xt7r7s7htk6z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7htk6z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 13, 1991 1991 1991-02-13 2020 true xt7r7s7htk6z section xt7r7s7htk6z  


Staff Writer

UK student journalists yesterday
got the chance to be part of Cable
News Network's coverage of the
gulf war, asking questions to CNN
correspondents in Saudi Arabia and
the Pentagon about war coverage.

In a live broadcast from UK‘s
Grehan Journalism Building, stu-
dents in a Journalism 204 class ——
plus a dozen or so who gathered to
watch —— spoke out as pan of the
network's coverage of public reac-
tion to the war.

The segment aired live on CNN
at 12:15 pm.

CNN correspondent Jeff Flock di-
rected students' questions to corre-
spondents Carl Rochelle in Dhah-
ran, Saudi Arabia, Charles
Bierbauer at the White House and
John Holliman at the Pentagon.

Students expressed concerns
about topics like troop morale, US.
plans for a ground war, Soviet cn'ti-
cism of US. air raids and the reces-

The questions especially were
geared toward the journalistic as-
pects of CNN’s war coverage.

Holliman, who broadcast the
sights and sounds of the first US.
attack on Baghdad from his hotel
room on Jan. 16 along with fellow
CNN reporters Bernard Shaw and

Pam Mitchell, a communications sophomore, is interviewed by
CNN's Jeff Flock (top). Students watched the live broadcast, which
began at 12:15 pm, from a Grehan Journalism Building classroom.

Peter Amett, responded to a ques—
tion about the danger to journalists
covering the war.

“I think it is important for us, as
reporters, to be as close to the ac—
tion as we can be and still do our
job," he said. “That was one of the
fantastic things to me — to be
where the action was and to still be
able to report it.”

John Tilley, a journalism senior,
asked about CNN ‘5 role as the only
network that still has a correspon-
dentin Baghdad.

Holliman attributed CNN’s
unique access to “very good, very
active, very efficient people" who
worked harder and “came out ahead
on the story.”

For Stephanie Goff. 3 Patterson
School graduate student, the ques-
tion-and-answer session provided a
rare opportunity to get information

from a source close to high-level
government officials about the safe-
ty of her family members in Saudi

Goff said that her father. an em-
ployee of McDonnell-Douglas
Corp, is living in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, and that his wife is a Saudi

Rochelle told her he had heard
that the US. government had made
“adjustments" for dependents of
US. citizens and arrangements to
use its military planes to airlift
American citizens from Saudi Ara-
bia. if necessary.

The CNN crew that filmed the
segment is based in Chicago.

But producer David Sleek said the
crew has been on the road since the
war began, doing the same type of

See CNN, Page 3

Iraq welcomes Soviet bid to end war

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia —— In
a foretaste of all-out war, Marine
and naval gunners combined their
fire with US. air strikes yesterday
to pound Iraqi tanks and artillery
massed in southern Kuwait.

Saddam Hussein, meanwhile,
welcomed a Soviet bid to try to end
the Persian Gulf War short of a
bloody fight to the finish in the
desert. But the Iraqi president
showed no sign of backing off from

The US command said the thun-
derous land-sea-and-air barrage that
shook southern Kuwait could be de-
scribed as part of “our training pro-
gram" — training for the major of-
fensive that may lie over the

Fresh signs emerged of just how
tough that fight may be.

Iraq‘s Parliament speaker said the
Iraqi military has saved its “lethal
developed weapons" — an apparent
reference to chemical and biological
arms — from the non-stop air raids.
And the Iraqis were reported taking
new steps to fortify Kuwait City
against eventual attack.

In Baghdad, Washington and
elsewhere. statesmen and emissaries
conferred on the prospects for peace
and the outlook for intensified war.

In the Iraqi capital, where two
government ministry buildings were
devastated by direct bomb hits yes-
terday, Soviet envoy Yevgeny Prim-
akov presented Saddam with a ver-
bal message from Mikhail S.

