xt7rjd4pks02 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pks02/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1954 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 25, 1954 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 25, 1954 1954 1954 2012 true xt7rjd4pks02 section xt7rjd4pks02 KENTUCKY K  
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The Memorial Coliseum was dedicated on May 30, 1950, as a memorial to   E
A Kentuckians who had given the last full measure of devotion to their country. ·   i
The names of 9,308 Kentucky war dead were enshrined on tablets in this building    
that future generations might not forget their sacrifice. f
g 111 june, 1950, just after the Communists crossed the 38th parallel in Korea to I
force Communism upon all of that country, the United Nations acted promptly to ·
stop this aggression. President Truman ordered American troops into a so-called   "·, —
cold war to prevent Communism from spreading over Korea and eventually all   5
the rest of the world. During the next three years there were approximately   - T
150,000 American casualties. Many of the war dead were Kentuckians. f Q
lt was decided that the names of these Kentuckians should also be enshrined f r
in the Memorial Coliseum that they too might be remembered among those who ‘
had purchased our freedom at the price of their lives.
For the third time we called upon Professor Ezra L. Gillis to prepare a list of
our war dead from Kentucky. After the First VVorld \Var he had prepared a ·
similar list which is enrolled in Memorial Hall, the building erected to the A _ .
memory of the First \Vorld War dead. At the close of the Second \Vorld VV ar the y
task of assembling the names of all Kentuckians who perished in this great con-
flict was again assigned to him, and after more than a year’s research he had
found the names of all Kentuckians whose lives were lost in the Second \Vorld .
\Var. About a year ago we again turned to Professor Gillis to assemble the names i _
of all Kentuckians killed in the Korean \Var. He has completed the list and the ~
number sacrificed iu this conflict. which has been referred to as a police affair. =
is 1159. Of this number 23 were former students of the University of Kentucky. 1
Beautiful tablets have been prepared and their names have been placed on the
honor roll at the head of the ramp on the west side of Memorial Coliseum. \Vc l
are again indebted to Professor _|.   Horine for his beautiful work in inscribing  
these names on the tablets.  
On Sunday, May 30, Decoration Day, 1954. the University`s Baccalaureate  
Sermon was delivered by Dr. Homer Carpenter. Minister Ecumenical of the First i
Christian Church of Louisville, Kentucky. Parents. widows, brothers, and sisters, l ·
a11d other relatives of these men attended this service. as well as the faculty, grad-
uates of the University, their families and friends, making an audience of at least
S000 present. The Army. the Signal Corps and the Air Force ROTC attended
in formation as a mark of respect to their comrades-in-arms who had died on the y
field of battle. i
This alumni memorial issue is dedicated to those former University students
who lost their lives and to all of Kentucky`s dead of the Korean \Var. May their
memories live in the hearts of Americans so long as this republic survives.
H. L. Donovan   I ,
President , I i
I `
I · '

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Memorial Coliseum Vi. Bei
1 _ In'; ·
A Memorial Service in Memory ot the Kentnckians who gave their lives in the lint}.;
A Korean Conflict that others might live in peace, erect and strong and free. ilaiugln
Laurence l'»inyon's lines (above). now inscribed in stone in the entrance ol Memorial H€¥Id€
(loliscum. are the inspirational source ol` l)i·_ Keimctli \\’;·iglu'$ mum; ··]·`m- [hc {r;,|[C,,_" diumg
i I)(`l`l`Ul-lIl(°(l Ol] llll$ (lC(ll(`2Ill\I`}' O(`(`ZlSlO]]   [l]C Ll]ll\`Cl`SiI_y S)'l]]l)l\()l]Y ()l'('hQ§[]’{] ;[]](l [l]Q €ll[€l`€(
large University (lhorns. ‘f"”`l< l
V _ _ _ $0pIcn1
Thirteen hundred men Irom the tltrve liranches ol the University ol` lientu<‘l<§’ im-ing
’ R.().'l`.(Z.. cnibracing the lnlantry. Signal Corps. and the Air I·`ort·e. joined in this dedita- _\t{;,liC
A tory program, _ Sm {ui
‘ litlteq
I L +—

 1:. a-
Unzverszzy 0f Kentucky Alumm we 4 
‘ (
W/10 Lost T/mr Ln/es m the K orezm Conf/zct 1  
. y ;
BRADLEY, PFC RlCl·l.\Rl) LYMAN. IS. Engr. 1950—5I, Besides his wife and parents he is survived by two 1 Q
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry li. Bradley of Lexington. children, 1)arry Ellen and Kathleen Ann, of Hender- 1
Hg enlisted it;) the Air Forcef on l·`ebruary 13. 195I, son, and his grandmother. Mrs. R. 1.. Bridges, of Trigg l `
receive iis asic training or Air Police at San count »_ l i
Antonio, and was transferred to Georgia in june, 1951. l Z· `·~.\ ‘
After having been in Augusta only three weeks he re- ’ .
