xt7rjd4pkr86 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pkr86/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-06-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 28, 1929 1929 1929-06-28 2012 true xt7rjd4pkr86 section xt7rjd4pkr86 Best Copy Available











KY., JUNE 28, 1929


Chautauqua Opens Monday on Stoll Field
Day Ag Meet
REGISTRATION Three Big Attendance Harvard Into Millions REDPATH PEOPLE
LETTERS' WILL Jaroslaw Krizenecky Sixteen Farmers
Visit University
Pays University Visit
BEGIN CAMPAIGN Dr. Jaroslaw Krizenecky, director Party From Illinois Experi- FOR FIRST TERM One Hundred and
Starting with the
John Harvard in
of the zootechnlcal research
Leaders and Students
ment Station
the libraries of Harvard University GOOD
of Czechoslovakia, on a
Take Courses
day at "Ag" College
FOR SUBSCRIBERS tution fellowship of the Rockefeller
steadily that
have grown
Twertty-fiv- e



University Literary Magazine
Expects to Get Circulation
Up to Two Thousand


Next Edition Appears in Aug-

ust; Single Copies May
Be Bought

According to a statement from
Prof. E. F. Farquhar, editor and
faculty sponsor of "Letters," literary quarterly magazine of the Univeare now being made
for a subscription campaign more
extensive than any since the founding of the magazine In the fall of
Professor Farquhar states
that 2,000 new and renewed subscriptions are expected to result
from the campaign, which should
be well under way before the 1929
summer Issue of "Letters" appears
the first of August.
Subscription cards are now being
printed for the campaign, and these
are to be given not only to all teachers in the University for distribution
in their classes, but students themselves are urged to call at The Kernel office for cards which they may
send to prospective subscribers. The
management of "Letters" announce
their intention of making the magazine more than a local publication,
and they expect the coming campaign to effect such a change. For
this purpose the support of both
faculty and students is earnestly
"Letters" Is a magazine composed
of writings by the students, profes-vso- rs
and best authors in the state.
Also many leading persons in literary circles have Interested them
selves in "Letters" ana are encour
ocrtnrr its ernwth. Although the mae
azine has been In existence only two
years it has already gained wide
""literary rame- - tnrougnout we nation. The publication is the only
one of its kind in the south, and Its
purpose is to encourage literary talent among the student body of the
University and among the people of
the state.
The magazine is sponsored by the
nnancea ay
Engiisn department,
The Kernel, and edited by ProfeS-cr- ir
Pnrmihnr of the Enclish de- nartmontThu nrtnp nf n VPnr's
subscription is one dollar, and is
payable to any proiessor in tne
English department or to tne ousi
ness manager of The Kernel.
The campaign is for subscriptions
in hpwin with thf new school vear
in September, but single copies of
tne summer issue in August may ne
purcnasea at 2& cents per copy.

Student Expresses Individu
ality Through Activities;
, Must Do Something Beside
Holding Seat Down.


SEATTLE, Wash. "The average
6tudent wants to be something besides the object that Alls seat 7, row
E, In the college class room, and
means for him to express his
individuality," is the opinion of
Herbert L. Seamans, new general
secretary at the University Y. of the
University of Washington.
activities have arisen to flu some
need," he explains. "I can't agree
with those people who sweepingly
condemn all activities. Objectionai
features sometimes arise, it is true.
"The fraternity system, for example, has been scored by many,
but for all its ills It arose to meet a
definite need for social fellowship,
and it will probably continue until
something better comes to fill the
"I heartily agree with Professor
Meiklejohn of the University of
Wisconsin when he says, 'We educators did not bring the students
together for the sake of activities,
but from our bringing them together these activities followed'."
"In the activities of the Y here
we have a place in student interest
where the students are free to explore where their best judgment
dictates. Here is a good place for
the students to learn how to voluntarily carry on sustained
work. There is a place for individuality, but not for Individualism.
"I'm convinced that to let extracurricular activities take their course
unrecognized and undirected by the
college is unwise. Only as educators
recognize the value of. these activities and make them a definite part
of the whole educational set-u- p
there be a satisfactory quality in
these interests.
"Let me give you another quotation from Meiklejohn: 'A liberal
college in which the student activities are simply reactions from studies, ways of escape from the dreary
grind such an institution is not a
college at all'."

