xt7rfj299x6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj299x6z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1948-10-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1948 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  1, 1948 1948 1948-10-01 2013 true xt7rfj299x6z section xt7rfj299x6z wrpy JnvciiiclUie

Let's All Go
ToSuKy Rally
Tonight At 7






Wildcats Tackle
Rebels Tomorrow

Mississippi Contest
Is First SEC Game

SuKy Announces
New Cheerleader

By Tom Diskin
Kernel Sports Editor
The University of Mississippi,
football champions of the Southeastern Conference lest season, furnish opposition Saturday night for
the Kentucky Wildcats in the final
nocturnal contest on Stoll Field
this fall. Came time is 8 p.m.
week both teams ooened the
148 campaign with victories. Kentucky swamped a weak Xavier team,
48-while Ole Miss clipped Florida, 14-at Gainesville.
The game tomorrow night will
feature the excellent forward wall
of Ole Miss versus the speedy backs
of the Wildcats. The Rebel's first-tealine, which averages 203 pounds
per man, is considered one of the
best in the South in recent years.
6oc of the seven linemen have lettered at least twice in former seasons with Ole Miss. The seventh
man. Center Ken Farragut, is only
sophomore, but he received a letter

Tryouts Tonight

Twelve cheerleaders are to be
selected tonight at 6:30 in the Alumni Gym, it was announced by Sue
Warren, S u k y cheerleader tryout
chairman. Those who plan to try
out for the position should report
to the gym at 6 p.m. to fill out application blanks.
The judging will be as follows:
voice, 15 points; technique,
end timing, 30 points;
poise, 15 points; personality, animation, and appearance, 25 points;
audience response, 15 points.
Following the tryouts, at 7:30. a
snake dance will form in front of
the gym and will proceed downtown, where a pep rally will take
place in front of the Phoenix hotel. Members of Suky will lesd the
way on a fire engine, followed by
the band.
Frank Maturo is in charge of the
last year as a freshman.
In the backfield, the Rebels are pep rally.
relatively strong. The quarterback
post is somewhat of a worry for
Coach Johnny Vaught. However, litsigtle Farley Salmon, first-strinal caller for the Red and Blue
game against Florida
turned in a fine
last week and may have solved that
Dr. Lysle W. Croft, director of
problem for UM. Only time will tell. the personnel office, has been selected as head of the Kentucky CoKentucky Is Ready
The Tobacco State gridders came operative Counseling and Testing
out of the Xavier game in pretty Service and Robert W. Henderson,
fair shape. Center Harry Ulinski re- assistant personnel director, has
ceived a shoulder injury and may been named assistant director.
not see any action tomorrow. Bob
The service was recently set up
Wodtke or Roy Ford will probably by the Kentucky Association of
sub for the ailing Ulinski.
Colleges and Secondary
Fifth Meeting
The service, taken over by the Uniwill be the fifth between versity, will be housed on the third
The clash
the, teams, each having won two floor of the Administration buildcontests in the past. In 1944, Ken- ing.
tucky won here in Lexington, 27-in 1945. Ole Miss took honors
7 at
Memphis; in 1946, in Coach Bryant's
first game as head of the Wildcats.
Kentucky won 20-Then last
the Rebels upset UK, 14-at The College of Agriculture's liveOxford, as Charley Conerly and
Barney Poole teamed up to prove stock judging team will compete in
the Southeastern Collegiate Livethe difference.
stock judging contest will be held at
Conerly, who Memphis, Tenn.,
in Oct. 2, L. J.
set a new
collegiate passing record for completions in one Horlacher, dean of the College of
season in 1947. is no longer on the Agriculture, announced
Members of the judging team are
squad. Left end Barney Poole, now
In his eighth year of college football, J. N. Farris, Carl Hamilton, Beryl
James Wells, Robert
is a senior and this is absolutely his McClain,
last at Ole Miss. These two stars Hicks. Stanley Gillespie, Roy R.
combined to score 108 points for the Bradley. David Hatchett,
and Frank Linton.
Red and Blue in 11 games for the
The team will also compete in
1947 campaign. Conerly, now with
Royal Livestock Show
the New York Giants professional the AmericanCity.
Oct. 16, and the
in Kansas
gridders, threw 20 TD passes.
Livestock Exposition
Poole, meanwhile, set a new na- International on Nov. 27.
tional college record for passes in
caught during a regular season with
52, good for S33 yards and eight
touchdowns. The 6' 3". 220 pound
Poole was selected on 12 different
All American teams at the concluThe Rev. E. Laurence Baxter,
sion of last season. He was also
selected in 1944 and again in 1946 as chairman of the department of college work for the diocese of Lexend at Army.
ington, and rector of St. John's
Cousin Phillip At Guard
Other starters in the Ole Miss line church, Versailles, for accepted the
the Episcopal
will be Roland Dale, a 6' 3". 195 post of chaplain
pound left tackle; Phillip Poole, students of the University of Kentucky. He will be assisted by Wilcousin to Barney, is expected to
tart at left guard. He is a senior, Holy D. Smith,church, is pastor of
' 2" and weighs 205 pounds.
Mr. Baxter will be in charge of
center U1 be 6' 4",
Farragut, a very promising sopho- the Canterbury Club activities.
more. On the right side will be
(Continued on Page Three)




