xt7rbn9x425x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x425x/data/mets.xml Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday School Union 1854 331 pages, 13 cm. Call Number: BV520 .H96 1854 Donor: John Lair Music Collection books BV520 .H96 1854 English Carlton & Porter, Sunday-School Union Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Hymns, English Sunday school music Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth & Children, ©1854 text Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth & Children, ©1854 1854 1854 2024 true xt7rbn9x425x section xt7rbn9x425x  

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Entered according to Act of Congress,
the Clerk‘s Office of the District Court of the
Southern District of New-York.
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GREAT care has been taken in the com-
pilation of this Hymn-Book. The object
has been to make it as perfect as the pres
ent state of Sunday-school hymnology will
admit. It has been chiefly compiled from
a very large collection of the best Sunday-
school hymn-books, published both in this
country and Great Britain. Some original
hymns have been inserted. Credits of
authorship have been given in the index.
in all cases Where it could be ascertained
with certainty to whom they were due.

The arrangement is strictly practical,
and will enable superintendents and others
to find hymns suited to almost any occa-
sion, with the least possible delay.



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For the information of all concerned it
should be stated, that this book contains
:11 the Sunday-school hymns now to be
found in our standard Church Hymn—Book
and Supplement; also a selection of more
than one hundred of the best standard de-
votional hymns, reprinted from the Church
Hymn-Book. Beyond this, the hymns are
from other and numerous sources.

The collection, as a whole, will be found
to provide amply for all proper Sunday-
school purposes, even in the largest schools,
and it is published in the confident hope of
its being widely useful.

NEW-YORK, August, 1854,






OPENING ................. . . .................. 7
THE LORD‘s DAY ................................ 34
Tm; SUNDAY SCHOOL ............................ 4T
Invitations and Warnings.. 105

EARLY PIETY. { Motives. to ................ 114
Blessings of ............... 122

Y OUTH ....................................... 146
Prayer and P1 alse. . . ., ..... 153

l The Sinner ............ t. .. 164

FOR PRAYER MEET- The Penitent. ...... 4-; ..... 17].
mos, PRIVATE, SO- The Saviour ......... . . . . . 183
GAL, AND PUBLIC Thé.C.onvert...: .......... 19!
W 0 RSHIP. ChrlOtlan Expenence ...... 19:3
anlly Worship .......... 200

L Private and Social \Vorship. 203

THE 13mm: ................................. .. .. 23
MISSIONS ........... . ....................... . .. . 285).
ANNIVERSARIES ............................. .... 246
Dedications ........... . .. . 271

Temperance ......... ... .. 274

Thanksvrivino' ......... ... . 276

SPECIAL OCCASIONS' Christufas” .D ........ 2??
New—Year ........... , . . . . 280

Miscellaneous ......... . . . . 282

DEATH AND FUNERALS ...................... .... 285
TH): FUTURE WORLD ......................... . .. 296

CLOSING. .......................... ............ €305







C. M.
Imitation to praise the Redeemer.

FOR a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer’s raises?
The glories of my God arufKingf
The triumphs of his grace.

2 My gracious Master, and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,—

To spread, through all the earth abroad,
The honors of thy name.

3 Jesus !——the name that'charms our fears
That bids our sorrows cease ;
’T is music in the sinner’s ears,
‘ ’T is life, and health, and peace.

4 He breaks the power of cancell’d sin,
He sets the pris’ner free ;

His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail’d for me.

5 He speaks, and, list’ning to his voice,
New life the dead receive;

The mournful broken hearts rejoice ;
The humble poor believe.






