xt7rbn9x187v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x187v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1938-10-jul20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-10-jul20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1938-10-jul20-ec. 1938 1938-10-jul20-ec. 2011 true xt7rbn9x187v section xt7rbn9x187v 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Executive Committee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky July 20,

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky met in President McVey's office at the Uni-
versity Wednesday, July 20, 1938, at 10:30 a.m.   The members of
the Committee present were Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman; James
Park and H. S. Cleveland.   Judge John Cooper, member of the Board
of Trustees, met with  the Committee.   President Frank L. McVey
and D. H. Peak, Secretary of the Board, were present.   Notices
were sent to the members for a called meeting of the Board of
Trustees as of this date, but the notices did not comply with th-e
law, and it was decided to hold the regular monthly meeting of
the Executive Committee instead of a Board meeting.

     1. Approval of Minutes.

     The minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee of
June 29, 1938, were approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent stated that delays in closing the year's
business prevented the completion of the June financial report in
time for submission at this meeting.

     3. Meeting Called for July 28, 1938.

     It being impossible to act at this meeting on the question
of refinancing the indebtedness on the lease on Kinkead and Breck-
inridge Halls held by the Security Trust Company of Lexington,
Kentucky, it was decided to call a meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee for July 28, 1938.   Therefore, the Chairman issued the
following call:

                                      July 20, 1938

          A special meeting of the Executive Committee of
     the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky was
     called for Thursday, July 28, at 10:30 a.m. in the office
     of the President of the University of Kentucky.



          The purpose of the meeting is

          (a) to take such action as may be deemed ad-
    visable on the refinancing of a lease agreement now
    in force, between the University and the Security
    Trust Company of Lexington, upon the Men's Dormitories,
    made and executed under the Act of the General Assembly
    of 1928.

          (b) to consider such miscellaneous business as may
    be called to the attention of the Committee.

                            (Signed) Richard C. Stoll
                                      Chairman of Executive

     4. Out of State Fees - Children of Graduates.

     The President stated that the Registrar had by communication
to him (which communication was read to the Committee) raised a
question as to a practice of charging resident fees to children
of non-resident graduates of the University.   According to the
Registrar's statement this practice has been in use since 1934,
on an understanding between the Registrar and the President, but
without announcement thereof in the catalogue.   It seems that
In some instances non-resident fees have been charged to such
students, and that refunds have been asked by at least two stu-

     It appearing that the practice was not authorized by the
Board of Trustees and that under present financial control refunds
may not be made after the close of the fiscal year, on motion and
second it was ordered that no exception be made in charging to
and collecting from students,who are children of non-resident
graduates of the University of Kentucky,non-resident fees; that
any practice of charging such students resident fees only be dis-
continued, and that no refunds to such students of non-resident
fees heretofore charged be made, unless approved by the Board of

     5. Lease of Copnerative House.

     A lease of residence property at 657 South Limestone, Lex-
ington, Ky., from Mr. H. J. Frantz to the University of Kentucky
for use as a Cooperative House for girl students of the University
of Kentucky, under control of the Dean of Women, was presented.
The rental is for a twelve months period beginning September 12,
1938, at $100.00 per month, the rent to be paid by the students
occupying the house.

     The lease was approved and was signed in open meeting by the
Chairman of the Executive Committee,



     6, Plan for Renting Visual Films -- University Extension.

     President McVey presented the following proposal for rent and
distribution of visual films by the Department of University Ex-

     a. Letter from Head of the Department.

     July 15, 1938

     President Frank L. YocVey
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington, Kentucky

     My dear President McVey:

     Attached is a proposed plan for distributing the films
     in our film library for the coming year.   It seems to
     us that this is a reasonable charge from the standpoint
     of the University and the user.   We shall be glad to
     have your approval of the plan or to have you suggest

     In making the plan we anticipated the addition of fifty
     sound films to our library within the near future. We
     are proposing this plan of rental subject to modification
     at the end of the year.   From our conversation with you
     a few days ago we understand that we may deposit the
     rentals received from the films in a special account
     with the business office so that they may be applied on
     the cost of equipment.

