xt7rjd4pp226 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pp226/data/mets.xml Pickens County, South Carolina South Carolina Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the South Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs; 256 pages: illustrations, maps, charts, 27 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:So8c/no.39 books English Columbia, South Carolina: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, Number 39 Pickens County (Pickens) text Inventory of the County Archives of South Carolina, Number 39 Pickens County (Pickens) 1941 1941 2015 true xt7rjd4pp226 section xt7rjd4pp226 §`S§;y`§;m nwu¤ gwm    

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Prepared by
The South Carolina Edstorical Records Survey
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
- Sponsored by
The University of South Carolina
W l Colu bia, South Carolina
` The South Carolina Historical Records Survey
June 1941

Sargent B. Child, Director
Anne K, Gregorio, State Supervisor
Hervey E. Bcckncll, Director I
Milton H} Blanton, Regional Supervisor é
William S. Crawford, State Supervisor
Florence Keer, Assistant Com issioner _
Blanche M, Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor A
Margaret D. Davies, State Director _
A { Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner E
R. L. M¤cDougall, Regional Director Q
Lawrence M. Pinckney, State Administrator fj

The Inventory of the County.Archives of South Carolina is one of a
number of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United States
i by workers on Historical Records Survey projects of the Work Projects Admin- _
istration, The publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives
of Pickens County, is number 59 of the South Carolina series.
The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter
of 1955-55 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed
historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carry-
ing out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of
historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents and
records which are basic in the administration of local government, and which
provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and social his-
tory. The archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the require-
· ments of day—to—day administration by the officials of the county, and also
w the needs of lawyers, businessmen and other citizens who require facts from
the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is
; so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted
i sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed sources.
The inventories produced by Historical Records Survey projects
attempt to do more than give merely a list of records — they attempt further
to sketch in the historical background of the eou ty or other unit of govern-
1 ment, and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions
of the government agencies whose records they list. The county, town, and
other locrl inventories for the entire country will, when completed, consti-
tute an encyclopedia of local government as well as a bibliography of local
The successful conclusion of the work of Historical Records Survey
projects, even in a single county, would not be possible without the support
of public officials, historical and legal specialist$,and many other groups
in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.
The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as
Director until March 1, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
,; The Survey operates as a Nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects in
the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence Kerr,
¢é Assistant Conmdssioner,is in charge.
Q I   {U4  ""
{ Howard O. Hunter
· Q Acting Commissioner of
Q Work Projects

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The Historical Records Survey was begun on a Nation-wide scale as part
I of the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration, and
became in October 1936 an independent part of Federal Project No. 1. When
{ Federal projects were terminated on August 51, 1959, the Survey was con-
{ tinued by locally sponsored State-wide projects as part of a National re- =
search and records program. Under the National direction of Luther H. Evans,
and since March 1, 1940, of his successor, Sargent B. Child, the Survey has
V inventoried State, county, city, church, and, to a limited extent, private
records. At present, it is preparing for publication in a condensed form,
descriptive lists of the public records of local units of government. In
p P each State the counties are numbered in alphabetical order, and treated as
separate units, each with an introductory section giving the historical back-
ii ground and a description of the present government and records sgetem. All
t records are referred to the office of origin, which is carefully described
as to history, functions, and required records. Each type of record is given
a numbered entry showing the comprehensive dates for which it is extant, the
p quantity, an interpretation of contents, and details as to nature of record-
? ings, indexing, and location. State, municipal, church, and other records
P will be described in separate publications.
The South Carolina Historical Records Survey Project was begun on March
1, 1956. The University of South Carolina, as official sponsor of the proj-
ect, is contributing the offices of State headquarters. Acknowledgments are
due professor R. L. Meriwether, head of the department of history and rep-
resentative of the sponsor, for valuable executive assistance; and to Dr.
. Leah Townsend of Florence, for a set of the current Code of Laws of South
Carolina 1952. State officials of the Work Projects_AdEinistratiEn-have at
allutimesngiven every possible cooperation in the administration of the proj-
Y The unit at Pickens was opened on May 18, 1936, with the assignment of
Miss Rachel Baker, who carried on the work with assistance two hours a day
by Frances Hudson of the National Youth Administration, and during September
8-12, by Miss Lena Lanning of Spartanburg. On September 18, the unit was
~ closed when Miss Baker was transferred to State headquarters as research
j assistant under Miss Esther E, Strong, research editor. On November 27, 1936,
3 Marvin M. Smith, of Walhalla, field supervisor, attacked the problem of rec-
V ords stored under the coal in the basement, which could not be reached by
Q Miss Baker. By December 5 he had brought them to a semblance of order and
g completed the first listing. The draft inventory prepared in the State of-
Q fice was returned to the courthouse for e rechock by Mr. Smith and Miss Baker
E during the month of June 4-July 5, 1957. It was then retyped and sent to the
i Washington staff for criticism. In September 1959 the Pickens u it was rc-
§ opened for spot checking by Mrs. Farrar Parsons, Mrs. Elizabeth Gantt of
yg Pickens, and Fred Wood of Andersen, foreman. As many unlisted records were
j found, particularly in the stored unbound unterial, a new survey was under-
f taken and the unit enlarged by the addition from.time tc time of B. D. Smith,
yi Gladys Edens, Lucille Bratcher, Carolyn Hunicutt, Martha Harden, and Robert
Jo Daniel. Miss Mary Smith Hope of Chester and Miss Nkrgaret'Wortz of Ninety Six
pg served successively as foremen, under the supervision of Miss Esther E. Strong,

