xt7rbn9x3p4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x3p4r/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/28 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing February 20, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing February 20, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7rbn9x3p4r section xt7rbn9x3p4r I ‘ A, i I 1/ .» r'
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Vol. 1, No. 28 Federal Works Agency, U. 8. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator February 20, 1940
O C .
Four Cities Open New “Arch1tectural Forum” Features
0 .
Proiects During Month USHA P . J I
I Augusta, Austin, Dayton, Allentown rograln In an. SSlle
_ Get Homes—Incomes As Special Article Asks and Answers 13 the light of existing conditions . . . Grants
Low As 3503 Questions on Public Housing no greater rent subsidies than currently nec-
, . _ . essary . . . Operates for the present at a
. . F 0131” addltlonalI USHA-alded pI‘OJectS “If the United States is to make inroads sufficiently low rent level . . . Builds to the
naveIDIeen opened Wlthm the last few .WeEkS’ 011 its vast slum and low—rent housing Dl'Ob- lowest feasible standards . . . Is the proper
providing new homes for 77:6 low-income lem, Government must help.” Thus the edi— function of Government.”
famnies. Two Of the prejects (Spnset tors of the “Architectural Forum” answer
._ ilhoizriiili ‘ffileiuftsaérg:‘%:I:Ciilig:fl§irisn’::::: the question, "Are Slum Clearance and Low- Criticisms and Questions
. -, ’_ ‘ . Rent Housing the Proper Functions of Gov— While concluding that “USHA . . .
averaging about $500 a year. The projects 7,, . I . “I ,,, I. . ,, . .
in the two northern cities (De Soto Bass ernment.I , With an emphatic yes. The has made a good beginning and that
Courts in Dayton, Ohio, and Hanover Acres question 15 one Of 13 about the USHA-alded chances are ,hught USHA Will do be;ter
in Allentown, Pa.) reach families whose program, posed and answered in the Janu- WIth the next 800 mthh dollars, the ed}—
incomes average less than $900 a year. ary issue of the magazine, which devotes tors of the Forum take exception to cerItaln
These four projects bring to 14 the total over 20 pages to an exhaustive analysis of aspects Of the present program. USIFHA
of USHA-aided projects now being tenanted. public housing aims and accomplishments. prolect COStS Iare SIhh too lhgh’ theyfeel’
By January 31, 6,795 families had already Conclusions reached are not, the editors 5131111?“ olelllnewulthrthle fillings: Oily}:
. moved into their new low—rent homes. point out, intended to be final, but represent 2.011811153ng loahs isyriiies‘fidihed. aUSnHIA his
. Lower Than Slum Rents in Same Cities an attempt to IclIarlfy cuIrreInt Lhmkmg and failed to “Conduct adequate research and
Average monthly shelter rentals in the to provoke add1t10nal thmking and discus— experimentation,” in the Forum’s opinion.
. four projects range from $8.52 at Sunset sion. . I The editors leave unanswered the question,
Homes, to $13.99 in Hanover Acres. In Housmg QUIZ “Is USHA Being Successfully Adminis—
- three of the four developments, the shelter The housing SBCtiOD 0f the issue opens tered?” Both criticisms and explanations
rentals are well below average rents now with an 18-questi0n quiz (“If you score more are listed. In the same way, no decision is
paid for substandard housing in the same than 50 percent, you know more about Pub— reached as to whether current subsidie: are
communities. lic Housing than most”), includes photo- too high. It is declared, however, that "for
Sunset Homes, 168-unit development for graphs, site and floor plans, charts, and really low—rent housing, subsidy is now es-
Negro families in Augusta, was constructed statistical material, as well as the 13 ques- sential.” The editors suggest that the term
on vacant land at an estimated ovcr—all cost tions and answers which form the main body slum clearance needs “revaluation—at least
of $4,519 per dwelling. Estimated tenant of text. The whole discussion is planned to until the dwelling shortage is relieved.”
family incomes average $498 a year. The provide a complete, clear survey of what the Four representative USHA-aided projects
average monthly shelter rent per unit is USHA-aided program has done, and what are given special treatment in 10 pages of
$8.52. the major problems are. pictorial display. Aerial views, construc-
~ At Chalmers Street (Austin) homes have Significant conclusions by “Architectural i'ion shots, site plans, interiors, and l‘lOOl'
been provided for 86 white families at shel- Forum” are that the program: “Is not com— plans are featured. Significant facts on
ter rents averaging $8.62 a month. The peting with private enterprise building . . . each project are tabulated—size, costs,
median shelter rental for all substandard Is not costing the Government too much in rents, construction and equipment, etc.
, dwellings in the city is $10.50 a month.
Family incomes average $490 annually.
Hanover Acres, white project in Allen— ,I_ I,“
town, provides 322 homes on what was form— ‘ , , it a}, .
erly a vacant site. The over-all cost of thg l §,%.;}.Qlilflf
project is $4,991 per dwelling. Estimate KIEtii-‘lfcf .1:;,:?‘-~:7i76 5/‘/
average annual income of tenants is $878. . ,,,,, m a ' _ A’S‘.‘ “ *3? {gtigfiti/Lgf? ' {A
. Some 40 families are now living in the proj- a. » _ ‘ ~ - ' ' ’ _ h . [,5 w ' "" I'Ij;.”"“3{f;‘ 1.; ”4/”.
ect. The average shelter rental is $13.99 a ' M 'T‘va’h‘ "if" [if/13:
month, or considerably lower than the $17 .55 H . I ; 4%:{wwjm1-fllhfiifi’fl i4 t
which is the average rent paid by tenants ,,.; 1.1:" ' ,, " .. t
in substandard dwellings in Allentown. .‘ ” ‘ " , '
De Soto Bass Courts (Dayton), a Negro : ' {5.3 .. '
project built on a vacant site at an over—all 1w”- f .' iffilf'fl ,, . , ' ". ' I" - * V
. cost of $4,806 per unit, consists of 200 dwell— ”Awe? _ ”imammm. WII'JKI'Awé I .
ings with average shelter rentals of $12.72 «ffimwwwAm,~/¥Imafl:a:2
a month. Shelter rentals for substandard a/;“~1‘iw"x ,.. , , , ., ., /””C¢
Negro dwellings in Dayton average $12.75 These neat, modern structures grouped tenants of the Chalmers Street project in
' a month. The estimated average family around a spacious, open court assure light, Austin, Tex. Average monthly shelter
income. on the projeCt is $797 a year. air, and wholesome living; conditions to the rental is only SEER L‘BRARhES

