xt7rfj29cv1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj29cv1z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1984-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, December 1984 text GSO Newsletter, December 1984 1984 1984-12 2019 true xt7rfj29cv1z section xt7rfj29cv1z G SO
”W —
Five years before the first American was
California Governor George Deukmejian has signed stricken with RIBS, researchers at the University
a bill which will enable gay and lesbian victims of of Cincinnati Medical Center began a study of sperm
anti-gay violence to sue their attackers, and that is now yielding intriguing clues about the
harassers who threaten then with violence, for a mysterious disease.
$10a000 penalty plus an; damages. The work began in 1976 in the lab of Dr. Evelyn
l have signed this ill because I don’t believe Hess, the director of the division of ianunology
anyone should be singled out for violent attack for and a national authority in the field. Hess was
any reason,‘ the governor wrote in a letter interested in exploring the consequences a
distributed to assembl" oenbers on September 26, vasectoay has on the male immune system.
the day he signed the bill. After this operation, in which a physician
The new law takes effect on New Year’s Day. severe the sperm-carrying duct in the scro on, many
Earlier. Deuklejian had vetoed a gay civil gen begin to absorb components of sperm into their
rights bill, claiming that there was no evidence own bloodstreaa. Not onl“ that, but a significant
that anti-gay job discrimination existed. percentage also develop antibodies to the luid.
--The fi_yggate Hess watched this unusual occurrence and
demonstrated in a test tube that seminal plasaa-one
of the iain ingredients in sperm-could interfere
with the intricate defense system the body lounts
« arainst disease.
HttENtIUN READERS 4 Normally sperm doesn’t find its way into the
We’ve received numerous letters over the ast hthhh ht gen ht ”hhhh' h feeale’s reproductive
several aonths from eople interested in seehing organs apparently have_ protective mechanisgs ht
more information about EBB. Some want to becoae therr . own. H955 531d! "htth flake tt “I‘DSt
more involved in hel ing the gay coalunity. and ththSlhle for thhh to absorb Sperm 1hth.th9 hthhh-
others just want to poet a few new friends... For hht ‘ vasectomy htthhES a unique Ctrthhhtahth
these people and others who have wanted to become tht hEh' htth the hhtt tht! some ht the tthth can
more involved in 850, we are encouraging you to hht get hht‘..th9 hth Shat5.1t ”P thsthhh- .
cone to Decenber’s general business oeetin . You I 959 tthhthhs as’thh a ttESh Sighttttahte wnen
can just sit and listen and find out what 350 is thb began to spread through gay cooounities on the
all about. or iust stop by and meet a few nice East an _hest coasts a few years ago. Although the
folks. ‘ ' devastating syndrome has also been contrac ed by
The general business meetings are held at the Haitians, hhhhhhtttatss the thtthtEhtS ht hthhd
Coaprehensive Care Center on the corner of Upper transquIOns, intravenous drug users and the1r
and hechanic Streets. Heetingg start at BF“ and hetersezual mates, male homosexuals have still been
last abnut an hour. He usually “adjourn“ to the the hardest hit. More than 702 of nIDS patients
Bungalow afterwards for a little pleasant are gay. . . .
conversation. He loot forward to seeing YD! this as the blood of these Victims was scrutinized,
Monday, December 3rd! ‘ data. began to accumulate from around the country
‘ showin‘ that many gay patients were carrying sperm
RM“ antiboiiies in their blood. Hess explained that the
"‘ sperm probably seeps thrOU‘h the walls of the
rectum after repea ed eoisollec of anal infarrourse
A PF OLI D 5 and then undergoes chages in the Hood.
. icont. on pg. 5*

 ' c (A: “g.
, .‘ 6"
Man must curb « .m'
11 l‘ l l‘ 1?

