xt7rn872vw4b_13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872vw4b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872vw4b/data/55m7.dao.xml Troutman, Leonard, 1776-1841 0.8 Cubic feet 2 boxes The Troutman family papers include financial records, business records, legal documents and some correspondence of the Troutman family of Nelson County, Ky. The majority of the correspondence originated with Leonard Troutman and his son, Franklin. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Troutman family papers, African Americans. Agriculture--Kentucky. Farmers. Land settlement--Kentucky. Merchants. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Correspondence and ledgers text Correspondence and ledgers 2012 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rn872vw4b/data/55m7/55m7_2/55m7_2_4/83882/83882.pdf 1880-1885 1885 1880-1885 section false xt7rn872vw4b_13 xt7rn872vw4b     ::#:P:U122z H} %@M M/2% 96;%  M6
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with Hmul—Bin¢lIng :`tt1l(YIlll\(!llI...$l 75 (lt) IMPERIAL _______ {Combined Reaper :u1¢l)l0\vcr('I`wo l§:u·s)$1(iQ 00
HARVESTER. 5 ft.Cut,% " Wife-lfillilillsi A|U\¢¤hlll0llt··· 280 00 llleaper (wltlmut IllowiugAtlucluncnl ..... 140 00
°° T"'m°‘Bi¤dmg A““cl““°“t· :80 00 New Dropper (Two Barn). Reapiug; 5 ft. 3 iu.; Illowing 4
· with Haml·BlndIn,*: Att:nelm1cnt.. 185 00 ft. LS ln .......,......... . .......................,..........................   00
HARVEisTl§l{, 6ft_Cut, " ¥Vlr0-Blmlln;: Al:mclununt.. 290 00 Iron Mnwcr ........,....... . .,.................... . ....................... lu 00 ·
" 'I‘winc·l!in¤1in;.·· Att=n-l¤¤¤¤c¤¤t- 290 00 \\'lre—Binrlin;; Attac-1mtq·¤t;.1mm ......................... . ..... . .... 125 00
IIARVESTERW 8 fh Curr Wi¤¤'1`Wi¤<>·Bi¤¤¢1i¤¤:: Att"·clU“€nt··· 300 00 'l`Wine·Bln-....l».z...£L;. ..... L ......... ....Jt...f...;...l....i..L`. ....,.......... 1n.S-·.·..
$...£..;i....;§..—....&..ié .... 5...5.;;.4.;.1.;..;...% .... It—.:.payablc OH thc-....i....w .......~ . ..eZ!'....1.;...,;.·:...S;.....£..§; ..... :...;.1 .... I .........   li ..... Q...LQZ..kr;;..r .... df .... 1 .... { E., ......... ISS .........
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$ _________ ,,¢;;!__,,__;iZ,;,,_{ ___,,   __,_____,,,,,,,,,,................,...... p ayable on_tl1e .... ;£`.“.'.2 ,..,‘ ; ff.: .... u .... ,£ .:: ..... -.; ..................................,........................I........................... . ......,.......................... ISS ....... -
with interest Lherefpn at the rate of .................... ; ..... per cent. per annum from date until clue, and at thc rate of ..,,................... ..per cent. tlrereafler
until paid. . . ‘
These Machines are all warranted to bc wcll made, or good material, and durable with proper care. lf upon one rlay‘s trial the Machine shaahl not work wen, the
purchaser Shall give Immediate notice to said McCormick Harvesting Machine Company. or thclr Agent, and allow time to send a person to put It In order. lf it cannot
then be made to work well, the purchaser shall return it at once to the agent oi whom hc rucclvcd lt, and his payment (if any has been xnatltg will lle_1;;runded.
  .. ........... . ............................... 18   r. °*“ ,   . ,
Dated   Of"-.   · H i   ............   ...e..tz`..c ...... ,.3:.31.., ....   .... { .... 1i..{..5..;>.:Z..ff£i' ..... T I .,.l   ........_...,.
Post-Office ................................................................................ . ..................
County ................... . ......................... State .,....................,......................... . .....................................,,............... . ..........................................................,..............,..........

 . ._..,.....,..........,,..4.,..4A»,.,.,»............&4...,.4,.4,,,.A,,..A.,...4.. i ,...,..,.,,, A .....‘. ‘.4..A.........,.»...A.. 1 $S_,___
QI ,, e * ·`
      For the purpose of obtaining credit of the McCormick Ea.xtvesti,ng Machine G0., that
; I have it deed in fee simple of ___.i‘,._____,__,_A__i , .,i.,oio r ,o.,_._, acres of land, worth i.._.....‘.......,........,.,._,_,,._,_,,__4_4,4_, _ _4_4___________,___ Dollars per acre, situated in
Section .....................................,....,.....l...i in the Town of ____._....i.,4,........_. r   r...l..,..,...»...‘.............i..4._...,.__.4._,.. , ._...r.....,r_.., . _...,_.._,   ,.___ _ ,,_,__,____AA4__A_,_____,,,,,____,__ County
of ,............i.....,.i...,............................,...i......._....l..................... State of .......