party of 16 Illinois farmers and
members of the faculty of the Illinois Experiment Station and College of Agriculture visited the Uni
versity Monday. They spent the
morning at the experiment station,
being interested in the soils and
crop work, and devoted the rest of
the day to a tour of the large farms
in the vicinity.
President Frank L. McVey, Dean
T. P. Cooper and other faculty
members entertained the party for
luncheon at the University Commons.
The fanners comprise the advis1 ory board for the Illinois ExperiOn
ment Station, and the others in
group were Dean H. W. Mum-for- d
Literary Magazine For Sum- the and faculty members of his
college. They left Monday night for
mer to Contain Many InCampbellsville
where they will
teresting Articles
study the experiment station the
University maintains there. They
"Letters," quarterly literary maga- plan to
stations in
zine of the University, will com- the statevisit other such the tour.
before ending
year of its existplete the second
ence with the next issue, which will
appear about the first of August.
This issue presents the following
list of contributors, in addition to
the regular section devoted to
poetry and book reviews: A. H.
Barkley, Jessica H. Sell, G. Davis
Biickner, S. W. Douthitt,. Joseph C.
Graves, Esther Greenfield, Sarah Three Courses: Book SelecLltsey, Frank L. McVey, and Susan
tion, Cataloguing, ClassifiPeffer.
cation and Reference Work
Three of the contributions, acAre Scheduled.
cording to the editors of "Letters,"
should prove especially Interesting
to their readers. They are a sketch
Three courses, book selection, caty,
of Fort Harrod by Dr. Frank L.
aloguing and classification and refa short story, "The Return," erence work, are being taught in
by Jessica Bell, and an article en- the College of Education this sumtitled "Modern Poverty," by Sarah mer for the preparation of libraLitsey.
rians in the high schools of the
Those who are not regular sub- state. Forty-fiv- e
students are takscribers to "Letters" may get copies ing these courses, approximately 25
August number at The Ker- of whom represent various Kentucky
of the
nel office or from the English de high schools.
partment for 25 cents per copy.
Miss Isabel Bennett, a University
graduate in the class of 1924, and
the Columbia School of library ser- .
.rJFREE SCHOLARSHIP vice in 1928, is teaching catalopi-- .
mg; miss uoroiny itogers, oi ine
Competition among qualified can- Drexel Institute library school, now
didates who attend and complete supervisor of school libraries in New
the prescribed course of training at Brunswick, N. J.j has charge of the
the Fifth Corps Area, Citizens Mili- class in reference work and classitary Training Camps, during the fication, and Miss King, the Uni1929 period, is now open, it has been versity librarian, is teaching the
announced. Two scholarships, one course in book selection.
to the University and one to Centre
Miss King nas announced that the
College, will be the awards of the following new books
have been
The scholarship of- placed on the shelves in the Univerfered by the University includes free sity library:
(Reference books),
valtuition for the year
"League of Nations," the armaments
ued at $40.
yearbook; Crawford's "Ethics of
Journalism;" O'Shea's "Every Day
Problems In Child Training;" Mc- Baln's "Prohibition, Legal and Il
Seven University delegates at- legal;" Rugg's "Social Studies In
tended the annual conference of Teachers
and Normal
the Young Men's Christian Associa- Schools;" Willoughby's "Introduction at Blue Ridge, N. C, which tion to the Problem of the Governended June 24. There were 250 del- ment;" Zimmern's "Learning and
egates in all, representing educa- Leadership;" Lewis' "Outline of the
tional institutions of ten states American Federal
throughout the South. Kentucky Sutherland's "Debate Handbook;"
men at the conference were Virgil Harper's "Character Building in
of Colleges;" Whitney's "Junior ColCouch, who was editor-in-chithe conference dally newspaper, lege in America;" Hale's "Railroad
John Cochran, Henry Graves, R. J. Valuation in the U. S.;" Starr's
Edwards, Bart N. Peak, Joe
"One Hundred Years of American
and G. S. StamatofX.
Railroading;" Smith's "Needed
Words;" Hough's "Story of Fire;"
PLAY TO BE PRESENTED Frymir's "Basket Ball for Women;"
Price's "Short Plays from American
The play, "Trojan Women," which History and Literature;" Vaughan's
was first planned for presentation "Just a Little Story of Cumberland
at the University June 25, was post Gap;" (biography), Long Lance's
poned and will be given tonight at "Chief Buffalo Child Long Long;"
6:15 o'clock in the open air theater (fiction), Freeman s "Joseph and
a Memorial hall. Students, faculty His Brethren;" Undset's "The Axe;"
members and townspeople are in Sabln's "Classical Myths That Live
vited and there will be no admis- Tody;" (theses), Moss' "History of
the Education of Nicholas ounty."
sion fee.




