xt7rfj299x5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj299x5c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1951-10-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1951 1951 1951-10-26 2013 true xt7rfj299x5c section xt7rfj299x5c i


The Kentucky KeRNEL




Blazer Talk
lo Be Given
By Caughey

SGA Cuts Appropriations


ForKyian, House Presidents
In Approving Final Budget

Plummcr Says Fund
Must Be Maintained
At Its Present Level

The Student Government Association Monday night took final action
on the budget for 1951-5after
voting to pass the
Kcntuckian appropriation cut. and
to change the controversial House
Presidents Council appropriation
from $450 to $250.
With these chances, the SGA will
go only $363 into its reserve fund,
instead of the originally estimated
$850, members of the Budget Committee said. The budget now provides for expenditures of $4863.
Monday night's meeting was adjourned after 35 minutes, in contrast
with last week's two hour and 30
minute session.
Gardner Gives Reports
Other action in the Monday night
meeting Included reports by Jess
Gardner on the Student Director
and the dance after the Tennesse-gameAn SGA committee, which investi'

gated the effects of cutting the Kentuckian appropriation from $500 to
$375, told the assembly that such a
cut could be borne by the publication, although some pages might be
The committee explained the use of
the Kentuckian reserve fund, which
aroused much discussion at last
President Bob
member of the committee,
said the reserve fund was used to
pay cash for all transactions. Smith
said the Kentuckian received discounts by paying cash. He also said
Dr. Niel Plummer, head of the
Board of Student Publications, had
stated that the surplus must be kept
at the present level.
Motion Passed Unanimously
After hearing the report, Bos Todd
moved to pass the 25 cut. The motion was passed unanimously.
A bill presented by Carter Glass
and passed 11 to 6 by the SGA
changed the appropriation to the
House Presidents Council from $450
to $250. Glass told the SGA last
week that the Council had $200 appropriated last year for a vocational
conference, and did not need the extra $200 this year.
Jess Gardner told the SGA that
Student Directories will be printed
as soon as the typing is finished.
George Morgan moved that names
of members of the SGA be added to
the directory "if there is room."
Morgan said. "It will put members'
names before the students so they
will be able to approach them about
measures for legislation by SGA
The motion was passed.
Dance Plans Announced
Gardner, in reporting arrange
ments for the dance after the Ten
nessee football game on Nov. 24,
said Johnny Heaton and his Blue
and White Orchestra had been signed for the dance. The dance will be
held from 8 to 12 in the Bluegrass
Ballroom, he said.
The assembly, on a move by Henry
Neal and an amendment by Carter
Glass, set the price of the dance at
$1.50, stag or drag.


the Student Government
should have made the
cuts in appropriations earlier.
Armstrong, whose publication was
cut from $500 to $375 in appropria- by the SGA. said the SGA
should have made the cut before
for the present annual were
made, or have waited until next
"We tried to make clear to SGA
that under the financial set-u- p
Kentuckian the $125 cut meant
more than the amount would seem
to indicate'." Armstrong said. "With
the idea in mind of improving the,
typographical layout of the Ken- tuckian we had planned to reduce
the number of feature pages to be
presented in this year's book.
"So the reduction in income has
10 mean an alteration in some otner
area of the book. We will, however.
do our best to maintain our inten- tions of giving the University the
ca,uuo,sIU msiory.
The Kentuckian understands the
budgetary position of SGA and real- izes that they had to find some ex- penditures to be cut back. However,
we can't help feeling that SGA
should have either acted earlier,
when the Kentuckian could have
made adequate reparations for the
financial loss, or have waited until





r. i

Plans Already Made

Workshop In
Folk Dancing
Starts Today
Danish, American, and English
"oik dances will be featured at the
fourth annual Folk Dance Work-ho- p
today and tomorrow at the
Two instructors. Georg and Marguerite Bidstrup, who have just


