xt7r7s7htn62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7htn62/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 2007 2007 2007-10-08 2020 true xt7r7s7htn62 section xt7r7s7htn62 WWW. KYKERNEL COM

(5( T(5BER 8, 2007




We should Itot have ptiblished the
editorial cartoon in Friday‘s Kernel.

A large part of the student body
and the commuv
nity was rightful-
ly' offended.

Neither the
cartoonist nor the
editors at the
Kernel intended
for the cartoon to
be hurtful.

But our intert-
tions are irrele—
vant. The cartoon
hurt titany of our
readers. and l
apologi/e for it being published.

Sometimes. it is necessary to be
offensive or controversial to ntake a
point. But in this case. we crossed the
line. and arty tttessage iii the cartoon
was obscured by its offensiveness.


Editor in
( hief

I‘ve always believed that the
opinions page of a newspaper should
act as a forum for debate aitd discus-
sion. To keep from stilling discourse.
we try to edit columns. cartoons and
letters to the editor lightly so that the
author‘s viewpoint isn’t changed.

We‘ve slipped. though. from light
editing to lax editing. as the publica-
tion of Friday‘s cartoon demonstrates.
For instance. I did not review the car-
toon before it was published. and no
editors brought it to my attention.
There is absolutely no excuse for that

Many different editors at the Ker-
nel. including myself. should careful—
Iy discuss any potentially offensive
content before it is published. That
didn‘t happen Thursday. lf several edA
itors and I had sat down together and
discussed the cartoon. I'm confident
we would not have run it.

This will certainly bring changes


I apologizes for editoria

at the Kernel. I intend to immediately
stan reviewing our editing process.
both on the opinions page and else—
where, arid I will lead the editors and
staffers in a discussion of how we can
be more rigorous and thorough.

It‘s also time for the Kernel to re—
flect on its diversity. both on our staff
and in our coverage. Discussion will
be key in identifying our failures and
preventing future mistakes. It will
also be key in regaining the trust of
many of our readers.

This cartoon is undoubtedly a step
back for us. In an era where we're
trying to recruit more voices ittto the
Kernel. we‘ve done something that
hurts our ability to do that.

I hope we can figure out ways to
heal negative perceptions. both exist~
ing ones arid those created by Fri-
day's cartoon. so that we can diversi-
fy our staff and better represent the
student body with our coverage. The


Kernel is a voice of the students, and
we realize some voices are not as
prominent as they should be.

My fear is that this incident will
taint the Kernel and overshadow the
work this staff has done to highlight
important campus issues.

The reaction on Friday demon—
strates that the Kernel is more than
just a classroom distraction for stu-
dents. What we print cart elicit change
for the better. but it can also hurt peo-

I hope this column is only the be-
ginning of healing some of the
wounds we created.

I want our coverage to reflect the
student body. aItd I recognize that it
hasn't always been that way.

I invite our readers to give us
their thoughts about Friday's cartoon
arid about the Kernel in general. We
will print as many letters to the edi-
tor about this topic as possible and


I cartoon

will add extra pages to the paper if
necessary. I expect there will be fo—
rums about this topic iii the conting
weeks. and I hope Kernel editors
will be invited to participate in these
discussions. I believe that the only
way to heal is through dialogue.

We made a mistake. We also
know that we've only begun to learn
important lessons froin it.

The Kernel wants to be a voice
about and for students. The only
way to make sure it does that well is
to work hard at listening. Over the
next few days. weeks arid months. I
know a lot of you will want to share
opinions about the newspaper, our
cartoon and the way we Cover this

I promise you this: We‘ll be lis-

Kc’ilh Smiley it u journalism and
computer .\(‘fl'llt'(' senior. bmui/
ksmiley‘C‘i k_vkeritcl.t'i.iiit.




