xt7r7s7htd8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7htd8c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2005 text GLSO News, October 2005 2005 2005-10 2019 true xt7r7s7htd8c section xt7r7s7htd8c " , Q:
we?” “m- a News
\4/ Lexington, Kentucky "Civber 2005
.A Publication of the Lexington £31! and L'esbizm Services fll'gunization
. _ _ Volume 20 Number 10
game? Etducailgn Semllnar The Imperial Court Presents
r ' -
Th: 6‘ 13%..513362’5 Turnanout & nlua at Darkness
011g lb 1 ty Join the Imperial Court of Kentucky as
KY Fairness, Bluegrass Chapter has we kick off the Halloween Season in Style.
_ scheduled this year‘s Education Seminar On Wednesday, October 5th we bring you
for Saturday, Oct. 15 which is the weekend the Emperors TurnabPU" Wh'Ch features
after National Coming Out Day, Oct 11. Itwill ,ma'e "”9 members tak'“9 a Stab at fema'e
. be held atthe Downtown Library from 9am Impersonation. It may ”m be pretty. The
to 4 pm. Parking is available in the Library showwrll be atThe Bar Complex at9:30 pm.
Lot. The goal of this year's seminar is to Be- sure to get ”We early for a 9000' seat.
provide “tools for change” for every ThlS always promises to be one ofthe better
attendee We plan to encourage each ofyou attended court functions.
to take YOUR next step Out, at whatever Two weeks later, on Wednesday: OCt'
level is comfortable foryou. 26th, The Court wrll host its annual Diva 01
Being out and confident ofone's sexual Darkness pageant, also atThe BarComplex
orientation is healthy for the individual and at 9:30 pm. For a contestant application,
for the community. We know that people email. Empress Phoenix Gaye al
have safety and job security concerns, but Phoenixgaye@aol.com or see any board
protecting one's self by hiding and member. Doors for both shows Will open at
presenting a false persona has a cost. It 8:30 pm_with a $5 cover. A“ proceeds 9° to
creates constant stress and keeps us from the charities ofthe Imperial COUHOfKY'
being close to .--Conl‘inued on page 3 .
, , , , , I Tiwfiqu; ‘ ACTOU‘I' TI‘YOUTS
Movm, Movm, MOW” C Auditions for the next ActOut
By Terry Mullins w play will be on November 3
_ Moveable Feast is moving, no pun (Thurs) and 4 (Fir.) at 7 pm at the Pride
intended. We are moving to a new kitchen Center. The play will be the controversial
provided by the Episcopal Church at 1321 Corpus Christi. Their is a perusal script at
Trent Blvd. Lexington, 40517. We hope to the Pride Center if you would like to
be keeping the same phone number and familiarize yourselfwith the play.
mailing address. We plan to start delivering
meals from the new location on Monday, ‘E’fS'.'_;~f;?h_erlilldnfli5;;__
October 3, exactly seven years to the day 3:. f; a“ «3?, tfi;
we served-ourfirst meals from the kitchen at Déb’fa -H emléy. _ fig
St. Augustine's. in those seven years we is» - ~ a . '. ‘5’}?
have delivered over 150,000 meals to very "'Lgyfi‘j; fnsu’rangé & j ,"r
needy peo le andfamilies in Lexington. =‘i-.-; N: "36%;? .' ""‘“_:;Tj"*‘,.9"eff:-
Why Ere we moving? Several good a Rehreméht‘ -_ «£3433;
reasons:, the kitchen we are in is old and ‘2. VJ» - 276.23 i‘ffiflfis
crumbling. The new kitchen is bigger with 23'“ .. , .15. n3 «Q3~s 1:; .3.
Continued on page2 . - .. ' “* 1“ «Nu

