xt7r7s7htg2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7htg2z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1998 Vol.69 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 1998 Vol.69 No.3 1998 1998 2019 true xt7r7s7htg2z section xt7r7s7htg2z _ i I _
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,1 A O n the THE KENTUCKY Maw" 1998
r1 7 k t Volume 69, Number 3
. " ‘ ‘r The Official Publication f
0Mmh27 of the Kentucky Press
WWW Service .
F i’ ,
‘ oApfi123-24 opt? ch 405
“mum -- MdchrAL SERIALSRECOR .
dune 18-20 4or .
1998KPAITPA _ -‘ * / oOo
Joint Summer Convmfiou _, .i
m»... Sunspree Resort/Holiday Ina .
Gatlinburg'l'etm. ;
. O O O A
_ House passes b111 on school financ1a1 statements
The Kentucky House of general public would have to H th t d
' Representatives voted 70-18 to request a copy of the system's w
allow Kentucky school districts to financial statement and one would 0 ey Y0 e
publish a condensed version of be mailed at the school's expense. VotingforHouse bill 378 Stewart, Stumbo, Treesh, Turner.
their annual financial statement. The language also encouraged Walton, Wayne. Weaver,
Twelve House members did not school systems to post the annual Alexander, Allan, J' Arnold, Ballard, Worthington Yonts Zimmerman.
. . , .. . ‘ Baugh, Brandstetter, Bratcher, ’ ’
. vote on the measure when it was financ1al statement on its World B B h C ll h C L
‘ considered on February 19. Wide Web homepage, if it main- Cluclf’PuCrl: ’k 2(1) ii an, Cavfiin ' VofingagainstHouseBill378
HB 378, sponsored by Rep. tains one." C ”(Emil Car ’l oemaCn, 0C 81’ ,
Brian Crall, R-Owensboro, was The published statement would D ’ D w, F d, G ’ J‘ Adams, R Adams, Adkins, A'
, sent to the Senate and assigned to be the same as allowed to munici- G323)“, D gill”, Gel-G, l ee, A1110“. Bowling, Browns DD..But.ler,
the Senate Education Committee pally-owned utility companies yet G1: gm 2138:111' H 11' - ’ Colter, Hoffman, Hoover, Lindsay,
. where it was still sitting in early far less than the audit report sum- H y’ Jr, . y gnimse 3%, Mason, MCKee, RlChardS, Slms.
- March. mary option available to cities and orlander, enkms, ° ’ or. ’ Stine,’Ihomas,Wilkey.
* t' e Kerr, be, Long, Marootte, Mancle,
As approved by the House, com} 1 S- . M . Miller M Moberly
' school districts would be allowed to The time when more and more Mur at!" o d It’lesler New om ’ MW
. publish a "certified audit" showing dollars, both private and tax, are 3 y ’ ’ 3 e, ‘
. . , . b - t' t d t' . t th Nunn, Palumbo, Polston, Pope, Anderson, Barrows. D. Butler,
the districts total income and total emg pu m o e uca Ion ls no 8 Radar Rasche Ratliff Reinhardt Clarke Basking Gooch Hogancamp
expense amounts for the year. For ~ ' - ’ - ’ - ’ ’ - ’- ’ - ’
any additional information, the See HOUSE, page 6 Riggs, Rmer, Scott. Simpmn, Stem, Lovell, Napier, Siler, Stacy, Vincent
T———_—'_"———__'__"_"—"_‘_“‘__"” n —. ._4_-A A A , , .7 , O .
KPA News Bureau has intern 614 re glster for first state
‘ |’981'1' ' h'hhl '
, for egis ative sess1on 1g so 00 convention
11/ Julie Clay, a “We’re pleased with the l The first statewide convention her for a first-time event." said
senior journalism work Julie‘s done for us so far i for the newly formed Kentucky KHSJA administrator liisa
« major at Eastern this semesterand I’m sure that l High School Journalism (‘arnahair “Hopefully. this kind ol'
K e n t .u c k'y * good work Will carry through : Association iKHSJAi is scheduled interest shown will go a long way
UanpI‘Slty, IS the remainder 0f the lengIatlve ; for “larch 27 at the Radisson Plaza in establishing él H‘Clll‘t‘ llllul‘t‘ llll'
working With the sessmn, said KPA Executive 3 in I exington the organization."
