xt7rbn9x3t2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x3t2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-01-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1996 1996 1996-01-19 2020 true xt7rbn9x3t2s section xt7rbn9x3t2s ...—.-..-. ....-.w... ..y








t:..-... ;-~Mrn~u n—svwzw-nn WM. r. .







By John Abbott
Senior Smfl'IVriter

They fought the law, and the law crushed them
like ants.

The Yale graduate students who went on a “grade
strike” recently ended it without gaining any of the
concessions they were seeking

They refused to hand in their grades until they
received higher stipends more teacher training, a
procedure to air grievances, and a number of other

T he grad student group, comprising less than 10
percent 11f the total number of grad students at Yale
decided that it was more
important to have secure
jobs for the next semester.

It happened at Yale;
could it happen here?

“I’ve heard a few horror
stories about people being
assigned too much to do,
but for me, it’s been fine,”
said political science grad
student Alan Purcell. “It
can be difficult, but I enjoy
it. I11 fact. it‘s a nice break
from the grad school work
I have to do."

It's sometimes strange,
he said, having to shift
between the world of
teachers and the world of
students, but it's rewarding



I don ‘1 team to
make it mlmd
like 72-1 —ing is
(I breeze,
became it can
lie a pain in

[be .“ nonetheless.
7 “It's good experience
I want to be a teacher," he
Tom Badgett said

political science

“I think it ives 'ou
graduate rmdem g I

more empathy toward stu-
dents,"bi11lqu grad stu—
dent I 11111 Ba gett said.




Purcell agreed.

“\‘\'e have a better sense 11f the kinds of pressures
students are under than some 11f the professors who
are older and are more removed from the student

ill could cut
VP'S power

By Gary Wult
Staff II WIN

A constitutional amendment that would strip the
Student Government Association vice president of
any supervisory role over the legislative branch was
introduced in the Senate's committee meetings
Wednesday night.

The amendment, sponsored by senators Kevin
Kidd, Brian Kirby and Tom Pratt, proposes to have
a Senate floor leader elected to run Senate meet—
ings, instead of the vice president.

Heather Hennel, SGA vice president, is against
the bill.

“I feel that if anyone wants to change the vice
presidency that they should add responsibilities,
rather than take them away, ' Hennel said. “I am
the only link between the legislative and executive
branches \\ ithout my position the two branches
wouldn't work as well together."

The SGA constitution states the vice president‘s
powers and duties as:

VPresiding as chairperson over the student

VServe as chairperson 11f the Committee on
( ommittees voting only in case ofa tie

VServe as an ex- -11fficio non-voting member of
all student Senate standing committees

VCall special elections to fill vacancies in Sen—
ate offices

VPerform all duties and exercise powers dele—
gated by the student Senate

Senator at lar e Alan Aja also opposes the bill

“If you get rifof the VP’s wet to run the Sen-
ate you lose a very important iaison,” Aja said. “It’s
a student government and should revolve around
the students. The SGA should not be run like our
government in Frankfort or US.”

The bill will be brought to the full Senate next
Wednesday. The bill’s sponsors could not be
reached for comment last night.

Another bill proposed by College of Arts and
Sciences Senator Scott Coovert would add two
more spots for the College of Arts and Sciences.

“There are three times the students enrolled in
(Arts and Sciences) than the next most populated
department," Coovert said. “As a olitical science
major, I don’t believe that I can a equately repre-
sent all 6,232 students in the department. ”

prassed, the humanities, social sciences, p 51—
cal sciences and mathematics of the College of hArts
and Sciences would be represented, Coovert said.

O I .'t


/—. - .awqur-H



8E0 IE8“ '11». l. 71’ men :1 Iitlxil'etImII

team .11er out oft'mt/erenre play ton/11171119 111

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WEATHER (IImme oft/102.".

big/J near 30; 1"Iem tonight I112."
around I 0; increasing cloudy

107110770” Iiig'b around 15.


experience," he said.

Teaching assistants are in a better position, he
noted, to judge when a student deserves a break or if
the student is feeding them a line.

Badgett said that he had “absolutely" been treated
fairly as a grad student.

“I don’t want to make it sound like TA-ing is a
breeze, because it can be a pain in the ," he said,
but it's not so painful that he would bail out.

“It's a iob with all these extra cool benefits of
tuition and an education. It‘s definitely worth it."

He doesn’t hear the footsteps of a teaching assis—
tant revolution in the distance.

“From the T.A.s I know, everybody can make it
on their T. A. stipend.

