xt7rjd4pp96d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pp96d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 31, 2008 2008 2008-10-31 2020 true xt7rjd4pp96d section xt7rjd4pp96d sr STROKE:

shoulder injury.

UK swirr ning loses senior due to

_ Pages




PHOTO av EMILY coovznr l STAFF
Freshman Jennifer McNeil sits on her scooter
outside of Blanding l Thursday afternoon
McNeil'said parking her moped is often an
issue because people tend to chain their bikes
to the outsrde ends of bike racks, which IS
where mopeds are supposed to be chained

Moped users

have trouble "

with parking
on campus '

By Morgan Witt

It‘s not quite a car. btit not qtiite a
bike. So where do you park'.‘

Students using mopeds as their way of
transportation to and from campus are
getting towed from bicycle racks and
from marked motorcycle parking areas
when without a permit.

Mopeds. generally smaller than a mo
torcyclc and \A ith two. three or four
wheels. don't quite fit into one category.
which makes it difficult. said freshman
Jennifer McNeil.

"It is considered somey'sv'hat of a mos
torcyclc. but it can only go about 55 mph
so in that aspect it is not a motorcycle."
McNeill said.

Don 'l‘liornton. L'K's director of park»
irig and transportation seivices. said the
university‘s parking guidelines are cur-
rently under reyieyy to address mopeds.

Thornton also said mopeds and mo.
torcy'cles are required to park iti Motorcy»
cle 1M) permit parking areas With a mo
torcycle permit displayed on the rear
fender to park during restricted hours.

Matty moped tt\\ltct'.s do not need a
UK permit because a iiiotor'cycle license
is not required to operate mopeds. which
do not exceed 55 mph

In addition. [’K's parking regulations
state that mopeds may be secured to a bi~
cycle rack.

Sophomore Nathan ('r'use said he rer
ceived a citation for parking his moped on
a bicycle rack. The citation was for park
ing a 50cc moped on a bike rack c\en
though his moped is not a riiotorcyclc. lie

“I cannot park where the motorcycles
do because I would get toysed because
you have to display a motorcycle permit
on your lender. btrt I cannot get a motor
cycle permit because 1 do not need a nio-
torcycle license because my scooter is
does‘not exceed 50cc or 55 mph." (‘riise
said. "And I cannot park in a car parking

See Scooter on page 5



wo arrested after effigy


9y Katie Porkowski
news kykernelcom

Two people were arrested
Thursday in connection to the
Barack Obama effigy that was
found hanging from a tree on the
UK campus Wednesday morn-


Bush Fischer

Joe Fischer. a UK student and
former football walk-on. and


Hunter Bush. at Lexington resi—
dent. were arrested by UK Police
on charges of second-degree bur-
glary. second—degree disorderly
conduct and theft by unlawful
taking. Second-degree burglary is

a felony. and the other two
charges are misdemeanors.
Police said the two individu—
als broke into a fraternity house
on campus and stole some mate-
rials tised to make the effigy.

Maj. Joe Monroe. UK's interim
police chief.

FarmHouse Fraternity Presi-
dent Adam French confirmed the
fratemity gave information to the
police. He declined comment on
what was stolen from the frater-
nity house. saying he did not
want to compromise the investr
gation. He did confirm that the
stolen item or items did not in-
clude an effigy.

Fischer and Bush turned
themselves in at the UK police
station and were arrested at 3:38
pm. Monroe said. The two made
the effigy after seeing a life-size

representation of Republican vice
presidential candidate Sarah Palin
hanging from the front of a West
Hollywood man's house.

Bush and Fischer told police
they regretted their actions. Mon-
roe said.

Both are currently being dc»
tained at the Fayette County De-
tention Center and will be ar-
raigned at 1 pm. Friday in
Fayette County District Court.

UK Police received a report
at 7:45 am. on Wednesday that
a likeness of Obama. the Demo—

See Effigy on page 5




Drive «j

“ UK police recommended
walking route

P Emergency Telephones
Press Button



University Drive

UKMal Center





o g


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call. for new centers

By Travis Walker

n 6, mafiranma‘m

Big changes riiay be coming to
[Rs eiticrgciicy call stations.

