xt7rbn9x3x6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x3x6s/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1937-02 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Regulations for the Issuance and Reissuance of Certificates", vol. IV, no. 12, February 1937 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Regulations for the Issuance and Reissuance of Certificates", vol. IV, no. 12, February 1937 1937 1937-02 2021 true xt7rbn9x3x6s section xt7rbn9x3x6s  

0 Commonwealth of Ken’rucky O











__.-...- “‘LthOD-fll ‘ 113315011

Periodical Librarian

University of Kentuck
Lexington, Kentudky

Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction





Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

Vol. IV 0 February, 1937 O No.12




 5'49? ‘




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, Laws and regulations for the training and certification of teach-
ers and administrators play a major role in the equalization of edu-
cational opportunities for the children of the Commonwealth. Under
the Kentucky laws and regulations the quantity and quality of
training for teachers and administrators for rural areas are as high
as they are for urban centers. Each certificate is issued upon the
basis of definite training to fit the applicant for the position which
he is to hold.

This Bulletin, compiled under the leadership of R. E. Jaggers,
Director of the Division of Teacher Training and Certification, sets
out the curricula prescribed by the Council on Public Higher Edu-
cation for the training of teachers and administrators, and the regu—
lations of the State Board of Education. for the issuance and
reissuance of certificates.

The Bulletin is printed in this form in order that reprints may
be made of convenient size to go into correspondence envelope when
giving information to applicants for certificates.

Superintendent of Public Instruction.






Department of Education


January, 1937—Certification Leaflet—
Number 1


Published by
State Board of Education

Superintendent of- Public Instruction


Instructions to Applicants for Certificates

1. Address letters relating to certifica-
tion to the Division of Teacher Train-
ing and Certification, Department of
Education, Frankfort, Kentucky.

2. Write for application form stating
Whether an issuance or a renewal is

Write full name and complete address


4. Do not send fee until notified.
a. Fee for issuance of certificate__$2.00
b. Fee for renewal of certificate..$1.00

5. Personal checks cannot be accepted
in payment of fees.

6. Transcripts of credits must be sent
by colleges direct to this division.









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Provisions for Issuing and Renewing

Certificates for Teaching in the
Elementary Grades

The Provisional Elementary Certificate valid
for three years shall be issued to a person who
meets the general requirements of law and the
regulations of the State Board of Education
and files a transcript of standard college cred-
its showing the completion of the following

a. Education, including

1. Educational Psychology or General

Psychology .......................................................... 3 hours
. Fundamentals of Elementary
Education .

. Supervised
. Elective Course in Education




Total 13 hours
b. English, including
1. Oral and Written Composition .......... 6 hours
2. English Literature or American
Literature or Survey of Literature 3 hours
3. Children’s Literature ................................ 3 hours

Total 12 hours

(3. Social Science, including
1. American History and Citizenship



(integrated) ......................... Ghours
2. 01 American History .. 3 hours
3. And Citizenship (separated) .. 3 hours
4. Or History of Civilization .. 6 hours


Total 6 hours

.. 3 hours

Principles of Geography .
.. 2 hours

Public School Music
Public School Art ..
Teacher’s Arithmetic
Public Hygiene and Sanitation .
Science (Biology, Chemistry, General
Science, Geology, Physics)
Physical Education
General Agriculture, or
Industrial Arts, or ...........
Home and Social Problems, or .
Rural Social Economy, or .
Principles of Sociology
1. Elective






Grand Total 64 hours

The Provisional Elementary Certificate shall
be issued to a person who prior to September
1, 1935, partially fulfilled the requirements for
the Standard Elementary Certificate, based up
on two years of college, provided that the re-
maining work required for the Provisional Ele-
mentary Certificate shall ‘be selected from the
curriculum for the issuance of the Provisional
Elementary Certificate, which courses selected
shall include three semester hours in super-
vised student teaching.




The Provisional Elementary Certificate may be
renewed for three years after two years’
teaching experience during the life of the cer-
tificate, or upon the presentation of one-half
year (16 semester hours), of additional stand-
ard college or university work earned during
the life of the certificate; and it may be re-
newed every three years thereafter upon
presentation of one-half year (16 semester
hours), of additional standard college or uni-
versity work, earned since the last renewal
provided that when this certificate is renewed
upon 16 semester hours of standard college or
university training, such training shall be
selected from the curriculum prescribed by
the Council on Public Higher Education for
the issuance of the Standard Elementary

Note—The Provisional Elementary Certifi-
cate is valid for teaching only in the elemen-
tary grades.