“It s not a lot of money "he said but if you re not
frivolous, ‘you can get by in Lexington"

He did, howeyer, empathize with the \ale stu
dents, w'hi) face a higher standard of living while
making approximately the same amount 11f money
that UK graduate students do.

“IfI was getting paid this kind of money, and I
was living in New York or San Francisco, I couldn't
live,” he said.

History grad student Bob Topmiller tells a
promising story about grad student—administration
relations at UK.

“There was a time when some history graduate
students considered forming a union," he said.


YIBIEN IHAM K11 1111 -1.ItI
HMS II "P Teaching assistant Tom Badgett 11'07'1'1' in the Thomas Hunt .111»ng Biologital S"\'1iem1' 11111111111111)

Some graduate students were complaining of
being assigned too many hours

““e even discussed the possibility of .1 one d 11
strike," he said notingthat it 11e11'r:11l1:"11111d p.1st tl11'
discussion phase.

In this instance, when labor complained. 111.111.1111'
ment responded.

“\Ve had a case here where an administrator «lid .1
really good job of listening and cut this off bcloic ll
got otit ofhaiid." he said.

He also said that (ieorge llerriiig. L'lldll'llldli oi
the history department. has been 11'1'y supporin 1' of
his graduate students‘ efforts to get something done
about the library.

But Topmillcr is squarely in the Yale grad \tll'
dents” camp.

He is very interested in putting together .1 union.
He disagrees with the Yale administration's position
that the grad students. being students, don’t l1.111'tl11.'
right to unionize or strike.

“\Ve should have some kind of iepi'escntatiye
institution, and I think we should have the right to

“I thought what the

Yale is a standard—setting institution for th1' coun—
try, Dean of Students David Stockham said.

“It'll be interesting to see what spins out ofthis."

Yale administration did 11 :1s

Student talks about potential scam

By Chris Padgett
Staff Writer

Another UK student is asking whether or not
Tony Montana‘s Cash for College rrant and schol—
arship company is legitimate, or ifthe Blackburg,
Va., based company is simply bilking students with
financial need.

With bills accumulating and money mnning out,
students sometimes find that they must take extraor-
dinary measures to remain financially stable.

“Since my first day here last fall, I have had bills
piling up one after another,” said Thomas Mans-
field, an undeclared freshman.

“Sometimes I ask myself if being on this campus
is really worth it," Mansfield said. “I mean, ifI am
not being screwed over by a credit card Company
with big rates, than I have some other company
trying to get rich off the fact that I am a student who
is on my own for the first time.”

Scott Means, a physical education sophomore,
thinks his decision to answer the ad of the company
that had ran in the Kentucky Kernel classifieds, and
said “cash for college," was one of the worst deci-
sions he has ever made.

“I called before that warnin 1 article appeared in
the Kernel on \Vednesday and t e sales pitch sound—
ed so good," Means said. “As I look back on what
happened, I now realize that they took real advan-
tage of me.”

Means said he answered the ad because, he felt
that any ad which appeared in the Kernel would be

“I felt that if this was appearing in the Kernel then


AII‘IIIIGS getting ready
101' SIII'IIII Break travel

By Joan Nichols
Conn'ibuting IVriter

The snow may still be melting from the side roads
but the airlines are betting that students are thinking
Spring Break.

Companion fares for as little as 3316 round- -trip
can fly a student and a friend or $1 nificant other to
Orlando, Fla. ., for the week, saig Diane Layson,
manager of AAA Travel Agency in Lexington.

Been there and done that?

Well, there‘ 5 Los Angeles for $621 for two round-

. Or for students who like it hot, Miami is the
tic et at $380.

Companion Fares are available throu Delta and
US Air and many originate in Lenggon. said


it must be legit. At first, I 11 as really angry th .11 the
Kernel would run a shady ad like this —~— but I now
realize that it was pretty much my fault tor being
taken advantage of."

Kelley Bozeman, advertising director for the KerA
nel, said the publication does its best to check out
ads for legitimacy. She said the students' recent
complaints have been taken seriously and are being

She added that students who think they have been
scammed should always bring it to the attention of
the paper.

“\Ve can't just pull the ad in question until we
have proof that it is really a scam,"she said.

Means said after answering a series of personal
questions with the Cash for College receptionist,
that he then gave her his personal checking account
number and verbal permission to remove $96 from
his account.

“She told me that ifI was not completely satisfied
with the search or ifI did not receive at least a
$1,000 scholarship as a result of the search I would
be refunded my $96," Means said.