Magi. .loe Monroe. l'K‘s iritcr'rrn
police chief. said the police depart-
ment is getting price quotes on both
retrofitting extstrtlg call centers wih
new technologies such as itiegaphorics
and cameras as \scll as installing en-
tirely iiess call centers \Vllll these addi-
tions already in place.

"We don't want to put something
in that's going to be outdated and not
used." Monroe said

Monroe said Thursday \shile l‘K
wants to add more call centers. no
timelinc is in place lor the addition of

The current emergency call centers
each haye a phone. and a red “lii case
of emergency" button. and sortie free,
standing centers haye a blue flashing
light on top. Locations of the phones
are chosen based on which are high-
traffic areas.

Alan Saylor. a l‘K police officer
arid crime prevention specialist. said

the stations iioys are "getting a little
ztti'iquated " He also said lack ol Use is
a pi'oblcrii

"What \‘se liaye lourid is the
phones are not Used as otlcti as “c
want them to be." he said.

[is currently has 1‘) call centers
listed or: a map on the [K Web site
tyvyvyytrkycdu police"phoneslitmll.
l‘yxo strutttires listed on the map haye
multiple plioncs. Parking Structure 5.
between Soatli l imestone and l‘pper'
streets. has seven phones and
Reynolds Building Ntiriiber I has two.

()ver sci en hotirs Wednesday and
Thursday. the Kernel louiid to of l9
call centers listed on l'K‘s Web site.
and 22 of 25 total phones as well as
one additional phone beside Bla/cr
Hall not listed on the map.

(‘all centers are tested once every
\\ eck or may other week. Monroe said.

Saylor said several of the phones
listed may not not any more. stich as
the one on (ia/ette t\\enue between
Leader and Transcript avenues off of
South Limestone across from the hos-
pital and the one listed as being behind
Memorial Coliseum.

{truss buttons
llkri flit" orii‘.
pit? tied it?
'sl 't‘llll i-"lilfl
Ur. -. t‘a'niiiis
The Uls Police
l5 JOE’iilt] Dlrft‘
quote .ri l‘iritli
retrofitting the
‘ existing call
testers: wrtl‘
new tecliiittir
piles anti
‘lts‘ldlii'llt :itta'
can centers r.
addition to
tires already tit

EHut 0 av


Mitch McConnell

LES. Si«:.\'.\'t‘ia

Bruce Lunsford

The Kernel mil be spot/ranting rand/dares before the
Nov. 4 electron These profiles wrlr highlight candr
dates' top Issues and their stance on higher edufaflofl

gum ego:
rlaster@kylternel com

During an economic
downtum. Mitch McConnell
believes he
can bring
the most
money into

the state.

the Repube
can incum—
bent in this
y e a r ‘ s



racc. said he has secured
more than $5le million for
Kentucky through his seat
on the Appropriations (‘om-
riirttee. Democratic opponent
Bruce Lunsford cites the fig
ure as about Sl27 rnillrori
for Kentucky.

Electing Lunsford. Mc»
(‘onnell said. would make
that number drop.

"We cannot afford to
trade Kentucky's clout and
influence in for a guy who
wrll go immediately to the
back row and take Kentucky
out of the decision-making
process." McConnell said in
an e—mail interview with the


McConnell. a senator for
24 years and the current
Senate minority leader. held
a double-digit lead over
|.urisford after the May pri-
marics. However. in the
months since. the margin be-
tween the two has become
razor~thin. which McConnell
said can be attributed to his

“Because I am my par-
ty 's leader in the US. Senate,
1 am a bigger target for the
San Francisco liberals than I
used to be." McConnell said.
“But in the end. l am confi-

See McConnell on page 5


By Jill mm

ilast'eifikykynel 'c om

it didn‘t look good for
Bruce lunsford.

l unsford. the Democrat»
rc candidate for the l’.S.
Senate. trailed his opponent.
Sen. Mitch McConnell. by
double—digits in polls fol-
lowing the state‘s primary in
May. Now. Lunsford is iii a
neckaind-ncck race. and he
is in a position to possibly
upset McConnell. who is
iust the second Kentuckian
to be a leader in the l‘.S.

