xt7rn872vx62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872vx62/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1960-09-oct21-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-09-oct21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1960-09-oct21-ec. 1960 1960-09-oct21-ec. 2011 true xt7rn872vx62 section xt7rn872vx62 

        Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the University
of Kentucky, October 21, 1960.

        The Executive Committee of the University of Kentucky met in the
Presidents s Office on the campus of the University at 11:15 a. m. , CST,
Friday, October 21, 1960, with the following members present: Harper
Gatton, Robert Hillenmeyer and Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci; absent, R. P.
Hobson, Chairman; and J. Stephen Watkins. President Frank G. Dickey
and Secretary Frank D. Peterson were present.

        A. Absences Explained.

        President Dickey explained to members of the Committee that Mrs.
R. P. Hobson was seriously ill and that Mr. Hobson was unable to attend
the meeting; and that Mr. Watkins had a previous engagement made prior
to the call of the meeting. He suggested that the members select an acting
chairman of the Executive Committee, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, Mr. Harper Gatton was asked to serve as Acting Chairman of
the Executive Committee.

        B. Approval of Minutes.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the
Executive Committee of August 19, 1960, were approved as published.

        C. Financial Report.

        Mr. Peterson submitted financial report for the three-months period
ended September 30, 1960.  The report was mailed to members of the Com-
mittee and, having been examined, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, was authorized received and filed.

        D. Reduisitions and Purchases Authorized.

        Mr. Peterson submitted a list of state requisitions, special purchase
orders and other documents evidencing commitments made by the University
for the period from June 1, 1960 through September 30, 1960. He made
available for inspection by members of the Executive Committee the documents
representing purchases and commitments for the three-months period indicated,
and requested ratification and approval of the Executive Committee. He sub-
mitted the following information:



1960, to September 30, 1960:

S. D. Orders                           Inclusive 1-195

State Requisitions                     Inclusive 1-692

Emergencies, State                     Inclusive 1-172

Special Orders                         Inclusive 2751-4229

Job Order Vouchers                     Inclusive 12,720-13,511

Stores Vouchers                        Inclusive 4,752-5,000 &

Vouchers                               Inclusive 1-6259

Order by letters                       Inclusive 1-115

Athletic Orders                        Inclusive 1-46

Emergency Purchase Orders              Inclusive: L 1 - 532

        Stores Material Requisitions

        Food Storage Orders

        Requests for Quotations

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and
orders processed for the quarter July 1, 1960,
as listed above, were ratified and approved.




B 1 - 408
PR 1 - 254
RB 1 - 89
J 1 - 224




carried, the requisitions and
through September 30, 1960,

        E. Trucks Declared Obsolete and Surplus and Authorized Sold.

        Mr. Peterson reported the list of trucks recommended for disposal
because these trucks were declared obsolete and surplus to the needs of the
divisions involved. He explained that, for a number of years, vehicles
determined for replacement had been traded in on the acquisition of new vehicles,
but that the current Commissioner of Finance has requested that old vehicles
be advertised and sold so that the State Department of Purchasing could pur-
chase outright new equipment at a very favorable price.

        Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, authorized the following list of trucks disposed of
by taking of competitive bids:



Style Body

Year Made

Rehabilitation Center
   Cadillac           Ambulance       1947

Animal Husbandry
   Chevrolet          1 ton C&C       1t54

Agronomy--Tobacco Laboratory
   Chevrolet         1/2 ton panel     1952

Animal Husbandry
   Dodge             Exp.             1955

Maintenance & Operations--Plumbing Shop
   Dodge             Pickup            1950

Carnahan House
   Dodge             1/2 ton pickup    1951

   Fordr             Pickup            1951

Experiment Station - Spindletop Farm
   G. M. C.          Pickup            1953

Maintenance & Operations - Heating Plant
   Chevrolet         Panel             1947

MAintenance & Operations - Carpenter Shop
  Chevrolet         Pickup            1948

College of Engineering
  Chevrolet         Stake             1950

Maintenance & Operations - Grounds Shop
  Chevrolet         Cab & Chassis     1952

General Trucking
  Dodge             Route Van         1952

Mail Truck
  Chevrolet         Panel             1954

  Chevrolet         Panel             1954

Western Kentucky Experiment Substation
  Dodge             Pickup            1956
Maintenance & Operations - Carpenter Shop
  Chevrolet         Stake             1949

Motor No.