Gorbachev conveying the Kremlin
leader's view of the conflict, Bagh-
dad radio said.

The radio quotcd the Iraqi presi-
dent as telling Primakov he is pre-
pared to cooperate with the Soviet
Union “in the interest of finding a
peaceful, political, equitable and
honorable solution to the region’s
central issues. including the situa-
tion in the gulf."

At the same time, however, Sad-
dam declared the Iraqi people were

determined to “beat back the ag-
gressors," the radio said.

Still another peace bid came from
the non-aligned movement.

After a meeting of foreign minis-
ters from 15 non-aligned nations in
Yugoslavia, it was announced that a
delegation would go to Baghdad to
try to head off an escalation of the
war. Foreign Minister Ali Akbar
Velayati of Iran said a message re-

See GULF. Page 5


Staff Writer

When engineering professor
Kenji Okazaki went to the dentist,
he didn't expect to be told that he
had gingivitis and would have to
have many teeth pulled.

He also didn‘t expect to come
out of the appointment with in-
sight into a new research project.

As a patient of the Periodontics
Graduate Program. Okazaki was
told that to eat the meat that he
enjoyed so much. he would have
to have dental implants. which


would cost about $700 ,,- not In-
cluding the physician's fee.

Titanium implants With very
fine threads are used in the pro-

To anchor the implant. a hole
has to be drilled into the jawbone
at about 30 rcvoluuons per turn-
me. “This is very slow," ()ka/akt
said. and the drilling could take
three to four hours.

A thread on the bone then has
to be made so the implant can be
screwed in.

The entire process —- from the
extraction of teeth to the place-


Engineering professor Kenii Okazaki's trip to the dentist inspired him to create a devrce used to im-
prove the technology ot dental implants. He is shown above.

Trip to dentist sparked project

ment of dentures takes several
months because of the healing
time that must be allowed be-
tween tnCtsions.

Okaiaki had been working With
the consolidation of titanium tor
zurcrafts and thought he could de
velop something more cttrcrent.
He consulted fl group or pt‘l'ltxltlll-
lists, .i specraltv dentistry that
deals With the supporting struc
tures of the teeth and diseases that
affect them.

The group. which included per

See DENTIST, Page 3


UK chief stresses involvement

Contributing Writer

UK president Charles Wething-
ton said yesterday that the Univer-
sity needs to become more in-
volved with the
state‘s massive
education re-
form effort.

The state leg-
islature. heed-
ing a call from
the Kentucky
Supreme Court
to revamp the
state school
proved wrde-
spread changes in the 1990 general
session. As a result of the Educa-
tion Reform Act. he said, people
around the country “are talking
about Kentucky in a different light
than they ever have before."



“My vision is fairly simple. We want to see a
university that is nationally recognized."

Charles Wethington,
UK president


Wethington raised this issue yes-
terday afternoon at a speech given
in the Student Center. which was
sponsored by the Donovan Schol-

He addressed his goals for the fu-
ture. “My vision is fairly simple,"
Wethington said. “We want to see a
university that is nationally recog-
nized for its excellence and for the
quality of its teaching, its research,
its service and its graduates."

He also mentioned the need to
continue increasing faculty salaries.
improving current library facilities
and raising funds for a new library.
Other goals included providing ad-
ditional equipment and facilities for

University research.

Wethington said he wans the
University to build a common sup-
port base by forming what he
termed the “One University Con-

“I want all facets of the Universi-
ty to pull together.“ he said.

The University‘s achievements
and areas of pride also were men-
tioned. He cited gains in enroll-
ment, the acquisition of more than
$70 million in grants and contracts
during the 1989-90 year and setting
an all-time record in private fund-

In addition. Wethington dis-
cussed the bright future of UK's

in speech

athletic programs. the increase in
budget because of the 1990 General
Assembly and the University‘s new
public information campaign —
“UK Stands Out."