tour of
from a
Jenmark, will teach some of the 80
lances they learned there.
Also taught will be dances for
use at the April Kentucky Folk
Festival to be held at UK, and techniques of teaching beginners.
This workshop, open to the public,
is sponsored by the UK Physical
Education Department and the Lexington Folk Dance Center.
The workshop committees are
headed by Miss Lovaine Lewis of the
Physical Education Department and
Prof. James S. Brown of the Rural
Sociology Department.
The committees are:
Program Prof. M. G. Karsner,
chairman; B. Wyman Stephens,
James Pheane Ross, Miss Lewis, the
Music Mr. Ross, cnairman; Mrs.
Imogene Cravens, Miss Barbara
Mrs. Anne Wright.
Refreshments Mrs. Evelyn
chairman; Howard Hall. Eric
Mangelsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Thompson, Mr. Stephens.
Exhibits and materials Mr. Karsner, chairman; Don Hartford.
Mrs. Wright and
Miss Kilpatrick,
Anderson, Jean Heckler, Happye

nevt. vpnr "

ine ouaget appropriation for the

House Presidents

Home Economics.
A gift of $250 from Harry W.
Schacter, Louisville, will be used to

establish an annual award to individuals making "outstanding community service contributions."
Gifts to the University Library included 52 volumes of American history scrapbooks covering the period

onovan Savs Recent Scandal
Will Not Cause Any Changes
In UK's Athletic Program
Shively Does Not Know
Whether NCAA Will Act
For Return Of Trophy
By Earl Cox and Dorman Cordell


The disclosure that three former UK basketball greats received
bribes to control the point spread in basketball games will not
cause any changes in the University's athletic pro gram, President II. L. Donovan said this week.'
Dr. Donovan told the Kernel, "I think our pol
are s""m1'
and see no reason for changing our athletic program
"We don't close our banks because a bank official accepts a
bribe, or close a public office lx'cause one of our elected officials
accepts a bribe. And we won't change our athletic program just
j iiuuut TTAwtt T3nn - because a former athlete accepted a bribe to shave points in a
K4 nunc voniui 1110 oiiu
croft Historian of the West," a basketball game. Our policies are fundamentally sound in regard
to athletics."




The Blazer Lecture series is made
through the continuous
fund given to the University in
1949 by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blazer
of Ashland." The fund was present- ed for the procurement of speakers
on the subjects of American and
European history and social science.

WLW Show
Will Feature



III f 11

To Be Called
By Air Force


Radio station WLW, Cincinnati,
will devote a program of 30 minutes
to the dedication of the University's
new journalism building. The program will be at 9 p.m. on the night
of the dedication, Friday, Nov. 2.
The program, entitled "This Land

of Ours," will carry a dramatized
narration of the growth of the
School of Journalism and present
highlights in the lives of some of

its outstanding w
Don Whitehead, AP correspondent
and Pulitzer prize winner; Senator
Tom Underwood, editor of the Lexington Herald; and former governor
Keen Johnson, publisher of the
Richmond Daily Register, will be
among the important names on the
show. Copies of the program will be
received by UK for filing and for
possible rebroadcast on WBKY.

Lances President Says Carnival
Most Successful Ever 'Given

Last Friday night's Lances Carni- val was the most successful ever
?iven, according to Fred Davis, pres- Ident of Lances.
Although final figures were not
Arrangements and buildings Dr.
Martha G. Carr, chairman; Miss available, Davis said that Lances
West, Emily McGuire, Rodney Hays. hopes to clear $1000 after expenses,
Betty Beaty, chairman;
ttendance at the dance was 734,
Mr. Hays, Jane Lander. Irene Hume, which was close to the figure of 750
Martha McMurry, Elizabeth Jen- set by the SGA dance.
kins, Sylvia Bush. Don Hartford.
Jane Bartlett, Kappa Alpha Theta,
representing Phi Delta Theta, was
Mrs. Claude F. Snyder.
crowned Queen of the Carnival dur- ing intermission at the dance. Her
two attendants were Patsy Alves,
Chi Omega, representing Kappa Al- -





4' i








edi-pla- ns

Council was cut
Monday night from $450 to $250.
Miss Pardue said about the cut, "I
The U.S. Air Force has made the
lo wish SGA had thought at the following announcement:
time they made the first appropria- "College students enrolled in the
tion, instead 01 later changing the Air Force Reserve Officers' Train
uig iui n wuu iiuvc iiti iiuiw uiiiiLaijr
service and who complete baccalaur- eate decree requirements in the air
Kernel Staff To Meet
Force Reserve Officers' Training
Corps between Jan. 1 and March 23,
At 4 p.m. On Monday
1952, will be called to active duty
A meeting of all Kentucky Kernel staff members will be hild at within 90 days after graduation.
An estimated 1100 students will
4 p.m. Monday, Dorman Cordell,
Kernel news editor announced this be eligible. The Air Force is pres- ently determining its requirements
for Spring 1952 graduates.

