xt7rfj29d73q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj29d73q/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1964-08-05 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, August 5, 1964 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Victor Hammer, August 5, 1964 1964 1964-08-05 2023 true xt7rfj29d73q section xt7rfj29d73q _{__



Aug. 5, 196M

Dear victor:

it is gooé to see your handwriting again. This is a sign that things are
going well and that you are recovering after your operation. But I am sorry to
hear there is another one on the way. However, it it will be of somc help,
then that is good. I hope it, too, will be sucoosful.

Will you be ready to come over on the 22nd? If so,that woulfl be a fine date
for me. The 29th is all right too, but less good. There is the gth of September
also, though that is Labor Day weekend. I do hope you can make it on the 99nd,
and will be planning accordingly. Nb are now on our summer xnxh schedule which
means that though still on Eastern Standard Time, we do everything an hour later.
Thus while I can easily meet you at 11.13 in the winter, it will have t3 be
about 12. 15 in this season. In any oasd, unless I hear otherwise from you
or Caroline, I will look forward to seeing you at 12. 1% on the 22nd.

rlease thank Uarolyn ( this time I have spelled it properly) for sending the
two reprints. I think I could use half a dozen more, if they can be snarefl.
I believe the Shaker Foundation at Pittsfield wants to get reorints too.
If anyone corresponds with them, they can be advised to amply to Jubilee.
It is perfectly all right, as far as I am concornefl, if any'nwmber of reprints
are made.

Your Latin project sounds interesting and mysterious. For my part I am
working on Celtic monks. They have some wonderful poetry, not of course that
I can translate CTaelic but I read it in Ehglish when I can get it.

I am enclosing a note for Carolyn, in case she can find some books in
the Eibrary for me.

With best wishes and blessings to you both,
Most Corflially in Christ,
