xt7rjd4pkq5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rjd4pkq5w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934-05-may8-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-05-may8-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-05-may8-ec. 1934 1934-05-may8-ec. 2011 true xt7rjd4pkq5w section xt7rjd4pkq5w 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive committee of the Board
of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, May 8,1934.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President McVeyIs office at the Univer-
sity of Kentucky May 8, 1934, at 10:30 a.m.   The members of the
Committee present Gore Judge R. C. Stoll, chairman; James Park and
R. G. Gordon.   President Frank L. McVey and Secretary D. H. Peak
were also present.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of March
27, 1934, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Financial Report for April was received and ordered to be
recorded in the Minutes,   It reads as follows:

                                              EXHIBIT IIBd

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                     Month of April 1934



To Date

General Fund Income
Federal Appropriation     32,062.50
Vocational Ed. Board       16,377.62
  Bureau of Min.& Top. Sur-
  vey - Misc. Receipts       1P059.47
  State Ap, BurT.21in.&bTop,2ur. 2,716.60
  Special Agr. ApNTO.        25,088.06
  State Tax                 378,027.44
  Int. on Endowment Bonds    8,644.50
  Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds   850.00
  Student Fees              179,01 3.53
  Student Fees - Sum. Sch.  37,487.37
  Student Fees - U. H. 8.    9,890.00
  Student Fees - El.Tr.Sch.  7,959.50
  Student Fees - Un. Ext.   18,524.87
  Miscellaneous Receipts     6,672,18
  Rentals                     1,962.50
  Ments Dormitories          11,075.76




   61.20   1,120.67
   390.00   3,106.60
3,639.99 501,667,43
  850.00   1,700.00
3,892.97 182,906.50
  604.75  10,494.75
  40,00    7,999.50
  450.60  18,975.47
  357.11   7,029,29
  362.70   2 325.20
  754. 35  12,730.11

T142,091.,17 880,403,07

- * w

738, 3S11 90



Missing page(s)



Horticultural Sales        1,540.47
Seed Test                    502.28
Seed Inspection           114136.92
Rentals                    5,381.99
Misd;Alaneous                356.41
Fertilizer - Fees         15,502.75
Public Service - State
  Appro.                  14,470,83
Public Service - Misc.
  Receipts                    26.05
Feeding Stuffs - Fees     26,315.13
Adams   Federal Appro.    11,250.00
Serum - Sales                795.11
Serum   Virus Sales           46.75
Serum   Live Stock Sales     200.00
Serum - Supply Sales          76.48
Serum - Hisc. Receipts         4.00
State Appropriation       35,266.24
Creamery License Fees      6,501.00
Creamery - Testers' Lic.   2,293.35
rere mery - Glassware Test.  406.70
Robinson - State Appro.    7,987.23
Robinson - Misc. aeceiDts 1,S292.45
'est Ky. - State Appro.    9,618.11
.3est Ky. - Hisc. Receipts 1),t65.43
Purnell - Federal Appro. 45,000.00
Nursery Inspection - Fees 1,205.00
Blood Test                   561.00
         Total           222,441.69

  'xpense                 212,
  Additions and Better.      2,,
           Total           214,
  Excess of Income over
    Expenditures             8,
 Excess of Expenditures over
    Receipts for General
    Ledger .sccounts      A1L9
  Excess of Receipts over
    Expenditures           ( 11,
 Excess of Receipts over Ex-
    penditures for the fiscal
    year to date - ExDeriment
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
  Experiment Station
  Cash in Bank April 30, 1934 -
    Experiment Station





5, 81.36
23, 502.00


   85.00      111.05
2,805.50  29,120.63
3,750.00  15,000.00
    74.35      869.46
    8.10       54.85
    15.50       91.98
    1.05        5.05
1O,182.87  45,449.11
    73.50    6,574.50
    134.50    2,42,7.85
    30.71      437.41
 2,714.59   10,701.82
   157,17    1,449.62
 2,981.25  12,5S9936
   600.81    2,OG6.24
15,000.00   60,000.00
    95,00    1,300.00
    73.50      634.50
60,567.81  283,009.50