Although McConnell

has ser\ed 24 years in the
Senate. mo of which have
been as the Senate minority
leader. Lunsford said his op-
ponent may face disadyarr
tages in a Senate potentially
facing big gains by the De

“When you’re part of a
minority. especially a minor-
ity that‘s hanging on by its
fingernails. someone in the
majority is going to have
clout." l.unsford said in an
interview with the Kernel

A key issue raised by
Lunsford‘s campaign is that
McConnell “walked hand in




hand \\ rth (ieorgc Bosh" for

See Lunsford on page 5


m 257-1915; W 257-2872

0 v


 Pris; 21 friuay, October 3t, rune


























To get the advantage, check the
day's rating. 10 IS the easiest
day, 0 the most challenging
Aries (March 21-April 19) ——
Today is an 8 —;— You can find a
much better way to do a diffr
cult job

Taurus (April 20-May 20) —
Today is a 7 — After you and
your mate figure out what you
want, the shopping part will be

Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Today IS a 7 M An expert can
teach you an easrer way to
achieve your intended results
You don't have to reinvent the
wheel. Use other people 3
experience and save yourself
time and anguish

Cancer (June 22-July 22) 7*
Today is an 8 —— You may not
get a massive task done. but

keep working in that direction.
It shouldn't be very difficult It
could be kind of fun

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) -
Today is a 7 Move the
IIi’lTIS on your schedule around
so you can have more time for
VirgolAug. 23- -Sept 22)A~
Today IS a6 Entertaining at
home looks like your best
weekend option You have a
few chores that have been
stacking up Maybe your
friends Will help -. stranger
things have happened Would
n't hurt to ask

Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22)
Today is a 7 Study the Situa-
lion again from a different
angle If you're working on a
painting, turn it upside down
You'll be amazed at [what you
disco ier Unl easlr your inner

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today rs a 9 ., Money's pourv
ing into your pockets If that's

Apuz com

not happening, shift a few
things around so it Will.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 -- A You’re more
confident now, funnier, more
Willing to play

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 6 Hold off on
travel, even the little doing
errands kind

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
— Today is a 7 ~— Definitely
attend a somal gathering
tonight All the surprises will
be happy ones, including the
tricks you play on others
Nobody will suspect its you if
you dress up as one of your
alter egos They'll love it
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is a7 fl There's a crack
in the glass ceiling that's been
in between yOU and your lOTIh
est goals Push against it now
and you're likely to break

Iti [008 Tribir'» Metre Seixrres lrrc


Today’ 5




your daily dose of entertainment pop culture andf un Qp
kernel 9

Lauren and

e DiSI-I

Heidi Montag and Lauren
( onrad ha\c a rich history of
screaming matches at LA.
hot spots. So patrotts at S'I‘K
rcstaurant on Oct. 14 cottld
hc forgiven for cxpccting thc
worst when Conrad. 23. ar~
rived to cclchratc hcr rcccnt
Lauren (‘onrad (‘ollcction
fashion show at LA. Iiashion
Week and found Montag. 23.
and beau Spcnccr Pratt. 35.
having dinner at the bar. But
as Montag gave her cx-pal a
small waw. thc uncxpcctcd
happcncd. Conrad waycd
back and "smiled at me."
Montag tells Us. "l was like.
That‘s crazy! It‘s the first
time l'vc hung out with her in
two years. I wanted to say
something. but I was scared."

Af‘tcr ncarly two years of
ratingsvhoosting hostilc firc
(including some vcry public
trash-talking on the part of
both girls). had pcacc finally
come to The Hills‘.’ Buoyed
by Conrad's disarming grin
and encouraged by. of all
people. Pratt ("Hc said. 'lf’
you want to say anything.
now‘s the time.” Montag
says). Montag sought out hcr
nemesis inside the privatc
room full of hci' family and
friends. which fell qtiict as
she approached Conrad. "I
said. ‘Congratulations' and
'I‘m proud of you.‘ and she
told me we should figure otit
a time to talk. I got a littlc
choked up." says Montag of
their heartl‘clt conversation.
for which they relocated to a
corner of thc eatery so they
could have more privacy.
“She gave me a hug. and We
started laughing. She said.