Dear Ann: I am a male in my _ . .
mid-20$ who is sexually attracted to ( .. I stood besnde Larry Whlle the
It) to ”year-old boys. I have always ; ""‘- doctors worked hke crazy to br1ng
been able to control my desires and Ann ' . .f hlm around. I was scared to death
have never had sex with a boy, but it Landers ; a; (”£3 44' he might "0t make "5- ‘It never
is becoming harder and harder to Syndicated ‘9 . occurred to me that getting drunk
resist my urges. I don’t think it advice columnist - W might be fatal.
would be morally wrong because I '1 Thank the good Lord that after
would never use force or threats, but two hours Larry regained conscious-
I do fear the possible legal conse A good therapist will help you ness. The doctor told us if we hadn’t
quences. understand what wreckage you taken him to the hospital he might

I would prefer to have normal might make of your life if you should have died. '
sexual desires, but I don’t believe I succumb to your anti-social desires Please warn your teen-age read-
can change my sexual orientation and be apprehended. You must, for ers that a great party can end in
any-more than a heterosexual can your sake, as well as for the sake 9t tragedy if someone gets silly and
change into a homosexual. Castra- potential VietlmS, get some help "1 wants to show off the way Larry did.
tion seems to be the only sure way to directing your sexual energy toward I never would have believed it if I
put an end to my attraction for other activities. hadn’t been there and seen it with
young boys, and I certainly don’t my own eyes. Sign me —Wiser Now
want that. I should tell you that I in Erie, Pa.
have an excellent position and am Dear Ann: Iam begging you to Dear Wiser Now: And so are
well-respected in my community printaletter that might mean life 01‘ millions of others. Thanks for the
and that no one would suspect my death for some teen-agers. jolt.
problem in a million years. A month e80 1 went to a party. Dear Ann: A woman wrote and

It appears that my only hope is MOSt 0f the kldS there were chums suggested saving money on the gas
to continue to fight these desires, but from SChOOl- One Of the fellows (a or electric bill by washing clothes in
I don’t think I can win indefinitely. 800d friend _0f mine) was loaded cold water. You asked your readers

Do you have any realistic sug— when we arrived. He kept drinking to let you know if they had tried it
gestions, Ann? 1 am convinced that until he passed Ollt- and the results. Well, I have been
counseling would be useless. _ No When it was time to leave, using cold water for 30 years, and
Name in Lubbock, Texas “Larry” was still lying on the couch, mine is the whitest wash in Texas.

Dear Lubbock: Counseling will out like a light. We poured cold —Mrs. Immaculate
not rid you' of your sexual prefer— water on him, slapped his face and Dear M30: I’ve been swamped
ence, but it will make you aware of tried to stand him up. Nothing Wlth letters saying the same thing,
the psychological damage you might worked. Finally I got smart and butmany mentioned the need for a
inflict on some youth should you insisted that we take him to the gOOd lquld detergent. Thanks to all
succeed in seducing him. hospital emergency room. who wrote.


 M eth d' t ff'
ruling on .
I By Rick Bailey. . be no appeal. This is the law of the Good News, an unofficial caucus
; Herald—Leader religion writer Church until 1988. But that’s not to say that serves as a forum for scriptural
‘ Avowed, practicing homosexuals the issue won’t come back again.” Christianity within the United Method-
' will not be ordained as United Meth- The Rev. David Seamands,.who iSt Church, filed a brief supporting the
, odist ministers, according to a ruling led the fight at the General Confer- General Conference’s legislation.
last week by the Judicial Council, the ence for precise language on the Good News contended that the
' church’s “supreme court.” issue, said the decision “preserved the General Conference, which meets ev-
The nine-member council unani- connectionalism of United Methodism ery four years, has the right to set
mously upheld legislation passed at and preserved the church.” qualifications forministers. The annu-
the 1984 General Conference banning Seamands, Who retired as a pas- a1 conferences,_ m turn, must follow
the ordination and appointment of tor in June and is now a professor at those qualificationsin accepting, 01‘-
Practicing homosexual clergy. Asbury Theological Seminary, said dainmg and appomting ministers.
In its decision the council f the. issue involved more than the “The General Conference (in Bal-
_ r . , rea ' ordination and appomtment of homo timore last May) 'had decided the
ttmled thte Gtenzratdgonference S POW‘ sexual clergy. issue and enacted legislation,"
‘ er 0 se 5 an ar and the annual u - - . - Sweaz said. “Our '0b was to look at
Eaters“? d; ‘3’“ to decide whether ilar ghgégglltgtglfigalgiggswgdilgl the cohstitution. Thle General Confer-
men; a .. F” 3:
United Methodismis “C ,, reiterate every prior deciSion of the po ,,
. OHEFCSS. - - - it ~ an annual conference.
while the annual conference is similar JUdtC'al CounCil. He Cited past exam- . - -
to a state legislative body.) ples as women’s ordination and racial , Sweazy was impressed with his
“I hOpe this (the decision) puts a issues in which the council backed up hI‘St experience on the councd.
lot of things at rest,” the Rev. Albert General Conference deClSlonS. . “I found the members very genu-
Sweazy said. Sweazy, treasurer and The Rev. Jim Heidinger, the edi- me and concerned abopt the life‘of the
director of fiscal affairs for the Ken- tor of GOOd News magazine based in ChUFCh and Its image, h? said. ‘They
[UCkY Annual Conference, made his Wilmore, said he hoped all segments dont take their T0195 Eighth“ If we
debut on the Judicial Council at its of the 9.4million member denomina- havea question, we wontdeal wlth an
semiannual meeting in Chicago. tion would abide by the decision. “We issue “nth we get the answer.
“This issue is over, at least for feel encouraged by the ruling and “Nothing we did was slipshod or
four years,” Sweazy said. “There can agree with it,” he said. haphazard, bill it was done prayerful-
ly. It gave me a feeling of confidence
about the church and what it stands
for-" “The deraldzteaeec
8‘25 GSO Needsiou! @
, 3
'W;‘ _- r ”T“ gr " r "