The Standard Elementary Certificate Valid
for four years shall be issued to a person who
meets the general requirements of law and
the regulations of the State Board of Educa-
tion and files a transcript of standard college
credits showing the completion of the follow-
ing curriculum for elementary teachers:

a. Education, including


. General Psychology or Educational
Psychology ............................................. 3 hours
. Fundamentals of Elementary
Education ' .......... 4 hours

6 hours

. Supervised Stun
2 hours

. Educational Measurements
. Child Psychology 3 hours
. Teaching Reading .. 3 hours
. Elective in Elementary Education. 3 hours
. Elective in Administration and Su—
pervision and/or Elementary Edu-
cation and/or General Education
Courses ................................................................ 6 hours

Total 3'0 hours


m-qam-Aoo N H

b. English, including


1. Oral and lVritten Composition .......... 6 hours
2. American Literature or English
Literature or Survey of Literature 3 hours
3. Children’s Literature . 3 hours
4. Elective 3 hours


Total 15 hours
0. Science, selected from
Biology, Chemistry, General Science,
Geology, Physics .................................................. 12 hours
(1. Social Science, including
1. American History and Government

or History of Civilization ...................... 6 hours
2. Principles of Sociology or

Rural Social Economy ............................. 3 hours
3. History, Government, Sociology or

Economics . .............................................. 6 hours



Total 15 hours
e. Teacher’s Arithmetic ..._..-_..................~..u._3 hours








f. Art, including
a. Public School Art 2 hours
b. Elective .. 2 hours


Total 4hours

g. Music. including
a. Public School Music .
b. Elective

.. 2 hours
2 hours



Total 4 hours

h. Public School Hygiene and Sanitation 2 hours
i. Physical Education .......................................... 2 hours
j Geography, including
a. Principles of Geography
b. Elective ...........................................

.. 3 hours
3 hours



Total Ghours
k. Elective .................................................................. 27—35 hours

Total required—120428 hrs. plus degree

The Standard Elementary Certificate valid
for four years shall be issued to a person who
partially completed the requirements for the
Standard Elementary Certificate before Sep-
tember 1, 1935, provided that the additional
work required for the completion of the fOUI“
year curriculum for the issuance of the
Standard Elementary Certificate shall be se-
lected from the prescribed courses in the ap-
proved lour-year curriculum for the issuance
of the Standard Elementary Certificate, and
provided that six semester hours of credit
shall be in supervised student teaching.
The Standard Elementary Certificate may be
renewed or reissued every four years after
three years’ teaching experience during the
life of the certificate, or upon one-half year
of standard college or university work of
graduate grade since issue or last renewal.
If the holder fails to teach the three years
required for renewal or reissuance, this cer-
tificate may be renewed or reissued upon 6
semester hours of standard college or uni-
versity work of graduate grade for each year
he fails to teach upon the certificate. It may
be extended for life when the holder has had
three years’ teaching experience during the
life of the certificate and has completed re
quiremcnts for a Master’s degree in a stand-
ard graduate school.

Note—The Standard Elementary Certificate

is valid for teaching only in the elementary


Provisions for Issuing and Renewing
Certificates for Teaching in the
High Schools

7. The Provisional High School Certificate valid
for four years shall be issued to a person
who meets the general requirements of law
and the regulations of the State Board of
Education, and files a transcript of standard
college credits showing the completion of a
curriculum which includes the following
courses and minimum standards:

a. Major (minimum of 24 semester hours) and
two minors (minimum of 18 semester hours
each) or two majors selected from subject
fields in the curriculum adopted by the
State Board of Education for the public ele—
mentary and/0r public secondary schools.

1). A core curriculum as follows:
1. English ...................
2. Science, selected

Chemistry, General S
Osy, Phy ics
3. Health
4. Social Seiaices, selected r‘
nomics, Government,
ciolouy _____ .......... ..
5. Mathematics (xclu. ve of Arlth—
' metic) or ...... 6 hours
*6. Foreiu‘n Languabe .. Gto 12 hours
7. Physical Education ..... 1 hour


h ours




c. 18 semester hours in Education as


1. Supervised Student Teaching; .......... G hours
(At least three hours in student
teaching; shall be done in the sec—
ondary school.)

