xt7rjd4ppc3r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4ppc3r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1992-12-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1992 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1992 1992 1992-12-14 2020 true xt7rjd4ppc3r section xt7rjd4ppc3r LMMVERSHY OF KENTUCKY



30 November 1992

Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday,
@éfiéfifiéfifilfi,nlg92, at 3:00 PM in room 115 of the Nursing Building


Minutes: 14 September 1992; 12 October 1992.

Chair's Announcements


Remarks: President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.

Action Items

a. Proposed Transfer of the Microbiology graduate program from
the School of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and
Sciences to the Department of Medical Microbiology and
Immunology, College of Medicine. (Circulated under date of
24 November 1992.)

Proposed Departmental Name Change in the College of Human
Environmental Sciences from the Department of Human
Environment: Design and Textiles to the Department of
Interior Design, Merchandising and Textiles. (Circulated
under date of 25 November 1992.)

Proposed modification of the University Senate Rules,
Section V — Academic Progress, Probation and Suspension
Policy of the Clinical Laboratory Science Program, College
of Allied Health Professions. (Circulated under date of 27
November 1992.)

FOR DISCUSSION ONLY: Proposed Change in the University
Calendar. (Circulated under date of 30 November 1992)

Randall Dahl




The University Senate met in regu1ar session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, December 14,
1992, in Room 115 of the Nursing Hea1th Sciences Bui1ding. '

John J. Piecoro, Jr., Chairperson of the Senate Counci1, presided.

Members absent were: Richard Anderson, Virginia Atwood*, Richard C. Ausness,
Mark C. Berger, John J. Bernardo, David T. Berry, Peter P. Bosomworth, Doug1as A.
Boyd, Caro1yn S. Bratt, Joseph T. Burch, D. A11an Butterfie1d*, Lauretta Byars,
Rutheford B Campbe11, Jr., C1yde R. Carpenter, Ben N. Carr, Chris Carrico, Edward A.
Carter, Shea Chaney, Dona1d B. C1app, Char1ie C1ark, Jordan L. Cohen*, Audrey L.
Companion, Sarah Coursey, Pau1 DeMesquita*, Denton David, Richard Edwards, Dona1d T.
Frazier*, James E. Funk, Richard w. Furst, Joseph H. Gardner, Zakku1a Govindaraju1u*,
Larry J. Grabua*, Todd A. Griffin, Hi11iam S. Griffith*, Robert D. Guthrie, J. John
Harris, III, Christine Havice, Robert E. Hemenway, Richard A. Jenson*, James
Knob1ett, Kenneth K. Kubota, Thomas H. Lester, Arthur Lieber*, C. Oran Litt1e,
Wi11iam C. Lubawy, Justin Marriott, Marcus T. McE11istrem, Martin J. McMahon, Jr.,
Sandra Mi11er, James S. Mosbey, David A. Nash, Phy11is J. Nash, Anthony L. Newberry,
Robert C. Nob1e*, Pete November, C1ayton P. Omvig, Judith Page, Rhoda-Ga1e P011ack*,
Leigh Ann Poynter, Thomas C. Robinson, Tracy Rogers, David Sanford, Michae1 C.
Shannon*, Candi Smith, Crysta1 Smith, Thomas Stipanowich, David H. Stockham, Michae1
G. Tearney*, Eugene R. Ni11iams, Emery A. Ni1son, Peter Nong*.

The Chairperson we1comed everyone to the 1ast regu1ar University Senate meeting
of the 1992 Fa11 semester.

The Chairperson stated that the first item on the agenda was to approve the
Minutes of September 14 and October 12. He asked for any corrections or additions to
the Minutes for September 14. Motion was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes of
September 14, 1992, as circu1ated. The Chair had severaT corrections to the October
12, 1992 minutes. On page 2, number 2, add the fo11owing sentence to the end of the
paragraph. ”The Senate Counci1 in endorsing the proposa1 from the Medica1 Center,
asked that it be made app1icab1e throughout the University System." On page 9,
paragraph 8, change the word accountabi1ity to read ""performance review for
administrators". The Chairperson stated the minutes for October 12, 1992 wouid stand
as circu1ated with the corrections.