Campus August



Sckeel and Special

Agricultural Students Excluded from Total Number Enrolled

Second Semester Begins July
22 and Continues Through




the first semester
of summer school at the University,
which opened June 17, closed Monday afternoon at, 4 o'clock, the total
number of students enrolled being
1,312, excluding the special courses
in agriculture and those in the
coaching school.
The first term of last summer had
been a record year with a total of
1,256 students, but the increase in
registration this year has ousted all
previous high marks for summer
Reservations for rooms in the
Men's and Women's dormitories for
the first term is alsf closed, however those desiring rooms for the
second semester or the fall term
may still do so. Dormitories are
practically filled.
Dean William' S. Taylor, of the
College of Education, will direct the
summer sessions, and will be assisted by Dr. Wellington Patrick,
head of the extension department of
the University.
The first term will end July 20,
and the second term will open July
22 and continue' through August 24.
may be
As many as 13 credits
worked off during the two semesters.
Summer school affords an opportunity to teachers who wish to take
further work or ,to keep in touch
ecent--i cdifestlofial eructhodsf,
for undergraduates to take "additional credits if they desire to
shorten their academic course, or to
raise a low previous standing, and
also to those who are interested in
taking welfare work and Y. M. C. A.
or Y. W. C. A. courses.
The University is planning a series of trips throughout the beautiful and historic Blue Grass country in order to acquaint the students of the summer school with
the state.
Three University gins motored last
week to Camp Nawaka, on Lake
Michigan, where they will spend ten
weeks as camp counselors. They
were Misses Elizabeth Stewart,
Laura Katherine
Elizabeth Skinner, and they were
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, parents of Miss Stewart. Miss
Johnston and Miss Skinner are
members of the University tumbling

Prof. T. T. Jones, head of the
Latin and Greek department at the
University, has been given his doctor's degree in ancient languages at
Harvard, it was recently announced
at the Harvard commencement exercises. Dr. Jones studied at Harvard during the fall semester of
1928 and took the final examination
for his Ph. D. degree in June.

students was held at the College of
Agriculture Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, with approximately
125 in attendance.
Classroom work included livestock raising, soils arid crops, dairying, poultry raising and horticulture, the teachers and students studying in separate classes. A sillmar
course was given last year in train-hig- h
school teams which judge
stock at the state fair.
Wednesday night at a banquet
for the students and teachers in
the course, President McVey and
Dean T. P. Cooper of the University
were the principal speakers. Prof.
Ivan Barnes and F. G. Burd, supervisor and assistant supervisor respectively, of the agricultural education for the state department of
education, also gave short talks.
Thursday the classes toured stock
farms in the Blue Grass region.
A three day course for
agricultural teachers