  (Signed) Louis Clifton.

     b. Plan

                        COST OF SERVICE

                        Service Number One

     For a service charge of $45.00, a school or organization
     will be permitted unlimited use of our sound and silent
     16mm film library for one year except for any special
     films where separate rentals are indicated.   The user
     is required to pay all transportation charges on film both
     to and from Lexington.



                    Service Number Two

    For a rental charge of $25.00, a school or organization
    that does not have a 16mm sound projector may secure
    unlimited use of our 16mm silent library for one year
    except for special films where separate rentals are in-
    dicated.   The user is required to pay all transporta-
    tion on films both to and from Lexington.

    The charges for Services One and Two apply to a single
    school.   Information concerning special prices for two
    or more schools in the same system will be sent upon

    Those who do not subscribe to either of the two services
    may secure the films at the rental prices indicated in
    the catalog.

    On motion and second the plan offered by the head of the De-
partment was approved.

     7, Report on Finances of Patterson and Boyd Halls.

     President McVey presented a statement of finances of Patterson
and Boyd Halls for year 1937-3S.   The statement was accepted and
ordered inserted in the minutes.   However, the statement is in-
complete as the receipts and expenditures for June are not includ-
ed or are included as estimates.   For that reason the publication
of the report is deferred until it may be completed, after the
close of the accounts of the Business Office for the fiscal year.

     8, Lease for Spaces in Student Union Building.

     President McVey presented copy of form of lease for space in
building for beauty salon. At a former meeting of the Executive
Committee it was ordered that the spaces in the building be
leased at flat monthly rates.   However, it seems that it may be
to the advantage of the lessor as well as the lessee to manke the
rental at a flat rate plus percentage on gross incoine.

     On motion and second the form of lease was approved, with
exception that cancellation be made on 60 days' notice.    The
former order of the Executive Committee meeting of June 29, 1938,
was amended so that the rate of rental may be made on a flat
monthly rent plus per cent on gross income.



     9. Peace Officers.

     The President stated that he had received a notice from the
office of the Adjutant General of the State stating that employ-
ment and payment of peace officers is under control of the State
Military Department.   Plan for approval of employment of such
officers and transfer of funds to State Military Department for
payment of salaries, accompanid the notice.

     As this seems to be a circular form of notice, and the appli-
cation of the law governing employment of peace officers, to
the University, is in doubt, President McVey was authorized to
write the Attorney General, asking an opinion in regard thereto.

    10. Donation to UniversitZ by James B. Haggin Estate.

    President McVey stated that he had received a letter from
Mrs. James B. Haggin in regard to a donation by the J. B. Haggin
estate to the University and that he had answered the letter.
He was not advised as to amount of the donation nor was he given
any particulars.   He was directed to inquire further,

     11. Boyce Thompson Mineral Collection.

     At suggestion of President McVey, the Boyce Thompson mineral
collection now stored in the Science Building was ordered trans-
ferred to the Geology Museum on second floor of Administration

     12. Department of Social Work.

     a. Recommendation by President McVey

     Realizing Kentucky's need for trained social workers, I
  recommend that the University of Kentucky establish a Depart-
  ment of Social Work in the College of Arts and Sciences. The
  field of social work has been materially expanded by the en-
  actment of legislation which provides for old age pensions,
  the care of children, and the enlargement of state functions
  in the field  of delinquent persons.   The need for well-
  trained individuals who can fit into this work is very great
  and it is unquestionably the duty of the University to make
  provision for their training.

       Such Department will give orientation courses for under-
  graduates and a curriculum of technical graduate courses meet-
  ing the standards of the American Association of Social Work-
  ers and approved by them.   I recommend that Dr. Vivien M.
  Palmer be placed in charge of the Department.



     b. On motion and second, duly passed, the recommendation of
President McVey was approved and the Department of Social Work
was ordered established with the following budget set up of per-
sonnel and financial allotment.