The Chairperson made the fo11owing announcements.

There are some prob1ems with the Facu1ty Trustee Nomination Ba11ot. There was an
error in the first ba11ot with the certification process. In the process, 1etters
were sent to the respective deans, who are to certify who is e1igib1e to vote and who
is e1igib1e to serve. There are prob1ems when someone is in a co11ege and is
assigned to a center or schoo1, there are a1so prob1ems when someone is a chairperson
or a director and whether or not they are sti11 a facu1ty member. The ru1e is if

* Absence Exp1ained


 Minutes, University Senate, December 14, l992

more than 50% of their time is involved in the educational process then they are
teaching and are eligible to serve. The first ballot was declared invalid because of
the error. The second ballot was issued and our worst horror occurred. In the list
of College of Medicine Faculty the first column was duplicated and the second column
was not printed. 'The Rules Committee decided to send out a new sheet with the
correct list of faculty members from the College of Medicine and a new process for

balloting. The Chair hopes no one was inconvenienced. The deadline for receiving
ballots is December 18, 1992. '

The second announcement has to do with the Committee Nominations letter that was
sent out. The Senate Council was asked to make nominations to the president and
Chancellors for the various standing committees. Those committees are the Academic
Area Advisory Committee, the Senate Advisory Committees, Privilege and Tenure, Prior
Service, Faculty Code, and Privilege and Tenure Hearing Panel, The Board of Student
Media and the University Appeals Board. Nominations need to be turned in so the
individuals may be taken into consideration as recommendations are made to the
President, respective Chancellors and Vice Presidents.

University Research Professorships - in a memo dated November 24, l992, from Lee
Magid, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, she indicated in the fall of
l992 an ad hoc committee was appointed to review the University Research
Professorship Program. Chief among the committee's recommendations was a
reaffirmation that this award is the most prestigious given by the University in
recognition of scholarly achievement and promise. The committee recommended.that the
value of the award be increased and more flexibility be provided for expenditure of
the funds. In the Spring of l993 the University will name two recipients of the
University Research Professorship for a one year duration to begin Fall Semester
l993. Each professorship will carry an award of $40,000, these new appointments are
contingent on the continued availability of funds. Nominations and dossiers should
be in the office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies, 207
Administration Building, by January l5, 1993. If more information is needed, call
Dr. Magid‘s office.

Academic Ombud Report for l992 - Professor Russell Groves was the Academic Ombud
for l99l-1992. Professor Groves is out of town. He had previously been scheduled in
September and October to give his report. His report will be attached to the minutes
for the December l4, l992 meeting. In reviewing the report the numbers and types of
cases brought before the ombud are fairly similar to what they have been in the past.

Strategic Plan - The Strategic Plan Committee submitted their report to the
President last week. There was a previous draft of the Strategic Plan that was
circulated earlier in the fall for review by faculty. A number of suggestions and
recommendations were obtained. The Committee reviewed each comment that was received
and many were incorporated in the draft submitted to the President.

Faculty Workload Committee Report may be finalized as early as this afternoon and
sent to the President. The process that the Faculty Workload Committee used was very
similar to the process the Stragetic Plan Committee used. A number of comments were
received and they were incorporated into the document.


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

Realignment and Restructuring Reports - in the Kernel (Friday) and the Lexington
Herald Leader (Sunday) there was information about what might be occurring. The
various realigning and restructuring committees will be submitting their reports to
their respective Chancellors or Vice Presidents. Between now and next semester the
President and his Cabinet will be reviewing the reports.

One of the recent things the President has done was to appoint a committee with
Dr. Richard Ulack of the Department of Geography as Chairperson to review the
Administrative Regulation AR2-l.0 - 0.6 which is a review and evaluation of
educational units. The committee is to consider those sections of the regulations
which deal with the review of the Chief Administrative Officers of educational units
as defined in the AR and make recommendations for change where appropriate which will
provide for the annual and periodic review process. In its review the committee was
was directed to pay particular attention to the input of faculty into the annual and
periodic reviews. The Committee is charged with making recommendations with an end
of the Spring Semester report to the President. -

COSFL Report - Coalition of Senate Faculty Leaders. They met December 5, l992,
Marcus McEllistrem attended that meeting. That group involves faculty leaders from
the eight institutions in Kentucky as well as the community colleges. One of the
things they are doing is revising their constitution and one of the topics of their
meeting was the review of administrative officers with representatives of each school
commenting on procedures. Many of the schools have reviews by faculty of the various
administrators including the president. Some of those are to be written ‘
anonymously. Some are made public and some are not. The chief thrust of COSFL this
year is to try to do something about the budget cuts and also to try to get
representation on organizations like the Council on Higher Education. There will be
more to come about this later. They will be meeting again in February.