The service aspect of the Univer-
sity also was stressed. Hc men-
tioned UK‘s involvement in mobile
busmess training programs and dis-
cussed a mral health initiative that
calls for UK to take its medical cen-
ter programs into rural areas of the

Wethington concluded by calling
himself a ”native Kentuckian. and
extremely proud of it“ and said that
being appointed as UK‘s presrdent
was a “humbling experience.“

After his speech Wethington
fielded questions from the audience.
Among their concerns were solving
traffic and pedestrian problems on
Rose Street, increasing minority en-
rollment and improving graduation


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Page .2


Viewpoint ............... . 4
Classifieds ....................... 7



 2 - mucky Kernel. Wednesday. February 13, 1991

UK will have to overcome sickness to beat UT

Assistant Sports Editor

UK coach Rick Pitino is over his
illness. but his team is starting to
look a little flushed.

The Cats have lost two games in a
row and as a result have blown their
two-game lead over Alabama in the
race for the Southeastern Confer-
ence title.

And it's likely that UK (17-5
overall. 9-3 SEC) will have to face
Tennessee tonight (8 pm. tip-off at
Rupp Arena) without point guard
Sean Woods, who was admitted to
University Hospital yesterday mom-

“Sean has an acute viral illness,"
said Dr. Henry Stiene, UK Sports
Medicine physician. “He is being
treated for dehydration and high fe-

Backcourt mate Jeff Brassow said
Woods had a fever of 104 degrees
before going to the hospital yestero
day. Pitino said there was still a
chance that Woods would play if he

gets “his temperature down and he's
feeling back to normal."

The loss of Woods is a crippling
blow to a team trying to break a
two-game losing streak after practi-
cally coasting to nine victories in
the its first 10 conference games.

it's also bad timing because 16th-
ranked UK is in a tight battle for a
conference championship, even if it
is only for pride.

“It's a great loss.“ UK center Reg-
gie Hanson said. “He's a great de-
fensive player, and he really pushes
the ball up the court. Hopefully. it's
just one of those 24-hour things. and
he'll be back.

“But you can make up for the loss
of one player if everybody on the
team picks it up a notch, and that’s
what we'll have to do.”

One player in particular — back--
up point guard Richie Farmer —
will be forced into the limelight,
something that he’s not the least un-
comfortable with.

“It doesn't bother me at all," said
Farmer. who did not learn of






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Woods' illness until about 10 min-
utes before yesterday's practice.
“I'll be doing the same thing that
I've been doing, [’11 just be doing it
a few minutes sooner.

“1 think 1 have to go in and play
my game. like I always do. You
have to play within yourself. I have
to play like Richie Farmer always

At yesterday's news conference,
Pitino — who had a stomach virus
for about four days last week — did
not seem overly concerned about
Farmer running the offense, but he
was worried about who would back
up Farmer.

“My biggest concern is if Richie
gets in foul trouble or when Richie
needs a break, who do we go with at
that point,” Pitino said. .“That's
something we've got to experiment
a little bit in practice today and see
who’s ready to fill that void."

Pitino mentioned small forward
John Pelphrey or freshman Carlos
Toomer as possible backups.

“Carlos physically can get it done,

it's just that he’s had a very difficult
time learning our system," the UK
coach said. “We would just have to
simplify the offense and defense a
little bit for him.

And John is definitely not a
natural point guard, but he has the
court sense to get the job done.
though. We'll just have to do our

The Cats, who have had a prob-
lem recently with perimeter defense,
will have to do their best to stop
All-SEC guard Allan Houston. The
(Hoot-S sophomore leads Tennessee
(9-14. 3—9) in scoring 23.4 points
(second in the SEC) and handing
out 4.0 assists a game.

“He‘s a great player," Farmer
said. “He has no weaknesses.
There's nothing he can’t do. I’ve
played against him since high
school, and he's just a great player
— one of the best"

Pitino benched Pelphrey and
Brassow in recent games because of
their poor perimeter defense, and
Houston — a 43.7 percent shooter

from three-point range — should be
the ultimate test for them.