 San Francisco, California m “But no matter how you stretch and fig— ,
, ure, a dollar will only buy a dollar’s worth.
The Diamond Jubilee edition of the San Around The country “Would you let me know as soon as pos-
Fi‘mwisco Chronicle (Sunday, January . , sible if I am accepted. Then I could let my
28) ran (i feature story by George De Wltll The refrigerator and heater go back and buy
Cm'valho, entitled“Sm"uey of San Fran— some dishes and bedclothes that I need so
cisco’s Housing Problem . . . and EDITORS very much.
the Signs Of Howe.” It is here- i‘cm'O- -¥- .MM “The ages of my boys are 9, 7, 6, and 2. . .
duced in shortened form: I’m sending up a prayer with this letter.”
_ _ _ _ simple arithmetic presents you with the
WOVEN mm the enduring fabl‘lc 0f the grim paradox that San Francisco’s most ,
American dream is the concept of home, famous, most interesting, and most visited Yonkers, New York
shelter, less as a necessity 0f life than a 1.91“ area is San Francisco’s worst slum. Result, .. V . ,,
tile field for living. In the creation Of a 0011‘ according to 1937 health figures: tuberculo— .Mulfm‘d Gardens To BOOSt Savings
tinent, men who had little thought 0f rest sis in Chinatown, 123 out of 100,000 against is the heading IOT th? following story
dreamed Of a home. the city-wide 60; infant mortality in China- from the Yonkers Daily Times of Jan-