eeived a spinal injury in a diving accident from which * * * *   ,  
he died july 6, 1951, at Camp Cordon Base Hospital. l `
Besides his parents, he is survived by a twin sister, Mrs, I _ _ _ L ` J
john Word of Frankfort: his maternal grandmother, '·*§0“’N, MAJOR M1**“)l*_MARSH· M· A- & S·· 195+   1
Mrs. Laura Lyman of Lexington: and his paternal °8* Son Pt Ml" ljlld MIX lhcmlorc L· Brown and l“lS‘ ·
grandfather,   R. Bradley ol (jliit~ago_ bgmd of MTS. Elizabeth. Bottom Brown, all of Lotus- A
‘ ville. He entered the Air l·orce on December 12. 1941.
and served with distinction during \Vorld \\'ar 11, and. ’
      s also, during the Korean Conflict. His decorations in- .
clude the American Service Ribbon, the .—\merican ; A
'l`heatre Ribbon. the Distinguished Flying Cross, the I ·
BRADLEY, CAPT, ROBERT Cl.EMEN'1`S. _}R.. Engr., Silver Star. and the Purple Heart. He was reported as
A. X; S., 1942-#13, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bradley of missing in action on july 24. 1950, when his plane was y
Franklin and husband of Mrs. _[anie Hull Bradley of shot down by the enemy when he was returning from
Alabama. He attended Columbia Military Academy a bombing mission over Seoul. After bein · missin` ,
from which he graduated in 1942. After attending the over a year he was declared dead in Octoger. 1951% _
University of Kentucky he received an appointment 'l`he Air Medal he earned was delivered to his son.  
t0 the U. S. Military Academy, \Vest Point. from which Meade M.. ll, at Godman Air Force Base on October ‘
he graduated it1 1946. Commissioned upon graduation 13, 1951. ln addition to his parents. his wife. and ,
as a lieutenant, he spent several months in the Far Meade M., ll. he is survived by another son. (Larry 1..
East, returning from Korea in 1’e1>ruary, 1949. \\’hile Brown.
serving as an instructor in the School of Weapons at A
lit. Benning he was promoted to captain. He died of ~
gunshot wounds at Phenix City. Alabama, on january P if ll P V
21, 1951. Besides his wife and parents he is survived 3
liy a sister, M1s`_ Kenneth K. AALCSLV(.)l·liC\ll]$[Ol1. a BURDETTE, SCT. DONALD 24, A. & Su Engr- 1945-
nothei, joe A11 Bradley, ol l·ianklm. and a step- A) _ ,\ _ _ I __ YE I [ l_ V
(lm,0_l]m,’ RMON JO Hung Ur Alulmnml 1. ,`son 01.1 lt. ant Mts. Roy . Burt ette o Le xanon. x ,
°’ Before being inducted nn the Army September 21,
1950, he worked with the Roe Construction Company
    at   of Lexington. He took his basic training at Camp At-
terbury. Indiana, where he was assigned to an engi—
neeri11g artillery unit. Soon afterwards he was made
BRIDGES, CAPT. JOHN ROBERT. 25. B.S. in Com- an instructor and sent to Oklahoma for special school.   ?
merce, 1950, son of Mr. and Mrs. lra \\'. Bridges. and ing. He was returned to Camp Atterbury where he
husband of Mrs. Doris Richards Bridges. all of continued teaching until he was assigned duty in .
