xt7rfj29d04f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj29d04f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1985 1985 1985-10-25 2020 true xt7rfj29d04f section xt7rfj29d04f t
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Vol. XC, No. 15 3 [:90le "94 Unlvel’Slly of Kentucky. toxinpton, Kantucky W0 um 1911 Friday_ odd," 25‘ 1985 , '
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HE airs ' ‘ . .- -
I. . '5' . .
. t] t f 5 proposals .. 5. :5 a .5..--.;
l em r O tans er I‘ . . l ' "-l".‘.,,v";
ll b 3 , g - , for tu1tion
' c...- ‘ M_ . ' .5: '3‘
is\ issittitucits . . . . . . ’ " -— . - - - '5 ."-
_. this is a normally placed pregnancy tile Most places time a It! to 3.) per- er " I l V 3 g I ' " " s. '- "-": . ‘a'f- n."
(”mm’u‘mg “m” that willgoa fulltcrm,"hc said cent rate It .7/ “I t r l -\ It dd‘ l '5: t.‘ ,‘tI‘Z
‘ 'l‘h l'h' t‘ it t R Kl t The in \‘itro fertilization and ein- " ‘ ~ '3 ’ ’ " 1 ‘ 1'; 5.1. '1’757":
" 9' “r " eprt u“ "0 hrvo transfer method is considered "I attribute It to tht’ expertise 0t ' l ‘ I ‘ ' “ " ' ‘ "S V I] ’h .._, '3
. .\lt‘(llttlnt has . niadt a significant the last alternative for any infertili- the group along mm a certain factor , ~ ‘ I’ . ’.. - ‘nk ti CS ’ dLLL’ w" -, gist/i.
breakthrough for couples who have tv disorder that has not responded to of luck, ‘he said < ”‘55...“ " It ., _ . .' . -' 5"5'7
. . . ; .5 \\\tll\|ll\lttl4l\ll‘. , . .._~ t.“
“9"” “"dl‘lel‘lwncel‘e , any other conventional therapy. Wilr “ ‘ O ‘ 3'. “7 ii u l‘»‘ t, I , l .‘P ~' .3 ‘5' ll
. The first successful in vitro fertili- sohsaid ' Overall. there 55 about a in per- W .54"; g, ” " ““ ” 5-”_-‘._“3 _. loft
ration and'embryo transfer per- The l'K (‘enter for Reproductive cent to to percent success rate for 35} 5. u i_ angtwlin: . . 5. '5‘ ii 5: 3 524‘:- _'-l
formed m N‘nltutch resulted ”‘ the Medicme is one of only two faCilities the procedure, Wilson said. depend ,'_‘ . Sm ll"‘i'.'l."l t. ,t t 5,, . i; .' 5 .E
Preghithc)‘ 0‘ u’l’jt't‘UH’l‘l Patter“ 2“ in the state which offer the proce- me, on the number ot cues that are ' - ’ 5-..iim». 5hr.» iw - .. ,. . . '5 ' -’.'Z" 4;
the t h facility. said Dr l-imer) A dure The Norton Hospital m Louis transferred mm the uoman's body 3‘7 .. " " rum-s m'ft t. _. 54-. z t; . . .;.;:5 ..t : 5' , t :5:
“”3"” director for the reproductive ville has performed the in vitro Each attempt costs the couple about ‘ “a“ t 5 5,5...“ .. H gr“... i. .l . - , ‘ ' . ‘2‘
“me" yesterday at a press COMO“ process for more than a year. but as 54.000 ' 513 " 5i: tt. r. ~55 t .,.,..t.... -. ‘55 I ‘ . . "‘ » 5 4f . "r
i encc iiithe t'K ltledicalCenter of vet no attempts have resulted in r » “ "_ "h ' ‘ 'tl't "' 'x 5' ' ' ' ,i _ 1' ': . ~ ,l
i’ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘~__.- i t 1?“ t" ll! 'i: ', ‘I. ‘, .' , ‘ ".v'
