xt7rbn9x217h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x217h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-10-02 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 2, 1987, no. 512 text The Green Bean, October 2, 1987, no. 512 1987 1987-10-02 2014 true xt7rbn9x217h section xt7rbn9x217h  
Number 5LA October 2, 1987
-* C A L E N D A R
October 2 Mahatma Ghandi, 1869 —— 1948, Indian leader,
assassinated January 30, 1948.
October 4 Damon Runyon, 1884 -- 1946, American
‘ newspaper man and author. _
October 6 Jenny Lind, 1820 —— 1887, Swedish opera -
singer, called the "Swedish Nightingale."
October 7 James Whitcomb Riley, 1853? —— 1916,
American "Hoosier" poet.
Thomas James Wise, 1859 -— 1937, English
bibliophile and forger.
October 9 Gallery Series: "The Horse in Renaissance
Literature" : Lecture and slide presentation
: Dr. Joan Hartwig, Department of English.
October 11 Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884 —- 1962, "First Lady
of the World", and wife of President
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
October 12 Columbus Day [traditional and observed].
October 13 Molly Pitcher, 1754 —— 1832, heroine of the
American Revolution.
October 16 Gallery Series: Piano Recital : Patricia
Montgomery, School of Music.
Next Green Bean: Friday, October 16, 1987.
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, October 9, 1987.
Production Staff: Editor/typist —— Bonnie Jean Cox;
Typist/proofreader -— Carol Ranta; Printer —— Cecil Madison.
  Im Newsletter of the Umversnty 1
1 of Kentucky Lnbrarnes  

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK with. you, Paul, and the MIK
As editor of the GB, I am Ron Horvath,
now able to send and receive Jefferson Community
messages through electronic College Library
mail. This means that you can
notify me of upcoming events, ************
ask. me to call you for rnore -
information, or even send your Mr. Willis recently received
articles for the GB to me the following letters:
through the computerT— I will
be able to download and print September 11,1987
your communications in my ' _
office. Dear Mr. Willis:
Just a note to thank you,
Labs give Mus a try. It and your library staff
should speed up both getting colleagues, for the hospitality
information in to the GB and I received as a Visiting
make it easier for you. Don't Scholar at the University of
worry about form; as long as Kentucky. The UK Library, of
you have the necessary course, has been indispensable
information, we'll put it into during my 27 years in
the proper format here. Lexington, but the faculty card
Also remember you can use you arranged for me has made it
the same electronic mail for even more convenient.
submissions to Library News. Many thanks.
My code is BJC. Sincerely,
Charles M. Holmes,
BON VOYAGE ... AND GOOD LUCK! Professor of English
Transylvania University
Pauline Bunda ...... Law Library
NEW STAFF ...... WELCOME ABOARD! September 14, 1987
Nancy Arnold ........ Cataloging
Dear Paul:
STAFF TRANSFERS Our automation project is
Mary Van Huss...Biological progressing mainly because of
Sciences the leadership of John Bryant.
ABOVE AND BEYOND... He has great tact and ideas. I
John Bryant recently know his many hours spent on
received the following letter: this project have cost you his
services but I know that this
September 13,1987 project would not have been as
Dear John: successful without him.
i Just a short note to thank
you for inviting the Directors Very truly yours,
to the reception last Thursday. Joyce Moore,
I certainly enjoyed the Head Librarian,
food, libations and company. I Jefferson
_ also appreciate the fine Commnuty Ojjege
working relationship we have

