xt7rjd4pp744 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pp744/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1989 1989 1989-02-06 2020 true xt7rjd4pp744 section xt7rjd4pp744  



V°'- XC'L NO- 103 Established 1894 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday. February 6. i 989






BOT reviews UK’s rpesonse to allegations

BOT members meet for more than
three hours for University briefing

Managing Editor

Former L'K trustee Henry '(‘ap”
Hershey said yesterday during the tap
mg ot the television program "Your
internment." that the Board of Trust
ees should have been better informed
about the l'niversity‘s handling of the
.\’( '.\.'\ investigation

Hershey. who was replaced last week
on the board. told a four-member panel
of iournalists that I'Ix President David
Roselle has not been open with the
board about his handling of the [hirer
sity's investigation of the 18 N('AA alle
gations of rules Violations That
Hershey said. has caused some resent
merit by trustees


.a-S'. I

"There's some cracks 111 the armor
down there right now‘ Ilershey said
“I don't think everybody is exactly sat
islied \"1lll the way things are going
‘I‘hose trustees are doing the best
~ioh they can And I think when they feel
their opinions are not being listened ‘tt.
they tend to resent it That makes tor a
tough situation ‘

The segment aired on till-IX 1% yes
terday at noon one hour tietori- the
Board or Trustees niet iii closed session
to revteii The l'tiiy‘ersity's‘ response to
the .\'(‘-\.-\ allegations

Yesterdays meeting was priiiiipti-rt
by a motion during a .lati 34th meeting
iit the board to hold a special meeting to
\1('\\' the response the 1K adiiiinistra
tion was sending to the \f‘;\\


The University's response to the NCAA Allegations almost the Board of Trustees meeting the board reviewed the
blocked the View of President David Roselle yesterday at eight-binder report in closed sesson

Roselle kept board in dark about
investigation, former trustee says

I think t' has taken a lot :it
bickering to keep the board informed."
Ilirshey said '1 think It took a 12~ttib
\ote by the iioard to tort-e hitti to edu
tati- the hoard as ‘othe respoiise’

Hershey said that ‘he l'tiiyei'sity”s :ti
testicatum -,-i he inattei ‘lllilllll haw
been kept out in the open troni the be

I'm not ‘l‘SlItltttH‘ili‘fI in 'he 'hor
oiightiess tit »‘ llershei said I‘m not
disappointed 1" ‘lie tart that we don't
want .1 program that‘s built on cheating
and .iolatioiis lit the rules 1 am iust
disappointed that it wasnt done in .1
riiore torthright manor I think that
would haye eliminated a lot of our prob
letiis here 111 the last few weeks "

Sec HlRVlFR. Back Page

Editor in Chief

Completing what L'K President liayii:
Roselle termed an "important step.
the UK Board of Trustees and Athletics
Association Board of I)ll't‘\'lti1's
reviewed the l'niversity ‘s response yes
terday to allegations against the 131"!)
basketball program

The response. contained in eight thick
binders. was expected to be mailed ' .
the NCAA this morning

"It‘s an important step. a very ampor
tant step." said [{oselie. l()IIU\\'lI;J a
more than threevhour tiieetnig oi ‘tii
BOT. "My guess is that the sooner ’ s
out of here 'he better everyou .i. ”

(.‘ontroversy oyer ll‘a‘
University response swelled
and yesterday as the state's
newspapers the Lexington
Leader and Loumydli-
Journal in." stories tna' pain'i-t:
tering pictures alum? l‘h‘ s response

The Herald Leader iiiiit' Hi;
named sillll't'i's Saturday said 'I.t
yersity :ii :‘s responsi-
responsibility tor 'iie i. (too
package and t haraes o: it .1’It‘lliit. .i
surrounding the college "'_.I'.i,'li"'
itl' I‘II‘H' \I.iZ11ti’l

Ill“ \l'.\\
.iSsisla't‘ ttaSkt‘lltal ..
i‘asey sent $11M“ 3:. an. .
I3'ticrj‘ package to the ‘ i’tier o1 ”11"."
il‘llll i'hris \hlis 'I‘l‘iat .illi-ea‘ioi: .
lil‘SlHll'r’-_ill:1l'1si'l:t‘ iask-"P "'