KPA News Director David T. Thompson. i A . '. . . . , - ,. . i
. _ . Reg’lstratlon for tho CODVOHUOD The convr ntltfl‘l l( (ltlll‘t h somi
Bureau thls Clay was news edltor Of the i t' d 't 614 of the state's best known newspa-
semester cover- Eastern Progress, EKU’s student S an“ S d j . ' h T N
; ing the 1998GeneralAssemb1y_ newspaper, last semester. She‘s i We re thrilled Wltl’l that num- see CONVEN '0 ! page 6
i Clay, 3 Danville native and also worked for the newspaper °
i resrdent, also held another as a copy editor and reporter Whlte €1€Cted t0 INSIDE
. intekrndship fihrfiugh1§ V
A native of Bardstown, Greer to become editor of The ()ldham M‘ld'a ('mel ha.“ announced ( ””19 Beth ( “’“Ch has llet‘”
worked as an editor and reporter at Era. an agreement I” 3“” 1‘5 kentucky hired as an assistant controller at
the Kentucky Standard from 1985- Before coming to Lebanon. publications to , (‘om in unity Landmark (‘ommunity N““’~*‘P?‘P“r-‘ ‘
1988. He is on the KPA Board of Foster was a general assignment Newspaper Holdings Inc. M Inc-l“ ‘J‘FND central ”Mic" l” {1
Directors, representing District 5 reporter at The Commonwealth Lexipirton. l l‘ .. . , - , l . d Bh‘xllV’YV‘ll‘“, .
which includes Hardin and Nelson Journal in Somerset and also served . H pu ) "“3”“ .ln“) H ‘ ( rouch ‘5 a graduate “i MUFFIN
counties. as managing editor of The Times include the daily Somerset State [ “NONI” “uh a R'A‘ m
Before Elizabethtown, (ireer Journal in Russell Springs. She is a (‘ommonwealth—Journal 5”“. 1 ' accounting. She previously “1”.le .
worked in RockPOrt Ind He began graduate of (‘ampbellsvillp ““‘kly. “'"“'H‘kl.\' and ”V“ d'-"“‘”‘“' 215 21 Staff accountant for the (‘l’A
his journalism careerhat WBRT University where she was editor of mm DUl’llCim‘m’ m 1” Kt‘mm'k." fi rm of (‘otton and Allen in
i i i i ‘ i ‘ counties. Louisville.
Th K k P The weekly papers are: The
—— e entuc y fess —— (‘arlisle‘Mercury: Menifee ( ounty Madden 101118 DCVVS Staff
News; (irayson Journal-lanoliner. ~
The Kentucky l’ress(lSSN—0()23—()32~l) is pUb~ District 12 (1.” ("0:9“) 5 ”2n” if“): ”lift: at Anderson News
fished monthlyby the Kentucki'l’rw laclsti.Thoinas,]dcksonTimes fray-W“ "U.“ .‘V “W" ""1“ “1,.“ . .. . , W. - - . .
Association/KentuckyPressService,lnc. 5011111101 hChU- London. Iht‘ ‘ . {$1‘iiiélv}?ldgd:ilj.lim {ulnfidltill
Periodical-class osta eis aid at Frankfort, ‘5 a 1 Morehead News; ()live Hill Times: S“ H. ‘ f n ”."nn ‘ i “T d“ ‘l
P RP DltflLlL "d --id~r~- ,.
KY.40601.Subscription priccisSchr year. Glenn Gray, Manchester linterprlse News Democrat & Leader. copy e itm pagt psignel reporter.
Postmaster: Send changc oi address toThe ' Russellville' and the Mc(‘rearv The Henderson native comes to
KentuckvPress,IOIConsumerlam', District 14 (‘o , ,. I ‘ the Lawrenceburg paper from the
. _ unty Record. . . . . , .
