xt7r7s7htd9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7htd9z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1985-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GSO Newsletter, July 1985 text GSO Newsletter, July 1985 1985 1985-07 2019 true xt7r7s7htd9z section xt7r7s7htd9z [G
l.£2)(lriggt()ri POST OFFICE 90: 11.71
July 1985
Lexin ton’s Pride Ree; ’85 is is dry an nan" Pi".-- ; a =,_ , _k_ . "
thanks are in order. To Brezing’s and the Library Dijmtrum“ 7“” Lil-"4"" ~17” gay. - n
Lounge for all their help and generousity; to the 'T'd‘r’bE' EDDIE-Zine
members of Amber Hoon, Dignity, Bay and Lesbian yfillJ liD‘JEE.
Democrats of Kentucky, Say and esbian Union of
Students and the Imperial Court who helped in the
oany hours of planning: and to all. oi you who __.___~-____________ BSD
attended the events scheduled during the week.
He hope to have an even bigger and better Pride
Heek next year and that you a1 will be there!
(3.3.0. BAY PRIDE isl'L-‘ZZES BEE
Gay Pride Buttons..........sae7.oo a BILLBOARD PROJEET CONTINUES
Gay Pride Picnic............419.32 It you haven’t already heard or seen tor
DgnatiQnSIII.".__'._.'_._'_.50‘00 yoursel , BSD has rented a billboard for the eonth
Video Night...................9.17 of June. (See illustration.) It is located at 606
Total Receipts.........:TIT..$855.49 South Broadway, facing south. Re are hoping that
Expenditures: the taped message which is heard when one cal s the
Gay Pride Buttons..........$204.00 number on the billboard will reach the straight
Jeter’s Rental..............500,oo - coaounity and those members of the gay community
D,J. for Picnic..............50.00 who have not yet “come out.‘ The Imperial Court of
ArtsPlace Video Night........25.00 the Bluegrass opire has_ generously donated the
Security Bay Pride Picnic....25.00 funds necessary to continue the bi.lboard through
Hot Dogs Supplies, & Etc....43.bl the ponth of July. However, we are hoping o
Stout’g Printing.............60.00 acguire pledges _iroe enough businesses and
Printing fur progag.,_.._...,45.55 in ividuals to continue the proJect for an entire
Total Ex enditures...7???:...97e.26 year- If you would like t0 donate a echthlv Pledge
Expenditures exceed Beceipts by........($li2726l 0* any 513? please CDD¥95t “5 bY “311 or phone.
5.3.0. Contribution......................500.00 The following ,text 15,the message heard when the
'Balance for 1986 Gay Pride Activities...i387:23 nunber 0“ the billboard ‘5 called:
Aunt Hary is visiting her son in California this BILfigggRl9ggRIPT
month, but Hill be back next month and has promised
to tell us all about her experiences in San Thank you for calling Lexinaton Gav Services
Fran51co. Having never been out of the state of Organization I 650 is a ‘gon— roiit cervice
Kentucky, her impressions of life on the west coast organization providing services to geople in the
Egyugfilvery interesting, so don't piss next month’s Lexington area directly related to gays and
' lesbians. continued on page 4