831,000 In Research Grants
Is Accepted By University
Research grants, scholarship
funds and miscellaneous gifts total- ing more than $31,000 were accepted
this week for the University by ex- ecutive committee members of the
Board of Trustees.
The gifts included $23,835 contri- buted by tobacco growers, ware- housemen, and processors for re- search aimed at controlling the
dread black shank disease in tobacco; $6,403 in additional research
grants to the Agricultural Experiment Station; $900 for scholarships;
$250 for establishment of a community service award; and 252 volumes donated by Lexington and
Winchester residents to the Univer- sity Library.
Research funds, in addition to
those made for tobacco study, in- elude the following: $2,000 from the
American Poultry and Hatchery
Federation for investigation of new
methods of incubating eggs and
handling of baby chicks; $750 from
Distillers Feed Research Council
study of livestock feeding; and
$3,653 from the Reynolds
Company for a project to determine
the value of aluminum in produc- tion of broilers.
The board members also accepted
$600 from the Opekasit Foundation,
Hamilton, Ohio, and $300 from the
Union Light, Heat, and Power Com- pany, Covington, both gifts to be
used in providing scholarships to
UK College of Agriculture and

Dr. John Walton Caughey. a faculty member of the University of
California at Los Angeles, will be
the speaker at the first Blazer Lecture of th? 1951-5- 2 school year. The
lecture will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Memorial Hall, and is open
to the' public without charge.
"Academic Freedom: Bulwark of
Democracy," will be the subject of
Dr. Caughey's talk,
One of the professors who last
year refused to sign the Loyalty
Oath presented to California Uni-tioversity professors. Dr. Caughey is a
historian, lecturer, writer, and
Dr. Caughey served as technical
advisor to Paramount Pictures dur- ing 1945 and 1946, and has been
managing editor of the Pacific His-th- e
torical Review since 1947. He was
also a member of the Social Science
Research Council from 1940 to 1945.
Among the
written by Dr.
caughey are "A History of Cali- -

Don Armstrong, Kentuckian editor, and Mary Pardue, president of
the House Presidents Council, both
told the Kernel this week they



Academic Freedom

Armstrong, Pardue
Think Inducement
Made Too Late



UCLA Educator
Plans To Discuss


of the booth competition went to both the amount of money taken in
Alpha Gamma Delta. The theme of and the originality and quality of
their show was Pirate's Paradise. A the show. It was announced last
nautical atmosphere was created by week that Miss Mimi Chandler
simulated fish nets, cardboard tropi- - would be one of the judges. She was
cal fish, sand, and coral. The show, unable to attend, however, so Miss
which featured modern dance num- - Mildred Lewis of the Music Depart- ment took her place. Mayor Tom
bers, took in $101.
Chi Omega won second prize with Mooney and Dr. D. L. Weismann
a Dixieland Minstrel show. Their head of the Art Department, were
show took in $110.85, more than any the other two judges,
Fred Davis annouced that the
other sorority.
In the fraternity division, Delta winners are to keep their trophies,
Tau Delta won first prize. Their In the past, the trophies have been
show, called "Angels Wear Spurs", rotating rather than permanent.
was a take-o- ff
on the faculty. They
Phi Sigma Kappa took in more
turned in $100.85. Second place for money than any other group in the
the men went to Sigma Nu. Their Carnival $180. Their main drawing
"Temple of Torture," a wrestling card was a Model-which was of- match, took in $90. Participants in fered as a door prize,
Money made from the Carnival
the wrestling matches impersonated
goes into Lances' scholarship fund.
popular professional wrestlers.
Mimi Chandler Unable To Attend Last year the junior men's honorary
Booths were judged this year on awarded $700 in scholarships.