Governing Regulations 3 The Board of Trustees met last Tuesday and approved
several changes in the Governing Regulations. Several of them had to do with
bringing the Governing Regulations in line with the recently passed statutes. One
had to do with charitable organizations and set up criteria for how those
organizations can come to campus. The changes in the Governing Regulations will be
appended to the Minutes of the December l4, 1992 meeting and are also available on

The Kentucky Academy of Sciences l992 Distinguished University Scientist Award
was presented to Dr. Marcus McEllistrem on December ll, l992. The Chair wanted the
Senate to join him in congratulating Marc.

During either the February or March Senate meeting the Chair has invited C. M.
Newton, Director of Athletics to make a presentation and answer questions on the
integration of intercollegiate athletics in the educational process.

The Chairperson then introduced President Charles T. Nethington to the Senate for
for his remarks.

President Wethington thanked Professor Piecoro.


 Minutes, University Senate, December I4, 1992

I just wanted to be here today and bring you up to date before the
Holiday Season, to reaffirm some of the things I‘ve said before and
follow—up on what Professor Piecoro has said.

To begin with, my prime reason for being here today is to thank you for
all you have done during the Fall Semester. If you look at the list of
things that John Piecoro had on his overhead, then you can quickly be
reminded of just how much the University Community has done during the
Fall Semester. I know all of you in this room have been impacted in
some fashion by all of these and I clearly want to express my
appreciation to you for all you have done and all you continue to do on
behalf of the entire University of Kentucky. You are not always
recognized. You're not. We're not. Particularly, faculty are not
always recognized for what you do. We don't go very long without
reading in the press about all of the things we don't do, but I want you
to know that, for one person at least, I'm very well aware of all the
kinds of things faculty do in this Institution and outside this
'Institution in teaching, research, and service. I appreciate that

Let me follow-up on the financial picture of the Institution. This is
my opinion, not based on anything official from the state or otherwise.
In my opinion, there won't be a budget cut before the end of this year
during this holiday season and for that we can all be thankful. It does
not mean there won't be one before the fiscal year is out, but it simply
means to me that our economy is continuing to improve slowly in Kentucky
and there is not any new reason to impact our budgets in December. The
growth is occurring slowly; our revenue for l992-l993 is continuing on
target; we still have not made up for all the problems we had in
l99l-l992, which means the 2% contingency plan will have to remain in
.place. The good news is that I do not foresee a budget cut coming
during this month of December.

Let me comment on the budget cuts themselves. Again, everyone of you
has been personally impacted by these cuts and they have been severe
cuts for the University, I don't have to tell you that. Anywhere you
look in this Institution you may find impact on the Organization as a
result of these budget cuts. We came into this year, July 1 of this
year, needing to cut an additional $3.l million out of the University
system, since the Community College System was not impacted by the
second cut. In order to have our base lowered to the point that we had
taken care of the full l0% budget cut, my goal was to manage the rest of
this $3.l million cut without laying off people, without endangering
academic programs anymore than we absolutely had to, and without cutting
faculty positions further. I'm here to tell you that as of today we
have cut an additional 92 positions out of the University System since
July l, 1992. Those have all been non~faculty positions and I do
believe that by the end of December we will have cut out at least 100
positions and will have managed the additional $3.l million budget cut.
Obviously those cuts have not all occurred where we would most like to
see them. During the Spring Semester, in addition to working on other
issues, I think you are going to find some reallocation, some shifts in


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

dollars that will try to help us manage the budget cuts we have already
taken. I do believe by the end of this December we will have brought
our base down to a level to handle the entire $26 plus million, the
total of the two budget cuts.