0144976 -F54XB


T338 58797



FIRILU 17118


AECA 582604

AFCA 64677

AHCM 168976

KEA 117295


0864640 f54x

0818071 F54X

T4 38-3233



U. K. No.


















        F. Legal Consultation Work Authorized.

        Mr. Peterson presented contracts for legal services of the firm of
Stoll, Keenon and Park for legal consultation on matters pertaining to the
Medical Center.  He stated that the two contracts were being submitted as
required by statute.  He recommended that the contracts be approved and
authorized nanc pro tunc, since the services have been rendered without
proper authorization.

        Members of the Committee asked questions concerning the extent of
the legal services involved and, being advised, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the contracts with Stoll, Keenon and Park in the aggre-
gate of $1,500. 00 were ratified and approved.

        G. Contract, Kentucky Department of Economic Development, Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted contract between the University of Kentucky
and the Kentucky Department of Economic Development whereby the University,
through the Agricultural Experiment Station, will give information on sheep
evaluation and selective breeding with a view of improving and further develop-
ing breeding stock and slaughter lambs of superior quality in Kentucky.  The
contract provides for payment of $5, 000 to the University of Kentucky Agricul-
tural Experiment Station during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961. He
recommended that the contract be approved, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the contract was approved and authorized executed.

        H. Contract with Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc., Approved.

        Mr. Peterson submitted agreement with the Columbia Gas of Kentucky,
Inc., whereby the Company will extend its lines 100 feet from the consumer
property and make a refund of $400. 00 per gas-fired, all year heating consumer
commitments instead of the current refund rate of $200. 00.  He stated that
the agreement was definitely in favor of the University and recommended its

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Agreement was
approved and authorized executed.

        I. Agreement with TVA Authority Approved.

        President Dickey submitted the following letter setting forth Agree-
ment with the Agricultural Economics Branch of T. V. A. for joint research
project more fully explained in the following document:



                Knoxville, Tennessee

                September 30, 1960

Dean Frank J. Welch
College of Agriculture
University of Kentucky
Lexington 29, Kentucky

Dear Dean Welch:

This is to confirm the arrangement that has been proposed
between the Department of Agricultural Economics of the
University of Kentucky and the Agricultural Economics
Branch of TVA for joint conduct of an economic analysis of
the marketing of straight fertilizer materials in Kentucky
through custom operated three-hopper truck spreaders.

The study will be conducted statewide, by personnel of both
organizations, at locations where three-hopper spreaders
have been used for custom fertilizer spreading for ote year
or longer. Approximately 10 custom spreading operations
will be studied. including in each case five or more interviews
with persons operating farms in the vicinity served by the opera-
tion, to determine farmer reaction to this method of marketing
and spreading. In addition, comparative cost-to-farmer data
will be collected from firms that custom spread bulk blended
fertilizers, from firms that custom spread chemically mixed
fertilizers, and from firms that custom spread liquid mixed

The study will be carried on by means of three questionnaires to
be developed jointly by the University of Kentucky and TVA. One
will be used to obtain pertinent cost and operating information
from managers of spreading operations. Another will be directed
to farmers to determine what use they have made of the spreader
service, the cost of the service to them, what they consider to be
its advantages and disadvantages, and the cost of alternative
methods of fertilizer application. Another, will be used to inter-
view custom spreaders of bulk blended, chemically mixed solid,
and liquid mixed fertilizers to determine the costs of these fer-
tilizer materials, and the costs of these spreading services to
farmer s.

The interviewing work is to be divided about equally between the
University of Kentucky and TVA personnel, the details to be ar-
ranged by mutual agreement between your Department of Agricul-
tural Economics and our Agricultural Economics Branch. The
interviewers will edit the questionnaires.  TVA will summarize
the questionnaires, and the University of Kentucky and TVA staff
jointly will analyze the results and prepare reports.



