xt7rfj299x84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj299x84/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-04-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1944 1944 1944-04-28 2013 true xt7rfj299x84 section xt7rfj299x84 The Kentucky ECernel

Bonds and Stamps

The Sad Story
Of Modern Women




Sessions Held
For Groups
Of Scientists









Anita Roos To Appear
In Graduation Recital




Field Excursion
Will Include

Roaring Springs
The 31st annual meeting of the
Kentucky Academy of Science, together with a group of affiliated
societies, will convene

versity lor a

two-da- y

at tfie Unisession today.

Dr. L. A. Brown, of Transylvania
college, is president of the Kentucky
Affiliated groups which are scheduled to meet are the divisions of
biology, chemistry, psychology and
philosophy; and the division of
mathematics, which includes the
Kentucky Geological society.
Mathematics association, and the
division of geology including the
Kentucky Geological society.
PnMie Invited
The public is invited to attend the
sessions which will open this afternoon at 2:15 p. m. in room 200 of
the Biological Sciences building. A
business session, followed by the
president's address, and committee
meetings will complete the afternoon program.
At 7:45 p. m. a symposium on
post-wplanning for science and
scientific personnel will be held, at
which Dr. D. B. Keyes. Washington, D. C, chief of chemical industries branch of the Office of Production Research and Development;
IX Col. John D. Kenderdine, Washington, of the morale division of
the ASP; H. C. Blankmeyer, Louis
ville, director of industrial relations
for Joseph E. Seagrams and Sons;
and Henry T. Heald. Chicago, pres
ident of the Illinois Institute of
Technology, will speak.
The divisional programs will be
held Saturday, with the biology section planned for :15 a Jn. in room
313 of the Biological Science build
ing; the chemistry section at the
same hour in room 214. Kastle hall;
the geology section and the Ken
tucky Geological society at 8 a. m.
in room 203 of Miller hall; the
mathematics section and the Kentucky section of the American
Mathematical association at 9 a. m.
Saturday in room 128 McVey hall;
and the psychology and philosophy
Kertion at B:30 a. m. Saturday in
room 211 of the Bioloeical Science!
Field Trtp

The Kentucky Geological society
is planning a field trip, at 8:30 a.
m. to leave Miller hall and to start
at 6pring Station in Woodford
comity. The trip ViH be led by W.
R. Jlilsoh, Ffknkfort, and
in two points of interest; Roaring
Springs in Franklin county and the
Pot Ripple abandoned channel in
Henry county. It will conclude with
visit to the lead and zinc mine
In the vicinity of Gratz. Ky.
Other officers of the Kentucky
Academy are Paul J. Kolachov. of
Louisville; William J. Moore. Eastern Ky. State Teachers College,
Richmond; Alfred Brauer, University of Kentucky,
treasurer and secretary, respectively; J. T. Skinner. University Exwitt-tak-

periment station, former president;

Austin R. Middleton, University of
Louisville, representative on the
Council of the AAAS; and Anna A.
Schnieb, Eastern Kentucky State
Teachers college, councilor to the
Kentucky Junior Academy of Science.


Virginia Wesley
is the chairman of the arrangements for the Panhellenic



Groups Plan
Sorority Girls
To Meet In
Union Building


The annual Panhellenic Workshop will be held tomorrow, April
29, in the Union building for all sorority girls.
Individual discussion groups will
start at 9:30 a. m. and will meet
throughout the day. They will be
divided into three separate meetings.
The' treasurers group will meet
in room 205 with Miss Mary Vance
leading the discussion and Iva Lou
Ross acting as chairman. Emily
Jones will be the minute-take- r.
Miss Betty South will be in
cnarge or the scholarship group
meeting which will be held in room
Marian slater will act as
chairman and Elizabeth Carey as


"""uie-uiae- r.