1 “She is still somewhat speech pregnancy Although lh“ procedure can be T5,} di'wi iii: ' l - v25; f ‘5' ‘7,
. less." “HM,“ said ”After seven The. [K reproductive center has performed in a public faCility. no ”‘ 5:: tr. t”... H... , . 5'5 . . 3 I. l
yt‘al\ of infertility. \ht. t3 ()\t-r- been in extstence for about a year state funds can be used for the proc- . 3 a. i ”mm, , .55 t . i... ‘ 'f _ .' . -' . . . .t
toyed - The faCility has performed only css Insurance coverage ranges ‘ lh.» Ht,” .,., t”... ,, . 5. .1; . ' ‘_~';‘ ft
‘ seven in ntro fertilization and em- from complete payment to no pay _ ""°“"“"”‘°'”"‘ 5““ .113“, t” t... 5 ;-' ,t 5 , .3 " 33.. .5 1'. ;. ‘
The woman. who Wishes to remain bryo transfers since it began offer- mentJlependlngflnlhe policy Dr. Emel'Y A- W'ISO” descr'bes ”‘9 5'995 Ond PFOCEdUTGS 0‘ ”‘9 '" in. .. 3.5 5 5h. . .5 . .- .- ‘~ 5 " ‘ I," I ‘
anonymous at ”“5 time. had prer ing the procedure inJune, . . vttro fertilization process at a press conference yesterday .t 25......“ ..,‘ , - f -. '1 ‘. ‘ .
\‘iously exhausted all infertility the- The l k lacilily 15 available exclu~ the ress cont 'l't'llt‘e “lll’l the aid 0f process and "-l mu lcs ire i a" 'l' l l l'tir iii it" | . l ., ‘ ‘1‘ 5 ‘ l
rapy available After the procedure. “The significance of the event is 51"915‘ tomarried Cl’UPlt’S fl p "Ad t": , i th3 totryu ' p h L h F “.53...-” “5 . , I, . :, .l I _‘ 3' . ; “ '~ V
however she l\' now seven weeks that we can now sav tha' we are a . lm“ an irawian " ‘ proce- .r " “' _' “ " ‘ “ " ~ -' >3 f, z
.i . t- llh f .t l l . l ', . h _ .5 _ * .. 5 _ _ After a candidate is accepted. the dure Wilson said the center could --or- pci’wna .:i« ..ii. ~-.. ,~- 5m ' 'i« 5 . I ~ .‘ _-
prtgnaili ttntl e .1 us is t9tet)plnt, compre ensiyt center. Wilson said. prtx-edurcfolloitsfour basic steps The future for thc process looks fortably perform five to ten prou- \‘d" l‘. 5}. 5 *5: . - ‘ ’ -
normal y \i son Sdld The significance 0f domg ll ‘SUC- . gotxl. Wilson said There have been (lures a month with the pei‘soiinc dent :i‘llil“!‘;.' ‘lzl5 '. -' . .< "j '5 ‘. ‘3
“9 “‘91 r913!“"‘l.‘ confident lh'dl t‘eedingr ”159"?“ C3595 IS rcmarka- “”5”” described the process at about 73 to lot) inquiries about the that is available {mu 3 pm c" -. w ' 5 ‘m‘ i H ' H. .
\t‘il' in.“ per i- ‘- * . l 5
. _—________.___—_———————————-—————— til'5itli..;lt ~"i. it"! . t ‘ ._' ' 5 3"
ommittee ‘1' ~~ - --- . z .. .. ..,
_ . cent llltllt‘ 'Ii 1%.." .“.. . '. X ' ' .‘t .
.N "' .. Students ‘lti ii" 175.: 2 :5.i '. "1i : , ‘ i . i
approves ’ "‘ «it: I: g . '3 lair \llitl‘t t 'ii'ici ‘5‘» ".c . . ‘ t: . .‘ 3
' ‘ 3“ 1;») ’_ mg a pl'lt~‘!Yiil.-.' ' .. .5‘ , fl ‘ .1
L t ( 33$," ‘ h “‘4 - . "t glctai'» Nil“ ‘~t . 1w - , 5" . . . .5
I “t . . ‘ -‘ . ’ u I 9 \t Williia 't tia ‘ '- 5.5. ‘ . I V,
11“ S i" ' “ "‘ ‘ . ‘ a- ' Th" 'tIH"""' “1' «5- ~ . . ‘: 5“
. k I ,i . .5 -. .