          The University of Kentucky will print a report of the technical
          analyses of the study and will make 1, 500 copies available to
          TVA at printing cost. TVA will arrange to have published in
          trade magazines, and other appropriate media, one or more
          popular articles including the findings of this study. All of the
          above reports will be prepared jointly by the University of
          Kentucky and TVA.

          It is contemplated that the above project will be completed by
          June 30, 1962. TVA? s continued participation after June 30,
          1961 is contingent on the availability of funds adequate in TVA' s
          judgment for application to the project. Each agency will bear
          all the cost of its own participation in the study. It is estimated
          that the study will cost the University and TVA $2, 000 each during
          Federal fiscal year 1961, and $4,000 each during fiscal year 1962.

          If the foregoing accurately states the University of Kentucky' s
          intention with respect to this project, please sign the enclosed two
          copies in the space provided and return them to me as a mernoran-
          dum agreement covering the conduct of this study.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY

                         (Signed)  Leland G. Allbaugh, Director
                                    Division of Agricultural Relations

          Accepted and approved

          Oct. 21, 1960


          By(Signed) Frank G. Dickej
                  P re sident

         By (Signed) Frank J. Welch
            Dean, College of Agriculture

         President Dickey recommended that the agreement be approved.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the proposition was
accepted, approved and authorized executed.

         J. Contract between the Department of Health, Education and Welfare
and the University of Kentucky Approved.

         Prqsiden~t Dolby stated that the Department of Health, Education and
Welfare, under Public Law 85-864, desired to make tests of students in



non-public secondary schools of the State and submitted a contract defining
the scope of the work in terms of the contract with cost.  He stated that this
would be done through the University, s Bureau of Testing and that the Universi-
ty would be repaid all costs involved.  He recommended that the Cooperative
Agreement be approved, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the contract was approved and authorized executed.

          K. Sale of Mineral Rights, Greenville Sub-Experiment Station Ap-

          Mr. Peterson submitted a mineral deed selling the oil and gas rights
of the Muhlenberg experimental farm outside the city of Greenville, Ky. , to the
Texas Gas Transmission Corporation.  He recalled that the Board of Trustees
at a previous meeting had authorized the Vice President, Business Administra-
tion, to negotiate the sale of mineral rights.  Mr. Peterson explained that this
deed conveys the mineral rights in strata known as Bethel Sand, and transfers
to the purchaser all oil and gas rights in the Bethel Sand, but that the purchaser
would not go upon the 21. 5 acres of land, neither would they drill for oil or gas
on the 21. 5 acres of land, but that the purchaser proposed to use this acreage
as part of a general gas storage area, and the sale would not in any wise affect
the experimental work in agriculture on the acreage.

          He further explained that the University was issuing a general war-
ranty of whatever rights the University owned in the property so conveyed.
He recommended the acceptance of a purchase price of $3, 000.

          Members of the Committee, being familiar with the proposition from
a previous meeting of the Board of Trudstees, and being advised, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, concurred in the recGmmendation, approved
the sale and authorized the mineral deed executed.

          L. Injuries.

          Mr. Peterson submitted the following report on injuries:

          1. Mr. J. M. Spaulding, an employee in the Division of Maintenance
& Operations. Mr. Spaulding was injured on September 15, 158.  All the bills
for this injury have been paid with the exception of one in the amount of $3. 75
for M. & S. Supplies at Central Baptist Hospital. This bill had not been re-
ceived at the time approval was given by the Board for payment.  Mr. Spaulding
has paid Central Baptist Hospital but would like for the University to reimburse
          J. M. Spaulding            $3. 75

          2. Mr. Kennfth Logston, an employee of Farm Shop, Experiment
Station Farm.  O  May 11, 1960, Mr. Logston was grinding a piece of metal
wriippeU, causing index finger of left hand to hit the grindstone. Finger was
badly cut and bruised.  The following bill has been received and is recommended
for payment:
          Dr. Thomson R. Bryant    $32. 00



         3. Mr. James Spurlock, an employee of Shop-Ag. Engineering
Buildin4g  On May Z5, 1960, Mr. Spatrlock fractured his wrist while operating
the drill press in the shop.
        Health Service (tU of K)  $3. 00