pha, and Rosemary Tully, Kappa
Delta, representing Delta Tau Delta,
This year the queen and her at- tendants were picked for beauty
1847-9- 0
from Mrs. Fred A. Crossman alone. Formerly, the winning booth's
Lexington, and a collection of 200 sponsor automatically became queen,
Alpha Gamma Delta Wins
medical volumes from Dr. George
First prize in the sorority division
F. Doyle, Winchester, former mem- ber of the University staff. Mrs.
Crossman's gift is a memorial to her
late husband,
Organizations contributing to the
black shank research project were
the American Tobacco Company.
$5,000; Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corporation, $1,000; Liggett
and Myers Tobacco Company,
$1,000; Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association, $7,500; E. J.
O'Brien-Lon- g
Company, Shelbyville,
$200; S. P. Owen Tobacco Company,
Cynthiana, $200; Hodge Tobacco
Company, Owensboro, $200; Edward
J. O'Brien Company, Louisville,
$200; Horse Cave Tobacco Board of
Trade, $135; W. L. Petty Company,
.m i fcLexington. $200; Hail and Cotton,
Inc.. Louisville, $100; William L.
Burford Company, Louisville, $200;
Falls City Tobacco Company, Louis-th- e
ville, $200; Kentucky Burley To-fbacco Company, Lexington, $200; R.
J. Reynolds Tobacco Company,
$2,500; Luckett-Wak- e
Tobacco Co.,
Louisville, $25; E. S. Robey and
Company, Bowling Green, $200;
Bright Burley Tobacco Company,
Owensboro, $200; J. E. Bohannon
Company, Inc., Bowling Green, $100;
Duke Warehouses, Maysville, $200;
L. H. Burnett Tobacco Company,
Bowling Green, $100; Parker
bacco Company, Maysville.
Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation,
Burley Auction Warehouse
Association, Mt. Sterling, $2,000; G.
F. Vaughan Tobacco Company, Lex- ington, $200; Southwestern Tobacco
Company, Lexington. $600; The Tobacco Rehandling Company, LouisSHIP AHOY FOR PIRATES PARADISE.
booth at I.a tiers ':rniv:il lirld l'riil:iy niithl.
ville, $50. and J. W. Rudolph find
Wear Spurs."
Brother, Clarksville, Tenn., $25.


Athletic Director Bernie Shively
said this week he did not know
whether the NCAA would take any
action regarding the championship
and trophy won by the Wildcats
while Ralph Beard, Alex Groza, and
Dale Barnstable were members of
the team.
Ruby Questions Trophy Possession
Earl Ruby, sports editor of the
Courier-Journa- l,
had wondered in
his daily column if the NCAA championship and trophy won in 1949
would have to be returned. Ruby
aid the players may have become
professionals in the eyes of the
NCAA when they accepted money
from gamblers. He cited the case
af Jim Thorpe, who had to return
countless medals won in Olympic
competition because he had played
professional baseball.
The athletic director said, "I have
not even had time to think about
the matter," when asked if the
jwards would have to be returned.
"I don't know what will happen,"
he added, "but we will do the right
hing whatever it is."
Feels Sorry For Families
About the basketball-fi- x
itself, Shively said, "I know that
hat the players did was wrong.
The players knew they were doing
wrong. Everyone knows they were
wrong, but at the same time I can't
help feeling sorry for them, especially their families."
The first news that the scandal
involved former UK athletes came
when three-tim- e
3roza and Ralph Beard were arrested Friday night after the annual
basketball game in Chicago.
Former Wildcat captain Dale Barnstable was arrested in Louisville Saturday morning.
All three admitted taking $500
bribes to shave points in the Kentucky-Loyola
game on March 14.
1949, which Loyola won,
in a
Running upset. Vincent A. G.
O'Connor, assistant district attorney
)t New York, said other fixed games
ere involved, including practically
every game played during the 1948-4- 9
Sports Writers Knew Of Fix
Kentuckians were stunned by the
disclosure. Although several sports
writers had known such a move
was forthcoming since early in July,
the general public had only heard a
recent statement made by the New
York District Attorney's office that
several more teams would be in

All-St- ar

67-5- 6.