                   Department of Social Work

           Dr. Vivien M. Palmer, head -   $2400.00
           Graduate Assistant  - - - - - - - - - - -   400.00
           Equipment, supplies and travel -            300.00
                                         Total        3100.00

     13. P. W. A. Construction - College.

     a.Whittenberg Construction Company - Arbitration

        1. Report of Dean Graham

                                      July 20, 1938

     President Frank L. McVey
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President McVey:

          This letter concerns the matter of arbitration of
     the penalty to be assessed against the Whittenberg Con-
     struction Company, under the terms of the contract, be-
     tween that Company and the University, awarded and execut-
     ed as a part of and under the regulations of P. W. A.
     Docket No. KY-1013-2-D.

           I can report that I have discussed this matter
     further with Mr. Whittenberg and together we have chosen
     Mr. Hermann Wischmeyer of Louisville, Kentucky, as sole
     arbiter of the questions involved, and that Mr. Wisch-
     meyerhas consented to act.

           . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . .  . .   .

                                   (Signed)  James H. Graham

           2. Resolution

      On motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution
 suggested by Dean Graham was approved:

           In accord with the reports and recommendations of
      Dean Graham heretofore made to the Board of Trustees



     of the University, be it resolved that Mr. Hermann Wisch-
     meyer of Louisville is approved as sole arbiter of the
     question of the delinquency and penalty of the Whittenberg
     Construction Company of Louisville, Kentucky, In exeout-
     ing Contract No. 300, P.W.A. Docket No. KY-1013-2-D, it
     being understood and accepted that the arbitration process
     and the findings of the arbitrator shall be confined to and
     shall be predicated solely upon the contract documents and
     written records involved in the execution of the aforesaid
     contract and that the former offer of the University for a
     settlement of the question of delinquency and penalty
     therefor shall have na part therein.

   b. Request for Report on Bond Fund

       1. Report by Business Agent

          The Business Agent was directed to make the following
answer in response to communication from the Mutual Benefit Life
Insuranoo-Company of Newark, New Jersey.

          "It has required all of the period from January 1,
     1936, to June 30, 1938, to bring the project for which the
     bonds were issued to practical completion.    For that rea-
     son it has been impracticable to follow to the letter the
     requirements of the resolutions creating the project and
     authorizing the loan, in particular to charge rents for the
     use of the buildings and to collect additional fees from
     students.   During that period the following amounts have
     been set aside to the "Interest and Bond Redemption Fund"
     account carried in the First National Bank and Trust Com-
     pany of Lexington, Kentucky: $9,510.00 for the fiscal year
     ending June 30, 1936; $34,020,00 for the fiscal year ending
     June 30, 1937; $33,570.00 for the fiscal year ending June
     30, 1938 and $3,375.00 balance of amount to meet require-
     ments of the fund for the periods named, making a total
     of $80,475.00, and leaving, after payment of interest and
     bonds falling due, a bank balance of $3,375.00.

          "For the same reason of partial completion of build-
     ings, there has either been no expense of operation or a
     partial expense in some instances for the buildings in the
     project.   It has been necessary to meet all this expense
     from the general expense funds of the University as allo-
     cated in the budgets for the respective years for care
     and maintenance of the buildings and thle heating plant.

          "The buildings and the heating plant are now practical-
     ly completed and are being used for the purposes contemplated.
     The Engineering Building is being equipped from funds appro-
     priated by the last session of the State Legislature.
     Beginning with the fiscal period ending June 30, 1939,
     funds will be provided to meet rentals and fees will be
     collected from students as contemplated in the resolutions
     passed at the meeting of the Board of Trustees January 14,
     1936,   Reports will be made to your Company at the end



     of each six months thereafter.

                                   (Signed) D. H. Peak
                                             Business Agent

     2. Resolution

     On motion duly made and seconded, it was ordered that the
amount shown in the above copied report, $3375.00, be transferred
from Surplus (Campus Book Store Funds) to the Bank Account "Inter-
est and Bond Redemption Fund."-
     14. Refinancing Debt on Men's Dormitories.