Americans built magnificently for work town, 84 out of every 1,000 against the city— umy 2-
aiid production, but flimSily for their rest wide 34. THE fortunate families who qualify for
311d sleep. Cramped by the dry verbiage 0,1 apartments in Mulford Gardens, Yonkers’
municipal statutes and City limits, the dy- Most of San Francisco’s, and the Nation’s, $3,000,000 housing project, will probably
namic surge otrbusiness reached heaven— juvenile delinquency is bred in the slum. pay rents even lower than they are paying
wards 1“ lts expansmn to Cieate the Skfi Aside from the waste of youthful lives, each for their present substandard dwellings, it
scraper. The homes of urban America cou juvenile delinquent costs the city an esti— was indicated yesterday. So Matthew F.
only huddle tighter together to create the mated $200. Any plague, any epidemic Kelley, chairman of the municipal housing
slum. d h 1 d'd t would almost certainly be incubated to viru— authority, declared in commenting on the

The. shortage an t e sums 1 no grow lent maturity in slums. Tuberculosis hits its progress being made by the Authority’s
overnight. But through war boom and Cool- . ._ ' ., . ‘ . . T t a 1, .u _ h. . . . 1 ~ il'rr g y, . ,

'd e ros eritv they were almost ignored. target tWice as omen iinsluin areas. Aiid, enan so when ulVlSlOll in 1am 1 is early
1 g p p . ‘ ‘ N ,, again from the booxkeepincr angle, tubercu— applications for apaitments in the new
It was not till the phrase New Deal came 1 . t th -‘t* D, f 1 t t t _ . t

' to the American language that “housing 0515 CPS S e u 3 money 91 rea men. ”file“ , . ‘ .

m ,, . There is, too, the human anguish which can Mulford Gardens is gomg to be a low—
problem became a national byword. On be felt but not measured rent housin )ro‘ect in fac“ as well a“ in
“housing problem” then was placed the ' ,, M- glen J 'd H. cl _ _.°
blame for almost every canker that fostered —‘fi 115.1129, 1' eleylsai j afn . 0.“ 'expeiieiice
. the American system. Macon Gem-via Wit tenant se ection so a1 indicates tiat
m . 5‘ D the families we rehouse are really gomg to

Much of that blame was rightly placed. . ‘ t
In the filth of slum alleys machine politics Under the headline,“Motliei'Asks MHA saxg‘lrlnoney on 1:}? t th . . .
and machine crime flourished. In the air— HOW“? Here 50 Stomach—Cheating Can 1 {5131463125 ~d aC' Idey an; glong :10 ‘1).an
less cellars of a tenement family disease E7{Cl-” the Macon (Gm) Telegraph hess 01 lil (1)11 311.6115 .lglt an t‘luy
took easy root. And America’s very syno— printed the 19111010019, January 25: Homesawn; a‘ ”.10 e131 congenliences, “3:11

for 'uvenilc delinquency “dead end , 18y are now My“??? Vl eie . a1 { and stufiy
nymn_ 'l " AT LEAST one Macon mother conglders rooms and primitive sanitary fac1hties
kids is taken from the slum. , . . n