.’ ' 1' t i c ’ «"\ othei tropic -;i. 7»... i- .5 ‘ ~ ’ ._ '_
. 5'. W V” '_ ' t)’ 1 '3; . too '2 5 ’ l. l. ‘
House nixes cut ‘3 *6 . h . ‘h s , . .57. 5i 5i. .. 5 5'. . 5...
‘ . _ ~ "5»;55 about thi- pn-«Mc “; ' 'v'. ~. . i'~l‘ ‘ ' 1 . .
6 , 5.3 "3.“ '1 for the :iiediixii \t'wil “pm... i. 3. —’ - 3‘ . '. '
to Star Wars ’ '. is ‘ ”‘1 for iiil'. u; \'.i?l' \f.l lo i? 5* ' '. ' -ir‘ ‘ 4 .5 ’2 _ ’-
. t‘ , k” ' l V" ’45 V". r 2, ' increase i‘ .i t.5 :' ~i' ‘ ~' " . ' .'
ByTIMAlll-ZRN . t :g , 3 =- ’y , ‘~.~.:~5_ lump with...“ . ;- . -’
Associated PM)» ‘ v‘ I l 3;" y i ‘ . 1' ‘ «Fax». ‘ ‘55: t. ‘t l“ the ll‘it‘tlnial winii. .- ~ ' ' V
/ 5~ ‘I r c" - j ’. ; ‘5‘ .tatcstudciil~ . ’ ‘ - ' '
\‘i‘ASHthiTUN — The House Ap. ' " l " . ’ ”:3, 5/ 2 ., «3..., ‘ ‘~ .{3 "" 5 ‘ 555.. W 55.5525 t5 ,. '
propriatlons Committee “’th yes- ’ ' - '5. V‘ “373.. 551.; C 5 : I‘ .J l V . tuuioii ii‘icieast‘ [Ma 5 2.5» w-c 'llt , , " 5
terday to spend $2.5 billion this year p. 5-453; - - ‘ ' Ii. _ of 5, . 5*, mm» 3.5 it‘d-.55 “Mm... 5. ,- 5.. .. :- i . ‘ .
for "Star Wars research and re— .. ' . i. '- -5-- fwg/ ' - ‘ 5‘ .- t,“ “ . * tori-ed (“Or rim. ,5. «an; - ' . '5
Jected a proposal to cut deeper into 5 -, t. 5 < f 5 ‘ . methods mt. 5...,tt,.t.5555... .i pt...” 45.. v. " ' .1 -,
. . t . ’F .
President Reagans plan to find a '-‘ ffgi' "“ packet said ‘ ’ _ . ‘
high-tech Shlt‘ld against SOVlel. nu- ' l ’ l‘“ E. ‘ . l ’3‘.“ Z The discussion pa nw' ;"' 5- iii’ ‘ ' I I - 2 1' '
clear missiles, : - ' l l- r .- I~ a 10h trrcent lllt i .' 533.. I -5
The decmon came as the panel : WWW student.» ‘l‘ .tii panic-\- ' : \4|‘~ _' , .' ’5'
worked its way through a huge bill I /5 ‘ ‘ ' , t , J {or thr l-«HMHT 5. ’55.: . ' - . ,. . *- ‘
appropriating money for the De- ‘ '. ." ' . f " " ‘ . ’l for gm tin-tr viva" .5. ~ _ itl ' ' /. T '
tense Department for the current 3 ," ‘-.._‘ ' . ’ . 5 Tllpt‘l‘l'eltl .it t ‘n .im .2» .i ‘ 5 ‘ .‘ . . 5
fiscal year The bill contains most of - f . . r» ' 5 -’ .5 thet‘ollcge 0t l'hill'l‘ildt 5 5 - ' 4 . .- 2’ ‘
the proposed $292 billion Pentagon ’ _ f ‘ 3 1. 5'_ 1'; g . ”‘3 , ‘ For 'tLllrtllxlri't' until-ix w... '. " ‘ .3 3 . ‘ ,
“(1%“ "' . ’5‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ “wit? 3" .- ' 5t. it-vi5i ,.'.-i. . - ‘. ‘
. . 5‘ . 1,, 5 . ..' . i medtai t.lltii .. .t .. , , 3. )5 .5
5““ awaiting final House approval ‘ l . ‘ l ' i" “M‘ [I ‘1'???“ a". ‘5‘ UP ill h percent .5..\ 5. twin, ‘rl‘: .' . :‘ S - j I, 1 .