24,133.18 233,134.68
   105.51    2,469.52
- 24,238t 69 238,604.20

36,329.12  44,405.30

619.00)    2(845170.2    (127,719.89)

54I 2.8 2   28, L58. 23  16854

16, 615.41

16, 455.13

33, 070.54


Extension Division inco-.me
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Add. Co-op.
  Federal Supplement*arY
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  aounty and Other

  Expens e

Excess of Income over Ex-

31, 000, 00
53, 091. 04
  1 516 23

273, 299 4-0

11.5, 702.90

          148,308. 77
  252.68    1,768.91
  _ 2  L_ 389, ?54,9E

30,600.70  303,900.,10

(30, 348.02)

85, 354.88

1932-1933 Federal Smith Lever
balance transferred to Current
Yearls income                 (5,163.15)


Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures 8

1 0n -3   75

(30. 348.02)

Excess of Receipts over Expendi-
  tures for the fiscal year to
  date - 1xtension DiviGion
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 - Ex-
  tension Division
Cash in Bank April 30, 1934 -
  Extension Division

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Tund
  Student YTotes Paid
             Total Receipts

  Student Nlotes
  Excess of Receipts over

4-93, 00


91 90      291. 25

Txcesrs of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1933 -
  Trust Fumnd
Cash in Bank April 30, 1934 -
  Trust Fund

80.191. 73


_9.064 09


2,514 15

  633. 73

175,, 85

089. O0

1, 983.15~_




- - 2 - - G4=6ag- __ -_ -

. _

38-.00 -



General Fund Income
  Experiment Station Income
  Extension Division Income
  Trus' -Fund Income

 General Fund Expenditures
 Experiment Station Expend.
 Extension Division Expend.
 Trust Fund Expenditures

771 483,64
222, 441.69
    633. 73

    153, 40

283, 009,50

1,383,561,36    211,675.32  595,    ,

  775,144.00    90,420.24  865,1564.'24
  214,365.51     24,238.69 238,604, 20
  273,299,40     30, 600.70  303, 90010
      351.00        38,00       389,00
1,263,159.91   145,297.63 1L408,457.54

Excess of Income over Expendi-
  tuxes                      120,401.45

Accounts Payable liouidated  (21,447.30)

1932-1933 Federal Smith-Lever
  balance transferred to Cur-
  rent Year's Income

Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceipts for General Ledger ac-
  counts                      4'

Student Loan Fund - Notes

66, 377.69  186, 779,14


3, 163.15)

7, 755. 03


Excess of Recei1pts over Expend-
  itures for the fiscal year to
  date - Combined Fund       142. 955. 20

( 5,)163.15)

(53,891.96)  (6,136.93)

   175.85    1..585..02

12, 661. 58

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Combined
Cash in Bank and on hand July
  1, 1933 - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand April 30,
  1934   Combined Fund

155,616. 78

155, 616. 78

45,185 20


Abstract of item shown on statement
of Income and Expenditures as "Emcess
of Expenditureo over Receipts for Gen-
eral Ledger accounts $6,136.93"'



Accounts Receivable
Insurance Paid in Advance
Sundry accounts

19, 781. 82
1, 152.12

20, 933. 94
14, 797.01
6 V13 6. 983

l14) 7-917 01



     3. Income and Expenditures.

     The Business Agent further reported. state tax receipts, in-
cluding May remittance for March collections for the period of
July 1, 1933, to April 30, 1934, as follows; inheritance tax
$158,013.92, mill tax $375,532.73.   He also reported estimates of
income and expenditures for the remainder of this fiscal year,
showing funds on hand sufficient for expenditures due in May and
that payment of obligations due in Jude is dependent on the amount
of tax transfers that will be received from State Treasurer for
months of May and June.

     4. Legislative Matters.

     The financial situation for next year and matters pertaining
to legislation were discussed and President McVey's course in re-
gard to these was approved.

     5. Widening Rose Street.

     President McVey reported that an agreement with the City of
Lexington in regard to widening Rose Street had not been reached.
He w as advised and authorized to have further conferences with the
city manager, Mr. Paul Morton.