 ' · Vi - F
Preface {i
_ then field supervisor, who answered editorial questions and personally `%
checked the forms with the records after the unit was closed. As indicated V2
in the inventory, a few current records of the cou ty treasurer, the tax 4
collector and the sheriff were not reached. Legal research on the county 3
was largely the work of the late Mr. Don Ebaugh, who also prepared most of T}
the draft essays. Draft entries were condensed from the field forms by Q
Roberta Chestnut, research editor. The final draft was typed by Dora Duren T
and Flcride Theodore. The completed manuscript was reviewed by Miss Mabel {
S. Brodie, editor in charge of public records inventories, of the Central g
office. Entries, citations, and cross references were checked by Vivian T
Barnette and Josephine Copeland, research editors. Stencils for the text %_
were cut by Miss Duren and Mrs. Clara B. Kirby. Illustrations were prepared yY‘ —
in l959 by`W. M. Boylston, Floor plans were drawn to scale by Vivian Barnette li
from field drawings by Miss Strong, and the stencils for these and the chart li
of county government were cut by Dorothy Tucker. The index was prepared by é
Janice Tribble. Proof was read by Miss Barnette and lis. Willah W} Brown; AT
mimeographing and binding were done by Mrs. Flonie H, Lewis, Mrs, Allie D, »
Grant, Das. Maisie Eair, and hiss Theodore. Especial acknowledgments are U
due Miss Rachel Baker, now with the South Carolina Unemployment Commission E
at Liberty, for her gracious assistance in obtaining additional information Q
from the courthouse during the final stages of publication. lg
The forty-six separate units of the Inventory of the County Archives of if
South Carolina are being issued in mimeographed formffoF_frec distribution—tb
State and local public officials and to a selected group of public and insti-
tutional libraries. A list of those already published appears at the end of
this volume. Requests for information should be addressed to the State super- Y
visor, or to Professor R. L. Meriwether as representative of the sponsor. i?
"   N-  
Anne K. Gregorie, State Supervisor
The South Carolina Historical Records Survey Ek
University of South Carolina {
Columbia, South Carolina é
June ie, mai  
‘ 3
: A dg