I Icidis


The Hills' stars talk about

”You know 1 low you. You
know I miss you so much.”
Thc two thcn huggcd and
walkcd away witlt smiles on
thctr l'accs

"I'm just sorry and feel
cnough is cnough." Montag
tclls l7s. "This lcud should be
oxci'. She‘s friends with
cwryonc in my lifc. She‘s
fi‘tcnds Wllh Spcnccrs sistct’.
Stcphatuc. and my sister.
Holly. She cart hc friends
with cvciyonc hut mc'.’ It Just
madc inc rcali/c that it's gottc
too far." Conrad. fresh off an—
other feud with cxsroommate
Audrina I’atridgc. 23. may
also be ready to bury the
hatchct. "Hcidi came in to thc
af‘tcrparty to congratulate me
on thc show. It was nice of
her. I appreciated it." Conrad
tclls L's of the cncountcr. “I
wish her the best.”

Jtist seven months ago.
thc idca of a trucc could not
how sccmcd lcss rculistic
c\cn fora show whosc rcality
is oftcn considered qticstion-
ahlc. In April. Montag
whosc famous falling‘out
w ith (‘oiirad dates back to her
thcn-pal's disapproval of hcr
rclationslitp with Pratt during
thc M'li‘y' show‘s sccond sca»
son in 2007 stokcd thc
fircs whcn s'nc and Pratt
w agcd art assault against
(‘onrud on thc talk-show cir—
cuit. Iixamplc. During a radio
interview. Montag said about
(’onrad. "I would ncwr hc
l‘ricnds with a lowlifc Itkc
that." (As cvcry‘ Hills fan
knows. (‘onrad blaiucs thc
pair for spreading the infa-
mous rumors of thc cxrstcncc
of a scx tapc of hcr and c\ .la—

what it will take to restore
their friendship, for good

son Waiilcr. charges that
Montag and Pratt haw long

But Montag tclls Us the
til/led f'ricudshtp has rcccnt—
ly taken its toll, and this stirri—
incr she just couldn't takc it
anymore. "I missed her.
Some of my best memories
of my life are with her. There
won‘t ever bc another Latt—

'l‘hc question remains: If
both sitlcs arc primed to be—
gin mcnding l‘cnccs, what
will it take to make a fresh
start at friendship? Montag
says Conrad will simply have
to meet her halfway. "Hope-
fully wc cart both stop being
stubbom and figure this out."
she says. “We need to sit
dowti alone together with no
camct‘as. whcrc we can just
talk. I've tried several times
to talk to her. l‘vc gone to her
apartment. I want to hear her
sidc. hccausc there are. always
two sides and cvcryonc al—
ways thinks they‘re right."
She is even willing to con-
ccdc that she was no angel: “I
takc responsibility for any-
thing I said about her nega-
tiycly " (‘onrad‘s attitudc to—
ward l’ratt. Montag is still
hitrdapriysscd to make scnsc
of why (‘onrad forccd her to
choosc hctwccn thcir fricnd—
ship and hcr relationship.
“Thct'c arc different shapcs in
our hcarts. and people fill
thcnt diff'crcntly." shc says. “I
tricd tcllmg hcr when shc was
trying to initkc mc choose
that 1 low her and Spencer
hoth diffcrcntly."

.Ith‘ tis‘it’Vt Til


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I gr )t let go myself. I'm a big bclichr in
sea md chances. '1 his isn't sr )mL‘t me who
has had three ChLInOCS. four chances. the

Fish out of water


-—'Doug Melvin, Brewers General Manager, on hiring Ken

Mocha as Milwaukee.

Shoulder injury forces senior to redshirt 2008-2009 season

By loila Kalogi

UK senior swimmer Warren
Grobbelaar had a choice: end his
career or sit out his senior year.
Grobbelaar decided to ride the pine.

But Grobbelaar isn‘t just sitting
out his last year — he‘s extending it.
The swimmer from Pretoria. South
Africa decided to redshitt this year
after months of shoulder pain, in an-
ticipation for next season and the
2012 Olympics. Grobbelaar had two
options: grind through the pain and
end his swimming career after UK
or rest.

Grobbelaar has had problems
with his left shoulder for the past
two years. but it has worsened since
last December because he was train—
ing for the 2008 Olympics in Bei-
jing. He just missed making the
South Africa Olympic team for the
2008 games.