Toni Powell, Agriculture
Patty" Powell, extension librarian, is chair of the
librarian, has had an article Institutional Finances and
` accepted for publication in The Resources Allocation Committee
Southeastern Librarian. The of the University Senate for
article is about the UK 193%B8.
libraries' instruction program
for LS/2000. Laura Rein, COMMITTEE UPDATE -
former head of bibliographic Meg Shaw, Art librarian, and
instruction, is co—author of Cathy Hunt, Music librarian,
the article. are members of the King Library
Literature Searching Committee.
Russ Powell, Engineering They were inadvertently omitted .
librarian, has recentlqr frmn the previous committee A
published two books: Handbooks list.
and Tables in Science and
Technology and Core List of
Books and Journals in Science KY SOLINET USERS' GROUP
and Technology.
The Kentucky SOLINET Users'
STAFF RECOGNITION Group will hold its fall
meeting on Friday, November 13,
at the University of
The following library staff Louisville. The focus of the
members received service awards meeting will be the University
from the Human Resource of Louisville's automation
Development office at UK for 20 experience. There will be a
years or more of service to the panel discussing the effect of
University: Jessie S. Adams, NOTIS implementation on the
Bindery, Lillie M. Blackburn, workflow in Technical Services.
Microfilm Center, Patricia A. Lunch will be at the Speed
Lloyd, Director's office, David Museum. Registration details
R. Lloyd, Listening Center, all will appear in a future issue
20 years; Ruby K. Herald, of the GB. (Submitted by Tari
Communications Reading Room, 25 Keller.—_
years, and Jane T. Dean,
Cataloging, 30 years.
*********** "‘_"—‘“““`“_““_"__*'_““—’"_"
There will be a meeting for
Sandee McAninch, head of the the non—tenured faculty on
Government Publications Mmmay, Ocumer 12, at 2wO
Department, supplied examples p.m. in the Gallery. Members
of use of census information by of the Promotion and Tenure
a variety of library patrons, Committee will d iscus s
for testimony presented by an procedures for promotion and
ALA representative to the Joint tenure for library faculty and
Committee CHI Economics. The answer questions.(Submitted by
_ committee is considering ToniEwweLL)
changes to the 1990 census. -

(Please make enough copies of this for all unit members)
The following is a tentative agenda which members of the Staff
Development Committee have discussed. Our goal is to provide
possibly two programs which we can set up fairly quickly for Fall
1987. We have also set in motion long range planning for a more
in—depth series of programs for spring. Before we proceed any
further we would like some input from you on your preferences and
priorities. Please follow the rating direction at the end of
this announcement. This agenda represents both suggestions
passed on from last year as well as some new ideas. Thank you
for your time in filling our the survey.
Fall 1987 4
1. CPR and first aid course.
2. Trip to the State Library
3. Trip to Art Guild Bindery.
Suggestions for other trips:
Spring 1988 ·
4. Session with staff from the Computing Center (agenda as yet
undefined, but possibly to include what they might have to
offer us in terms of consulting aid, equipment or other
resources. Also might allow their staff to get to know us
5. We are hoping to be in aa position. to offer instruction
classes in microcomputer training. Please indicate whether
you would be interested in general training and then also
indicate which specific types of instruction you would like.
a. Fundamentals of micros
b. Spreadsheet programs
c. Data management programs
d. Communications n
e. Other (please list)
Other suggestions
Please circle the numbers you would be interested in and return
this survey to Joanne Goode (Math Sciences Library) by October
. 19.
(Submitted by Joanne Goode).

 G A L L E R Y S E R I E S
E A L L 1 9 8 7
OCTOBER 9 "The Horse in Renaissance
Literature" : Lecture and slide
Presentation : Dr. Joan Hartwig,
Department of English.
OCTOBER 16 Piano Recital :
Patricia Montgomery, School of
‘ Music.
OCTOBER 23 "If Wishes were Horses: The
Horse in Children‘s Literature" :
. Lecture and slide presentation :
. Prof. Anne McConnell, College of
Library and Information Science.
OCTOBER 3G "Adventures in Ghostbusting"
: Lecture : Dr. Robert A. Baker,
Department of Psychology.
NOVEMBER 6 "The Newspaper and the University"
: Lecture : Mr. John Carroll,
editor,Lexington Herald—Leader.
NOVEMBER 13 "Rock and Roll: Revolution in
Popular Music" : Lecture and Audio
Presentation : Dr. Ron Penn, School
of Music.
NOVEMBER 20 "Jurw Selection" : Lecture :
Dr. Walter Abbott, Department of
DECEMBER A "Anorexia and Bulimia" :
Lecztixre .anri ar1di.o—¤ris1ial
presentation : Dr. Laurie
H11nrph.riees , I>eg>a1:tn1er1t cnf
Psychiatry, College of Medicine.
DECEMBER 11 Baroque Instrumental and
vocal Music : Concert : Collegium
Baroque Ensemble, Jonathan Clixon,
Director. -