foundation, visited the college oi
Agriculture last week end. He was
particularly Interested in tne study
being made at the experiment sta
oi tne
tion in the inter-relatithyroid and feather growth, and
studied the administrative sysalso
tem used at the College of Agriculture. He complimented the University on its work and methods, having classed the experiment station
as being one of the leading In the






volumes, according to the latest
counting, now rest upon the university's shelves.
Figures compiled by the library
authorities show that the library of
Harvard College, housed in the
Widencr Memorial Library,- - contains
1,405,200 volumes, followed in number by the tomes owned by the Harvard Law School, which possesses
318,800 books.
From 60,000 to 70,000 volumes arc
ordinarily added to the Harvard
collection each year, it is stated,
either by gift or purchase' from a
fund, the Income of which amounts
to about $63,000 each year. Monetary gifts in the past five years have
average $16,000.

Repairs Started on
Administration Hall
Basement of Building Being
Repaired and Made Into

The entire basement of the Administration, building is now under
construction; having been vacated
on account of the addition of McVey hall to the campus. The old
Increase., in Attendance, Re- building was erected in 1882, and
tirement of Several Mem with the exception of patching and
bers Cause Additions to retouching, little has been done to
improve it.
Teaching Staff.
The original kitchen and serving
Regroom will be turned into
Because of an increase in attend- istrar's office. The kitchenthe
ance each semester, the enlarge- room will become the receiving
ment of some of the departments room for the incoming and outgo- and the retirement of several of the jlng shipments in order to relieve
faculty members, 15 new members the congestion and consequent
have been appointed to the Univermain entrance.
sity faculty, their duties to begin The faculty of the room will be redining
with the fall term.
modeled for the dean of women,
John Kuiper will be an associate assistant dean and secretary. The
professor of philosophy in the phil- student dining room will be partiosophy department, which lost Dr. tioned into three rooms, the larger
Glanville Terrell by retirement.
to be occupied by the Y. M. C. A.,
Dr. R. S. Allen, of the department and the other two by the dean of
-c anatomy andtf physiology, wlll men and his 'secretary! :
Dr. Joseph
head of the same department.
Dr. Allen's position will be taken by A. M. Lands, as instructor
of anatomy and physiology.
Miss Lenore Wilson will assist
Prof. Carl Lampert and Prof. Elmer Coaches Find Movies Will Aid
Sulzer, as instructor of music.
Grid Players in LearnIn the English department two
ing Fundamentals
new faculty members, Mrs. George
Smith and Robert Shannon, have
been announced.
Movies and football practice don't
Miss Sallie Pence and Wayne mix, ordinarily, but coaches In nearGarnett have been added to the ly 200 cities and towns in Oklahoma
staff of the mathematics depart- have found movies a vital factor in
the development of gridiron teams.
New political science instructors
This fact was brought to light
are Charles Shull and Paul Walp.
when a check was made on the
Jarvis Todd and Bertram Ramsey number of schools that used film-slidhave been placed on the faculty of
and movie reels, showing
the physics department
foot formations, provided by the
Miss Rebeccca Averill will be the bureau of visual education of th'e
new physical education Instructor.
University of Oklahoma extension
Mrs. P. K. Holmes has been division.
named as assistant dean of women.
The football pictures were posed
Miss Jean Lowry will be instrucby players under the direction of
tor in art history.
Irvin Shannon has been selected Knute Rockne, famous Notre Dame
coach. In the fllmslide group, the
as assistant professor of sociology.
illustrations are divided into five
series ranging from 45 to 90 slides
PROF. MARTIN GIVEN DEGREE each, dealing with the subjects
"Handling the Ball," "Blocking and
The degree of doctor of philos- Tackling," "Offensive Team Play,"
ophy was conferred upon Prof. J. "Deiensive Team Play" and "TypiHolmes Martin of the University of cal Team Play."
Kentucky by the University of WisTwelve complete series are kept
consin at the commencement exer- on hand in the film slides to supply
cises June 24. Professor Martin, who the demands of high schools, while
is in the poultry husbandry departtwo prints of the motion pictures
ment of the College of Agriculture, are kept going in a continuous circompleted his work at Wisconsin cuit from early in September until
last January.
after Thanksgiving.