Dr. Croft Heads

Testing Service


Ag College To Enter
Stock Judging Contest


sea-Bo- n,





Chaplain Appointed
For Canterbury Club



Service Group Elects

Steve Cornet: and Frank Bassett
have been elected vice president
and secretary respectively of Alpha
Phi Oma, national service fraternity.
Any mert who have been affiliated
Newly elected officers of engineer- with the Boy Scout movement and
ing orgarJzations are:
R. Bell, are interested in APO's program of
president of the American Insti- service should contact the chapter,
tute of Electrical Engineers; Wes- according to Joe Hall, president.
ley G. Witt, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers; Ted
Haley, president o f the ' American
Institute of Mining and MetallurThe first sweater swing of the
gical Engineers; Willis F. Lewis,
president of the American Society semester will be held in the Blue-graRoom, Tuesday, Oct. 5,
of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. Lewis
from 8 to 9:45 p.m.
Is also chairman of the Engineering Student Council. Prof. E. E
Elsey was chosen as faculty advisor
of the council this year.
A smoker for all freshmen and
Othniel ALsop was elected president of Tau Beta Pi, national faculty members of the agriculture
honorary engineering
fraternity college will be given October 14 at
composed of juniors and seniors 7 p.m. in the Animal Pathology
with a standing of two. Willard R. building by Alpha Zeta, honorary
Becraft was elected president of agriculture fraternity.
Eta Kappa Nu, national honorary
fraternity for electrical engineers.
Leonard S. Haines was elected president of Pi Tau Sigma, national
honorary fraternity for mechanical

Engineer Groups Name
Newly Elected Officers

Sweater Swing Slated


AZ Holds Smoker

Stassen Arrives
In City Today
In Dewey Behalf
Harold Stassen, recently appointed president of the University of
Pennsylvania, will arrive in Lexington this afternoon to campaign
for Governor Dewey, presidential
The former governor of Minnesota will hold a press conference
late in the afternoon and speak at
the Woodland Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Trainride Scheduled
Two members of the Kentucky
Republican Party and Joe Matthews, a student representative of
the Youth for Dewey and Cooper
Club, will meet Stassen in Louisville this morning and travel with
him to Bowling Green early in the
afternoon. The party will arrive in
Lexington at 4:30 p.m. and parade
with Senator Cooper from Bluegrass
Field down Main Street under police escort.
Reception To Be Given
The Youth for Dewey and Cooper Club, who are sponsoring Stassen 's visit, will give a reception at
the Lafayette Hotel after the press
There will be several preliminary
speeches prior to Mr. Stassen's address tonight.
Following the meeting at Woodland Auditorium, Stassen, who was
a nominee for the presidency at the
Republican convention, will ,fly to

UK Establishes

Geological Office
A regional field office of the United States Geological Survey is being established at the University
of Kentucky, according to President
H. L. Donovan. The office will be
located in the Administration building, and will have as its primary
purpose the study of coal reserves.
The program is being started in
Leslie County where the work will
be directed primarily to determine
the availability, character, and reserves of coal in that county, which
are important but relatively undeveloped. It will be a detailed study
of surface and underground geology of the county directed toward
other possible resources as well.
It will take about two years. Later
the work will be extended into other
counties of the coal belt.
Working from this office, the
federal survey also is studying the
region bordering Pine Mountain for
information pertinent to oil and
gas development in Kentucky and
adjacent parts of Virginia.
Ralph Wilpolt, a geologist of the
U.S. geological survey with extensive experience in Virginia, Arkansas, New Mexico, and Mexico, will
be in charge of the field office.
The staff at the start will include
three other geologists with a number of assistants. It will be some
months before the program will get
in full swing due to lack of geologic personnel.

