xt7rbn9x2790 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x2790/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1943 journals kaes_circulars_003_397 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 397 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 397 1943 1943 2014 true xt7rbn9x2790 section xt7rbn9x2790 5
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Circular 397
gg College of Agriculture and Home Economics
yrgi _ Exiensicn Division
i` of
1,4;; ` Thomas l’_ Cnnpmcr, [)eun and I)z`1‘¢·<‘/rrr

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W Page
P EQUIPMENT ''`'‘'''`'' 6 Sewage disposal ............ 19 me
Bam frammg .............. 9 Water Supply and storage b 3
Cattle barns ................ 10 Y
systems .................. 19 A Tic
Cattle equipment ........... 11 hg k
Farm gates and guards ....... 11 STORAGE BUILDINGS ····-· 20 at a _
Dairy barns ................ 12 For grain end hey -··--·-·-·- 20 _  
Milking sheds .............. 12 For fruits and vegetables ..... 21 Econ
Milk houses ............... 13 Smokehouses and meat storage 21 ing 3
Milk·h0¤¤¤ €Q¤iP¥¤€¤t ······· 13 Tobacco bams and equipment. 22 ment
General-purpose barns ......, 13 Machine sheds, shops, ’ Clllal
Heifer barns ............... 15 and garages .............. 22 "Pl:11
Hog houses ................ 15 Manure pit , .............. . 23 lherf
Hes equipment .....·....... 16 Lime shed ................. 23 “"l_l
_ Horse or mule barns ......... 16 V Hmsl
Poultry houses ............. 16 MISCELLANEOUS ` ll
_ STRUCTURES ........ . . 23 lug.
Poultry equipment .......... 17 Q Wwi
Sheep barns ............... 18 MISCELLANE0US Com
Sheep equipment ........... 18 EQUIPMENT ........... 23 _
_ Blu.
 I Eng
This circular is a revision of Circular 1]]. . of 1

 List of Farm Building Plans
By the Srarr of the
19 IN THIS CIRCULAR, the plans marked   were prepared by
members of the Agricultural Engineering Section. The plans embody
19 suggestions of Kentucky farmers and the advice of specialists in every
19 line concerned. Those marked   and "U.S." were selected
especially for use in Kentucky from designs prepared cooperatively
19 by a number of agricultural colleges and the U. S. Department of `
Agriculture. In this cooperation, the experience of many individuals
20 has been used in making available to the states these excellent plans,
20 at a much lower cost than if prepared by one state.
21 ’ The Extension Division of the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics has published a number of booklets and folders contain-
21 ing additional information on various types of buildings and equip-
22 ment, a list of which will be found on pages 23 and 24 of this cir-
* cular. All the publications listed are for free distribution, except
22 “`l’lans for Dwellings and Farm Buildings in Kentucky," for which
23 there is a charge of 15 cents. The illustrations in the latter booklet
23 will help in selecting a plan and in visualizing the appearance of the
Hnished structure.
lf a plan is needed for a type of building not found in this cata-
23 log, write for information. All correspondence pertaining to this
° service should be addressed to the Agricultural Engineering Section,
23 College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Lexington.
This circular is a catalog of plans for farm buildings and
A equipment suitable for use in Kentucky. For each building or
Piece of equipment, a set of detailed drawings has been prepared.
_ Blueprints of the plans may be obtained from the Agricultural
Engineering Section, College of Agriculture and Home Eco-
nomics, Lexington, for a charge of 10 cents a sheet to cover cost
n  of labor in making them. Order from the list by name and num-
ber of plan and send remittance with the order.

 l V.
  l Exrewstox Cuzcoiaua No. 397
ir I
Milk Houses
·O,. Ky. 11.752-1. Two sheets. Milk house, 20’x26’, concrete or clay block. Price 200
‘ Ky. 11.752-2. One sheet. Milk house, 14’x26’, concrete foundation extending
rs ir ft. algove concrete floor; upper walls and roof of frame construction.
’ ice c
iw -
1°· Ky. 11.752-3. One sheet. Milk house 10’x12’, one room. Price 100
Ky. 11.752-4A. Two sheets. Two-room milk house, 12'x14’. Frame construc-
FS. tion; designed to meet requirements of model milk ordinance. Including
lc- bill of materials. Price 200
Ky. 11.752-4B. Two sheets. Two-room milk house, 12’x14’. Same as 11.752-4A.
nd Concrete block construction. Including bill of materials. Price 200
U.S. 11.752-5. Three sheets. Milk house, 18’x26’, frame construction, boiler
ilk room, wash room, and milk room. Price 300
nd U.S. 11.752-6. Three sheets. Milk house, 14’x24’ frame construction, boiler '
room, wash room, milk room. Price 300
  Ky. 11.752-7. One sheet. One-room stone milk house, 12’x14'. Price 100
, M.W. 75201. One sheet. Milk house, "I’x'7’. One room; concrete foundation
and Hoor; frame construction; shed roof; concrete cooling vat for four
10-gallon cans; window on each side. Price 100
,wS M.W. 75202. One sheet. Milk house, 11’x11’. One room; concrete or tile block
in construction; concrete foundation and floor; gable roof with ventilator;
concrete cooling tank; windows on each side. Price 100
_€_ M.W. 75204. Three sheets. Farm bottling plant, 14’x24’. Work room for Ibot-
én tling milk, storage room and refrigerator; boiler and fuel in an adjoin-
ml ing 1'OOm§ masonry construction of either concrete or hollow tile build-
to ing blocks; concrete foundation and floors; gable roof with ventilator.
Details for alternative frame wall construction. Price 300
ace _ _
low Mnlk-House Equipment
( Ky. 11.7521-1. One sheet. Milk-bottle sterilizmg box, 3’4 x65 , capacity 24
dozen bottles. Price 100
ce- Ky. 11.7521-2. One sheet. Concrete milk-cooling tank, 38"x10’. Price 100
rnd KY- 11.7521-3. One sheet, Insulated refrigeration box, 3’2"x4’6"x1}8", made _0f
ary Wood and metal. Space for four 10-gal. cans and a block of ice or refrig-
ms eration unit. Price 100
m Ky. 11.7521-4. One sheet. Milk-can drying rack. Price 100
Ky. 11.7521-5. One sheet. Walk-in ice refrigerator, Price 10c
General-Purpose Burns
  KY- 11.721-1. Four sheets, Size 36’x48’, Space for 5 horses, 6.00Ws, feed alley
:,,5 and feeding space at one end, A bank barn having a driveway into loft.
` ' concrete foundation and walls for ground iioor. Iioft is frame structure.
12-ft. studding, self-supporting gambrel roof. Price 400