 i " ~.- _ 7 Moveable Movin ...continued from page 1
j GAY and up to date stainless steel sinks and garbage
\ LESBIAN disposals, walk in freezer and cooler. it is on the
i is“, / SERVICES ground floor, not in a basement. We won't have to
, \X‘K/ ORGANIZAHON feel like mole people anymore, we will see the sun,
1 Lexington, Kentucky the rain, the snow and the trees. it also has
parking, lots of parking without UK police lying in
' m0 News wait to write a ticket. And best of all it has air
, conditioning. In the summer it will no longer be 95
i V?’- 20 ”0-10 outside and 100 in the kitchen.
5 PUbI’Shed Monthly by: Why are we moving on such short notice?
GLSO Katrina. The property we are going to is the old
Excepticon which has many dormitory style
20- BOX.1172 Lex., KY 40588 buildings. The church is planning on housing as
i www.lexmgtonglso@yahoo.com many as 200 evacuees from the storm-ravaged
iwww.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet South for up to a year and a half. They have asked
i _""—',"‘ Moveable Feast to feed them in addition to our
i News Ed'tor regular clientele. They are working to secure the
i Mary Crone funding forthe increased service and employees it
i —"'"_—'— will take to feed that many more people.
, GLSO Board This doesn't mean that we don't need your
5 contributions, we really do, now more than ever.
Joan Brannon, President Earlier this year we saw a drop in donations
Tom Collins, Vice pres. because of the tsunami and now Katrina hits us. I
realize there are only so many charity dollars to go
1 Ben Salyers, Secretary around and I am not really complaining; however,
i Th C II' we still have our people to feed and AVOL still has
i omas 0 ms their people to house and care for and the Rape
. Mary Crone Crisis Center, and the Hope Center etc. etc. All I'm
i Lindsay Mattingly saying is with all the major crisis' everywhere don't
: Terry Mullins forget about us here at home struggling to help
i those in need. if you wantto help Moveable Feast
Pride Center Office Manager call 252-2867 or visitwww. Feastlexorg.
Bill Chandler
[ GLSO Membership and ANNUAL MEETING
' Newsletter:
l . . .
1 lndwtduals or Couples $20. WED ' OCT 26 7 PM
I For One Year Subscription. DOWNTOWN PUBLIC LIBRARY
' Conference Room A - Basement
0 ' ' d' th GLSO -
i thfiffgftij’flfjs End gamma/fig? Come discuss the work ahead of us, elect
I represent those ofthe GLSO Board. A new Steering Committee and 899
i Submissions received after the deadline, which ’
i is the 15th ofeach month, maybe out ornot “OUT IN THE HEARTLAND"
printed when space is limited. The stafi‘
ii reserves the right to edit or reject submissions see page 1 O
GLSO Poge2