     6. University Scene Book,

     President MoVey suggested that it appears desirable to pub-
lish a University scene book, as no such publication has been made
for a long time.   It was suggested that no funds are now avail-
able for payment for such publication, and further consideration of
the matter was deferred.

     7. Group Insurance - Reauirement to Take

     At the meeting of the Executive Committee February 21, 1934,
President McVey was authorized to prepare a form of letter of em-
ployment of new members of the University staff and other employees
stating therein the reauirement to join the group insurance organi-
zation.   At the meeting of May 8, 1934, the President suggested
the following form of letter of employment:



     Yir.-- - - --     -   --

     My dear Mr. -------------

          Any person newly employed by the University of Xen-
     tucky after July 1, 1934, will be required to join the
     group insurance organization now in existence at the Uni-
     versity.   This is a part of the conditions of employment
     and is done to protect the employee during his employment
     at the University.   Theamount of insurance depends on
     the position and the salary paid.   In no case does the
     insurance amount to more than $3,000.

                               Sincerely yours,

                                     Frank L. MoVey
                                     President of the University

     On motion duly seconded the form was approved, and it was or-
dered that on and after July 1, 1934, each new employee of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky be required to join the group insurance organi-
zation, the monthly premiums to be paid, by such employee, the
amount to be deducted by the Business Agent from the monthly sal-
ary.  President McVey was authorized to put the order into effect,

     8. Student Loan Fund Report.

     President McVey presented a report of Student Loan Fund, made
by Dean T. T. Jones.   Data presented:

                                      April 30, 1934

    President Frank L. McVey
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Moey:

         Miss Parry has prepared what seems to me a pretty
    complete report oni the Student Loan Fund, and we are sub-
    mitting it to you.

         After an experience of probably a dozen years in
    connection with this fund I strongly urge that we do not
    loan again what we can collect of the principal, but
    that we invest the principal as collected and loan merely
    the interest thereon,   I also urge that the University,
    if possible, take over the Loan Fund as an integral part
    of its possessions so that we can apply pressure in



    making collections.    We have some four or five students
    graduating in June who are indebted to the Fund.

                              Very sincerely,

                                     T. T. Jones
                                     Dean of Men



                 May 1, 1933 to May 1, 1934.

   Number of Loans - - - -                               17

   Of a. total value of                                - $489.50

   Number of collections on principal -                   126

   Of a total value of  - -,8O4,57

   Total amount of interest collectd            829.46

   Notes outstanding May 1, 1933          -          -$31,840.79

   Notes outstanding May 1, 1934                 - - - $30,604.47

   Cash on hand May 1, 1933 - -  -                         173.33

   Cash on hand May 1, 1934                              2978.08

   Interest from Patterson Memorial -                      110.04

             Faculty and Coaches B. B. Team - - -    $31.00

             Alumni Association - - - - - - - -     32.30

     The report was ordered received and the above data were or-
dered recorded in the Minutes.     President McVey was authorized to
make such set up of the control of the loan fund as he may deem
necessary to make the borrower directly responsible to the Univer-
sity; to make plane for investment of principal of the fund as
paid on notes now outstanding and as increased by further donations,
etc., and to provide for future loans to be made only from the in-
terest on investments.



     9. City Sewers Through Universityr Grounds.

     The City of Lexington was granted an easement to construct
sewerr through the campus from Rose Street to Limestone Street,
and through the Training School lot.   The resolution passed is in
words and figures as follows:

          WHEREAS, the City of Lexington desires to construct
     a storm and sanitary sewer through the property owned by the
     University of Kentucky that lies between Limestone Street and
     Rose Street; and the property owned by the University of Ken-
     tucky that lies between South Upper Street and the property
     of the Southern Railway Company and

          WHEREAS, the University of Kentucky desires to coop-
     erate with the City of Lexington in this work; and

          WHEREAS, said sewer will be beneficial to the proper-
     ty of the said University of Kentucky;

          NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Executive Committee
     of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, that
     Richard 0. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
     University of Kentucky, be, and he is hereby authorized and
     directed for and on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the
     University of Kentucky, to execute and deliver to the City
     of Lexington, Kentucky, a conveyance of an easement or
     right-of-wag for the purpose of construction of a storm and
     sanitary sewer along, through, under, across and inftpn  the
     following described property:

          First Tract:  A strip of land twenty feet wide, being
     10 feet on each side of a center line beginning at a point
     in the East property line of Limestone Street, said point
     being t.127 feet from the south property line of Euclid Ave-
     nue; thence running in an easterly direction, as shovwn on
     right-of-way plat, 1795 feet to a point in the west proper-
     ty line of Rose Street, said point being 604 feet from the
     south property line of Euclid Avenue.

           Second Tract: A strip of land 20 feet wide, being 1O
     feet on each side of a center line, which center line be-
     gins at a point in the right-of-way line of the Southern
     Railway Company, said point being about 98 feet from the
     stone monument corner to said Southern Railway Company and
     Central District Warehousing Corporation right-of-way;
     thence in an easterly direction about 396 feet to a point
     in the Central District Warehousing Corporation right-of-
     way, said point being about 410 feet from said stone non-
     ument.   The City of Lexington is granted the right to
     use five feet on each side of and adjoining said strip of
     land as a temporary easement during the time said sewer
     or sewers are being constructed, repaired or re-construct-
     e d.



     The said conveyance to be Blade upon condition that
the City of Lexington, Kentucky, agrees to the following
conditions; (The word, City, as used in these conditions
means the City of Lexington, Kentucky; the word, Contract-
or, means the individual or company with which the City
of Lexington, Kentucky, contracts to build the sewers;
the word, University, means the University of Kentucky.)

     1. Campus roadways and sidewalks mlay be used by
contractor during progress-afthe work, but at no time
shall they be blocked so as to interfere with University
traffic or ingress or egress of Fire Department apparatus.
Said roadways and. sidewalks shall be properly maintained
and kept in repair. When the work is completed, all
sidewalks and roadways used by the contractor in doing
said work shall be put in as good condition by the con-
tractor, or by the City, as they were in just prior to
the beginning of said work.   Where necessary, temporary
bridges and culverts shall be erected, or other means
provided to accommodate the University traffic.

     2. Jl excess dirt shall be deposited and graded
along the site of the sewer or moved to other parts of
the campus, not over 3000 feet from the point of excava-.
tion, as directed by the University.    When work is cons
pleted, adjacent lawrns which have been injured or molest-
ed by the work, shall be graded, sodded or seeded so
that same will be in as good condition as before the work

     3. Allbridges shall be replaced in as good condii-
tion as they are now in and in the event any bridges or
culverts are removed, the contractor or the City oust
make proper povision to accommodate pedestrians, trucks
and Fire Department.

     4. The City will be allowed to use a reasonable
amount of working space on one or both sides of the sewer
line.   This area, where necessary, shall be enclosed by
fence or suitable barricade to prevent encroachment or
damage to adjacent 'Lot or trees.

      5. If it is impracticable or unnecessary to remove
or transplant certain trees falling within the working
area, all trees and shrubs thus left standing shall be
securely boxed and protected against damage.    In the
event trees or shrubs are seriously damaged from any
Cause, they shall be reolaced by others by the contractor
or by the City free of any cost to the University. Trees
to be cut down and destroyed shall be cut into cord wood
lengths and removed to the service building by the con-
tractor or by the City,



          6. The contractor or the City shall move excavated
     rock to the service building or deposit t hem on Universi-
     ty campus as directed, within a limit of 3000 feet from
     point of excavation.

          7. The City shall see that contractor keeps prem-
     ises clean at all times and that no unnecessary rubbish
     be allowed to accumulate.   All lunch papers and debris
     thrown around by workmen are to be removed or burned daily.
     Special toilet facilities 'must be provided by the con-
     tractor if accordance Wr;ith sanitary regulations,  Work-
     men 'ill not be permitted to use the toilet facilities
     of the University buildings.