Frankffim KY-Wll,(503)333'8821- Stuart SimpsonJ’ulaski Week ’ Daily Racing Form in Lexmgton
. _ . . ‘ ‘ where she was a page designer. She
Efficerskarnlgrgrxrr: {m District 15-A Meade C0. Mehfienger has also worked at the Henderson
Ln UL ) (5‘ soua “ Don White. Anderson News h . P: - . Gleaner. While at the l'niversitv of
President ‘ _ lreb dge ‘15 reporter Kentucky. Madden served as man-
Guy HatfieldCitizen Voice&Times ”MT“? IS‘B _ Melinda Page is the new aging editor of the student newspa-
J”hn New)” Daln'll“ “Milwaw re )orter at the Meade ('ountv er from 1992 to 1995.
M l . p
President Elect ‘ t W "Mr Messenger.
Russl’owell, Ashland Daily Independent WW "I "g“ Page hold-s a degree in English Herald—I cader wins
I’ > P "'d' Sharon Tuminski.Winchester Sun “Nth a minor m Spanish. from . .
jet (W 5'“ ‘ , l‘reed-Hardeman t niversity in award m literacy contest
(-0th ldbt‘S, Returdt‘r NCW'SPdPCTS I: 1 R' . ) , ‘ Hp ”dorsun ‘ ’I‘pnn. AI lfl‘t‘t'd- ' ‘
.L iney,( wensboro Messenger H' d I . ‘h i .. ‘ *“d x f h i The Lexmgton Herald-Leader
V"'l‘ “'d t Inquirer ar (man. s t was prtsi (ht o t ( H .. I } x V. }' k
IL: p.51 en . university's cha ter ()1. (V0119 'i'ite was among tit winntis t iat too
Tom Laudill, Lexmgton Herald-Leader Writers 0f: AimPI‘iCPI t—. < home first place awards in the
T Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen ' ‘ ( ' SNI’A Literacy Awards Banquet.
reasurer ‘ . . . ‘ . For newspapers with circulation
Teresa Revlett, McLean county News Asmdatebmvimn King 101115 news staff m.” 75.000. ”H, News &
. . Ed Mastrean, Kentucky l‘.(lUthOndl (‘otnmunity Service winners were
Districtl . . — , -~_ \ . . ~ ,.
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader T‘TIW‘S'O" dt NEWS Demotrdt the Lexmgton Herald-Leader. tirst;
d _, _ Beth Lindsey King has been (ireenville IS.(‘.i News. second; and
Districtz farierg:lild’f H’t‘ml “ot‘k. Hittite s

. Since Japan's subsequent (‘ommercial Appeal and recipient invertedspyraiiiid story ”mil

i snowstorms caused a delay in of the American Society of Holmes said religion reporters (‘l‘l‘m't'lmts' “litrk \ "HWY"
Olympic skiing events. workshop Newspaper Editor's 1997 need an above-average knowledge “"095 .‘s’t‘m‘lnli HP ‘thltoltt‘ Wilt :1
attendees could see valid argu- Distinguished Writing Award for of scriptures =t‘roni many l‘t‘llr ’l“w“‘l‘ H'VF‘mllil‘T “”‘l “
ments for treating the episode as a Religion and Spirituality, gions 4, good reporting skills. ~Hltl l)"”‘"“"“l “MW“ S‘M'“ ‘ R‘Hts'
religion story. Today. in fact, most ' 'Keeping the Faith on TV an ability to ‘cut through the hull See DIVINE. page 7

O O .
SurVey launchéd Newspaper looks outside ‘traditional’
L k
to document 1 d f d ' l h b k .