“He’s so tough to guard because
if you play real tight on him, he can
just drive right by you, but if you
give him any room. he’ll just btun
you with the three," said Brassow.
who probably will draw the assign-
ment of guarding Houston. “We’ll
just have to do the best we can.”

Houston's backcourt mate. Lang
Wiseman, is another driving guard
who can shoot the three-pointer, too.
Wiseman, a 6-4 sophomore, is the


only other Vol to average double
figures at 14.3 points a game.

“1 think in Wiseman and Houston

m Kentucky (17.5
overall. 9-3 SEC) vs.

Tennessee (9-14. 3-9).
“poll: 8 pm.

Plea when:
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AM 840. will Garwood
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we've got to be conscious (of the
three-point shot)," said Pitino, who
hinted that UK may have to give up
a few more three-pointers in order
to stop penetration. “Both are great
going to the basket and can shoot."
The Cats were able to slow Hous-
ton down in their earlier game in
Knoxville. which UK won 78-74.
Houston scored 19 points in the first

30 minutes, then hit only one free
throw the rest of the way to finish
with 20 points.

“We were able to wear him down
in the first game,” Pitino said. “He
just got tired at the end of the game.
Hopefully, we will be able to put
that kind of pressure on him again."

When Tennessee’s
lineup is introduced,
hold up the ‘Go Cats’
N page and .‘support

the Cats.

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Continued from page 1

ceived from Saddam means “our
‘idea for peace' is very much alive."
He did not elaborate.

At the White House. President
Bush talked over war plans with the
visiting defense ministers of Britain
and France. allies in Operation
Desert Storm.

Allied commanders in Saudi Ara-
bia recommend three to four more
weeks of air bombardment befae a
ground offensive, U.S. military
sources say.

The British defense minister.
Torn King. underlined this view
yesterday, telling reporters after
meeting with Bush that “there’s
some work to be done” before any
ground attack.

A senior US. military official
said the combined-forces bombard-
ment, which began at 4 am. yester-
day and lasted three hours, was the
biggest battlefield action yet initiat-
ed by the allied forces.

Reconnaissance had spotted Iraqi
artillery, tanks and other armored
vehicles concentrating and "hun-
kereddown" inanareaofsouthern
Kuwait, Marine Brig. Gen. Richard
Neal, a US. command spokesman,
told reporters.



Continued from page 1

interview in various Midwest loca-

' Steck said the crew has broadcast
similar segments from Kansas State

" University and the University of

' "Missouri.

, Flock said doing the interviews
has given him a better understand-
_ing of public feeling about the war.

“Before the war, I wasn’t sure
that the people’s response was go—
ing to be positive once body bags

started coming in,” Flock said. “But
we have seen very solid support (for
the war) in middle America.”

He also said conducting inter-
views on college campuses has shed
some light on what is on the minds
of America's college students.

“In recent years there has been a
feeling that American college stu-
dents were really uninformed about
the world," Flock said. “We found
out that this is not true at all."

Reporters from several media out-
lets covered CNN‘s reporting and
about 30 people gathered upstairs in
the lobby to watch the live broad-

Revised DUI bill


Associated Press

House passed a greatly revised ver-
sion of a DUI bill yesterday, but
supporters said they are generally
happy with the result

The debate leading up to the vote
was emotional, contentious and in-
cluded the first legislative mention
of the 1988 Carrollton bus crash
tragedy that spurred discussion of a
stronger law against drunken driv-

The bill was shelved last week af-
ter the surprising vote to remove a
crucial portion that dealt with the
suspension of driving privileges for
registering a blood alcohol content
of .10 percent or higher, called ad-
ministrative per se.

A weeklong series of closed
meetings produced a bill that con-

:ains no administrative license revo-

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cation, but does include a section
that makes it illegal to drive with a
.10 percent blood alcohol content.

Also, a conviction for drunken
driving carries an automatic license
suspension for 90 days. All but 30
days of that can be avoided by ap-
plying for a “hardship license" that
may be used to travel to work,
school or medical treatment.