The other allegatutgs r mac 1'1
rash pay 1‘.i"f‘

L'iiiiletits til "it:






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UK fails to move into
first with an 84-72 loss

Staff Writer

ATHENS. Ga. , For the second straight
week. l'K had a chance to move into a
t'irsteplace tie for the Southeastern (‘onferr
ence. but fell short

The l'niversity‘ of Georgia. a team
picked to win the SEC. put liK‘s quest
down again by a score of 84-72 yesterday
hetore 9.812 fans here at Georgia ('ol

"The chances aren‘t going to come
around very often.“ ['K center Lellon Ellis
said "We had a chance to tie for the
league lead for the second straight week "

l'K fell into a tie for third place in the
league at 64. one full game behind league
leading Louisiana State L'niverSity r7»3i
The (‘ats' overall record dropped to the
soo~mark at 11—11.

Georgia improved to 13-8 overall. and 3-6
in the league.

With the [K Board of Trustees meeting
in liexmgton. the players said they found it
hard to concentrate on basketball The L'K
team heard about the meeting on CBS-TV
before the game.

During halftime of the Georgetown-Villa»
nova game. (‘88 announced that the ”big-
gest story in college basketball today" is
happening in Lexington.

“It is very hard for us to concentrate
trom game to game because of all the off-
the»eourt distractions." UK guard Sean
Sutton said, “This whole year has been dit'»
terent fora lot of us,"

"I am sure it ithe BOT meetingt didn‘t
Ilt'I') us prepare very much for the game."
sa' l'K coach Eddie Sutton,

ine (‘ats opened the game in good fash-
ioi. when Su'ton hit a driving layup with





Today: Chance of snow llurries
Tomorrow: Cloudy, more tlurries




ti it:i remaining in the hrst tialt l'K took
the lead at 1871i;

But only l:-‘. seconds later l‘K lost the
lead for good when latterlal Green hit a
three pointer to give the Bulldogs the lead
at 19—18

(ireeri. a treshman point guard. tinished
with 1.3 points and seven assists

(lreen's basket keyed a Georgia run of
18-3 that put the Bulldogs in tront tor good

“They hit some higtime shots during
that run.” the [K coach said ‘We didn't
think they iwouldt shoot as well as they
did ”

During the Bulldogs run l‘K went over
the limit in fouls. which enabled Georgia to
reach the bonus

l'K sent the Bulldogs to the hne .t1 times.
and Georgia hit 8:19 percent o1 their at
tempts for :26 points By contrast. ['K shot
only 111 free throws tor the gariie

"()ne thing we didn‘t want to do is put
them on the foul line because they are a
very good free throw shooting team.”
Eddie Sutton said “And they made us
pay ”

Georgia's Junior center Alec Kessler.
went to the free throw line 17 times and
made 14. Kessler led all scorers and re-
bounders with 22 points and 13 rebounds

“Kessler. it I am not mistaken. has been
to the line more than anybody in tre eon»
fei‘ence.” Eddie Sutton said. “He is a tre-
mendous basketball player "

“I WIII be surprised if he is not an ex.
tremely high iNBAt draft choice when he
leaves Georgia." Ellis added

Georgia. which hit 5 of 6 three pointers
in the first half. took L'K by surprise in hit-
ting their outside shots.

“In the first game. they didn‘t hit their

W’V":*Inw.~.i , ‘



Georgia guard Jody Patton (t2) drives past Sean Sutton (30) of LJK during
the first half of yesterday’s game. Georgia beat the Wildcats. 84- 72

outside shots." Sean Sutton said “Tonight.
they hit them,"

l'K. down by 12 points with 1:30 left in
the first half. cut the lead to nine by lialf-
time to pull within striking distance.

"We were sitting good tandt we still be
lieved we could win the game." said Sean
Sutton. who touled out Wllh six points and
tive assists.

l'K. playing with more enthusiasm than
they did in the tirst hall, made several
runs at the Bulldogs in the second half. but
could get no closer than six points.