2. Psychology 01- Educational


Psychology ....................................................... 3 hours
3‘ Elective in secondary education 6 hours
4. Elective in Education ............................. 3 hours


.................. 51 to 6-5 hours
20 to 128 plus degree

cl. Elective
Total required hou s


8. A Provisional High School Certificate valid
for four years shall he issued to a person who
meets the requirements of law and general
regulations of the State Board of Education
and files a transcript of standard college cred—
its showing the completion of the require-
ments for a Smith-Hughes teacher of Agri-
culture or Home Economics, who holds at

* If three units or more of a foreign language are
offered for admission, six Semester hours in the
same lanaut ’0 will he required; if two units of a
foreign lan11aqe are offered for admission, nine
semes er hours in the same language will be re—
quired; if one unit or less 0!,“ a foreign language is
offered for admission. twelve semester hours in
the same language will be required.















least a Baccalaureate degree, and who has
met the education requirements set by the
Council on Public Higher Education and ap-
proved by the State Board of Education as

a. Supervised Student Teaching .................. 6 hours
(At least three hours in student
teaching shall be done in the secon—
dary school.)

b. Psychology or Educational
Psychology ...................................................

cl Elective in secondary education

d. Elective in Education .........................


A Provisional High School Certificate valid
for four years shall be issued to a person who
meets the requirements of law and general
regulations of the State Board of Education
and files a transcript of standard college
credits showing that he has met the require-
ments for a Baccalaureate degree in music or
music education and the requirements set by
the Council on Public Higher Education and
approved by the State Board of Education as

a. Supervised Student Teaching .................. 6 hours
(At least three hours in student
teaching shall be done in the secon—
dary school.)

b. Psychology or Educational

c, Elective in secondary education
(1. Elective in Education .........................



.7 3 hours

The Provisional High School Certificate may
be renewed every four years after three
years’ teaching; experience, or upon presenta-
tion of one-half year of standard college or
university work of graduate grade, earned
since issuance of last renewal of the cer-
tificate. If the holder fails to teach the three
years required for renewal or reissuance, the
certificate may be renewed or reissued upon
6 semester hours of standard college or uni-
versity work of graduate grade for each year
he fails to teach upon the certificate.

Note—The Provisional High School Certifi-
cate is valid for teaching only in the high

Subject~fields in which majors with a mini—
mum of 24 semester hours each may be
chosen by applicants for High School Cer-

Agriculture Commerce


Economics and

Biology Sociology
Biological Sciences English

Chemistry French


 Geography and Library Science

Geology Mathematics
German Music ,,
Government . Physical Education
History Physics
History and Politi~ Physical Science
cal Science Science
Home Economics Social Science
Industrial Arts Spanish
12. Subject-fields in which minors with a minimum
of 18 semester hours each may be chosen by
applicants for High School Certificates:
Agriculture German
Art History
Biology Home Economics
Chemistry Industrial Arts
Commerce Latin
Economics and Library Science
Sociology Mathematics
English Music
French Physical Science
Geography and Physics
Geology Spanish
13. The Standard High School Certificate valid
for five years shall be issued to a person who
meets the requirements of laW and general
regulations of the State Board of Education
and files a transcript of credits showing the
completion of the four-year curriculum for
the training of high school teachers as pre-
scribed by the Council on Public Higher
Education and approved by the State Board
of Education, and who, in addition thereto,
completes the requirements for a Master’s
degree in a standard graduate school.
14. The Standard High School Certificate may be

extended for life upon three years’ teaching
experience during the life of the certificate.
If the holder fails to meet the requirements
for life extension before the certificate ex—
.pires, the certificate may be reissued or re-
newed for five years upon two years’ teach-
ing experience during the life of the certifl'
cate, or upon 6 semester hours of additional
work of graduate grade for each of the two
years he failed to teach upon the certificate,

Note—The Standard High School Certifi-
cate is valid for teaching only in the high










Provisions for Issuing and Renewing




Certificates in Administration
and Supervision

The Provisional Certificate in Administration
and Supervision valid for four years shall be
issued to a person who has fulfilled the re-
quirements of law and the general regulations
of the State Board of Education, who has
had a minimum of two years’ successful
teaching experience, who has completed a
four—year curriculum for the training of ele-
mentary or high school teachers as approved
by the State Board of Education, and who
presents a transcript of standard college
credits showing the completion of the follow-
ing courses in Education:

Courses in Administration and

Supervision .......................................................... 6 hours
Courses in Elementary ucation .