l {
li ` i
ii   i
li l 14 Exrensrom Cmcurlxii No. 397 Z
sj i ‘
i Ky. 11.721-4. Three sheets. Size 30’x42*. Space for three horses, five cows, Q lVI.W.7
; one calf pen, harness room, extra space for storage, concrete foundation, str
, gambrel roof and large hay loft. Price 30c -  gl!
· er
i Ky. 11.721-5. Four sheets. Size 36’x82*. Space for 5 tie stalls, 2 horse box Q Pri
stalls, one calf pen, one cow pen, harness room, 16 cow stalls, feed room. · _
_ milk room, loft space and a self-supporting gambrel roof. Price 40c i  
1 Ky. 11.721-6. Four sheets. Size 36*x52*. Space for 4 box stalls, gear room. I agi
feed room, 10 cow stalls, 10* driveway across barn, loft space and self- PP
supporting gambrel roof. Price 40c ` 
Ky. 11.721-7. Four sheets. Size 34*x75’. A combination of mule and cattle- ;
feeding barn. Has '7 box stalls, gear room, rat-proof corn crib, space for 1
, one carload of steers, hay storage space, concrete foundation and a self- ;
supporting gambrel roof. Price 40c E  KY- ECL
Ky. 11.721-8. Three sheets. Size 32’x62’. Space for 7 box stalls, one calf pen, ,  Ky 11
harness room, feed room, 5 cow stalls, loft space and a gable roof. Price 300 i ' Pr
Ky. 11.721-9. Five sheets. Size 36*x56’. Space for 4 tie stalls, bull pen, cow '  Ky_ 1]
pen, 18 cow stalls, feed room, loft space and self-supporting gambrel root. , Eq
Price 50c `
Ky. 11.721-10. Five sheets. Size 36’x'70*. A combination cow and mule barn. .
Space for 8 cow stalls, one calf pen, one cow pen, 4 tie stalls for mules,
one box stall, tool room, feed room, hay storage space, and gambrel roof. y
Price 50c
K . 11
Ky. 11.721-11. Four sheets. Size 36*x60’. Space for 14 cow stalls, 5 single mule ._ y
box stalls, harness room, feed room, dairy room, loft space, concrete foun- Ky, 1]
dation, and self-supporting gambrel roof. A 34’ cross section can be 4  gl
furnished for this barn so as to make a barn 34’x60*. Price 40c K U
. y.
Ky. 11.721-12. Two sheets. Shows how to convert part of a standard 40*x'l2’ ;  1`0
air-Curing tobacco barn into a, dairy barn. Plan provides 16 cow stalls K 1,
and a feed room. Price 20c _ y'pé
Ky. 11.721-13. Three sheets. Size 26*x32’. Space for 4 double box stalls, 2 ‘  M
cow stalls, feed and harness room, loft hay storage, gambrel roof. Alter- ‘ St
nate floor plans are shown. Alternate No, 1. Size 32’x44*, provides $11206 _ al
for 2 double box stalls or feed rooms, six cow stalls, space for 16 head Q K 1
of cattle and 10* driveway through center, Alternate No. 2. Size 32’X50’» Y' d
provides 2 double box stalls or feed rooms, six cow stalls and space for *
16 head of cattle and 10’ driveway through center. Price 30c M_W_
Ky. 11.721-14. One sheet. Size 16’x32*. Provides space for 2 single box stalls? r  
two cow stalls, feed and harness room, passway 6’x16’, loft space, €1m€l` s(
gambrel or gable roof. Price 10c »
Ky. 11.721-15. One sheet. Size 22’x32*. Provides space for two single box S1
stalls; 3 cow stalls, feed and harness rooms; passway 6’x22', loft SP¤°€· ti
either gambrel or gable roof. Price 10c i ra
M.W. 72101. Five sheets. Size 32’x32’. Gambrel roof of braced-rafter con; ` M.W.
struction; 4 grain bins, 2 double hors