Students and university employees gather on the path in front of the Grehart Journalism Building on Friday to protest a cartoon that ran in that day s Kernel

Students protest depiction of slave auction

More than 100 rally at journalism building;
another gathering planned this afternoon

By Jill Luster
[lasteflkyke nel com

More than Itltt students gathered
outside the Grehan Joumalism Building
on Friday aftemoon to protest a Kernel
editorial cartoon that likened UK's
Greek system to a slave auction.

The cartoon. which ran on Friday
and was drawn by staff cartoonist Brad
Fletcher. depicts a black titan in chains
on an auction block being bid on by
three fraternities. "Aryan ()mega." “AI-
pha Caucasian" aitd “Kappa Kappa
Kappa.” The caption reads. “UK
Greeks lead the way oti integration with
this year's new bids."

"I didn‘t care about the ‘purpose‘

I cared about this mart in chains. I
cared about the KKK." said broadcast
yroumalism senior Chaka Buraimoh. “I
felt disrespected as a black woman."

“More than disrespected. l felt
hurt." she said.

Editor in Chief Keith Smiley. who
has written an apology that appears on
the front page of today‘s Kernel. said
editors failed to discuss the cartoon be-
fore it was published.

“I support my staff totally. and we
make mistakes. but this should not have
gone to print." Smiley said. “Some—
times it’s necessary to offend to get

your point across. This wasn‘t one of

those cases. I think in this case any
message was lost because of the car—
toon's offensiveness."

Fletcher apologized iii a column
that appears in today‘s Kemel.

“It was never my intent to gartier
this reaction or to convey the message
that l have." he said in the column.

"In hindsight. it seems obvious to
me why the cartoon has upset so many
people.’~ he said. “The images are
harsh. dramatic and unnecessary."

Outside the Grehan btiildittg on Fri-
day. students held up copies of the Ker-
nel with the cartoon circled iIt marker
with phrases like "Why this?" written

beside it. Students passed out copies of

the paper to passers-by.

Reporters front the Lexington Hcri
ald-Leader and local television stations
interviewed protesters. The TV stations
recorded video of the cartoon. arid the

Readers respond to editorial cartoon —— OPINIONS, PAGE 6

Senate to discuss logging plan

Opinions editor resigns


told Editor in Chief Keith Smiley

Herald-Leader requested permission to
reprint It. The Kemel declined. say mg it
didn't want to allow the republishing of
a cartoon that it had decided was inap~
propriate to publish initially.

A group of about It) to I5 sttidents
went to the Kemel office to speak with
Smiley attd requested that the Kernel
print a trout-page apology.

Smiley told them that the cartoon
shotiltl Itot Ititye run and said the Kernel
would examine Its editing process.

"()bt Ioiisly. It's itot rigorous
enough right now Smiley said In an
Interview later.

“We‘re going to get the whole staff
Involved In a discussion over the week-
end. and iii the cottiitig weeks attd
months." he said.

“There‘s no one person at fault

s‘nc Protest w page, 3

racial divide

l ant \ery upset rigltt now. I
have been listening to the many re—
sponses to my
cartoon. 1 ant
upset because
I have offend-
ed stt many
people on
such a funda»
mental level. 1
ant truly sor—
ry. and I offer
my sincerest
apologies for
the imagery
attd phrases
employed iIt


the cartoon.

It was ne\ci‘ my Intent to gar»
tier this reaction or to convey the
message that l have. At this poiitt.
it doesn‘t matter what the original
message of the cartoon was. and l
ant Itot going to use this letter to
explain it. In hindsight. It scents
obvious to me why the cartoon has
upset so many people. The Images
are harslt. dramatic and unnecesv
saIy My Iisc of multiple sterco~
ty pcs In the cartoon was shortsight-
ed. cheap arid ignorant.