        4. Mr. Hobart Ratliff, an employee of Animal Pathology. On May
24, 1960, Mr. Ratliff was forking litter out of a horse stall in basement of
Animal Pathology Building, and some type of foreign substance ftew into his
left eye. He reported to Dispensary for treatment. The doctor there looked
at his eye and sent the victim immediately to Dr. Claude Trapp.  Dr. Trapp
has submitted the following bill:

        Dr. Claude Trapp           $7. 00

        5. Grace Carter, Assistant Cook, Boyd Hall. On May 20, 1960,
Grace Carter slipped on the wet floor, fel, striking her head against a food cart.
She suffered a very bad head cut, requiring fifteen stitches, also four x-rays
were taken. Patient was not sent to the Health Center because the hospital was
closer and she was bleeding so freely. The following bills have been received:

        Dr. James E. Ross         $20. 00
        Good Samaritan Hospital   26. 75

        6. Mr. Lester Carmack, an employee in the Division of Maintenance
& Operations.  O7n June 29, 1960, Mr._ Carmack was working on Donovan Hall
Thi~rd FloorZOutside Balcony - chipping slag from welds and a piece got in his
right eye. Mr. Carmack reported to the Health Building and was referred, on
the advice and direction of Dr. Noback, to Dr. Trapp to have the particle removed.

        Dr. Claude Trapp          $ 6. 00

        7. James Black, an employee of Maintenance and Operations.  On
August 20, 1960, iames Black was mixing formula for photostat machine and
spilled some of the solution on his arm. Reported accident to his supervisor
when allergy appeared about August 23, 1960. Reported to Health Service on
August 23, 1960. Rash did not seem to get any better and was advised by Mary
Page Milton to go to a dermatologist.  The following charge has been submitted
by Dr. Fred P. Moberly for services rendered:
        Dr. Fred P. Moberly       $42. 00

        Mr. Peterson recommended that the obligations incurred be approved
for payment with the expressed understanding that the University does not in
each of the cases admit negligence or liability and that the University does not
in each of the cases set a precedent by authorizing the payment of invoices for
services and supplies to the injured persons herein listed.

        Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
was concurred in with the expressed understanding that the University does not
in each of the cases admit negligence or liability and the University does not in
each of the cases set a precedent by authorizing the payment of these invoices.



         M. Endowment Funds Investment Authorized.

         Mr. Peterson reported the following list of endowment fund balances
and recommended that they be approved for long-term investment:

Meredith Fund, Account 8006

$ 1, 500. 00

Waddy Fund, Account 8010

Alfred Charles Zembrod Scholarship Fund,
  Account 8012

Samuel E. Wilson-Student Library Endowment,
  Account 8013

R. C. B. Thurston Browsing Room Fund,
  Account 8015

University of Kentucky Rare Book Fund,
  Account 8020

Virgil K. Beasley Memorial Fund, Account 8021

William Z. and Elizabeth R. Hamilton Fellowship
  Memorial, Account 8022

161. 76

4, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

3,650. 62

  850. 03


                                                          $42, 778.50

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of Mr. Peterson was approved and the funds were authorized invested in govern-
ment securities.

         N. Degrees Authorized Granted to Students Recommended.

         President Dickey submitted a list of candidates for degrees in various
fields and colleges with the recommendation that the degrees recommended be
approved and that authorization be granted to confer upon each student the degree
to which he is entitled.

                         GRADUATE SCHOOL

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education

Robert Lee Collier
Oscar Henry Gunkler

Euclid Leon Porter, Jr.