 NEHSLEITER ADVERTISINB mainswimmscmtn mucanux *-
If (cu would 11“ to adVEFtISE in the laulatter Check here to receive your m.
newslet er, please send your ad copy and avaent to ‘Wt0tlttsw "-HOHI”.U.
650, P.0. Box 11471. Lexin ton. Kv. 40§75. See
the calendar for the “INJEHEF deadline. DUE t0 heahership lo heron a550aee|er.1n(lude
postal regulations, we reserve the right to refuse ‘“ "'"’“"‘°'°"W'W W
advertising due to content or space availability. ’1°°‘" *N‘MIL
RATES MM: --------------------;---.-....-............_..._-..
Eigth Pa e S 8.00
Quarter gage $15.00 ””“5* --~-u-«-u-u-u-n-u.u-u—u.u.u.n.u.".j
lassified $ 1.00 (up to 5 lines S .05 l . , , . .n n ,
each additional word) Please II I abo e fo I to. 650. P0 lo 1147l, Le i qto . I 10575
NEI Discouwrs: (affective iaeediately) G 7 T-
l/4.off for 6 ID. - .\:/
1/3 off for 12 so. y 7/
1/2 off for non-profit groups. ~y ,
Yhe SSD newsletter is ublished aonthly by the I
Lexington Say' Services Brganization Incorporated, LETTERS TO THE ED‘TUR
P.0. Box it: l, Lexington, Kentucky 40575. 650 is Hi
a non-pro i organize ion 'w ose purpose‘ is to ’ ' \ ' -
Prpvide1 educétionalv rechationel. social_ and gregtgggatnur newsletter every month ah§_?“J°l ‘t “
§§y7i£§hi:3';:§;f.?1'°‘tly involving or relating to I would like to betone a nenber of 550 but have
Views or o inions ex rgssgd in stories or been experienCing financial difficulties. As soon
letters are those of the writers and do not 85 I can work tha problem “ht: I “111 Shhicrlhe
necessarily represent those of the 550 board or the {0’ a hEthFShlp- 4
newsletter staff. Publication of the naae or Your newsletter has been very helpful to me and
. photograph of any person, organization or other very informative on issues, such as A108. that
entityein articles or advertiSing in the newsletter affect our cooeunity. Keep up the superb Job.
is in no way indicative of the sexual orientation RLC_
of such person, organization or entity. Lenington
Subaissions for the newsletter are welcoee. All
subaissions becoee the property of the Lexington
Say Services Organiza ion, no. All Subai55ions
lust indicate the full nale and address of the Dear 550,
author. illhOUQh “0 hYlihE "ill be DUhliShEd He would like to thank you for our time and
without pereission of the author. Non-original effort during Gay Pride Heek. He felt that your
aaterial '“5t ihditit' that that PP'SDh has 91V?" hard work was rewarded by the participation. You
his/her ereission for the use of his/her naae in
g. - . , are to be congratulated.
the ub ication. Anonymous subsisSions cannot be Our only concern is for Jim John and everyone
accepted. Ihe editorial staff has the right to else who must be exhausted. ’ ’
alter :fh';§51°"5 iincluging advertise-en s) to We hope that the spirit 0+ to operation and
I'Et pu 1‘ ing require-en 5' teamwork will continue. We have benefited froe
DIRECTORY that co operation this last week and feel that the
231 0335 other prganizations bepefitedla: well. f
BSD Ba line.............................. - Fee ree 0 ca on n erweave or any
580 Nezsletter, gsneral.....i............g;2-Q§gg assistance you may need. We are always glad to be
ver isemen ............. 9'0 0 serVice. . ‘
hailing List.............268-3935 he would like to thank 850 for their inclus1on
650 Recreational Events..................ggg-g§gg of tour ggoup on the BSD Phoneline tape - which is
Di nit /Lexin ton......................... - u . JUS exce en . . _
Ingerizl Court of the Bleugrass Empire...252-ll§5 Again our thanks to 680 for their work during a
Gay and Lesbian Deaocrats of Kentucky....25§-l2§g fantastic tweekland sppportffor Interweave. Please
In erweave/UVUUD.........................22 - ee ree 0 ca us or a avor.
Louisville Crisis Hotline..........(502l 637-4342 With love and thanks,
Owensboro Bay Alliance.............(502) 685-5246 The members of Interweave
Cincinnati 6a Switchboard.........(513) 221-7800 . ' . I
National Gay task Force Crisis Line(800) 221-7044 PS: ViSit us for church some Sunday warning.
NSTF AIDS Crisis Line..............(800) 221-7044 :3 You’d be surprised!