is a separate measure authorizing I " ’ If.’ Q35; 3 . .3 4A , . ‘5‘}, .i would mt...t,tt\t. m :7 Why" ”3, .. t. . 3 .
the Pentagon to spend $302 5 billion ‘ ll “ 5‘ 5;" . . j . ;_‘ T h » the dent-art 5i-h..5.‘. 5 5 i . iii . ; . . ' . . ’ ._ '. ' . ,‘
this year The appropriation mea- " 5 ' c. F , ' . 9’ ”33:55; . percent «' . .3 . 5| ‘c "
sure is smaller because the authoriz- ‘ - x '35.? ‘ ”1?: 3. ‘9 .2?" . 3 >531. f ‘ t tlut~0l 5W5. 555,5 zit. ; . . .' '. 5"- .i
ing bill includes some projects / ._ Xi w ‘ ° " 5,5ng ' vyg'g. . ‘q studomt “our, uni-55.5. : tn'W-ll! . 1, Z .
which would be paid for in later ~ l" f .‘t .. ~ My; 3 . "‘ ‘é.’ s ' .ms. \t‘k ‘7 " and i: )circirt l-‘l ..i.5 your -' , 5...--5 i . - ' '- ui ' . ‘
., wiry - 5a,. — ~ . l .. ._ .5 t.,
)5?de ; 3 "W ‘ . A. fin ft . x ; 3“}; T- .21! g, _ 3 lllht" t‘vtirt‘strlu" . ~ ' “5 ' lucky 7' "5 ., '- ‘f I
Thetappropriations defense sub- 5 5 f {2* ‘ 3.." 3t}? . 5. : scliiuil5 i-ooptttmt t, . it“, . ' _. .:' ., ").
committee had proposed spending . . 33'.“ ,» :5 “353' "Frag?” ‘5} j incrcawi; .aiti.,ii sonic ;;i. .' ‘ 5 ‘.-j‘ l: .'
$2.5 billion this year for the Strateg- "‘ L ‘ h ‘ “9' “gm." K ,5 5"”, versitics 12's.» .n cc5 5it.ii ‘ -. v-5 V-l " ' -' t '. ."~ It 5 ',
ic Defense Initiative. the formal , 5... dents 1 - 5'7 '5. "t 7
name of Reagan's program. instead A Day S work . _ . t t ‘ . ,' 3 “ i
of the $2 75 billion in the authoriza- Lot“ m”‘;"’ "‘ “WV "M h" 5... P ' h .' I l
' ' - - " as a orii‘. o ll‘lftlit in; .~\i~..i'~i c to , ' / _i‘ 5'
tan {:21 plllcfgiriamn fifigfii'tgum Jockey Pat pay Pats his horse Taiawo, Owned by Triple A Sta- skies tomorrow sh0uld draw an even larger crowd to the lost get \ltltll'll'\ i., .i: i’isl.?lli ‘rl -: .' an ‘l. 5- t ' ‘I '5‘
billion In the last fiscal year. ble, after wmrung the 7th race at Keenelond yesterday. Clearer day of the fall meet. er learning “in? it..." Hit: ‘i‘uzw - 5 . 5' ’t _‘ ‘1: 2‘
Rep Vic Fazio. l)-(‘alif.. moved wet “I - A 5-. . . .