2 C. M.
FATHER of mercies, let our songs
With thee acceptance find ;
Thy loving-kindness we confess,
To us and all mankind. i
2 Thanks for creation are thy due, g
For life preserved by thee ; ‘
And all the blessings life affords,
So great, and yet so free. \ §
3 Thanks for redemption above all, §
To us in Jesus given; :
Thanks for the means of grace on earth,
And for the hope of heaven.
4 0 let a sense of this thy grace
Our best affections move,
That while our lips thy praise proclaim,
Our hearts may feel thy love ‘.
j) L. M.
Prayer for Help and Guichmee.
OUR Father, bless the youthful band
That huinblybow before thee here;
Upheld us by thy mighty hand,
And keep us'in thy faith and fear.
2 O fill our minds with thoughts of thee,
Help us to walk as in thy sight ;
Grant us thy grace from sin to flee,
And in the ways of truth delight. ?
3 And 0 ! when life’s short day is done,—--= "
Its cares, its pains, its labours o’er,—
Grant, through the merits of thy Son,
That we may meet to part no more !
4 In that blest home, that better land,
To which our longing eyes we raise, L
A happy. ransom’d, glorious band, ;
Together may We sing thy praise. 5

‘. deua




L. M.
Tribute of Praise to the Sa/vz'aur.
ESUS, thou everlasting King,
Accept the tribute which we bring ;
Accept thy well-deserved renown,
And wear our praises as thy crown.
2Let every act of worship be
Like our espousals, Lord, to thee.
Like the blest hour, w heri from above
We first received tlie pledge of love.
3 The gladness of that happy day,
0 may it ever, ever stay:
Nor let our faith forsake its hold,
Nor hope decline, nor love grow cold.
4 Let every moment, as it flies,
Increase thy praise, improve our joys,
Till we are raised to Sing thy name,
At the great supper of the Lamb.

5 c. M.
God‘s care of Children.
VVE bless the LOrd, our God and King,
The gracious and the good,
Who gives to every living thing
Its needful daily food.
2 God sets the glorious sun in heaven,
By day to give us light; ’
And draws the starry shades of even
Around us every night.
3 His ear is open to our prayer,
His mercy never fails ,
And we may sing his tender care,
For still his love prevails.
4 In him may youthful hearts rejoice,
And hallelu ah smg;
While men ofJ might lift up their vows
To bless our God and King.



6 c. M. ;

Imitation to worship.
OME, let us join our cheerful songs
With angels round the throne :

Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
But all their Joys are one.

2 Worthy the Lamb that died, they cry,
To be exalted thus :

Worthy the Lamb, our hearts reply,
For he was slain for us.

3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honor and power divine ;

And blessings more than we can give,
Be, Lord, forever thine.

4 The whole creation join in one,
To bless the sacred name

0f Him that sits upon the throne,
And to adore the Lamb.

7 L. M.
T726 Creation incited to praise God.
ROM all that dwell below the skies,
Let the Creator’s praise arise ;
Let the Redeemer’s name be sung,
Through every land, by every tongue.
2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord;
Eternal truth attends thy word 2
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, \
Til suns shall rise and set no more.
3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring ;
In songs of praise divmely sing;
The great Salvation loud proclaim,
And shout for joy the Saviour’s name.
4 In every land begin the song;
To every land the strains belong:
In cheerful sounds all voices raise,"
And fill the world with loudest praise.

. at»


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8 ” a C. M.
S and (Ly-School Privileges.

HOU art our Shepherd, gracious God:
Thy little flock behold ;
And guide us by thy staff and rod,
The children of thy fold.

2 We praise thy name that we are brought
To this delightful place ; '

\Vh ere we are watch’d, and warn’d, and taught,
The children of thy grace.

3 0 may our friends who meet us here,
Meet us at last above,

And the and we in heaven appear,
The cliildren of thy love.

9 8th P. M. 87, 87, 47.
Safer Little Children to come unto if;

QAVIOU R, at thy footstool bending,
} We a youthful band appear ;
May our gr teful songs ascending
Reach an please thy gracious ear:
Thus to praise thee
Make and keep our hearts sincere.

‘2. No harsh words of indignation
Drive this little flock from thee ;
Gentle is thine invitation :
“ Suffer them to come to me.”
Dearest Saviour,
Let us each thy kingdom see

3 Take us, then, thou kind Protector
Keep us by thy watchful care ;
Be our Shepherd, Friend, Director;
In thine arms of mercy bear.
Guide to glory:
\Ve shall dwell in safety there.


