xt7rjd4pmg7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pmg7q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1988-03-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 4, 1988, no. 522 text The Green Bean, March 4, 1988, no. 522 1988 1988-03-04 2014 true xt7rjd4pmg7q section xt7rjd4pmg7q . S
                  E N BEAN l
· •er 522 March 4, 1988 1
Q A Z-. E N. Q é E j
=rch 4 Gallery Series: "Varieties of Victorian {
Womanhood" : Lecture : Dr. Ellen I
Rosenman, Department of English. g
_ =rch 5 Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806-1861, i
` English poet. Q
=rch 9 Amerigo Vespucci, 1451-?, Italian A E
navigator for whom the Americas are i
named. I
,=rch 10 Harriet Tubman, born 1820? - died March. I
10, 1913, American abolitionist and
Underground Railroad leader.
r=rch]l Gallery Series: " Spanish Women's
Narratives after the Civil War" :
Lecture : Dr. Margaret Jones, Department
of Spanish and Italian.
=rch 14 Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, theoretical
physicist, winner of the 1921 Nobel
Prize. _ ,
·xt Green Bean: Friday, March 18, 1988. N
l·adline: Friday, March 11, 1988. AA.
: oduction Staff: Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; typist / p
proofreader: Carol Ranta; printer: Cecil 1
y Em Newsletter of me Umversxty C
- 1
I of Kentucky Lnbmrnes Q

 FROM TIE EDITOR'S DESK Sweet Peace." This is the way
I knew Karen. (Submitted by
The following remembrances Juanita Lucas.)
of Karen Cobb have been -—-BJC
submitted by staff members.
Anyone who was not able to
I could not bear to see you send a donation for Karen
Lying so still and unemotional; Cobb's church building fund to
Making no effort to smile, Kathy Martin by March 3, can
Nor even lift your hand; send them directly to Karen's
That would be too unlike you. family. The address is Karen
No, I must choose to see you E. Cobb Building Fund, Mount
As you were: warm, sweet, Olive M. B. Church, c/o Romelio
and generous; Hogan, Route 1, Box lOOA,
Pausing to wave, or chat, and Sheffield, AL 35660. (Submitted
wearing your chic attire by Kathy Martin.)
without ·
The slightest hint of snobbery. ABOVE AND BEYOND
That's how you were
To me. Toni Powell, director of the
That's how you are, Agriculture Library, received
In memory. the following letter from Dr. ‘
(Submitted by Alice Billie R. Dewalt, chair of the
Hughes.) Anthropology Department:
KARENOURFRIEND I appreciated your
  ‘=·»_ letter...concerning the
Even though we are sad down acquisition of the FAO
here, we know the angels are documents. I also wanted you
rejoicing in Heaven because the to know that these have already
Lord has called one of his been put to good use.
children home. we are to be I am currently working on a _
happy, but we are so selfish in Rockefeller Foundation funded
that way. We want beautiful study of crop substitutions in
people to live forever. As we developing countries. My ·
think about that, there are so research assistant, Rosemary
many people who feel a loss Batt, recently spent a week
tonight by your passing. I am working with the collection. ’
thankful that our paths have She found a lot of useful
crossed and our lives will be material in these documents...
much richer for it. Your I appreciate having such a
co-workers feel a great loss as fine collection at UK and
we all do. But I can hear you especially appreciate the help
say "Live for Jesus and we will you gave in orienting Ms. Batt
all meet again someday -— I to the collection.
will be waiting for all of you. `