          8. The contractor azd the City shallbe liable for
     all damage to University property, whether or not such
     liability is specifically set out herein, and the con-
     tractor and the City shall be liable to the University
     for all claims for w-hich the University may become liable
     for injury to persons or property, afising out of injury
     or loss that may occur in the course of construction of
     said sever.

          The above is copy of resolution passed by the Execu-
     tive Committee of the Board of Trustees of thE University
     of Kentucky at its meeting of May 8, 1934.


            D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board of Trustees

     Certified copies of this resolution were sent by the Setretary
to Judge R. C. Stoll, chairna-a of the Executive Committee and to
Judge Chester Adamns, attorney for the City of Lexngton.

     10. Deaths Reported

     President MoVey reported that seven members of t he staff of
the University, trio house mothers and taio students have died during
this year and that it is proposed that a memorial service be held
at 4:00 p. m., May 31, in Memorial Hall.    The holding of the
memorial service was approved,   Following is a list of the names
of those v!ho died:



             James Blaine Mollo!ay
             Professor of Edu.cstional Administration

             John Born Dicker
             Superintendent of Shops

             William Arnold Newman
             Professor of Railway Surveying and Geodesy

             Mrs. Ludlow Petty
             House Mother - Signa Phi Epsilon

             Reid Philip Meacham
             Assistant Professor of Geology

             Alonzo D. Moore
             Custodian of Athletic Eauipment

             Mrs. Mary Steinhar
             House Mother - Phi Sigma Kappa

             Frederick Paul Anderson
             Dean of the College of Engineering

             Lyman Chalkley
             Professor (Emeritus) of Law

             Julia Elizabeth Loving
             Senior in the College of Arts and Sciences

             George Lee Mahan
             Junior in the College of Commerce

     11, Greater Kentucky Campaign Fund.

     The Business Agent reported  that after the last distribution
of funds collected on Greater Kentucky Campaign pledges there was
a balance of $91.08.   This was held in order to take care of ex-
pense, if any, especially that of postage, in event of further ef-
forts to collect pledges.   Recdntly $30.00 has been collected
from B. L. Springer.   The total balance is now $121.08.   What
disposition of the belance shall be made?

     He was directed to hold the balance  pending further consid-
eration of renewal of campaign to collect the unpaid pledges.

     12. Claims Against the University.

     The Business Agent filed a list of claims against the Univer-
sity, the validity of which is uncertain and questioned,   He was
directed to file the list pending further developments.   See ap-



     13. Call for Fourth Liberty Bonds.

     The Business Agent reported as follows:

     Attached is a notice of call for payment of Fourth Liberty
Minds, s ent out by Secretary of the United State Treasury. This
call is--for bonds, the final digit of which is 8 or 2.   The Uni-
versitby holds bonds, numbers 52484-85-86-87, hence they are not
included in the call.

     14. Campus Book Store, Financial Report.

     D. H. Peak, chairman of the Book Store Committee, filed the
Campus Book Store report for the six months ending December 31,
1933.   It was received and ordered incorporated in the Minutes.
The report is as follows:


                   FOR LAST HALF OF 1i33


   July ---                                    $1 ,773,98
   August ------------------------------------    309.81
   September ----------------------- ---------21,314.51
   October ----------------------------------- 3,153.22
   November ---------------------------------- 2,024.41
   December ---------------------------------- 1207 30

                     C0 z3 S SION APPLIED

   Gross Sales Commission -------------- ----- 2,978.32
   Exemptions and Deductions
        Law Textbooks ------31.84
        American Library Assoc.----    5,40
        .Dr, W. W. Jennings --------- 17,56
        Prof. M. M. White --         55, 02
        Dr. Harry Best ---             8.10
     *  Inventory Adjustments ------298. 4C

                                                  416 32
          Net Cash Return to University       $ 2,562.00

*Itemized account of these adjustmennts follows.