Thursday to cut the Star Wars ap- '._ ‘ _i > “ _ ‘ ,j 3!;
propriation to $2.1 billion. telling his . . . ‘ ’ . .' " '. l ‘ I'
.55. 5., n Ian 0 escrl e 1 050 o a e uate se '
StarWarsdowntoearth.” , ,i ‘. -'.I f
But the committee rejected his . . . .-
proposal. 31-23. and thus accepted By S.»\Il,.\.l.\ .\l.-\l.l-:.\IP.»\TI of the individual to the total creation The lecture. sponsored h) the Stu- States and giving lectures in various humor and is able i.» may 'ii» '.:lk\ ' _' ' , . ' '
the $2.5 billion total. Staff writer and creator. said Z. Govindarajulu. dent (‘iovernment Aob‘OCh’ihOh. the universities acrossthecountry insightfulandthoughrprin”5.3;; ' . ’ _

' Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail professor of statistics lhdlah Student ASSOClimOh. the ”1* Govindarajulu. who heard him . j '1 . . ' ' .1 .
GOTbaChC" Will mm a summit meet- Swami Dayananda Saraswati. a "We in the West rarely have an {"3“ f‘” International Programs and speak at Stanford. said the lecture Though the lccturc '~\lll lic ll£l\t‘tl . ’. ‘- " ' . ‘.
ing next month in Geneva and Star teacher of the Indian philosophy Ye» opportunity to hear Eastern religion the department ”l Phllmttphx “ill would be a "worthwhile experi on Eastcrn t)hll(l5\tlpll‘. \dl'.l\\ALill -‘ ‘ ‘
\ltars is expected to be a major item danta. will share his knowledge and and philosophy presented by a tradi- be Prtoemffd free 9f charge at 7:30 ence .. “ 1“ ”‘ldl" " l“ “”‘H‘X' "”“U” H" ' l
on the agenda The Soviets. WhO experience of "The Adequate Self“ tional teacher and scholar. who is pm inwatudenttenter “1 know people “5118”) Ni} l’hl “orb \t‘v') well with 'his \l'l'it'h ‘ - . -' :5
have the" 0““ strategic defense With the Lexington community Mon- well acquainted with modern West- Saraswati begannhis spiritual pur- losophy is not for me.. but this will and will drau mamplcs :. ,.- lllt' . ' . , -. _ ‘.
program. have strongly opposed the day night ern sOciety.” he said "This lecture 5“" In the late 19305 and has be?" be a very good lecture and you Westernculture. Ragtisn-i‘ _ . ‘ '

t'S. research program and say Saraswati will be focusing mainly is a significant event in the religiots teaching the Phllmol’h." 0f \edanta won'tgetbored."he said The let‘t'irt' \t'tll tii- plxv;5-5ltlt ht‘l‘é‘hlh ( it patio: or [P If 3 pnica Cer’ain .v ther choice of terms» h seen as the preferable feminist using technology to destroy life A“! political solution
_, . . . , \thai emerges tioiu .nv tiiettions. t en. is that is. i; (H iiman if: ‘glns nh act. e qluestion i; posttion because it refutes to explou fetal life. resistS that can protect innocent and powerless human life
‘ . ' f V I ‘ - l' ‘ I M o I I ‘ 1 ' ' I ' ‘ ' ' . i - - ’ , .
' " , - ")6 Virpffgxe ”2:13: :1" ‘iim‘d 8:):n",::1r;:(;’l‘lfi‘l1:331 3:??? h lifzrfixrgr: 13:13:] tuilmrzgsi'r‘tgigagg 31:“ and retecis explOitation of women and is conststent in from arbitrar} destruction would be better And for me.