Cyrus said the loss of a license
can ruin a person's life by costing
him his job. “These people have to
work," Cyrus said.


Continued trom page 1

iodontics professor Dr. Raymond A.
Kopczyk. did some brainstorming.
Okazaki then showed them a device
he created that uses electro-
discharge compaction to hit a col—
umn of powder with a high voltage
current. like lightning, to create a
material with a porous surface and a
solid core. The device “seemed to
us to be ideal for what we were talk-
ing about in dentistry," Kopczyk

Kopczyk said a porous surface
would allow the bone to actually
grow through the metal to hold it in

“This would minimize a lot of
machining that has to be done in the
mouth and allow us to fit the im-
plant to the patient, which is the op-
posite of what we’re doing right
now in implantology," he said.

To fit an implant today. a hole
must be drilled in the bone to fit the
metal piece.

Because so much machining is in-
volved, it is possible to damage the
nerves and/or sinus in the jaw, he

“This conventional stuff doesn't
have any place to let the bone grow
in.” Okazaki said. With no place for

the bone to grow, the implant could
become loose, slip out of its hole
and have to be replaced.

Using the electro—discharge com—
paction method, the implant could
be molded into the existing hole
where the tooth was extracted.

Still under research, the implant
will not be ready for use in a human
mouth for several years.

Okazaki said the process is slow
because of a lack of funding for the

The research project, funded by
grants from The National Institute
of Health Research (NIH), is in the
animal testing stage.

“We have put the material into
rabbit bones.” said Dong Kim. a
post—doctoral fellow in dental im-
plantology. “So far, we have had
pretty good results."

Kopczyk said the rabbit bones are
taking very well to the implants.
“We're not seeing any unusual
changes that would negate the pro-
ject," he said.

After completing his doctorate in
electro-discharge compaction of
powders four years ago, Kim began
working on the project with Okaza-
ki and Kopczyk.

“About 12 million teeth are gone
in the United States every year. and
we try to replace the bone so they
can chew anything," Kim said.

Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 13, 1991 43



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 Q- Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 13,1991

Why would anyone want to return to Reagan’s fantasy world?

nce in a while, when one
Oright-winger meets up with

another, they inevitably wax

philosophical about the be-
loved bygone days of the Reagan

We all hark back to that magical
era when the spectacle of Holly-
wood shone brightly upon the Poto-
mac. “He's no Reagan," right-
wingers say when refemng to the
George Bush.

We all miss Reagan's “shining
city on a hill." an Oz-like wonder-
land where an amiable ex-B movie
actor could go from hawking Gener-
al Electric toaster-ovens on TV to
commanding the most powerful na-
tion in the history of the world.

Viewers melted each time the
Great Communicator‘s velvet voice
oozed from their TV sets. The boob


tube helped Ronald “Dr. Feelsgood“
Reagan twice rout those whining,
gloom-and-doom liberals who had
the gall to suggest that the nation
might have a few (gasp!) problems.
“Problems, schmoblems." the Gip-
per told us.

While previous presidents bored
us at press conferences with bland
statistics, dry facts and snooze-
inducing policy proposals, Mr.
Show Biz regaled the nation with
zany quips, clever retorts, warm
anecdotes and hilarious one-liners.

And on those rare occasions when




In 1923. as automobiles
began to increase in num-
ber so did automobile ac-
cidents. Garret A. Morgan,
a native of Paris ,Ky., saw
a need and filled it. He in-
vented what we know to-
day as the traffic light.