 :‘l . \. (.‘~\’, \ ’—
I €213»,
4.. . \ a»
/ 'I ' \ { g: F) yr" \
y . Vi/Jrr g"?
6“ The previous oeeting’s minutes were
read and accepted.
0\ The treasury stands at $563.53.
Jim reported that the least expensive
t-shirts available for the bowling league
‘ cost $5.45 each plus a $20.00 art charge.
fig. Steve 8. accepted the open board
\ Times, places. prices and dates where
discussed For the Cornicopia. December
' 9, from 4-8pm at Brezing’s was
tentatively agreed upon.
Jim was o con act several people
(I about playing the piano for the event.
858 SPONSORS 858 t
1358 CHRISTMAS PARTY ______-__-____-_____._-..._.__..._____..____-_..___________
BREZINSS is sponsoring BSO’s first annual _ , .
Christmas Party/Dance. This could be the start of ‘ The Stylists, 15‘“ NICDOIBSVINE Rd- 273-7431
safeghipq biqtcfiugae on «anti; and spegd. Has 1112?} The Bar, 224 E. Main St. 255—1551
ce e ra ing ris mas in your man 5. .~ 7: 7
Eroceeds from the door will be donated to 888. JOE Bologna 5? 103 H' Maxuell St',‘”2’49"g
enelber, the day is Hednesday, Deceeber 19th, the ‘ Lady Diana ”3” 09518”: 509 E- ”31” St- 2-52-4595
place is Brezings. Kentucky Theatre, 214 E. Main St. 254-6010
Brett Johnson Gallery, 144 Harrison Ave. 255—2124
Movieola, 1759 Alexandria Dr. 278-1451
1 Fur’N Feathers, 2909 Richmond Rd. 266-0226
a; :: Reflections in Hair Design, 835 Winchester Rd. 255-3325
g 5 5 Richardson Vision Center, 1757 Alexandria Dr. 278-0618
"55‘ 4 Flowers by Don, 200 Southland Dr. 278-0555
I y Cate’ LMNOP, 337 E. Main St. 252-7131
__ ""JF-i'T {‘11 1R 1‘, Bluegrass Landscape Design, 4387 Harrodsburg Rd. 223-9114
'é?L~'f",Fi.‘..,.li'.I,..,,I;.,j§?\..:, as; Silk Green House, 1050 Chinoe Rd. 268—8100
HOV-[:12 it! 4 Marque Cross Productions, PO Box 25601, Lex., Ky. 40524
7“ '2 Jesters, 107 H. Short St. 252-6510 1
.W’; Green Earth Landscaping Coupany, 272-1100
MI ¢ 3": 1‘ Brezing’s, 234 East Short Street 252—9190
1, X C, v a t Ask about DISCOUNTS for BSD leabersll J