’ the local housmg pI‘OJQCtS a godsend and ex1st. . .
S F , ,i y he (1 f the West has made her application for an apartment ———
an ranciSco ls wa a a 0 ' in 0 lethorie Homes “with a )ra 761‘.”
ern pack, With three projects ’tWiXt blue— Togher an1 apartment will 111612111 liot only a USHA Issues Mallual 0f
print and building; Holly Park, Potrero Hill, better home, but more food for her four
and Sunnyvale , small boys whose stomachs “we have to Mallagelnellt Reports
. Transportation 1.8 but one angle 0f. the cheat,” and a little money with which to buy
Clty’S reSPOHSIbmtles toward the prOJects. bed clothes and dishes “we need so very USHA Policy and Procedure Bulletin No.
There are others. For instance, education. much.” 28, “Manual of Management Reports,” is
QutSId? Of these servrces, only COSt t0 the Last week she talked with R. J. Flournoy, now ready for distribution to local authori—
Clty. W111 be negative: N0 taxes from the tenant selector, and then she wrote a letter ties. This Bulletin, the newest in the Policy ‘
prOJects. However, many Of the properties to Jack Cutler, executive director of the and Procedure series, is designed to guide ‘
bought by the Authority were already tax— Macon Housing Authority. local housing authorities in preparing their ‘
delinquent from way bacx. Estimated ac— Her plea for a new home reads in part: management reports. Z
tual 1°St revenue W111 add about a $005 tax “Dear Mr. Cutler: The Manual was developed after intensive '.
F0 every $1’000 worth Of property. Further, “I made application this morning for one consultation with representative local hous— i
ll“- has been CStImPted that Qty, services .111 of the Oglethorpe Homes apartments. Now ing authorities and with a small group of ' :
511“.“ areas COSt 5‘5 for every $3 taken m’ I am in a fever of fear, fear that for seine experienced housing managers. The follow— (
“flu-Ch means no slums—less serVices— reason I will not be accepted. Perhaps it is ing principles were kept constantly in mind: E
savmgs. because it seems too good to be true to hap- (1) The time required for preparation must
.3 ’1‘ "1 pen to me. be held to a minimum. (2) Reports must

San Francisco has slum houses aplenty “Why, it would not only mean better liv— directly benefit the local authorities in re- f
but no clearly defined shim district. The ing conditions. It would mean better food, viewing management activities. (3) They }
bad areas are Chinatown, easily the worst better clothing, and a better heart to do the much directly benefit the staff of a local ‘
slum in San Francisco and perhaps in the best we can, Mr. Cutler, it will mean a rest authority in evaluating its own work. (4) t
West; the Fillmore District, in which white— to brain and a peaceful soul. They must enable the USHA to serve as a V
occupied houses compete with Japanese and “Our gas, lights, and water expenses and medium for exchange of experiences, metli— f
Negro dwellings in a mad race toward utter payments on a gas stove, heater, and refrig— ods, and results. (5) The reports must en- a
dilapidation; the Panhandle; South of Mar— erator amount to one-fourth of what my able the USHA to fulfill the requirements t
ket and parts of the Mission District. husband makes a month, and the rent is a of the United States Housing Act in review-

Chinatown land costs are from $2 to $3 a little more than a fourth. ing project administration and in making 12
square foot. The interiors of those old “That leaves $22.49 for food to feed six its own annual report to Congress. a
buildiiigs——on which gay neon signs flaunt people 81 days, four of whom are growing The Manual contains sample copies of the 11
night clubs and curio shops—are ill-venti~ boys less than 10 years of age. reports required, together with complete in—
lated, seldom penetrated by even the feeblest “We have to cheat our stomachs and structions for filling them out. . .
beam of sunlight. In 20 square blocks 20,000 promise them a really full meal when we The USHA will furnish the local authori-
people live. spend the day at grandmother’s or auntie’s, ties with an initial supply of the report t

Add the fact that Chinatown’s people sel— because we can’t put the rent, gas, lights, forms as soon as they are available from the I
dom venture out of the close alleys~—and and water off with a promise. Government Printing Office. V