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10 - P. M. 77, 77, 47.

771014 art worthy.
GRATEFUL praise to thee we bring,
God our Saviour and our King;
While our feeble songs we raise,
Hear us from thy dwelling-place.

Thou art worthy,
God of glory, God of grace.

2 Thou hast made us by thy power,

Thou hast kept us to this hour;

Guardian of our helpless days,

Hear, O hear, our humble lays.
Thou art worthy,

‘ God of glory, God of grace.

3 For thy life of righteousness,

For thy death of shame, we bless ;

For thy sanctifying grace, '

We our loud hosannas raise.
Thouart worthy,

God of ng‘gy, God of grace.

4 Thougli‘but creatures of a day,
Soon like flowers to pass awa
Thou canst raise us by thy p0 er,
Up where seraphim adore.

Thou art worthy,
God of glory, God of grace.

1 l s. M
The Gate of Hen/van.
WITHIN these walls be peace,
Love through our borders found,
In all our youthful palaces
Prosperity abound.

2 God seems not humble things;
Here, though the proud despise,

The children of the King of kings
Are training for the skies.




Children’s Jlforming 11 1mm.
GAIN, O Lord, we rise to see
The glories of the day!

Let our first thoughts ascend to thee,
And teach our hearts to pray.

2 We laid us down, and slept in peace,
For thou wert near us still ;

Let us this day our Savrour please,
And do his holy Wlll.

3 Beneath thine eye we still are found,
The same by night or day;

0 let thy goodness guard us round,
And guide us in thy way.

4 Assist us, Lord, this day to live
Obedient to thy word ;

Nor let us thy good Spirit grieve,
Nor sin against the Lord.

5 Let us, with every day we live,
Be better fit for heaven;

Thy race improve as we receive,
An live and die forgiven.

13 5th P. M. 4 lines 75,
V Confession of God’s JIerr-z’cs.
HILDREN, join your God to bless,

Gratefully his care confess;

Of his hounties you have shared,

He your lives has kindly spared.

2 Spared, again in school to meet;

Spared, to bow at Jesus’ feet;

Spared, to see this holy day:

With your teachers sing and pray.

3 Now you meet to read the word,

Word of Christ your King and Lord;

Lord, who died that you might live—-

Then to him your service give.


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1 4 7th P. M. 8 lines Ts.
The Shepherd and his Flock.

JESUS, Shepherd of thy sheep,
Hither with thy flock we come ;

All our souls in mercy keep,

Never from thy side to roam.
Take the lambs within thine arms,

Gently to thy bosom press’d;
From all sin and mortal harms,

In thy free salvation bless’d.

2 Where the gentlest waters flow,
Thither, Lord, each wand’rer lead;
Where the greenest pastures grow,
There securely let us feed.
Close beside the shelt’ring rock,
When the desert wind is high,
Gather all our little flock
Till the tempest shall pass by.

3 Vain each under-shepherd’s care,
Unless thou thy blessing give :

Hear, O Lord, our humble prayer;
Let us in thy favor live.

And when death’s dark shadows fall,
And the day of life shall close,

May each lamb, each shepherd, all
In thy heavenly fold repose.

1 .5 L. M.
. The Lord’s Blessing implored.

THY name, Almighty Lord, we praise,

_ Whose varied goodness crowns our days:
0 let th Spirit’s gracious power

Descen , and consecrate this hour.

2 Give us to feel that thou art here ;

And may we worship in thy fear :

Our secret thoughts before thee lie,

And naught we do escapes thine eye.




3 Now let thy blessing rest, 0 Lord,
Upon instruction from thy word;
And may we all rejoice to meet,
And sit and learn at Jesus’ feet.

1 6 L. M.
Assembling in School.

NOW we are met to read and pray,
And hear what our kind teachers say ;

Let every child attentive be

To Him who every child can see.

2 He dwells in heaven ; but he is here:

He lives on high; but he is near:

He knows our thoughts and wishes too,

And knows What we ’re about to do.

