xt7rfj299j6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rfj299j6w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1933 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 06, 1933 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 06, 1933 1933 1933 2012 true xt7rfj299j6w section xt7rfj299j6w   W  q‘
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' "  l   1 l
 {_ g Foster Peyton, x, Hammond, {my
y    I   = m b B % B U t u [ R y g I I1 II u 5 visited the :1l1111>;11i*oHi‘ee in ()et0b,I_
`   ‘l 1. 2 i . .
 g ji Q H, Corbin Adcock, '26, is pastgtlg
 .     _ _ _ _ Y _ _ r t|1e First Christian Cl1urcl1 at Dam,
. ·       Official Organ of the Alumni Association of the Lmvcrsity uf kentucky Springs` Ky- This is his 13th WMF
      Published Quarterly on theicampus of the thc luiuisuyl ' I"
 el     UI\l\'CTSl[)', ill L€Xll\g[Ul\ * * *
a f? > (1 .Kll   ·· .
      Entered as Second Class Dlatter at the Pustoiiicc at Lexington, Ky., Ci[;;;:§c§n[i(;\n{’     t ualiéj
 ;     )Iay 22, 1929, under the Act of Blarch 3, 1879 Ky. " tive O
2 Li` Z 2}: :]< 2}: V
  .1    #_.._..~—————·—4.'$r?· rw _ d th
 j     _` 1 Z. L. Galloway, ’24, IS 1lSSist:ml§; Eine,
 Q ig E VOL V] DEC}<,l\/lBl;,l{’   NO_ 3 l·`;n·m blanagenient at the Agrieultunj hailed
Ԥ   , Experiment Station. Lexington. ty as
  , { . ugi . an ers, 09,18 superiiitt. institl
  j BETTY HULEI?:’ 30 `'‘‘'` _ ' Lditm de11t of the Bessemer Plant of the Hi,. Any
  . E HELEN K1Nc, 25 ...... ·¤l5~“15i¢’l¢Edl¢U" cules Powder Co., Bessemer, Ala,ll;, made
 jj   `· __"   __,,, L Sand_ers is working on the 1909 dn egrnn
    y reunion, to be held at the U11i1‘trsi;r to D1'
    1 OFFICERS in June and _promises to llil\'C a lzitég Vey,
gz *2 ` · percentage ot his classmates back. and
gel , George H.Wilson,’04 ..... President _ * * * Assoc
S l » Mts. Thomas 11. Unaetwoodgg . . . Vice-President D=¤¤¤¢l 1-Flersm g4, 1s r~}¤>·~1;- · Dr.
    , Betty Hu1€tt’,3O · · · h I I I Secretary gele;[l;;1th)1tl;)e Ol11o lower (orinnn-_ V glgesz
A   . V James Shropshire, ,29 ...... Treasurer >•= =•= >•= know
 l. 1 B Ki vit J . ’1· ' ·< '· l
A J _   e_n_ e ,_ r. 4, is rntu. EH11
.·   physicist and director ot the Tube.ip· ton l
*   EXECUTIVE CO)l)lI'I"I`EE plication Department of the Hygndq ~ C011f<
ii   W. C. Wilson, ,13 Margumtc Mcmughlmv .03 Sylvania Corporation llinipotinnt   S9l'V€
V -, ·· , , _ _ , vision). He is a member ot the Amo;. belwl
1 ; ·Z \Vay1and Rhoads, lg Maury Crutcher, 17 _' . r. . . ,
· §· g E C.Em0“ ,02 Dr. G. Davis Buckner ,08 can Physical Society and resides ;; Mrs.
1 { j . ' , ', , . , ’ Emporium, Pa. was 1
Q E _ Lulie Logan, 13 Lee BICCIHIH, 19 r SCOU;
,· ; - VValter Hillenmcyer, lll Hershel \Vcil, E1 ";" Span
{ 1 , L. K. Frankel, ’0o Mrs. Harry Herring. '16 BIINOTT BROOKE Al’l’OlX'l`ED Th`
1 AL NI I CLU S AND OHIO 1’i~\II.\VAY C()\ll’\Yl HV
‘ · ·· - es
. . . \rVord has just been received thrnusi “ Dr
F . I , J , _ < ., .