In room 204 Miss Viiginla Kelly
will lead the pledge trainers group.
Doris Smith will act as chairman
of this group and Marie Jones will
take the minutes.
At 10:30 a. m. the discussion
meeting., will continue with, :6ther
groups participating,
Mrs. Tom Porter will address the
rush" chautnfen" and "PariheUenic
representatives in the Y lounge.
Nancy Shropshire is chairman of
this group and Pat McCarty is the


Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes will lead
the discussion for the housemothers
and social chairmen group in room
Frances Lawton is chairman
of this group and Eleanor Bach is


SeJLy . . .
. . . will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in
room 205 of the Union building for
a discussion of the annual picnic.


. . . will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in room 313 of the Biological

Sciences building.
Phi Cpsilon Omjcroa
. . . will hold a wiener roast al 5
pjn. Thursday at Castlewood park.
Activities Committee . . ."
of the Union board will meet
Monday in room 205 of the Union.


Tennis tournament
... entrants must ... at the
in the





Datch Lanea club . . .
. . . will meet at noon today in the
YWCA office.
Sigma Kpsllsn 'hi
. . . will meet at 3 p.m. Monday,
May 1, in room 103 of White hall.


btadent Government

. . association will meet at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, in room 214 of the Union
of the Maxwell Street Presbyterian church will meet at 5:30 p. m.





at the church for supper;

6 p. m. Evensong; and at 6:30 p. m.
for a discussion led by Mrs. John
K. Johnson.
Alpha Lambda Delta's . . .

. . . old

members will meet


4 p.m

Robert Kuhlman
Is Accompanist
For Concert
Anita Roos, soprano, will be pre
sented by the University department of music in a graduation recital at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial
hall. She will be accompanied by
Robert Kuhlman, and assisted at
the piano by Marie Louise McCown.
Miss Roos, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Roos of Lexington,
is a candidate for a BS degree in
music. She is the' retiring president
of Phi Beta, national honorary
professional fraternity; soloist with
the Women's Glee club, a member
of the University Choristers, and
the mixed glee club. She was a
member of Alpha Lambda Delta,
Cwens, Mortar Board, University
Philharmonic orchestra. University
radio staff, and was listed in Who's
Who among Students in American
Colleges and Universities.
Miss Roos will be accompanied
by Mr. Kuhlman, her voice inAlstructor at the University.
though known in Lexington as a
baritone soloist, Mr. Kuhlman has
also done solo and accompanying
work at the pfano. Miss McCown,
a junior in the music department,
is from Versailles.
The program is as follows: Part
I; "Sebben, crudele" by Caldara;
"Star Vlclno" by Rosa; "Se tu m'-ase sospiri" by Pergolesi; Part
2; "Apres un Reve" by Faure;
"Bon Jour, Suzonl" by Delibes; "Le
Temps des Li las" by Chausson;
Part 3; "Aria;" "Depuis le Jour,"
by Charpentier;
from "Louise"
Part 4; "Rhapsody, in B minor,"
op. .79 by Brahms will be played by
Miss McCown; Part 5; "Rachem
(mercy)" by Mana-ZuccHebrew
Folk Songs: "Little Sorele's Lamb"
and "A Klein Melamed'l (The Little Student)" by Saminsky arranged by Grabovsky; "Hear Ye, Israel,"
from "Elijah" by Mendelssohn; and
Part 6; "To the Children" by Rachmaninoff; "Chinese Mother Goose
Rhymes:" "What the Old Cow
Said," "Baby is Sleeping,"
and "The Old Woman" by
Crist; "The Water Mill" by Vautjnn
Williams and "The Time for Making Songs has Come" by Rogers.