3 The careless soul, the roving mind,

Will not divine instruction find ;

The serious and the thoughtful youth

Will learn the ways of God and truth.

4 Then let us all be wise and learn

How from the ways of sin to turn;

How we may fear and love the Lord,

And understand his holy word.

1 t L. M.
SSEMBLED in our school once more,
0 Lord, thy blessing we implore ;

We meet to read, and sing, and pray;
Be with us then through this thy day.
2 Our fervent prayer to thee ascends,
For parents, teachers, foes, and friends;
And when we in thy house appear,
Help us to worship in thy fear.
3 When we on earth shall meet no more.
May we above to glory soar;
And praise thee in more lofty strains,
Where one eternal Sabbath reigns.






C. M.
Sunday-School fiform’ng Workhz' p.
OW condescend, Almighty King,
To bless this youthful throng;
And kindly listen, while we sing
Our grateful morning song.
2 We come to own the Power Divine,
That watches o’er our days;
For this our cheerful voices Join,
In hymns of grateful praise.
3 we come to learn thy holy word,
And ask thy tender care ; -
Before thy throne, Almighty Lord,
We bend in humble prayer.
4 May we in safety pass this day,
From Sin and danger free ;
And ever tread the narrow way
\Vhich leads to heaven and thee.

3form'ng Hymn.
I HIS morning, Lord, attend,
While we are bow’d in prayer;
And from thy glorious throne descend,
And in our midst appear.
2 Make this thy dwelling-place,
While we assembled stay;
Inspire each youthful soul with grace,
And wash our sins away.
3 0 let this morning he
Devoted to thy ways ;
And consecrate our school to thee,
And fill each heart with praise.
4 To child and teacher, Lord,
Be thy best favors given;
And may we all, with one'accord,
Make sure our way to heaven.





2 0 5th P. M. 4 lines
Child) en inm‘tal to 0/1 rivz‘.
HILDREN. ' listen to the Lord,
And obey his gracious word,
Seek his face with heart and mind;
Earl y seek, and you shall find
2 Sorrowful your sins confess;
Plead his saving righteousness;
See the Saviour’ s bleeding side; —
Come. ' you will not be denied.
3 For his worship now prepare ,
Kneel to him in fervent prayer;
Serve him with a perfect heart ;
Never from his ways depart.

21 L.M.

h Prayerfor Divine Guidance.

ET children to their God draw near
With rev’rence and with holy fear;

Let every knee before him bend,


Our Maker, Saviour, Guide, and Friend...

2,Lord may thy mercies great and fre ->

. l< ill us Vt 1th gratitude to thee,

And still as through the world we go.
M ore of these mercies may we know.

3 Far from our hearts, 0 Lord, remove
The evil thoughts that sinners love ;

And give us wisdom, day by day,

To choose the strait and narrow way.
i In times of sickness, times of health.

In times of poverty or wealth,
And in our last and dying hour
Save us by thine almighty power.

5 Then may we join the happy hand

That in thy heavenly temple stand,
And as thy goodness we adore,
Sing glory, glory, evermore.




2‘) C. M.

' Our Father which art in [karma
TO God, who reigns above the sky,
Our Father and our Friend,
To him let all our vows be paid,
And all our prayers ascend.

’T is he who claims our youthful hearts: .

He loves to hear us pray;

By night we’ll think upon his love,
And praise him day by day.

3 'When we offend against our God.
We‘ll ask his pard’ning love :

’T was for our sins the Saviour [lied ;
He pleads for us above.

4 'With all the love a father feels,
He pities and forgivr 5;

And though our earthly parents die,
Our heavenly Father lives.

2 3 (7. M.
i For a Blessing on our “"01‘8711'1).

"’N thy great name, 0 Lord, we come.

To worship at thy feet ;

O, pour thy Holy Spirit dowu
On all that now shall meet.

2 We come to hear Jehovah speak,
To hear the Sav1our’s voice:

Thy face and favor, Lord, we seek ;
Now make our hearts rejoice.

