- poems, short stories or essays from Ballenger were the debaters and the
subject of their argument was "The
Past," Clare ed, the candidate must meet the usual
Prohibition Question As It Affects
The intellectual standing of a
Kummer; "The Poor Nut," J. C. nnd University requirements as to standCam
may often be judged to a large the Present and Presidential
Eliot Nugent; "Two Girls Wanted," ing, et cetera.
Much unfavorable
extent by the interest shown in its paign." Mrs. Allen made an attack
All Wildcat fans whose repressed Gladys Nugar, and "Set A Thief," comment was heard last year on the
upen Governor Smith's policy of mod- and disappointed enthusiasm has been Edward E. Paramore, Jr.
literary publications aim Kentucky is
manner in which this section of the
going rapidly forward in this respect. ification, and Mr. Ballinger defended itching for an explosion for over a
Anyone interested in trying out for annual was determined.
It is hoped
year will pack themselves into the the Stroller publicity committee call that this year the situation will be
Henry Clay Law society is an Men s
gymnasium tonight for a pa Bernice Byland nt 4955. An opportucleared up satisfactorily.
organization sponsored by the College
triotic "pep" spree in anticipation of nity is offered to win a Stroller pin
of Law. Parliamentary proceedings the annihilation
the University und perhaps accompany the players
are adopted similar to those of the football team will deal out to Cnrson-Newman- 's on the spring trip through Kentucky.
Kentucky General Assembly. All law
A Stroller meeting hus been called
warriors tomor
students are urged to affiliate them- row afternoon.
for next Tuesday at 4 o'clock in
selves with the society and the genTho "pep" meeting will begin prom White hall.
eral public is invited to attend its ptly at 7:30 o'clock and Captain
ceeding freshman class the fundamen- meetings.
Claire Dees and one of his coaches
tal principals of loyalty and devotion
will be on hand to instill optimism in
to their Alma Miter.
(By Sara Elvove)
The University band
the students.
The purpose f freshman rules is
will fill the air with martial music
We are not complaining, you undernot to humiliate persons or to make
nnd the crowd will give vent to its
stand. We know that such un idylthem subservient fo
bloodthirsty cheers of victory. The
lic university us we would establish
On the cbntrar;, Kentucky boasts of
Students of the University, who could exist only
Ben Ali theater will entertain the
in Paradise, und Parand friendly spirit
a very democratic
pep meeting at 7:30 o'clock and tho have been dashing wildly to school in adise hus no universities, though some
At a meeting at which Dean C. R.
of cooperation existing between freshbund will also play there. The com their limousines or gaily painted fliv- persons would have it that Paradise
Upper-classme- n
Melcher was one of the principal
men and
in charge is Fred Conn, chair- vers, may in tho future be compelled
are awuys ready to give aid speakers, students residing in Clifton mittee Lucille Short, and Sam Black- to leave their cars at home and pat- is only what you, in your imagination
conceve t to be, nnd promptly buld
to any "frosh' who demonstrate loy- hall, men's dormitory, organized a
ronize the street cars. President n stately college
for their souls. Picalty to the hstitution.
The observ- dormitory association and chose as burn.
This afternoon at 5 o'clock the SuKy Frank L. McVey has said that there ture, if thou canst, your fuvorito proance of the fef freshman rules, which president, George Smith, senior in the
will hold a meeting to select cheer- must be better regulation of traffic fessor, clad in spotless white robe, his
are nut difficult or tedious, is a means College of Agriculture. vJ. C. Lamb
on the campus.
leaders. All ambitious cheer-leadewings folded tranquilly across h(s
of 'muintalninf traditions and devel- was elected vice president, and MorWhen interviewed yesterday Presi- back, gently plucking harp
are requested to come down to the
ton Walker, secretary.
oping school Jiirit.
Men's gymnasium and demonstrate dent McVey said that existing condi- while he unfolds the mysteries of
The organization of the dormitory
So come ung "frosh" and discard
tions present three dungers.
It is
leadership at that time.
la wto his rapt listeners.
Ichool jnsignlu und so- association will give this group of their
that "prep''
hazardous to tho pedestrian, to the
picligh school attitude. men official standing upon tho camphisticated
occupant of the uutomobile, and to Personally, we prefer tho Biblical
adtrees and
Learn the University songs und yells, pus. A council of eight men was
the University us u whole. In case of ditionofof u library flowers, with the
in which to browse
uttend tho ihletie events und sup- also formed and a constitution was
fire the fire truck would be greutly
at leisure. But ull this is irrevalent,
port your tiini, your class und your adopted by tho entire resident group.
hampered in reaching the buildings.
University. Bo respectful to upper
Tlie following men compose tho
Parking of curs on streets surround, und irrevalent to the subject we are
Will Hold Open House For
leading up to.
reoovo your cup when pass- council: George Smith, J. C. Lamb,
ing the campus would force the sitStudents and Faculty
ing tho present of tho University, Morton Walker, Grunt Muddox, J. W.
During the lust few years we have
uation on the city. The problem is
Every Wednesday
und wear 'ur frcshmun cup every- Russell, John Pennell, Win. Suunders,
difficult, but one thing is certain: heard and read of universities where
where you Jiuy go, no mutter what and Lorraine Yost.
Something must be done in tho near exams were not given at ull. We
Beginning October 3, President
the oceusio.
have heard of colleges where the
Frank L. McVey and Mrs. McVey future. One method is to shut tho freshmun year is not counted in the
Yours is tho privilege of being a
cumpus to cars except by permit, und
will bo at home ut Muxwell Pluce
the University of Kenfreshmun U
registrar's office But in all our
require curs) ' enter at one gute.
to members of the faculty, stuff
tucky; you: is the honor of huving
short career, we have never heard of
Mr. B. F. Kells, who wus graduated
been udmlunl to one of tho nation's from tho College of Engineering in und student body Wednesdays from
a college which, though giving exams,
1 to 6 o'clock throughout
the acaleading imitutions; yours is the her-.ta- Vizi, una who, since his graduation.
forbids its faculty to give unexpected
demic year. All students, especialto "iirry on" those high ideuls hus been in the employ of tho South
The faculty of the College of Luw quizzes.
ly the freshmen, ure urged to call
and noble traditions fostered
und ern Ruilway company, ut Burgin, Ky.,
Now that tho election time is drawheld their regulur business meeting
cherished y those who have gone on has recently been appointed Junior und become acquainted with Mr. at a luncheon in the University cafe- ing near, we make u motion that
and Mrs. McVey and the faculty.
before. .
Engineer of the Southern Railway.
among other things, Will Rogers be
teria Wednesday at 12:30 o'clock.