After hearittg the many re—
spouses. I feel only apologetic aitd
Iipset with myself for being so
hasty in drawing the cartoon w 1th-
out tIiinkiIig about how It could be
read from perspectives besides my
own. The fact that I drew the car-
toott with the images I chose and
did not realize how offensive they
are shows quite clearly the racial
di\idc In our society that l was .it-
tempting to attack.

litsensitivc cartoons arid C(lll()~
rials such .is the one I had printed
Friday are c\ample.s ot the things
that tteed to change. I reali/e now
that this cartoon and my unaware-
ttcss of reactions front otlter per—
spectives is as much a part of the
problem as the issues I had at—
tempted to address Racism irt our
generation is not the same tltiitg It
was decades ago. Being insensitive
to non-white perspectives can and
does cause as much dIVIde and
ltardshtp oIi minority populations

See Cartoonist on page 3

that he would resign if the column

Kernel opinions editor (‘had
Reese resigned yesterday after the
newspaper declined to
publish a column he
wrote defending the print~
ing of Friday‘s editorial

“My official position
is that I don't particularly
agree with the cartoon but
it wasn't my job as opin-
ions editor to agree with
everything published."
Reese said.

Reese‘s column. writ-
ten over the weekend. argued that
the publication of the cartoon was
justified because it sparked a con—
versation about race relations. He of

didn't run in today‘s paper.

“That opinion and that ultima—
tutit were unacceptable
for an editor at the Ker-
nel. so I accepted his res-
ignation.“ Smiley said.

Reese said that while
he respected the Kemel's
decision not to run his
editorial column. he
thinks “it was the wrong
thing to do.‘

“I'm upset because I
love the job. but I think I
did the right thing."

Reese said.

Linsen Li. assistant opinions

editor. will replace Reese as editor

the page.


By Jill later


Although it has already been ap-
provfi. the logging of 800 acres of UK«
owned Robinson Forest will be discussed
at this month‘s University Senate meet-

“It's essentially an after—talk." said
University Senate Chairman Kaveh

At the Oct. 1 University Senate
Council meeting, Tagavi said. council
member Judith Lesnaw brought up
Robinson Forest.

“1 said. OK. continue to invite people
on all sides we will put it on the agenda”
Tngavi said.

The forestry department tentatively

ulty members to the Senate meeting to
answer questions about the forest. he

“We‘re planning to be there as infor-
mational resources." said David Mae-hr. a
forestry professor. “This is a complex is

Questions will be allowed from those
in attendance during the discussion on
Robinson Forest as long as they are not
unruly. Tagavi said. He also said it is un-
certain what will happen during the dis-
cussion and what will result.

UK‘s Board of Trustees has already
approved logging in Robinson Forest.
However. if a consensus against logging
Robinson Forest is reached after the pan-
cl discussion. that decision will be passed

. Thgavi said.
“If I'm told to give a ‘sensc of the

Senate‘ to the president (bee Todd). to the
govcmor. to the Board of Tmstees. I will
do that." Tagavi said.

The “sense of the Senate“ vote would
be non-binding. meaning UK could still
start the logging project even if the reso—
lution passed.

Also on the agenda for today's Uni-
versity Senate meeting are an analysis of
UK's policy on conflicts of interest and
financial disclosure in research. changes
in language to four University Senate
Rules. and an announcement about Na-
tional Work and Family Month by Work.
Life Director Robynn Pace.

in the auditorium of the WT. Young Li-
brary. Like all monthly meetings of the
full SennaJodny’smectingicopentomc
public '

Hm 257-1915; Admitting: 257-2872


 PAILEyZI Monday. October 8, 2007 .

uveku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution

your daily dose of entertainment, popculture and fun Kemel ‘ Ql

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage check the
day's rating 70 IS the easmst day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 w A day trip needs to be
postponed Don't try to fit it In. The
odds are too high it would lead to a
mishap, either here or there

Taurus (April Z) — May 20) Today
is a 6 A Caution is advised when it
comes to shopping You're usuaily
good at TESlSIlllg temptation, l‘iu'
there could be some weakness now

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
{5 a 7 — Everybody's got an opinion
there's no doubt about that Don't
even try to get them to agree