To Our.. C'fi’rz’mals ~
7n Tkeggy égfiesbz’cm.
The Library Has Set Aside
A Night For YOU! ‘
covenzyoma DOLLAR
Q\ \\mul|;iml .n mm - laixulizluu. Immunity/Q

 on? n‘ a ' . The lack of self-acceptance is another matter.
”W‘1HUEL from page 1 _ It is true that many gay people do need the support yo
I; YOU 5‘37 3” thiS line, during the_ “Sht i9" and help of their friends and loved ones, and no
,‘JtES you will receive some factual information parhapg a professional as “911 ,n deallng
2;:h ShGhld OTGVE USEtUl t0 YDU- It YOU are successfully with the eaotional wounds and scars _
‘iEFEStEG lh speaking “1th SUhEUhE in P9r50ni YOU which can result from aany years of cringing in the ih
35v E311 thiS nuaber hEtNEED 7 and 11F“ 0” closet, hoping to avoid the full brun of the in
lECRESdaYS and Thursdays. oppression which the intolerant portion of soc1ety is
' tends to inflict upon openly gay citizens. {H
: variety of studies by researchers, such as . . g {a
'insey, suggest that as much as 10 percent of our If you gare straight, try to ioagine how you eg
.atal popu ation is gay. Bay gen and woaen of all would feel_if the shoe were on the other foot, if 3g
1E5. races. occupations, TEllQIOUS ihd Pfilltlcal you lived in a topsy-turvy world in which the great 3.
.érauasions' represent a true cross-section of majoryty of PEDP1? eere gay and your own sexual .o
aociety, hfith in th? BlUEQFBSS 3r93 and thVUUQhDUt orientation was ridicule or condemned by many. It
the nation. is hard to do, isn’t it? Your own sexuality _now .
probably feels so natural, so comfortable, so right if
55h? gay men and "P59“ hatih the_ popular for you that you find it difficult even to conce1ve 7g
stereotypes of gay people in their mannerisms and By such a sta e of affagrs. in
appearance, while others do not. Host oav men and :9
lesbians conceal their true sexual orientation out It ha! not have occurred to you that a fl
2f fear of rejection by loved ones, fear of loss of 591;-3djugled‘ self-respecting gay man or. woman opt
3 19h OF EViCtiGh from an apartment or discharge finds his or her sexuality just as natural, just as
froa the 5Fh9d tUFCES or other forms 9‘ comfortable and just as right for him or her as
discrimination or harassment. This is called ours is for ygu_ That person does not consider go:
“living in the C105Et-' himself sick or evil, only different, like a 1%
. left-hander. 13_
Spas gavs have coae out of the closet or silply . :hg
'CDME UUt hY revealing their gayness t0 ”“9 0’ A person’s sexual orientation, whether straight, j:
oore relatives or close friends. Very few gay aen gay or bisexual, is not inherently harmful to .nt
3r NDMEh have CONE DUt t0 EVEFYOHE they know. anyone. It interferes with no one’s rights when it
. i is expressed through private, noncooaercial sexual ,”