"In the second half we came out With a

lot more aggressiveness. but it was too
late.’ said l'K torward (‘hris \Iills. who
scored ll ot his 19 points it] ttie Stt‘ttlltl

“We made seyeral runs at them in the
second ball. but we couldii t qlnte get o\er
the hump.” I‘:(I(l1(‘ Sutton said

“Today. I think Georgia could ye
en t anybody iii the SE(' "

I'K had yet another poor perto. iiianee on
the boards yesterday They were out 1e
hounded by a Afr-28 margin

The Bulldogs pulled down 19 otteiisne



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Cool Cats win two,
keep playoff hopes






Selleck needs alibi
for new movie.

See Page 4






 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday. February 8,1989



information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through the
Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The
information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with editorial privi-
lege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organizations or Uni-
versity departments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar form
must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.




OExhibits (through 2/27): Martin Luther
King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement:
Free; MLK Jr. Cultural Center: 10 a.m.-6
p.m.; Call 7-4130

oOther (through 219): John Tuska: A
25-year Retrospective; Free; Art Museum;
Noon-5 p.m.. Center for the Arts; Cali 7-

~Workshops: The Myers-Briggs Type in—
aicator: Implications for the workplace
(non-credit class); $39; Call 78122

oConcerts: Britny Fox presented by
SAB; 310; Student Center Ballroom. 8
p m,. Coil 7—8867


oSports; Lady Kat Basketball vs. Ten-
nessee Tech; Away; Time TBA; Call 7-3838

oWorkshops: Making Effective Presen-
tations (Tuesdays & Thursdays. noncredit
class); S48; Central Trust; Noon-1 p.m.;

oWorkshops: Professional Telephone
Skills (Tuesdays. noncredit class): 539;
CommerceNational; Noon-1 p.m.; Call 7-

~Meetings: The infertility Support
Group; Free; Mecical Center room c303;
7:30 p.m.; Call 233-5410



- Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Vander-
bilt. Away; Cali 7-3838

oMovies; Sudden Impact; $1.95;
Worsham Theatre; 730. 10 p.m.. Cali 7-

oTheatre: “Man Overboard." Charlie
Oates. UK Theatre Department; 53; Stu-
dent Center Theatre; 8 p.m.; Cali 8-8582

~Workshops; Learning to Control Your
Time (noncredit class); $39; Noon-i pm;
Call 7-8122

oSeminars; Supercomputer Simulation
of Semiconductor Growth; Free; Chemis-
try Physics room 137; 4 p.m.; Call 7-8737

-Lectures. “Romancing the (Native)
Stone" Dr George Bornstein: Free: Peal
Gallery 730 pm. Call 7-1313


oMeetings: College Republicans; Free;
Student Center room 115; 2 pm.

-Movies (through 2/11): Rattle and
Hum; $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.;
Call 7-8867

oMovies (through 2.311); 9% Weeks;
$1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 p.m.; Call 7-

-Sports (through 2’13): UK Men's Golf
GatOr invitational; Gainesvilie. FL; Call 7-

oAcademics: Last day for filing an ap-
plication in dean‘s office for a May de-

-0ther: The Dating Game; Free; Me-
morial Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-8867



oTheatre (through 2111): Star Black; $4;
Student Center Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Cali 7-

oSports- UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Tennessee; 53: Lexington ice Center; Mid-
night: Call 269-4873

- Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Florida;
Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30
p m; Call 7-3838

oConcerts: Lexington Philarmonic;
$12.50. $15. $17.50. $20; SCFA Concert
Hall 8 p.m.; Center for the Arts; Cali 7-

'EXhibitS: Colored Orphans' industrial
Home; Then and Now; Free; Peal Gallery;
Noon; Cali 7-8634

oWorkshops: Self-esteem on the Job
(Fridays. noncredit class); 339; Bank of
Lexmgton: Noon-I p.m.; Cali 7-8122

-Sports; UK Gymnastics vs. iowa State
and Missouri. Ames. iA: 8 p.m.; Cali 7-


~Sports: Wildcat Basketball vs. Florida;
Free with UKID; Rupp Arena; Call 7—3838

- Sports (through 2112): UK Indoor Track
George Mason invitational; Away; Cali 7-

oSports; UK Rifle Sectionals; Away; Cali

oSports: UK Men's and Women‘s Swim
Team vs. University of Cincinnati; Free
with UKID; Cali 7-3838

oSports: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs.
Tennessee; $3; Lexington ice Center; Mid-
night; Caii 269-4873