They're not ready for that

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is an 8 w Assuming you know the

right answer can lead to colossal er-
rors Continue to update your ITTIOT‘
matron and have a back-up plan
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
ASk for more and yoii'l' get it
its as easy as that Don’t spend it
all or: toys or lottery tickets, liowevr
er This luck doesn't work that way
You'd lose more than you (ust

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today is
an 8 ~ You're in a lucrative phase,
so make the most of this time ln-
crease the income from what you're
already doing Thought, not labor, is

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 It's getting to he a little more
fun to finish up out cranes This is
the attitude to adopt Believing
helps make it true

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 . Your team is always look-
rrig to you for strength and move
tron That's fine, but don't let them
lean on you too hard for funding Let
then make the money they need


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 ~~ The boss is on your
case and it may not even be your
fault. Be charming and have the
facts it you're going to defend your
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 ~ It's still not a good
time to venture forth to exotic loca-
tions Stick to your old routine and
be very careful out on the highway
Look both ways before crossing
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To»
day is a 6 The need to stick to a
budget is annoying if you resist It's
worth it, though, as you'll discover
further on down the line Practice
your self-disCipline, and stay away
from the malls
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 7 1 You’re actually a pret»
ty good communicator You tend to
use one word where others would
use 25 Brevrty is also the soul of
Wit, which you may have already



1119 DiSI'I

After disregarding
court’s ruling,
Spears is ordered
to give up her sons

By Mara Reinstein

In some ways. it was just all
other day in the life of Britney
Spears. a trip with the kids to a
fast food restaurant (this time she
stopped at a (‘arl's Jr. drive—
through window) while being
followed by a pack of photogra—
phers. Later. she hit Epitome tari-
ning salon (a daily ritual. as the
world learned from her former
bodyguard Tony Barretto). Yes.
all was ordinary. escept that. de-
spite Spears~ camera-ready smile.
this was the day she lost custody
of .soris Scan, 3. and Jay den. l3
months. to L's—husband Kenn
Federline. Notes a witness to her
antics that afternoon. "She was
smiling. posing for pictures and
was in a great mood. She didn‘t
seem worried at all."

Hardly appropriate behay ior.
gi\ en the circumstances. ()n ()c-
tober I at (0'50 a.m.. Spears
teamed frorii her lawyer that an
LA. Superior (‘ourt commis—
sioner had ordered that Feder—
Iine would teriiporarily obtain
luII custody two days later. The
court‘s ruling came two weeks
after the judge declared that
there was e\idence Spears. 25.
was "a habitual. frequent and
continuous" user of drugs and
alcohol and ordered her to un—
dergo twtcoweekly random
drug testing and meet with a

parenting coach (among other
requirements) in order for her to
maintain fifty-fifty cUstody.
"There was a scheduling coit-
llict. so Britney wasn’t able to
take the drug test that the court
ordered." explains a Spears
source. "She‘s going to do it this
week. no problem."

Though sortie allies insist
she must be denistated (“She
loves those kids more than lile
itself: I‘m a witness to that her
former (lame Isaac (‘oheii tells
L's). others say that. giyen the
graxity of the situation. Spears
show ed a shocking disregard for
the judge's September 17 man—
date. “She wasn't worried about
losing her kids." a source told
L‘s then. ”She thought the
judge‘s orders were ‘ci‘1i/y"."
Another source close to Feder-
line says. "Her beha\ ior makes
you wonder. Does she e\ en real~
ly want these kids'“

Bad behavior

On September 18. the day
alter the court's warning. she
was spotted partying at West
Hollywood clubs Hyde and
Winston's. Three days later. she
was charged with a hit—andvrun
(stemming from an August 6
fender—bender) and driving with—
out a valid (‘alifomia license
but continued to get behind the
wheel with her kids in tow. On
September 34. a woman IDirig
herself as Spears new assistant.
I‘erial Zahash. left an L's photo
editor a strange. rambling voice
mail message. asking to “con-
firm a date for the photo shoot
for the cover with her babies."
although no shoot had been

scheduled. By September ZS.
Federlmc and his lawyer. Mark
Vincent Kaplan. had seen
enough and requested the hearv
mg, “One parent followed the
orders and one didn't." says a
source. “’I‘hc (ridge showed that
he‘s not going to be messed