He later received an '.1pplication in the 111.11] con-
taining the exact questions that he answered over the

“Then I knew this was .1 scam " .\le' am said.

called the company back and they said that I needed
to have contacted them within . 3 hours to receive .1
refund —— it took 72 hours for the letter In the mail
to get to me. The lady told me that I should have
asked about refunds when I called."

See SCAM 1111 5

Layson, but they are limited to domestic flights only.

Delta also is offering a Student Select Sa11ngs
( ertificate to students who call 1- 800 9DF I I A0
betweenjan. 4 and March 4

The special fares are valid through March 11 and
allow students to take up to two friends along at the
same fate.

Students must provide the name 11f the school and
their identification number. Only one certificate is
allowed per student.

“Certificates will be mailed within seven to 10
days,” said Tiffany Lipscomb, a service representa-
tive on the 800 line.

However, the tickets are nonrefundable and must
be urchased at least seven 11a . in advance.

Prom Cincinnati, Delta 11 ers other student fares.
Such fares include a round trip ticket for one to New
York for $138, or Orlando and Denver for $198, or
Las Vegas, San Diego and San Francisco for $318.

“That’ 5 awesome, not bad at all, ” said Jaime
Arnold, an undeclaurgd_freshman.__g_

.1 1

. «Mina-.....a

- ' ~ vw-«‘-o—- '



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1111111111 6th says Clinton
wants to cut some taxes

\\'.'\SIIIN(TT(I.\' ~ The Clinton administration
is discussing cutting the top capital gains 1.1.1 11110
percent and virtually eliminating the tax on the sale
of homes. Republicans said yesterday.

The '.1diiiinisti'ation plan far less sweeping than
the pr1 11isions in the vetoed Republican budget legis~
lation . would cost rouiihly' 51‘) billion 1111'1 seven
years and would become elfcc'riu the middle of this
inonth, said the Republicans, who spoke on coltdlv
tion 11f anonymity.

Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-K;iii.,s:ii1l in
an interview with (I.\'.\' that the plan which he
tcrmed .111 administration offer had “some merit."
He did not describe it.

However. many conure:ss1onil I)1mocr' .1ts ~ led
by House \linority' I 1 Met Dick (1eph.u1lt I)— \Io

.1d.iii1.iiitly oppose cuttingt capital gains ta.\'1s.
describing it :is '.i giveway to the rich.


Aide testifies about "11111119 11001111181118

\'\'\Slll\'( iTt I.\' w \dding further intrigue to
the 1lis1o1er1 of Hillary Rodham (lintons legal
11111r1ls.1 presidential iidc testified yesterday the
documents mysteriously appeared on .1 table in thc
\\‘1it1'llousc residence two years iftei inu'stigators
s11l1p11111.11d them.

(1.111 1lyn Iluber told the Senate \\'hite11'.itcr(joiii—
1111111'1' sllc went to the book room in tli1'r1'si1l1'nc1'
1'1111 two 111‘ three diys mdtli.itsl11'111111p11t11ll1
found the billing records from \Iis. (. linton s law
firm the re carlv last -\11«rust.

She said they were Ioldcd but 111 plain 1i1'11 on .1
pile ol books 1111 the c'ornci ol.it.il1lc1\l1cr1'tl11'y
hadn't been just days earlier.

“'I hey appeared there." llubci' testified. “I
thought it had been left tl11'i'1' for 1111' to take 111111 11 to
pm 111 the file you know. to file in the filing th.itl
(l() H

Fresnel“ 881 “IF State I" the "11m“

\\V-\.Slll.\'(iiTU.\v -.. Deadlocked with Rt'litllill-
cans 111 cr a balanced budget. President (Ilinton will
confront .1 hostile (Loiigress when he delivers his
State of the Union address Tuesday. llis el1'ction~
ye: 1r mess-.1111- \ll sides must lac e 11p to \merica .s real
problems of 11im1', eduC' i'.t1oii and the economy.

The speech will open ( linton s 100/1 c;;1111piigii
and preview the themes he will throw against his
Republican rival.

The budget battle will loom over (:linton‘s
address, which comes itlSI three days before the ctpi-
ration of a temporary measure keeping much ofthe
government open. Ilowever, presidential spokesman
Alike .\lc(2urry said the budget won't be (Ilinton's
primary focus.

I yeryoiie agrees it would be an exercise in futility
for ( linton to ask the Republit 'in (ongress to
approve a lengthy list of initiatives.

Spectacular set tor Sunday

The Student Activities Board will hold the Stu»
dent (ienter \Vinter Spectacular Sunday from .— to l l
p 111

S \li will have hypnotist Mort Berkowitz in \\ 111"
sham l h1.iter .1t 9: 10 p 111. Ihere will be karaoke 111
(.1'nter lheater and three caricature .irtists in the
popcorn lounge.