         LOSSES FROM JULY 1, 1933, TO JANUARY 1, 1934

       16 - Spanish Readers --                    $8.00

       7 - Tax Books --------------------------- 25.20

                Engineering paper   Forms A & B $265,20


                                   (signed) Jamnes Morris, Manager
     15, Insectary,

     Request of Dean Cooper:

                                    May 8, 1934

     President Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President McVey:

          For the past two years, we have been greatly in
     need of a small addition to the insectary for use in
     research in certain insect problems.   I have steadily
     delayed the matter until conditions seemed more oppor-
     tune.   However, the need has now become imperative and
     I wish to ask that permission be given for the construc-
     tion of this addition at a cost of $435 from Experiment
     Station funds.

                                   Very truly yours,

                                          Thomas Cooper
                                          Dean and Director.

     On motion and second it was ordered that Dean Cooper have the
addition to the insectary made according to suggestions set out in
his letter and enter into such contracts as may be necessary to
carry out the plan.

     16. Bureau of Mineral and Topographic Survey - Pay Rolls AD-
prove d.

     The following pay roll of Bureau of Mineral and Topographic
Survey was approved:



            David M. Young    1 mco. at $32.00       $32.00
            Louise Barton     1 no. at  70.00         70.00
            Mrs. A. C. MoFarlan 1 mo.                 35.00
            Mrs. D. M. Young    1 mno.                35.00
            Newell Wilder   60 hrs' at $.50           30.00
            Robert Welch    10 hrs, at  .40            4$000

     17. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.


     Miss Helen Strickland was appointed critic teacher, College
of Education, for one year beginning July 1, 1933, during the
leave of absence of Miss Marjorie Leonard, salary $1650.00 for the

     Miss Elise Bureau was temporarily employed as clerk in office
of the Dean of the College of Engineering; salary $63.33 a month,
less the reserve of five per cent.

     Mrs. Robert T. Winfree wag temporarily appointed as stenogra-
pher in the office of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds,
the appointment to be terminated at the will of the employer.
This was made necessary on account of the illness of Mrs. Laura
Shade and the leave of absence granted Mrs. Josephine Turpin, Era.-
ployment is to begin at once, and compensation is to be at the
rate of $18.00 per week.

Leavs of Absence.

     Miss Marjorie Leonard, critic teacher in the College of Edu-
cation, was granted leave of absence without pay, for the year be-
ginning July 1, 1934,

     Professor E, L. Rees, of the department of Mathematics, was
granted continuation of leave of absence without say for year be-
ginning July 1, 1934.

Changes, etc.

Department of Geology
     The following recommendations of Dean Paul P. Boyd were ap-



    He announces the resignations of Herbert Parker as of
April 1, Jack Hirsch as of April 10, and George Wesley as of
April 20, and he recommends that Joseph Mills be appointed to
succeed Hir:;h for two-thirds of April and for May at the rate
of $12. 00 a month, and to conduct freshman field trips at a
salary of $10.00 a month for April and May, and he recommends
also that additional work be given to David M. Young as follows:
For April, Herbert Parker's work at the same salary, $48.00, and
Wesley's work for one-third of the month, salary $10.00, and for
the conduct of freshman field trips, $10.00.    This with his old
salary will make him a salary of $138.00 for April.     or May, Mr.
Young is to carry the same w'ork for the full month and receive a
total salary of $158.00.

College of Commerce
     In the Bureau of Business Research the following recor-r-menda-
tions of Dean Wiest were approved;

     David McKinney to be given leave of absence, being paid
$15.83 for May and nothing for June.   Mr, Stevenson is to return
to the Bureau for the months of May and June and should be paid at
the rate of $100 a month during that time.    It is understood Mr.
Stevenson will work until July 1.

College of Agriculture
     The salary of Mr. Todd Green, on recommendation of Dean Cooper,
was increased to $1620.00 a year, effective April 1, 1934.

     County Agent Troll Young, effective January 1, 1934, to June
30) 1934, salary fixed at $175.00 a month, to be paid from funds
as follows:  U. S. D. A. $25.00, Federal Supplementary $108.33-1/3,
County $41.66-2/3; $500.00 increase in salary is due to county coop-

     On motion, the meeting adjourned.

D. H. Peak
Secretary, Board of Trustees