"Pat-a-cake- ,"

Recital Gains
High Praise
By Casey Goman
Mildred Buchanan, pianist, and
Mabel Gumm, violinist, presented a
joint graduation recital Sunday in
Memorial hall which was noteworthy for its interpretation. Both
Miss Buchanan and Miss Gumm
showed remarkable interpretive insight in the selections they per
Miss Gumm, accompanied
Beth Caddy, played "La Folia Va
riations," by Corelli, and "Concerto
in D Major, No. 4," by Mozart. Her
touch was fine.
Miss Buchanan was especially
good in her opening
"Chorale: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," by Bach-Hes- s,
and In her
closing selection, "Rhapsody in C
major. Op. 11, No. 3," by Dohnanyi.
She showed a remarkable power
and force in her playing which is
unusual in a woman and a student.
Miss Buchanan also played the
Beethoven "Sonata in C minor. Op.
10, No. 1," "Allegro molto e con
brio," "Adagio molto," "Prestissimo," and two Chopin Preludes,
the "E minor. Op. 28, No. 4." and
major, Op. 28, No. 17."
This is the second in the series
of graduation recitals presented by
seniors in the University music de-

At 11:30 a. m. the groups will
continue with Mrs. John R. Evans
the chapter presidents
group in room 204. Emily Hunt
will act as chairman of this group
and Eloise Williams will take the
The last meeting in this division
will be held in room 206 with Miss
Jane Haselden speaking to the
house presidents. The chairman of
this group is Jean Runyon and the
minute-takis Georglanne Moss.
Luncheon Meeting
A luncheon meeting at 1 p. m. at
the Lafayette hotel will conclude
the day's program. Mrs. Warren
C. Drummond. an Alpha Omicron
Pi, will be the guest speaker and
Frances Bell, president of Panhellenic, will act as toastmistress.
Quests of Panhellenic will be
Mrs. Edwin L. Chlckering, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and Miss Texas
Campbell, Kappa Delta.
The presentation of the Kappa
Kappa Gamma cup will take place
following the speakers, and scholarship ratings will be announced partment.
at this time.
in charge of the
luncheon include Virginia Wesley,
chairman of arrangements; Mar- One-Da- y
garet Stokes, luncheon menu; Edith
Weisenberger, tickets; Virginia
Long, decorations; and Betty
The psychology department of the
University will sponsor a one-da- y
conference on industrial psychology
Saturday, May 13 at the Lafayette
hotel with more than 400 Kentucky
industrial executives invited.
Prominent industrial leaders from
Tom Scott, composer and arranger, was inducted as a patron of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, Uni
Phi Beta, national honorary and versity of Kentucky educators, and
professional music, dramatics tfnd Dr. Judson Neff of Boston, Mass.,
dance fraternity for women, Tues- professor of production engineerday afternoon in the music room ing of the Harvard Graduate
School of Business aoaamistration,
of the Union building.
Mr. Scott presented a program are included on the program of
of American folk songs to the speakers.
Prof. Dan V. TerreU, Assistant
members of Phi Beta.
Formerly of Lexington and
dean of the University College of
will preside at a
University student, he has arrang- Engineering,
ed music for Fred Waring's glee luncheon meeting at 13:15 p.m. at
club. Following his Lexington visit, which time Burton W. Saunders,
Mr. Scott will travel to Hollywood. of Lafayette, Ind., telephone comRuth Pace, president of Phi pany executive, will discuss "Postf
war PerEonnel Plar-rirg.er


FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1944


"A-fl- at

Psychologists To Hold
Saturday, May

Phi Beta Inducts
Composer Tom Scott


Student Directories
New student directories may
be obtained today and Saturday in room 127 of the Union
building, according to an announcement made by Ray
Garrison, chairman of the directory committee.