     See resolution under Article 15.

     15. Proposed Federal Project and Loan for New Corutmction.

     President McVey then stated that general information concern-
ing the proposed refinancing of the existing lease upon the Men's
Dormitories and the possible sale of additional University Revenue
Bonds to finance the needed additions to the Boyd Hall, etc., had
been furnished all such security bankers as might be interested,
with the further information that bids for the purchase of these
bonds, might be presented to the meeting of the Executive Committee
Thereupon the representatives of the several security banking firms
were invited into the meeting.    After a general discussion, the
Committee agreed to receive such bids as might be made and to hold
the contents of these confidential, pending their presentation to
the Board of Trustees for consideration.

     Thereupon two sealed bids were presented, one by the J. D.
Van Hooser and Company of Lexington, Kentucky, W. E. Hutton and
Company; Weil, Roth and Irving Company, Charles A. Hinch and Com-
pany, all of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Holton, Foster and Company of
Lexington, Kentucky, and the other bid by the Security and Bond
Company of Lexington, Kentucky, and Almstedt Brothers, Bankers
Bond Company, J. J. B. Hilliard and Sons and Stein Brothers and
Boyce, all of Louisville, Kentucky.    Both of these bids were
then deposited with the secretary, 'Ar. D. H. Peak, for safekeeping.

     After further discussion, it was decided that the Chairman of
the Executive Committee should call a special meeting of the Com-
mittee to meet at 10:30 a.m. July 28, 1938, and that a report of
the circunm tances be made to Governor Chandler with the suggestion
that he issue a call for a special meeting of the Board of Trustees
to meet in the office of President McVey at 10:30 am,, August 3,
1938, to consider the matter further,



     16. Appointments and Other Staff Changes.

     President McVey presented staff appointments and other changes
requested by deans and heads of departments, and, on his recommenda-
tion, by motion and second, the following were approved and rccord
ordered made in the Minutes:


     Charles F. Kolb, graduate assistant, Depoartment of History,
academic year 1938-39, salary $500.00; appointed in place of James
F. Hopkins who failed to accept his recent appointment.

     Jack Mohney, graduate assistant in Department of Anatomy and
Physiology, academic year 1938-39, salary $500.00.

     Francis J. Smith, Senior assistant in Department of Anatomy
and physiology, academic year 1938-39, s alary 100.00 per year.

     Wellington Cochran, half-time instructor in Department of
Physics, for academic year 1938-39, salary 8750.00 per year.

    Martin Sweets, graduate assistant in Department of Physics,
academic year 1938-39, salary 8500.00.  This appointment is to fill
vacancy created by change from graduate assistant to half-time In-
structor of Eugene Smith.

     William Cox, appointment as mimeograph operator, Stenographic
Bureau, salary $75.00 per month, effective July 1, 1938.

     Helen Elizabeth Fry, appointment as assistant in the Circula-
tion Department of the Library; salary 81200 a year, effective
September 1, 1938,   She has served as Librarian of the Athens
High School for four years.

     Evelyn McAllister, Order Clerk and Book'keeper, Library, to
serve for three months, October, November and December, during the
temporary absence of Mrs. Mary Ada Sullivan; salary $90.00 per

     John Martin, instructor in Chemistry, for the academic year
1938-39, salary $1500.00   He comes from South Dakota state Col-

     Robert Korngaard, graduate assistant in Physical Education,
salary 8600.00, for the academic year 1938-39,
He comes from the University of Illinois.

      Samuel Nuckols, instructor in English for the academic year
1938-39, salary 11500.00.  He has a master's degree from the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.

     Don Murray, graduate assistant in English, for academic year
1938-39, salary $500.00.  He coimes from Syracuse University.



     S. B. Wallace, instructor in the College ,ff Engineering; work
in thermodynamics to be assigned by the Dean, for academic year
1938-39, salary $1800;00. He has a master's degree from the Cal-
ifornia Institute of Technology.