Students to Judge
Beauty Contest

"Letters" to Appear
Early In November

Debate Prohibition at

'Cat Peppery Pep

Meeting to Visit
Theater Tonight



Traffic Violators
Enforce Ban
of Cars

Students Living
In Clifton Hall
Form Association

At Home

King Football Will Rove Sloll
Field Astride Wave of Public Acclaim

cither of the candidates.

Wise Freshmen Respect 'hints'
Given Them by Uppcrclassmen
(By Martin R. Glenn)
There appeared in this year's first
edition of The Kernel a list of twelve
'"helpful hints"
customs and tradiThe
tions enumerated in the article were
not quoted by actual law, nor were
'penalties prescribed for the violation
thereof, but a "hint" to the wise
freshman should suffice.
That there are wiso freshmen is
evidenced by the fact that the majority of them are complying with these
"hints." That there are unwise freshmen is evident by the fact that many
of them are not complying with the
customary freshmen regulations und
are thereby destroying certain traditions of the University and Invoking
the wrath of the
is, therefore, to this latter cluss of
article is directed.
"frosh" that this
The history of Kentucky, from the
time of the invasion by Daniel Boone
until the present time, is based on the
' glorious traditions of its manhood und
'womanhood. The history of the University, from tho time of its establishment in 1860 until the present era
of its growth and prosperity, is u recchivalry
ord of tho sportsmanship,
and achievements of its student body.
To maintain these high stundurds is
ene of the chief concerns of the University and there is no better way to
accomplish this purpose than to instill
t tKc twarti and mind of each suc

-- :-

Visitors Outweighed By Wildcat
Forward Wall; Have Splendid Backfield
By Wayman Thomasson