Supervised Student Teaching ........
Courses in Secondary Education


erg s

The Provisional Certificate in Administration
and Supervision valid for four years shall be
issued to a person who holds a standard cer-
tificate in Administration and Supervision
issued under the laws of 1932, provided that
the holder makes application and presents a
transcript of standard college credits upon
which the certificateto—be-converted was

The Provisional Certificate of Administration
and Supervision may be renewed after four
years upon three years’ teaching experience
during the life of the certificate, or upon pres-
entation of one-half year of standard college
or university work of graduate grade earned
since issuance or last renewal. If the holder
fails to have the three years’ experience dur
ing the life of the certificate, the certificate
may be reissued or renewed upon 6 semester
hours of standard college or university work
of graduate grade for each year of experience
he fails to obtain.

Note—The Provisional Certificate in Admin-
istration and Supervision is valid for holding
the position of teacher, principal, supervisor
and/or superintendent in the public elemen-




tary and/or secondary schools, and for hold-
ing the position of Attendance Officer.

The Standard Certificate in Administration
and Supervision valid for five years shall be
issued to a person who has met the require-
ments for the issuance of the Provisional
Certificate in Administration and Supervision
and in addition thereto files a transcript of
standard college credits showing the comple-
tion of the requirements for the Master’s de-
gree, with a major in the field of Adminis-
tration and Supervision, in a standard gradu-
ate school.

A Standard Certificate in Administration and
Supervision shall be issued to a person who
has met the requirements of law and the
regulations of the State Board of Education,’
who on September 1, 1935, held a certificate
based upon four years of college training, and
who presents a transcript of standard college
credits showing the completion of the require-
ments for the Master’s degree in a standard
graduate school, with a major in the field of
Administration and Supervision.

The Standard Certificate of Administration
and Supervision may be extended for life up-
on presentation of evidence that the holder
has had three years’ successful experience in
Administration or Supervision during the life
of the certificate. If the holder fails to pre-
sent the required experience for life exten-
sion before the certificate expires, the certifi-
cate may be reissued or renewed for five
years upon two years’ experience during the
life of the certificate, or upon 6 semester
hours of additional college or university work
of graduate grade for each of the two years’
experience he fails to obtain“

Note—The Standard Certificate in Adminis- '
tration and Supervision is valid for holding
the position of teacher, principal, supervisor,
and/or superintendent in the public elemen-
tary and/or secondary schools, and for hold.
ing the position of Attendance Officer.

Attendance Officer’s Certificate valid for
three years shall be issued to a person who
has met the requirements of law and who, in
addition thereto, completes (a) a two-year
curriculum for the training of teachers, which
curriculum shall include three semester hours
in pupil accounting, or (b) completes a two«
year standard college curriculum which shall
include 12 semester hours in education










courses with 3 semester hours in pupil per-
sonnel. This certificate may be reissued
every three years upon three years experi‘
ence as attendance officer, or 16 semester
hours of standard college training.

Note—This certificate is valid for holding
the position of attendance officer only.




Special Certificates

An Emergency Certificate may be issued to a
person under the following conditions: (a)
The employment district Boards of Education
shall state under their official oath that it
is impossible to procure a teacher or teach-
ers for the position or positions for which
emergency certificate is sought; (b) the ap-
plicant shall meet all requirements regarding
age, character, etc.; (c) the formal applica-
tion must be signed by the executive of the
school district; ((1) the applicant shall ap-
pear at the State Department of Education
and take a written examination covering the
subjects, grades, and professional fields; (e)
the questions shall be prepared in the Divi-
sions of Teacher Training and Certification;
(f) notice shall be filed by the applicant 10
days in advance of the date on which the
examination is desired; (g) if the applicant
makes an average grade of 80 per cent a per-
mit may be granted for one year.
Emergency Certificates for Trades and
Industries. “When the board of education of
any school district in Kentucky which em-
ploys teachers of trades and industries, is
unable to procure the services of a regularly
certificated teacher for a trade or industry,
it may have an emergency certificate ‘for
trades and industries issued to an applicant
under the following conditions:

a. An application approved by the superin-
tendent of the school district shall be filed
in the Department of Education, showing
that the applicant for an emergency certifi-
cate has reached the age of eighteen years,
and is of good moral character.