For all 0* thESE reasons, it 15 very activity between consenting adults. ff
likely--indeed nearly certain--that the average ,5,
Deriflh in this CthU“ltY has at, 1935? one gay BSD favors the re el of all laws attempting to :hl
Friend, perhaps Even a gay TEIBtIVEi “‘thOUt 9V9” regulate private sexuag conduct between consen ing f?
hhfihihd it- adults. We believe that straight and gay Citizens 3?
. share a coeoon interest in discarding the last
hisinforaed people SUMEtlhES Sneak 35 1+ gay men vestiges of the archaic notion that wha goes on in b
and women choose their sexual orientation or can your bedroom between consenting adults is any 9;
lhtlUEhCE 99“Ui“9t¥ gob-gay lorkstraight) Pighée to business at all of the Connonweal h of Kentucky. ;;f
becoae_ gay In )qu dbDUt E?e sage "EV 'a' CHE Bone laws reflect outdated views about the lo,
might choose to tale up bow..ng or o join a n , , _ f . r
‘rticular rhurrh and then encourage others to do rTUQFIEtY 0* U51h9 UGVEFHNEht t0 Eh GFCE a ,n.
PED~C “A ~- “ par icular moral code, and today these laws are ~re
t ‘ .ane. supported host vigorously by a relative handful of .s
The truth, however, is that for the overwheloin 19Ud; §E£t‘F19htEUU§_P90P19 "ha ?0 ”Gt sees Cfifitent
_.l . - n ._ g c , "ht alike sexua? running their own lives, but apparently want to run ,
aajcrity of pcople, gay ant .t.aig , . ‘ nr‘ 1 ,, r "t 1 f 1 d . r: L "r
orientation is not sopeching which one conscaou5iv EV~«{°“9 9 59 = p.1va E l E, In: u lng you.., too. igr
dEC1d95 to adopt and then aiapiy dec.dea to C ange. We ask for Your help in finding a cure for what 391
For most people, our only practical choice is really 31}5 U5: “0t 3 cure for QBXHEESi hUt a ,CQTE it‘
whether to express our true sexuality through {or entoierance, e CUFE_ for -h9 UhCUhPFUNISIHQ ,;E
appropriate signs of affectign or thraugh laying, demanus for conformity which emanate from those ;23
emotionally supportive relationships with other DEEPIE _ 1“ 50C1EtY “ha C5“ fairly be CBIIEd if
people, or instead, to hide our true feelings, hUSYthIES- f2
pretend to express a false sexuality and, in y _ , y -:
effect, to live a lie. we hope that you W111 join the growing ranks of “F
‘ people of good will who are ready, willing and able
The prevailing modern view aaong American Simply t0 llVE and let live. 0
psychologists and psychiatrists is t.at .sinply . A?
aeing gay in a predominantly straight society is NO": 0” the other hand, If {09 are 93" and have :"
ot itself a sickness and does not need a cure been feeling isolated or unfu filled until now, we ‘9
,nyigre than being left-handed in a predgminantly understand that because most of us have experienced eg
right-handed society is a sickness which needs a 4_ It; hUt "9 hope that thlS very phone call will help 9”
:ure. “ you to change that and to start building for up