0 Workshops; Women in Transition: Tran-
sition course (Saturdays through 3/25);
540; Funkhouser room 3068; 9 am.-
noon; Cali 7-3383



-Concerts; Symphonic Winds; Free;
SCFA Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

-Concerts; Anne Kindred Hensley Se-
nior Reental; Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 7
p m.. Call 7-4929

- Other; Center Sunday Seriers - Scene
Rehearsal Techniques in Directing; Free;
SCFA President's Room; 3 p.m.; Call 7-

oMowes: Rattle and Hum;
Worsham Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-8867

oSports. UK Gymnastics vs. LSU; LSU;
8.30 p.m.. Cali 7-3838




00ther: Miss Kentucky Valentine Pag-
eant; Free; Worsham Theatre; 6 p.m.; Call









0Concerts - 2/6; Britny Fox presented by SAB:
$10; Student Center Ballroom; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

~Concerts - 2/10: Lexington Philarmonic; $12.50.
$15, $17.50. $20; SCFA Concert Hall; 8 p.m.; Center
for the Arts; Call 74929

oConcerts — 2/12: symphonic Winds; Free; SCFA
Concert Hall; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4900

0Concerts - 2/12: Anne Kindred Hensley Senior
Recital; Free; SCFA Concert Hall; 7 p.m.; Call 7-4929

0 Exhibits — 2/6-2/27: Martin Luther King Jr. and the
Civil Rights Movement; Free; MLK Jr. Cultural Center;
10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Cali 7-4130

0 Exhibits — 2/10: Colored Orphans' industrial
Home: Then and Now; Free; Peal Gallery; Noon; Call

oMovies — 2/8: Sudden impact; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7:30. 10 p.m.; Call 7-8867

oMovies — 2/9-2.’11; Rattle and Hum; $1.95:
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; Call 78867

'Movies — 2/9-21‘11: 97; Weeks; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 10 p.m.; Call 78867

.Movies — 2112: Rattle and Hum; $1.95; Worsham
Theatre; 7 pm; Call 7-8867

oTheatre — 2/8: ”Man Overboard." Charlie Oates.
UK Theatre Department; 53; Student Center Theatre;
8 p.m.; Call 88582

-Theatre — 210-2 11. Star Black; 54; Student Cen-
ter Theatre; 730 p.m.. Call 7-4130


e. '§'§?§®7 ,










- Lectures — 238, “Romancing the (Native) Stone."
Dr. George Bornstein; Free: Peal Gallery; 7:30 pm.
Call 71313

-Meetings - 2 7- The Infertility Support Group;
Free; Mecical Center room c303; 7:30 p.m.; Call

oMeetings — 29: College Republicans; Free; Stu-
dent Center room 115. 2 pm.

-Seminars — 2’8: Supercomputer Simulation of
Semiconductor Growth; Free: Chemistry/Physics
room 137.4 p.m.; Call 7873?

-Workshops - 2 6- The Myers-Briggs Type Indica-
tor; implications for the workplace (non-credit
class); $39; Call 78122

-Workshops — 27: Making Effective Presentations
(Tuesdays & Thursdays. noncredit class); $48; Cen-
tral Trust; Noon-1 p.m.; Call 7-8122

~Workshops - 2i7: Professional Telephone Skills
(Tuesdays, noncredit class); 539; CommerceNation-
al; Noon-1 p.m.; Call 78122

-Workshops — 218: Learning to Control Your Time
(noncredit class): 539; Noon-1 p.m.; Call 78122

~Workshops — 2110; Self-esteem on the Job (Fri-
days. noncredit ciass). 539: Bank of Lexington;
Noon-1 p.m.; Cali 7-8122

0 Workshops - 2’11: Women in Transition: Transition
course (Saturdays through 3/25); S40: Funkhouser
room 3068; 9 a.m.-noon; Call 7-3383





OSports - 27; Lady Kat Basketball vs. Tennessee
Tech; Away; Time TBA; Cali 7-3838