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Herbert A. Aurbach
Betty Charles Detwiler
Charles Robert Minton

Joy M. Neale Query
Otis Kermit Rice
Everett C. Simpson


Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts

Frank Beale Borries, Jr.
Virginia Lee Caddell
William B. Cammack
Robert E. Collier
Laura Virginia Roberts Collins
Hugh Rodman Coomes, Jr.
Mohamed Raja Durayni
Ann Chastain May

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science

Thomas Jack Carrington
John Ransford Davis
John Hazle Ellis
Gustav Joa.chim Elterich
Mona June Hlagyard

Mary Ellen Miller
Charles T. Nall
Betty Sue Massengill Peters
Dwight Lewis Price
Martha Ann Rolingson
Barney Baer Silverman
Charles J. Sutherland
Lois Hall Wagers

Donald Moss Mattox
Ray Reed
Ray Thomas Reynolds
Hubert Lyle Richards
William Joseph Riffe

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture

Dudly Wills Arnett
Dan Wendal Cain
Robert Malcolm Crouch
Ray Arvid Field
Franklin Delano Griffith
Donald Wells Heilman
Robert Marion Huffman

Bernard Montgomery Jones, Jr.
Charles Mackay
Ulrich Nebiker
Gary Charles Peterson
Florentius Sudjanadi
George Larkin Summers
Charles Early Wyatt

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Donald Raymond Cress

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

John William Calvert

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

Robert George Adams
Blucher Allen, Jr.
Corinne Dowell Allen
Dorothy Grugin Archer
Nancy Clark Armstrong

Carl Cooper Ashby
Ovetta Taylor Basey
William ClIde Bibb
Bernice Boggs
Betty Bush Botts



Ann Murray Brooking
James Ladd Brown
Peggy Sue Brown
Junius Earl Bryant
Dorothy Caldwell
Alma Faye Campbell
Lou Ellen Campbell
Bertha Victoria Krisch Carwell
Billie D. Cawood
Charles Roy Clark, Jr.
John T. Corey
Ivan Melford Curnutte
Richard Allen Davidson
William Carol Doan
Jocelyn Limerick Dunn
Frances Kindred Eubank
Elizabeth Ann Foley
Elhanan Pete Grigsby, Jr.
Robert Val Guthrie
Mildred Winfrey Hale
James Edwin Hardin
Earnestine Thorn Harned
Patsey Field Harney
John Edward Hills
Berniece Terry Hiser
Virginia R. Hodge
Thelma LaVerne Holcomb
Gayle Wright Horn
William Rockett Houghton
Wilma Janetta Howard
Linda Lee Hurst
Donald Jay Hussey
James Edward Ingle
Kathryn Stackhouse Johnson
Darlene Mae Justice
Sara Pridemore Kelley

Lew Wright Kelly
Hall Moore Kinney
Noah E. Lambeth
Wendell Malcolm Lykins
Estill McIntyre
Hazel Riddle McKenzie
Wanda Rawlings Maxey
John Taylor Merritt
Robert E. Messer, Jr.
Minnie Pearl Miller
Ann Lyne Morgan
Lucille Dunn Mundy
Jane Thornburg Neff
Richard McDowell Nichols
Guy Russell Patterson
Jimmie Andre Peyton
James Howard Pigman
John Henry Porter
Suzanne Quarles
Ruth Lathram Rankin
Amy Rutherford Reeves
Charles Evans Richardson
Robert W. Sloane
Eva C. Smith
Fred Homer Smith
Darrel B. Story
Maurice Strider
Louise Clark Switzer
Charlcia V. Smith Taylor
Daniel G. Tudor
Franklin Fox Vermillion
Thomas Waddell
Pauline Honn Williams
Ford Wilson
Jewell Morris Wilson

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education

Joann Atcher
Edward Hunt Brakefield
Joseph Chester Brockman
Barbara Ann Arnold Carlisle
A. E. Cloar
Watson Garret Craft
Bert Bailey Dillihay
Elvin E. Durham
Cecil Hall Dyer
Martha Sue Ernst
Ray Graham
Kenneth Marion Harrison

Marion Elton Higgs
Mary Dancie Hodge
Marjorie Gabbard Hylton
Lucy T. Lisanby
Fay A. Love
Glen Calvin Massengale
Gentry Neeley
Ema Jean Nile s
Charles Emery Read
Mancil James Vinson
Mildred Carolyn Williams
James Clifford Wilson




Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Administration

Coleman Shrout                             Billy Harold Sipes

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science

Sally George Blakey
Mildred Luker Gill
Omer Hamlin, Jr.
Sallie Broadus Harper
Mary Jeanette Householder