Kevin's side
For I-‘edei'hnc. the \ ictory
months in the making.
("Kenn is so happy." says a
pal.) Labeled a gold digger from
day one. the aspiring rapper and
actor faced an uphill battle to
prme his worth as a father. But
with the aid ol attomey' Kaplan.
lie was able to wage a smart
campaign for the safety and
well~being of his children (tiri—
like his e\. liederliiie is rarely
photographed with Sean and
.Iaydeiii. And despite sortie re-
ports. Kaplaii also took the
moral high road. as noted by his
September 2| appearance on
NB("s Today. “He rersed to go
negative on Britney." points out
a source. “but rather felt forced
to go on out of his client‘s coit-
cem for his kids‘ safety
Ironically. Federline sources
claim he never eyen intended to
ask for sole custody. "It's never
been about wanting to take the
kids from Britney." says a Fed~
erline confidant. "He wants to
share them. It just got to a point
where he couldn‘t watch her
continue to go downhill. and he
felt he had to ask for ftill cus-
tody to scare her into getting
better. He really does want her
to get better."
i‘tll’YPlGlli 2007 US WEEKLY




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Continued from page 1


here." Smiley said. adding that
he wants the staff to discuss di-
versity and to encourage dia-
logue with other campus groups.

After the meeting with Smi-
ley. agricultural economics
sophomore Josh Watkins ad«
dressed the crowd outside.

"We will not let this situa-
tion go away. because action
without longevity is not action."
Watkins said. "We expect not
only an apology and to admit
that you were wrong. but we
want to shed light on the issue
of what has been created by this.
We want people to know certain
things, want people to think be-
fore they talk or before they

After the protest at the Gre-
han building. students, faculty
and staff spoke in an open fo-
rum in the Free Speech Area
outside the Student Center.

“Not being taken seriously
(in the Kernel office) really hun
me most of all." said Phi Beta
Sigma President Ramon Juanso
in the Free Speech Area. “I‘m
let down by this university. and
I'm let down by the Kernel."

At their regularly scheduled
meeting on Monday. UK‘s Pan-
hellenic Council and Interfrater~
nity Council will address the
canoon. said Panhellenic Coun~
cil President Brooke Perrin. Af~
ter the meeting. Perrin and [FC
President Matt Swafford will
write a letter that the Kernel
will receive Monday or Tues-


Perrin declined to comment
before the council has met and
the letter has been written.

James Harris. one of the stu«
dents who organized Friday‘s
protest. said yesterday that op-
position to the cartoon has not
died down over the weekend.

“A lot of people didn‘t actu-
ally see the paper (on Friday)."
Harris said. “As more and more
people see the paper. the anger
has grown."

Harris said between 10 and
IS people. including about five
UK employees. met over the
weekend and planned a protest
for today.

The protest. which will take
place from noon to 1 pm. in the
Free Speech Area. will have a
letter-signing area. photocopies
of the cartoon and a live re-en-
actment of what the cartoon de—

comm memos» | STAFF
Alaina Hancox a psychology sophomore holds a copy of Friday 3 Ken
tucky Kernel during a protest outside the Grehan Journalism Building on
Friday afternoon

"It was brainstorming ——
how can we make this more
real?" Harris said.

Harris said there will also be
a weeklong campaign to write
letters to the Kernel. and that
plans for further action would
be known as the week progress—

“It's like an open sore. and
every time you see it. it‘s like
adding salt to the wound." he

Staff writer Blair Thomas
contributed in this story.




Brad Fletcher. a psychol-
ogy freshman frotn Somerset.
Ky. is not the Brad Fletcher.
a second—year law student.
who drew the canoon in Fri-
day’s Kernel.