 L'ommunitu News
Fairness Seminar
..continued from page 1 AVOI' ART FOR "FE
ourfriends and family members Coming Life is a celebration, andAVOL is leading
' . the way with its 2005 fundraiser, Art for Life.
0‘” Whenever we can commg °Ut AIDS Volunteers, lnc.ART for LifeArtAuction
wheneer we can helps develop self— will be November 6, from 4 pm. to 8 pm. at
respectand self-assurance. _ , _, the Mansion at Griffin Gate located at 1800
As more of us come out, our Vl5lblllty Newtown Pike in Lexington.
provides political and social protection to This year's event will feature gourmet
_GL,B_T people. Studies show that hors d'oeuvres, fine art, a live and silent
lndIVlduals who getto knowGLBT people auction, live entertainment, a cash bar, and
become more posmve in their attitudes perhaps even aghostsighting! The cost will
towards us' The more °f_ us that are out be $25 (price includes one drinkticket) ortwo
and V'e'ble' the more somety accepts us, tickets for $40 (price includes two drink
and the saferwe are. . _ tickets) for a spectacular evening steeped in
Family members and straight friends Southern charm.
or co-workers can also learn howto be out Local and nationally known artists will
as allies to GLBT folks. We all wonder at be featured including Arturo Sandoval. Our
times about how to speak up when feature piece this year is a 1974 Keeneland
someone makes an anti-gay comment or billboard. Join us and enjoy great food, music
JOKe- Allies may also want t? know how to and exquisite art! For more info on this event,
help family members, friends or 90' sponsorship, art auction updates orto donate
workersasthey movethioughthe coming art please call (859) 225-3000 or visit our
outstages. website at httgzl/wwwaidsvolunteersorg.
We want to facilitate personal change We can't wait to see you there!
in a supportive environment that will help
give people the personal tools they need. 26th AHI‘lUOI Gi-SO Comp OUi
We are planning interactive workshops by Steve ROSS
designed to meetthe needs ofpeople who Yes, it was October, 1980. and the tiFSt
are atdifferentlevels ofvisibility: G30 Camp OUt was held at Eddie’s farm in
Level l- For people who are in the earliest Josephine, KY~ AbOUt 21 campers made it
stages ofcoming out. down the narrow one-lane roads, and a
Level ll - People who are out in a limited tradition was born. We had a huge bonfire,
way, to their closest friends or famny roasted hotdogs and marshmallows, dranka
member(s), & are considering the next “file beer, and had a lot Of fun. The next
step. morning we all went on the first of many
Level III - People who are out and proud in annual hikes through the weeds-
many aspects oftheirlives and readyto do This year, my partner Mark and i Wi”
more. Join us on Oct 8 as we help each celebrate our 25th year together. We met on
other create a fair and saferworld. the way to the camp OUt. and started dating a
, ,~- : -. ~21 -. . . . . ; ,_ . fewweeks later. We have made it every year
GLBT Adoption and Foster Parenting to the camp out, occasionally with only one of
See page 10, 14 - 15 f us going.
l Coming Out article page 8 .Over the years,- the. camp out
. . . . ' continuously changed, just like the Gay
,, ReVlew of Southern Baptist SlSSies .- . . .
g , community in Lexmgton. lt grew to a large
;., uncensored Page 16 if turnout with over 120 people, including motor
The Bar Halloween see page 22 if homes and televisions. The smallest turnout
‘- . . ,7 _ , .7 , , . ,1: ...Continued on next page

 was about 12 people, but each year was 40+ Women
always special. Eventually, Willy & Eddie The 40+ Club is a group for women over
bl“??? home on the farm, so now we have 40 (and youngerfriends) who are interested in
fac'l't'95! Men and women _b°th have had attending a wide variety of activities together.
that speCIal connectlon w'th “attire: the We have lots of activities on the agenda for
stars, the ram, the cold, and espeClally the Octoberand early November.
COW pattles. The W99 communlty On Thurs, October 13th we are going to
breakfasts are alwaysanlce treat. n _ see Etta May at the Comedy Off Broadway
””5 years Party m the Country W'” Theater. Tickets are $10.50 and if you want to
be Satllrdayl October 8’ startlng _ after sit with us you need to get your money to me
1100' Brlng camplnggear and fOOd 'f you or Jane by Octoberthe 7th. Etta May sells out
want to spend the nlght, orlust come for quickly, so we've gotto actfast.
the fun. Drlnk and snacks le be prowded. Keenland will be open from October 7 to
C?” Edd'e @ 259'0878 of 2214415 “3" 29. We've not made any firm dates forthis, but
directions. Get Involved Wlth GLSO-You II are open to suggestions.
be gladthatyou one” We are going on a day trip to the Red
. River Gorge Sunday, Oct. 23. Meet at the
SESferSOL-lnd Pride Center parking lot at 10AM. We'll be
SisterSound is observing its tenth baCk about dark. W6 WI“ ride the “ft to the top
anniversary concert season. We Wi“ Of Natural Brldge and drive around the Gorge
celebrate the occasion at both the winter 10 see the fall foliage. We had a great time last
(January 21) and spring (May 20) concerts time we did thiS.
by reprising the very best of our repertoire On November 5 we are 90109 10 EqUUS
from the past ten years and adding new Run Vinyards to a wine tasting and live music
musicthat celebrates the lives ofwomen. party to benefit God's Pantry. Bring two non-
If you have ever sung with perishable foods forthe entryfee. 1—4pm
SisterSound and have thought of coming ifyou have questions or would like to be
back some time, this is the season to do it. added to the 40+ mailing list, call or email
Or if you have considered giving us a try, Ginger and Jane at 859-253-0061 or
come lend your voice as we prepare to put ggc|r@yahoo.com forinformation.
on our best shows yet. Rehearsals are at
6 pm every Sunday at Landsdowne Rainbow Families
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 333 Rainbow Families will have their
Redding Rd- Forinformation call 805-0243 October/ Fall outing on Saturday,October
oremail Patti at paowens@excite.com. 22nd at the Double Stink Hog Farm:
What Will you get out of Singing with httgz/lwwdoublestink.com/ — (502) 868-
SisterSound? Teri, a member from 1996 9703 Located at 5312 paris Road
says “' can’t imagine my life without this Georgetown, KY 40324. Time still TBD. Call
and create OUFOW” 5315-” _ . Cheryl or Jen at 859-523-3083 for specifics
“We are a non-audltloned chorus. and moreinformation.
Some ofus have been smglng in publlc as Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL) is
long as we can remember; others never an organization for gay and lesbian parents
sang anywhere OUts'de ofthe shower. ““3 and their children in the Lexington area. Our
group works for all Of ”3' We support each mission is to show our children that there are
other and glve each other the courage to otherfamilies like theirs. We invite parents as
do th'més we never dreamed were well as those who are just starting their
possmle. journey to parenthood to join RFOL. To
. Come to a rehearsaland see how you become a member call Jen at 533- 3083 or
Ilke lt. There are no audltlons and we are . . htt '//Grou s ahoo com/ ro s/rflok
opento allwomen. . Jom p. p .y ' g up y.
More Community News on page 6