Ashland Alumni Club ......................... J. Snead Yager, I rtszdenl nmcml mumummmu by Mr. L XI; _ from
1 Atlanta Alumni Club .......................... Ed. Dazzfort/1, President WTIICZIKPY, Vice-President in ehargr 111 M. S
Y · - · Traffic of the Cliesapeake 'llld Ohh Ph I
y 3 Bell County Club   ....... ., ........ lllrs. George W . 1lItKee, I nszndeui Hallway Company. that Mr. Mlm Umvl
` `_  Birmingham Alumni Club ,... . .......... . . . . . .]. III. Sllfrlgucl, P7`t’5l{l€/It Brooke has been appointed assistlii Orarjy
i 1 B l` G l ................,........ C! I T » P » d+ 1 mel S""‘“" °‘lg““'“‘i "l th? UW Edml
Y . Ow mg TCCHIC ub mr gs a’l_lUr’ msi Ul peake and Ohio Railway (.(JIll[}1lUl`» Versil
  Buffalo Alumni Club ........................ Claude Danzels, I’re‘szdent effective immgdintcly "Tl
.~ Chicago Alumni Club ........................ H. lll. Nic/wls. President It gh;   is ll .gmdl§t"   . $63
* _ _ _ _ _ · e 1 neering. ep: l`l ji ·
_Q  Cincinnati Alumni Club ..................... Julz/1 R. Blcllwcll, I’f<’Jld<’l!l Nlechanienl Engineering, lllnivcrélll SQ
` Cleveland Alumni Club ..... . ................. C. R. 1lIcClure. I)/‘¢’.ll(le’Ilf el lxemucklh Class of WI l" >111¤*¤“l· 1 mV_
. _ _ _ _ _ ulltloll, All". Brooke has held 111:111y‘lr· Flllil
 » 7 Lexington Alumni Club ............. lllzlrglteflte 1lICLtllt_t]llll/1, I)/`¢’.Ylzlt’llf sponsible places involving the dol;} Sch')
it   ; Louisville Alumni Club ...................... B6,. Gm King, P,-mdc,,; ;*:tl:;·11‘¤1i 1>ll;1¤1tS and l1¢¤t111s=1¤1l`<’ll"llii}l ‘ tal I
_   i‘ Nail today your clieck for $1, your dues of loyalty to the llniwl-sity uml study that lIilS_\‘\'l'l' ll<'l'll 111=ul=‘ z_']‘l‘1 ;?DlT
[ l Association. I'. K. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, lacxiiigtoii. Ky. °‘°l"l’mb'l'ty Ul °°“l.S uhmg thi) lil- atl
‘ 1 ' lll?i\kl€ lllul Ohm rallwny for LlUllll’··‘ lll C
‘ i uses in small stokers. SOCI
Q ui `

 ‘¤LL_  :   3 is
ras     *
rnmond, lllrl _     l `
in OC(0l)r;;_ ° G ° ‘ li f: l
l u`[11UC·3`[`S1l.I] I`¢1Cl.l1&tG Honored IDIHI Nobel PPIZG   ii é `
, is pastor ti   $·’ 1
el .r D   ' ’ • t   5
ig}, ygigi in Medicine     1
  1 `
easllieroflh Dr. Thomas Hunt Morgan, grad- the Biological Society of France, young men to assist in his type of     1 ·
at l.elnn;_ nate in the clezss oil188g and a llg· gui lZ’ar1SSAcademy of Science, the research, among whom A, H_ stm-- % * “
tive ef Lexing on, as een awar - €gl3U ociety of Zoology, the tevant, Calvin Bridges and H, J,   l
_ ~ ed the 1933 Nobel Prize in- Medi- Brussels · Scientific Society, the Muller are the most prominent.     "
.s assismmi; cine. The receipt of this prize was Royal Scientific Society of Upsala, These men and others assisted Dr. il i
:_Agrieulnm3 hailed by officials of _th<;_Flni1\;erSi- th; iflienna Academy of Science, Morgan in mapping the chrome-   l` 1
augmn. ty as the greatest scien 1 1C onor an e Zoological Societies of Nor- somes and locating the position of   l
that has come to a graduate of the gay, Denmark, Moscow, St. Peters- the genes or hereditary determin- # l `
is suprrim r1 institution. urg and Munich." ers. i l
nt of until,.  1 Announcement of the award was Dr. M0rgan’s field is genetics, "It may be said that all the Wm-k _` l
[ner, Ala, lll made October 20 at Stockholm, Tel-   was done without anyone seeing the i
the igogeln egrams of congratulation were sent genes, But the experimental Work 2 ,»
he Unii-eil;. to Dr. Morgan by Dr. Frank L. Mc- ' A "”' showed that there must bg genes m ? l
i have alagi · Vey, presidenttof tlie uglniversity, -   ~ 1 the chromosomes,    
ites back, and the SBCl`€ 21l`y 0 e 3 umlli 1 A-  '*/lk- . -.,, 1 "Not until ]g_tg in 1932 did John l ,. `
, . if V . . . . F » -
Association. 141 ·-  » a _ Belling, of the University of Cali- l.  