 ““h— 7
, A fl .t. 1 T t S l t. “New Homes for Old”
spans 0 111 la 611311 6 BC 1011 Latest Headlme Book
lIl BUflth Latest in the Foreign Policy Association’s
seri “ ' . ” ' .
. . By NAN ROCHE, Tenant Selection Supervisor, Buffalo, N. Y. publeiihzfd I$:SII%601:eOSOLEOl-lsoigfl’ $331123;
. fi_ir —~—\—‘¥1 * by William V. Reed in collaboration with
One of the many answers to the question uity. The purpose was to show, through Elizabeth Ogg. Attractively designed, With
on how best to service the prospective ten— this “demonstration dwelling unit” how ten— over 90 lllUStl‘atIOHS, thlS small (llZ-page)
ants of a project is to have a conveniently ants could make attractive homes without volume 15 the-first complete summary 0f
located application office. In the smaller going into debt. Second—hand furniture and European 1101151113“ .to be “'l'ltten fOI‘ popular
cities, it is often sufficient to have the central the most inexpensive new home accessories consumption. Whlle the relevance to Amer-
tenant selection office located near the open— were used throughout. The Good Will ln- icans 0f European experience is adequately
ing project. Even then the applications are dustries agreed to give us furniture. stressed, the eni'phas1s thTOUghOUt IS upon
sometimes limited to the section in that part Since many of these families were coming the housmg 130l101e5_ and methods Of the vari—
of town, so it is generally good procedure from rooming houses, the need of a decent 0115 European nations during the last 30
to have branches spotted in areas where type of bed was our first considered prob~ years (and espeCially Since 1918)-
prospective tenants live. However, I am lein. In one room we utilized the sofa type The chapter headings are challenging—
told that one centralized office means that of bed and put our money into a decent inat— “Why Housing?”, “Patchwork Remedies and
the records can be kept intact and confusion tress and springs. We don’t have a craft Promising Plans,” “America, What Next?”
resulting from duplication and complicated shop, but we utilized the vocational schools In general, the method followed is that of
files is avoided. My answer is that, what— in the adult educational center, and, of first tracing the historical growth of the
ever the mechanical complications for the course, the community resources, in making housing problem (beginning with a pre—in-
1 authority are, the point is to service the bedframes and converting an old chest of dustrial—revolution Yorkshire village and
prospective tenants with as much practical drawers and old chairs into neat, attractive progressing to the modern metropolis), then
convenience to them as is possible. It may pieces of furniture. The most gratifying discussing the several types of solution at—
mean one centralized office, either near the result of this demonstration unit was that tempted through the public housing pro—
project or in the center of the city, or a num— many men in the project are taking old fur- grams of England, France, Germany, Aus—
ber of branch offices—the answer depending niture and repainting and rebuilding it in tria, Sweden, Holland, and the rest.
upon the size of the city and the'neighbor— the adult educational classes, under expert “In Europe homes are blacked out,” the
hood distribution of likely applicants for superViSion. ' . volume begins. But the authors go on to
dwellings in the project. The clothes presses in the project pre- observe that, while housing progress has
The tenant selection Office, 01- branch of- sented another problem because. they have been interrupted by war in Europe, uEu_
fices, should be open from 8:30 a. m. to 9:00 “0 doors. The purchase 0f inexpensive rope’s experience can be a great help to us
p. m. as many days during the week as the heavy crash material did the trick. IVYA . . . For after the World War Europe
size of the staff allows, and service on Sat- girls dld the seWing onthese covers as well found itself in much the same kind of hous-