 yourself a freer. fuller. more self-confident and organizing agtivities for the week of June 9
pore satisfying life. ' through the lath.
— 4 - - fr ‘ ' ' held
' - : ~ . h‘ve teen tou‘ht before. it is On honday the LJth a Cultural Fair is boing
lhhgpzhhlerthgLtl meg” dh99:“ to understand that YDUF at 7pm. There will _be a slide presentationa
lignitv as a human being does not de end upon the singers poetry readings, Visual artwork an
legree' of approval or acceptance thettyou receive musicians.
’r ‘th s. .t do's not depend on w e er 'ou re . _ .
inomthe 830 percent majority of the population .Dn Tuesday the llth at 8pm a political forge 1?
sexually or in the 10 percent minority. here’s, a being _held. Speakers will befhrEi geaey Pri liso
greater purpose to your life than oereiylbeigg LOUISVlllE, and hr. Rich Staf or o inneapo .
- "L ' s t f ‘ . i' in' o u 'ri y 4 , ,
?E§i§=tln 0mg sor 0 top ”H g p p d hednesda , the 12th will be VldED . night,
"d . I tt starting at Tp:33pg, Eithlthe Video ”Speaking ‘9,
Surely your personal worth is much be .er and at :15 “ iE a e oup e.
' ‘s d'bl h w ou treat other eo le than by how . . e .
ifiguurfreal Soul Your value to Sour friends and Do Thursday the l3th,7the topic will be religion
‘DVéd GHES. and t0 'OUF Cfithhit 35 a Whflley 15 and spiritua ity at 7:90pm, with speakers LaPaula
iot at 'all retated to whether you are a Turner from Columbus Ohio, and Laura Haller of
'ight-handed lover or a left-handed lover, so to Louisville.
speak. h t'l lAITRESth gee; eyente are begpgehegdcegrSEtinglggea
' e f ur str'i ht neiihbors are very us 1 e A or i .ree are e
towggg us? geople Sften feat and hate 1shag ~lh§y to the public.
’ .’t nd rstand. In the ion run, wou. n’ i e g , .
igtter lf Each of us did Evergthing HE could t0 For information concernigg the events for Sunday
,ight candles of understanding in he world rather the 9th and Saturday the 1d h, please call this “_
:han just SilEhtlY suffering lhE ignorance ‘nd number on hednesday or Thursday between 7 and Iipo.
:ntolerance that we encounter:
. . . y ' ,3 ~ ,
The other sige of the chnflstthah ygggeowgeéig; infoggatlg: hill tglltchflgaggatttggohthgg {gléflulgl
experiences 5°.'3T pay ave ”5 ere lesbian su ort or aniaat o ir th L x r to
iegative :eeeing nhnongoustraighthgt 3:; happenegé area. PP 9 1 ns I e e iig n
: int a ou iis: , . , .
truly free as long as his or her spirit is shackled Aober hoon Productions, is a group of women
JY hlttETHESSi dlStTUSt 0T hatred. producing women’s music. For more information or
. o be pu on the Amber Hoon mailin- list call
. You may get Eyayle :0 lift those burden: rtroy 252-3110 or write to Box 220%, Lexington. 40522
the one w o .in:s re 15 your eneay an o ea. '
iim, even by the great PUWET 0f your 0"" example, Dignity/Lexington is a group for both Catholic
iUl YD” Kath llLergtthDUFSEIt STOW thee. ihf l?” and non-Catholic gays and lesbians and their
Us “0” C5“ 9“ ”9 o_. ”By 3“ SEFUF _ - 19 non- av fri'nds. n Bed. June 12 there will be ‘
:newtedse of your own wart-ll, and you will find your Lituggy, at the ur: Newman Center at 7:30pm. 3
‘TEEdPh and your 0“” PETSGHSI PeaCEi ”0 matter what Program and Potluck will be held on Thursday June
.5 gaing on around you. 2?, tat 6:30pm. For more information write
BSD seeks to improve the quality 0+ daily life Dignity/Lewington, Box 1984, Lewington, 40493.
For the thousands of gay “9” and "0&5” "“0 live 0’ Bay and Lesbian Union of Students is a support
vork in the_Lexington area. Regular meetings are group for gay and lesbian students at the
:Ei? g” thedfiirsé Hongay g: evgrltmoghg’ 1? 5 50:20 gniversity 0. Kentucky. For more information write
5 i J . f . ’03 ay U 9.0‘Ls 5 iv - o GALUS. Box 413. Universit Station University
lther *rour ‘Ctl”ltlES such as srcials, are held r , '.. a-‘. c z ’
ghroughoutythe year. honmembers gre welcome at all ”f hentucty, Le.ington, 40”0"
iaagevents, re” the :nd and 4t: FCIG5Y| of \9§Ch The Imperial Court of the Bluegrass Ea ire is a
‘D”~“ during the -ummer, BSD -ponEors “Ulleibdll charitable. gal organization that is se up to
.gflgfigg lgh agglggnafirlheslfhtlldlihe gfsthlfi9ph- raise money r{er pereons, groups and organizations
' ' ' i “9 “ ' d‘ ‘ ‘ in need. y ID ding und raisers throu bout the
l l b , . f . _ . I .__ . year, the Court has raised monies 9for AIDS
+n C9 5 retion 0 June ‘5 Edy and ~E$El‘h Pride research, BSD, Toys for Tots, the Leukemia Society
‘Dnrhi the 95/ and lesbian SuPrDTt organi.ations .n and others. For more information write: TCBE Box
gllllllleolllélwlll’ “What“? upllllité°”§l ”19' ”WW", 405‘“- ’
i ,. ' , I . a e
entucty, Gay and. Lesbian Union of Students. Say and Lesbian Democrats of Kentucky is a
9:1”9:D” Gay SE’VICES Organieation, ?“d the :3 leader in the fight for lesbian and gay rights.
“Perldl Court Of the ~1U99T555 EhplTEl 3T9 SLD is working to insure that lesbians and gays