Continued from page 1

as any other tnore obvious
fomi of racism does.

Racial issues are very
important to me and to our
society. In attempting to en-
courage discussion and
change in this area. I have
ignorantly and inadvertently
added to the problem. And

I also wish to apologize
to any of the Greek associa-
tions on campus who have
been maligned by the stereo-
types ] employed. 1 do not
wish to belittle the efforts
Greeks have made to inte-
grate their organizations.

In viewing this cartoon
as progressive and encourag~
ing of social change. I was
wrong. The attempted humor
in the cartoon was in vet)
poor taste. and l am som
that I did not think to make
my point in a more sensitive

I am not proud of the re»
action I have gamered. and I
am asking for forgiveness
and understanding. I have
no desire to defend this car—
toon or fight for whatever
message I originally intentl-
ed to convey. I hope that I
can contribute to social
progress and racial relations
in the future in a more
thoughtful. responsible and
careful manner.

Brad Fletcher i.\ a sec-
mid-year UK law student. [:3
3 mail (minimum k)'l\(’l'll('/.('UIII.



for that I sincerely apologize.

Monday OctoberB, 2007 | PABE3



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Veteran trainers to share
inside look at horse racing

By Leticia Janos


Despite yearly trips to horse races.

enthralled visitors and citizens of Lexing-
ton. the "horse capital of the world." may
not be thinking of where a thoroughbred
horse goes before and after its racing

To clue students in on the life of a
racehorse and the industry that surrounds
it. the UK Horse Racing Club has invited
five experts to campus.

Students can get an inside look at
horse racing from a trainer‘s perspective
tonight at 6 in the Student Center Grand
Ballroom at the club‘s first-ever panel
featuring prominent horse trainers.

The UK Horse Racing Club has been
involved in numerous events promoting
education about the horse industry and
experience for club members who want
to pursue a career in it. said club spokes—
woman Margaret Liles.

Shannon Frame. an animal science
junior and club president. has worked
with club members. the faculty adviser
and local farms for about 10 months to
plan the event. which local farms and
businesses sponsored. In April. mem—
bers asked some established racehorse
trainers at Keeneland to serve on the

The trainers are Kenny McPeck. Carl
Nafzger. Rebecca Maker. John Ward and
Ron Moquett.

“I would like students at UK who are
actively involved in horse racing to see
how the industry works and get career
advice." Frame said.

This is a great opportunity for stu~
dents to learn from the trainer's perspec-
tive about lesser-known aspects of selec-
tion and preparation in the horse racing


industry. said animal science professor
and club adviser Laurie Lawrence.

“We are expecting around 100 to 200
people in attendance for the event and
hopefully more," Lawrence said. “This
was entirely student—ran. and they have
done an incredible job."

The trainers will be on hand to an-
swer and discuss industry issues or basic
racing-related questions. Some club offi—
cers will lead a discussion with pre-se—
lected questions and then open it to the
audience. The evening will also include
refreshments and a silent auction.

This is one of the club's biggest
events to benefit the Makers Mark Sec—
retariat Center. a Thoroughbred Retire-
ment Foundation facility. Half of the
ticket proceeds will go to the center.
which is one of the ll U.S. farms that
care for horses when their racing or
breeding days are over. The center allows
club members to network with industry

“A big part of being a professional in
this industry is also being a good citizen
and volunteering." Liles said. "I am most
excited about the education for the stu-
dents and helping out the center."

The center is a non—profit organiza-
tion funded by Maker‘s Mark through its
partnership with Keeneland. as well as
dozens of donors. The center works to re-
train and groom dozens of horses in Lex-
ington‘s Kentucky Horse Park. Maker‘s
Mark Secretariat Center opened in the
spring of 2004 and is operated by the
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation.

Students can purchase tickets to
tonight‘s panel for $5 in advance or SIS
at the door. General admission is $l5 in
advance and $20 at the door. To pur-
chase. e-mail UKHorseRacingClubGi
hotmail .com.