Henderson. He served eighteen months in the Navy Korea on july 10, 1951. \Vhile in Korea he served in
during Wllorld \Var I1 as a Mailman Eird Class. He a field artillery. topographic and meterological detach— ‘
entered the University of Kentucky. completed his ment. He was killed in action in Korea on April 8. ‘
work for a degree, and then re-entered the service 1952. 1-le received the Purple Heart and the Bronze ·
September 11, 1950. He served with the Infantry re- Star Medal. Besides his parents. he is surived by two
ceiving the American Area Ribbon. Victory Medal. sisters, Mrs. Charles R. Coodin of Lexington. and Miss
~’l‘1¥1ilC Pacihc Ribbon, Kgregin _»\i~t·;i Medal, llronye Betty Lewis Burdette of Lebanon: a brother. Robert ·
Star and Purple Heart. 1-le was killed in action in Burdette of Lexington: and his grandparents. Mr, and
ll01`(?3_]lll1€ 15, 1953, while leading a counter attack. Mrs. Robert Burdette of Lebanon. I j
1 L
I ‘ i

    1949, son of Mrs. Bertha j. Cassell of Lexington and 1940-43, son of Mrs. Rollin 1*. Risen of Louisville iiiiil iI9i8_,i
‘   the late Maxwell Cassell. He served four years in the Mr. Richard E. Gerrish, Sr., of jacksonville, Fins and Besidi
._ E Air Force during World War 11, after which he entered husband of Mrs. Charlotte Terry Gerrish of lflllionl he an
  the University of Kentucky, and received his degree in Having volunteered for Army service while a jniiini. I ne En
.   . 1949, He re-entered the service january 9, 1951, and at the University ol` Kentucky. he was twice ironnddl Imsic
i was stationed in Mitchel Air Force Base. New York. while serving with the 87th infantry Division rlniiiis wings
i where he was assigned to the public relations depart- World \Vur ll. He received the Bronze Star lor riilrii. on a i
  ment] He died of a gunshot wound on September El. in the Battle of Bastogne_ He remained in the _.\i·iiiI. was is
g 1951, at Garden City, New York. He received the after the close of the war and served a tour in _l;iI,i,i`i Georg
i American Theatre Ribbon. the Good Conduct Medal. before returning for a short period of paratroop n·niii_ wiring
z and the World War ll Victory Medal. Besides his ing at 1:l.(121111l)l)C1l. He went to Korea in Selininilwi. Imrhf
._ _ mother, he is survived by a sister. Mrs. Anna (Z. of 1950 where he was killed in action on _-\ln-il ll). IACEH
J Wriglit, and a brother, jaines \\’. (Zassell, both ol` 195l. Besides his parents and his wife, he is siii·r·ir~dl INI`,.
F Lexington. by two daughters, Susan and '1`erry Lee: a sou, 1{iclianl I
j Drexel; and his maternal grandparents, the f01`111Cl'
i Governor Fleni 1). Sampson and Mrs. Sampson ol
, ii if ri ., · Barhourville.
j ll1Nl£S,
-r     as son of
E &   Engr. 1946-48, son of Mrs. Margaret YV. Bourdier Powde
of Lexington and Mr. julian L. Cracraft of Daytona the Ur
I Beach, Florida, and husband of Mrs. \iVilline Stover GILTNER. isi LT· ROBERT HARDIN. 20. 1%.8. iii immed
I (lrnrrnri oi jacksonville, ploridrr Ho onrorod rho Agri., 1949, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Giltner of War 1
Niivrzil Air Corps in Novonihor lg.l5_ [ook iiioiliglii Eminence. He served six months in \iVorld War 11. Septen
· iriiining or Colgate Univorsiiy rind nr Groiir lsnhos then entered the University of Kentucky where he was April
‘ Niivnl Training Srnrion_ Ho nriondod rho University a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Alter Sea or
~ or lroiiiiirlry [or [wo yours hoioro hoing rornllod inio graduation, he worked on his father`s experiinentzil port, Q
_ service in lgqg Shortly after receiving his "rings iii larm at Eminence. He joined the Air Force on Stir Distini
I rho Niivnl Air grriiion in lrloridri on jriiiiiriis, I2, lg5(l_ tember 24, 1950, and received his wings a year later. son, R;
or hc lei; [or ihe lvisdiieimnsan area; HC was killed iii ri He was a jet pilot with the 319th Fighter 1iitei·cepmi· _lr_, an
,_ nliino rrrish in that area on lylay gg, lg5l_ Besides his Squadron. He had been in Korea about six months 1-1_ Hii
· imyehis and his wife) he is Survived by ii son, Douglas when he was killed on November 15, 1952, while pilot-
‘ warren of rioriaa; it sister, Mrs. Doriairi Barber or ing his own F94 ici i>1=i¤€. His ¤s iiiiiirit
i (ieorgetown; his paternal grandparents, Mi-, and Mis the United Nations Medal and the Korean Canipaigii
` l’.   (lracrait; and his maternal grandfather, Mr, G. (Z. Medal- B€$i(1€$ 11iS l>?ii`€11l$. 116 is $1ii`Vi\'€<1 lil` i
· L Wilson_ iill ol; groii roiiniv_ brother, \~\’i1liam F. Giltner, anti his grandmother. Nin.