Into the din and glare


will ride the eleven warriors who have
best withstood five weeks of campaigning on Stoll field in preparation

for Kentucky's opening game with
Carson-NewmaCoach Harry Gam- age is posting his pickets for Washington and Lee, perfecting his attack,
and strengthening his line of defense
against the Tenncsscans for war in
the Southern conference.
Opening game! King Football is
ascending his throne. Amid blaring
trumpets, thundering drums, deep
basso, and the voluminous applause
of the populace he will doff his kingly, crimson robes to the public, receiving with deference their wild acclaim. Louis XIV. at Versailles,
Wales in Canadn, King Albert before
his admiring army, the Greecians at
Delphi, and collegians paying tributes
to their heroes. Kentucky's wonder
band, 95 musicians, a strutting cocky
drum-majo- r,
a stirring march, "On,
On, U. of K." and, with bared heads,
"My Old Kentucky Home." The game
is on.
Kentucky Ready to Go
There is Kentucky's team prancing
at the kick-of- f.
Referee Frank Lane
is blowing his whistle and Forquer is
Carson-NewmaElo-wit- z,
kicking off to
the Tennesseeans' great triple-threback, has the ball. He is running wide to the left he is clear
no, they've got him, Drury and Dees,
Kentucky's veteran linemen. What a
thrill! The first kick-ofWell, this is not a vitaphone trailer
announcement of "The Terror." "I am
just telling you of the thrills that are
in store for you" on Stoll field Saturday afternoon.
Kentucky has a better team this year than last, but it is
still not a wonder team. It is not
one that you would expect to run
Carson-Newma- n
over the stadium
wall and back to Jefferson City, Tenn.,
in four brief quarters.
There are no
McMillans, no flashy backfield, no
great scoring machine. Instead, there
are four little backs protected by
seven husky linemen, and there are
seven green sophomores and four veterans. This is one of the best coached and conditioned teams in the South
and one of the most untried and in
Line Averaees 191 Pounds
The probable line reading from left
end to right end follows: Carey Spi-ce- r,
pounds; Pete Drury, 192;
"Red" Thompson, 210, Claire Dees,
190; "Floppy" Forquer, 198; "Bull"
Brown, 190, and "Sandy" Nowack,
190. This group averages 191 pounds,
and it is one of the heaviest lines in
Wilthe history of the University.
liams may supplant Thompson if his
arm heals, but he weighs 200 pounds,
so the average will not fall below 190.
Rose or Toth may nose out Nowack
or Spicer, but they are just as heavy.
The backfield consists of midgets.
Alfred Portwood, at halfback, weighs
148 pounds; "Baldy" Glib, at quarterback, 160 pounds; "Oily" Johnson, at
fullback, 170; "Dutch" Trieber, at
halfback, 180. This quartet will average 164 pounds.
Will Ed. Covington, taking Portwood's place, would
(Continued on Page Ten)

Unexpected Quizzes Are Source
Of Much Annoyance to Students
elected President, and that the University of Kentucky organize a new
list of faculty "don'ts" which will
include the following admonishions
among them:
"Don't give your students unexpect
ed quizzes. It makes them feel hurt,
not to be taken into your confidence.
"Give short assignments, the short
er the better, or none ut all. If the
assignments are short, the student
has less to forget, and takes longer
to forget it.
"Refrain from asking your students
questions. They arc liuble to tell you
something you didn't know, which
often results In deflated ego on your


"Don't give exams too often.


grading of exam papers hus cuused

muny u professor to tukc refuge behind glusses.
The examinations of
certain departments, particularly the
English department, is the reason
'why men leuve home.' The University needs their fees next semester.
"Don't be peeved when a mun falls
to sleep in your cluss. You probubly
put him to sleep by talking gas."
All of which, we udmit, is u lot of
rot, und us likely to be accepted by
any institution, outside of the state
asylum, as Mr. Hoover hus of becom- - '
ing President or prohibition a dead


� Best


Subscribe For




And Help the Association


Edited by


Published By and For University Alumni

Shoe Artisans With n Reputation




Alumni Assn.



Prices Lower









Mrs. E. T. Proctor, 'If.