3 Teach us to pray, and praise, and hear.
And understand thy word;

To feel thy blissful presence near,
And trust our living Lord.

4 Let sinners now thy goodness prove,
And saints re30ice 1n thee ;

Let rebels be subdued by love,
And to the Saviour flee.


24 L. M.
Grateful Adoration.
EFORE Jehovah’s awful throne,
Ye nations bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone,—
He can create, and he destroy.
2 His sov’reign power, without our aid,
Made us of clay, and form’d us men;
And when like vgand’ring sheep we stray’d,
He brought “5510 his fold again.
3 We’ll crowd thy gates with thankful songs,
High as the heavens our voices raise ;
And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.
4 Wide as the world is thy command;
Vast as eternity thy love;
Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand,
\Vhen rolling,r years shall cease to move.

2:) C. M.
Praryerfor Light. .
IGHT of the world! shine on our souls,
Thy grace to us afford;
And, while we meet to learn thy truth,
Be thou our teacher, Lord.

‘3 As once thou didst thy word expound
To those that walk’d with thee,

So teach us, Lord, to understand,
And all its fullness see.

3 Its richness, sweetness, power, and depth,
Its holiness discern ;

Its joyful news of saving grace,
By blest experience learn.

4 Thus may thy word he dearer still,
And studied more each day,

And, as it richly dwells within,
Thyself in it display!





2 6 6th P. M. 0 lines Ts
Sabbath Jfomu'ng.

.AFELY through another week,
k God has brought us on our way;
Let us now a blessing seek,

Waitingr in his courts to-day:
Day of all the week the best,
Emblem of eternal rest.

2 While we seek supplies of grace,

Through the dear Redeemer‘s name.
Show thv reconciled face;

Take away our sin and shame :
From our worldly cares set free,
May we rest this day in thee.

3 As we meet, thy name to praise,

Let us feel thy presence near;
May thy glory .meet our eyes

Vt’hile we in thy house appear :
There afford us, Lord, a taste
Of our everlastingT feast.

4 May the gospel’s joyful sound

Conquer sinners, comfort saints ;
Make the fruits of grace abound ;

Bring relief from all complaints :
Thus let all our Sahbaths prove,
Till we join the Church above.

2 7 5th P. M. 4 lines 75.
Prayerfor Grace.
ESUS Christ, the Truth, the Way,
9 In thy name we meet today,—
Meet to read thy gracious word ;.
Meet to hear of Christ the Lord.

2 From this hour may we, anew,
Seek thy holy will to do,—

Give to thee each youthful heart,
And from thee no more depart !


"WI-0m ,



28 L. M.

Father, hear us.

ONCE more assembled on thy day,

0 Father, hear us when we pray,
And teach us thankfully to own

The love that draws us near thy throne.

2 Lord, let thy‘grace our souls inspire
With holy love and heavenly fire ;
And let our songs of praise arise

In grateful incense to the skies.

3 0 may our faith on wings of love
Soar upward to the realms above ;
And grant us fervency in prayer,
That we thy richest grace may share.

2 9 6th P. M. 6 lines 75.
Divine T eaching sought.

OLY Lord, our hearts prepare
For the solemn work of prayer;
Grant that while we bend the knee,
All our thoughts may turn to thee ;
Let thy presence here be found,
Breathing peace and joy around.

2 While we come around thy throne,
Make thy power and glory known ;
As thy children may we call

On our Father, Lord of all; 9
And with holy love and fear

At thy footstool now appear.

3 Teach us, while we breathe our woes,
On thy promise to repose;

All thy tender love to tracw

In the Saviour’s work of gracfi

Let us all in faith depend

On a gracious God and Friend


 m. e ~rm Wan-(wifgr- “hiaw’Y‘T‘rSfaflg’d’ ’. .

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3 O c. M.