Athletes Get Aid
From Action Films

Tickets Presented to Students
at Registration Are Good
for Admittance

Profits Will Be Presented to
University Student Loan
Fund to Aid Students
The deluxe Redpath Chautauqua
begin its official program on
Stoll field Monday, July 1, showing
different attractions each afternoon
and night for seven continuous
days. Tickets presented to each student at registration are good for
admission to the performances.
All students who have not received their Chautauqua tickets are
requested to call at the office of Dr.
States in the Civil Engineering and
Physics building . not later than
Saturday noon.
The Student Loan Fund, which is
established on the campus to aid
students who are working their way
through the University, will be the
recipient of all profits that accrue
from the seven day Chautauqua.
Last year the Loan Fund received


The program follows:
First Day
Afternoon Popular Concert by
the Filipino Collegians.
Night Concert by Filipino ColLecture, "What Young
America Is Thinking," Montaville
Second Day
Afternoon Magic and Mystery,
Mardoni and Company.
drama of thet
Night "Sun-Up- ,"
Carolina mountains by a New York
Third Day
Afternoon Concert by Jackson
Concert Artists.
"Everyday Poetry," by Anne Camp-,belk-- v.



Night Grand concert by Lorna
Doone Jackson, dramatic soprano,
accompanied by Florence Rosheger,,
violinist and Allan Coe, pianist.
Fourth Day
Afternoon Concert, Edna White
Trumpeters. Lecture, "Engand Her
land to India by Light Plane," Capt..
Denis Rooke.
Night Lecture, "The Governor
Speaks," Hon. Nellie Tayloe Ross.
Concert, Edna White and Her
Fifth Day
Afternoon Concert by the CathLecture, "Making
edral Choir.America American," by Theodore
Night Grand Concert, featuring
"The Chimes of Brittany," by Cathedral Choir.
Sixth Day
Afternoon Grand Concert by the
Blue Danube Orchestra, featuring
Madame Balassa and Mme. Maria
Night Concert, Blue Danube Orchestra, featuring Madame Balassa
and Mme. Maria Mashir. Lecture,
"Keeping Ahead of the Headlines,"
by Frederick M. Snyder.
Seventh Day
Afternoon Popular Cartoon Entertainment by John Bockewitz.
"Skidding," an honest
comedy of American life, by a New
York cast.
Junior Town For the Children
A special program will be given
each day under the direction of a
Redpath Junior supervisor at an
hour to be announced.


Kernel Reporter Writes Interesting Article About "Ashland"
and Tenth
Home of Henry Clay, Kentucky's Most Famous Statesman Winner District Washington


CongresIs Named



(By Clay Brock)
Among the gentle rolling slopes of
the Blue Grass section of Kentucky
lust outside of the city of Lexing
ton, stands Ashland, the home of
Henry Clay. Here It was, in 1B0,
that "the great pacificator," chose
to build his home.
The mansion, as originally erec
ted, consisted of a main building,
two stories high, with a wing on
either side to which were attached
L's projecting to the front. This
original building became, in 1856,
unsafe, and was torn down by
James B. Clay, the son of Henry
Clay, and rebuilt on the same foundation. Henry Clay's study, the
room immediately to the left of the
reception hall, was restored in the
smallest detail. Upon the death of
James B. Clay, Ashland was pur
chased by the University of Ken
tucky and used for a short time by
that institution. Later the family
bought back the property and still
holds it. The present mistress of
the house, Mrs. Nannette McDowell
Bullock, is a great granddaughter
of Henry Clay.
The estate, consisting of about 300
acres, is one of the best tracts of
blue grass to be found anywhere.
On .the lawn about the house there