W,\\\\\ ' GSUdellnEIUQS
SSD Newsletter, Seneral..................299-0352
ai ing Lis .............268-3935
COCKTAILS AT BELLE’S PLACE gSD RegrfatgonaIDEvents..................231-0100
' ay an es ian ewocrats................”oo-5934
This_ years Cornicopia is being billed as Dignity/Lexin ton........................§99-0352
'Cocktails at Belle’s PIace.‘ It will be a quiet Imperial Cour? of the Bleugrass Eapire...252-1155
evening of soc131121ng, with cocktails, Louisville Crisis Hotline..........(502) 637-4342
horsdoeurves and lots of good company. Tickets Owensboro Say Alliance.............(502) 685—5246
MUST BE PURCHASED IN AD ANCE frog any BSD board Cincinnati Bay Switchboard.........(513) 221-7800
were melber or at BreZTngs. Cornicopia will e held at National Gay ask Force Crisis LineISOO) 221-7044
BREZINGS on Sunday, December 9th, fro: 6:00 to NOTF AIDS Crisis Line..............1800) 221-7044
9:00pm. Donation-for tickets is $20.00.
FOE. .-.'T_
oard E1 ' 1 E Everyone has those Ioments when they need
of , someone o a ' o, u ioagine w a i wou e
J, t t It t b t ' ' h t 't. 'ld b
here q°.f ” $7 like if there was no one Kou could confide in, ask
ober if P‘jfi;) advice of, or simply c at with when you are
was Pe) a” experiencing that need. Hany of our callers are in
HHITE ELEPHANT POTLUCK that very Situatiog, despera 1y Seeding to,ta'l\kt tg
0 le another erson w o is ga , won ering jus- w a i
-‘3 To celebrate the spirit of Christlas, the deans to he gay. or Iaybe inst to Share the pain of
Decelber 550 potluck "111 include a gag gift being different with sooeone who night understand.
exchange. He urge you to find a gift around the For Iany individuals their fist cal to the 650
house, but if Koo decide to buy one, please lilit 523:1igetO-azalbgimetggfitsztfiglIgdgmrviq “fis‘m‘;
. l . 1 1 ,.
'——‘_T thelgr335itgoz3toosgtigTiging, gift exchanging and Phoneline Elistener, you can make a real difference
ood food there will also be entertainlent in the 1” sooeone 5 11‘9- HPSt everyone can SParE a {9"
____ $0,. of Christeas Carolin Everyone will be hours each month, and this extrelely worthwhile
- - - 9' - ' - project needs your help. If you would like lore
welcome to Join in and get into the spirit of . _ .
Christmas Ho e to see on at Nike and Bruce’s on information about how to volunteer to take part in
Sunday Deceobgr 2nd ”ery Christlas' 023 0; 650’s IOSt ilportant projects, call Barry at
5 ' ' 2 -3 35.
_. “’5‘9.
Newsletter ........................ Check here to receive your free
copy of the BSD Newsletter:_-__
J Hembership ........................ To becoae a BBB lenber, include
the lelbership fee of $10.00 or DRAG BAfill
$5.00 for students. _
CONGRATULATIONS to Steve for being
.14 NANE ' gégcted to the Board of Directors for
L {It}? i,
, ADDRESS: ____________________________-______________________‘ ff:;5;§;L; %;§f.i},.
act: x3"? no.2; ‘i
'-v., _ \ - .
l CITY/STATE/ZIP: _____________________________,_____________________ ,?if::§§fl,w,:r,v V§E§§5§§%;s
Cam/f ) I I. 9;;
J Please mail above fare to: 680, PO Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 :é;;?;e ‘Efi;3}ifgifzfrjh;:;3§
l £fl,,4, ,, _,
___ “' 5 I

(cont. fro: front page
Hess hypothesizes that selinal plasaa weakens OKLAHOMA CASE
the immune system, eating it lore vulnerable to _ ' _
assualt froa the HTLV-Zl virus that has been closely For the first tlme 1n almOSt
linked with AIDS, two decades, the U.S. Supreme

A 'ear a o UC’s researchers and a collaborating Court has announced It inull
teal Iron aew York University were awarded a decide a gay rights case.
$25 000 grant from the National ancer Institute to The court has decided to
continue their studies. Other AIDS research being review an appeals court ruling
conducted at UC focuses on the abnormal T-cells an that prohibits Oklahoma public
B~cells in the inune systels of AIDS patients. schools from firing teachers
Biochemists have also gotten involved by testing for advocating gay or lesbian
procedures to diagnose Al 8 earlier. . . conduct.