 _ave a voice in city, state god federal politics. 650 BEN§§QETEgS駧§35HEETXHB
32.22;; *siwiaiuihrras. a? a: passion? Last m. m... resend awaited-
ce;;ngton, Ev. 40575.} ~ - The regular fund stands at 5J4o.62. THE grant
- ' fund stan s at $2910.14. * h
r act .1 - ; The Speakers Bureau reported t at $100.00 is
and hleéhiéggtglcgfizligs is gtsgggggtagrggp lggsggh needed for travel expenses for our speaker on AIDS. t
Hospital Hednesdays at 3:00pm in room 186 and on D9U9,‘Sgoke E” 3+ 51355‘3t,Uk 1? April and to the E
Fridays at Comprehensive Care Center also at F‘mlfil ”efilcat Cencer'ota.f in May. . . . E
8:90pm. THE finalized Pride Heel activ1ties were
announced. . C
interweave is Lexingtons newest gay and lesbian n A”“°?QCEd that our billboard "O“ld 9° up at 606 F
arcanization. This group is sponsored by the Ohio “' TEroaceay. . . . . g
Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. '“9 River Cru15e for JU1Y 19th 15 Stlll
Participation is open to all people 93“ men and scheduled as planned (see calander on back page.l F
lesbians and others who are suoporlive of Six folding chairs were purchased for the office ;
lesbian/gay concerns. For more information write '57'38- It “55 dECIdEd t” buy 6 lore 56'96'
to Rev. Charles 5_ Kast. 3564 513 5 Hill Rd., It was announced that the phoneline could be set :
Lexmgton, Ky. 40503 or call him at lot-2254448. UP it the 01“” 0“ Steve “95 Weputsr- . . ‘
hET has not reported to Edwin since rev1euing
*h ck . , g F the "Whispers“ video.
this lhfordggioig:;?1fgr fiailgng E30.~ He hope that , Announced that nenbership dues are_due in June. E
helieve that I our billgogrd Sojgggl h'éf 5:33 f Bagry glgcggsgd hlsflEtEfir Eg9?§5t‘§9l dgnations t
worthwhile and would like to hecoge a dart dof it: ro$heocgtargfhgudags t3; sugneilbaalgng'lgague was
glease send” your donation in_any ahount to Bill announced. . f
qoarg1Fund, h LEXIUQth BavESsrv1ces Organization, Keith announced the press conference being held l
fox .471, Lextngton, ky 40o7o. concerning Pride Week.
The winners in the election for theg board 9‘
—— /\/ __ ositions were: Steve 8., Steve A., Edwin and Cl
garry. m
__________________________.______..—__—————— l.
on“ “>8? («:3 it
25% (£0 J; ll
[$5 the REGIONS leader in the promotion of {A C W
$3“ NEW MUSIC and ARTISTS is currently accepting :2
90 applications for new members. If you are a h
working Disc Jockey with a desire to be part ‘P E
of an innovative team, then we would like to 1%%} E
% hear from you .... v C? J
/\ 1879’ t:
(5) 1? ’¢3?;> as
6) ‘223f’ C ’Z<;3EF tc
J‘ all or Write: C‘
@961"; ”664476 0a e
K ’ n
:9 $;27 4/ ’izfiflf Ixoujas ll. (Eastxar, or‘ :o
e0 Q7 0 Roger B. Hillnan 1a
4223 2240 Central Avenue 42:? ::
7RINaR€ X Ashland, KY 41101 ' J46) e
X ia
KUJNA (606) 329—1851 ’i’Oé/W a
-————————————————-——————————————————————————————__—————————————-———_____—_____________________________ m