. ., w :..t ‘2'u s. -‘i s t sc ss s t t c n s e. i " ‘ . ' . . - . ~- ~- - i- 4 - ' - x r ‘i'
‘- V V " ‘ , IHLI to (tiht‘rs I \u\ ~t l h l\t’ II‘UCll in common with since the exact time of human personhood is unknowa- advocaC) for 0“ powtrless . . . . an “1“.” ”hum” Nmuld ‘llw ”Hum mum!” to mun“
‘ v I. ' f ‘ - ' ' ipfi ‘ i th- (l 't . bl ) 4 bort on ‘rn -. bl- . t I A. st for rt' in r In her View a stance lit-111m“ abortion ‘7‘ consistent through and support women and children in both child-
_: a . . —-—————-——-—-~—-— let‘rme “SHE-2:43; ‘0‘"; d” lealst uhbtilpsfonitbjpiecifiedtint: ce d 93' With a stance against all forms of ODPFGSSIOD. nuclearr‘ bearing and childreai‘ine "
' " -' . ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ x ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t ’ \v r and ca ital unighment l find her views a ree wit
. ‘ ‘ . , -. outset. llOVtchl‘ And therein a host of problems arises. What are the m: own verg well) ‘ g There mm “m be m th.u.,” p‘lr‘lllt‘l lust ,l little
" J . , Guest that I do not \ ecw appropriate reasons‘.‘ What is the appropriatetime'.’ ' ‘ over .i hundriidw'c'irs"iito dbl-.t-k‘ persons inlour 1mm
' .’ ' ' ton l Other; Chrl'il n; 'nl non—(‘hri:tian:. on i e that . . . ‘ ' ‘ ' “ ‘ U I ' , ‘.
. , OPINION ififirnleh (“mixing “no“ th: )n“:biit: 3f (human r\sonh\oo§ iscililigolved et persons who advocate the tree availability of were considered less than human slmei} was the law
, - ‘ . 1 L, 1‘ shi" "Stui‘n such life 11 inviolable For Mull): there is 80 int ,‘t' abortion present some problematic questions, of the land. defended in legal political and moral
I . l . . * 'ri‘tlht‘l'l t L A shut}, onevcan an. that a fetus I human ther‘enis nbt Admittedly. I cannot muster agreement with terms Because enough persons persistentI} disagreed.
I . I ' ' ’ scri ture certainl‘ 'ixs noth r- kiire‘ct‘lv' :bout atmr- time at which itt‘an be aid \vith\~ nmui'v that a fetus those “tho advocate abortion as a method Of blrth C0” the huliitlllli} m MM“ “AF imail) Mia“) rwogmwd
I " ' ' non span-ml staéejjliude tilif‘t:d'c Interlicttttq Cum 1 , )thum'in Iam amongthis g'ou“ ’ k ‘ trol or for convenience, l-Zas} abortion blunts our sensi- 'l‘ragicall). the tullness oi their social and economic
4 . - I , . _ t I . ( I _\ ll . V l t - v . . e .
. . . ‘ - humans m ,2: “,1?le 1 +3 Psalm m ”I“ ha In effect then the position .of Enti-abortionists rests bilities. I believe. and obscures the direction our StX‘it‘i)‘ rights is not ~vet etlected tor a liidltilli}
. . , .' . ' lalla'b- ‘ I) I'll“; 1 44 and \iatthew 1 KW \ in of on m unanswerable ues‘tion on which w havekhad‘to should be taking to solve complex sectal problems It 1 believe we haic restxinsibilitios to roversc that >litl»
_ , _ , . . . i .i ._ i _. pm; i . q » - 9 e postpones thetime of their solution ation Isee similar restmnsibilities tothe unborn
. - _ . Mar} the mother of Jesus and ot Mar} s t‘tt‘iblil hit/a answer in ptbb'lbllli}. with a certain courage and. for 0 th* the ha d I h' ._ ) . y m ‘nt th't nu ht
‘ ' ' beth as "with child ’ Christian tradition regards these some of us in faith . n Q 0 r n ‘ d“ m arpu t 5 d g
- . . " unlint‘ptlhildren as Wr\0n\ L find easy acceptance tor those persons who ask. But
' . . . l . l t . . 4 . . t '. . -i ~ ,
., Neither Judaism nor (hristianit) can la} t‘.\L'lU.\l\t‘ what (“safes 0f rape mf‘e?t'gh‘wlilo‘the:j heggfiflgfi n the end. I haic probabl} not said ainthiiig new
‘ _' . F . claim to the dictum “Thou shalt not kill" Exodus 0t all who take this position are persons of any comfiarg 1:31 nun. ‘trs 9,1219, Icii'sfibiefefxilsl? )m, (mt nor “‘1‘" C3” ”t‘“ Wm 1” d“) ‘llrfi'llim Mid “l“k‘
. , _ _ 20 iii Indeed. in embarrassing paradox. and in spite oi religious persuasion Bernard Nathansen. for- sina . d'll . diefgugti’oggawéa Ichthe .11- or- Ill-‘vearvbld II is diiticult to state \lt‘\\.\ which I know to in. U”.