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Music

John Baldwin Edmondson
Marcia Bryant Morgan
Ashley Lee Ward

Harriet S. Johnson
Sallie Mae Prather
Carolyn Rasmussen Saffel
Linda Lou Soto

William Harry Woodworth
JoAnn Elizabeth Williams
Marian Hampton Yarb~rough


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Ethel N. Ambrose
James Roy Biggs
Joseph Brooke Bishop
Hugh Leonard Cannon
Robert Bryan Chambliss
Lloyd Russell Cress
Ross L. Crow
Sue Anna Dodd
Virginia Ghee
Sue Thomas Jobe Golan
Jennie Lee James

James Henry Jeffries III
Martha Louise Kuebler
Earl Franklin Martin, Jr.
Billie Rose Paxton
Larry Doreta Raikes
Richard Earl Sexton
John Packard Sprague
Burdette Gerald Taylor
Gloria Stinnett Washington
Richard T. Wilkins

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science

Charles Claiborne Bond
Jack Alan Brown
Murphy Howard Green
David Laird Gullett
Willibrordus Harjadi
Edward Noble Humston

Mary Magalene Johnson
Richard William Knodel
Ronald Edwin Overfield
Paul E. Shoemaker
Samuel Clinton Webb

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism

Carole M. Martin
James Monroe Phillips, Jr.

Herbert Arthur Steely


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music

George Carl Bitzer

Alice Elizabeth Broadbent


Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture

Charles Frederick Beyer
Christopher Columbus Combs
William Lockwood Cordle
Kenneth Parker Ewing
Joseph Porter Hoffman

William Abner Johnson
Jerry Myron McRay
James Brown Markley
Roger Joseph Woeste

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics

Jennie Bell Arvin
Rose Delores Goheen
Marilynn Clell Loving

Martha Raye Sherfey
Betty Jean Walker

                    COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

James William Berling
Edward Alan Byers
John S. Cuphone
Bobby Ross Flener
Paul Ray Francis
Dale Joseph Kauzlick
William Howell Kennoy

Otto Kroboth-Tomann
Robert Johns Lewis
Joseph L. Poage
Ronald Jay Price
Alfred Ward Western
Henry Jack Wilson

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Marvin Ray Belew
Marvin Ray Bell
George Reese Bentley, Jr.
Olin Wayne Bryant
Billy Shannon Compton
Kermit Woodward Deal
James Allen Dobbs

James Payton Hodge
Andrew Charles Hudak
Paul Wayne Phillips
Raford Elmer Ramage
Stanley Jearld Simandle
Oscar Gardner Turner
James Lee Vincent

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Gene Delano Barber
Charles Fredric Duffield
Homer W-endell Fannin,Jr.
William David Goins

John Luther Loving
Jack Raymond Mellett
Samuel Payne Smith




Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering

Charles Roy Dixon, jr.

James Edward Steedly, Jr.

                      COLLEGE OF EDUCATION

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Education

Raymond Conrad Abbott
Dessie Smith Amburgey
Nora Hammonds Amburgey
*Dorothy Dakota Baker
Glenna Mullins Barnett
Mayme Taylor Benton
George Wallace Briscoe
Pauline Dozier Brown
Larry Garmon Bruce
Ruth Ann Burdette
Marilyn McCants Burnside
Mildred Fay Chiles
Margaret Sue Christie
Thelma Kohler Conway
Barbara Ann Cox
Emma Jane Crace
Virginia Lucille Cummins
Patricia Jean Dunn
Donald Lee Ellington
Sylvia Smith Gaines
Eunice Monhollen Gibbs
Dorothy Caroline Gibson
Mary Carol Glunt
Fern Cummins Godby
Billie Nunn Hall
Virginia Hall
Pearl Joseph Helton
Anna Coop Hopkins
Jo'hanna Camenisch Hounschell
Nola Combs Hunt
Joseph E. Jeffries
Beverly Brown King