urday afternoon and Sunday l5 necessary. as on the drapery hangings, bed CQVQYS’ and ing dilemma that was forced upon our atten—
. . , . shower curtains. Attractive dressmg tables tion during the depression. Though they
. . Methods for Stimulating Applications were made from packing boxes and orange didn’t by any means finish the job between
I stress again the value 0f advertising the crates. Parenthetically, some of the boys at wars some European countries did go a long
location of the central office and the hours. the Lakewew Pl'OJeCt. are now building way toward cracking their worst housing
We announced I? in the papers and in our dressmg tables for the” SISters’ Some‘of problem. That’s why we shall do well to
various publications. The PUblle Library the men are now making Pullman style (I'llll‘ find out what their experience has been.”
cooperated With US 311d printed matter was ettes, which we didn’t have suffiCient time Like all “Headline Books ,, “New Homes
placed in 16 branch offices. We also placed to do when the demonstration unit was first For Old” aims to vivif ’. -t- .. _
. . . . y an impOi ant piob
announcement brochures and other material set up. XVe have all noticed that the women lein for a wide audience Its irice (23
in hospitals, schools, churches, fraternal are getting a great deal of satisfaction out cents) ajiearance and readabililt recom—
organizations, and welfare agencies. We of getting together to talk over their com- mend it floi' such a buriose y '
got the cooperation of the Superintendent mon p1‘0b1e1ns_ They are making, among _)- l 'l - .
0f SChOOlS, and contacted teachers who knew other things, parchment lamp shades and oil ML lteed, an architect and hOUSlhg‘ 0011-
families eligible for dwellings in the project. cloth curtains. sultant, spent 2 years in .luurope gather-
I met With some 0f the District Supervisors The nursery, or the children’s room, was ing material fOl-'Vllls.h00l\'; ‘MISS Ogg 117‘ a
in the public welfare departments and also the center of most interest to most of the member 0f the l‘m'elgn thCy Assomation
. in the private agencies, the Jewish Federa— penp]e coming into the project. Not only stafl.
tion, the Catholic Charities, in the Family were our prospective tenants interested, but Moi, h
Service Department; all Of those agencies it also served as a demonstration to social
had contact with low—income families. agencies in the city. H .- I ‘ B ‘ , M ‘l _
Civic clubs—the Rotary, Kiwanis, and In our model apartment we set up afbullel- .OIISIIlg S esl .ill scl
others, have been cooperative and helpful tin in each room showing tie cost 0 eaci 4 . g 5' .. .' .,
in stimulating interest and aiding in direct- article. The prospective'tcnant, after View- F01 Lumhu Ind “Shy
ing eligible families to the project. All ing the roomsand studying the cost charts, Calling the low-cost housing program the
these contacts are important and tie us in consulted our ‘Home Bureau people concern— salvation of the West Coast lumber indus—
with the community, thus helping us in our ing certain paints, certain materials, and the try, Edmund Hayes, President, the West
future relationship With the public and mechanics Of yina'king Old furniture veiy Coast Lumber-men’s Association, recently
agencies With Wthh we Will have contacts attractive. We felt that we had acconi— predicted that low—cost housing will continue
throughout the stage 0f management. pllShEd our purposcf-that we had encour— as the lumber industry’s major market for
Requirements should be clear and well 1aggd our tenants to utilize what they already the next 10 years.
)ublicized. Exceptions to admission policies “1 - . _ . . “What the West Coast lumber industr
and verification of eligibility should not be 'In coiicl'usmn, .1 {lllgllt add that oui expe- would have done in the last 2 or 3 yeai:
- rience indicates it is Wise to haVe an apalt- . .
permitted. I inent maintained as a demonstration unit ‘Vlthmit thls 'mai'ket, I cannot venture to
Demonstrations in Home Furnishings in the project. There are many advan— guess, he said. .