 , Debra Hensley Insurance
Where diversify, fairness and respeci are valued.
Insurance and Financial services
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Lexington, Kentucky 40503
[Across from UK Foofbo/l Sfadium)
859 276-3244

 i l
l Pride Center News
I 309 Waller Ave. 059 253-3233 .th. - Eri. 10:00 - 3:00 I
l Volunteers keep the Center open after3 and on Saturdays. Call to be sure someone is here. I
Save The Pride Center P‘litle' Center Libiatrrtieitltetltt:
How you can help Mysteries felt Halloween
1.Subscribe to this newsletter -pg 22 By JANE M/NDER
_2' 3““9 Old cell phones and empty mk Its time for ghosts and all those things
Jet cartridgesto the center. that go bump in the night. Try some of the
3- Attend our Board Meeting on OCt 17 queer mysteries for some Halloween fright.
and considerjoining the board or one Of Early Graves: Dave Brandstetter Mystery
our committees. by Joseph Hansen (F HansE36)
C m. . N V mb r Eye Contactby Michael Craft(F CrafE97)
0 mg m 0 e_ e Ghosfin the Closet: Hardly Boys Mystery by
Saturday Night at the Pride Center Mabel Maney (F Mane (3427)
we Will be open '” the evening on the Grave Talent by Laurie R. King (F KingL
second Saturday of each month for films, G775)
games 0" IUSt hanging OUt- Check next House at Pelham Falls by Brenda Weathers
months newsletter to see what we will (FWeatH842)
doing 0“ NOV-13th Innuendo: Todd Mills Mystery by RD.
. . Zimmerman (FZimmI58)
Lexm’gton lnszght Lavender House Murder by Nikki Baker (F
Lexington Insight is a group for gay BakeN L399)
men to meet and socialize. We will be Old Black Magic: Robin Miller Mystery by
meeting on the first Friday of each month. Jane Maiman, (F Maim O44)
' Join us on Friday, Oct. 7at the Pride Center One Dead Drag Queen: Tom & Scott
Mystery by Mark Richard Zubro (F Zubr
DISCUSSION GROUP Soul Snafcher by Camarin Grae (F Grae
Every Wednesday 7 pm 8722)
Pride Center 389 Waller Ave. These and many other books and
videos can be check out from the Pride
Open to all. , .
J H d . k h Center Library. The Pride Center at 389
ane a a yjane y@ya oo.com. WallerAvenue, Suite 100 is open Monday-
Friday, 10-3.
DiVBI‘SiW ill GEIIGEI' Alliance w, "Keep the love you find.
The Lexington Diversity in GenderAIliance # , " Get the love you want!”
(LDGA) will be meeting on Saturday, Oct. 1 Q'
at7z30 pm. CallforIocation. L D G A is i
open to all people who transcend gender Jessica Bollinger LCSW
norms orwho are questioning their gender I R I t. h. Th . t
identity includingtranssexuals, effeminate mago ea IOI'IS 'p erapIS
men, masculine women, gender queers EMDR Trauma Work
and more. Family and supportive friends Couples, Family, Individual
are welcome. Thisis notatherapy group. imagoconnection.com 552.5533