are about 60 kinds of trees, evergreen and deciduous. Imported
pines, chestnuts, cedars, hollies and
flowering dogwoods from the mountains of Kentucky Norway spruces,
catajpas and larches mingle with
the native ash and walnut trees.
In his fondness for trees, for beautiful vfstos, for a simple but elegant
home, Clay discloses a side of his
character little known to the associates of his public life.
"Henry Clay's Walk," a cool,
shaded lane, down which it is said
the statesman used to stroll and
think out his most perplexing problems, is still preserved. It is indeed
a beautiful lane and is a source of
admiration to the many tourists
who each year pay homage to the
memory of Henry Clay.
Another little known occupation
of Clay's was the raising of livestock. Thoroughbred horses from
Arabia, a Maltese ass, merino sheep,
English Hereford and Durham cattle and many other rare types of
animals flourished on the blue grass
of Ashland. Many of these were
purchased by his son, Henry Clay
Jr., in his travels abroad and shipped back to the old Kentucky home.
A host of distinguished visitors
have partaken of the hospitality of

Ashland. Lafayette, when in this
country In 1824, was entertained by
Clay, and a strong friendship
sprang up between them. The two
corresponded for many years. Har-l- et
Martlneau, Lord Morpeth, His
Excellency Baron de Marichal, one
time Austrian minister to the
United States and Count Berstrand
are other distinguished foreigners
who have accepted of Clay's hospl-tllt- y.
The present owners of the estate
have once more converted the estate into a farm for the raising of
blooded stock. Major Thomas Clay
a great grandson of
Henry Clay and well known to present-day
turfmen, has on the farm
many colts whose sires were the
greatest of their day. Descendants
of The Manager, Kentucky Derby
winner, Manager Waite, Flying Ebony and many other great horses,
can be seen gamboling about the
pastures of present-da- y
The Interior arrangement of the
house Is unique. The entrance Is
Into a large octagonal hall, to the
left of which is Clay's office. A
full length mirror, set in a door
frame, furnishes' a deception which
often leads strangers to calamity.
On the right is a stair case, and op-- J

poslte the front entrance are doors,
leading into the drawing room and
dining room. In the right wing on
each side are narrow halls, running its full length. Between these
is the library, a beautiful room with
a dome ceiling and lighted by the
dome. Beyond the library Is the billiard room, now used as a storeroom for the collection of many
interesting curios. One of the strangest of these is an old tomahawk
head, found on the place. This brings
back the days when Ashland was
a part of the "dark and bloody
grounds" and Indian tribes were
"lord of all they surveyed." In the
back of the library Is a broad, brick
terrace and to the rear of the dining room Is a green house or conservatory where beautiful flowers
are kept alive the year 'round. Most
of the floors and many of the trimmings used in the house were furnished by ash and walnut taken
from the place.
An Interesting building located on
the south side of the house is the
old yellow brick building which originally served as slave quarters.
This structure Is now used for a
garage. The two old Ice houses and
the underground refrigerator also
bring memories of the time when

electric refrigeration was unknown.
Ice was taken from the nearby
ponds and placed in these ice
houses for use of the family. Milk
and dairy products were placed in
a well constructed
cooler. This still retains its primitive quality of coolness and would
still be in service if It were not for
the more modern methods which
have taken Its place.
After Clay's return from Europe,
where he had gone as commissioner
plenipotentiary to the council of
Ghent he spent much time beautifying the grounds about Ashland.
He wished to put into practical use
the observations he had made while
abroad. His model was the English
country seat, to which he had been
greatly attracted. Flower beds were
planted and he superintended the
laying off of walks and shaded
drives about the grounds.
It is a significant fact that Clay
was only able to enjoy the peace
and tranquility of his home for
short periods at a time. Twice he
settled down to spend, he thought,
the rest of his life In happiness as
a citizen farmer and land owner,
only to be called back to Washington tinned on Pace Four)