_lS nlai1..i;g, Dr, Morgan was born in 1866 in   *  1 i fornia, magnify the nucleus or the   ‘
ver (,oniinn-_ the house at the northwest corner =·, ,,  r Leopard lily so the genes could be   i ,
_ of Second and Mill streets, now ii.  ”  3;, seen; thus confirming the theory of   ~·
known as th€·Ggn_ Jghn Hunt MO;-     Dr. Morgan and his associates. Dr.   LQ. 1
,, is yggggiii gan home. His father, Capt. Charl- ” _ ,   M0rgan’s discoveries, confirmed by if
idle Tuteli. ten Morgan, was a brother of the V1 ·» .  ii Dr. Belling, constitute the greatest   ,
the Hygml, 1 Confederate cavalry leader an d a ’ 1 , ..;;,,4 , of the discoveries made this century ' P
limimlumlg. served with him during the War _   1    _ in bi0logy." g E1 ;
of {lic img;. · between the Statc.s. His mother, , 1 gg? 1 ji , »»._-   *·‘‘ ·  ,1, The published works of Dr. Mor- 1, l_
nd mid., gi Mrs. Ellen Key Howard Morgan, ,  ii; ( in      gan, together with various news-     -
was a granddaughter of Francis l   ri;.      paper clippings relating to his ac- Z, i
· Scott Key, who wrote "The Star , , €g;,.;__ 1 1;.;,,  ' ,,   i’’’   complishments and his photograph, gl _`
`i,i,OiNi.ED Sl1ang1ed_Banner1" _ Qi ;.    _  _Y%_     were displayed in a specially ar-     .~
ERWCF FY The scientist is a brother of Miss   i i »   1.,   ranged display case in the mam .; 1 ¤
LIESXPE  Ellen Morgan. 210 north Broadway. "‘~;; i  i t ‘'`r   f0YeI‘ of the University of Kentuc-   i` ,
·, _(;\H,i\Y A brother, Charlton Morgan, Jr.,   ky library-   l
*   ·   lives in Birmingham, ., ...` _. The display remained on exhibi-   l,. *
ceivcdtlliollgi i Dr. Morgan, after his graduation __ ‘   ti0l’l th1'011gh Thanksgiving, at which    
1y Nlri l1ll; from the University, obtained his 1 "     lilllle h0me·¤0l111¤g alumni, Who ? L
.t iu cmrgrlil M. S. from his Alma Mater, and     Were invited to the libraryls annual L l" g
nk;Ia11<>¤- n `- U
_l¤··l~ll¤¤i=·§1‘.ll· ;`;lifg=1ii1‘;;fl;;°lf&§' {act that he Shass Ggéijegegsbgeggg Prof. Anderson said Dr E B géléwigéiif gg ‘§i;ng§l;gua&;X;eii%)dl’ I Z
l ¤·' - . . _ _ _ _ ` ‘ _ ° , ,
uiuc mimi , Ieeiuiel at lcolumhia Vanuxem Wilson, Columbia University, "d1S· will offer a course in Ethnology ` {
`U4 .g inmii t€C`ul€l` at P·l`l1lC€tO1], Hitchcock lee- c0vered" Dr. MO1`g31l, first Y€C0§· under the department of Anthro; { X
ll> lll ,° ‘ EM lll€l_at California, Mellon lecturer nizing his genius and making him polog and Arch l t ‘ i
  iii $?a1Pltl3sblll‘gl1, Sillnian lecturer at director of the research laboratory ginniifig of the ;J;?in)gyseine;1;§1·b;t i I 
iclmli Fuziiil mug- and Mellon lecturer at Cor- of Colup;l(§>‘ia’s department of Z00l- the University of Kentucky, which `    
ik. , lollll _ 11H _ , OSX lll _ - H _ H opens in February. - i i
S` °,_i,i{i;i1 nl N,ii(§i§‘fic';‘§;lm¤l€S;;le_l;1t tel f ings in this lalioratory, he said. Dr. Doctor Fnnknonser is tl mmm]- _ i ,
\. .i‘ii)iiii][|]lrUl Am€i.iCa _y‘_p S1 QU 0 e M01g3ll callled Olil hls 1€S€B.lCh H']   kI]O“wr] auth.Or1ty on the subject, `  
:)d· The mw,. _ the SOCi2+VAgiso1eI1ag1oni· president of the field of heredity. He used the and has been preparing the course ‘ l
  ,_ _i._ f   a l.ll`31SIS, president fruit fly because of its rapid multi- while on the world tour which he E  