 In I I l n in m
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 National Coming Out Day every sexually active person to know their
, HIV status. Never has it been so simple to
By Tom Collins gain this information. Afree test which does

l once made a joke that National not require blood can provide results in as
Coming OUt Day had nothing to do Wlth little astwenty minutes. For more information
Gay Pride. lwentsofarasto statethatthe about the availability of the test you can
idea was h0t 5V6" COHCGlVEd by the contactTomCollins at800-420-7431.
Gl-BTQ community, that in faCt lt was Knowledge is power! Exhibiting the
created by right-wing politiciansin orderto power to state you sexuality to others is
find the best designers florist. caterers, definitely beneficial to our feeling of self-
stylist, and personal trainers to hire for worth. The knowledge ofourHlV status gives
those upcoming holiday parties. The fact us the powerto structure the rest of our lives.
that it comes in Octoberis no coincidence, Please accept my challenge to come out to
butjust a matter oftiming. Of course I was yourselfin regard to your HIV status.
just making a joke. In fact I personally
believe that every day in National Coming Inclusive Ha“ Crime Legislation
OutDay. The U S House of Re resentatives

There are few days that I do not have . ' ' p . .
to announce to someone that i am Gay. voted in September to amend the Children 5
Whether it beanewacquaintance atwork, Safety Ad by adding the Local _Law
a new neighbor, an extended family Enforcement E’nhancement Hate Crimes
member, orasalesperson askingto speak Prevention Act. if enacted into law, the
to“theladyofthehouse.” ame'ndmentsprOVISlons would extend

Some days I am really put off by this. eXlstlng federal hate-crimes laws that already
lhave come to believe thatanyone should cover ”mes motivated by. race, 90'0“
be able to readily identify me as Gay, national origin and religion to include crimes
apparently I have set my expectations too based 0,” actual 0': perceived gender,_sexual
high. Earlierthis yearagentleman in the orientation, dlsab'l'ty and gender identity

_ cafeteria at work, was signing up people including gender-related characteristics.
for a blood drive (just another of the The genderldentity language was addedlttst
discriminatory activities that l, as a gay this .year to make. clear that he legislation
man, am banned from participating in). applied to hate crimes against transgender
He approached me and asked if i would people. The vote on the amendment was 223
like to donate blood. j responded, to 199, With 30 Republicans supporting the
obviously you have mistaken me for a amendment the full blll later passed the
heterosexual. l was surprised that he House oven/vhelmlngly.
jumped back as in fear, clutching his
clipboard to his chest. l then realized how 5C0“ Ad‘ma"
much power the statement has. Stating Scott Ackerman along with other real
that you are Gay can garner a myriad of estate agent has opened Keller V\filliams
reactions from people, but regardless of Realty ofthe BluegrassThis is afull service,
how they react you will receive a feeling of high energy company that will give its agents
power from simply making the statement access to the latest tools, education and
out loud. marketing techniques.

Sorry forthe long prelude to my initial “This company reinforces the client
intent. l would like to Challenge every focus and service that has been a corner
member Of our community to come OUt to stone of my career.” says Scott. If you are
themselves in a different manner. thinking of buying or selling your home, give
Professionally l work in the field 0t HlV Scotta calltoday. He can be reached on his
prevention. The Centers for Disease mobile phone at 859 338-8438 or email him
Control and Prevention is encouraging atSAcker4224@aol.com.