°$ports — 2.18; Wildcat Basketball vs. Vanderbilt;
Away: Cali 7-3838

0 Sports - 2/9-2ii3: UK Men's Golf Gator invitation-
al; Gainesviiie. FL. Cali 7-3838

oSports — 210: UK Cool Cats Ice Hockey vs. Ten-
nessee. 53; Lexington ice Center; Midnight; Call

oSports — 2/10: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Florida;
Free with UKID. Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.; Cali

0 Sports — 2110; UK Gymnastics vs. lowa State and
Missouri; Ames. 1A; 8 p.m.; Call 7-3838

. Sports — 2/11; Wildcat Basketde vs. Florida; Free
with UKID; Rupp Arena; Cali 7-3838

oSports - 2/11-2/12: UK Indoor Track George
Mason Invitational; Away; Call 7-3838

Osborts — 2/11; UK Rifle Sectionals; Away; Cali 7-

oSports — 2111: UK Men's and Women's Swim
Team vs. University of Cincinnati; Free with UKiD. Call

oSports — 211: UK Cool Cats ice Hockey vs. Ten-
nessee: 53. Lexington ice Center; Midnight; Call

OSports — 2112: UK Gymnastics vs. LSU; LSU; 8:30
pm. Call 7-3838


weekly events






sother; Warhommer 40.000 Role-playing; Free; Student Center
room 205; 7 p.m.; Cal 7-6636

0 Other: .1100 Club Meeting; Free; Alumni Gym; 5630 pm.

- Other: UK Parents Networking (babysitting co-op); Call 271-5191

0 Other: Aiktdo « Japanese Martial Art; Free; Alumni Gym Lott. B 30
p.m.; Call 272-3369

sReilglous: Cornerstone Music Practice — no talent required — lust
energy; Free; 508 Columbia Avenue; 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-3714

- Religious Worship Service - a casual time oi singing and worship.
Free. 508 Columbia Avenue; 9 pm .Call 2543714


~0ther: Bridge Lessons and Games, Free. Student Center Game
Room; 7:30-10pm; Call 7-6636

oOther: Aerobics; Free. Newman Center rooms I and 2. 550-7
p.m.; Cali 2664920

IOther: Twilight 2000 Role-playing. Free. Student Center room
205; 7:30 p.m.; Call 76636

oorner Game Night. Free. Student Center Game Room; 7 30 p m.
Cali 7-6636

rother; UK Fencing Club — beginners welcome. equipment pro
vided; Free; Alumni Gym; 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m.; Cali 8-5564

oOther; Chess Club. Free: Student Center Game Room, 7 30 pm.
Call 76636

-0ther: Table Tennis Meeting; Seaton Squash Room, 7.10 pm,
Call 7-6636

-Meettngs: SAB Indoor Recreation Cornmtttee Meeting. Free. stu-
dent Center Game Room; 7 p.m.; Cali 7-6636

-Rellgious: Tuesday Night Together - Informal worship; Free. 429
Columbia Avenue; 7:30 p.m.. Call 7-3989

-Rellglous: Rite of Christian lrifiatlon of Adults (RCIA). Free; New-
man Center rooms 3 and 4. 7 30 p m.. Call 255-8566


-Other Aerobics. Free. Newman Center rooms 1 and 2. 550 7
p.m.. Call 2M920

- Other hdo Club Meeting. Free. Alumni Gym. 5-6.30 pm.

~0ther ADAD Variant Role-playing. Free. Student Center Room
205. 7 p.m.. Call 7-6636

- Other. Alkido - Japanese Martial Art. Free. Alumni Gym Loft. 8 30
p.m.. Call 272-3369

'Reilgious. Student Faith Sharing. Free Newman Center room 8. 9
p m. Call 255-6566

oRellglous Holy Eucharist Free. St Augustines Chapel 530 pm
Call 254-3726


-Other UK Fencrng Club - beginners welcome equipment pro-
vided. Free Alumni Gym. 7 30-9 30 p m .Caii 8-5564

'0ther Aerobics; Free. Newman Center rooms 1 and 2 5507
p m . Call 2666920

~Other ADaiD Variant Role-playing. Free. Student Center room
205.7 p m.. Call 7-6636