     C. E. Pike, graduate assistant in Department of Markets and
Rural Finance, salary $60,00 a month, payable from the grant made
by the General Education Board, effective September 1, 1938, for
a period of ten months. He is a graduate of Clemson College.

     James H. Clarke, assistant in Department of Markets and
Rural Finance, Experiment Station; salary $150.00 per month for
remainder of year, effective September 1, 1938, or as soon there-
after as he may report for duty. He has a master's degree from
the University of Kentucky.

     Albert J. Eads, graduate assistant in Department of Farm
Economics, Experiment Station, effective July 7, 1938, or as aoon
thereafter as he may report. His salary will be $900.00 per
year,payable at rate of $100.00 per month when full time is devoted
to the work, proportionate amount for part-timae service, He is a
graduate of the University of Missouri,

     Mildred G. Kidd, Clerk in Department of Public Service, Ex-
periment Station, salary S75.00 a month, effective August 1, 1938.


     IvMrs. Effie Cox Starnes, as University Extension instructor in
History and English.

     G. W. Fithian, instructor in Department of English for academ-
ic year 1938-39, salary $10000.

     Eugene Smith, changed from graduate assistant to half-time
instructor in Department of Physics, academic year 1938-39, salary

Leave of Absence

    Mrs. Mary Ada Sullivan, University Library, temporary leave
of absence for months of October, November and Decem-aber, 1938, with-
out pay.

                       Agricultural Extension

     John B. Watts, Assistant County Agent, F     yetto County, of-
fective July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 9l00 per month, pay-
able from Bankhead Funds.



     Ralph Cundiff, Assistant County Agent, Wayne County, effective
July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 8100.00 per month, payable
from Bankhead-Jones Funds.

     Charles B. Elston, County Agent, Nelson County, effective
July 1, 1938, to June 30, 1939, salary 8245.834 per month, payable
from Bankhead-Jones and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Blunie W. Fortenberry, County Agent, Garrard County, effective
July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 8200.00 per month, payable
from Bankhead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Hubbard K. Gayle, County Agent, Union County, effective July
1, 1938, to June 30, 1939, salary $262.50 per month, payable from
Bankhead-Jones and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Raymond E. Nute, Assistant County Agent, Meason County, ef-
fective July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 9166.66 2/3 per
month, payable from Bankhead-Jones Funds.

     Robert S. Reed, County Agent Marshall County, effective July
1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 8200.00 per month, payable from
Bankliead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Ervan R. Sparks, County Agent, Clay County, effective July 1,
1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 5147.50 per month, payable from
Bankhead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Robert Wigginton, County Agent, Boyd County, effective July
1, 1938, to June 30, 1939, salary $216.66-2/3 per month, payable
from Bankhead-Jones and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Glynn E.Williamson, County Agent, Graves County, effective
July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary $166.66-2/3 per month, pay-
able from Bankhead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Frank D. Winchester, Assistant County Agent, Pike County,
effective July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary 8100.00 per month,
payable from Bankhead-Jones Funds.

     Mrs. Jennie C. Grubbs, Home Demonstration Agent, Boyle County,
effective July 1, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary $150,00 per month,
payable from Bankhead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Jeanne Taylor Ireland, Home Demonstration Agent, Shelby County,
effective July 15, 1938 to June 30, 1939, salary -150.00 per month,
payable from Bankhead and Offset to Federal Funds.

     Wallace L. Campbell, s sistant County Agent, Garrard County,
effective July 19, 1938 to Lune 30, 1939, salary 8100.OO per
month, payable from Bankhead Funds.

     Albert Bruce Poundstone, A;istant in County Program Work and
Field Agent in Farm Management Kentucky, effective July 1, 1938
to September 30, 1938, salary 0250.00 per month, payable from U. S.
Department of Agriculture Funds and Offset to Federal Funds.




     B. B. Claghorn, assistant county agent, Garrard County, ef-
fective July 15, 1938.

     Robert S. Reed, county agent, Marshall County, effective July
15, 1938.

     On motion, duly seconded, the Committee adjourned.

                                   D. H. Peak
                                   Secretary, B-,ard of Trustees