Voters Cast
700 Ballots
In Election
Decisively defeating Independent
candidates in all but two posts, the
Constitutionalist party tallied 10

Helen Harrison
Receives Danforth
Foundation Offer

Anita Roos

Graduates 17
Seventeen members of the 1548th
Service unit, Army Specialized
Training program, will be graduated this afternoon at 3 p.m. In a
special commencement program at
Memorial hall.
Dr. Henry Noble Sherwood, of the
political science department, will
deliver the address, and Professor
Ernest A. Bureau, College of Engineering, will present candidates
for diplomas.
The men who have completed
seventh term work and who will be
presented diplomas are Pfc Jennings K. Cushman, San Diego,
Calif.; T5 Wilbur J. Dubois,
Seattle. Wash.; Pfc. Tony Debal- jak, Cleveland, Ohio; Sgt. George
J. Fagin, Baltimore, Md.; Cpl. John
M. Heath. Wallingford. Conn.;
Graham S. Higgins, Phoenix, Ariz.;
Pfc. William H. Kaechele. Grand
Rapids, Mich.; T5 Richard C.
Kirby, Chicago, 111.; Pfc. Alfred L.
Kirchner, Jr., Marion, Kan.; Pfc.
Edward M. Paulsitis, Chicago; Pfc.
Walter T. Prange, W. Lafayette,
Ind.; SSgt. William J. Roberts,
Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sgt. Kenneth W.
Saunders. Dickinson, Mich.;
Eueene V. Schramm. Long Island
City, N. Y.; SSgt. Harold W. SMf- -'
fer. San Fernando, Calif.; Pfc. Sid- ney N. Stone, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.;
Edwin J. Wolf. Irvington, Nj Y.


Helen Harrison, Lexington, has
been chosen by the administrative
officers and the Danforth Foundation as one of the few women In
the United States to receive a Danforth Fellowship award.
Each year at this time, graduating
women students who hope to fit
themselves for some type of Christian work are chosen to be sent for
one year to campuses other than
their own. There will be fivw weeks
of Intensive training on the grounds
of the American Youth Foundation,
Camp Miniwanca, Shelby, Mich, before Miss Harrison is assigned to a
particular campus.
$1,000 Award
Miss Harrison will receive a
award with the fur
ther sum of three hundred dollars
for special expenses incident to her
service which is given to each Danforth fellow.
Welcomed by the administration,
and by the official religious groups
on the campus to which she is sent.
Miss Harrison will aim to help un
officially every yorganized religious
group of the college, of the high
school and of the churches; she will
aim to get in touch with neighbor
ing colleges of different types. Miss
Alice Jacobson of the University of
Oregon is now on the University
campus as a Danforth Fellow of


srfjfos imiH'iiii


Margaret Erskine

BUI Embry

Ellen O'Bannon Is Named
President Of Mortar Board
president of Mortar
Dean Graham
fraternity, for the
Denies Action
Ellen O'Bannon, Lexington,
been elected
Board, senior women's leadership
coming year.
officers elected were Mar-jor- ie
Palmore, Horse Cave,
Helen Lipscomb, Lexington, secretary; Virginia Baskett,
Casper, Wyo., treasurer; and Hugu-ett- e
Balzola, Quenderff, Mex., hisnt;

Court Fights
Salary Question



Bill Embry, president-elec- t,
sophomore from Lexington, is the
first underclassmen ever to hold
the presidential office. Margaret
Erskine, Constitutionalist
from Danville, is the first woman
vice president elected since the enactment of a provision in 1943 enabling women to hold that major
SGA post.
Approximately 700 ballots were
cast in the polling and as yet none
of the customary -- fraud" charges
have been leveled by either party.
Charleen Burris, home economics
junior from Paris, was elected to
the Assembly representing the Agriculture college. The other Independent elected was BUI Gormley.
Versailles, representing the graduate school.
Emily Hunt, senior from Mayfield,
was elected commerce upperclass
woman; Gerald Napier, Lebanon,
was named engineering underclass

Dean James H. Graham, in an
swer to a suit filed in circuit court
Miss O'Bannon. an active in Kap- in Frankfort, to recover 14.374.93
dollars salary paid him by the Unipa Delta sorority, is a member of versity, declared Wednesday that he
the YWCA cabinet; Tau Sigma; na- served in Washington from April 16,
tional dancing fraternity; SuKy; 1941, to March 16. 1943. as a dollar
man and then began to draw
Glee club,
She was formts.