0 come, let us worship.
WOME, let us join the hosts above,
J New in our youthful days ;
Remember our Creator’s love,
And lisp our Father’s praise.
2 His majesty will not despise
The day of feeble things:
Grateful the songs of children rise,
And please the King of kings.
3 He loves to be remember’d thus,
And honor’d for his grace;
Out of the mouths of babes like us,
His wisdom perfects praise.
4 Glory to God, and praise, and power,
Honor and thanks be given 1
Children and cherubim adore
The Lord of earth and heaven.

9th P. M. 87, 87.
Object and End of Sunday Schools.
N this holy Sabbath morning
We again together meet,
To unite our hearts and voices,
And approach the mercy-seat.

2 Lord, may we possess a spirit
In accordance with thy word;
Feeling, praying, acting, giving,
That thy name be spread abroad.
3 Here we come to search the Scriptures
Here our ofi"rings, too, we bring, '
That the wilderness mayblossom,
And the desert places sing ;—
4 Thatsthe many now in darkness
May arise to light divine;
And thwi gospel in its brightness
O’er the darken’d earth may shine.



3 2 C. M.
Gifts implored.
LORD, we address thy heavenly throne,
Though children, call us thine -,

0 hear us when we pray to thee,
And form our hearts divine !

2‘ Give us an humble, active mind,
From sloth and folly free ;

Give us a cheerful heart, inclined
To truth and piety.

3 A faithful memory bestow,
Our minds with wisdom store ;

And still, 0 Lord, as more we know,
May we obey thee more.

3 L. M.
Joy of Public Worship.
REAT God, attend, while Zion sings
Theéoy that from thy presence springs;
To spen one day with thee on earth
Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.
2 Might I enjoy the meanest place
Within thy house, 0 God of grace,
Not tents of ease, or thrones of power,
Should tempt my feet to leave thy door.
3 God is our sun, he makes our day;
God is our shield, he guards our way
From all assaults of hell and sin,
From foes without, and foes Within.

4 All needful grace will God bestow,
And crown that grace with glory too ;
He gives us all things, and withholds

No real good from upright souls.

5 O God our King, whose sov’reign sway
The glorious hosts of heaven obey,

And devils at thy presence flee,

Blest is the man that trusts in thee.





3 4 s. M,

Claiming the Promise.
ESUS, we look to thee,
Thy promised presence claim ; .
Thou in the midst of us shalt be, i
Assembled in thy name:
2 Thy name salvation is,
Which here we come to prove:
Thy name is life, and health, and peace,
And everlasting love.
3 Not in the name of pride
Or selfishness we meet;
From nature’s paths we turn aside,
And worldly thoughts forget.
4 We meet the grace to take,
Which thou hast freely given ;
We meet on earth for thy dear sake,
That we may meet in heaven.

3 5 C. M.
God‘s Goodness. ,
COME, let us join, our Lord to praise .
Whose mercy knows no end;
To him our cheerful voices raise,
Our Father and our Friend.
2 In tender infancy, his care
Preserved our lives from harm ;
And now he keeps us from the snare
Of sin’s deceitful charm.
3 He gives us friends, who seek our good.
And strive to make us wise ;
His bounteous hand provides our food,
And all our wants supplies:
4 With grateful praise we will proclaim
The mercies of our God;
And Sing the glory of his name,
Who bought us with his blood.



36 L. M.
Solar/m Rave rence.
TERNAL Power, whose high abode
Becomes the grandeur of a God:
Infinite lengths, beyond the bounds
Where stars revolve their little rounds :

2 Thee while the first archangel sings,
He hides his face behind his wings:
And ranks of shining thrones around

F all worshiping, and spread the ground.
3 Lord, what shall earth and ashes do?
We would adore our Maker too;

From sin and dust to thee we cry,

The Great, the Holy, and the High.

4 Earth, from afar, hath heard thy fame,

, And worms have learn’d t0 lisp thy name;

But 0 l the glories of thy mind

Leave all our soaring thoughts behind.
5 God is in heaven, and men below :
Be short our tunes; our words be few:
A solemn rev’rence checks our songs,
And praise sits silent on our tongues.

a 7 C. M.
The Promised L’lesslng.
EE, Jesus, thy disciples see,
The promised blessing give ,
Met in thy name, we look to thee,
Expecting to receive.
2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,
Who 1n thy name a1e join (1;
We wait, according to thy word,
Thee in the midst to find
3 Vv'1th us thou art assembled here,
But 0, thyself reveal;
Son of the living God, appear!
Let us thy presence feel.