The next PC Users Group meeting will be on Thursday, October
29, 1987 in Room 104, King Library South at 3:00 p.m.
This group exists for the benefit of those who use a
microcomputer, or who are interested in the use of computers.
Since its existence is based on your needs, in order to plan
pertinent programs we need to know what you need to know. -
Please fill out the form below listing programs, ideas or
demonstrations on microcomputer use that you feel would benefit
several people . Also please sign your name, so that we may add
you to our mailing list (if you are not already on it ) for
future program announcements.
I would be interested in the following programs (circle one or
Batch Files Advanced Wordstar/2000 M—3 Write (word pro
cessing program
for M—300)
Batch Files Telecommunications Software Advanced DOS
Please return this form by October 9, 1987, to Christie Robinson,
Special Collections and Archives, King Library North.
(Submitted by Christie Robinson).
The next Gaines Center
luncheon will be October 14 Special Libraries
from 12 noon until 1 p.m. at Association President Emily R.
the Gaines Center for the Mobley will speak to CLIS
Humanities. Keith MacAdam will students and faculty at 11:00
provide "A Glimpse into Atomic a.m. on Friday, October 30 in
Physics Research." Lunch will Room 104 B, King Library South.
be provided for interested She will speak on the benefits
library staff. Please call of membership i11 professional
_ Rob Aken at 7-8397 if you are associations and the joys of
interested. (Submitted by Rob special librarianship. A
Aken). question and answer session

 special librarianship. A available from Kit Roberts,
question and answer session Hutchins Library, Berea
will follow Ms. Mobley's talk. College, Berea, KY 40403;
telephone (606) 986-9341,
On Friday evening, October ext.5273.
30, Ms. Mobley will be the NAME CHANGE
featured speaker at the 15th
anniversary dinner for the Please note that as of
Kentucky Chapter of SLA at Monday, September 28, - the
Carnahan House. A wine and Journalism .Reading Room has
cheese reception will begin at been renamed the Communications
6:00, with dinner and program Reading Room by Douglas A.
at 6:45. Reservations are Boyd, Dean of the College of ·
$17.50 for non—SLA members, Communications.
$15.00 for SLA members and The reading room is in room
$12.50 for students. 124 of the Grehan Building.
Dinner reservations should (Submitted by Ruby Herald).
be sent by October 21 to Bonnie
South. (Submitted by Lillian
Mesner). Information and registration
forms for the professional
@ERY?<1ERY! development and training
workshops listed below can be
Does anyone in the library found in the GB office,
system use ALANET, the American Collection Development, 204
Library Associations electronic King Library South.
bulletin board and gateway
system? If so, please respond * "How to Make Presentations
to Karen Cobb, Reference that Win Approval: Speaking
Department, King Library South, Skills for Meetings, Large
who is exploring possible uses Groups and One-on-One", to be
for us. (Submitted by Brad held November 4 at Holiday Inn
Grissom). - North in Lexington. Sponsored
by CareerTrack Seminars. $48
The Academic Library Section * Seminars on the IBM
of KLA is receiving proposals Personal Computer, introductory
for a professional development and advanced Lotus 1-2-3 and
grant. The grant can be for an dBase III Plus will be held
amount between $250 - 500, one October 19-23 at the Radisson
half to be paid at the outset Plaza in Lexington. Sponsored
and the other upon completion by the UK College of Business
of the project. The grant may and Economics. $245 per person,
be made for projects including per session.
one or more of the following:
inr1ovai;ive prcngranu * "The Information
implementation, research, Profession: Facing Future
. education, course development Challenges" will take place
or materials development. November 4-6 at the Capital
Further information is Hilton in Washington, D.C.