i A. Pickens County and Its Records System Page
1.; Iiis-'C»OI`j.C{l]. Sk€`tCh••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
2. Governmental Organization and Records System ................. 6
Legal Status f the Count_ Stru tur l D l p ' “ O r
bm 0 y. .c`- a eve o ment oi ou.- `
ty Government. General Administration. Registration of Ti-
I tles to Property. Judiciary. Law Enforcement. Finance.
Elections. Education. Public Health. Welfare. Extension
Z and Conservation. Records System.
e 5. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records ............. . 25
» 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes ................ 55
.B. County Offices and Their Records
I. Legislative Delegation ..................................... .. 39
i II. Supervisor and Board of County Commissioners ........ . ....... . 42
Minutes. Reports. Disbursements and Settlements. Revenue.
III. Commission for Permanent Highways (defunct) ..... . ............ 54
IV. Commissioner of Roads and General Board (defunct). .... . ...... 56
V. Commission of County Poorhouse and Jail, and Jail Building
Committee (defunct) ........................ · .................. 57
I VI. Commissioners of the Poor (defunct). ......................... 58
VII. Commissioners of Public Buildings (defunct)., ........ . ..... .. 59
VIII. Clerk of Court as Register of Mesne Conve;nnce.... ........... GO
I Real Property; Deeds and Plots; Mortgages. Personal Property.
Q Legal Notices. Statutory Liens. Business Registrations.
y Surety Bonds. File Book and Unclaimed Instruments.
Q IX. Commissioner of Location (defunct)... .... ,.... ............... 68
§ X. Clerk of Court ............... . ......... . ..................... 70
‘$* . . . . J_.
P ’ Count Officers. Professional and Business Revistrations.
  I 0
g Motor Registrations. Bond Issues. Military and Pension Rec-
ords. Elections. Vital Statistics. Foreign Born and Ron-
Citizens. Alcoholic Liquor Records. Financial Records. Of-
_ fieial Letters.
% XI. CircuitCourtof General Sessions ........................... .. 83
P Sessions Cases. Dockets and Journal. Fines and Forfeitures.
, Reports. Jurors and Witnesses.

. Table of Contents P
- Page  
» xiii. Grand Jury. ..... . ....................................... 95  
XIV. Board of Jury Commissioners ...... . ............. .. ....... 96 it
XV. Circuit Court of Common Pleas ............. . ............. 97 gi
Case Papers and Indexes. Writs. Attachments. Magis- {V
A trates. Sales. Calendars. Lis Pendens. Appearance *
and File Books. Journal. Petitions. Derelict Es- i
tates. Costs. Letters. {
XVI. Court of Equity (defunct)... .................... . ....... 111 gd
Case Records. Dockets. Minutes. Estates. Costs and yé
Receipts. Q
XVII. Master. ................................................. 119 E
XVIII. Judge of Probate ............... . ........................ 120 E
Transmission of Property: Papers of Record and Index- (Q
es; Transcripts. Court Procedure. Com itments. Mar- YQ
riages. Pensions. Liquor Records. Legal Notices. 3
XIX. Magistrates .................................. . .......... 151 i
XX. Court of Magistrates and Freeholders (defunct) .......... 154 if
XXI. District Court (defunct). .................. . ........ .... 155
Case Papers. Dockets. Journals. V-
XXII. Sheriff ................................................. 159 I
Recorded Processes. Sales. Papers of Record. Tax
Executions. Prisoners. Ndscellaneous.
XXIII. Rural Police and County Constables (defunct) ......... ... 145
XXIV. Rural Police and County Constable Commissions (defunct). 147 M
XXV. Constab1es... ............. . ............................. 148 yi
X-XVI• C01‘01'1€*I'····•· ··.·. . ·.····.. ·......... .... ............... 149  
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 · (First entry, p. 4Q
Pickens County, created in 1826 from Pendleton District,} was named
in honor of General Andrew Pickens, a partisan of the American Revolution.
The county lies in the mou tainous northwest section of the State and has _
abundant natural waterpower, which has attracted the textile industry, `
The area is 529 square miles.2 The present population is 57,l1l,° chiefly
nativeborn whites, whose agricultural interests are centered in the val-
leys,. The countyseat, Pickens, incorporated in 1847,4 has a population
of 1,657 persons.
The origin of Pickens County is interwoven with the history of Indian
relations. Penetrated by traders almost immediately after the settlement
of Charleston in 1870, the region long remained the seat of the Cherokee
lower settlements and was officially barred to white settlers by the royal
proclamation of 1765. The Indian Boundary as nmrked in 1766 followed ap-
proximately the present eastern boundaries of Anderson and Greenville
Counties.6 The gateway to the region was the Indian town of Keowee, op-
posite which Fort Prince George had been built in 1755 in what is new
S Pickens County for the protection of the friendly Cherokee and their valua-
°> ’ ble trade with the province. When William Bertram visited the Cherokees
J_\“ in 1776, he noted that "old fort Prince George new bears no mark of a
e _ fortress but serves as a trading house.“7 Allies of the British, the Chor-
\‘{)d· okees were crushed early in the Revolution, and in 1777 were expelled from
lf, all but a corner of modern Pickens. By the treaty of Hopewell in 1785,
"*/,) they formally gave up the region that had been conquered; by the treaty of
Washington in 1816, ghey ceded the remnant of their lands; and in 1817
they left the State.
During the Revolution "vagrants" took over the fertile fields abandoned
by·the Indians along the Keowee River. The region was therefore attached
to Ninety Six District, whose justices of the peace were given full juris-
, diction; and it was enacted that no grants might be made until the end of
2 the war and u til after faithful soldiers had received their bounty lands.
b Squattcrs continued to go in, however, and in 1784, when commissioners of
T location were put in charge of the allotment of vacant lands, all grants
E and surveys beyond the Indian Boundary, prior to that date, were declared
Q null and void.
w .........,..,..,....-o,,__. _, _____ ___,,
3, _ 1. sms. vi, 289.
2 2. U. S. Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States,
5 Population, I, p. 985. 5'—""·"""""""'""`”"”""'5"
§ 2. The State, Columbia, S. C., January 8, 1941.
; - Stat. XI, 451.
E 5. The State, January 8, 1941.
6. D. D. Wallace, History of South Carolina, II, 34.
'S.   van paris T‘a`T"*1·e é é § T§¥z‘€1 11am Bertram, p. 271.
. · ace, is ory o , ., , o .
i 9. stat. Iv,‘TI‘j‘,°§'e§T" "