I t . fW/j
a, r ' E (3 l0 ? . V >
' November 6, 2005
’ The 1:h/l'msslion at Griffin Gate
1800 NeM'own Pike
chmgtou, [\‘Y
4:00 p.111. [0 8:00 p.111.
5525 for one ticket (includes one drink ticket)
5 $40) for two tickets (includes two drink tickets)
5 Feattm'ng gounnet hors d’oeuvres. line (411. a live and silent. auction
live: entertainment, and a cash bar

V For more information on this evenL sponsorship. an auction updates or to
g * donate an please call (859) 225-3000 or visit our website :11
: manwvnisflnunname-
a 1
I A i' \ ,
. l
t . .
1 , Real Es’ro’re Servnce Wl'l'h
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3 j - Pnonassulunusm
: i _ l
3 J V a" I ‘17, -
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[I ‘ ' INTEGnITv W

Scott Ackgrman I] Enlcn'rlou Egg;
_ V0Ice Mall: 859-294-2055
Z Fax: 859 269-0065 Serving Lexington 8.
l E-Mail: SAcker4224@ao|.com All of Central Kentucky
; Call me With all your Real Estate Needs

GLSO Page 9

 The ACLU Comes Out Gov and Lesbian Parents
The Amer'can Civil Liberties Union ACLU reports on the many studies
l . .
has worked for GLBT rights for decades. that say we are domg a greatiob. ,
But their “coming out” as an ally did evolve The last decade has seen a sharp ”s? m
overa numberofyears. In honor of Coming the-number 0f lesbians and gay men forming
OutMonth, here are some ofthe first cases the" own families W099“ adoption, foster
that the ACLU took on in behalf of GTLBT care, artifICIal Insemination and other means.
Researchers estimate that the total number
people. . . . . . .
Pre-Stonewall of childrent nationwnde living with altlleast one
1940 - Defense of The Children '5 Hour gay paren ranges rom S'X 0 m. ion.
against censorship for lesbian content 'Many states have moved to safeguard
_ the interests of children With gay or lesbian
1956 ' Defense Of 8,81” Francisco Bay parents. For example, at Ieast21 states have
leeiiegay bar (Hazel S Inn) raided by granted second-parent adoptions to lesbian
. and gay couples, ensuring that their children
195.? ' Defense ofAllen Ginsberg's HOW. can enjoy the benefits of having two legal
against obscenity charges for gay content parents, especially if one of the parents dies
1963 - Defense Of gay man fired by UHS or becomes incapacitated.
Government (360” V- Macy) Recognizing that lesbians and gay men
1963 — Sodomy law challenge (Ens/in v. can be good parents, the vast majority of
Wa/ford) states no longer deny custody or visitation to
1965 - Challenge to police raid on a San a person based on sexual orientation. State
Francisco event sponsored by the agencies and courts now apply a "best
Council on Religion and the Homosexual interest ofthe child" standard to decide these
One of the first gay rights rallies held at 03395- Under this approach, a person's
Independence Hall in Philadelphia to sexual orientation cannot be the basis for .
demand changes in policies that listed ending or limiting parent-child relationships
homosexuality as an illness and national unless it is demonstrated that it causes harm
security threat to a child -- a claim that has been routinely
1966 - Challenge to Florida law disproved by social science research. Using
- outlawing gay bars (Inman v. Miami) this standard, more than 22 states to date
1967 - Challenge to Los Angeles have allowed lesbians and gay men to adopt
ordinance making it illegal for performers children either through state-run or private
to “impersonate a person of the opposite adoption agencies.
86X” Nonetheless, a few states -— relying on
Challenge to deportation of gay man . myths and stereotypes -- have used a
(Boutilierv. INS) parent's sexual orientation to deny custody,
Sodomy [aw chanenge (Delaney v_ adoption, ViSitatlon and foster care. For
Florida) instance, two states (Florida and New
1969- Demonstrations againsta police Hampshire) have laws that expressly Par
crackdown at the Stonewall gay bar in lesbians and gay men from ever adopting
New York City sparked the LGBT rights children. Religious fundamentalists are
movement. planning to use gay lesbian adoption and
foster parenting as a wedge issue that can
After Stonewall, the ACLU tOOk more pull voters to the polls to vote Republican.
and more GLBT related cases. We This is an issue that you should care about
encourage you to IOOK 0Y6” the" web we weather or not you ever want to be a parent.
(Vinivwacluprg) and consrder beC9m'F‘9 a Itis part ofthe larger picture ofGLBT rights.
card carrying member ofthe organization.
...Continued on page 14