Will Speak

Postwar Problems

To Be Discussed

pre-me- ds

Students To Speak

representative; Betty Fraysnre.
Frankfort junior, was named education upperclass representative.
Constitutionalists elected from
arts and sciences include: Phyllis
Watkins. Cynthlana; Nancy Elmore. Henderson:
John Hopkins,
Carlisle; and Brewster Phelps,



Receive Furloughs






marked by numerous "firsts."

erly a member of Cwens, women's
sophomore leadership honorary.
Other new members of Mortar
Board include Margaret Erskine,
1943-4Danville; June Baker, Hopkinsville;
' Miss Harrison is formerly vice- Charlene Burris, Paris; Prisciila
president of the YWCA, treasurer
Graddy, Lexington;
Ruth Pace,
WAA. member of Mortar
of the
Board, Phi Beta Kappa. Cwens. A- Ridgeway, Va.; Lucy Meyer? Lexinglpha Lambda Delta, Cosmopolitan ton; Elizabeth Faulkner, Lexington;
club, Outing club. Union board, Pit- and Jane Oldham, Lexignton.
Dutch Lunch club,
kin club,
Who's. WJjo Ampng. Students , in
American Colleges and Universities.
She also recently received the Alpha
Lambda Delta award for the senior
furlough beginning woman having the highest UniverA seven-da- y
April 29, the end of the current sity standing.
ASTP term, has been granted to
Junior Award
165 members of the campus Army
Charlene Burr is, Paris, has been
Specialized Training program.
This group includes, in addition awarded a junior award by the Danto the engineers in advanced train- forth Foundation which is given to
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
ing, 50
for whom this an outstanding junior man and
will be the first furlough since their woman in the College of Agriculture the department of political science,
and Home Economics. Clyde Crop- will conduct an open class at 9
arrival here three months ago.
Seventeen of the men in the per, Lexington, was selected as the ajo., Thursday, May 5, in room
outstanding junior man.
1548th Service unit are in the grad
They will receive two weeks train- 304, Administration building.
uation class following term seven
and will not return to the campus. ing in St. Louis at which time they The subject of his lecture will be,
will visit large manufacturing con- "Postwar Problems of Southeastern
cerns and two weeks training at Asia." At this time Dr. VandenCamp Miniwanca.
Japanese-America- n
bosch will discuss problems of fuMary Bennett LaMaster has been
ture relations between the Philipselected as the outstanding freshman woman in the agriculture col- pines and the United States; destudents,
Five Japanese-America- n
lege by the Foundation and Rich- fense problems of the area; social
now studying at Berea college, will
Philpot, has been and economic changes that will be
Inillt, ard LeGrand,
ovnarionmE of tha
the outstanding freshman necessary to develop democratic inmeeting which will be chosen
They will be sent to camp stitutions of government and Dutch
held at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in thef"'";
weeks- plans for imperial reorganization.
Music room of the Union building.
Dean L, J. Horlacher, a Danforth
This will be the fifth in a series
Freshman club will not have
its regular meeting, but will meet associate, is a worker on the of open classes scheduled for this
J quarter.
with the upperclass



Constitutionalists Win Office
In All But Two SGA Places;
Embry, Erskine Are Leaders

Senior Woman
Is Awarded




salary there.
Henry A. Harper. Lexington and
James M. Molloy. Fayette county.
University alumni, held Graham,
head of the College of Engineering,
along with other University officials; responsible for Graham drawing a salary while serving in Washington at the time.
Graham declared in his answer
that while he served in various capacities In Washington, including
as special 'assistant (o the undersecretary of war, he did not serve continuously. He also stated he re
ceived only 7.650.74 dollars of the
eight thousand dollars annual pay
that started in March a year ago.
The answer denied all charges
made against him in the Harper-Mollo- y

