xt7rjd4pmb83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pmb83/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1914 course catalogs  English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky course catalogs, 1865- State University of Kentucky, Summer School, 1914 text State University of Kentucky, Summer School, 1914 1914 1914 2013 true xt7rjd4pmb83 section xt7rjd4pmb83 STATE UNIVTTTSITT [IT KTNTIIIIKY
Summer School
JULY 24tT1.
Courses Offered 1914

 HENRY S. BARKER, P1u·:s1m·;N'i·.
EZRA L. GILLIS, R1c<;1sT1mi<.
School of Education.
l`t<1x< tt·t.t—> nr l'lIll'l \'lIl>N.~—'l`ltlS is gt cmiilminctl
l`t¤lll'>l't1l‘ l’syt‘l1<»l¤»;;_y aml l't·tlag·>gy, 'I`l1t· f¤»ll¤»w·
{rg arc »t»1m· ttf tht· tupics that will lm tliwiissvtlt
l·]tlm·:ttit»11 a< a t`act<»r nl t1t`gIlIllL` aml ~·>t·ial ('\'itlll"
mm; llurcrlity aml ctliirzttittn; l·`mi11 llllIll1llllt‘1lII\l
tn ac‘c<·sst>1‘y in cnltiuatitwtii (`<»11t1st>f imlivizlual
miml aml ltmly; \\`t»i‘l<. fatigue. aml liygiciic; 'l`ht·
1i>ttt1i‘t· nl thu l`llt'ltl<>I')' pt't>t‘t*Sst‘s1 lmilittltm in utlI`l$. |·`ix·<·
thm·s a wt·t·l<.
(l’t<¢»i¤1a>2s<¤i< _]. 'l`. C. Nota}
ll1>rm1t‘y aml
practice of traini11g;ml·`l·]HH(Jl{ j. _]. 'l`i<;1;1<’1‘)
'l`i·;ciixn_n‘|·; in rl`l£.\(`IllNli,*Tlli$ cmirsc is L1
iliwnssiini nf vzmliiv. iliscipliiw :inclnn»l siilijwts will iwciriw zittciitioii,
Illiistruiiniis nl pi·i-suiiiziiinii will lic given tlimugli
the rictiiul iuzncliing nl ~¤·i·i—1·:il high suliinil snhjucts
(lHl'lll}{ lllL‘ ~<·¤sii1. rl`l`lCl`(’
will hc spuciiic cnllzitcrul i·c;nling znizl practice
in tliumc writing with l'&‘<'|l1ll'l‘fl inenlcs of ;lin‘y znnl :1 stmly of thu `
.\in<·ric;1n slinrt stnry lrinn llrvt Ilzirtc in llama
lll. l,UI·Q'l*lz will lw stii»=i-;s>zi»i< IC. l·`. l*xi .\i.<;i;nilt·. uml
  will he liuserl cm u new text illttstrutiiig tht- lutest
li itleus iii (ieemietry texts.
li Sf>l,l|l (ril£4lXIl£'I`l<\'.#;\ tliiiimtigli t·¤»tii·st· iipeii to
t Pulilic Schmil tcztoliers uml t·» tlmse clesiriiig to
~ iiicrcuse their ttrenlits for twllege Cllll`ZlllL`(‘ uml tu
l*  lligh Schmnl stmlviits wh·i liuve lieeii c·»mlitit»iietl
l_ in the sttlijcct.
l (i(l],Ll·]t2lC Bllvriiicxi.x‘t‘i<‘s,—t`4>ti1·scs iii college
li subjects will he given iii :tcw¤i·tl:tm·t· with thc wlt·tl iii the urlvttiicerl
clusses will he utluptezl ]1IlI'llt`lll[ll'l}‘ tt: the iieetls
ul teitclters.
(it·1it11t=i<’i‘H (`miird's Grum-
tllfll'. (PROF1~;ss<»tolt>lruti·¤ns rtl Cicero und selections
lmni his letters. This course is designed to en-
lztrge the stmlent`s knowledge of Cicero. The
orutiuns selected will he some two or three not
nsnully reud in the sehools.
lV. First, fourth und sixth hunks of Virgil.
Attention will he given tn seeunning, lllylllthlligl',
etc. The poem will lie reud us u greut work of
V. liitlier the lirsi nr seenml liulf of Fresh-
mun Lutin. depemling on the option bf the
students. The untlmr will be either lrlwruee or
Livy. This emirse is deserihed in the regulur
eutulngue. (Pi<01>r2ss01< T, T. jomas)

f is
i History.
i l. .\Ncii-1N*r lll$'l`(ll{\'.——lIl this emirse will he ·
given a cumplete history of Greece aiirl the hismry
_ of Rome rlnwp In the liegiiiiiiiig til the Empire.
Special attciititm is given tit the political aspect
ni the hi>mry ttf these ciyilizatiiim, Xp attempt
i> matle In twwer the lii»t·»ry tif the tlrieiit. Reei·
  tatitms. lecttire>, aml rt·p··rt>. l·`iyt· l1t»ur~ per
l week. lext. \\`<·st`s ".\iieiei1t \\U»t·lll ll1s‘ihi\';\Nl`l·Zll l)lI\'Sl(`S l.——'l`ext———-Xlechaiiics,
Xliileetilar l’hysies aiitl Heat hy Milliken.
l\". .*\l>\'AN(`l·ZIl Puysics ll.——Text—lZlcctricity.
Shiiiiwl aml Light hy Xlilliken & Mills.
Home Economics.
_ l. l}I{lN(`Il’l.I·ZS (II' (,`U2;iv-
ing devices. Cost of fond iii rulzitimi to its
niitritivc \·:ilu<·, l.znl¤<»r21l<»ry eight hours pur wcck:
li·clii1‘i· mw ll<>l\l`.
ll. ll-lC.\(`lI|N(} l)l·` l`00icli1cti<»11: typi-
vzil lvssim will lic clisuusscrl; muzms 0f i11Lcrcsti11;.{
ahc ])1lI't‘Ill$] prucliczil 1'~
uml piliwr II\L'll zmwl wmiiuii nl univ. This hzis
mum- to l»i· imp of thc must ·\llI'1ll`ll\'k' luziliiiws
in nur SllIIllIlt‘I' work.
N0 l~`0imiu. lixixiuiwiwipxs will he wqiiirccl for
iwiiruiicv 10 thc Summcr S<.h0¤>l, lmi stuclcnts who
cxpuct ciillcgv crvelit must furiiisli cinrzuicu cor-
tiliczntvs from ;ivc1‘crliu·2l>N ll4\l.I. will l»l· Upon for wmnuii.
l<¤¤<»i11s muy lun- hzul in l51·mimric> for Pl
mmiiiiul fcc. ·
(mmm l§ may lw lizul in mxvii for $3.50 per
'l`»11c  also lizivo
zicccss Lu the City Lihrziry.