Grobbelaar said there isn‘t arty—
thing structurally wrong with his
shoulder. but the pain remained.

Grobbelaar rested his shoulder
during the summer hoping the prob-
lem would fix itself. Grobbelaar has
continued to practice with the team.
but he has adjusted his workouts so
that the injury does not flare up

“It‘s fine for everyday use but
hurts when swimr‘ning." he said.

The decision to sit was mainly
Grobbelaar's. Swimming head coach
Gary Conelly said redshit‘ting was
his best option.

“He wanted to gnc himself an-
other year to get back up to speed."
Conelly said. “He‘s hoping to make
the 2012 South African Olympic
team and he has a real shot."

At last season‘s Southeastem
Conference championship. Grobbe«
laar finished seventh in the IOU-yard

See Swim on page 4

Cats feeling the effects of
‘Voter fraud’ with low ranldng

The best thing about sports is the team
that's supposed to win. usually wins. And
teams that wear red don’t necessarily play

consen'atiye with the
lead. and teams that
wear blu well. they‘re
not always the people's

But even eight years
after “."W snuck in.
there's still something

' 2' ' fishy going on at the
JD' poll; h h ' ' h
ea .1 atsng t.
wlitlr'nAe'l‘s inconsistencies still ex-
’. 1st when you le voting

columnist .
and Florida.

For the record. the
No. 21 UK volleyball team has more wins
than any other team in the Southeastem

But despite only three losses for the
Cats. they‘re still having a hard time find-
ing acceptance from voters in the national
polls. especially in comparison to their Sun-
shine State rivals.

The No. ll Gators. who boast a l7—2

record. are ranked ll) places ahead of the
Cats in the American Volleyball Coaches
Association poll.

"They have some good wins. They beat
us this year and should be ahead of us in
the polls. Until we‘re able to get a win
against Florida I'm not sure that‘s going to
change. unless they take some more losses.
and I don‘t see that happening." UK head
coach Craig Skinner said.

While both clubs are tied atop the SEC
standings with identical ll»| records
against conference foes. it's the resurrected
UK volleyball program that‘s still not get-
ting the respect it deserves.

“Florida is annually one of the best pro-
grams in the country. and still is." Skinner

The single blemish in the Cats‘ confer-
ence record was the result of a match on
Oct. 10 between the Cats and Gators in
Gainesvillc. Fla. The Cats rallied from a 3.0
deficit to force a fifth game before the
Gators put them away. 15-8.

The Cats don't get another chance to

See Williams on page 4

West Virginia at Connecticut
Florida State at Georgia Tech
Florida vs. Georgia (in Jack—

sonville, Fla.)

, Alex Hale

UK tan

Record: 40 ~14
Florida State

Eric'Lindsoy' '

Sports columnist
Result 37 . 17
Georgia Tech

Alex Risen
Staff writer
Record. 35 - l9
Florida State

Bobby Reagan
Asst. spans editor
Round: 35 ~19


Florida State





Kenny (’olston
Sports Fditor
kcolston (silky/kernel .L o

Above: Warren Grobbelaar, a senior on the UK swrmming team. talks with other members of the team during a practice Thursday morning Grobbelaar was redshrrted after illle'lllg his left shoulder
Below: Grobbelaar rests on a dive board before practice at the Lancaster Aquatic Center. Part of his reason for redshirtirig was to compete in the 2012 Olympics for South Africa

bal I l Picks for.


Tulsa at Arkansas
Northwestern at

Texas at Texas Tech

Brad Luttrell
Editor in chief
Record: 34 - 20


Florida State





Kenny Gaston
Sports editor
Record: 30 - 24
Georgia Tech
Texas Tech

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 t'K vs. \llSSlSSll’l’l S'l‘A’t‘ti: l)()Sl'l‘l().\' Irv t’oSrIrox


The Randall Cobb eIa bee
gins this week for the Cats.
Will it make a huge differ-
ence‘.’ Well. that‘s III the
hands of the receivers. Liter-
ally. Mike Hanline Is still ex;
pected to get sortie snaps. bitt
it will be Cobb leading the
charge. Mississippi State has
a two—headed quarterback
tandem III Tyson Lee and
Wesley Carroll. The two haye
combined to throw for L392
yards. but have tossed nine
interceptions. Shockingly. the
Cats win this battle.