UK Graduate Dies

At Local Hospital

Abesentee Voting
Absentee voting will be conducted this fall by the League of
Women Voters, Betty Shropshire,
president, announced.
The League urged that students
write now to their county clerks
for absentee ballot applications.
Applications will be notarized free
of charge on Oct. 14 at the Student Union Building.
A notarized application mey
then be sent back to the county
clerk. Miss Shropshire said, and
an absentee ballot will be returned to the student.
Absentee ballots will be notarized at no charge on Oct. 28 or
29, the League announced.
Notary public service will be
furnished by the Young Republicans Club and the Young Democrats Club.

Lances, junior men's honorary, announced that its annual fall carnival will be held October 15 on the
intra mural field.
Beginning at 7 p.m., the carnival
will feature game and entertainment
booths sponsored by campus organizations.
Each organization will also sponsor an entry in the contest for carnival queen, to be chosen on the
basis of the popularity of the concession she represents. Crowning of
the 'winner will be at the informal
carnival dance to be held at 3 p.m.
in the Student Union ballroom.
Music will be furnished by Bob
Bleidt's orchestra and intermission
will feature specialties by members
of Tau Sigma, modern dance group.
Tickets for the dance are $1.50, stag
or drag.
All recognized campus groups are
encouraged to participate in the carnival. Proceeds will provide a portion of the annual Lances scholarship, awarded to a junior man outstanding in scholarship and leadership.
Organizations interested in sponsoring a booth and candidate for
carnival queen should see Dr. William Ward of the English Depart-


Caps Still Available
For New Freshmen
About 500 freshman caps are still
on sale in the Campus Book Store,
it was announced this week.
All freshmen men are eligible to
wear caps, which sell for one dollar each.

New Deans Honored
President and Mrs. H. L. Donovan
held a reception for the faculty and
staff from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday at Maxwell place. The reception honored University deans who
were recently installed.


Troupers Try Out


WAA Plans Picnic

As Military Government Adviser

Dr. George K. Brady, professor of
English, has been granted a fiur
month leave of absence to go to
Japan as an advisor with the Amermilitary government.
Tau Sigma, modern dance group, ican will serve on, a four-ma- n
Dorothy Richardson tional-cultural
commission which
and Jo Trapp to the presidency will advise military officials about
and vice presidency respectively.
of the
matters of
Other officers are Jams Stille, j Japanese cultural affairs, and unisecretary; Ann O'Bannon, treasurer; versity organization.
Betty Elliot and John Chumley,
Dr. Brady left Lexington Septembusiness managers.
ber 26 and is expected to leave for
be held Monday. Oct. Japan within the next few days.
18, at the Women's gymnasium. Dr. Brady is in Washington
The gym will be open Oct. 4 and 11 where he is being briefed on the
I assignment.
for practice.

Dance Group Elects
Officers For


Green, Warren Appointed

Diskin Will Retain
Job At Sports Desk

The Women's Athletic Association
has announced that a picnic will
be held for all members of the association on Tuesday at Joyland
A veteran of nearly 30 years in
the English field. Dr. Brady haf
Members will meet in the Women's
been on the University faculty since Gymnasium at 5 p.m. Cost of the
1925. He served as acting head of
picnic will be 50 cents per member.
the Department of English from
February, 1947. to August, 1948. Dr.
Brady received a bachelor's degree
in 1915 and a doctorate degree in
A weekly class in ballroom danc1923, both at the University of Illinois. Harvard University awarded ing open to all University students
and staff will be taught by the
him a master's degree in 1919.
bePrior to coming to the University, Physical Education7. department
ginning October
Dr. Brady was a faculty member
The class is scheduled for 7:30
at the University of Illinois and p.m. on Thursdays. The registraToledo University.
tion fee will be one dollar.