Students can make videos in the TV lounge.
International students will bete.'1chinglolkdancimv
in room -45. In the (wrand Ballroom two bands, 84
Lumber and BaliShagg will be performing. Iherc
will also be Step Shows by fraternities and sororities.


lisa Marie: Queen 0' P0” no longer

I.()S .'\.\'(1TITS They said it wouldn‘t last,
.1ndtl1cv werer right: I is.1.\l.1rie Pres—
ley has filed for divorce from \lichacl

Presley cited irreconcilable differ!
ences. h1'r publicist. Paul Bloch, said
yesterday. The action was filed in I os
i\ngtl',1s he said; court personnel
Cotild not immediately coiihriii that

Said _l.11 kson s publicist, l.ee
Soltci's: “I know nothing about it."

The pop superstar and the only' child of the late
This Presley were married on May 36, 1094.

( mnptledf‘i'om 1111f} :111'1 i'mrpnitt


She's planning a trip to the Florida Keys with
friends from Iransy'lyania and Belmont (.11llege.

“My credit cards will be maxed out but I m defi-
nitely going soinew here."

Brad ..\1eyers an In lish ninior, agreed.

“That s a good dea for $621 for two people to
l ...A said Meyers, who plans to go to San Francisco
during the break.

1 a1 son said students who want to take advantage
of the deals need to book their flights in advance.

“Make reservations as soon as possible," she said.
“Space will be limited.

That 5 what Trans T hompson, a political W ience
sophomore found out this week.

He, 1 1 roommates and fraternity brothers are

1lanning a trip to South Padre Island offthe coast of

“I wanted to flv out on Saturday morning and
come back the following Sunday morning,“ he said.
“There was only one flight not booked out of
Louiswlle to Brownsville.”








I Fi‘IiLIy.]wnmn IV. [996, Knittu‘h Kernel



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Lance \Villiains..... ........................... . .................. Editor in Chief
Jennifer Smith ................................................. .Managing Editor
Brenna Reilly ................... . ............ . ........ . ....... . ........ News Editor
Jeff Vinson ........................................................... Campus Editor
Alison Kight ....................................................... Executive Editor
Matt Felice ......................................................... Editorial Editor
Jason Dattilo .......................................................... Sports Editor
Robert Duffy .............................................................. Arts Editor
Erin Bacher ........................................................... Design Editor
Benjamin Abes

Andreas Gustafsson............ . . . .............. On-line Editors
Mhley Shrewsbury. ..Asst. Editorial Editor
Chris Easterling ........................................... Asst. Sports Editor
Julie Anderson .................................................. Asst. Arts Editor
Claire Johnston ........................................................ KeG Editor
YiBien Tham ............................................... Photography Editor
Tracie Purdon

Sheri Phalsaphie.........................................Asst. Design Editors
John Abbott, Scott Gordon, Lindsay Hendrix, Beth McKenzie,
Jeff Vinson and Tiffany White ............................... Copy Editors





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., (“a-aw“... ., U.

By Jason Dattilo
.Spor'lr It'd/tor

Teams around the Southeast-
ern Conference are looking for a
way to slow the potent UK offense
~— a unit beating up on its confer~
ence opponents by an average of
25.3 points a game.

Perhaps Tennessee head coach

Kevin O‘Neill is on top of some-
thing. His Volunteers ventured
into Rupp Arena last weekend and
held the (Eats to a season-low ()1
points. UK then went out and
scored 86 in the first half against
LSU Tuesday.
' “If (UK) gets you going, then
it’s lights out," ()‘Neill said yes—
terday during an SEC coaches’
teleconference. “I don't care who
your team is or how good you are.
If they get you playing at their
tempo and at their speed you're
not going to beat them."

The Vols slowed the tempo to a
crawl, forcing the (Eats into a half—
cotirt grudge match that had the
aesthetic appeal of an Army—Navy
football game and the deliberate
look (if \Vnrltl \‘vill‘ I trench war-

“\Ve tried to at least slow the
tempo and get six or seven passes
and not let them play in a groove,"
()‘Neill said.

Tennessee succeeded in con-
trolling the tempo, but the (Eats
proved too quick in half-court sit-
uations. ()‘Neill said L'K‘s pres—
sure defense can force a deliberate
team into taking ill-advised shots.