YWCA Plays Host
To Girl Reserves

Jack Hill, Somerset, was unopposed in his contest for arts and
sciences upperclass man.
Polls were located in the Student
Union building from
am-- until
5 pjn. Tuesday. Students were required to present identification before being given a ballot No cam
paigning was allowed around the
polls by order of Jimmy Hurt,
chairman of the election board.
This election is the second under
the new
which requires
of the Assembly to retire or run again each
quarter of the regular school year.
Campaigning by both parties was
conducted extensively and the returns indicate a sizeable gain in
Assembly seats for the Constitutionalists who won 13 to the Independents 16 last year. The score
this "election stands at Constitutionalists elected to hold places in
the Assembly to 3 for the Independents. In addition, the Constitutionalists hold the two major offices.
However,, in campaigning,
both parties promised to conduct
business on a
basis this
of partisan
politics in SGA is the stated, aim
of both Independent and Constituone-thi-





tionalist candidates.

At Tea Sunday
A tea. honoring all senior Girl
Reserves of Kentucky, will be held
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday in
the Music room of the Union building, sponsored by the YWCA.
Charleen Burris, vice presidenr of
YWCA. will be in charge of the arrangements. Her assistants will be
Jean Crabb, program; Bonnie Miller, refreshments, and Barbara Allen, serving committee.
In the receiving line will be Charleen Burris. Helen Harrison,
presidapt of the YWCA; Mrs.
John Kuiper. chairman of the Advisory board;
of the YWCA; Alice
Jacobson. Danforth Graduate fellow, and Rosalie Oakes, secretary of
the University YWCA.
ex-vi- ce

Embry, commerce sophomore
from Lexington, is president of the
Pitkin club, former SGA assembly
representative. Freshman club advisor, YMCA council member. Active in
activities, Em
bry is past president of Kampus
Kousins and of the Freshman club.
President of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity, he is a member of
Phalanx fraternity. Choristers, and
the Men's glee club.
Margaret Erskine, active principally in campus political activities, is president of the Constitutionalist party and vice president
of Delta Delta Delta social sorority.
YM-relat- ed


Carving, Public Speaking Are
Odd. Twosome For Professor Killed In Action
In Bomber Mission

By Wanda Lee Spears
Woodcarving and public speaking. Odd combination?
Ask Professor William R. Sutherland, whose
hobby is woodcarving; his occupation is teaching public speaking.
"It isn't exactly woodcarving; I
make cabinets. I began when I was
about twelve. I became interested
in it after watching an old English
cabinet-makby the name of
Swift. He had two chests
full of the most marvelous tools.
He did beautiful work and it was
an intriguing experience for any
youngster. My first product was a
library table made at the age of
twelve, which I gave to my mother.
It is still around home somewhere.
Woodcarving has been my hobby in
my spare time for about thirty
years. My wife and I make our
own Christmas presents. Everything in our home is either rebuilt

ing is "No one is ever going to do
well in writing, painting, music or
art unless he has feeling for it. He
can't be indifferent. In order to
get the elements of speech effectively I try to develop feeling for
the things students talk about.
"A tweeledee or tweeledum attitude in anything written or spoken
is proof that the author has nothing to say or to write."
Court House Speeches
The Courier-Journal- 's
one of his pupil's famous "courthouse steps" speeches, printed a
statement that anyone with the
nerve to speak on the courthouse
steps could get an "A" out of the
Professor Sutherland says this is
a misunderstanding.
No one gets an "A" because he
speaks on the courthouse steps he
must hold an audience on the court
or refurnished."
house steps, and therefore be betAlthough he is very interested in ter than the professionals around
his hobby it is easy to see that his there. Students whose audiences
chief concern is teaching public have fled do not get an "A."
sneaWrj. His hi!ws',rb" ci tei-h- "The f!rst rule !s to tft?k !n terrr.3



of the crowd's experience.
"court house steps" is as essential
means of expression to the public
speaking class as The Kernel is to
the journalism class. In intramural
work, students can never leant the
true meaning of public speaking.
Oldest Form of Teaching
He mentions that "public speaking is the oldest form of teaching.
The original school in the days of
Socrates were schools of oratory."