Dancing Class Starts

Helen Deiss. Lexington journalism junior, was appointed editor of
the Kernel this week after Ray Fulton's resignation brought an almost
complete staff turnover.
Fulton, whose appointment as editor went into effect last week, resigned to accept a position as police reporter for the Lexington Herald. .The Board of Student Publications accepted his resignation and
made ail appointments this week.
Miss Deiss was moved up from
the news editor's job. which she
held through the summer.
Harry Green, journalism Junior
from Owenton. has been appointed
managing editor.
Filling the news editor's position
is Sue Warren, journalism senior
from Staten Island. N.Y.
Diskin Stays
The only editorial position remaining the same is that of sports
editor, held by Tom Diskin for the
second year. Diskin. a junior from
Ft. Thomas, has as his associates
Kent Hollingsworth, Lexington junior, and Dudley Saunders. Lexington sophomore.
Both Green and Miss Warren
WBKY. the University frequency worked on the Kernel copy desk.
modulation station, will increase Miss Deiss. in her third year on
its length of operation thirty min- the Kernel, was assistant news edutes starting Oct. 1 extending its itor before being appointed news
editor last spring.
programs from 7 to 7:30 p.m.
Fulton, appointed editor last
Two new programs are being added to WBKY's program sched- spring, held the managing editor's
job until Jack Sorrelle graduated
ule. Airline Theater, a weekly dramatic show written by UK students, in August. Fulton was formerly asmay be heard over WBKY on Tues- sistant managing editor.
days from 7:45 to 8 p.m. This proStanley J. Schill. who is also feagram is also being transcribed by
WVLK at 8 p.m. All students wish- ture editor, was appointed assistant
ing to submit material for this pro- news editor. A Junior from' Valley
gram should contact Lewis Swain Stream. N. Y, Schill has worked
on the feature and news staff for
at the University radio studios.
Tinker Baggarly's orchestra will a year.
Associate managing editors aro
be featured on Thursday nights in
a program of popular music. This Joan Cook. Louisville sophomore,
broadcast will be open to the public. and Monte R. Tussey, senior front
Rubye Graham, journalism senior from Brandenburg,
has been,
named society editor.
Members of the Board of Student Publications are Rusty RusThe presidents of all student or- sell. Student Government Associaganizations in the College of Agri- tion representative: Cliarie
Wna-leculture and Home Economics will
Kentuckian editor; Ray Fulton.
meet Tuesday. Oct. 5, at 5 p.m. in Kernel editor; Dr. Neil Plummer,
Room 102 oi the Agriculture Build- head of the journalism departing.
ment; and Frank D. Peterson,
The purpose of the meeting will University comptroller.
be to organize the agricultural
Council and to make plans for student assemblies.













The University library will be
closed all afternoon on Oct. 16.
Nov. 6, and Nov. 13 because of
the football games' on those days.
Dr. L. S. Thompson, librarian,

Over 40 Attend

pixiecrat Rally

By 17


Seventeen students have received
grants to do advanced work at the
under the Margaret
Voorhies Hagln Trust Fund Fellowships. Dr. Louis A. Pardue, dean
of the Graduate School, announced
this week.
"The awards are open annually to
graduates of accredited colleges and