. r0 CS an In S YCVCHUB in t6 6]) 0116 ()0 5
media subpoenas
By RON HOFFER a new source otieyeniie tor oiii' eoinpany
The Reporters Committee for “Look! Up in the sky. It‘s a bird. it‘s a plane There were ohy iously inany' unknowns here lint
Freedom of'the Press has launched You may remember the introductions to the ()l‘ltjl' in the lace oi eyer-iiii-re.isiii;; avenues til competition,
its second five-year survey of the rial Superman TV episodes -—» sortie people were at newspapers are going to have to migrate into some
incidence of subpoenas served on first confused as to just what they were seeing. Well. nontraditional areas it' they intend to increase or
America's newspapers and televi- some of the associates and customers of The littnlpnt‘ even maintain their revenue levels
sion news departments. Record may have been a little confused recently. We have established what should he a sii~tainalile
The survey was mailed iti We have been serving the residents olthe liompoe .iiid expandable source or revenue in its mm min
February to 1.500 daily newspa— Valley as their hometown newspaper since 187:3 Now, while giy‘ing iis better exposure with the ll'l>|ilt‘s toiii
pers and 600 television stations. we are providing a community telephone book inuiiity
seeking numerical and anecdotal This is certainly is not a traditional role tor a This in turn may will lead to enhaiii-ed law 1'
. information about the impact of" newspaper .\ctual|y. some ot’ our associates and sales lll our newspaper While you \\ltltiii li'ixt‘ Iii
subpoenas on news operations. advertising clients were incredulous that we would de la llt‘\t' your as sales stail i‘egitlarl\ contacts iii hiisi
The findings will appear in the such a thing. Their i'eelings were i'ostered troni iiesses in the area. it inst doesiit happen l’ii-i l‘i a .\i
first Of a series 0f three reports decades of newspaper ad\ertising account e\eciitiyes it.» re \Uil'klilij l'ttl‘! .i lairli i'oiiipleti l|\iltit' ‘ ‘oi .i
documenting the impact ol‘suhpoe- espousing the hem-tits ol‘ spending less .Itl‘~i‘t'l t ~‘iil__ businesses for the \ellti\\ pap '«Illt s mint {4' 'ti .. i~
nas and search warrants on news budget in the yellow pages and running more ad iii our rep‘ \'l\lit'(l !ll.ll‘\ nee, “iisiiii-ss pi eiil4 "Hit
reporting and on the independence the newspaper to generate better name awareness w honi were interested in [St W .tll'J" ti ‘ii:
(it-the tiew‘s media. Now. it seems. we weri singing a dii‘lerent tune \Ve ol‘l'icially i\ll't‘.l'tl ott ti't' yellow :uzi ., .. i it!‘;
The Reporters (‘ommittee con- Actually. we‘re not. \Vi still helieye the hi-st use of paign with .i tront pa, t iii-ms pit t e t il'ti
. ducted a similar survey ot'suhpoe- most advertisers‘ budget is to run ads in the iii-auspa t‘.‘ill|tt siioi- \\i- h o: it sate iii te ol 4! tittl- i! 4\
DEL" St‘l'VPd l” 1989. 1(i91.(lll(l pt‘l‘, St) \\ll_\ tiltl 'y\t-Ti|‘('1(it'littHll'll‘ll tilt! Ti lt‘ttlitillt Sittiliilir- til, li'i lime. .i'ttl ii' llii- W 'l til ll‘ia' 'Jt " iitl
1991i. compiling the data in three hook‘.’ ed in il l'it‘ Ills? r. 1‘ in 4l 44in .‘o i' *l eon
reports titled Agentsoi'Discoy'ery. We were iontact hy t‘asey [)37't‘t'ltil“‘. Set" i4--s, «it “an xiii . tart 'lll’tllil at ii4- i "i ' ' 'f
ercutive Director Jane F Kingt‘ity. ('itllitll'lllit What they :Ititl to say i ‘oii: out itlt‘ i» li\ ti: . ‘ii not i i4' to __... ' ; .