Wyland Rhodes, '15

Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Walter Hlllcnmcyer, '13


W C. Wilson, '04

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04

When the University of Southern California Alumni, students and
friends follow the Trojan team to San Francisco to sec the Southern
game on October 20, they will go by way of
airplane, ship, train and collegiate "flivver." A recent issue of the
Southern California Alumni Review tells the different ways by which
the supporters of the Southern team will travel.
Two of the largest coastwise passenger steamers in the world have
been chartered to carry those who wish to go by sea. Four large
airplanes already have been ongaged for
the trip by air. In addition several special trains will be filled.
Both the ships are large enough to carry hundreds of passengers
and, according to the story in the Alumni publication of that school,
they were almost completely sold out. The seats in the airplanes
have already been sold out.
This game between Southern California and California is the big
game of the year for Alumni, students and friends of both schools.
It is comparable only to the annual tilt between the University aud
Centre. So large is the following of the two Western tennis- that it
probably will be the largest crowd to attend a football game in the
This year we will meet Centre on our own ground. The game
has been set aside as the homecoming game for Alumni and friends
of the University of Kentucky. While there is no possibility of our
Alumni returning by the shipload, and we are not trying to advocate
that, there is a possibility of them returning by the trainload, even
We do not cite the
possible for them to come home by ailrplane.
above examples to you to interest you in modes of travel, but to show
just how loyal are the followers of the Califfornia teams. So loyal
that they will charter whole ships and fleets of airplanes.
game last year were
Those who were present at the State-Centr- e
treated with an exhibition of football that in a way salved the old
sores of countless humiliations suffered at the hands of the Colonels
of Centre. Still one application is not enough to wipe out every sting
of defeat that we have been subjected to in the past. Coach Gamage
and his staunch wearers of the Blue and White have prepared another
treatment of balm to be applied to those smarting sores. This balm
will be applied on Saturday, October 27, on Stoll field. Now the peculiar part of this new remedy is that while it can be sent to you
by various mediums it is not nearly so effective as if it is administered here on Stoll field.
California, long noted for its loyal sons and daughters, has no
more loyal children than Kentucky. While we cannot hope to emulate
them in their mode of travel, we can rival them in the number of
Alumni who come to see our team avenge them.
Besides the interesting little program that will be staged on Stoll
field, the Lexington Alumni club has arranged for a big homecoming
party which will be held in the new Basketball building. Remember
this will be the first time that you ever have seen the Blue and White
triumph over the wearers of the Gold and White of Centre on our
own sacred ground. Let us make this game stand out in history as
the one with the largest attendance in history.
We also repeat that if the Alumni office can help you in any way
please command.

with the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment station as assistant in entomology and botany. Her home address is 248 Market street, Lexing
Edward Lee Rogers, A. B. 1892, has ton, Ky.
been an active and interested member of the Alumni Association for a
Russell C. Mayhall,
is still
number of years. He still lives at assistant to the general manager of
621 Elsmere Park, Lexington, Ky.
the Louisville Railway Company. His
address is now in care of the above
John Theodore Faig, B. M. E. 1894, company at 314-31- 8
West Jefferson
M. E. 1897, is another Alumnus who street, Louisville, Ky.
has been an active member of the
Alvin Kohn, B. S. M. E. 1919, is su
Alumni Association for a great many
years. He is president of Ohio Me- perintendent of construction for the
Highway Construction Company, of
chanics Institute, in Cincinnati.
Elyria, Ohio. His address is 146th
Albert Foster Crider, A. B. 1902, street and Miles avenue, Cleveland,
Shreve-por- t, Ohio.
M. S. 1903, is still located in
La., where he is a geologist for
Charles Rose McClure, B. S. M. E.
the Dixie Oil company. His address
1920, has recently been made man
is 824 Ardis building.
ager of the Cleveland district for the
Charles Duke Perrine, B. M. E. Fuller Lelligh company, of Cleveland
1903, is still chief engineer for the His address is 1893 East Ninetieth
Merchants Heat and Light Company, street, Cleveland, Ohio.
of Indianapolis, Ind. His address has
Marion Brooks Sprague, B. S. 1920,
been changed to 310 North Addison
is a public health nufse at Atlantic
Highlands, N. J. Her address is 41
James Dell Rogers, B. C. E. 190G, Mount avenue. Last year she was
recently sent in his check for dues engaged in the same work in Lexing
for this year. He is still a structu- ton, Ky.
ral engineer and lives at 11040 South
Eli Zukerman, B. S. M. E. 1921, is
Suley avenue, Beverly Hills, Chicago,
a sales engineer and is located in Chi
cago, 111., where his address is 222
Mary LeGrand Didlake, B. S. 1895, West Kinzie street.
M. S. 1697, has been an active memLila Beatrice Terry, A. B. 1898, is
ber of the Alumni Associatio