j I Huston Fairleigh of Eminence. 111NG» 2
is zi     Capt. 1
Q I, * · of the
War l1
DUNr\VAN'l`, SGT. \iVll.LL-\M AKIN, 37, B.S. in Com- ilmm 0
Y inertie, 1937, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. M. Dunavant of GILVIN, CPL. HOWKARD El)\iVAR1), 27. liugr. Wil md wa
 . _ Millington, Tennessee, and husband of Mrs. Mary 46, son of Mrs. Gertrude Gilvin Thompson of $l11\1`[>i·   A
I '1`heta Dunavant. Sgt. Dunavant is the only non- burg and the late Howard Gilvin, and l111Sl)1111(1(11Ml`S· Ulf  
1‘C$i(lCI1i. Sllltl€I1tiKIlo\\'11 at this time to have lost his Flora Rogers Gilvin of \iVincliest@r_ ln addition to 1115 Him k
lift: ill SC1`\'ice during the Korean Conflict. 1-le was the schooling at the University of Kentucky, he 1l1tC11il@il   PI
hist ¢`il5l12l1l}' of the conflict for hilillington. As a Hrst Kentucky \Ves1eyan College and a school in 1e1ei<1<‘l· iIlm@t’
lieutenant, he served two years in \Vorld \t\’ar 11 in berg. During \iVor1d \Var 11, he served three }'€¤i`* lll if In
the European theater and received both the Silver the South Pacific where he was in seven major l>¤iilC‘· (lm b
— Star and the Bronze Star. He re-enlisted in the ln. He served in the Army ol Occupation in G€1`ll1i1l11'l'“` Ilim N
llillltfy in 1949 and was killed in action in Korea Sep- three years, 1-Ic died December 17, 1950. at 1’1<`li1(`l` m Sm
teniber 15. 1950, after being there only a short time. berg, Germany, of injuries received in an autoniolmiltr
I 111 lltltlilioll to his ])1ll`€11[S and his wife, he is survived acciclent. Besides his wife and mother, lic is $i1l"’l“`l1
by Ji sou, \lVill11l111 A,. jr.; two brothers. liarl j, and by a son, Howard Edward Cilvin, lr.: a l>i‘oil1<'1`· lin
Leonard (Z. Dunavant: and two sisters, Mrs. (Llen Davis Gilvin oi Sharpsburg: and his maternal granti-
SWRITI. Ul- hlllliliglon, Jllitl Mts. l\1e1vin \i\'ylit‘ ol Rose- l)§1]`(’]][$_ h[r_ and hlrg_ S_ R, Davis of Noilll \li to the 1 {
University of Kentucky and attended for about six   ‘ .
lllNES, CAPT. RICHARD 1i1.l.1S, 31. Engr., 1945-#10. months. He entered the service May 7. 195l, and took 1 .
son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hines, Sr., of \Voodbury, his basic training at Camp McCoy. \~Visconsin. He ~ `
and husband of Mrs. Vivian Edwards Hines of went overseas on September 1, 1951, where he died l  
Powderly. He registered in the Engineering college of on July 31, 1951, of wounds received July 5th while 11 A
the University of Kentucky the second quarter but left hghting with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea.
i, B.S. in immediately after registration. He served in \Vorld Besides his parents, he is survived by four brothers,
Siltncrol War 11 as a fighter pilot from October 16, 1940, to Luther Ra tmond. ohn Daniel. \1\’illard O,. and ames
1 War ll. September 26, 1945. He was recalled to active duty on \#\’atson. arid a sistelr. Mrs. James Keown, all of Oivens- 4
tre he was April 1, 1951. He was shot down over the Korean horo. 1 _
it ·. .\ltcr Sea on A ril 29, 1952, as he >i1oted a C—47 trans- . ~
leiimctitztl port. Hisiilecorations include tlie Air Medal and the V
e on Sc >~ Distinguished Fl ing Cross. Other survivors include a t`       .
year latfr. son, Richard Ellis, Jr., and three brothers, L.   Hines,
    21 \1°”"""°""‘ md 11 '1°"" riczitrtvs. Lnzur., (sg.) czrrxiztrs at.x1.co1.1u. 29. ·
  . _ ' ’ Engr. 1941-42, son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Edgar .
xlliliilllllfll Pitfkerls of Somerset, and husband of Mrs. Beulah .
Campaign         Eittler gPickens1 of iJacksotyville.l lgloridzg. He xyz;-zip ~
vcd mf H   e Scout w ien te gracuatet 'rom .otnerset ig·
)llm_· MN School in May, 1940. I-Ie married in June ol that year.
KING, gud LT_ ASON RALpH_ 2.J_ A_ & S__ LH"., After only one semester at the University ol Kentucky, .