Adv: UK '

Running back

The Bulldogs boast a
strong backfield with Antho-
ny Dixon and Christian
Ducre. Dixon is averaging
more than four yards per car-
ry and has reached the end
zone six times. in addition.
Lee and Carroll are both mo—
bile quarterbacks. The Cats
have the athletes to be a good
running team. but until they
prove that. this category will
fall every time.


By Bobby Reefln

breagan®kykemel com

:\d\2 Miss, St.

Wide receiver

UK‘s three leading re"
ceivers ~— Dicky Lyons Jr..
Derrick Locke attd Randall
(‘obb w are either out for the
season With Injuries or now
starting at quarterback. Fresh-
man (iene McCaskill and
junior corner-ttimed-receiver
liJ. Adams will start this
week. Until the Cats cart get
any consistency here. it‘s not
even worth debating.

Adv: Miss. St.

Offensive line

The UK offensive line
has been a strong point. giv—
irig up only seven sacks
through the first eight games
of the season. They have kept
their quarterback off the
ground. and with a more mo—
bile Cobb back there. it could
be more dangerous.

Adv: UK

Defensive line

Despite Myron Pryor be—
ing injured. the Cats‘ defen—

sive line Is one of the best
around. Jeremy Jarmon. Yen»
trell Jenkins“. Ricky Lumpkin
and Corey Peters Wlll contin—
ue to dominate the trenches.
This is a category that the
Cats shouldn‘t lose all year.


The Cats face the possibiL
ity of playing without Micah
Johnsoti this week. bitt senior
Braxton Kelley will refuse to
let that affect the quality of
this group. On the other side
of the ball. Dominic Douglas
and KJ. Wright lead the Bull—
dogs in tackles with 58 and 40
respectively. Wright also has
two sacks on the year.

Adv: UK


Trevard Lindley might be
the best player the country
hasn't heard of. He is a true
shut-down comer and poten-
tial All-American. David
Jones has shown he is no
slouch on defense either.
With two Bulldog quarter-
backs that are prone to throw—

Ing interceptions. expect UK
to dominate this category.
Adv: UK

Special teams

There‘s nothing special
about UK‘s special teams. If
you're a Cat fan. just take a
deep breath and cross your
fingers when they come out
on the field. The Cats should
never be in consideration for
the best irt this category.

Adv: Miss. St.


The Cats are just one win
away from bowl eligibility.
Could there be deja vu from
two years ago when the Cats
rebounded against MSU after
art ugly loss‘.’ That depends
on the play of Cobb at quar—
terback. but more importantly
if his receivers give him any
help. If they can. arid should.
the Cats will win. Expect a
close game between two
evenly matched teams. In the
end. Cobb. Jarmon. Kelley
and Co. refuse to allow a let-
down. '

Adv: UK




Warren Grnhbelaai a senior on the UK swrmmtng team, holds on to a lane divider while taking a break during a svwm practice Thursday



Continued from nine t

butterfly and finished ch at
NCAA chaIIIpIoItshIps carn-
ing his first career individual
All-America honorable lttt‘l‘r
tion in the same eyent \t the
NCAAs. (it‘tibbclaar had his
career~best swim. setting .I

t'K school record with his
prelitttinary' time of 46.92
seconds In the ltlft—yard but

In order to stay in shape.
(irobbelaar still swims in the
pool. Using fins to help take
strain off his shoulder. He
also uses the Johnson Center
to help with leg strength. ridS
mg a stationary bike for an

While (irobbelaar Is hap—
py with the decision to take
the year off. the Cats will
miss the points he generates
by swimming at meets.

"It hurts its this year biit
Wlll help us Iiext year."
(‘onelly said.

The Cats expect to strug—
glc a little at first with
(irobbelaar out. btit the senior
said his teaInIIIates won‘t

miss him too mitclt. thanks to
art overall better squad.

“The team might lose a
few points in Individual
eyents. such as the Mitt-yard
butterfly. but everyone's get—
ting better on the team and
are faster than last year."
(irobbelaar said. "The team
definitely won‘t do any worse
than last year."