Madame C.J. Walker
became America’s first
black woman millionaire.

the chief executive did honor us
with an actual statement concerning
government, we all chuckled along
with him as he goofed up a few of
those pesky little “facts."

book at his wacky economic poli-
cies. On the one hand, he said he
would “cut" taxes. On the other
hand, he would increase defense
spending. On the other hand. the
deficit would magically disappear.
Of course, few of us have three
hands, but that didn‘t stop the Gip-

He made sure income taxes were
lowered. Of course, behind the
scenes, deductions were eliminated.
Oh, and excise taxes on gasoline
were raised. And huge programs
were turned over to the states, forc-
ing them to raise taxes just to stay

By 1990, taxes were a higher per-
centage of the Gross National Prod-
uct than they were in 1980. Of
course, Mr. Reagan continued to as-
sail the “tax-and-spend” Democrats.

But this isn‘t to say that his eco-
nomic programs had no impact.
Reagan was critical of Jimmy Cart-
er’s $70 billion deficits. Reagan
promised to do something about
them, and he did. They instantly in-
creaed to the $200 billion level.

Reagan proved he was certainly a
man who gets things done. By the
way, the huge deficits were actually
somehow the fault of Congress, the
media, Jimmy Caner, Lyndon John—

son, Woodrow Wilson, Grover
Cleveland and all of the other peo-
ple who happened not to be presi-
dent at the time.

We stood tall under the Gipper.
When tinhom dictators and flaky
barbarians threatened innocent citi-
zens abroad. our prez knew how to
handle them: Launch a barrage of
macho one-liners.

Clint Eastwood and Sylvester
Stallone were quoted. Fiery adjec-
tives were deployed. Angry adverbs
were dropped on enemies. The
famed Hyperbole Squad was called
in to call the bad guys names.

When terrorists destroyed our
Marine barracks in Beirut with a
truck bomb, the president made sure
that Cuban peasants in Grenada
knew we meant business when we
said we were "standing tall."

Not everything in foreign policy
was quite that successful.

When allegations mounted that
the president knew of the diversion
of Iranian funds to the Nicaraguan
contras, he repeatedly assured us
that he had no earthly idea what was
going on anywhere at anytime. Af-
ter all, he was only president. The
nation sighed with relief.

The country loved life in Reagan-
land. Millions so loved the outdoors
that they voluntarily lived along the
highways and byways of our larger
cities. Millions more, eager to shed
unwanted pounds, avoided food and
enjoyed the zesty flavor of govem—




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ment cheese.

Though President Reagan de-
served the Best Actor Oscar for his
portrayal of the president, let’s not
forget that wacky supporting cast
that we all came to know and love.

-Roly-poly Ed Meese became an
expert on criminal justice and ille-
gal activity. During his tenure, he
gained more experience in the court
room than any attorney general in
the history of mankind. And that
was just as a defendant.

-James “Watt, Me Worry?" Watt
became a household name as he
tried to strip-mine our purple moun-
tains’ majesty and turn our fruited
plain into a giant parking lot.

Nancy Reagan was a constant
joy as she accepted free dresses
with one hand and guided her Ouija
board with the other. It‘s comfort-
ing to know that the guiding force
of the free world —- the daily horo-
scope — lies between “Dear Abby"
and the Jumble word game on the
newspaper page. I shudder to think
that a thermonuclear war could have
staned between Bangladesh and us

JERRY VGGT/Slii Artist

if a nearsighted sideshow swami
misread the tea leaves.

-Hundreds more, too numerous to
mention here, starred in bit parts as
indicted officials consumed by
greed and avarice. Of course, this
harassment of the Reagan adminis-
tration was a result of a “liberal me-
dia” that somehow overcame its
“liberalism" to overwhelmingly en-
dorse Reagan in 1980 and 1984.

Filming of this presidential epic
ceased in January 1989. Reagan
may have rode off into the sunset.
but those fond memories still linger,
much like a bizarre fever.

For decades to come, we'll enjoy
Reagan’s stirring words, his warm
spirit, his crippling deficits, his de-
structive environmental policies, his
wasteful lack of an energy policy,
his complete apathy towards educa-
tion —— but I digress. lest I run out
of ink.

Senior Staff Writer Toby is a jour-
nalism senior and a Kerrie] colum-


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:=Biit spirits and morale are running high .
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