Kirtley said. “At a time when side the lio\" oi thinking that many ot iis liaii- lit-iono- lieloi4 tho ‘filltliill'i i' "~\4 ‘v- no t! ii-iit» ti it Hi 4'
iudges and legislators are skeptt- conditioned But it made sense 'he sales ieps tmn 'l‘it tea wtioiw ta; i. ,i
cal oi'the need to recognize a privi- Fiery \eai the regionai lt'lt'}il]4>!1t utility seiiii- iii uke would in ct i :iiaio .t
lege to protect journalists lrom a crew of yellow pages sales representatixes lroni out Well we did t .t‘itl we .22“ di-l'ii Jit‘I' 2- ' t, i'
‘ compelled disclosure ot'conl'iden- side our community to canvass our local hisinesses We went to ltii‘it sol“ ?- d" “Wit“ “1“” ‘ ’ ' i' ‘t'i
‘ tial sources and unpublished The revenues il'ttlit those sales then leayes the eoiiiiiiii 'oo \\ itti tea T‘t‘tti “WT twok t‘ii \ had ;.i. .i .4:
i material. it is essential to assent» nity And eyery \ear many of our ltttill businesses t"lll 'tieii Ittvilt' i/t tltlt\l"_ wii v4 .ivlalim tyiii l't- 1-.4 '4
. hle comprehensive empirical e\‘i< rather expensive ads ilt those yi llow pagi s l,atii .i at t :‘l} --ii ,i s4.i~.~ iii4 my page it4l\ ‘h- \ lr‘I.‘ * i4:
i dence of the negative impact of book is distributed ii. our toiiiniunity that covers the 1.4 riding 'Tlt tal' ii.i.:i lht' lx tot it .t is .-.., 4 ..; "4.
these subpoenas on the tree tiow ot entire north count: (tetasionally it is helplul to haw .t‘ill 'l'h4 .iit4 H ex who riad taken that ti.il pin :..ii e
information all those \\lllll‘ page listings l'sually. it is inst .i lilll 4 mr tor 'Il.tll\ -.i .ii : now on th4 ii.i4 i. i. ‘ -- if ‘l'i!
The subpoena survey protect is sance wading through extra listings for other towns l.oinpor \allm t on'e etioii‘
underwritten by a grant from the when you \\.lni loiall stain-one inst .‘it't‘iiss town i’-'44 Hw/ti' '- , 4 ‘1" ' /V'« 1"4'”! /-'4 ' ‘ '
John S. and :latnes l. Knight We '(t|.l(i tilit‘t resid4 iii» and business [Width 4 ‘ ”H” I t/i'i/tti' out" wit «wt/'4' "tr“ ' I
Foundation sttpi t'lttt’ pititlttt't. till the yeiloyk pages :iit\er!isi., ti. ' ‘V'it/f (,\'.\ H. i. iii ' U .
Re/tl‘i't/lit/ INN/t ill/1i li’u‘l’trit‘ttt's Ilitist- litisttit' st‘s .i‘ i. filttll'iti til the "it ? Ilhiti" ‘i It\ ' ‘ it; "l" i” "i i’ ' "’9 /. ‘4 ”H" '
('iinioi/Hee If”; Freeiliiiii 4i; {lie the ltit.ll utility keep some ia Yhat rev-tint it out wt' t '~/’i' "4"" v ' 4 ' " ' '4 '
l”‘t'.~'.~.t nitinity iii the lortii Iii taxes and payroll i'.:t . "'ttt , .» /4'4 HM : i,
l l
l ' .

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, March, 1998 I
. ___________.___.________5__—.._.___._*_-..___...‘_#.--___~__._____‘! ‘
.‘ .