 - 2 - :‘
(First entry, p. 46) Historical Sketch Q
A In 1785 the people and the newly ceded lends above the old Indian Bound- — AQ
ary south of the Saluda were attached to Abbeville County of Ninety Six Dis- ij
trict.lO As the Abbeville courthouse was too far away for litigants on the Q
Keowee, upon their petition, the Legislature in 1789 set them off from Abbe- Q
ville County as Pendleton County of Ninety Six District, with provision for Q
a local county court.ll Two years later, Ninety Six District was divided and ,
1 Pendleton became a county of the new washington District. The commissioners Q
named to superintend the erection of public buildings were Gen. Andrew Pickens, [
Col. Robert Anderson, Capt. Robert Maxwell, Mr. John Bowen, Mr. James Harrison, i
Maj. John Ford, and John Hallum.l2 The district courthouse and jail were lo- *
cated 2 miles below the present town of Easley on lands conveyed to the com» ’
missioners by Gen. Charles Coatsworth Pinckney, and the village which rcsulted“
was called Pickensville.l5 At the close of the same year @1500 was aperopri- A
ated for the building of Gouythguggs and jails in Washington District.1@ if
Washington District ceased to exist u der the circuit court act of 1798 (ef- Q
fective Jan. 1, 1800 for the functioning of courts), which created Pendleton · l
District from Pendleton County.l5 County courts were abolished and their g
records were delivered to the district courts, there to be continued. The g
new district courthouse and jail were built at Pendleton Village.l6 Q
In 1826 Pendleton District was divided into two counties, Anderson and t
Pickens. The new courthouse for Pendleton District, which was u der con- ii
tract to be built, was ordered abandoned, the contractor to be compensated F
for loss, and the unused portion of the courthouse appropriation to be equal- E
ly divided between Anderson and Pickens. Pendleton Village fell within the Q
bounds of Anderson District, which was designated to receive the records of Q
Pendleton District. Com issioners were named to purchase from 100 to 400 1
acres in a central location, upon which to lay out a village as the seat of P
government. Money·arising from the sale of lots was to be applied to the y
expense of running the beu dary lines, purchasing the tract, and building
the eourthouse.l7 On December 19, 1827, the statutory provisions were com-
pleted when an act directed that after the second Monday in October 1828, 5
Pickens "County" should become Pickens District.l8 1
The new district included the present county of Oconee, and was bou ded Té
by North Carolina on the north, by the Chatooga and Tugaloo Rivers on the f.
west, by Anderson Cou ty on the southeast, and by the Saluda and South Salu- §
da Rivers on the east. The public buildings were built of wood on a site ‘g <
west of the Keowee near Robertson’s Ford, at what is new called Old Pickens. tj
The first officers of Pickens District were: `William L. Keith, clerk of §
10. Stat. IV, 665. ‘%
Ill. Stat. VII, 252. Q
12. Stat. VII, 262, 264. Q
`. 15. `Tse. . v, 210.  
` 14.   V, 191.  
15. Stat. VII, 284. §
16. §tE’E. vii, 298.  
17. Stat. VI, 289-290; Pendleton Messenger, Hay 9, 25, 1827. E
18.   vi, $41. ""`"`""  