William Day, representative of
Pikeville College and the 10th Congressional district, was named winner of the state championship in
the Thomas Edison science contest
held June 22 at the University. He
defeated Eldred Calkins and Douglas Wlneland, who represented Lexington and Anchorage, respectively,
by a close margin.
The following were the examina
tions given: A general Intelligence
test, Boynton's query for freshmen;
a chemistry examination given by
Dr. F. E. Tuttle; a botany test given
by Dr. Frank McFarland; a physics
given by M. States,
and a zoology test Under the direction of Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.
The prize for the winner Is a trip
to Washington, D. C, where Mr.
Day will meet Thomas A. Edison
and participate in a more extensive
examination. The winner of the
contest at Washington will receive
a scholarship from Mr. Edison co
study in one of the nation's best
technical schools.
Each state winner will be award
ed a combined radio and phonograph valued at $500. Many students
who were graduated from the various high schools throughout Kentucky participated In the contest.



The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky .Kernel Is the official newspaper of the
students nnd nlumnl of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the University.
Subscription One Dollar nnd Fifty Cents a Year-F- ive
Cents a Copy. Entered at Lexington Post-offias second class mall matter.




William H. Olanz

Dorothy Brown

Hazel Baucom


Music, Stage and Screen

Here Is our text for this, the one hundred and
anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence: That the destiny of this republic is guaranteed neither by history nor tradition
however glorious; but lies in the hands of millions of
Americans now alive.

Our fathers who founded this government regarded


As powerful as the sun outside i standing signed him Immediately
nre the stars Inside the theaters this ' for this stirring role of n tenement
week. But speaking of the sun, be- boy, worshipped by his mother, who
yond golncp to the North Pole, there is determined to mnkc good as a
Is no better remedy for Kentucky singer.
heat than a comfortable seat In
From n romance that grew out of
one of Lexington's artificially cooled playing together In "Syncopation,"
new play houses. Just try It your- Bnrbnra Bennett became the wife
of Morton Downey last January and
"Mother's Boy" at Strand Sunday they are reunited on the screen for
Did you see and enjoy "Synco-ptlon,- " this picture. Helen Chandler, well
Here, In our University, where we arc always asthat excellent nil talking known for her work on the New
sociated with learned people, we can hardly realize and singing attractions If you did, York stage, plays opposite the star.
you will remember Morton Downey, For good entertainment sec "Moththat It is possible that there arc people In the United whose voice stole the picture and
er's Boy."
States who cannot read and write. Yet recently put over the songs which have beGood Company at Ben All
figures have come to light that there are 5,000,000 come hits. He will come to the
Danny Lund's musical comedy
Strand Sunday In his first starring company has proven itself to be
such men and women In this country.
Almost a million and n half children of school age singing production, "Mother's Boy," better than expected, for Its chorus
from Ocne Markey's pen. Pathe,
do not attend school.
recognizing Downey's voice ns out-- 1
(Continued on Page Four)
Now the National Congress of Parents nnd Teachers Is conducting a campaign to eliminate Illiteracy.
They hope to make great strides by 1930. If this
association brings home to the people the Importance
of education and literacy, n great deal will have
been accomplished. Illiterates are never "free." They
are the exploited and the oppressed at all times.
There should be n minimum of Illiteracy In a country
as great and as wealthy as ours.
The Kernel hopes that the teachers who arc In
summer school take home these nlarmlng figures and
Coolest Place in Lexington
at the end of one of their teaching years see how
many of these 5,000,000 Illiterates they have taught
how to read and write.

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Is guaranteed no
Immortality. We are legates of a form of government
which seems to us the soundest so far evolved. Yet
our responsibility goes beyond that of legatees. We
are trustees ns well. It Is only the most constant appreciation of this rcsponsibllty which will Insure that
the Independence Day that we are celebrating will
have the Innumerable successors In these United

that it cannot mold Itself to change

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it not as something incapable of further perfection
but simply as a new departure in that political science
whose standards are forever susceptible to fresh experience. Their creation was no miracle full-groat
birth like an Athena sprung from the head of Zeus.
It was In fact no more than an untried formula In
a monarchlal world, and a hope which depended for
fulfillment not only on the practibility of the new
creed but on the willingness of the founders and
their chil