Reporters. Give lead-first style a Chance to work I
3 ,\ t-_ \‘.-.'ei-.s ago. i new ow; oi.- W_______,______________ w n: ii:::.~ ww ,. '
I (‘ontnitezital lliydi hot I ilit"ll'y1‘lt‘. "to“ I COGCh ,S if??? ._ 1':, 'm s4 ' '. it, i,. ‘m-"l- f-r v . 2- ,z'i I
iloe. tast; west ol'thr (Ii' .rle. riyers flow west I :? . ‘EII “on I
\Ve writers haye the Newsroom l)l‘.'ltl-'. :is I :75 '81- mgI The l" Itl starts a chain of logic. it llii;)risws I I
perfactly defined as the one out West (In one corner :3 \“EEI discipline. it niilaes ‘2» Il\(‘ up to its promise So
side. the writers say they haye to write then it tW‘ I 41>'x'~l choosi- .i it‘.i(l. we must I.ll\t' caie to
leads first. or they can't write the story. on the By Jim StaSiowSki choosi- one whose promises we \\lll keep Too I
other. the writers insist they can \\ rite the rest tillt'l‘. we subiect a lead to this test Is it tlashy" ‘
of the story first. then finish by writing the prompt-1 mm“ of u, 1., start 1,). ““1er I)“. ”N A better test Does it point directly to the
Wild. of the story so we can see where it‘s going. To theme"
Some writing,r analysts say. “You should not me. that‘s mental dawdling’. like driving: m “r. Hf course. it is possible to start somewhere
write the lead first". others say. “Yes, you (-19, u, find an address. “(.1 directions twp,” other than the lead. and many writer tell me
must." I say that what writing analysts say you start driving. that technique works But it doesn‘t work for
isn't important. What is important is to find When I was a full—time “,1qu I didn‘t me,
out which technique Works for you, then don‘t understand why my brain wouldn‘t let me I was talking,r with a writer who said she
let anyone talk you out ofit. write until I had the lead. I assumed I wasiust recently héld worked on what 51"“ knew Wit" 4’
If you haven't yet decided which works for a hardhpudpd jerk who refused to try anything superb story. but she couldn't come up with the
you. I offer twu practical reasons to give write— different, But as 1‘“. coachpd‘ l‘w recognized lead, So she simply wrote the rest of the story
the-lead-first your best shot. that many writers on my side of the (1”de first. She ended by writing a lead she really
First, newspaper ”‘PUY'WTS. bombarded on have the attitude described so well by Donald Ilkt’d-
all sides by demands for their time. have to Murray in his excellent book Writing for your Sh“ ilSkt’d me If 1 lead-first PWI‘ON‘M‘“
train themselves to be ready to writt the Readers: meant she was wrong to write that way. I said
moment their fingers hit the keys The lead tells the writer how to write the no. In fact. she was proving my point. The lead
That means reporters iriust learn the tech— story. It focuses. orders. shapes the message is supposed to connect directly to the theme.
nique of mentally writing the story as. they are and establishes the story‘s \‘oice.,.l M lust of us and because she already knew what the theme
reporting the story. We always complain we who write fast do so because we concentrate on “'35- SIM‘ didn't ”Pt‘d the It’iid ‘0 help her get
have no time to write. but most of us waste getting the lead right before we move onmi'I‘ihe there. lf she already had the rest of the story
brainpower in the reporting phase. We end up lead allows me to see problems ahead and to planned out in her head. she had done what I
scribbling lots of notes. but we don't make the avoid or solye them before the) bog down the wanted her 10 do, Sh“ hild organized 1h" 9‘0"."
effort to think how those notes are (or are not) draft. before she started typing.
coalescing into a story— Many of us arriye back So those of us who must first write the lead WIIICh brings ”9 my second ““50“ f0" “Til" I