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 - 5 -
Historical Sketch (First entry, p, 46) _
court; Samuel Reid, sheriff; James H. Dendy, ordinary; Thomas Garvin, com-
7 missioner of location; Ezekiel Harris, tax collector (for both Pickens and
; Anderson); Robert H. Thompson, commissioner in equity; W. J. Gantt, coro-
1[ ner.19 Tho first court of Pickens District opened October 27, 1828, Judge
* John S. Richardson presiding.2O For 40 years the district courts were held
at Old Pickens and the boundaries remained u changed.
A` After the fall of the Confederacy, Pickens District was divided into
Oconee and Pickens Cou ties “by a line leaving the southern boundary of the
State of North Carolina where the White Water River enters this State, and
thence down the centre of said river, by whatever names known, to Ravene1's
Bridge, on Seneca River, and thence along the centre of the road leading to
Pendleton Village, until it intersects the line of the county of Anderson."2l
1 Once more it became necessary to remove the seat of government, which
by this division lay beyond the western edge of the shorn county. The com-
Z mission appointed to locate the new site decided upon the present central
E location, on lands then owned by Elihu H. Griffin, who is said to have
f given 40 acres for the present town of Pickens?2
Qi There have been only two alterations in the bou dary of Pickens County.
§ In 1875 the constitution was amended to substitute the Toxaway River for
E the White Water.2$ The entire Pickens-Oconee Bou dary was exactly defined
E in 191724 and 6 years. later it was slightly a1tered.25
f The northern part of Pickens County lies in the Sumter National For-
est, a region of such surpassing natural beauty it has been called the
Switzerland of South Carolina. The Table Rock, an almost perpendicular
t wall of granite, rises 1,110 feet from.its base to form the second base of
} Sassafras Mountain, the highest point in the State, with an elevation of
5,548 fcct.26 The natural building materials available include granite,
clay for brick, and stone lime for mortar. Kaolin of good quality is fou d
along the Keowee River. On the hills is an abundant growth of pine, chesL·
t nut, and the various oaks.27
E; The soil of Pickens is chiefly clay, and rich bottom lands are found
pg along the numerous streams. The crops include cotton, the various grains,
ig apples, peaches, and other fruits. Water power is abundant for cotton gins,
Q 19. Pendleton Messenger, April 16, August 27, 1828. April 18, June 6, 1827.
E 20. Common Pleas Journal, A, p. 1, entry 152.
Q 21. Const. 1868, art. II, 5.
ii 22. Pickens Sentinel, M y 19, 1958.
g 25. stat. >¤rT‘Z’921j"1'o14. ‘
A 24. Stat. XXX, 164.
é 25. Stat. XXXIII, 257; Code 5014.
y2 26. Robert Mills, StatiEtiEs of South Caro1ina..., pp. 684, 687-88; S. C.
gg Dept. Agriculture, CommerEE`and Industries, and Clemson College,
fg South Carolina A Handbook, p. 556.
g 27. Mills, Statistics, pp. 28, 682.

 1 —  
- 6 ~ is
(First entry, p. 46) Governmental Organization and Records S
System.- Legal Status of the Cou ty Vi:
4 and corn and wheat mills. In recent years hydro-electric power has become PQ
available, and has attracted the textile industry. Cotton mills are located  
at Liberty, Central and Easley, the last being the largest town, with a pop- gg
ulation in 1940 of 5,185 persons.28 gg
The grou ds of Clemson Agricultural College extend into Pickens Cou ty and ii
the College is served by thc railroad station at Calhoun, a village of 761 per- ;*
sons, in the southwest corner of the county.29 Six Mile is named for the creek, ig
which in colonial days was a landmark of the distance to Fort Prince Georgc.5O fg
Legal Status of the County ji
When Pickens District was created in 1827, it was not an election dis- gi <
trict or a unit for the administration of local government in the modern fi
sense; it wa