Here on campus a sophomore coed
expressed the sentiments of most
students when she said, "When the
players in New York were found to
have accepted money for rigging
games, we didn't think too much
about it because the gambling ele
ment has long been prevalent there.
"We always thought it couldn't
happen here. Even Coach Rupp said
just a little while ago, 'Our boys
couldn't be touched with a
pole.' But it did happen here! And
it hurts. It hurts like well, it hurts
like hell."
Beard and Groia Barred
Beard and Groza have been barred from the National Basketball
League, and have been ordered to
disjjo.se of their stock in the Indianapolis Olympians within 30
days. Alumni and players at Louisville Manual High School, where
Barnstable is coach, have asked that
he be retained as coach.
The three players have been released on bail until a hearing on
Nov. 7 in New York.
News of the fix scandal sent editors all over Kentucky to their
typewriters. Many papers blasted
editorially the recruiting system
used by colleges in their quest for
athletic talent. Others blamed lax
control of gambling for the scandal.
Dr. Donovan I'rges Laws
Dr. Donovan released a statement
calling for stringent gambling laws
in Kentucky. Legislators all over
the slate promised to introduce such
bills in the next session of the General Assembly.
(Continued on Pace 6)




The Alpha Gamma Delta's sail away with their winning
T.ui Delia won in Ihe fraternity division Willi "AnRels


the recent "fix" scandal are shown returning from a game with the
1949 team. Groza is fourth from the left. Beard is eighth from left,
and Barnstable is on the right.

Colleges, Schools Begin
Annual Meeting Today
Annual Edu- Conference and Seven- teenth Annual Meeting of the Ken- tucky Association of Colleges and
Schools is being held to- day and Saturday on the UK cam- pus. A
meeting of the
Association of Kentucky Registrars
held last night in the SUB.
the principal speakers at
the meetings are Dr. Stephen M.
executive director, Horace





of School

Teachers College,
Columbia University; Dr. Harl R.
Douglas, director. College of Educa- University of Colorado; and Dr.
John Caughey. proTessor of history,
'Jniversity of California at Los An- geles.

Both Dr. Corey and Dr. Douglass
will be heard at the general session

this morning at 10 o'clock in
morial Hall. Dr. Caughey will speak
tonight at the Blazer Lecture and
general session at 8 o'clock in
morial Hall.
New officers for the KACS3 will
be elected at the business session t -day at 4 p.m. in Memorial Hall.
eluded on today's program are
ings of the college section of the
Association, the secondary school
tion of the Association, and the
mentary school section of the
Group meetings scheduled for
Saturday morning include confer-'io- n.
ences on administrative problems,
business education, art education.
school libraries, music education,
health, physical education and rec- reation. and a conference of foreign
language teachers.
In-w- as




Homcoming Scheduled
For Next Week-En- d
Homecoming, the time when the will hold a buffet supper at 6 pm.
UK campus swarms with alumni Thursday. Nov. 1. at the Lexington
and the town takes on a festive air, Country Club. Movies of the Texas
football game will be shown with
is scheduled for next week-enThe main events of the program commentary by J. B. Faulconer. an- will be the
football nouncer for WLAP. Short talks will
game at 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon, also be made by Dr. H. L. Donovan,
and the contest for decorations president of the University, and


among the sororities, fraternities.
and residence halls.
Other events of the weekend in- clude the dedication of the new
Journalism Building at 6 p.m. Fri- day. Nov. 2 at a banquet in the SUB
ballroom, and a free dance for all
;raduates and former students of
UK in the Lafayette Hotel Ballroom
irom 8 30 to 12 p.m.
The Fayette County Alumni Club

Governor Lawrence Wetherby. This
supper is open to all UK alumni.
Alumni may register in the lob-bies of the Lafayette. Phoenix, and
Kentuckian Hotels. Memorial Coli- seum. and in the SUB from 10 a.m.
to 11:30 Saturday. Nov. 2.
Registration will be followed by a
ved in the SUB ballroom
from n 30 to 1:30