at the computer terminal with no idea what the are unconsciously sayingr that because we don't ing.’ the It’ild Ill‘ht- When I start Wllh something
story is going to say. know where the story is L’HHIL'. we cannot first ”IIH‘Y‘ than III“ beginning. I I'VE” l‘m £0an I” I
As a result. we don't have a lead. That write the rest of the story. We need a leader. a See LEAD. page 11
‘ o o , o t
Year in ReView stories take Th KP A N
. . e EWS
on new meaning With ‘Net
Top I“ lists. “and Letterman 'l'heUrlando Sentinel printed read- Bureau IS here for
aside. have been part of newspaper» er choices for the top national and
int,r as long as anyone can remember. international stories Their picks dilr I T k d I
.\s 1997 faded into ISNHQ hour-yer. lered \llLIllll) fi-oni llltlxt' st‘lt't‘ird lw y0u. a e a Vantage
whim.» nwd lntmwt surveys and iiii- editors iioiii listed the iimiii ol I
“II“"' “‘1‘“ I“ Q'V“ ”V“ III“ I“ III“ l'rincess lhana and sheep cloninc. in '
Y‘VIHI‘ “MTV“ the top fi\e Readers rounded out I Of 11av1ng a reporter I
I"‘“ laws L’“\“"“ ”““‘l’i'l“""~ I‘m their list \\lll‘. Mother Teresa s death I I
one ot lllt'tll siys that :it lh-ceiiiiwi‘~ the I' S 511W" ”H. (Mm __ I)“; “I. I o o I
i t ., W i i i i i er 3551 nments 1n the I
ltltlklhll’hillIIH‘\1'ill'll‘ltll\ill‘)tllll to p“, ‘ !.HII(,'.V‘.HJ\.H|!. Md“ l‘:tllIHl'~ I |
"\INIVI" “HI" Hm" MM” Hm”; ”I selected Hone lion}; becoming part ol . . I
the Nindm i-tllliit'l.’ll I);lllt‘.\ .it lhi- (4mm. tobacco \mi settlements m I C t 1 t I
\ ”with! HIM 1” RUNNII‘ . . l‘ilorida and other states. and (Li ‘ apl a C1 yo I
loinaketlietask palatabluedi- Siiiipsoiisciyilti'ialdecision I I
tors spiced their year-end coyerapi- Hum“. lleceinbe' “Wm "Hit w M_ a
.HHI proyided worthwhile llilttl'liltls .,T . ' | ~ . - 1'
“(,,],;,,.I.wh_,._\ “'V‘ ”t W‘ “'1'“ ”I" “Wide-(l (((H Aetm Bureau Director gm
III'I‘SS \\iii‘l(l \\l(lt‘ “eli site. \‘titetl , ' =—r-=«s
Journalists at the Houston ”n the m _ ' N \l’ I‘ II -I [IV] (ti/711,11” emf,
('hroniile ollered to i-IH stories in a I) TIMI" ‘ '1 T” I)“ H ‘ i ( ( a W i
_ . , _ I . about IEHI newspaper editors and > -) - 3 ’ LEW——
typical yeai~inrieyieyy packaue lint broadcast ”m” directors l-(\()()—_()4—j 7_/ 3.2;: .: ,. ,‘ ‘.. ;;;;;
they also included lhe “end hide Waging—E 1 H“,
ofthe News. a nationwide roundup 'IHHI‘IMIHK“ ”I‘d ““de ”uwml . . . ‘ i I 1‘ I I
by stall writer Bill Wumplt-r. In it. ”‘9‘ ‘h" ‘_”P“I“"“‘ ~"“’"“'~‘ .‘"""", \\ hat can the l\l’.v\ News Bureau do tor your new spapcr’.’
he recounts how a raccoon jumped Princess Diana 5 death. II“. ”HI "I . . . . . .
through a pick—up truck windshield. convicted Oklahoma (‘ity bomber JIM! ll) name (lfl'lt' U] l/li‘ [Hwyylitlllflt’sf
knocking the driver unconscious. 1‘"‘”Ih." M(‘\ “will and Moth” iil’it k up CUPILN ot (ith‘x. Icpoits etc . .II
and how a man ”amenity drow» his Teresa's death. Readers added the . |-~ kl (. _ (. I!
riding lawn mowerover a clitl‘. following,r stories. in order: the Hong ' "”I ”I "mm. ”I”
The (‘hronicle's Marty Racine Kong hand-over. ”19 Mil” [Zlcmim R5335“).
identified the yt‘kll‘ 0f tltt‘ apology. Pathfinder Mission, cloned Sheep. ”10 ° l.)l\ [\IUH (it “i .tlt‘l. \‘v .tstt‘ \laltitgt‘lik‘nl
"We're getting into deeds that showdown with lraq. the ['nited ' SI'I’rc'll“(““”
denunid public darnugp contra]. Parcel Service of America THC. Hlnlfl'. It I‘iiiyldc \Hlllcti HI plinth cinciagc (it
News conferences. speeches. state- suick—market turmoil and the tobacco - State school boaid nicctinps. Iii-antics
ments. You can fess up. give excus- settlement. - franklin (‘iicuit ('ouit beatings. trials
es. promise rehab. take responsibili- IReprinted from the February issue . (“WWI news “Hm-rpnk-k-c
ty, maybe even shed a large tear." o/‘I’ress/Hnul

The Kentucky Press. March. 1998 - Page 5
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