owls,  geiiihifsgcleiy Qf Z0¤l0elSlJS1 presi- plication1 The experiments which completed in September, The Sub- . l
_· ‘ __iH_,,ii,, tai B. _l€ $001ety of Experimen- he inaugurated resulted in the dis- ject of the course is concerned with . ·
llilillslllilift Wi, , S0DhigflgéStS_. member of the Philo.- covery that the chromosomes of the living races of men and their · {
‘] _(1im,, Nam Qclety. the Academy of the nucleus of the reproductive supposed origins and known migra- 3
`{"’fO;`;i,,,,,.ili; , n.,,;:°i1O?;’i1€“°€S· the R0yel_S0eie- cells carried the hereditary mater- tions of present ethnological groups, A ‘ i
ly SOCMYJ $0111 the London Linnean ial that determined the characters their relationship, geographic dis- E i
· l€ R0yal Irish Academy, of the new organism. He trained tribution, culture and religions, C
_ . H _ _, , l,- -...   ....¤. ·»-· ~"" *

 ._   wmv ` j A ';··`Y,,¢_
  °  lr,   `;   C =
1 ' l
·  g 3 .
A  -'       ` • • the Lexin ·ton Board of Com ·
'   Q       DTIUG   Bc chairman?D1·. Harry Best, Urgggf
;  °K   g , , sity professor of sociology, and `
° 1f  Q;   made In Aprll Prof. Rodman Sullivan, University
I —    F ;a.islsistantkp1·0fesso;· of economics, Chr
    g .1.- _e' spea ers. ·T 1S ·meet1ng_ was day. 6
 I .g ¤ ormm of the Aiumm Associa- Aiumm loyalty does not die. How- $1d§°;SQ““;§ddf§“;§Q{}C°f\;(;¥l;;fEX and sc
 & ii 2 tion are making plans to contact ever, in some instances it seems to Mn SuH{van_ The general to .5 mas tl
    s all graduates of the University of become laggard. Kentucky needs was **R€1i€f and the Federal WGS? _ mum
 I   i Kentucky in April when the second the help of loyal, interested alum- P1.Ogmm_»- S f H
 g   annual Alumni Loyalty Fund drive ni, those who realize their great Tuesday Dea 12 D1. Arthur a u
I  f § will be made. debt to the institution which gave Braden, ljresidem of Trahsylvama live Y'
  {5 , The idea of a loyalty fund drive them their big chance, and those College, Chairman. DL Thomas P anna;
i     ‘ was conceived last year, when the who are ready to repay that debt GO0p€1._ dean of me University C0]; _ of mi
  `_ association and the student loan in some small part. lege of Agriculture Speakmx been
` it '; fund W€1`€ badly in ¤€‘€d of funds- That is why we appeal to all The closing rneetin¤ Tuesdav
5.; . Q Three letters were sent out to alum- alumni to contribute Some Small Dea 19, was presided CVS. by Mayéf UOWBV
;  f= ; t ni- The mst was 8· WWE? frvm the sum when they receive the S. O. S. W. T. Congleton, with Dr. James and g
‘§§ { S€G1’€t2}1`Y of Bach €1¤S$» urging signal next April. Whether it is W. Martin, director of the Univer- daugh
gi i 1 alllmm VQ SW6 3;¤Y 9~m0¤¤V from $1.00, $10.00, or $100.00, it will help sitysity bureau of business research tucky
3; ‘? ‘ $1-0U_11D, in Uh€ 1¤t€1`€St of thé Un- to keep the doors open for the Uni- the speaker. Y f U
 .,   _ 1V€FS1'1Y- Th€ _ second 1€U5€1` Was versity and the Association and will The general topics for the six gr
" ‘ ‘ f1`01'¤ tht? D1`€S1d€¤¥ Of the associ? give some worthy student the ad- weeks, in 0rde1· of their announce- Wm f°
  g _.   Igllidgrggiitg. WWUSOHV tT}t;€ vantages of a higher education. ments, were as follows: "The New Maj
· r as sen _ _ · · · · ·_ -