D . The League of Women Voters undertook tages—one that the privacy‘of the homes is “The [most important thing to be done for
the job of equipping a 419—room house in intact at the same time Visitors have an lumber is to organize and focus the resources
Lakeview, and showed what can be done opportunity to become acquainted With the of industry upon ’continuing the program of
with very little cash and considerable ingen— project. low-cost housmg.


 Roosevelt Approves -' ' _ , , , , , ,~ , , , ,L V;
More Loan Contracts , WHY ' , , i u L ‘ ,

President Roosevelt recently approved . PUBLIC , HOUSING » , , , " , , '
loan contracts totaling $15,857,000 for the , ' , ' . .. I, a ,2 , . , '2 _ ,, i : '. 2
construction of 10 low—rent housing projects 2, . 7 , IN ' ALLAS if". L , ' ,. X ' E ’ .
in 12 communities. The new loans brought ' ,, , f’f; 5.5;};7‘“ jjwiié . i. 217,7", 1'71", 1/ i". ’1': , ”'57:: '
the total of approved USHA loan contracts :5, , . firm!“hwidm‘lmw’m”Mrbvfiiiwffiwwwksfii‘swmmm,3
to $507,033,000 for 153 local housing author~ 2,3: - ,’ " Z; , ~ " 'i ' . L ha in " " ‘
ities. These programs call for the erection Zr :L. , _, L ”f ‘; 2
of 362 projects in 162 different communities, gfegg* v; I» -,.L . 7“. "" Zita?” ’, <
and will provide a total of 133,834 dwelling “L L w 4, «mmmw. 1”“ ' ”at“ “L .. ¥ ’
units to reliouse about 530,000 persons. 3,, r“ «WW WW”“‘“”* 1' Ht 3 , '

Largest of the new contracts is $2,282,000 ”L! E .sijf , a“ i .. I . L ' V; .
for the Bridgeport (Conn.) housing author— {LWlLfl/ggg , 11*" , . _ * " fl 2 p .23; p ._
ity, to build some 510 low-rental dwellings. grj>~§§£gg ' ' “35;, ' 1" i. 22%: T L _ ,1, f
Six authorities are receiving their first :zfjfseflajg .. 3...: ‘ g,' L . . . . g . ‘

USHA loan contracts. They are: Montgom— gvswfgfiifis 1 gm * 14,-5 13% 4 , ‘ g,

ery, Ala; New Britain, Conn.; Marietta, (3a.; EXEQQfiggfifi ”“2 h ., #3 5 2’ . 7 ”it, 2 . ,:

Alexander County, 111.; Lawrence, Mass.; gyfr:\~{.{¥“:;j§ L‘ g, :3 . @2220!” 525$. 3

and Pawtucket, R. 1. Estimated average fiiwifigwfifi 3s“? ‘ ’2“: 9; 2’ r . 2‘ ‘ _ f; i

construction cost per dwelling is lowest Eiffyg’éjvfigiiéé I g ‘1‘“; '- . . . ~ . . .
($1,419) on the 534—unit project in San Juan, EgiiLg~LiwrNLZ§Ql§s : 4’ L i, 4 I 7; its; . , 7. A» . .. ”L .. . ff

Puerto Rico; highest ($3,140) on the 356- §§§%;( X 2 f“ .0 ‘1, {:‘f EWW .N W WW“, , g

B 'l I' P - U 4 0 Moms -

’39 0511A Larrrel Faofir g:”maimfitewmfifigtwfigmmw“*WMWMWW” -‘

During 1939, 343,084 new dwelling units Jiiskifgg T «ALLLWN IL "
were provided in the urban areas of the Egg}? WMLW \ * . '
United States, according to a release of the Egg; WWWWW "‘ . ‘ ‘ 1;,

United States Department of Labor. Of this §é§x§§«wm -‘~- W“ ' z . ., . .~; ’ .212. 2' '2}
number, 55,438, or 16 percent, were in $953 2 > ; " . i if; _ _ ,
USHA-aided projects. i “ L _ 3:37]; ' ' ,- i 3;,vécenem _ .3

In 1939 more dwelling units were pro— éLlo ~/ 32‘“ *MLL i: ’ “Better ' >
vided in urban areas in this country than in 312% {2 LVN—L. ’ 1 ' ~L - , 13%, i ' ;
any year since 1929 when building permits gruff; K L ' ;- .. ., A, 5" 7' [1,55 ' ‘ 3
were issued for 400,000 dwelling units. The #3 AN“ , my” ' ' 3m}. ,w/ . 2
1939 total is more than nine times that of W M; ’ i ' . Living
1933——the lowest year of the depression— 1 L, " . 7 V
and is 40 percent above the 1988 total. WLWP‘W; . »