Hess is'anong a growing group of stientiest who The justices said they will
believe that ADS is a 'aulti-factorial' hear arguments on an appeal by
Ebenolenon. She doubts that any pathogen would the 0k1ahoma city Board of
ave the power to single-handedly dislantlethe Education. At issue is the
innune system and leave i s host unguarded against constitutionality of a state
any number of infections. law that allows the firing of

“None of us know of a single virus that could do teachegs for ”advocating,
this,I she said. 'There are any Viral diseases, soliciting, imposing, encour-
but not one that can completely wipe out the Home aging or promoting public or
systea. It may be true hat t ere is one, but I a private homosexual activity.‘
a little skeptual.‘ . The challenge to the law was

Hess bu1ds her case not only on the basrs of originally brought by the Na-
sperl antibodies and the assaults hey lake on .the tional Gay Task Force (NGTF).
innune systea, but also on evidence that has Just The lower court, in making its
surfaced about the HTLV-S Virus, which was isolated ruling stated that the law .
and ilplicated last spring. was in'valid on its face be-
. As udy of a large nun er of healthy hoaosexuals cause it could be invoked if a
in San Francrsco revealed that 651 had been exposed °teacher merely a eared be—
to the virus. The determination was rude by gore the Oklahoma Eligislatuce
searchin for HTLV-S antibodies, which Hess calls e l i 1 t __
the telltale 'foot rints.‘ These sale prints have or 01" 2 "he 0" ° ,urge “.3
been found in perfecgly healthy Japanese, Europeans pea O t e Stat: ‘5 ant"
and Africans, She said. sodomy statutes or n support

[in the other hand, when the test for HTLV-3 Of Other gay “9“,” causes'
antibodies was given to a roup of AIDS patients, The Board Of Educatlon' 0“ Fhe
fewer than 501 scored positive. OtheF hand' argued that “”19

'I think what this leans is there lust be other PUth ““001 Feacneffi have
nechanisos that cone along to further weaken the “99 5999C“ “9“?” these
inune systea,‘ Hess sai . 'That’s not to say the fights are “Pt “3501”“? 39d
virus is not extreeely important. All 1’: sa ing may he _SUbJeCt to certain
is we haven’t seen the data that sa 5 it’s (his restrictions."
virus and this virus alone that causes AlDS.‘ Virginia APUZZO 0f NGTF

The discoveries that Hess and other scientiest ‘VOUId not SPeCUIate on how the
have aade about seminal plasaa an the body’s Supreme Court may rule in the
ability to transnit the HTLV-3 virus through blood, Oklahoma case. and other lead-
blood products and spern have proapted widespread era were cautious about the
warnings to gays about the dangers of absorbing final outcome.
semen hroug he rectua. -—The Advgcate

ln CinCinnati, the health departlent’s Sexually
Transmitted Disease Clinic has distributed
paaphlets outlining 'safe sex' techniques, which .
depend on using a condoa and on protecting against
exposure to body fluids. Therapists are Ill
discouraging casual sex with lultiple partners and -
are encouraging monogamous relationships. _ ' .-
Safe sex is he alternative, siad clinic

director Michael Ritchey. 'You can have sex and
not exchange body fluids. There is no other
alternative except to repress desire.‘ 6

 C an We Talk .
. \ 1% x§§
ll“ . ..

I’ll bet you haven’t even thought about what
you’re going to get your pet for Christmas. We’re
more deserving than some people on your list. We
never complained that you didn’t refill the ice trays
like that person you’ve been living with. We also
didn’t drink all your booze and then pass out on
you like that one you brought home the other night.
So go to Fur ’N Feathers 8: check out the gift ideas

. for your pet.
Fur ’N Feathers
2909 Richmond Road 0 Lexington, KY 40502 0 266-0226