 i a I Dr- Frank L- M¤V€v, Pmsidem 0% ¤··¤*¤b·=¤··¤S Of Lee Yer E§i%O.§i?g??§Ei§EO§“%¤§§r ’2S§“§;2 Eiitéi
E  gg i the University of Kentucky. Each Class Name Amt_ D€a1," ~HOurS Of Labor Under the The
~  g } letter contameda pamphlet con- 1879 C_ G_B1ak€1y $ 5'OO NRA`,. (Relief and the Federal Ondc
i I i ¤€Fm¤g '¤h€ UF-1V€FS1@Y· Iggg ==J_ A_ Yates Iggg Public Works P1`Og1'&I`I1," "Agricul· . me,
.. Due to the fact that the Loyalty 1896 J. W. camanan 100.00 ture Under the AAA," and *·Pub1i¤ of vi
` *1 ; Fund drive was a new idea to Ken- 1902 E_ C_ Elliott 5_00 Financing Under the New Deal." The 1
;  Q é tucky alumni, officers were well Iggg Gggygg w_ Ewgu 3_0g .—é-——-—— vom
= { Q pleased with the response they met. 1903 Rh ()_ Ellis 5_00 GREETINGS T0 UNIVERSITY OF mv
1  C Q _ A total of $200 was received, half 1904 George H_ wilson I0_0() KENTUCKY ALUMNI: ‘ Anim
 1 - of which went to the Alumni Loy- 1907 J_ G_ Allen I_()g _ ·—
, ‘ alty Fund and half to the Student 1907 Thornton Lewis Ig_gg AS Yhé Christmas $985011 draws
, I ‘ · Loan Fund. It is thought that the Iggg A_ L_ Wilhoit, 4_()() 116313 it is my D1€¤$U1`€‘y UUTOUBU UW · X
I _ g appeal next April will meet with a 1911 E_ L_ Becker 5_00 DREBS of the K€¤U1CkY Ahlmllus
5 much warmer welcome and that 1gII J_ J_ Fitzpatrick 10.00 and on behalf of v the Executive
t me Association and the Student 1913 Lung Logan 5_00 Committee and offwers of the AS- GT
Q Loan Fund will reap larger mater- 1913 M1.s_ D_ P_ Green LOG sociation, to extend greetings in
. _ mi b€¤€¤tS· 1915 Wayland Rhoads 2.00 Y°u· _ _ , _ ._
. I The Association is doing its best 1916 E. H. oiark 5.00 _ The élumm ’&S$°m¤°¤ 15,5mfj wr
» z` to runner the interest or the Um- 1918 Freda Lemon 1.00 mg t0 increase its mFmb€1`$h1p b~‘ vane:
E j versity and keep in contact with 1918 H. B, McGregor 3.00 mrc the annual mgetmg next Jum 1934,
.   the alumni. It is willing and an- 1919 John T. Lehmann 1.00 Due to the Feductlon m the pnqe men
` _‘ xious to be of any possible service 1923 Ruth Hudson 5.00 Of dues, It Wm be DECESSFHY tO my On
-  A to the ammm. But this cannon be 1924 Margaret Reynolds 1.00 at least 2000 members m Ordm .0 mst.
Q done without the help of those 1931 Lowell McCarthy 5.00 break €V€¤ OU expenses. This B 5]
` ; whose have benefitted by their con- 1931 Mary E. Ransdall 1.00 means that lmmy _alumm vvho are NHS
.  f tacts and educational advantages at 1932 Katherine Altes 1.00 not Sendmg 1¤ th€11` dues will hang chan
; Q the University.  Died November 12. t0 get behind ***6 Um""*`S“Y "“ B
I _.T..._.1Y.. __._ _?_);._.___,rT_;. help. We need the loyalty and Sul? SBU;
i   ort of ever ne wh has ever a-
g · SERIES OF NRA LECTURES "The New Deal Legislation and Its Eend the Ugivzl-Sity_ O from
, I I GIVEN AT U. K. Administrationf An open forum Surely, with dues at Such a mw at tt
‘   i i —- f¤11<>wBd each lecture price, it is possible rm- all of us to J· E<
I _‘ · Beginning November 14, a series Other chairmen and speakers for do Our pam This is a small price Sevei
, i ' _ of six lectures on the “The NRA- the six weeks’ lecture series were as to pay fm- Ioyaycy and for the many ` d?¤t
— _ V , Recovery Legislation a.nd Its Signi- follows: benefits We have received as 3 ye- Pik?