Continued how; In 1

take down the (iaiois until Nov to and
that date tan \yait l‘k‘vttltsc‘ l'K Is not
looking that far ahead Between now
and then. the (Lits \\lll have their paws
full this weekend with two perennial
Sl:(‘ powers. staitine \Hlll Louisiana
State. the best team to the SH‘ West.
l'riday night at \leniorial (‘oliseiim ()Ii
Sunday. the (tits littsl (ieorgta. the only
SH. team that has been able to beat the

(iators this year

.\ll eyes arc on the match against
the ltgers. and tor good reason

When the two teams gct on the
court. it‘s more than just another game.
LSTT head coach Fran Flory cut her
teeth on the sidelines that Skinner now
patrols. lilory‘ received her first head-
toachtng job at a major school III I‘M}
when she took over l'K's \ollcyball
program. Her five—year stint as head
\tttlvh at [K ended with her taking the

[St job.

lloitie teams always love pounding
on old coaches. no matter how much
time has passed since the time of dc-
paiture It‘s been a while srncc the (‘ats
ha\e won both regular season matches
against the Tigers Alter sweeping LSl'
on Sept ZS to Baton Rouge. la. the
( ats haye a chance to make .I strong



mark In the Slzt' against a quality

“LSl' typically is one of the most
athletic teams
III the conference Skinner

it Iiot the most athletic

Two wins this weekend against stelA
lar opponents Wlll give poll voters even
more reasons to believe that the (‘ats

are the real deal and show that their


strong record Is Ito lIukc. But a loss or
two could mean a quick exit truth the
minds of the toprl.‘ voters.

But don't worry. The team that‘s
supposed to win usually gets the

./,I). \Ii/liimrt l\ (I roiri'nu/Isiii \(‘IIIUI'.
[JHNUI _/‘t\ Ill/innit" Av/u'rrn'lt om

Texas Tech perseveres and wins in Big 12

By Blair Kerkboff

Mcfiatchy Newspapers

The eyes of Texas. and the
college football nation. will
be on sixth«ranked Texas
Tech when it takes on the
top-ranked Longhorns on

Those eyes may be sur~
prised at what they see.

No. not the circus of«
fense. Stats readers know all
about the aerial show and the
Red Raiders' leading the na'
tion In passing yards five of
the last six years.

No stranger to the public

conscrousness is Mike leach.
the law student-tumed-un-
LUIIanllttnttl coach who likes
pirates. Is buddies with Don-
ald Trump and often goes for
it on fourth and I from his
side of the field.

And people are getting to
know about Matt Williams.
the kicker who won the job
through a fan contest between
quarters earlier this season.

What folks Will learn
about Texas Tech by tuning
in to the biggest game In
school history Is that the pro
gram has stood as a model of
consistency and Is proof that
If you continue to knock on

the door. opportunity eventu-
ally wtll answer.

I liked what Leach. in his
ninth season. said about the
matter when asked about the
significance of the Texas

“This one doesn‘t mean
anything if you didn‘t make
the best of the ones before-
hand," he said.

Tech has done well
enough in those games to be
considered the leader of the
Big l2 pack that falls below
the Texas-Oklahoma separa
tion line. and Leach hasn‘t
gotten enough credit for the

Since [each arrived and
Including this season. only
the Longhorns and Sooners
have better Big 2 records
than 'l'cch. Now. he hasn‘t
gotten over the 'l‘exas~()klzr
homa hump. with a 3—H
record III those games. and
Tech takes a ll\'C*gttnlt‘ series
losing sticak Into Saturday‘s

There also have been in»
explicable rneltdowns. like
last season's home loss to
Colorado. and a knack for
falling apart against Missouri.
Against ranked teams under
Leach. the Red Raiders have
lost 3b of if).

. I t ’

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iRiDAY AND SAiliir‘l‘IA'r




Friday, October 31, 2008 | PAGES




Continued from page 1


the president’s eight years in
office. McConnell. Bush and
other leaders have created a
worsening economy and a
struggling War in Iraq. and
have continued to line the
pockets of the nation‘s Wealthi»
est. Lunsford said.

"They have a l00 percent
policy - George Bush. Mitch
McConnell —— that you go from
the top down. you take care of
the richest first." Lunsford said.
“They constantly