 313. mm mm
The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs........................................294-2055(mobi|e) 338-8483
SisterSound 8060243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
. Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding.....................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffee .859 846-4688
, Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Laura Wigglesworth
Long Term Care Insurance Specialist .....1-866-582-2426 ext 4212

 on. NMIO‘H‘OI‘ flulgnd" To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ,
Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comiusers/glsoqxnet
October 2005 :\
Sunda Monda Tuesda Wednesda Thursda Frida Sail-relay _ NV 1/ -
i . _ i l 2p Narcotics Anonymous \z
i More information about many of the events are )1 I 1 call for place 278-7103
} in this newsletter. You may want to call or email ) 5 l l 7: 30 p LexDGA Weekly Activities:
1 the group to confirm thedate and time, see the ) I § ) (Call for place)
i directory on back page. i _
i I l l 9:30p Mr. KY Leather M°“d"y" .
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC 1 ‘ . Contest @ Club Liquid 8pm ' Goy/ Lesbian AA
_ } Callfor Place ma beabbreviated-Call l ‘ sponsored by the ICK. DISCUSS'On/SpeOKGT[CO// for
! _ - 1 7 7 7 . 7 ,7 , ,, , Location] 278-7703
9315 8‘ “a U” Chum“ 89 AA Open 7 GSA call for lace 7p GLSO Discussion ' i 7:30 Lexin ton Insi ht 2p Narcotics Anonymous mesh”: .
10330 a St- Mychal Discussion/Speakers '226-590‘8 p Group-PC ‘ l @ the Pridg Centerg call for place 278-7103 79"“ ‘ GSA [Gay Straight
(call for place)‘278-7103 ) “ ‘ j 8p Gay/Lesbian AA i 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 20631 {Magi Glifofigsolgga Allloncei
, I Call for place 278-7103 I (call for place) 278-7103 522*} “‘5‘ “a ‘ ' weaned“? 7
E 9p ICK Turnabout @ I °"’ ' . 7pm - GLSO Discus3lon
. 1 _ l The Bar Complex 1 Group
‘ E ; 8pm - Gov/Lesbian AA (Co/l
7 ~ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ,7 77 7 7 7 7 7 wflfl W_,___*____#w____7__w__w for Location) 278-7 l 03
10a uu Church 6p Bluegrass Fairness-PC 7p GSA (call for place ‘ 7 GLSO Discussion I ‘ 7:30 Gay/Lesbian AA xi 3"” .17; _ - -
10:30 a St. Mychars 8p Lexington Lyons -PC E 266-5904) A _ Gfioup-PC (call fair place) 278-7103 @1th (fiWfi fpm RglanfirN Bgle-Illng
2p Women's 40 + GroupponAA Open gNational Comin 8p Gay/Lesbi an AA p wtlcs A [féii'é'r3;g_;u eogue ou on ones
4p Integrity @ St. Michael's Discussion/Speakers I I g iCall for I ace 278—7103 I 7 ‘t’ace 97’3“?” Fridays: _
6p Imperial Court Mtg-PC (call for place) 278-7103 lOUt 03Y- ‘ p i , M can : 8pm - Gov/Lesbian AA
Columbus Day ' ‘ I 7 i“: “it (Co/l for Location] 278-7'103
' I % NF Saturdays: .
. - I l ew ' a me 3pm Narcotics Anonymous
' ‘—'" —‘““—_—_—“—i—_”— " 278-7103 .
10a uu Church 7:30 p GLSO Board Mtgl. )7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion ‘ 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 2P Narcotics Anonymous Sundays:
. 10230 a St. Mychal's 89 AA Open 1266-5904) Group-PC (call for place) 278-7103 Ci" foruplace 278'7103 9.] 5 & 1 10m _ UU Church
SouIForce (call Jamie 230- Discussion/Speakers l ' 8p Gay/Lesbian AA ’ ‘ I ' Rm)?“ Fa” 0““an @ the Worship Services
5625 _ 1 , , I Dou Ie 13in}; Hog arm. -
I ' i Mortyr.
I wilt?!” Sh°w @ Club } 6pm - SisterSound Reheorsol
_ ‘ q ‘ @ Londsdowne Presby.
, I Church.
10a UU Church 8p AA Open _ i 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion E 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 2p Narcotics Anonymous
10330 a 3} MYChal Discussion/Speakers" 1 266-5904) Group-PC I (call for place) 278-7103 call for Place 278-7103
6p Imperial Court” (call for place) ‘ 8p Gay [Lesbian A A I Annual Sleaze Ball @ Halloween Madness @ Ii-ml lull!“
"“9"“ 9-46 & 11 278 7103 ’ C'°53i"9‘- ' '
a UU - 7,8p AA Open Call for place 278-7103 the Bar Complex. 25th Annual Halloween 6pm - The Imperial Court
[xx/,gglélgl; St __,// DISCUSSION 9'30p ICK Dlvas 0f Extravaganza @ the Baf SOUIFOlce '
‘ - Speakers (cal i Darkness Pageant @ I Complex. Coll Jamie 230-5625
Da§l|ghy§hjbmg _7 for place) i I the Bar Complex. ;
.i e e .e . Halloweenl 1 7
Monthly Aciivifios: . 7
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Salurdays: Sundays:
7pm — GLSO Boord Mtg. [3rd Mon.) 7:30pm - Lexington Insight 7:30pm- LexDGA (737‘. Sat.) 2pm -Women 40+[2nd. SunI
7:30pm - Fairness (2nd Mon.) I st Frido 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun}
( v)
8pm- Lexington Lyons ‘an Mon-Every 3 months)
GLSO Page 12 GLSO Page 13