b. The application shall show that the appli-
cant has had one year of journeyman’s ex-
perience beyond the regular apprenticeship
as a wage-earner in the trade for which the
emergency certificate is sought, or appren-
ticeship rating evidenced by five years of
employment as a wage-earner, showing di-
versified experience in the trade.

c. The applicant shall not have been away

from employment in the trade for which



 emergency certificate is sought for more
than two years immediately prcccding the
application for the emergency certificate.

(1. The applicant shall have, at least, eight
units of standard high school training.

e. The holder of an eme'gency certificate,
issued under this regulation, shall be lim-
ited to teaching only the subjects 'stated
on the face of the certificate.


The emergency certificate issued under this
regulation shall be valid for one year.

g. Each emergency certificate may be renewed
upon evidence of holder having completed
since its issuance, or last renewal, a mini-
mum of six semester hours, or two high
school units, in his major field, in teacher
training in his major field and/or regular
standard courses.


l .


All regulations now in force for the issu-
ance of certificates for Trades and Indus-
tries are hereby repealed.”

24. Certificates for Full—Time School Librarians.

a. The Provisional Certificate for Full-Time

School Librarians, valid for four years for
holding the position of full-time librarian in
any public school may be issued to a grad-
uate of a four-year standard college who
meets the requirements or law and general
regulations of the State Board of Educa-
tion and who completes the curriculum pre-
scribed by the Council on Public Higher
Education and approved by the State Board
of Education as follows:

(1) The completion of a major in library
science and an additional major of two
minors; (2) the completion of the core re-
quirements as prescribed for the issuance
of the Provisional High School Certificate;
(3) the completion of the required courses
in teaching the use of the library, library
practice, and field work; and 12 semester
hours in Education, including psychology
or educational psychology, 3 semester
hours, elective in general elementary edu-
cation, 3 semester hours, and elective in
general secondary education, 3 semester

b.A Standard Certificate for School Libra-
rians, valid for five years, for holding the
position of librarian in any public school
may be issued to a person who has met the
requirements for the provisional certificate





 for librarians and Who in addition thereto
has completed the requirements for a Mas-
ter’s degree or has had one year of train-
ing in library science beyond the bacca-
laureate degree. This certificate may be
extended for life upon three years’ experi-
ence as a full-time librarian during the life
of the certificate.

c.A Provisional Certificate for School Libra-
rians, valid for four years, for holding the
position of librarian in any public school
may be issued to a person who is employed
as a full-time school librarian at the time
that this regulation goes into effect and
who at that time meets the standards of
the Commission on Secondary Schools of
the Southern Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools for full~time school libra-
rians, and the standards of the State Board
of Education for full-time school librarians.
This certificate may be renewed for four
years upon three years’ experience as a
full-time school librarian during;r the life
of the certificate.

Note—Certificates for Full-Time School
Librarians are valid only for holding the
position of school librarians.

(1. Curriculum for the Issuance of the Provi-
sional Certificate for Full-Time School Li-

1. The completion of a major in Library
Science, and an additional major of 24
semester hours or two additional minors
of 18 semester hours each.

2. The completion of the core curriculum as

a. English ........................................................................ 12 hours
b. Sciences, selected from 3iolog'y,
Chemistry, General Sciences, Geol—
ogy, Physics ..12 hours
c. Health .. 2 hours
cl. Social Sciences, selected from Eco-
nomics, Government, History, Soci—



0103’); 12 hours
e. Mathematics, exclusive of Arithmetic 6 hours

.6—12 hours
.. 2 hours

*f. Foreign Language
g. Physical Education



* If three units or more of a foreign language are
offered for admission, six semester hours in the
same language will be required; if two units of a
foreign language are offered for admission, nine
semester hours in the same language will be re—
quired; if one unit or less of a foreign language is
offered for admission, twelve semester hours in the
same language will be required.