X Tl

WBKY Will Increase
Length Of Operation

Grants Received

Library Closes

who show special apti-

tude in the field they choose for

research ir advanced study.
Hagin fellowships, which carry
an annual stipend of $00, were given
to Raymond Hays, Lexington; WilElbert
liam Meadors, Somerset;
University Tuesday.
Ockerman, Frankfort; and Kellem
Harry Rouse, UK student and Prlckett. of Lexington.
under the Hagin
chairman of the States Rights campaign in Kentucky colleges, ad- grant which provide $400 per year
dressed the group. He explained were awarded to Donald Drown, Elplans of the party for the state ko, Nevada; Elsie Dotson. Bowling
and showed how the UK group could Green; Christine Forrester. LexingHsieh, Sishui. Kwei-chofit their plans in with state action. ton:
China; Elizabeth Kamaroff.
Rouse told of plans to bring Gov.
W Strom Thurmond. States Rights Hartford, Conn.;
James Kemp,
candidate for president, to the cam- Pickett; Arthur Leche. Lima, Ohio;
pus. Tentative plans, as announced Wade Marsh. Jr.. Hartsvtlle, Ind.;
by Rouse, were to have Gov. Thur- James Rowley, Buffalo, W. Va.;
mond visit the campus during his Marjorie Sulzer, Lexington; Charles
Thompson. Stark; Gretchen Wal-drevisit to Lexington on Oct
Atlanta, Ga.; and Frances
Rouse was named chairman pro
tern of the UK group until a per- Youtsey, Cincinnati.
could be chosen.
manent chairman
The appointments, which are
made for one year but are renewable, are effective beginning with
this semester.
The College of Agriculture and
Home Economics will have a faculty
meeting at 4 p.m. Monday, in the
building at 270
A large
assembly room of the Experiment
dairy husband- South Limestone Street has been
A special five-da- y
presented by Miss Annie Dillard as
ry course in artificial insemination a
gift to the University.
will end tomorrow, according to Dr.
Eventually the residence, which
D. M. Seath, head of the dairy husis nearly a hundred years old. will
bandry department.
woTwenty persons from throughout become a cooperative house for
the state have attended the course men be able towho otherwise Univerattend the
to be trained as technicians. Dr. not
sity. The girls will do their own
Seath said.
A meeting of students for the
States Rights Party, attended by
over forty students and faculty
members, marked the Initial appearance of the organization at the

Ag College Presidents
To Organize Council





13-1- 4.

Ag Faculty To Meet

Gift To University

Special. Course Ends

Enrollment Reaches
7,863 For New High



Deiss Named Kernel Editor;

Lances Schedule
Annual Carnival
For October 15

Guignol Schedules

Dr. Brady Is Sent To

Fair and Mild,
High of 76


Mrs. Genevieve Gee Staton, a 1943
University graduate, died September 24 at the Good Samaritan Hospital after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, James R.
Staton, a student in the College of
A record 7,863 resident students
have enrolled in the University for
Funeral services were conducted the fall semester, according to Dr.
September 25 in Nicholasville by the Maurice F. Seay, registrar.
Rev. W. J. Arvin, pastor of the ChrisThe current total exceeds by 23
tian church.
the former record of 7,840 set a year
Official statistics showed that the
present figure is more than 18 percent greater than the number of
students enrolled in the fall term of
All students interested In tryouts 1946. The total represents an increase
or working on production staff of of more than 106 per cent over the
registration of about
the new Guignol production, "Pyg- normal pre-wmalion," should come to the Guig- 3,800.
Men Outnumber Women
nol Theater Sunday at 3 p.m., acThe ratio of men to women in atcording to Wallace Briggs, director
tendance, has changed little, howThere will be five important men't
roles, five important women's roles ever. The men still outnumber the
one. There
women by
and several nonspeaking parts. The are 6,133 almost four to women enmen and 1,730
play will be given in November ir
rolled in all University branches. Of
five acts and three sets.
these, 5,805 men and 1,649 women
ire in attendance on the Lexington
campus, making a total of 7,454.
The College of Pharmacy in LouisThe UK Troupers will hold try- ville reports the registration of 232
upper -- classmen, and the newly esouts in the Men's Gymnasium Tuesday night at 7:30 for students in- tablished Northern Extension Centerested in any form of entertain- ter at Covington has enrolled 177. 15
The Pharmacy College has only
women attending and 217 men. At
Tom Montgomery, Trouper president, said that there is a specia' '.he Covington center there are 66
need for girl tumblers and adagic women and 111 men.
Seventy-on- e
men attended the
post session held from Sept. I to
Sept. 14.