1946-50, stm of firs. rata. ia. King of cincinnati and he ~~‘i¤_1¤<1f<¢v =·¤<1 wear to work in D¢¤`<>it- H€_<¤¤· ¢
Capt. Wm. Ralph King. formerly of Lexington, now 11“1F`(1_ 111 fhg Nall 11; J?‘12»_“’=·$ f1$‘1§’»&€f1 18 l’1E‘111g111 1
al the Air Force. Prior to enterinr the University of 11*1111111g *111 1`°“i1‘1°( 11S wmgs 111 · °· 11 °`1'°111‘ 1
Kentucky, he attended Hema (;0H§g€_ During “i;,,.|d ber 29, 1952, while he was hoinc for (Zhristmas.· he
wm. IJ! he Served mmm, months in (;m€n]m,(]_ In was lin a liliill·il1I[()111l)1)1.l(‘ accident in Jacksonville. I I
June 0[ 19,19 he was Commissioned in the mJ·uml.). Florida. ln addition to his parents and his wife, he is ‘
_ u__ Wg and was recalled to active duty sometime later. .\l`t<·r $11111111*1 PY *1 SP"; (·1‘11111**11·— .11·· 1*1111 1“"’ ‘11’11H1'11“1>·
‘11?1[1 `_ qi 011ly a few months in Korea. he was killed June 27. *11111 111"`1" 1111*1 1‘"1hY S"*""‘ —
Ol MTIPQ 1951, while leading his platoon in a hazardous action .
ylldoié  11€?ll`l{O1`lSil, The Silver Star awarded posthumously __ _l_ J J ,
1g1(?;wmlC(l $5 presented to his parents by Col. Charles M.   11 A'`.   y ‘
in Heine]. ‘ °"111»_1)m1€$$0I` of l\’[·11·llH1`}’ Science and Tactics at ·
ee vtmsir :1;$€§1E"'°rS‘F1’· 1*1 “d°1“‘°“ “’ 1"S 1""`°"‘S’ he ‘“ S“‘_` izoaait. ist LT. \V1L1.l.\K1 youu. 26. coininme,
. jb:m]c,_ y a sister, Mrs. Robert S, Summers, Albequet- 104,.-48 [ \I_ W _l€_ lgourk unl U E lm M _` .
1m . 11116, New Mexico and a brother Curtis Rav King ` [ ’.SOli O I L CS 1 ( ,1 6 .l"
€l`I11?Ull1 1111 who ge Y d . I ’ ,_ V ` * P Roark of Flint, Kentucky. and husband of Mrs. Marion
gil l—l<·in1t1· "me m me 9**11* J, Roar}; of Mt. Clemens, Michigan. During \Vorld V
illll0I1l0l)llC \iVar 11, he entered the Navy and served aboard the
{S snrvi\‘¤11   ,,     USS Sylvania in both the Atlantic and Pacihc areas ~
roth<‘1`- _l1`11 until his discharge iu May. 1946. His decorations in-
rnal 21111111 clude the American Campaign Medal. the Asiatic- 1
·th llitltllc ll.-\YliS, 2nd LT. FINLEY McEl.ROY. JR., 2~l—, Engr., Pacific Medal. the \\’orld \\’ar 11 Victory Medal, and I {
ABT-, 1946-50, son of Mr. and Mrs. liinlev Mclilroy the Navy Occupation Service Medal with Asia Clasp. 1
U-MN111 §?}$rucxy AtuMNuS 7 I; ‘
I ‘ B

 ._   He applied for Pilot Training alld entered the Air Rica. on August 17. 1950. Besides his parents alla his
`° l Force in june, 19-18. He received training at Ran— wife, he is survived by two children. Robert RU ih
E dolph Field, graduated fl`()lI\ \·\’il1iams Air Force Base, ·and Mary Lana Lee. ` 7
  and served as pilot at \'2ll`lOllS places including Fair-
i banks. Alaska. His death occurred in Sherman, Texas. l
il i May 25. 1953, when his 1·`-8(il) All \\’eather jet Figllter   it    
i caught lire and exploded immediately after a night A
i take-oll`. His survivors lll(`lll(lC a daugllter, Anita