' . . , tne dirtuiii .lt’u's and t‘hristians haw engaged. and con mer director of the Center for Reproductive and “frireahli‘sw'isllv emotion'illv and soc1allv unreadv to popular. I tind some relief iii stating: them I can hope
. i . . “nu“ ‘0 ““2629 In 58‘ 8:1" klliiml. Often in the fiatitf‘ of Sexual Health in New York City. is a notable example, g. ,s'b-ptfi-u ‘ - ' ‘ . ‘ ~ - that I haw spoken to some w ho share Ill} anon) oi: at
_ . . - (mt Am athtltst. he has reversed mg once adamant stand for give ‘r ' least. that Intel} have touched someone. somehow
. , abortion ‘
. - x ~ . , .\ ‘ i o r- i ‘
.. 'h‘l . )t } m n H; I For man} of us. abortion 15 a UH] problem. along naturist: [I itaxvle .iIiIt-tl1ittlot\t)lt‘ltlllttill}: \it.iitxiati|\lt l‘ttll
.. ’ . ' fur‘ é es: “X“ it? “'1‘ eh“? u'enuo "i re with problems of social injustice. the possibility of nu- hese are the questions that CW5“ m_v mourning , k , 3‘: imt ., (.“1H"M_I.It‘\m;”_ 19 {Im- H"; pio ) tim' I
' ' . ’ ‘ ‘ ”139‘ unt “film‘np ”rpm“: dt\e “\telnlf‘ fa“ Clear war. murder. theft and other crimes. To cry out M)’ answers “1“ Sim“) "“1.‘ ”1059 who share my "\d m“ U 1“ m ‘W “Hp” M mm“ *\ “m ”1pm”
.' ' ' , -' H xii)“: dp‘)rt”,)'d“”n ‘0 [ilfith‘m‘ ”5 0 I“ t ‘\ :3 against abortion is. for us. to take the same civil re- faith, And I do not impose my beliefs. Indeed, I
. _ . , , rna ”'1 “l ' L n 21;; rafun ( .t n ot gouiumttn dmt sponsibilitj; wew'ould againstany threat to oursomety cannot. But I can raise another set of questions as crit-
f - ' ,' 0 fiixid lmuuiltlgb \ ll p-fiertdtgon “mt Fi‘.)'ni’.’.(m.” For me it is a stand against violence It is a stand ‘_C31 as that Of "Wm?“ do“ human me begin”” MN QUPS' . 37”" “M“ PM” “ i '-" r'”""“"" l" "l‘ V"
' i Sgacinriromnen ‘1‘ ‘” en ante uman ‘1 t “m ““ ”1‘ cooking to find a sensnn‘it} 10 needs of women with tions are: What attitude does or should our soc1etv take “it" "t \Ich
. t c
' .- I‘nfortunatel). not all governments or societies ad
7 ’- ' here to their ideals I'ncomfortablv not all polities
. ‘ agree as to how such I‘t’SpOIISlltllIiIGS should be carried Des-Type .
- , 4 , ' out Democracies seem to have particular trouble ['1' I RCH
_ agreeing which I: usually health} . Something like this 257 6525
. _ ‘ ' disagreement seems To be occurring in our somet)
1. ‘ ' about the abortior issue. as persons on each side stri\c DIREC l OR 1
. to l:\e out then ionsciences politically Sonic-tunes the Rm‘ 1'1 ~ -
' polemzcs appear tosuggest ill health Jou. Bldg. '1’"; - ‘ m
- . If one accept: that human life begins at conception. j; ’ \
; ”:thch , 3/ to, where 372 Woodland Ave.