0 Other Chess Club; Free Student Center Game Room. 7 30 pm
Call 7—6636

. other Bridge Club. Free Student Center Game Room 7 30 p m.
Call 7-6636

oReilgious Decrsion Point - Bible Study Free. 508 Columbia Ave-
nue. 8 p m . Call 254-3714

.Religious Intervarslty Christian Fellowship Chapter Meeting Free
Student Center Room 115. 7 30 p m . Call 278-8644

-Reiigtous D81 Grill - Devotion and Lunch. 51 429 Columbia Ave-
nue. 1215 p m .Call 73989

oReiigIous Cornerstone Drama Practice - no talent required - lust
energy. Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 6 30 p m Call 254-3714

sReiigtous Decision Point — Bible Study. Free. 508 Columbia Ave-
nue 8 pm Call 254-3714


No listings


~0ther Star Trek Role-playing Free Student Center room 205 10
ct m.. Call 76638

~0ther AD80 211 Role—OWN Free. Student Center room 205.
10 a m Call 7-6636

0 Religious Sunday Obligation Mass Free, Newman Center 6 p m


~0ther Warhammer 40.000 Role—playing. Free. Student Center
Game Room. 3 p m .Coli 7-6636

OOther Aikido ~ Japanese Martial Art. Free. Alumni Gym Lott 8 30
D m . Call 272-3369

-Reiigious Sunday Obligation Masses Free. Newman Center a
10.11 30. 5 and 9 30. Call 255-8566

- Religious Holy Eucharist. Free. St Augustine 5 Chapel 1030 a m
5 30 p m . Call 254-3726


nomer Warharnmer 40.000 Role-playing. Free. Student Center
room 205. 7 p m .Caii 7-6636

- Other Judo Club Meeting. Free; Alumni Gym. 5630 pm

0 Other; UK Parents Networking (babysitting coop). Call 271-5191

-Otner Aikido — Japanese Martial Art. Free: Alumni Gym Loft 8 30
p m . Call 272-3369

-Religtous Cornerstone Music Practice — no talent required - lust
energy. Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 730 p m . Call 254-3714

- Religious. Worship Service - a casual time or singing and worship
Free. 508 Columbia Avenue. 9 p m Call 254-3714


special events




~Academics — 2/9: Last day for filing an applica-
tion in dean's ottice for a May degree

OOther — 2/6-2/19: John Tuska: A 25-year Retro-
spective; Free; Art Museum; Noon-5 p.m.; Center for
the Arts; Coll 7-5716

-Other - 2/9: The Dating Game; Free; Memorial
Hall; 8 p.m.; Cali 7-8867

-Other — 2/12; Center Sunday Seriers — Scene Re-
hearsal Techniques in Directing; Free; SCFA Presi-
dent's Room; 3 p.m.; Cali 7-4929

00ther - 2/13: Miss Kentucky Valentine Pageant;
Free; Worsham Theatre; 6 p.m.; Call 276-4190








Kentucky Kernel. Monday, February 6,1989 — 3

Ton. Spaldlng
Sports Editor

Brian Jont

ASSistant Sports Editor


Cool Cats
ice Emory
with sweep

Staff Writer

The UK (‘ool (.‘ats. ignited by
consistent play from senior Keith
Kocan. took two games over visit-
ing Emory University this weekend
to help further a late»season drive
toward a diVIsion championship.

UK's two victories were relative-
ly easy, with a 52 thumping Satur-
day at midnight followed by a 5-3
win yesterday morning at the [,ex»
ington lce Center.

But Kocan, his second—place
team 8771 alter the weekend's
games. was not sitting pretty fol-
lowing the second game, which was
played only eight hours after the
tirst contest ended.