Problems also arise when


High Tide

Tiffany H iii! and [W H 'ildmt rennin/titer travel to
Tuscaloosa to battle .Allnlinmn Saturday. The Can” next
home game n H 'cdnerdrly against Sum/.7 Cum/inn.

teams, normally content to race up
and down the floor, try to employ
()'.\‘eill's slow-down strategy.

“I would agree that the 605 is
the best way to shorten the game
against a very talented team, but if
that's not your style, your chances
of being successful drop," said
South Carolina coach Eddie
Fogler, whose Gamecocks were
demolished 89—60 on their home
floor by UK.

Maybe Alabama coach David
Hobbs will find a way to slow the
(Eats and come out a winner. The
Crimson Tide plays UK at home
Feb. 20.

“If(UK) gets it going it can be
a risky venture," Hobbs said.
“They are so talented and so deep
that the quicker the pace of the
game, the less of a chance you
have. As the scores go up a step
from the 70s into the 805 and 905
it gets tougher to win the game."

Success has a price

Last season Richard \Villiams’
Mississippi State team burst on
the scene to grab a share of the
SEC \Vestern Division crown.
The Bulldogs won 22 games a year
ago, surprising many conference
teams with their substantial depth.

State returned two of its top
performers this season, in Erick
Dampier and Darryl \Vilson, and
even secured a top 10 ranking in

some preseason polls. “The expectation level


Slow tempo could be
key to heating Cats

"Eli“ "AU Krinn' ruff"

HIGH PRESSURE The H 'i'ldcatr' preryure defense belprfbrt‘r the tempo againrt

opponents intent on rlouiing things down.

has cer- “Now we've reached a point in

Halfway through the season,
MSU‘s record stands at a
respectable 1 [—3, but \Villiams has
learned that being a big boy has

tainly increased," \Villiams said.
“In the past we could always use
the underdog role and the lack of
respect thing to motivate our play-

our program where we're good ——
or least expected to be good. It’s
different for our players. They've
never been through it, and neither

SONIC disadvantages. Cl‘S.

Knight, Pitino star
in taco commercial

BI.()().\II.\'(§'I‘().\', Ind. ~— Though
Bob Knight hates to lose ~
especially to rival IfK ——
the Indiana basketball
coach plays second-fiddle to
\Vildcat coach Rick Pitino
in a new Taco Bell corri—

In the commercial
filmed this week in Blooin—
ington, Pitino, Knight and
Georgetown coach John
Thompson are vying for a
lanky, 7—foot high school
basketball recruit.

In addition to a great
education, Knight entices
the player with a soft taco;
Thompson offers him a
crunchy one. But Pitino . .
brandishes a double—decker Plilno
taco and the recruit can’t resist, succumb—
ing to UK.

Laurie Gannon, a spokeswoman for
Taco Bell Corp, said the ad will promote
the chain's new Sizzlin‘ Bacon menu of
double-decker tacos.

The 3(l-second commercial will begin




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have the coaches."


its nationwide run Jan. 2‘).

Though parts of the commercial were
filmed at the Indiana Memorial Union,
Assembly Hall and the IU Main Library,
most of the shooting took place in the
home of Kathryn Propst and Ed Furia.

lieninu suspended

Jonas Liening, a redshirt
freshman offensive tackle
on the UK football team,
has been suspended indefi-
nitely for a violation of
team rules, UK coach Bill
(Iurry announced yester-

Liening, a 6—foot-8, 290-
ponnder, was expected to
anchor the (Zats' offensive
line next season.

(Iurry had no further comment on the

Nutter closed

The Nutter Field House will be closed
to all students, faculty and staff from Jan.
22 until sometime in March so netting can
be hung from the roof, officials said.

The facility‘s indoor track is a popular
jogging spot at UK during the winter

(.‘ompi/ed from rnrff 2‘17? rcpol‘tr.




i ii . mums « nil \i'l; ix - won ilui li.l\\('llL’t'l’~ iiurv ll.l\lliL' _’ tor l tires must travel livgcthcr Farr-x shovin .lrt tortitl link trawl Peak travel 2 for l larcs .irc HHS“ higher HflrPcak Ruln Monday Tuesday and Wednesday .ll’t‘ l ifl Peak Thursday is
[M H .i‘i. 'x-iim _' .n. W ,itiil rim " ill l‘\l l~nd.i\ is! it? Hulk irton ll so W Saturday l\ ( "Weak beton- ‘HII w and aim l.’ on \mn. Sunday and Holidai [R'ntlI‘ an- Peak (rur Limcn almmsisi we punt out that s huliik's and lam are sulmt iorhange

“lllrtiili iinl|