 Gov/Lesbian Parenting But negative beliefs about gay and
Contin ed from page 10 lesbian parenting still plague us. Knowing
All ofthe research to date has reached what the arguments Will be in advance, we
the same unequivocal conclusion about can prepare answers that Will convince at
gay parenting: the children of lesbian and least some people. Forexample: T h 0 5 e
gay parents grow up as successfully as the arguing for a ban on gay lesbian adoption
children of heterosexual parents. In fact, and fostering say that children need homes
not a single study has found the children of with a mother and a father that are married
lesbian or gay parents to be disadvantaged to each other.
because of their parents' sexual Children without homes do not have
orientation. the option of choosing between a married
Good parenting is not influenced by sexual mother and father or some other type of
' orientation. Rather, it is influenced most parent(s). These children have neither a
PFOtCUhdlY by a parent's ability to create a mother nor a father, married or unmarried.
loving and nurturing home -- an ability that There simply are not enough married
does ”‘3" depend on whether a parent is mothers and fathers who are interested in
gay orstraight. _ adoption and foster care. Our adoption and
There '5 no evidence to SUQQSSt that foster care policies must deal with reality, or
- the Ph'ld‘?” Of lesbian and gay parents are these children will never have stable and
less intelligent. suffer from more problems, loving homes. .
are less popular, orhave lower self-esteem A ther ar ument for a ban‘ Children
than children of heterosexual parents. The no 9 '
children of lesbian and gay parents grow need a mother and father to have proper
up as happy, healthy and well-adjusted as role models. Children wrthout homes have
the children ofheterosexual parents. neithera mother nor a father as role models.
As noted inthe“Leave No ChildAlone” And children get their role models from
article lastmonth there is acritical shortage many places beSides the” parents. These rais
ofadoptivevandfosterparentsinthe United '“ClUde grandparents, aunts and uncles, sub
States. As a result, many children have no teachers, friends, and neighbors. In a case- reje
permanent homes,while others are forced by-case evaluation, trained professionals hay:
to survive in an endless series of can ensure that the child to be adopted or mai
‘ substandard foster homes. it is estimated placed lh foster care l5 moving lhtO 3” beii
that there are 500,000 children in foster envi