“We probably could have played
better,“ said Kocan, who had five
goals iii the two games. "We were
a little stiff and sore. We practical—
]; just got oft the ice from last

night "
'l‘lie t'ats nevertheless controlled
both contests behind offensive

weapons Kocan and (‘raig Penn.
who scored one goal in each game
(toalie Kurt Roberts held up the de
tenswe end, as he thwarted the
iiia_|orit_\ ot Emory 's scoring oppor-

t'K. howeier, had to overcome a
disastrous 17 penalties in the first
game Emory was assessed with
only six penalties

ltiit Roberts

Kats have

Ih liltl \\ .II‘IV'I~
.\ssistant Sports Editor

still managed to

.v\ltei’ a to the fifth
ranked l'iiiversit} of Georgia Bull
tit)t.!\ the Lady Kat basketball
team was not crying over its live
game losing streak or its disap
pointing it record in the South

instead. the Kats were tociisiiig

92 Tlt loss

"\““"i'-”“"'"““ made tiiii. ionic up siwir‘ oi. n
tab When he it'd ttia' tie «hopped
.’\'I‘i~\\'w' i m. \ -% uni-r. w iW t
Van Horn tiioiielit .i patii-ii' iipht ,,),”,T,.,-T“”
plan and tons oi e-pe<= if"! his IN,‘ ”I,” .1 . pounds m,
bout with defending iiiinoi [Li'itiit' m:.xi'ii.1tkiwtk-n.“ H H... 51"; _
weight inleholdei' ltotieit Hines Mm m kTMkW.‘ :,I_i 1,: 1‘ . T,
and the (Milli/Hid. or: pied M‘ 'ii .,o,.,1,.¢,i.__,.
lilt‘l'K titlitiil‘ [g-_ .ng f-_' :' .st‘ii ti
\iali [{‘HIJ‘ impart; ‘2- 'lw‘ Y.i- thaw lit V.“ TA ~ .1 h,“ T ‘g‘li‘
puiii‘he- l'.t'itt’l 'im ' nu , any” It”, ,. 1,, , , W 1 m
blows helped hiiii »ettnt “an. Haiti ‘ ,H ‘1‘; ,‘a. , MN.
iiious i’i'ouiid dw _. ' T, , , t .T, i tr
to iltt Illlt‘ 'lti if: M yr!“ 1, t M,” 4 ,
llvmnglei t-i iiitttitii ,l' T, pi.
' DAVIDMULLINSt‘enwi‘siatt I "‘h M W i ’H , in is i; 1‘ I} ‘1'}
The UK Cool Cats took two games over visiting weekend. UK won 5'2 midnight Sunday and tOI- ‘,”’,1i‘“1’.“‘“,‘,’~'_’," { “vi: h H L“ i ,I‘f ,
Emory University at the Lexmgton Ice Center this towed that tater in the morning witha 5-3 win :"W :13” L5,": T f ' ii f," '
hang on during the Emory power night game had a crowd of more ['K. now 67-} iii league plax. must “11“,?“ignidrtryly 1N“ MAM ”f" i f‘ I! ”My?”
plays barely. than 71K), win both games from visiting [in t ,\,‘.. 1 ”‘1‘.“ : I.’|h.],‘,y. .4 . ,. ., “ t! j" ‘ T h" " *‘
“You have to have the goaltend "it always happens on Sunday versity ot 'l'eiinessee next weekend. ilk“? [Hithlwmu ' [.l _ i i v A "W I “I I“ v .H’
ing and someluck." Roberts said mornings. It‘s tough to get off the and Tech has to lose at least one ot {MPH ‘ M . a i i M I I ' P H .H!‘ t I “i. I} I
John Beauregaid who scored a midnight game and play hard when their remaining contests for t'K M “will, x mm,” V i “ "d A" 7 " 4 H "
goal in the first game. blamed the the crowd isn‘t theref‘ Beauregard \‘.Hllhf’(i|\|slt)ll T“ H H ' '
officials for the lopsided number ot said "You play tor the crowd a lot “T" ‘ w v ’
penalties "i "”1““ ””‘i when ”W5 (”THY "When we know we have to wiii " 1"" ‘ :7 '
"It was an aggressixe game] there, it's a different kind ot “tn-n themlds. are down on us, we will” ’ V 2 ..
Beauregard said ”But we got game" ('()”](| ”1“,”;th m tm- clutch] “my PM ”3‘- t”’~ ' , ‘ ~- ' t
called for stuff that ll'll‘tlltiii} Both \ictories, which were iiiust lto} [[m,~\_ “ha \Huwi T, goat and l t, t H ' '
wouldn't be called The game wins tor l'K. put the ('ool t‘ats mg on“) meme m vi“. game i‘ 41 u k
though.w'asmtense ‘ within striking distance of (leorgia '\\'henpressureison gtmrm ' 113i" 3' i’
The second meeting lacked the Tech, who is currently in the di’iv i ‘5" ‘3" ‘- n H ‘
same intensity and audience er's seat of the Western l)ivision ot ‘ Its the biggest weekend oi the ‘i' 2"" " « ‘ “a
The game was maxed before less the Southern t'ollegiatc Hockey As year. ‘ Kocaii said ot the 'teit'iessee ' “ ' " 2 e' '
than to spectators, while the mid sociation games i‘ it, t ,