38 5th P. M. 4126163 7s.
God's Glorious Perfections celebrated.
LORY be to God on high,

God, whose glory fills the sky;
Peace on earth to man forgiven,
Man, the well-beloved of Heaven.

2 Sov’reign Father, heavenly King,

Thee we now presume to sing;

Glad thine attributes confess,

Glorious all, and numberless.

3 Hzil, By all thy works adored !

Hail, the everlasting Lord !

Thee with thankful hearts we prove,

God of power, and God of love.

4 Christ our Lord and God we own,

Christ the Father’s only Son ;

Lamb of God for sinners slain,

Saviour of offending man.

5 Jesus, in thy name we pray,
Take, 0 take our sins away;

Bow thine ear, in mercy bow,

Hear, the world’s Atonement, thou ‘.
6 Hear, for thou, O Christ, alone,
Art with thy great Father one ;

One the Holy Ghost with thee;
One supreme eternal Three.

39 L. M.

Jim-72mg in Sunday School.
.TERNAL God, incline thine ear,
Accept the tribute we would pay,

As once again assembled here,

We hall, with joy, this sacred day.
2 Come with us to thy temple, Lord;

Here let devotion fill each heart;
And may thine ever-blessed word

Eternal life to all impart.




40 C. M.

A Blessing on the Word.
NCE more we come before our God;
Once more his blessing ask:

0 may not duty seem a load,
Nor worship prove a task

2 Father, thy quick’ning Spirit send
From heaven, in Jesus’ name,

And bid our waiting minds attend,
And put our souls in frame.

3 May we receive the word we hear,
Each in an honest heart;

And keep the precious treasure there,
And never with it part

4 To seek thee, all our hea1ts dispose ,
To each thy blessings suit;

And let the seed thy servant sows,
Produce abundant fruit.

C. M.
Children implom'ng a Blessing.
ERE, Lord, before thy mercy-seat
In Christ’s prevailing name,
Behold a band of children meet,
A Father’s love to claim.
2 Our foolish hearts, alas, are slow
To understand thy way
0 teach us, L01d thy will, to know,
And help us to obey.
3 Kind are the friends who bring us here
To learn thy holy word ;
But vain is all their toil and care,
Without thy blessing, Lord. ‘
4 Fulfill their hopes; thy grace display
In every youthful mind;
And while they guide us in thy way,
Let them a blessing find.


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4 2 L. M.
Worship in the Sunday School.

OW sweet to leave the world awhile,
And seek the presence of our Lerd'
Dear Saviour, on thy children smile,
According to thy faithful word.

2 From worldly scenes we now retreat,
That we may here converse with thee -
O Lord, behold us at thy feet;
Let this the gate of heaven be.

3 “Chief of ten thousands,” now appear,
That we, by faith, may view thy face:

0 speak, that we thy voice may hear,
And let thy presence fill the place 3

43 1st P. M. 6 lines 8s.
Praise to Jesus.

NVITED by a Saviour’s love,
We meet to praise his sacred name;
The Church below, the Church above
Unite his glory to proclaim ;
And youthful voices join to swell
The chorus to Immanuel.

2 Do any ask why children sing,

And why approach thy heavenly seat '1
It is, that we, 0 Lord, may bring,r

And lay our tribute at thy feet ;
Since thou for children too west slain,
Thou wilt not deem their praises vain.

3 19rd, with thy love each bosom fill,
And bid each heart aspire to thee ;
Make us desire to do thy will,
From sin and folly set us free.
Did Jesus die that we might live?
To Jesus then our souls we give.