 THE ADUGCATE EDITORIALIZES eebarrass his wife and children. He was sure it
from the advocate, by David B. Soodstein "U” 3; p c‘he of my chcfs a youn‘er busi ecsoar
\e: Rit- r i ”2., " .g ‘ n .. a,

For nearly 40 years, the U.S. gay movement has recegtly t°?k f new JOb' H?,E”§0Yf It V9r7_‘055hj
had remarkable success largely because a few “9 ;9:d f5 ‘hAt the president 9' hls nechonpanv
spokespeople had the ability to create an illusion EFH?:EL E”? EESCUtIVE secretary gore +tran] §0l
of numbers and power. .ut now, following the ”fllk5’_°'LLhE _iro.H 305” find secre.ary crave. 5‘:
Election Day disaster last November, when few of over tOSEt”ErE and t“5 ”055 5 "lie doesn t 595“ t”
our supporters won, and following the debacle in 910d- If? 055 ‘30? secretary SUSQEStEd t0_0Y
Houston this January, when an page} rllhts friend tddt he invite. someone _to the company
ordinance was defeated. our enemies know that hey tvFlSLfiES SSFtY- DY friend. "“9 15 “Ct Dfit at 015
have been fighting an illusion. It is now apparent 30b: was ifESld to lfiVltE his life-conpanion, and
that gay voters don’t vote thgirLintgregt,dtiat*gaZ ESE wguigg isinyétiegtwoggn :ecauzf tbs: “3:1? gigs
lobbvis s are cri led by ac: o .un.s, Lia n a v = . _ go . _ - LJ~ IF 5 ‘
friends of theppgay community are {requgntlg party, the sarretary's date. gas a woman lawver
abandoned in their hour of need. The gay emperor gcgfiegnéf thgy Egigrdsglfignifigdgaedmge théinge 533
has no clothes. -‘ d“ " 9. ' “ ‘ . " ‘ ' i"

The gallfiwin. facts tell the stfirv: .encountered his new boss in _an adult bookstore

(1) we lostgthe election in Houston, one of our geyergi Tnonfigg hhgfogsh gewogygneg tip: ggnpangé
stroniholds. by a mar in of 4 to i. It a pears ...a 'i . 55- ,,,, a H 1 a r Y
that hot even half ofgthe homosexual voters wgnt to to realize thft YOUT,“9“ b?55,k”°"5 i0” are gay and
the poles. doesn t care? by friend didn t know.

(a) in 1984 there were fewer funds raised (and Th9 worst things Anita Bryant_and Jerry FSIHEIE
fewer voters registered) to support candidates say about homosexual §Ct5 are terlal COMPETEd “It“
{aggrabie to gay rights than in 1982_ the homophobic shame in your own mind. If it were

(3) Despite an incredible personal outreach to not there, "9 "DUId have 3 powerful coonunity
gay people— from Eflagt to coast, our most instead of 8,000 brave souls carrying 22 million
charismatic leader in history, Sinny A ueeo, was wiops 0” the1r SDOUIdEFS-
unable to increase the number of nemfiers of the
National Gay Task Force beyond 5,000. NEH YORK OPENS GAY SCHOOL
(Incidentally, this is the same nunber of people,

'ive or take a few hundred, as gave to the Huaan New York City has opened the first school for
Eightst Campaign good and graduated from the honosewuals in Sreenwich village. The Harvey Hilk
A voca e .w erience. School. named or the slain San Francisco day city
_ (4) ‘Although the number of AIDS cases is supervisor, has 20 students. 14 boys and 6 girls,
increasing, our AIDS organizations are finding it all of whom had dro ped out of regular schoo.s due
more and more difficult to raise money from gay to harassoent and other difficulties.
pen is. . New York Na or Edward L. Koch said the city
lhe real problem has never been homophobic provides teachers to off-site schools for about
straight eople; it is the closet in its many . 1,200 youngsters. most under-going drug
manifestations. I offer you three examples: rehabilitation. 'I conclude it’s preferable to
f (1; fi‘ srncers Egay tman recenrlytterepgoned we have tgen in the classroom rather than drop out,“
row as ing on, . ., o sugges na puzao’s he sai .
resignation offered the gay community a window of The executive director of the United Federation
opportunity to rationalize its presence in the of Teachers, Sandra Feldwan, who represents New
capital, where three or four grotesquely underpaid York City teachers, said “We are by no neans
people in three separate organizations fight the convinced that segregation is the best way to
undreds Of rigit-win' lobbyists Whfi want to handle this.” But she went on to concede that they
quarantine us. i asked him what his role was going need “special hel .“
to be in the effort. He told me that he had to Schools Chancellor Nathan Duinones said at a
kEEp a low profile because of his faaily: I dldn’t news conference that the Hilk School students
ask him what it would take to get bin to CDEE out deserve an education, but "their own behavior"
to his family; i was to discouraged. broU‘ht harassoent fron public school classmates.