‘ . . ' f ' erne A " .N’ two or more 253-2202
‘ in / are gathered
. . \. ,/ ’ in My Name H
. ». t Editor in chief Elizabeth Cores “ 4 : i7 there will 3 3
_ . l » . . » i i
. . . Managing Editor Sacha DeVroomen » i ,, . t , I
. ‘ ' 4. ' News Editor Fran Stewart be also / Gordon s Gordon s
. I
. _; Editorial Editor AlexanderCrouch [ . 5. 6|" Vodk
4 ‘ _ 1“" V . I |tl t a
. . _ Sports Editor Wt ie Hiott f - .
._. . ‘ . Arts Editor Gary Pierce (6 (g . . i v” $5.59 $4.59
* . . g ‘ Sporioiproiom Editor ScottWord “""m ”“0““ am W (“4W1 ‘ 1 ‘1 750m! 750""
I ' - . 3' l , Photo Editor J D VonHoose STUDENT CENTER °" """ " “""II' 4nd l9Planad¢ t -
‘ - ‘ ’. _ ' 23345 .
' ‘ . . . I Advi’ef P I A d l5] EOS' Mo‘we” 5' 25"37l‘ "Iulldln. Llhon Silld Principle]! . ‘
.- ,' . _ I Ad . i M YOU 0 n Ierson 8p m MondoyNightWorship Iy Dr. M.Glynn Iu'he
. , vertif n9 anagor Linda Collins 39 m l’iiursdoy Night Bible Study can...s.,,,°,,o,°u,,,,:,or ? COOrS 8‘ COO L‘l‘
" 1' l , ‘V ' | Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non Coll lor tilt/’1 at on or rid l n ”In,“ rs .
f ‘ . t; ' _ . ‘ tivities ' “ ‘ ' es ° a Y ac- ChapalServiceltl§ Worchipll:00 A Montezuma
. . ' ‘ - The Kentucky Kernel is punt-shed on class days dur‘t't ‘
t . ‘ _ . . . g the occdemic year 3
y :5 .- ' f , ‘ °"dmtlvd~'r9rewmmesson nmsr i2 Diffgoszscons T Tequila
’\ ' ' I’Wd (‘Oss pcs'age paid at Lexington Ky 4051i Moiied gummy.“ Wes .,__._. ~.M____ ' / _\ ‘ \ .. $4 99
. ‘ - . - . ore SiSper semester moor year The Baptist Student Union 69mg VVgpfi - i .4 ‘3‘): s 't e
a I. - . a 4 serving the Univenityolxentudry . "' ‘ :19 ' on...“ f V ‘ 750ml
‘ ~ The Kernel is printed at SCIIDDSAHOWOFd Web Co. 534 Buckmor‘ Street . ——~ ~~7~——_~___._ ‘ it , .-
. .. . , . ANCoiombioAvo __ ‘ ~ ,2 Inm—
f . . > - . Shepherdswtte 00140165 257 3989 . —T*‘ g ‘ ‘fv ‘ ,‘fl ' ,.
. _ '_ ‘1. ’ Correspcodenre should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel Room 210 TH? ‘l’uosdgy Night 109.”.., WILL) US “ «it 1V. I V": ”5/
‘ i ,_ . '. t . Journalism Budding Uri-varsity oi Keniorky Lexington Ky 40506-00423 7:30,”... ——————-‘ "‘ “' \‘ H
~ _' . Phone ‘606 257 287i .2. / \L . \ J‘s ...
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Austin City Saloon — m Woodtill Shopping Contor. Tonight and tornor- l h . . t. " '2" ‘
row. tou'ltfy rodlors tho 0'09 Austin land play from 9 pm. to l a.m. S2 .. I ...... “1.0 tnllmtzng "r" l"""""""' " hm ”MW" ’1‘" “‘ 'l'“ "2""- ' " .". "I ._ ‘_.
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