 Fees for the institute are $325 Museum in the Singletary Center
for· SLA rnembers and $400 for for the Arts.
* The Fall 1987 Kentucky PROFESSIONAL READING
Higher Education and
Telecommunications Conference The Ideology of the Information
will take place October 26-27 Age / edited by Jennifer
at the Capital Plaza Hotel. Daryl Slack and Fred Fejes.
The conference theme is Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1987.
"Information Management: A New Call number P91 .I34 1987.
Direction for State Government
and Higher Education." Developing Library and
Registration is $50 per person. I n f o r m a t i o n C e n t e r -
Collections, second edition,
. by G. Edward Evans.
Infornurtion on the UK Littleton, CO : Libraries
training programs is also Unlimited, 1987. Call number
available at the gg office: Z687 .E92 1987.
(Submitted by Rob Aken).
* A special seminar for
faculty and staff on student
services and procedures is M.I. KING JOB OPENINGS
scheduled for October 27 from 1
- 4:30 p.m. in the Old Student Library Tech. IV, grade 8,
Center Theater. There is no Interlibrary Loans.
* Hands—on computer courses PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES
i n fxirid aniexit a].s o f
microcomputers, word CALIFORNIA
processing, data management,
communications and introduction Librarian, the Center for Afro-
to Lotus 1-2-3 will be taught Amerixzan Sttuiies. The
in October and November. Cost University of California, Los
is $100 per course. Angeles. Salary: $24,012-
$36,828. Deadline: November
30, 1987.
Dean. Graduate School of
Library and Information
The Friends of the Science. University of
University of Kentucky Art California, Los Angeles.
Museum are sponsoring a series Salary: None specified.
of Thursday—at—noon lectures on Deadline: December 15, 1987. ‘
the major monuments of art
history. The brown-bag series
will be held every Thursday
from October 15 -— December 3
from noon to 1 p.m. in the
President's Room of the
University of Kentucky Art

Assistant Director for Associate Librarian and
Technical Services. University Collection Manager Rotch
of Chicago. Salary: Library of Architecture &
cornn1en.su ra te wi th Planning. Massachusetts
qualifications and experience. Institute of Technology.
Deadline: November 13, 1987. Salary: $28,000-32,000.
Deadline: October 30, 1987.
Assistant Head, Shaffner
Library. Northwestern MIQHGMJ
University. Salary: $20,000-
23,000. Deadline: October 30, Director for Grants and
1987. Development. Wayne State _
University. Salary: $36,000
INDIANA minimum. Deadline: open until
Assistant Reference and
Instruction Librarian. Purdue MISSOURI
University. Salary: $20,000
u p d e p e n d i n g u p o n Director of Academic Library.
qualifications. Deadline: Tarkio College. Salary:
December 15, 1987. c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h
qualifications. Deadline:
Acquisitions/Collection Mmespmdimd.
Development. University of
Evansville. Salary: NEWJERSEY
competitive, 12-mo. contract.
Deadline: November 9, 1987. Assistant Librarian,
Engineering Library. Princeton
IOWA University. Salary: $20,500
minimum. Deadline: October
Assistant Director for Public 15, 1987.
Services. Iowa State
University. Salary: $40,000 Assistant Order Librarian.
minimum. Deadline: December Princeton University. Salary:
1, 1987. $20,000 minimum. Deadline:
October 15, 1987.
Bibliograher for Science and
Engineering. Johns Hopkins Music Reference Librarian and
Ikuyersity. Salary: frmn Catalogern Ohio State
$24,397. Deadline: October University. Salary: $22,080-
23, 1987. ~ 28,200. Deadline: October 15,
Art Bibliographer/Reference
Librarian. Johns Hopkins Head, Second Floor Information
University. Salary: from Services. Ohio State
$24,397. Deadline: October University. Salary: $23,880-
30, 1987. 28,080. Deadline: October 31,
` 1987.

 Head, Information Services
_ Department. Ohio State
University. Salary: $32,040-
37,080. Deadline: October 31,
Head, Humanities Division. -
Oklahoma State University.
Salary: $27,500 minimum.
Deadline: November 5, 1987.
Serials Receipts Librarian.
Penn State University. Salary:
dependent upon qualifications. 4
Deadline: November 12, 1987.
Analyst 2, Academic User
Services, Computing and
Information Resources. East ·
Tennessee State University.
Salary: None specified.
Deadline: open until filled.
Curator, B. Carroll Reece
Museum. East Tennessee State
University. Part—time position
(30 hour per week) - eight
month position, contingent upon
grant funding. Deadline: open
until filled.
International Documents
Librarian. University of Utah.
Salary: $18,000 minimum.
Deadline: November 15, 1987.