Weather Today:

Figures Are Surprise
These figures. Dean Seay said,
came as a surprise to University authorities. The Registrar's office had
predicted a registration of between
7,000 and 7,500 in anticipation of a
slight decrease in both veteran and
new student enrollment.
Dean Seay added that educators
throughout the country were expecting fall enrollments about 10 to 15
per cent below the 1947 peak.
Covington Center Credited
University authorities credited the
establishment of the Northern Extension Center, first
branch school to be set up in Kentucky by an institution of higher
education, as the biggest factor in
the unanticipated increase. The
center, however, accounts for only
two per cent of the expected 10 to 15
per cent drop.
Special Students
The University, Dean Seay pointed
out, has a much larger enrollment
than the figures indicate. More than
1,000. students taking courses by
correspondence and an undetermined number of persons enrolled in
special late afternoon, evening, and
Saturday classes are not included in

Music Convo Held

Tomorrow is the last day to
sign up for Kentuckian pictures.
All members of campus organizations, as well as Juniors and seniors must make their appointments in the Y lounge of the Student Union building. The lounge
will be closed during the noon
hour both days, and there will be
no registration at that time.
Charles Whaley, editor, asks
that all fraternities and sororities
get their appointment sheets in
as soon as possible.

Enrollment High Set
For ROTC Classes

A new high in enrollment for
ROTC training was set last wee
with 1420 students entering basic
and advanced classes. The previous record of 1319 students was
set in 1939. Classroom space, equipment, and teaching staff are bring
taxed to meet the needs of the increased enrollment.
According to Col. G. T. Mackenzie, head of the military science
department, the increased enrollment is largely due to the fact that
the majority of the incoming stuwho, under the
dents are non-ve- ts
Morrill or Landgrant Act. are required to take military training.
The American Society of MechanTentative plans have been made to
ical Engineers sponsored a "get- - ac- organize the unit into one regiquainted party for the students and ment, three batallions. and three
faculty of the mechanical engineer- companies. There are 351 students
ing department Thursday night in in advanced ROTC. 1000 in basic,
the engineering study hall.
and 19 in the ROTC band. Of the
1420 students. 45 percent are in the
Infantry. 45 percent in the A:t
Corps, and 10 percent in the Signtl
Ten officers and 12 enlisted men
of the Regular Army are attached
to the ROTC headquarters in Buell
soled myself, it happens to the t
of freshmen.
Yea Tram!
Now came the big moment! Another bunch of huskies in white uni
forms took the field. Since there were
A $60,000 sprinkler system is beir.g
only two teams engaged in the con- - installed in the new maintenance
test, and since the opposition had r
Frank D.
taken the field. I drew the Peterson announced.
sound conclusion that the latter
The maintenance building, now
must be our side and burst into an located at the Experiment Statirn
even more passionate display of of the University, has a 75.000 galspirit.
lon capacity water storage tai k
After a second try. a beautiful under construction to enlarge ai.d
game. Before
kick inaugurated the
maintain the sprinkler system.
we had even gotten our collective
A $102,400 contract for the exbreaths, the old blue and white was tension of the steam heating system
surging across the line for the lirst from the Administration
touchdown of the game. Wow! Was
that one other person and I in our was also announced.let to Pridemore
The contract was
section happy! (We must have been
inwe were practically the only and Sons, contractors, and will
clude extension of heat to all new
ones standing.)
I now prepared to Join in the buildings in that area.
bursting strains of "On, On, U. of K."
I joined in all right, but it was hard-eye- d
ly a bursting strain. I was more of a
solo! I'll admit quite a few people
around were singing but somehow or
classes for improving
other, they sort of drifted from the
reading ability will be held two
traditional words.
nights a week beginning Monday.
We Won
Well, to go on time and time again Lewis Clifton, director of the ExKentucky scored, leaving Xavier in tension Department announced.
The class will meet in the basethe dust, until at last the final gun
ment of Frazee Hall every Monday
sounded the end.
- and Wednesday night from 7 p.m.
Once again I found myself veritably crushed to death on the sam- - to 8 p.m. for 12 weeks, and is limited
ramp. I was a little disappointed in to 20 persons.
Miss Ruby Evans Hart, of the
the spirit of the Wildcat backers, but
innevertheless proud and happy to Extension Department, is tt
have been in the stands, actually a structor. There will be a $10 fee
part now. of the great University to for the course and another small
which I have chosen to come.
fee for materials, Mr. Clifton said.

Engineers Entertain

Phi Mu Alpha and Phi Beta, honorary music fraterities, were hosts
at a music convocation Sept. 28.
Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of the
Department of Music, and new faculty members, were introduced.