3. Completion of professional courses as

Required courses in the use of the
library, library practice and field

Work .................... 6 hours
Twelve semester hours in Education

as follows:

Psychology and Educational

Psychology ..........
Elective in Eleme tar .
Elective in Secondary Education .
Free elective in Education ...............




25. A Permit for Te'aching Music. A permit for
teaching music, valid for one year for teach-
ing music in the public schools, may be issued
to an employed certificated teacher who has
completed the requirements for a bachelor’s
degree with a minimum of 18 semester hours
in public school music, provided the applica-
tion‘ for such permit is signed by the super-
intendent of the administrative unit in which
the applicant is employed.

26. Provisional Certificates for Teachers of Deaf



A provisional certificate for teaching the
deaf, valid for three years, may be issued

. to a person who meets the general require—

ments of laW and general regulations of the
State Board of Education, and files tran-
script of standard college credits showing
the completion of the following curriculum:

1. Psychology—General, Educational,








or of the Deaf .......................................... .3 hours
2. Principles of Teaching the Deaf .3 hours
3. Principles and Pedagogy of Lip

Reading . 2 hours
4. Phonetics 6 hours
5. Practice Teaching or Clinic Prac—

tice—Oral Methods . 6 hours
6. Electives 4 hours

Total 24 hours

English -
1. Oral and \Vritten Composition 6 hours
2. English for the Deaf ........ 3 hours
3. Electives (Children’s Litera ,

Etc.) .......................................................................... 2 hours

Total 11 hours
1. Anatomy and Psysiology of Speech



and Hearing ........................................... hours
2. Pathology of Speech and Hear g4 hours
3. Physics of Sound or Elective ............ 2 hours

Total 10 hours
Social Science
1. American History or Government .. 3 hours
2. Principles of Sociology or Elective 3 hours

Total 6hours
Mathematics (Teacher‘s Arithmetic


or Math. for Deaf Children) .. 3 hours
Health or Physical Education 4 hours
Electives (subject matter) ........ 6 hours


Total 64 hours

This certificate may be renewed for three
years after two years’ teaching experience
during the life of the certificate, or upon
presentation of one-half year (16 semester
hours) of additional standard college work
earned during the life of the certificate; and
it may be renewed every three years there-



 after upon presentation of one—half year (16
semester hours) of additional standard col-
lege work earned since the last renewal, pro-
vided that when this certificate is renewed
upon 16 semester hours of standard college
Work, such training shall be selected from
the curriculum prescribed for the issuance
of the standard certificate for teaching the
ea .

27. A standard certificate for teaching the deaf,
valid for four years, may be issued to a per-
son Who meets the general requirements of
law and the regulations of the State Board of
Education and files a transcript of standard
college credits showing the completion of the
following curriculum:




1. Psychology (Child, General, or Ah-
normal, or a combination of any
two) .



2. Psychology of the Deaf 3 hours
3. Tests and Measurements . 3 hours
4. Principles of Teaching the Deaf 3 hours
5. Principles and Pedagogy of Lip

Reading ............................................................... 2 hours
6. Principles of Teaching Corrective

Speech . 3 hours


7. Phonetics . 0 hours
8. Practice Teaching or Clinic Prac—
ticc (oral methods) ...................................... 6 hours
5). Electives (At least 6 in special
field) ...................................................... 9 hours



Total 41 hours
1. Oral and Written Composition
2. English for the Deaf
3. Electives

. 6 hours
. 3 hours
. 6 hours




Total 15 hours

1. Biology, Chemistry, General Sci—

ence, Zoology or Physics ...................... 10 hours
2. Anatomy and Physiology of Speech

and Hearing ................................................... 4 hours

. Pathology of Speech and Hearing. 4 hours
. Physics of Sound .......................... .2 hours



Total 20 hours
Social Science
1. Principles of Sociology or
Economics ............................................................ 6 hours
2. American History or Government. 3 hours

Total 9 hours

Mathemati cs~«Teacher’s Arithmetic or




Mathematics for Deaf Children .. 3 hours
Art—Public School, Industrial or

Practical .......................................... 2 hours
Public School Musw, or Rhythm for

the Deaf 2 hours
Health or Physical Education . 4 hours


Electives from subject matter fields .24 hours

Total 120 hours
Plus degree

This certificate may be renewed every four
years a