Sutherland came to the University in 1930. He was born in Tus-





cola county, Mich. He says, "For a
long time Mrs. McVey and I were
the only graduates of Vassar on
the campus." Only he went to Vassar high school instead of to the
girls' college. This immediately
gave him the desire to "become
dean of women at some girls'
school." He also attended universities of Michigan, Iowa, and WisThe University wa3 host Wednesconsin. He decided in his senior day and Thursday for the first
year to teach.
state convention of 250 Kentucky
high school boys and girls holding
And speaking of his post-wplana
he Intends to continue membership in the Kentucky Fu- -

University Is Host
For Convention



By Shirley Meister

Qsestlon: What weald yen like
for the I'nlversity tm sponsor to
First Lieut. Fred C. Scott, a for- create some excitement?
mer student at the University, was
Amy Price, A AS, freshman: A
killed in action on a bomber misdance with lots and lots of
sion over Saidor. New "Guinea, ac- formal
cording to word received here WedNaomi Schnitxler, A A 9. freshnesday.
man: Sponsor another ASTP proScott had been overseas since
early last fall serving as a
Betsy Brown, Sr.: A navy
of a B-bomber. He was a grad- program.
uate of Culver Military academy
and held a reserve officer's commis- A Pat MendenhsTL AAS, freshman:
sion in the Army. Entering active
Cornell Clarke, Commerce: A big
service in July. 1942. in the artillery
at Ft. Bragg, N. C, he later obtained dance at the close of this quarter
a transfer to the Army Air Forces. with a big name band.
Gwen Pace, AAS, Junior: A huge
While at the University, Lieut.
Scott was a member of Sigma Chi dance with T. Dorsey.
'Emily Hunt, Commerce, janior:
A big May Day Festival with "daisy
chains," queen, and all that goes
with it.

Margaret Brewer. Edaeation. senior: Just a big old party with lots
of men (single) and of age.
Helen V. Burke. AAS, freshman:
To sponsor a trip that would include Lafayette, Parris Island, England and New Caledonia; especially


� oesi uopy Available







ij j.



wbxly Dowiia the school tab
holioats or cxamination pkriod


r irira at the Pott Office at Lexington, Kontnekf, m
.law natter under the Act of March t. H7t.


t., interFre..

Board of Commeroo
Kentucky Fresi Association
"""" Mitonu AMocutiop



' Vincent Spacnl'ui o



H. V.
o maowon A.
Mma MkmtMt


M One Quarter
SIM on



Werl Baker. Mary Lillian Davis, Catherine Ooman, Carolyn
gm, Beanor Keeti, Mildred Long, Shirley Melster, Ruth Perl- nutter, Wanda Lee Spears, C.ene Whicker, Dora Merenbloom,

June Baker.

Jl ttlod.ern Instance

r.ii is 1944. "I lie plate is a modern
i.niveisity in the United Slates. The cast inclines the usual collegiate student lody, young
,io,lc, alive, alert, active. We are concerned'
piimaiilv with the women.
But tlie anion ah. the anion. It is very,'
n peculiar. Fantastic, one might say. Shock-iii'-- '
N t s.
Oh, yes.
1).) we dare sjieak of it? Will our reputations
Lf venire if we mention it? Shall we not blush
Sii.l lii.ti- - our laces at the very thought of it?
Ah, what foolish thoughts these! Don't you
n ali. dear editor, that these are modern times?
1 lie