 STAFF ACTIVITIES currently rank 102 out of
105 nationally. We are
Russell Powell, director of at the bottom of our
the Engineering Library, has · benchmark institutions.
published Core List gf Books How can we keep good
and Journals Q Science and faculty and library
Technology, co—edited with professionals without
James R. Powell [Oryx, 1987]. support for salaries and
A very favorable review of the needed books. . .
book will appear in ALA's (
Reference Books Bulletin in REPEAT TOUR QF
NQ! STAFF .... WELCOME ABOARD! The Staff Development
Committee is sponsoring a
Jennifer Milosch .... Technical return tour of Art Guild
Services Bindery on Tuesday, March 22.
There are seven openings for
LETTER @ LEGISLATORS the tour. The library van will
leave from King North at 8:00 °
Dr. Roger Anderson, chair of a.m. and will return between
the Senate Library Committee, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. Lunch is not
has sent a letter to Kentucky included, but the van will stop
legislators, addressing the so that group members can buy
financial problems of the their own lunch. A volunteer
University. In his letter, Dr. driver for the van is needed.
Anderson makes particular note Please call Kate Seago in
of the Library's difficulties Cataloging by March 10 to sign
in the section which is quoted up. (Submitted by Joanne
below: Goode . )
I also serve as Chairman of "PILOT" TRAINING SESSION
the University's Senate
Library Committee and I am The Branch/King Department
familiar with the serious training group is sponsoring a
shortages that chronically workshop March 10 at 2:00 p.m.
plague our library system. on the PILOT authoring language
The library is the very lead by Gary Stottlemyer.
heart beat of faculty PILOT is the language used to
research and education for develop the CAI packages for
our students. Since the OPAC training.
beginning of this decade our In the workshop Gary will
standing as an American present a PILOT version which
Research Library has will run on a PC. He will also
steadily fallen. In 1982 we discuss the possibilities of
ranked 48 according to writing or tailoring training
national standards. As of packages.
1986 we were ranked 69 and The session will be held in
the slippage continues the College of Library and
without halt or, now, hope Information Science, Ronm 505
of an immediate improvement. King South. (Submitted by
‘ Salaries for library staff Joanne Goode.)

 _ EQ POLICIES gg circulation record naming a
. PROCEDURES ADVISORY "Cart" will be labeled "Ask at
GROUP: UPDATE Desk" to further direct patrons
to get helping in locating ·
Policies 6 and 7 have gone these pieces.
through the required routing Policy ji   _M_i;1imal
for approval and should reach Level Cataloging Records
departments soon. The MLCs were created in 1986 by
following is a general the cataloging department in
description of these policies. King as a way of getting out
Policy gi Item records gg the backlog of items. They are
"boundwiths" short, temporary records that
There are some instances will be updated to standards
where two different titles are when time permits. Since the
bound into a single physical implementation of LS/2000,
unit. Every once in a while however, new needs for MLCs
n two books are between a single have arisen. There are 4
cover and only one barcode can collections in the system, such
be put on the piece. More as the Juvenile collections in _
commonly, however, are some of the Education Library, that
the audiovisuals that are have to circulate on the system
’ bought by the Medical Center. without ever having full,
· · Two or three films are put into standard cataloging done on
a single cassette and only one them. These MLCs are different
' barcode can go on that because they are meant to be
h cassette. This presents permanent, rather than
problems of checkout, because temporary, records. .
there is no way to tell on Policy #7 requires that any _
LS/2000 which title is checked proposed permanent MLC project
out when the whole unit is be submitted to the BPPAG for
checked out. Added to this is clearance and then forwarded
another situation in which a through the chain of command
journal produces an item for approval. It then requires
resembling a separate book. that the records be done to
The issue has its own author, certain cataloging standards
title and subject and needs its because those standards will
own record, even though it is affect the searchability of the
physically part of a serial records. (Submitted by Lillian
volwne. Mesner. )
This policy, which was
designed by the Medical Center, SPEC l_<_I;_I'_ #140 _I§_ REQERENCE
requires that the barcode is to
be attached to the first title ARL S PEC Ki t #t 1 4 0 ,
in a boundwith. The whole unit "Performance Appraisal", has
will be checked out on that ·just been received and is
barcode. Then, a special note available in the Reference
in all caps will be put on the Department. ·
bibliographic records of the
other titles in the unit that
will tell people to search for
the barcoded title to see if it.
- is available or not. Also, the

The Central/Eastern Kentucky The Management Center of the
Online Users Group is College of Business and
sponsoring two workshops in Economics will present a number
April and May. On May 4 or 5, of seminars in April and May on
there will be a free workshop the IBM PC and various software
on the Vu-Text database held at applications at the Springs Inn
the Lexington _I-Iera_l_d_-;Leader on Harrodsburg Roadl
office. The deadline for Workshops include an IBM PC»
registration is MARCH I5. For Starter seminar, as well as
more information, or register, sessions on Lotus l~2-3, dBase
~ call Linda Smith at 231~3334. III Plus,   programming,
7 On April 2l at Morehead and projjeoir manarggement.
State College OCLC will present The most of each seminar is
a workshop on OCLC Reference —-—·· $245 per nay    brochure
the new system -——· and on OCLC describing   workshops in
EASY. The workshop will run more detail is available in the
from 9:00 a.m.. until noon; Green   :;»r`fio=:e, 204 King
after lunch on your own, there Library Southt, · A
will be a question session in
the aft€r¤¤¤¤· The w<>r1