(2) This winter, I drove from Kentucky to Los ”what do you do with a 15-year-old who is a
Angeles, visiting people along the way. One man I transvestite?‘
risited used to run a multimillion-dollar
:ommunications company. He has now retired. He
ias come out to his wife and children. At our
Ieeting he spoke of how much he wanted to
iartiCiparg in E e coagunitz. l azked his Nwlgether T 7 '
ie was wi ing 0 run or t:e boar of .he a iona ( Ego \ d 3
lay Task Force. He said no--'lt would embarrass my x. i C C S 0H 0
fl e and children.‘ I asked him how attending four
ir five meetings a year in New York and raising
ieveral thousand dollars in his honetown cool '7 ,

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l O
Someone you know 18 gay. . .

I maybe someone

l. you love.

231 -0335 PRB'gE

, A public service of: Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc., P.O. Box 1147], Lexington, Ky. 40575
Our billboard is located at 606 South Broadway and is visible when you are driving
" north on Broadway. Won't you drive by and let us know how you like it?

l WW a ,

 Effifi'flé‘.’ .. | Will. mg
' Q 3'3! 5%,?“ é‘fi gag” -
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 A civil suit will he filed in his case, claisino '—
1 . /C ei'vi‘i rights violations, assault and battery, and 9'
"WWW ourf intentional infliction of emotional harm, Harper’s ‘
0/ the B/uegrass Empire. :Etgchghh Marv LC. Soter Of Dayton said head” ‘
INC' "We’re also setting up the Warren Har er Legal
51x MONTH REPORT Defense Fund," she added. Soter says the case is .
BEGINNING DEC. 1, 198+ - ENDING mm 1, 1985 complicated, espeCially in light of 0.5. Court W”
5 1 Judge 8. Arthur Spie‘vel ruling recently that the K
231%”. Bethel-Tate Board of Education could not ban a : W
mhfisgfi‘znzzgycflteat $ 1223;; school 'play because parents considered it i “W”
Country a “Stem Show lzhmzn anti-religious and unpatriotic. He held it was an
aim, Kids Shoo 1.51130 extracurricular actiVity over which the board had Y
Appreciation Night. 2,oaa.ao 1955 CPDVQI- , . use...
Galua Benefit 1,277.27 “This Situation also runs into the other end of
)Cir. Gazixeniecky Contest liege: the sword on whether they can enforce the school ,
“3““ °" . -9 code on one person at an extracurricular activity '
3:1izigt’p‘mtfifim g'g’gg-gg when all the students are dressedother than when , M
“a 26th Function 2' 19‘s they go to school,” the attorney said. ‘ '
‘X—‘—_—-——-‘j—ENTAL RECEIPTS $ 23.863:7u Fiehecca Harper, 54, the plaintiff’s mother, said i “
geople have to fight prejudices by standing up and
TEXPEN'DITUHES eing counted. She previously had to contact the "
Christmas Party $ 671.61; Dayton attorney to get her son admitted to school -
g ”1“ “lane“; (”“9“ 709-22 classes this year, she said. ‘- .
51' gigfiizs'gzzzm Sh“ $3323; _ "Tgey said he eas homosexual and did not_fit in j
:0»; Amman,“ Night 1,188.86 eithrme nocm of the school._ They wanted him to go 1
Cams Benefit 710.56 oochool one hour after classes every da