, · 1icance," were given in the Univer- Tuesday Nov. 21. W. H. COMM- sult of our training at the Univer- tem
§— Q sity of Kentucky training school ney. president of the First National sity Many gf us are prone to for- Wk
l · , auditorium under the auspices of Bank and Trust Company and trea- get that We Owe our vayious de- PHL
i i the Lexington Board of Commerce, surer of the Lexington Board of gyees Of Success to the Institution MW
_ 3 Q the College of Commerce of the Commerce, chairman; Dr. Edward which gave us the best she nad. Ray
; P, University, and the international Wiest, dean of the University Col- But We must not fm-get our Obli- from
g 5 affairs class of the University. l€S€ of Commerce, SD€&k€1‘- gationg, We must remember and . luck
Q § The series of lectures were open Tuesday. NOV- 28» Dean Sarah G- stand by ready to help her when gw-
3 —i without cost to the public, and each Blending, vice chairman Of the she faces, a grave crisis. And she is (hm
 ' { meeting had a different chairman University international affairs facing that crisis nOW_ erm
  V . and speaker. class, chairman; Lucian H. Carter, And now I Want to Wish all Uni- ` mm
 » Fred B. Wachs, president of the University D1‘0f€S501‘ of €G0¤0mi¤$, versity 0f kentucky alumni a veil Km
i · I Lexington Board of Commerce, pre- SD€¤k€1`· merry Christmas Season and hav- CDV]
- •· sided at the opening meetnig Nov, Tuesday, Dec. 5, W. Emmett Mil- pmess and prosperity during the tV‘f'
 ._ ` 14, when Dr. Frank L. McVey, pres- ward. DT€$id€¤t 0f thi? Blue Grass coming year Fm
i ident of the University, spoke on Automobile Club and a director of GEORGE H_ 'WILSON, pres. A ma
.~ ni . e ..

 - _   i 1
ii l . .
31* l- 1 · 
l I e 8 8
ionéme 1-ce , . President Mcl)eq Talks to Alumm   - ,
, 1'1lV€r-   il .
her- en k   ia .
gggglgxilggy _ Christmas this year falls on Mon- ._·_   Ellie generatl assilmbéy _is€éc;tydea1 is     -
— l   r 0* e mv . r   -
lulgl- was day' a day Often regarged aghllhle   iitsltllllsomeeting or the legislature   l
` lelefby wd $0 called Blue MOH ay" Us `   th U · -1 · askin for $850 Occ   ‘
Works by · will redeem the repu-  5-:¤5¤5:55r$·¤5»’:·.¢%¤:’·*".¤5 ».‘. 25¤ErSr-5¤5¢5¤$:25i$¢S$5¤5=t§t».  E mvergl Y ls , , g A ;> -
,1,81 topic mas th1S Y€af`   V.V. yy .···- _   annually, in addition to the mls- 1 ·
Tal Works tation gf Monday. It H13-Y 1'l0l7 be   ’·_’V·   V`V’f   cellaneous income Of the UI1lV€I‘SllZY,    
8 full Christmas, such as that of   ‘i·»‘‘·’`"·’   :¤e si? ·i¤;   m °aY’Y °“ the tegchmg and m` if  
e. Ann- r... yearS eee. eee it might weffee   §EB“‘32§§‘ §’.3E$"ti.t“$§$i$`re1sai$·%?    
[?1‘;§§;;¤§ athankrul day for the preservatloh  .  priatcu two years age. However,    
Elslty Colj gf many from what might have   the University did not receive that ;. i
ner. been worse. It is Oh such ii dh-Y-     sum, but continued on the receipts ·:  
r-reset ,,0....er, I wish to exie-e ereeeeee     ze mi “‘h‘i2$§‘§$§§xisi.“§E 1r‘3Z°£°E§Z   -
18 `Umv8r_ daughters of tho Umverslty of K€?¤‘   lature will make a general appro- _   _
s research, ‘ tuclry wherever they may be- I wlsh   priatinn for the needs of the Uni- 8  
tu them a happy doy with sooo   "*"‘“S“Y· . 3 i: ·
the slr Wm for all     The main thing is for the alumm   l. _
announce- ' _   nr the University to familiarize 5  
"The New l Mer I ask um at S°m" time dm-   ;;.a themselves with the needs of their ~ , ~
A Admillis-  , lng the day you think of your alma   alma m at 81,.. The University can 8
-r the Ney mater?   Q  be materially helped in its case l _-
Under the The legislature meets On the sec-   ·‘·’ zrljg l   with the legislature through the -. l —
e Federal - (md day gf January. This legisla-   '``’‘   sympathetic understanding of the ;  
1 engricul- . me will be faced by many problems     .__;   alumni who- thus ihtsrtsttd- °°m€ g .