l li?lil?..§"s‘.ii.l$‘1%€..rI,.li1§.‘_"‘“‘c ”"'l"` “"" “‘ ’‘‘' l "l $'il`Rl·lE'l`, wr. lollls (ZOWHliR1>..·\. lt l., ll.ll.,,,.,.,, -—
l son ol Edward R. 1\ll(l Mabel W. Street of (Z;llli,_ The
l ,·\fter two years at the University of lxentuckv. llt -——-
- L _ entered the ;\I`1l1}‘ Decelllber 7, 1959, and served ill thy Keliiiliilgii
      it ii lllfillllfy. .»\l`ter training ill tllis country, he was sem lt Lexi
j to Korea where his death occurred Nt)\’C111l)Ql`2fI_ igggggiti
  1951, as the result of a motor vehicle accident oll sill,. QQ
g pery roads. ln 1:Cl)l`ll£Il`}’ of 1952, his body was l`Cll1l`}i(*tl A l\1CkY
_ , _ _ _ aboard the lltllllll Victory for burial ill this (`()llll[|`\‘ C°“°'
` R()1$lNS()N, lst 1.l`. S.»\Ml11·.l. FLEMING. 29, .\.1§. lll · »‘ Em,
, Education, 1951, husband of Mrs. Violet Banks 1{Ol)lI\· Olllce a
. . . _ the actt
soll ol Lexington, 1lI1(l son ol the late Alonso and lda ,·,,s,,Ciat
w justice Robinson of Pike (i0tlllty_ Lieutenant Robin- ll lll- sl at  
` i soll graduated fronl Meade Memorial High School. G. Lcej
l He volunteered for Army service in 1941, received his  
I lfllllllllg ill various ciunps here, 2ll1(1 tllell S€l`t'€(l ft>l` \;i\N N[ETER· 2nd lil`- S()L()A[()N lilili Illt 27, ii. t "_'
A lllll'l€l¤ll lllllllllls lll lillllllle Wllll llle llllst ·'\ll`l)°l`llU S., 1947-48, $011 of Mrs. Solomon 1.. Villl Meter, jr., lll l95
I Division. His decorations included the American Serv- Lcxiiigtoih and thc hito Mio Vim Moten i_hii,iiii Kwon
t ice Medal, EllI`()[)€1ll1·r\fl“l(TZlll-R11(l(1l€ Easterll $Cl`\il(`(f Served three yciits (hiring “loi.hi Witt. iii hc Ciitmii Holiigig
l M¤···$=·l····· rl·l—lllllylv.llllll College, welll lll llls tllllt-C.-lll, lll Kell- tolli
lllld Ollli l·€lll Clll*l€l`· *lllll_ \`V‘fll(l will ll Vl"l"l`l' tucky his sophomore year, 1ll1(l graduated fI`0ll1 rl`l`1ll]· ” Hcfhllefg
t Medal. He entered the Ut1|\'€l'Sl\y ol Kentucky alld Syiviiiiiii iii Juno oi- l952· “lith tho oiitiiiciik oi thi llitiitss
llllll lllllllllellxl w‘ll`l* ll"` llls ‘l€gl`€c_ wllcll llc wlls lc' Korean \l\lar, he enlisted ill the Marines where he was will Ed
_ <`=·_ll¤’.·*l l9§l· Hs level 2|SSlgll€(1 lll Ofllcer's llllllllllllle S(Tll .-,. ll. He lllllllll ,,,,l;·,*“l,_
s ~~*·¤l· the l88tl¤ —l·rl>_<•m<* l¤l=···¤r l<<>s·¤¤<¢¤¤ _=·· *0}* lll, alllllllllllllll ill sllllcllllla lll lllsz llllll ll-all ll,-ll. ,,,§>l·iel¤
' (?lllll|>l¤ffll l>€l0T€ glllllg lll l$9l`€fl· H€ was l*lll€‘l lll sells in April of 1953. He was killed ill action ill l{ortal llrilfff
i §l('[l()l] ll] Sadlnak, Korea. defending "“Olt11i¤ll<1y.j’ $€|>- ml july 9, 1953, Besides his nlotller, he is survived lll l lllliliilfl
i l(?ll1l)€I` 18, 1952. ln addition to llls wlle,· he IS Slll`- three Sisters, Miss Lois Lyon Vito Moten Mio Hiiiiii. Ittlllill
i Q vlved by a daughter Jonnee Lynn; [\V()`S|$[€I`8, hlrs. it Emilie, jr" and Miss Virgiuiii himi Vim Mem, iii  