That leads me to the queStion of where do we go from here in terms of
the hiring freeze and in terms of the other financial strictures that we
have in place? My answer to that is that we must continue about as we
have been doing. Since we still have a mandate from the Executive
Branch to generate 2% to guard against a budget cut, which might or
might not occur during the Spring of l993, we must continue to save
dollars wherever possible to plan for the possibility of a further
budget cut. What I am inclined to do, and have been discussing with the
Chancellors and Vice Presidents, is to relax the university-wide hiring
freeze and put the responsibility for managing the freeze in the hands
of the Chancellors and Vice Presidents and thereby give a bit more
flexibility in the hiring freeze during the Spring semester. I do plan,
however, to continue to exert presidential control over the addition of
any new positions that are to be funded by state funds. I will keep a
hiring freeze on in terms of the establishment of new positions on state
funds and will exercise the responsibility myself to determine wherein
those positions get allocated within the University. You may see some
slight changes in our budget posture going into the Spring semester.
Obviously, we must continue some of the same kinds of financial controls
we have had during the Fall semester to guard against the 2% budget

cut. The good part of that is if a further cut does not come those
dollars will be available in the University to apply to the serious
academic needs we have that have been building up for a considerable
period of time.

The structure and organization examinations are getting very close to
being finished. As you know, there are several committees at work, one
in each Chancellor area and one in each Vice Presidential area. They
will make reports to me no later than December l5, l992. Those reports
that are made to me will carry a recommendation from the Chancellor and
Vice President in that particular area. I will get not only the reports
from the committees but I will also get the recommendations from the
Chancellors and Vice Presidents. I've got a lot of reading to do in the
next few days, once the reports get to me. I plan to spend a good part
of the Holiday Season working with my staff, with the Chancellors and
Vice Presidents on these specific recommendations and suggestions, to
determine which ones can best be implemented. We will review them all.
Obviously there will be recommendations and suggestions which will get
implemented, approved by me and implemented right away. There will be
recommendations and suggestions which I will determine not to be
feasible and not be able to implement. I will determine that if these
recommendations involve alteration or abolishment of academic units that
these will get referred back to this body. As I've indicated before it
is highly likely that I will employ an external consultant to look at
recommendations on organization that cut across the entire University.
My goal is to complete this effort before the end of the Spring l993
semester. We will have this finished prior to July l.


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

I am extremely pleased with the process that has taken place in the
review of the Strategic Plan. The draft is on my desk, I read it over
the weekend and the work has been excellent. We will again be reviewing
that with the Chancellors and Vice Presidents over the Holiday Season.

I plan to go to the Board of Trustees with it in the early part of the
Spring semester to get final approval. During the Spring semester, each
one of the academic units and the other units throughout the University

will be completing a unit by unit plan to help us through the l994-1996
biennium and beyond.

As a bit of good news - it has not yet been announced - I do not have a
letter, but the Southern Association did reaffirm the University of
Kentucky's accreditation in its meeting last week. He will be getting a
letter very shortly and I want to say again how much I appreciate the
work of Jim Hougland, David Nash, Loys Mather, and alot of you who
helped with that entire process of looking at the University and leading
us to successful reaffirmation of accreditation.

Again, let me thank Karl Raitz. I think he has done an excellent job
with a serious responsibility in chairing the Faculty Workload Committee
and let me thank the rest of you who served on that committee or who
helped in any way. I think you will be giving a recommendation to me
that will point out the varied responsibilities that faculty have in
this Institution, describing the workload very well and describing the
process for determining differentiated workloads for individual faculty
members in the University system.

Looking to the Spring, obviously we have several things left to do. We
have to complete the Strategic Plan, get it approved by the Board and
implemented unit by unit across the University. We want to complete the
look at the Organization and implement those recommendations that are
appropriate. We must prepare our biennial budget request for 1994-1996
to complete our plans for the next biennium.