nd hpubhc of vast importance to the State.   8;     tg understand tl'i€ UD1V€r$1ty·   F
v Dee1" The members of the ass-enlglll {Sled   ·   A merry Christmas to all. Q 3-
i . counsel and help, so a oy H ,
RSITY 0F   do their best for Kentucky. DQ./—'»?¤~~ L Mc l/ev FRANK LPMQEESQ e_   -
V Among the problems     I-esl € I      ·
son draws   ,Z l 5
nrough the ,; » ¤ -
Alumnus     .
  d t cl F mer Students ln General Assemblq 1, 2- p
cr the Ai- GTG. lla. GS an or   g i 
eetings to · — ii  
. ., . _ _ _ . - ty-third dis-   ;
·h 15 smh Wh th e ral assembly con- trict, Kentucky 1911} 14 15 16, Arch Towles. DohV111€- for _ _   ,
mrship be' venesmat Igraillgirt on January 2, L. Hamilton, Lexington, senator trlct Kentucky 192i, gh? J8hBg;>;_   ·
next Jlmt- · ‘ t k from the twenty-seventh district, en, Lawrenceburg, or y our . l
l the mm  wliilnlgye ilintltsgsrgsilkzf Ken uc y Kentucky 1895; H. M. Brock, Har- trict, Kentucky 1928-29; K1€b€1‘ F- l _
uy to have _ ‘ _ um, senator from the thirty-third P?i°¤e¤t-G¤Vfg*‘g°jlS district, Kentucky 1899-1900-01; and d1Sf3r1Ct, IEGHUJCLKY 1?2§23.€igh€·h 2 .
. This mstmm ie the Senatfh We n ' E ' Tu ner, Jackson, senator Rankin, ancas el'. 0 Y- .
 Swho are B- Chandler- who attend? the    8 the Y thirty-fourth efetriet district- K§“t‘;‘fQ0;929;,g;{;Qg0,£l   ‘
S   h9_\’€ 1V€1'§1l»Y at few years bac ' cwn _ Kentucky   The Unlvcrslty C?·0pPEr, ll; lg   18- W J    
zersity and there ef the Same h°“S€· mw will beasts or her twelve senators and dfsfirfot. Ken hc Y _ · · _ ·_ - _ 1
- and sup. be seen the following: John A. hm, H8ut8n8nt_g8V8rn0r Curtis, Piqua, seventieth district, l
'y 8,,81. at. Sugg, Jr., Morganfield, senator ` _ Kentucky 1890-91; B- F- B€df0Td»   1
as lI`OIY1 thi} fOl1l‘th dlSlZ1`lClZ, 9. Stl.1d€Ul'¤ In the House of Rj6pr€§Bnta't1v€S Cyllljhlalla, seventy-first districtv   l
Such 8 ley at the University in 1906-07; Dr. T. we find eighteen Uhlverslfiy meh- Kentucky 1915; vv, L_ Knuckles, Jr., l  
-11 of ue *0 "· Edge G”"“m· Si“t“"` “`°“‘ me they "“€‘ Rt“°EY F?rE.$F°€?&eIéi(€$£`é B"°"‘y· §§§h§§"°“"E ‘Z§E¥€§€t 1  
·· Seventh district, a University stu- GI`. I`€lJ1`€$€¤ 3 W6 Y Kentucky 1 - ; an _ `
Engg:}  · dent in 1902-03; E_ D, stephenson, distqict, Iientuolgy 1928$prg;>§]1}m;yé Brgwn, Hazard, ggeigyg-seventh dis- ‘
_ -. Pikeville, senator from the thir- Tay or, rmce on. _f€ tyjgt, Kentucky - . _ _
fgeaiijlivg. ttthth district, student at Ken- from th€ sixth 1SIiSf`?Ct& Ii/igigglliy As shown hay theuabove. thiegng ` I
’ ll. tricky in 1898-99; Walter N. Flip- 1898-99: Ty er _ uh or · · versity will e we -represen — .