Confusion Reigns In Stadium

At Frustrated Frosh's Debut
By Jane Webb

I don't know exactly how it happened, but all of a sudden I was being involuntarily swept up a ramp
that led to I knew not where amid
a mass of mad maniacs that prob
ably knew less. My only clue to my

destination was a small grey ticket
indicating a certain seat, which had
been thrust into my hand somewhere
along the line.
I had hardly gotten accustomed to
clinging to the little ticket until a
mysterious hand came out of nowhere, snatched my little ticket, tore
it in two and handed me the half
the totals.
by the minus the seat number. I was then
These classes are conducted
Extension department in various muttered at by another party that
parts of the state for adults and there would be no reserved seats.
special students.
And the crowd charged on.

Tomorrow Is Deadline
For Kyian Pictures


Where's The Playing Field
Finally, I was securely seated in
my seat, (or somebody's seat) ready
to take a gander at the starting line- up. After wrestling the battered pro- gram from a
pocket, I
it intently. None of the names
very familiar, but I felt con- looked
fident they would before long and
proceeded to close the blasted thing
and peer about me to see what I
could see. (As a matter of fact, I
couldn't see much of anything. The
whole row of people in front of me
seemed to have friends all over the
stadium to whom they had to con- stantly bob up and pay respects.)
Well, at any rate, a bunch of
huskies in white regalia took the
field at long last. These players, I
discovered with dismay after clap-- !
ping and cheering wildly for I..e
minutes, were not representing Ken- tucky, but Xavier. Oh, well, I con- well-hidd-



On Sprinkler System

First Reading Class
Meets Monday Night

� tsesi oopy AvanaDie



Poge Two


The Kentucky Kernel

Friday, October


Letters To The Editor

elen Twicc
e. ..rfrr-the opinion, of the writer,
Managing Editor
themxire; and do mot neceuariii reflect Harry Green
the opinion of The Kernel.
News Editor
Sue Warren
All ctoned article! and columnt are to be

Editor, The Kernel:
During the five years that I have
been at this University working
Sports Editor
prntisHEn weekly-nuRTTHIS
Tom Diskin
toward a B.A. degree, I have been
school year fxckpt HOLIDAYS
Stanley Schill
Feature ruid
an ardent and faithful reader of
OR examination PFP.iops
Assistant Editor
The Kentucky Kernel.
n Cook and Monte R. Tussey
It is only in the last two years
Managing Editors
the Act of March i, 1879.
that I have noticed in its pages a
and Dudley
Kent Hollingsworth Sports Editors
marked trend toward moralism. I
Kentucky Intercollegiate Frew Association Saunders .... Associate
believe this attitude is typified by
Business Manager
a letter printed last week on the
National Editorial Association
editorial page.
KNuum roii mational Aovar.TiaiNo mr
The letter to which I refer was
Circulati0P Manager
?,ren,e ayniV
-written by one Gineen Pearl McFish
on the subject of intoxicating bevNEW VoK. N. V.
420 kWKM Ave.
erages. (And this is not the first
.go one Quarter
Cncaaa - mm - las aactLu - ? ruaciK
$1.50 One Year
such letter of a moral tone contributed by Miss McFish.)
Of course Miss McFish has a
right to her own opinion. But has
she the right to use the Kernel,
supposedly the voice of all UK stuLast Friday night i lie fust pop rally of the year was held behind
dents, to foster the opinions of the
the Student Union Building. It was a pep rally in name only.
WCTU? And has she the right to
invade the privacy of loyal UKians
A rally, according to Mr. WYbster, is "a mass meeting intended
flocking to a football game and
to arouse group enthusiasm." If we accept Webster's definition
photograph them at their innocent
gambolings? Miss McFish, by her
to be correct, then ilie meeting held to "inspire the football team
own admission, has been taking
to victory" was more like an old maid's sewing circle.
pictures without the knowledge or
consent of the subjects. I call this
An unofficial count placed the attendance at approximately
a violation of the four freedoms,
230 hardly enthusiastic souls. For a university with an enrollment
women visitors at all times, certain days and hours will be desig- the Constitution of the United
of alxmt seven-aria half thousand, this is worse than a disgrace!
nated for that purpose, and a chaperone will be provided." Dr. States, and the Declaration of
We know that at least five soroiiiies on the campus gave rush Kirwan further stated that plans for informal recreation and for
Would Miss
parties the night of the "rally." We also know that at least eight formal dances and parties would be put into effect at the begin- the