` ·l.US€l)llm€ lohmom Plk€vlu€' alld Ml" l‘·*?l*l (:u“(l'll‘ of Lexington. ll|1(l his l111II(fl`l1ill g1`il]1(1ll1()1ll(*I`, llls. lll‘ilQj§$i
· l‘l· WllYll€· l¤l ‘i,g{0£
` SMEDLEY, MAJOR ROBERT REDMOND, 32, B,S,, Butler, lientueky, he spent most of his early lilti lll llligigr
1940, son of Mrs. Lillie Smedley and Mr. Robert Georgetown and was living there when he 1lll€11ll€ll Scllllllo
Srnedley of Lexington, alld husband of Mrs, Mary the University of }{€mllCky_ His Scyvil-C ill the Army Clllllri
Malone Smedley. After graduation froln the Ulli- began over twenty years ago. He was stationed Lit
9 versity 0f Kentucky, he served with the Chemical \lV;ll·- various camps including (lheyene, (Ill(1 SelfritlgC Yl€lll· \
_ fare l)ivision. ln December, 1941. he transferred to Michigan, where he served for fourteen years. Hellll `hfcxigg
the   (iOI`1)S and l`€(i€1V€(1 ()I`(l€I`S [O I`Cl)()I`[ to T€X(l$ S[1l[l()l]€(l lll ,·\llS[l`§|liLl l.()]' f1\'(j y(f§ll`S (lllflllg Wllllll E[l;;;l"l1K
wllere he received his wings in August of 1942. From \Var 11. Prior to going to (iCl`1Illllly, he was locatetlat Plllll  
1942 l11fOllg11 1944. 1163 WKIS an instructor, after which Camp Lee, Virginia, His family 1l('(`()ll]l)ill1lC(l llllllrlll. iiiiiifoqi
lle flew combat missions in Corsica and Italy. Shortly Heidelberg where his death occurred july l7· llllll illllell
‘ after his release from the service. llc returned to active ln addition to his wife, his survivors include two som. ._illleD§
llllly. H6 WHS ilSSig‘I1€<1 to bases in Virginia and Ala- Bobby and Billy Voiers; a daughter. li01111l€ Vlllflll ¥_llg“lli34
. bkimil l.>€fO1`€ 1€2lVlng for l’:main:1 in 1949. Ile was one and a sister, 1\lrs, S, hl, (lhinn, f<)1`l1lt*|`l}' lll. flllllffr    
of four killed in Ll (1-47 plane crash at San jose, Costa towll, now of Louisville.  
i ..,../ \`

 s and his E ‘  
8 QH UC llHlIlllS  
  ‘  Th K t ky Al  
i E 2
y .
947-lg-l}}' K k   CLUB PRESIDENTS Mercer County-Robert Mayes, Harrodsbursz   j  
Of Cudu, e The entuc y ulnnus Adair Cmmty_Em.l Huddlesmn, Columbia Monroe Ccunty—]ustus L. Ellis, _Tompki¤svi1le ~‘ *
lm.kv_ hu   Allen C0unty—]ghn pedjge, Sgofgvillg Mfgmgvmvw sF¤\§¤:y§Mrl§;1 Rezm C· Howell. 1
_· publgghed quarterly by the Umvergnty _0f Anderson County-Walter Pau-mk, Lawrenceburg Y°am°’° ·· · **2* 8 `
'€d lll thc Kentucky on the campus of thc Umvcmty, Ballard County—Keith Kelley, Wickliife M°"g““ C°'m*Y*Em'1 K-‘¤¤°}'· Wei! LW°**Y - ·
, at Lexington. Subscriptions to n0n—mcmbers, Barren County—Basil Preston, Glasgow Muhlenberg CQ““tY‘R“]Ph {Babe W"Kbt· B°* 3
"as Sem 52_00, Membership (Type A) in the Alumni Bath C0unty—Gc0rge Gibson, Owingsville Y 254• Greenville _ ‘ ‘
mbcr 2{i_ Association includes subscription to the Alumnus. gall lglmugy-R_   Bm§er,dp;ne;me &_?g;(;YfaSC%l;?1tr¥t;B£i2;;1;S L§;¤;;u¢i!_i6r§mél:tr?i:n;1;
.   our on t - 'l , ' — · _ ~ 4
Il on Sli]? Member of National Editorial Association, Ken- Boyd C0u1?gi¥*rnn2gg Magtiilu   The Mayo N¤¤h¤¤¤f¤m K€¤t“ckY‘]am€$ D- Nlckem BUX