ggzlfs 39. 11111, Somerset, senator from the Held. liliilfih d1$l?Y1Cl?» Keptucky 1922* both h0uSeS.  
msmutlcn fifteenth district, Kentucky 1892-93; 23-24; Gravden M. Pritchett. thu"- 8 , Z
She had Ray B. Moss, Pineville, senator teehth dfstficlh K<;¤tue1%r_l1i31-S§· "_'j_-1_-_- v ° 
· . - · _ · vi . - 1
ee   egg, £§.‘;i,li;.;i;;eii.$¤ti deizgzi   ?e;>Ih1tli)1di2§;l2<;ll’K€§€;ikV -eee-ee U- K- emeer me MEA,. - 2
  when gow- Sérlator from the nineteenth 25-26; M3tY$hé?·l1t §8€`1}€tS- Klggixgr HEADQUARTERS IN FAR  
‘ lslffcfi- Kentuckv 1906-07-08; Clar- Dam. twen v- rs 1S1`1C - ‘ - _ i
And Shell ence Nickelr Nichclasville, senator kv 1920·21‘22'23'24? R°€€S   gil; logragi gieC£l5ii(l$ergit)yfc;;0I;e(1ft¤IoI\¥;’  
‘ from the tvvent -second district ers Bowling Green. WGH Y-1 · ‘ i
ish a11U'“' Klmtuck y ’ - ` · ` 25- H I- is on 3. vea,r’s leave of EIDSBHC9. ‘ l
- · 1929; h _ M h, rl t ct, Kentucky 1924- . _a PY _ _ - _ .
me; lg;   $°“““°l" “““°iOf‘2’"‘T““‘* Li§’)°‘¥‘ B%S¥“°l“*°“· €§,’;,§S§?,*°‘“i}1".t1’.‘2.‘l“§ iiilitt.-.i2§.“€O?-ré§ri’“.l$tti. ateité T
r l - · · . · · ‘ - ; L1 S · . ’ ` i
Mee it rie?“f£.h §f£§§§§t,KitEii?§X.st1$$?.i Ettfmgéittirileler on- fe-the ds- i€m‘§" - ‘"°,§‘§,t3“ """’*`“"’S° am 1 J ° 
SON Pits- Smatm from the twenty-sixth dis- trict, Kentucky 1930; J. Sterling Mmm uman ry· -
` -  

 "  · ; S li';.      ‘  
? yl `
*  l {»   .
‘  l ’l   • • • Perry county—M. K. Eblen Ha- ‘
.     i   llmversdq Contact Men bq Counhes 3.-a. ·· -.--
`  ll l ‘ Letcher county — J. L. Hays,
~     _§ W Whitesburg.
·   1 Due to the fact that there are McCreary county —- C. W. Hume, Leshe C0““ty‘W· H- NOEL Har-
 } jl Q Kentucky alumni in every county in Stearns. lan-
 jg     the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Boyle county—J. Sterling Towles, Ha-mil county " F- F- CaW0¤d. {_
 gi   j the University has been making an Danville. H"“`1a“·
 l   J effort to contact these alumni and Mercer county—R. R. Eddleman, ———————————
 l Ti i see that they are properly informed Springfield. · The 1
gl   on matters pertaining to the Uni- Mercer and Washington counties   T0 APPOINT a men
 il   ‘ versity. Contact men who are alum- -—R. R. Eddleman, Springfield. _l€l_
‘ I i Q ¤ ni of U. K., are now established in Anderson county — Ollie Bowen, _ .n. G0--
lll   nearly every county in the state. Lawrenceburg. James `palkf yl lalln nodes, and through
 ,g ’ - It is the duty of these men to know Jessamine county—Roland Rob-   H‘ Q1 my E ul tl 6 l€c€.m,€lF°` the per
    accurate information concerning erts, Nicholasville. m°¤_fO1 all alumm nlgmbel _C~‘¤l`¤ may be
` gi the University and to be able to Garrard county — Pat Rankin, BOE}? (gf '£1ustFI?li °f_ E UI}1vmm` Han.
  _ answer questions a.sked by citizens Lancaster. Of En uc, ylu ef ggggmrjl (3f We _y
V Q _ and alumni of their communities. F1`¤¤l