xt7rbn9x3p35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x3p35/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1941 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1941 Vol.12 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, June 1941 Vol.12 No.8 1941 1941 2019 true xt7rbn9x3p35 section xt7rbn9x3p35 ,2 III
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 .>.E ,3 EEEIEE E . ”,1
7:3 it! E
.941 June, 1941 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five EE,3 E , '
E r
)otential E Make It Easy to Pay series of six or seven good letters, and series of six or more collection letters. EE E
xtensiOn E. Delinquent Subscriptions enclose a generous—sized order blank Bringing in the money without making E} E ;.
{ighway ; By Floyd Hockcnhull and a self—addressed return envelope. enemies or losing subscribers depends ‘E
[owever, E Collecting money [01. past-due sub- Make it easy for the do-it—tomorrow upon tactful persistence. Send your EEEH
re‘ work . scriptiOHS is the problem of hundreds mass of readers to renew promptly. letters with clockwork regularity. And EEE ~-
irlsts to E of circulation executives, particularly Once the subscription list is paid—in- remember that each letter will bring ‘ EEE
ads safe . those on non-metropolitan newspapers. . advance, it’s no trick to keep it that in only a part of the collections—but |EEEEEE "
uckians. E Why? Simply because most small- way by using a systematic renewal sys- the total pull of the letters will amount IEE‘E ,
ould be Itown newspapers have no planned sys- tem. to a high percentage of collections. A “n‘ »
on these item of collecting. Many do not even How can money be collected for de- Series of six or seven well-written let- HE j
uspapers Esend renewal notices—or, if they do, linquent subscriptions? ters will usually collect upwards of .80 'EEEE
Cir par- Ethey stamp on the label, “Your sub- Q. These people owe for the news- per cent of the dellnquent- subscrrp— EEEEEEE ,
OJeCt mi lscription has expired,” or merely send [M19673 Why ”at 7““ dun them? tlons. And you can ordinarily collect Eiih}
s of the E one or EWO postcard notices. A. Such a cold method doesn’t work from the few deadbeats through spec1a1§EEEEE ,
it much > E ‘Naturally such notices don’t get many for a lot of reasons. personal letters or personal contact. EEE’ '
1r news- renewals. Chief reason: they make it 1. It doesn’t collect money. 2. Tactful attitude. In all letters and EEEE
Eves to E hard for the reader to renew. He must 2. It brings stop orders. collection elforts, work from the point EE‘E
ton and hunt up paper, pencil or pen, and en- 3. It makes past—due subscribers un- of view of the delinquent subscriber EEE' _
rk well _E velope, write a letter, address an enve— friendly. (Especially in smaller towns instead of from your own point of view. ‘
HE lope, and find a stamp. where everybody knows everybody else, Above all things, give the delinquent fEEE:
E. Most persons are inert. They put it is of utmost importance for the pub- subscriber a way out, a way to save his “EE
"1 things off, They fully intend to subscribe lisher to make and keep friends) face and pay up Without hurtlng hrs EEEE
[6 news- or renew, but they put it Off until to- A good delinquent—subscription col— pride. E.
red the morrow. The hard circulation job is not 1€Cti0n method 110} only gets the back— Remember the subscriber’s personal EEE
.eers in _E to sell the newspaper; it is to overcome money, but also gets paid-in-advance pride. It is often the key to collection EEEE
es the E this human trait of putting off the task SUbSCl‘lPUOHS- success. Don’t get mad; don’t get tough. EEEE
r1 made E until “some other time when I’m not Q. Then, what can I do? People are sensitive. Give the delin- :EE
'spapers 7 so busy.” A. Fundamentals of a good collection quent an easy way to pay without hurt— EEEE}EE
nprove- So, to get renewals as they fall due, program are these: ing his sensitive feelings. EEEE
E news- 5 and to make the most net profit, use a l. A series of letters. Work out a 3. Overcome inertia. The hard job EEEE‘E};
, and .. ' [E
litorials E EEE : '
sntucky _ {EE 3E
vspaper E - FEEEE
lication E , _ EEE
should '1 M Th. I g z ' 0 ii}
) ruffle IS , 5 our 71PM We EEE
’ii EEIE
, E
E E3
nt Gen- 7 I have decided to sell the Lyon County Herald, at Eddyville, Ky., ii
nmand- ‘ because demands on my time are too great to permit me longer to 1EEEEE
; areas, operate it to my satisfaction. EsEE
3 is- - 4 EEEEEE
tirchczitsc The Herald is one of Kentucky’s best known weekly newspapers, is EEEEEE
[-Iereto- unopposed in its county, has the only job printing plant in its county, E
ffice or E is I believe among the best paying smaller weeklies in Kentucky. 1,
refused E ‘ a ‘
ters to It must be clearly understood that no working partners, editor- EiifE‘ -
djutant managers, or part owners are wante