gwlumed tugky Press Association, American Alumm Arcuclu, Ashland 566- Ashland. KY- _ * `-.\
[ Council Boge C%unti\é—]ames M. Nurvell, Green A¤f€5» g{$§n%):€,:¥y_Vgh2m%r§;H%S:`]I~}E;;tfgge;¢y ` l
`illlll I`\`.   anvi c, y, ` ·. ' . · I
’ E {ered as Second Class Mutter at the Post B k C _ · L·u· · B k ·1 Perry C0u{¤ty—B1ll_ S_turg1ll. c/0 Hazard Coal   ` ,
Om; at Lexington, Kyw May L 1952, under B;:g£:rid°gng,u¥1siF1$°;H"‘s°?i 59:1:vd B _Om=rators Assncmtmn, Hpzard _ _ Ei
the act of Aug. 24. 1912. mam by we A¤·····¤¤ ¤a1dw.3ué“Om.ty-v‘¥¢i11i.§f.. M$$2i;¤E1?fEr§w`${§¤ *’¤k·= COM/-J=*·¤¤= W- Wm- P·*<¤·¤“¤ y
Association. amuse County—RaIph Edmgton, Arlington {,’¤;v¤}j. ¤¤*y—R¤{‘¤*· 1;*- g¤¤*€g· S*;·gg·¤ y 2
  garml1CC¤untyEMy;, H, R, Stout, Cangllfgn “sfm*€l_s;““tY'-I0 “ m °'· °" · j
G?Lee McClain ...................... Managing Editor ggztzn ?g%T,Ky_g%r,§$e§?E&e{flIX;{§¥i¤y Robertson C¤u¤ty—Ray N. Dryden, M!. Ohvet ~
Muguerire McL¤¤zh1i¤ -···--···· A¤S¤¤i¤t¤ Editor chnsemn count`,-John Tnce Hopkinsville Kv “°°k°““‘° C°“”*>"R“d°lPh B“’d°**» R°¤*'° `
· · ’ ’ · ‘ Valley ·
Ame wlemmn `III'' ' `'·``` I vital statistic. Editor Chxk C$;nty}TEug°m° Cuu°n’ ]r" 93 French Russell County Othella Gaskins Russell Springs `
  VG-, inc ester _ . ’ · e
. 27 .\.   may county-cmu smm, Manchester S¤¤** C·>¤¤*y—I· C- M¤K¤·¤*=*- G·=¢¤¤¤*s·w¤
_ ’ _ 1954-55 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE cumon C0unty—Charles Lumen, Albany Shelby ¤¤¤¤*v—F¤=¤¤b $¤¤¤¤=· $¤=¤">>·v·¤e
{C1, Jl.,-Ul l T . C. E I ’ Of Crittenden C0unty_L0uis.D_ Clamps, Marion S1mps0n C0unty—W00dr0w Coots, FISIARIIII z
._ Hmmg x¤§»·r¤¤I;VI;dI;;<§;1P{5s¤dent— My nzmevr S - Cuénbirlaryii county-Lesue Mccnmas, Spencer County-Harold Love. T ¤y1¤r¤v¤1|e ·
` °€· c =   . UF €$V¤ F Taylor C0untv—Harry R. Smith Cumpbellsvillc ·
xc €IllCI`€(I H L. Baker, Vxce Pres¤dent—2242 Ruther- D · C t _F tM ,401M I A _, · ’ _ -
_ r "{Qf(§ Am, Louisville, Ky_ “g‘;;§__sb‘;§;‘ Y °"°$ °'°‘°"' “p° "° Todd C0unty—L0gan Webb, Guthnc » ~ 4
, [ ]\ . . .
K) U €“‘ Helen G. King, Executive Secretm·y—522 Sayre Egtill county-stephen Riga, kvine Tngg County-Tom Magraw, Cadxz x
mm TI`iUl· Ave-» L°X*¤H*°“· KY- F¤Y¤¤<* C<¤¤¤ty—J- Ed Parker, HL 1415 Trimble County-]. G. Dye, Bedford
L { my B" A‘ S’{§"°]’” T'“‘E`§2°"D‘i§“"“‘°"* "f A"" ,“‘°"""’“" “°“*‘— L€““¤*°" , umn <`¤unu·—Ch¤r1¤s pmchen my E Mm y
Eu' 0 ' ltics, niversity 0 eutuc _ _ F e ‘ng Co ty—D . C, D, Bla` , F ingsburg V' · ’ ‘ ‘ ,
, 1 .1 Wifi Ed Covington. 2655 Vifilmlil Ayn. A$h· Flogcg C0un;1;—W00l;ir0xv Burchgt, Pggtunsburg ,St" Momzmfield , .
me 1€_“m land. KY. (Term GNDUPS 1955) Franklin Cuntyr—]c·rry jones. S14 Paschall St., \Vashingt0n C0unty—Charles ]’. Haydon, ;
WCUI UW? Dm; lag Parrish, Paris, Ky. ('1`crm cxpirvs l9$$) Fulton S ringfield ‘
¤ _ D
H in Kmw \h·§:uT. I_L;;rc·(}}r(;;1E, e(§S;)i:;iI}F$géI;PYf&\Cl‘· I·st0n.