* Omitted above-Ruth Crowe Baker

Hazel Marjorie Koger
William P. McCall
Ester P. McElfresh
Patricia Sue Masten
John Lee Miller
Nellie Dell Miller
Bennie Lee Moore
Margaret C. Munford
Pearl. Groves Napier
Mary Ellen Nelson
Judith Ann Nethery
Fay Dudley Overstreet
Inez Owens
Agnes Feck Parker
William Douglas Perry
Mavtha Ferguson Powell
Phyllis Reynolds
Verbena Howard Sampsell
Gilbert Shirley
Russell Sue Smith
Paul Edward Stanley
Louise Turpin Stevens
Richard Thomas Stevens
Jacqueline Thompson Sutton
Beatrice F. Thacker
Joyce Ann Triplett
Mattie Sue True
Margaret Edith Tucker
Shirley S. Vanderpool
Charles L. Whitted
Ginger Thomas Wilson
Thelma Henson Wilson
George Eugene Winfree

                      COLLEGE OF COMMERCE

Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Commerce

David Henry Abbott
Effie Morgan Begley
Harold Dean Belcher
Marvin Denny Brewer
Harry Howard Browning
Nancy Tanner Cabot

Charles Schikry Cassis
Michael Alan Conner
Cecil Allen Crouch
Thomas McFall Dovel
William Lernuel Easterling
Harvie Lee Eubank



  John Taylor Ferrell                          Ronald Wade Morgan
  Patsy Lowe Hubbard                           William Gill Nash, Tr.
  James Edward Kraus, Jr.                      David Russell Page
  James Joseph McGlone                         Hadley Wayne Riddle
  Gene Lowell McGuire                          Julia Yvonne Schenck
  Walter Paul Maynard                          Tony Sloan
  Sara Ann Mock                                James Darrell Williams
  Carolyn Ann Moore                            James Paul Wilson
                                                Violet Lucile Wollner

           Members of the Committee being advised, upon motion duly made,
  seconded and carried, the degrees recommended were authorized and the Pres-
  ident was directed to confer upon each the degree to which each is entitled.

           0. Kentucky Research Foundation to Represent the University in
  Spindletop Research Institute.

           President Dickey made the following recommendation:

               I am recommending that the Board of Trustees request the
           Kentucky Research Foundation to serve as the contracting
           agency for the University for all sponsored research at the
           Spindletop Research Institute in the same manner that the
           Research Foundation serves other divisions of the University.
           I am also recommending that the Board of Trustees request
           the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Research Foundation
           to establish policies pertaining to the operation of the Kentucky
           Spindletop Research Institute and its relationship to other
           research divisions of the University.  Any new operation
           possessing the potential strength of the Spindletop Research
           Institute needs the assistance of a number of well informed
           and experienced persons.  No more able group could be found
           than the officers and Board of the Kentucky Research Foundation,
           representing industry, business, agriculture, the professions,
           the alumni, trustees of the University, administration, and

               Finally, I should like to recommend that we request the
           Kentucky Research Foundation to permit Dr. Merl Baker to be
           designated as the person to assume administrative responsibility
           for the Spindletop Research Institute.  The director of the
           Institute would, therefore, be responsible to Dr. Baker and to
           the Kentucky Research Foundation for procedural and administrative

           Members of the Committee being advised, on motion duly made, second-
ed and carried, the recommendation was concurred in and the President was au-
thorized to convey the request.



          P. Dr. E. E. Litkenhous Named Consultant to the University.

          President Dickey related to the members of the Executive Commit-
tee that the facilities for the Spindletop Research Institute were progressing,
that there were certain duties and obligations of the University needed to be
performed, and that advice and consultation were being sought by the archi-
tects and engineers.  He recommended that Dr. E. E. Litkenhous of Vander-
bilt University Department of Chemical Engineering be employed as con-
sultant for research to the University of Kentucky and compensation fixed.

          Members of the Committee being advised, and upon motion dulv made,
seconded and carried, Dr. E. E. Litkenhous was appointed consultant for re-
search at the University of Kentucky.

          Q. Temporary Appointment for Relatives of Staff Members Approved.

          President Dickey stated that, because of the enrollment in beginning
courses in mathematics and physics, he found it negcgsary to