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WM 111. '1 if .i‘ - 5‘

TQEED §QDDJELLQQE ”5Tb HHCVE'Y F19T5t91n75 Di nityz’Leninoton is coordinating roup seatings
acclaimed play, comes to Leiiington's Opera House in {gr aarve” Fjefstejn-‘g Torch SODQ ?rj_1_ggy. Here
Harch. , . _ are the deiails:
ITST made ltS. prenier in October 1981 at The
GUDEE JO New York CltY- TST 1‘5 . three 0* Matinee performance. Saturday, March 16, 1985 at
FlEFStEln’S one-act gems woven into a Single play. 2:00pm. ' '
Ihg lntecoatignalfitgg. a gay bar in NYC, 15 Tickets are $13.50 each. He must have a group
described by Fierstein as 'boas ing a pool table, of 25. Order as many tickets as you want.
pinball machine and the jumpingest backroom in
town." Ed and illrnold Ieet in the front room of the Floor level and first balcony seating (all good
bar, atypicallv bypass the backroom, go home seats).
together, and fall in a kind of love.
Hake your check: for $13.50 per ticket payable to
EDQQEJMLDQESEEZ’ picks up Ed and Ornold a year Dignity/Lexington. Hail our chec to
later. Ed is trying heterosexaulity with Laurel Dignity/Lexington. Post Office gox 1984. Lexington.
and Arnold has found lan, a _youn‘ model. The Kentucky 40593. INCLUDE A SELF—ODDRESSED, ST HPED
whole of Fugue is played in a giant ged. ENVELOPE for mailing of your tickets.
hidgg§_gnd_Chi_l_drgg_Fi_rstl takes and unnakes He must receive ticket orders by January 15th.
families. To firnold and Ed’s lives, add David and
hrnold’s mother. He’ll mail your tickets to you as soon as we
_ receive them from the Lexington Center Box Office,
Hake glans now to see TST - a Journey toward probably in late February or early March.
change. roup ticket information follows.
If the 25-seat minimua is not let.
ICBE News Calendar Dignity/Lexington will refund your honey.
I" , '1 ‘ .‘ '
Sunday DEC. L $th Annual Emperor S klhite If you have questions. write to TST Coordinator
Sheraton Inn Grand Ballroom at the Dignity/Lexington address.
Spa-midnight . . . . . . . .
8:00-Cocktails Available @ Heebership 1n Dignity is not reqUired. This is
’ Receiving Line Opens a social activity ogen to gay men. lesbians. and
8:3tll-COIpliaentary Chan agne friends throughout entral Kentucky.
Toast by Elperor IEI,
Breg Lee ______________________________________
9:00-Dinner Served -"_"_—"'-'"_-'
Spinach Salad Vinaigrette Yes! I want to see Torch Song Trilogy. Please
Roast Prue R” All ”5 send tickets @$13.50 each. I‘ve enclosed
Broccoli Spears Hlth ——
Hollandaise y check for _______ and a self-addressed,
Au Gratin Potatoes stamped envelope.
French Creal Cheesecake
Red Cabernet Sauvignon
served with dinner. ame M
Live Piano Music through dinner.
Dancing after dinner. ddress
The evenin' will be highlighted M
with four Eouand Perforlances . .
selected by His Majesty. ltY Zip Phone
By invitation only.
Call 268-232? for lore info. and __-______________________..-______-_______-___-_.
for invitations. . . , , .
$50.00 per couple in advance. (Cllp and mall to: Dignity/lex1ngtori, P. O. Box
Closing date for reservations 1984, Lexington, Ky 40593)
is Novelber 26th.
Sunday Dec. 16 fibristaas Dange Pagtl‘. 'th
ave your 1c ure a en ui
Santa at the laperal Court’s S”PPOR7 avg :40;
Ehristlss Dance Party.
ircus isco ,
WOO—“00 ADVERT/55K? #1530-
$3.00 adlission 1 1