Poll shows Clinton
leading in Iowa

By John McCormick

Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO v With the nation‘s first
presidential balloting just three months off. a
new poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton with a
narrow lead among Iowans expected to par-
ticipate in their states first—in»the—nation Dc—
mocratic caucuses.

Clinton wins support from 29 percent of

likely caucus participants. followed by 23
percent for former North Carolina Sen. John
Edwards and 22 percent for Sen. Barack ()ba»
ma of Illinois. according to a new Iowa Poll.
released Saturday evening by The Des
Moines Register.

Obama's position in the poll is \irtually
unchanged from May. while Iidwards has
slipped from the top spot in a state view ed as
an essential win for his campaign.

Clinton has enjoyed wide leads in nation—
al polls. but this poll shows the New York
senator has also gained ground in a state that
had in recent months been widely considered
a statistical toss-up among the top three Dc~

New Mexico Gov, Bill Richardson was
backed by 8 percent of likely caucus partici
pants. while all the other Democrats in the
field recorded less than ll) percent.

0n the Republican side. the poll shows
former Massachusetts Gov, Mitt Romney
with a strong lead. at 29 percent. Actor and
fomier Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is his
nearest challenger in the Iowa I’oll. rccciung
backing front IX percent of likely GOP cati-
cus participants.

The poll shows loriiicr Arkansas Gov
Mike lluckabcc and former New York ('it}
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani essentially tied for
third place in Iowa. with l2 percent and ll
percent. respectively.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona is at 7 per-
cent. with all other Republicans in the field
receiving 5 percent of less.


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Olnside Horse Racing:
The Trainer's View

6 pm. Student Center
0 Open Mic Night

7 pm. Cats Den


ODance Lessons

8:30 pm. Baker Hall

5 Dance Studio

' 00rder of the

. Pheonix- -Cheap Seat
% Tuesdays 8 p. m.

:jStudent Center

TOAnthony Rupp 8 pm.

Memorial Hall

1 OLunchtime Trivia

’ 12:00 pm. Student

.OSex in a Test Tube

6 pm. Young Library

; Gallery Room
' 0Comedy Caravan

8 pm. Cats Den

;-Ad Club Meeting
is pm. Student Center

’ the Arts

' OCCO Board of

, 5 pm. Student Center

°Euchre Tournament
7 pm. Cats Den

Directors Meeting

OThe Times of Harvey
Milk 10 pm.
Worsham Theater
OCCO Board Meeting
5 pm. CCO

, OHaunting Harmonies
_ of the Ztst- -Century

Concert 8 p m.
Singletary Center for


HOItaIian Conversation
Practice 5 pm. Coffee

0Snatch 10 pm.
Center Theater














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\tr itltiih Matthew George

()(1t)i)t‘f is _’t to" PO R I S Asst Sports Editor

Phone 1571915

Page 5 mgeotgc®kykeriieltom


The UK Soccer Complex, which replaced the Cage 10 late l996. is home to UK's men's and women's soccer teams

Field has superb turf but lacks history

Ex M9939! Genus

ingeorge@kykernel com

This is I’I(‘_/1I‘.\‘I installment ‘f/ (I spa*iulfl'uliirc ruling the stadiums. arenas and ill/Ilcn't[facilities Iliul house varsity sporting t‘i'r'mrtor l W

from rtjtm i\ [)(‘IIV/It’t‘lfl'f. Ratings are based on a .\t‘(llt’ of one mfii'r‘ tic/sets, w'illi fire living the best. The overall ruling is not an ut'crugi',
and till opinions lll'l’ .\'fI'I(‘I/_\' t/im‘t' (if/Hunlir'ii' George. The Slut/I'm” Rater will run periodical/r throughout the school year.

Overall (not an average)


3&9 The l‘K Soccer Complex. which opened in late
5&3! 3 1996. houses the playing field. practice field and


locker rooms for both the men‘s and women's soccer


teams. Men‘s head coach lan Collins and women's


head coach War