xt7rbn9x1843 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7rbn9x1843/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1937-10-dec14. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-10-dec14. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1937-10-dec14. 1937 1937-10-dec14. 2011 true xt7rbn9x1843 section xt7rbn9x1843 

     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of
the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, December 14, 1937.

     Tuesday, December 14, 1937, being the date for the regular
December meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
and each member of the Board having been duly notified thereof,
the following members of the Board met in President MoVey's office:
Richard C. Stoll, R. Miller Holland, James Park, Louis Hillen-
meyer, Garth Ferguson and Dr. George Wilson.   There not being a
quorum present, the Chairman of the Executive Committee called
a meeting of the Executive Committee to sit at once for considera-
tion of business of the University of Kentucky.   A quorum of the
Executive Committee being present, the actions of that body are
recorded in the Minutes that follow.

                         the University of Kentucky
     The Board of Trustees of/Kentucky in session on December 14
learned with much sorrow of the death of Professor Enoch Grehan
December 11, 1937.

     For twenty years Professor Grehan served the University.
During that time he brought to his work a seasoned judgment, a ripe
experience, and an understanding of his profession.    By his
pleasant attitude and appreciation of the students he endeared
himself to\them.   His colleagues liked and respected him, alumni
remembered him gladly and his newspaper friends hailed him as

     The University is indebted to him for his business-like con-
duct of his department.   In the last fifteen years he established
a printing plant for THE KERNEL that was valued at the time of
his death in the sum of thirty thousand dollars.    In the class-
room he was clear and helpful.    Professor Grehan will be greatly
missed,   This altogether too brief recognition is placed on the
minutes of the Board as a small indication of their valuation of
an able and efficient member of the University staff, whose death
le greatly mourned.

     The Secretary is insiructed to send copies of this resolutior
to his family and to the press.

D. H. Peak
Secretary of the Board