There are two matters that are coming up in the Spring that I want to at
least alert you to. Probably in February there will be proposal before
the Council on Higher Education that will impact the setting of tuition
rates in Kentucky colleges and universities. I think most of you know
that I have been one of the college presidents in Kentucky that has
consistently advocated for lower tuition for our public colleges and
universities. At this point, I have determined that in the best
interest of this University we need to consider the changing of our
tuition policy to allow for a higher tuition increase in the Fall of
l993 than previously had been planned. I'm doing this for two reasons.
First, is the budget cuts and the impact those cuts have had on the
University of Kentucky. If there ever was any fat in this place, we've
cut it out. We have demonstrated that we can recognize these budget
cuts, manage them very well and get the base of the Institution lowered
to the level that we were mandated. We've done that, I did not propose
additional tuition increases to make up for those budget cuts. But now
to preserve the quality in this place we truly do need to be adding
dollars to enhance the instruction, research, and service programs of


 Minutes, University Senate, December 14, 1992

this Institution, to add to budgets in appropriate academic units that
will really help us move ahead in the future. For that reason I am
willing to consider an additional tuition increase. There is another
reason. I'm not proposing that the Council change its tuition policy.

I think that policy is very sound. What I am proposing is that the
Council establish tuition each year rather than for a biennium. That
will lead to a higher tuition increase next year than there would have
been if we were not to change the policy. This would maintain the
integrity of the Council on Higher Education Policy, but would set
tuition each year rather than every other year. If we don't do
something like this in l993, there will be a serious tuition increase in
1994, possibly approaching 20% or more. I believe it is in this day and
time absolutely necessary that we move to an annual process for
establishing tuition. Kentucky's tuition takes into account what is
happening in our Benchmark Institutions and it also takes into account
what is happening in the personal income for Kentuckians. It puts those
two factors together; our Benchmark Institutions' tuition plus the
ability of Kentuckians to pay. That makes sense to me for a state like
Kentucky that is trying to raise the educated base in this

Commonwealth. I have no problem with the Council's policy. I've
supported it all along and I will continue to support it. I think right
now it is time for us to look at setting tuition year by year, which
'will have a larger increase than normal next fall but will help minimize
the kind of increase that would occur in Fall l994, if we did not make
some change now. I hope you understand my position. You do not
necessarily have to agree with it, but I think it will, if enacted, give
us some additional flexibility to deal with enhancement of academic
programs and salary increases in l993-l994.

The last thing I would like to talk with you about is something that I
hope all of you will join with me in doing in l993. I have felt all
along that we need to wait until the Governor is successful with his
health care reform ideas in l993. I believe we will find these ideas
brought to the General Assembly in l993 and I believe it is important
that it take_place. Once we get through the change in leadership in the
General Assembly and possibly some special sessions, whether dealing
with health care or ethics reform, I think the latter part of l993 needs
to be a time when we in higher education set about conducting a rather
serious public information program for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. To
build support for higher education and possibly in the beginning to do
nothing more than to comment on the worth and the value of higher
education, how important it is to this Commonwealth and its citizenry.
We have been bashed about a good deal, I don't have to tell you that.
It is not that we cannot take that, we can. It is not that we can't
deal with it, we can. As a matter of fact, there is alot of goodwill

‘ for higher education in this Commonwealth and I believe it is time we
try to get it up to the forefront heading into the 1994 General Assembly
Session. We need to build support, I believe, that will allow our
policy makers, our elected representatives, our gbvernor and our general
assembly members to get higher education higher on the list of
priorities for the l994 General Assembly. I would like to see this cut
across all of higher education. I would like to involve all the college


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

and university presidents in Kentucky; I would like to involve the
Advocates for Higher Education and the Council on Higher Education and
the citizenry to the extent we can in recognizing the value of higher
education and pointing it out to the public. As we get farther into
l993 and get some of these other efforts past us, I hope you will be
equally committed to doing whatever you can to try to build support for
higher education in the Commonwealth. I am absolutely convinced that as
we build support for higher education we will build support for this
institution more so than for any other aspect of higher education,
because we are the single most important aspect of higher education in
the Commonwealth. I think if we bring all of higher education along we
stand a much better chance for success.