When USHA-aided projects are excluded ”2'3 _ ' i ‘ ’
from the total, private building still shows 2 . _, _ , * :j
a substantial gain over 1938——20.3 percent. “L3,, . i '
1Encouraging as this record seems to be, :5, LLL,‘.?, 7 1 q , ' 11‘ '
tie 1939 total is still far short of the total L r
number of dwelling units which must be L‘Arx LWmengammfiwinfifmemain”?
built annually if 0111‘ cities are to eradicate é-Symrl ’LLLLLLLfllcrLLLLLZ«”LL L;
the dwellings which are “unfit for use" or if . . ' .
they are tourelieve the acute housing short— Willy Public Housing In Dallas WhICh presents the case for public 110115111?)
ages developed over the past decade This effective cover appears on a leaflet In Dallas. Dallas PA¥S F0}. Its. Slums,
. . . “Contrasts and Comparisons in Life. For
L _ . prepared by the Housmg Authority of the Dallas . . . Which?”, and “How Do the
Schedule of Bid Opening Dales1 City of Dallas. an excellent example of Sluiil Families Live?" are some of the page
W 190311)’ issued, educational 'material. The headings. Results of a local housing survey .
( mnn'iier ’ “ uni-is bpming eight—page, 8 X 10 bulletin features “911' are dramatically summarized. “In the Mex—
- i 77*" i ,7 E chosen photographs 311d striking captions, ican area 96.3 percent of dwellings were un—
Aki'oii (Ohio 7 1).. , . 270 i 37 7—40 together with a simple, straightforward text fit for occupancy.”
Baltimore (Md—2 2)....3 413-! i 3777207~10 .
mm? (iitiiogii, £ET1)‘3,,1....‘ 22.3 ‘ 3~ 9in Weekly Construction Report

inroe i. ____—

1‘ All ) l 7- - $08 2 EB‘IIETH‘O ‘ Week ended I Week ended i lr’erccntage
11‘332111.(1111El(1\1:17§12)),7 ‘ “138 1 §:h;::8 “m” ' l4‘ehi‘iili1‘ji9, 1910 February 2. 1040 ‘ change ‘
Lexington (19». +71)” , ‘se i 340—40 ~ ,, ' iW“—'*' "”’ _ g— ' .
kgxqiihhfiléili‘“7321))"i 288 3 3:35:18 Number of projects under construction W. i 173 167 ‘ +3.33 _
NewOrlealis (1421.771, 8) , 7“.) ‘ 37 7740 Number .of dwellings under (Izonstruction ' .. . 223,333 i 297 93?,338 1 12.13

Omaha (Nelii‘fl 2)...." 272 27277410 Total estimated over—all cost of new housxrrg... W304, , n 35 , , _ .

q. u . 1 i. 7-); - - - ,1 Average over-all cost 1 of new houSIng per unit 1 $4,484 . $4,491 0.20

I‘l‘dllll‘lil (0.1. .. 3) 3.30 .37 .i 40 A t t t' t ._, 't 1 $2 816 1 $2 820 _0.14

Tampa “7111.73 2) , . : 320 3710740 vex-age ne cons ruc ion cos per uni . , , , -

V 5. )z x: - 4‘ it. ‘ —__————*_—_

“ got ‘12)?“ B2121}. ( I. .1} 120 i 3710—740 1 Includes: (a) Building ilie house. including structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electric-.1] installation; (li) dwell—
E‘ inc equipment. architects’ fees. local administrative expenses“financial charges during construction, and contingency ex-
, L - . . . . . pdnses; (0) land for present development; ((I) nondwellini: fatalities. . ‘ . -
aiid[liiilliiiliiililiglny ii 50-day period between bid £l(l\‘i"l'ilslllfl 2 The cost of buildingr the house, inclining structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs.
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. _ . _
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domestic, foreign $1.80 per‘yearL Single copies, :1 cents. _
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housmg Authority, Washington, D. C.