Japan's Recovery Admired
By Former Staff Member
Admiration for the remarkable

re- -

covery of Japan was expressed by
Glenn D. Morrow, former UK staff
member, in an interview this week.
Mr. Morrow has just returned

from Japan where he helped to re- write Japanese tax laws. For the
past two years he has been closely
with the American Mili- Government in Tokyo.
In his opinion. Japan is readv and
able to take her place anions the
world's free nations. Hiroshima, he
said, can no longer be recognized as
target. The
the worlds first
leveled in 1943 is now almost
rebuilt, modern buildings
a:e more numerous than before the
blast, and despite the quarter-mi- llion casualties among its inhabitants
the city now has a population of
more than of six years ago.
Matching the country's physical
recovery has been its economic recovery. He said that in many cases
the new JaDanese tax laws are more
enlightened than those of the U.S.
Virtually free of taxes before the
big landowners are now bearing
share of the load.
Japan has made great strides to- ward producing enough food for its
rapidly increasing population.
though it i. still not entirely self- sufficient 'lecause of its small land
The Japanese people harbor no ill- fiv liicir American conquerors,
said lerrow. This was borne out in

the summer of 1950, he thinks, when,
because of the Korean emergency.
Japan was virtually stripped of
American troops. Military govern- ment authorities, though powerless,
encountered no difficulty whatever
with the populace. On the contrary,
says Morrow, the situation was
ed along by wholehearted cuoptra-tar- y
tion from the Japanese.
Morrow said the Japanese nave an
Pn dislike for the Russians,
Thoush they are at present without,
arms- lhe Japanese, he thinks, will
ultimately prove an effective bar-ar"er to Soviet expansion in the East,
The Lexingtonian has become
convinced, through his two years of
cl0se work 'un the
eminent of
Japan, that the Nipponese can be
valuable allies and should be
conied mt0 the famlly






Iunig To I(? Sold

I" 3lOrtar
Mortar Board


will sponsor its
nuai mu, sales before the Ilume-the- ir
coming and Tennessee games, it was
announced by Mary Pardue, prtsi- dent of the organization,
Orders for mums, in Kentucky's
colors, will be taken in the men's
an-w- ar,

dorms and at the ticket booth in the
Student Union three days before
each game. The flowers will be pick-wi- ll
ed up at the Student Union on the
morning of the game.



rntro 2


Players Or Fans?
Students are shocked and surprised at the involvement of
three of the "Fabulous Fiv" in the basketball fix scandal. Why,
we are unable to see.
Students who are willing to place weekly bets on the green
cards have no kick conifnc when team members take money to
adjust the point spread. After all. the idea was not to throw the
games, but just to adjnnt the margin of victory. Is this so much
more morally wrong than wagering on that same point spread? We
hardly think so.
The plavers cannot lie absolved for the disillusionment and
disappointment they have caused the thousands of followers of
the Fabulous Five ranging from awestruck grade school kids to
strictly for their athletic
grandmothers who supported the
UK. These fans were let down
ability or because they played for
by those they trusted and put their faith in. Others who patronized the bookies or played the green cards got a!out what they
with gambling that even the
When a sport becomes so t;ed-ilw ts on teams throughout the nation,
students are placing weekly
players can hardly be erpec ted to regard it in the same light as
they did high school athletics. When the fans are backing a team
to beat the point spread the mcmlxTS of that team cannot feel
the same obligation to their fans that they would if the support
was due to w hat the more provincial of us call school spirit.
Of course, all the students haven't been betting on the games,
but a sufficiently large number have to make the player wonder
just whether he is participating in a soit or a business. The idea
of the game as business evidently won out with Beard, Groza,
and Barnstable.
Not that we are justifying their actions, for a dishonest act is still
dishonest no matter what justification may be given for it. What
we are trying to get at is that the students, alumni, and townspeople who encouraged the gamblers and contributed just as
much to the scandal they are now so shocked alxnit will receive
no penalty. The time lias passed when it is even considered
"modern" for people to frown on Ix'tting by their friends.
On the other hand, the players who are actually guilty have
already received all the penalty they deserve in the ruining of
their reputations. The irony of the w hole thing is that the people
who will invoke this penalty are in a large part the same people
who were responsible for the professional gambler being able to
flourish the betting public.
As long as people continue to feel that they cannot enjoy a
sport without betting on it, gamblers will attempt to fix games and
in the process blot the reputations of lxth players and schools.
It would be unwise not to blame the players for taking bribes,
but it would be far more unwise to overlook the real cause and
consider ourselves completely innocent in the affair.