Darrin Van Horn
stuns IBF champ
with upset victory


excellent first half, but losing streak continues

their attention their tirst halt
i could not ask

than the

on Htmli enough to control an eight
point lead at the 5-34 mark and to

any more out ot enter the dressing rooms at the Ill

a team way that we toi'iiiissioiltit-tint41

played in the tirst halt. t'K t‘oaeh \lthough the Kats played
Sharon Fanning said Even tit-til'tllil e\eii tor a lull in minutes
though [ know we didn‘t hit .is well neorgia coach And) Landers salt]

as we need to hit. we plaied good
team defense. and our perimeter
people spotted and hit well

How good was l'K's tirst halt"

he was not worried .is long as his
team kept its composure and t't'
iiieiiibered its game plan

’l don't think that l was worried

but I was concerned taiidei’s t is,
said t'oneerned that it .w -. t w
dirlnt do the things that J." talked t.' i " ..
about wew-reintroiihie . c
When the Kats 'ook the hour 1 ; i
the \“('l|ilti halt. their no!" it tic ..
upset cruiiib!ed quicklx as ‘iu‘itt‘i‘m i m ,,
came out sllttiklllL’, .tliti t t. More _z,..
'lllit'iiiti t:;‘
’ in the tirs't halt we their tit 1 }~,_ 1
Hon and taking ilood shot s wt t.“

,t t’i e ‘\‘,l,' v

at t

‘t iiw'i
ti .i'i
Li A
i \ ‘HH

. t




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4 — Kentucky Kernel. Monday. February 6.1989




’FLSHecond City is reminiscent of old ‘SNL’

CONCERT told the audience about her

great it)\ e for the “Brady
Bunch ‘ As a tribute, the group
did a send—up of Jefferson Air-
plane's “White Rabbit," chang-
ing the lyrics to praise the Bra-
dy's housekeeper. Alice, rather
than Alice in Wonderland

iiiaiiiype iii a bar (it course.

she is shocked that he thinks her

toming home trom the but“ \\|lli

him means that \llt \\lli \li‘t‘l‘

\\ll.'l llllii. too

the still“ was split into two
parts in ii ltHllllltllt‘ itilt‘l'llti\

\lltll and tilt“ sei'niiit halt was
lhe tutitiier ot the two

Allin .\tt.\ a skit that ll‘illtlt‘
tun lit lhc predictable \\.irii
i'li-axi-i image oi lt'lt'\i\li)ll iu
lilt‘i'\ lii lili\ skit ilail goes
tilt/f and pulls a gun on lll~
sons because they hini‘ \killlll'li
‘\ ~i Lii' \i limit for tlii'ceiyt‘i-ks

x i The illlllllt'\l \kl'.
‘.\.i.\ the last (list
.lat'kic Hoffman cami iiul

lit \Ili NH | I li|\l~.\

i --.<‘ \moratt ('1': liti
ml l.‘ itii‘ ’li‘iilitllil 'i\

HH‘ lilil "til it!
‘ii lilt’ ll’\
u”: lit-itlh


In an interview the day before
the show. Hoffman said the new
Second (‘ity Group is just as tall»
t‘lllt‘ll as the alumni. She was
right. but wouldn't it make
more sense to let the new actors
hate the same creative freedom
the older members enjoyed?


Second (‘ity is a fun group to
see. it just for the nostalgia it