As a last item, I have attempted during this period of budget cut-backs
to keep you as informed as I knew how and as informed as I thought you
wanted to be. I will commit to you that I will make every effort to
keep you informed as we deal with serious issues and matters that impact
this University and which are of interest to you as well as to me. I
want to thank you again for the continued support that I‘ve gotten
during this l992-l993 year and before. Clearly the support has been
there from a wide variety of people and a wide variety of sources. I
want to commend the academic administrators as well as the faculty,
since all of you have put in an extraordinary amount of time and serious
effort in trying to make this a better Institution. As we have gone
through a time of budget cut-backs, we have attempted to focus ourselves
on changes, on realignments, on ways we could best enhance the
University as we move on into the l9905. We realize that we have a
lower financial base to work with; we realize that the growth that will
occur in the future is likely going to be a slow growth; we realize
those factors alone make it exceedingly important that we focus on that
which we do best and which we can do best for this state, this nation
and the world. You have accepted that responsibility; you have
participated in all of these tough decisions and I will ask you to
continue to participate in them as we move on through the Spring
semester l993. I wish you an extremely happy. pleasant, and healthy
holiday season. I hope we can all look forward to an even better 1993.

President Wethington was given a round of applause.

The Chairperson thanked President Hethington for his comments.

The Chair made the announcement that the Senate has a new Sergeant at Arms,
Joann Davis from the College of Nursing.

The Chair recognized Professor Dan Fulks, Chair elect of the Senate Council to
present the first action item. Professor Fulks read the first paragraph of the
background of the agenda item. Professor Fulks, on behalf of the Senate Council,
moved approval of the proposed transfer of the Microbiology graduate program from
the School of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, to the Department
of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine. The proposal was circulated
under the date of 24 November l992.


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

The Chair stated that the motion was on the floor and since it came from the

Senate Council it required no second. The floor was opened for discussion.


There was no discussion. The question was called. In a unanimous voice vote
Senate approved the proposed transfer. It reads as follows:

Background and Rationale: In December l984, in response to
recommendations from program faculty and administrators, the
Microbiology Graduate Program was transferred, for purposes of its
administration, from the Hunt Morgan School of Biological Sciences to
the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine. It
was anticipated that this change of administrative location would place
the program near the major source of graduate microbiology activity;
that it would provide for greater program support, generally, and for
greater graduate student financial support, specifically; and that it
would provide continuing access and the opportunity for all program
faculty members to participate, since the program is interdisciplinary
in nature and there are interested faculty members in several quarters
of the University.

Subsequently, the question was raised whether the program's best
interests would not best be served if it were decided to permanently
transfer it to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology rather than
the administrative arrangement in that department. As a result of
discussion with the Chairs of the two departments, it was agreed that
the issue be reviewed by faculty members who participate in or are
associated with the microbiology field. In l99l, the Dean of the
Graduate School appointed an ad hoc Committee, with representation from
several departments and sector? With microbiology students and research
activity, to examine the issue of permanent transfer of the program to
the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Based on their findings,
the response of the Committee was unanimous that the Program should be
assigned formally to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.

The opinions of all members of the Graduate Faculty associated with the
Microbiology Program were solicited and all but one person supported the

The Dean of the Graduate School then recommended that the Microbiology
graduate program be permanently transferred to the Department of
Microbiology and Immunology and that the reassignment would not carry
with it the transfer of any faculty.

The Senate Committee on Academic Organization and Structure reviewed the
pr0posal and recommended to the Senate Council that it be approved.

The Senate Council recommends that the Microbiology Graduate Program be
transferred permanently from the School of Biological Sciences, College
of Arts and Sciences to the Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
College of Medicine.


 Minutes, University Senate, December l4, l992

The Chair recognized Dan Fulks for the next action item. Professor Fulks, on
behalf of the Senate Council, moved approval of the Proposed Departmental Name
Change in the College of Human Environmental Sciences from the Department of Human
Environment: Design and Textiles to the Department of Interior Design,
Merchandising and Textiles. If approved, this change will be forwarded to the
President for appropriate administrative action. Professor Fulks read part of the
Background and Rationale. He stated the Senate Committee on Academic Organization

and Structure reviewed this proposal and recommends that it be approved. The Senate
Council concurs. .

The Chair stated the proposal required no second and asked if there was any
discussion. He stated the question was to change the name of Department of Human
Environment: Design and Textiles to the Department of Interior Design, Merchandising
and Textiles in the College