Lances Carnival
Was Success, But
Lances Carnival was a great success. The booths were prol
ably the best ever, with a great deal of originality and effort being displayed.
One thing about it worried us, though the increased cost of
seeing the carnival. Tliree or four years ago it was possible to
take a date to the Carnival, spend an enjoyable two or three
hours all for about a two dollar outlay. Last Friday a couple
couldn't have seen all the lxxths for less than $10.
Granted, the shows arc letter and probably worth more, but
we wonder just how long" the average student can afford to keep
up with the price increases. Lances might do well to consider
that there is a possibility of the carnival outgrow ing the pocket-hooof its public the students.
The scholarship fund that receives the proceeds from the events
is a worthy cause, but the carnival and dance have in the past
proved to be one of the. best
activities ever held on the
campus. We would hate to see this changed. Also, it seems unlikely that the scholarship fund will increase if crowds decrease
even though prices for the various booths are raised.
Perhaps Lances would lie doing the campus a better service
if "money taken in" was not one of the booth judging points, so
that the carnival could be enjoyed by all students, even those without large bank accounts.


By Marilyn Kilgus

The silliest thing I've seen around
the campus recently is the barbed
wire fence between the back corners
of the new Journalism Building and
the Mining Laboratory. It's the most
unattractive thing, too. Obviously,
the fence is meant to protect the
tender grass blades, newly planted
around the Journalism Building.
That brings to mind an age-ol- d
question: Who is going to protect
the interests of the students? If
maintenance had considered the plot
for one minute, they would have
recognized it as a logical thoroughfare for students going to and from
the Journalism department, the
Kernel, Kentuckian, and press offices. Do I dare ask if the structural
beauty of the Mining Laboratory
merits the walk around its hulk
countless times a day?
One mistake, and that's that. No
reinstatement; no second chance.
Why must it take such a large scale
proving of this point to make the
public cry out against the way things
It can be seen every day, and its.
truth strikes as hard upon the un
sung individual. A student is caught
cheating on a final just once and
he automatically fails the course. A,
young person is caught in the midst
of his first car robbery, and its just
too bad for him. And some promising young man, with a future well.
it happens every day. K's always
the same. Somehow the just rewards
are passed out, and "he gets his," in,
the same old 'reap what you sow'



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It takes


In answer to the letter by "A Student who wants his $60 worth."
which was in last week's Kernel, I
want to explain a few things.
Hi The Kernel does not get your
$G0, it gets 5c of it. That is about
3'jc an issue. We could not possibly
mail a Kernel to every town student
on that amount.
2 If we did mail out the Kernel
every week, the students wouldn't
receive them till Monday or Tuesday.
The news by then would be stale.
(3) Every town student is entitled
to a mailbox in McVey Hall. A Kernel is placed in each box on Friday
morning. It is the student's duty to
get a mailbox, not only for the Kernel, but for University bulletins.
4) If you would freshen up on
economic facts of life, you wou
realize that it is not the Kernel, b.
the Kernel presses which are payir
for the Journalism Building.
Suzanne Swayze '





Circulation Manager
Replies To Charges

. -- .co




ab0ut the



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- uearin&





.......you come on thetscenesxnha
Van Heusen
who'll be doing all



for Campus

$1.00 per semester
Business Mgr.


Business Staff
Ronnie Butler and Neal Asher, advertising solicitors; Susie Swayze,
culation manager.



News Editor
Editorial Staff
Emily Campbell, society editor; Beth Gallivant, Ann O'Roards, assistant
society editors: Paul Knapp, feature editor; Jack Whitley, assistant managing editor; Jean Grant, assistant news editor; Bill Podkulski, cartoonist;
Beatrice Van Horn, Martha Tarpley, Mary Ellen Hogue, Noi Peers, Dick
Cherry, Barbara Hickey, Janet Payne, copy desk; Dolly