Maidenly virtue need no longer lie hidden
fluttering fans and flowing skirts. Fear
not, this is the age of enlightenment. Finish
your story. Reveal the plot. Be brave, be strong,
be courageous.
Resolution, fortitude, stedfastness of heart
these we must have. We will tell it despite the
shame of it, despite the dishonor it might bring
10 the modern university in the United States.
Alas, dear reader, the truth must out.
These women, college students, mind you,
are playing basketball
Selah, it is finished

a while now, we've been

on how America's young womanhood is degenerating and it sounded like a rather intriguing
iiiiaiiou. All over the country, we were led to
limit island, countless young lassies of high
dio.il ami ollege age were lurking around'
bars. seiie clubs, and other gathering places
ol uniforms, just wailing for some soldier or
:iiloi to jounce upon.
Ivc-shavetails. too, we heard.
Will, as you can understand, this sounded
Lie a pictiv good deal lo us, so when we finally
vni a leave and returned to civilization, it was
a certain expectation.
i Kit without
But, brother, have we leen disappointed
We've tiied to look lonesome, or winsome,
or die ions, or glamorous in bars and taverns
bom Coloiado to Kentucky. We've kept our
sharply around si reel corners, because
that's where Dorothy Dix savs these girls hang
out. We've done our Ijcsi to find all these
misses, reeking with this immorality
ili. ii
icv sjieak of. But no luck.
We've even sianed xilisln'ng our buttons, because Doioihy Dix says they are lowled over 1y
vliiniiig brass but no via p.
All we can find is a youngster or two looking
a bee glass of leer.
You can run across a few of them, trying to
look woildly in vime honky-tonbut after you

ns iiii


le-hin- d


tier their grandmother's funeral, or their car
that needs washing or some other matter that llYL-,1calls for their presence somewhere else.


After Elections? stirred

stuRousing jKilitiral campaigns have
for the Student Government
association to its annual peak. But election day
is now past and many voters will forget the organization for another year.
and AssemA new president,
bly have been elected to represent the students
at a period when strong, vigorous leadership is
urgently needed. The iiicuniljcnt officers' seem
determined to make SOA the leading force in
campus life.
Yet if these officers do everything within
their power, they cannot accomplish anything
without full student support.
We hate to keep harping on ihe same old
note. But here are t lie fans for you to make of
them what you will. SGA must have two prerequisites for a better campus: first, resjpnsible
and active leadership, and second, the wholehearted interest and support of ihe student l)cxly.

dent enthusiasm


Experienced hands shuffled the
cards, cut and dealt them. The
games had begun!
Ace of Spades
As usual, the ace of spades was
mad. "Why do I always get In
'Hoss' Knuckles' hand when Sarah
Hall deals, and vice versa.
wouldn't say they were crooked,
Just in love. However, I like variety, yes sir."
"You think I haven't troubles,"
quoth the ace of hearts. "Someone
wrote 'Vote Constitutionalist' on
my front and another person wrote
'Vote Independent' on my back.
I'm a mess!"
Martha R n g o picked 'up her
hand and her face fell three feet.
"This is just a panic, always the
same, I can't stand it." "Damn,"
said her cards, "We can't help it if
we're a coke hand and always go
to her. Nobody loves us, we're
hurt" . . . and as usual, the duce





By Adele Denman and Mary Kassenbrock

ie Talbatt, who swted three times, cording to the story going around,
has enough of them to keep her in
9. Sigma Chi
notebook paper for years.
jane Ann Stone's Lieut. Charlie
Spenser dropped In on her long
S. Nay
The "beaten biscuit boys," the enough to give her his wings be- Berea sailors, hae saved the day fore going overseas to help Eisen- hower manage the Italian cam- for UK coeds the nights too.
Pai&n. Kappa Slg House
Juanita Kinr is exoectine Don 'Dorothy Brown is Just living for
the day when her husband, whom
Padgett an old ASTP buddy.
she has not seen for two years,
Ana Read received a surprise
comes marching home.
package the other day. It was
Ann Frances wants to be sure
wrapped in a khaki uniform and in
the football team keeps in good
it was Dea StiulL
shape over the week-enso she is
The Marines landed and Sonny
Pat MeadetihaU had the last date taking Jesse McCune and High
complete elimination of all
Coir landed too. This time the Ma- before
to T