Dear Aunt Hary: ‘h‘
I guess I have one of the most con-on problels .-
peogle have to deal with, both gay and straight a. w
ali e. Where can one meet a decent person -‘, 'f
interested in a serious relationship? The bars are I, \‘ ' . ,.
no good, all you can get there is a one night stand Mi '
(an maybe something uncurablel. ‘é
Sign me, .-
Lonely L}\
Dear Lonely: 0‘.\/
I’ve been a widow and have lived alone for over "
20 years, and you ask IE how to find a decent
gerson?! Hell, this may be like the blind leading - House For Sale or Lease
be blind, but here goes. A few of the many people 1050 sq. feet, Ranch. Large 2 car
I’ve corresponded wi h tell me that they did indeed are e. 3 bedroom, LR, Utility.
meet there rue love at one of the bars, but the git/Dining Room combination. 1 bath.
vast majority seen to share your sentioent that a Selling Price: $46 900.00
bar pick up will not lead to anything more than an Lease/ ent: $400.00/no.
evenings eniozient, and frequen 1: not even that. Info: 299-0352
Of all t e hagpy couples 1 now, both gay and
straight, almost al of then have met by ’accident’ - 6 piece aaple family room grou . &
while going about their normal dai y routine. 6 Eeice dining room set. Call B99-
Please note, however, that all of these people had 0342,
a daily routine that got them out of the house and . .
into social situations were they were likely to FOR. SALE; DDV"5139 rafrldgerator! excellent
EEEt people. Surprisinglz, to we at least, many of [Undltlflni ido- C311 299-0352
th: ga'yt cougles I’ye eard from met tin very
’s raig ’ p aces--tie shoe store, at he super
Iarket, at an art exhibit--and under very every day ROD” “ATE "ANTED: Three bedroon, t"° bath house
circumstances. If this is the case, perhaps the 0“ the Eagt Side, “0" sookers ODIY- F0? datalls!
best way to begin is to make sure you are avialable P311 273‘69J3 after 9:09 P”-
tot :eet TBeop e.. htf your cores} wee: coniists o;
wa c in 51x nig s a wee an v151 in on an . .
Dad ong night your chances of meeting ygur future HONDA PRELUDE FOR SALE: .1932 .OdEI! autooatic
sate seen rather slim unless you are particularly translisSion, POPE? .steering 30d brakes, PIECtFIC
fascinated b door to door salesmen. “9°" roof, Plr 5°"d1P1°"9ds al/f' 5t9r99~ luggage
l sug est that you may want to ,0," a couple of rack,' lichilan radials, navy blue with oyster
groups ang get involved with them so you are interior. One owner dealer maintained, all
getting out and meeting new people. Any group that serVice Cecords available for igsgection. 56,000
epends on volunteers will welcome you with open '1195' 5’895-00 flrl- Call 263'09-5-
arms and will be glad to got you to work. 550 is a , _ ..
grime example of groups hat welcome volunteers. “UHEN IN PRISON: are YOU 10 PFISDH 0F_Jall or
he added advantage to doing volunteer work is that have you been in the past? an Interested in your
not only do you meet new peo 1e, but it also helps story for an anthology. 1 would like to hear ~row
kee you bu5' until Prince Charming turns up. you. he need to tell our stories. Please write.
‘1) hope {his advice, which 15 the best I can will answer all letters. kao, 523 E. Hichigan,
offer, is more effective for you than it has been Apt- 111 C, Orlando, Fla. 32306
for me. Hhile I’ve been busy with all Iy volunteer .
efforts with the art league, church choir, garden FOR SALE: Large gray couch, reasonably priced,
club, etc. etc. my Prince Chareing seems to have call 299-0352
escaped to South Anerica. Good Luck.
. . An one needing a substitute bowler for the
If you wogld like to write to AUNT HARY, send your Tuesdgv night 50",,” league may call me at
let er to. Aunt Mary, Z 650. Post Office Box 11471 a99_07eq I - . - g - -

. . L a-.. an availab e on a first come first
tgiigzlgn’cgfigigghlial0575lf 3:: :?;§5 aahgrszfigi serve basis. Absent players are still obligated to
reply, please include a stalped self addressed pay their $6 {98' J” n.
enve ope.

POLICY gags. ' e‘X’e
Ii "ou would like to advertise in the '3'” RECIPE filA‘.
newsletter, please send your ad copy and payment to -°.- 'fi'
nsu, no. How 11m. Lexington, is. 40.175. See [all conuen -__:-_.Lo
the calendar for the newsletter deadline. Due to
postal regulations, we reserve the right to refuse
advertising due to content or space availability. ggaxj::@iz
Eigth Page $ 8.00
Quarter Page $15.00 ‘;g h c »;>
Half Page $25.00
Full Page $40.00
Classified $ 1.00 (up to 5 lines. i .05 .
each additional word) Spiced Apple Cider
NEH DISCOUNTS:(anective inoediately) Pour a half—gallon of sweet cider into a larpe
1/4 Off {gr 5 an. pot. Add one half pound of brown sugar, one ha l
1,3 0+; for 12 no. teaspoon of whole cloves. one and a half cinnamon
1/2 fo for non-profit groups. st1ccs, one and a half teaspoons of ground
allspice, one iougth tfaspoon salt and a pinch of
n _ . cayenne ep er. in i a l u . brin' to a boil ard -
L Thetfififl gewslgtter 15 BU9115053.50"§01Y by ttge sinner {gr gifteen minutes. pServe ghot in lugs.
exang on av erv1ces rganiza ion ncorpora e This flakes 12 an 19 servir , '
e.o. Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 550 i; p 'g5
a non-profit organization whose purpose is to Rusgian Tea
provide educational, recreational, social and
referral_services directly involving or relating to 3 cups Tang i