S. M.
Before Reading the Scriptures.

"\‘t Y Saviour and my Lord,

.i To thee I lift mine eyes;

Instruct me by thy holy Word,
And make me truly wise.

2 Be it my chief delight
To read this volume o’er; .

To seek its Author day and night,
And love thee more and more.

3 May this my thoughts engage.
In each perplexing case;

Help me to feed on every page,
And grow in every grace.

4 0 let it cleanse my heart,
And guide me all my days ;

Its wonders, Lord, to me impart,
And thou shalt have the praise.

4 5 C. M.
Hosanna to Christ.
V THEN Jesus to the temple came,
‘ The voice of praise was heard,
The very children own’d his claim,
And in his train appear’d.
2 Hosannas made the temple ring,
For many tongues agreed;
“ _. _ nna to the heavenly King,
fifiavid’s holy Seed.”
3 0rd, let the joy be now renew’d,
Let children sing thy praise;
For thou art still as great and good
As in the former days. ‘
4 O, sanctify our youthful hearts,
And this shall teach our tongues :
The love and joy thy grace imparts
Shall animate our songs.



4 G C, M.
God‘s Service delightful.
‘V'ITH joy we hail the sacred day,
Which God has call’d his own;
With joy the summons we obey,
To worship at his throne.
2 Thy chosen temple, Lord, how fair!
As here thy servants throng
To breathe the humble, fervent prayer,
And pour the grateful song.
3 Spirit of grace! O deign to dwell
Within thy Church below ;
Make her in holiness excel,
W'ith pure devotion glow.
4 Let peace within her walls be found“
Let all her sons unite,
To spread with holy zeal around,
Her clear and shining light.
5 Great God, we hail the sacred day,
\Vhich thou hast call’il thine own ;
With joy the summons we ohey,
To worship at thy throne.

47 L. M.
Children’s Worth 5]).
REAT God ! behold, before thy throne

T A band of children lowly bend ;

Thy face we seek, thy name “:99. En,
And pray that thou wilt be 63 "end.

‘2 Thy Holy Spirit’s aid impart,
That he may teach us how to pray ,

Make us sincere, and let each heart
Delight to tread in Wisdorn’s way.

3 0 let thy grace our souls renew,
And seal a sense of pardon there ;

Teach us thy will to know and do,
And let us all thy image bear.



8 C. M.
The Tribute and Prayer of Children.
LMIGHTY Father, heavenly King !

.L Who rul’st the world above;
Accept the tribute children bring

Of gratitude and love. _

2 To thee each morning, when we rise,

Our early vows we pay;

And ere the night hath closed our eyes,

We thank thee for the day.

3 Our Saviour, ever good and kind,
To us his Word hath given ;

That children, such as we, may find
The path that leads to heaven.

4 O Lord, extend thy gracious hand,
To guide our erring youth;

And lead us to that blissful land
Where dwells eternal truth.

0'. M.
Children seeking a Blessing.
' 0RD, no forbidding voice is here
To keep us from thy feet;
But Christian friends invite us near,
Thy gracious call to meet.
2 O teach and help us to improve
The means by mercy given,
To fill our hearts with truth and love
And lead our steps to heaven.
3 Though we are feeble, thou, O Lord,
Wilt keep us with thy might ;
Though we are dark, thy heavenly 'VVord
Can fill the mind with light.
4 0 look on those whose kind concern
Would lead us to thy rest ;
And with a blessing, Lord, return
Their gifts to ev’ry breast.





9th P. M. 87, 87, 87, 87..
Jesus inviting Little Childrmz.

TESUS Christ, our Lord and Saviour,
Q. Who hast bid us come to thee,
Now extend to us thy favor,

Little children though we be ;
Low we humbly bend before thee,

All unworthy of thy love ;
Lord of life, and light, and glory,

Hear us from thy throne above.

2 Thou who holdest high dominion
Over air, and earth, and sea,

Yet didst bless the little children
That of old were brought to thee,—

Lord, this day we ask thy blessing,
Send thy Holy Spirit down;

May we all, our sins confessing,
Thee our Lord and Saviour own.