xt7r7s7hs16m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7hs16m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1926 journals kaes_circulars_001_4_188 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 188 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 188 1926 1926 2014 true xt7r7s7hs16m section xt7r7s7hs16m  
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A System for Scoring Kentucky Rural Communities.  
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January, 1926 lei}
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CIRCULAR NO. 188 3,,
A System for Scoring Kentucky Rural Communities. ~  
By W. D. Nicho||s*  
One of the greatest needs of rural people to-day is to bring - ·  
together and make use of their various potential forces for i t  
the improvement of community life. iVhcn the farmer’s prob- . J l `  
lem first began to receive systematic study, the phase of the “ i J ~ 
problem studied was that of gaining and applying seien- ‘ ,` t i  
title knowledge for the improvement of crops and live ~ » l . 3
stock. Later, stress was placed on the economic phase of the t ' L 
problem and the application of business methods and practices i  
by which farm products might be produced and sold most J  
  economically and profitably. More recently a third phase of _  
the problem has come to be studied, the social or community `  
phase. Farming people have come to realize that there are ·  
certain phases of their problem which cannot be solved by V .  
individual action but call for collective or group action, and ‘ [ tf
. . . . ' , V  
if they are to have contented and satisfymg lives they must  
learn to organize their forces for united effort. ·  
Numerous examples of successful community organization i  
demonstrate the fact that marked improvement in rural com-  
*"ACKNO\\'LEDGMENTS: Special acknowledgment is due Professor `  
. T. R. Bryant, assistant director of agricultural extension, and Mr. C. A. {ty
Mahan, state leader of county agents of the College of Agriculture, Uni- _ tri!
versity of Kentucky, for suggestions and constructive criticisms of this  
circular. For the prcparzition of the section on agriculture aeknowled,&$— _  
ment is due Professors li. S. Good, J. J. Hooper, L_ J. Horlachcr, J. H. ·  
‘ Martin, \\'ayland Rhoads, li. J. \\'ilfo:·d, George Roberts, E. J. Kinney `=§':’
and C, \\'. Mathews, of the College of Agriculture, University of Ken-  
lucky, and to Mr. L, C. ]$rew¤'r, Fayette County agrricultural agent; and · .:_‘
for the section on homes to Miss Myrtle \Yeldon, state leader of home — U
llcmtnistration agents. The section on health and sanitation was pre- · . g,
t iilrcd by Dig J. S, Chambers and Miss Nancy l‘. Mtyers, of the Fayette  
Tounty public health unit. The section on education was prepared by ¢,
the staff of the College of Education of the University of Kentucky. Jn , ._
{llc preparation. of the entire circular' the community score card of the M
;.¤l\‘crsity of \\‘est Virginia has been drawn upon freely, for which spec- j
ral acknowledgment is due Professor Nat T. Frame, Director of Ag`rieul— *
· Lural Extension of the Univrrsity of \\'est Virginia. `  

 i 4 Kentucky Ertcizsion Circular N0. 188 .
  munities can be brought about thru intelligent thought and  
  aetion of the members of the community, applied to their social To
  and community problems, and there is being developed by agri- lam
    cultural colleges and similar agencies a definite body of priuei- lo
ig;  ples and a technique for the successful organiza-tion of rural lll
  I communities. m
(AQ .
  Community life and activities usually have been allowed to  
  drift haphazard with little or no attempt at systematic plan- 1;]
  ning. Vifhen the people of a community fail to organize their Ht
  forces for promoting their collective welfare and the conscious lh
k l ordering of their conmuuuty life,. opportunities are given for V C]
 it selfish and designing persons to gain and hold advantages to the H}
 ii detriment of the community as a whole. Improvement comes ih
  only when the rank and file of citizens take the initiative and ml
  work together in an organized way for community improvement, T]
  I .
  - CC
 ii Score cards for many years have served as an effective means C]
    of studying live stock, farm products and even farms as a whole. la
  , in recent years the score card has begun to be used for studying pl
  the community as a whole, diagnosing its needs, discovering its  
  deficiencies and stimulating the people to formulate and execute l¤<
  definite programs of improvement by concerted action. The ill
  score card affords a standard for measuring the various phases fil
  of community and farm life. Experience has shown its prac- Ci
  tical usefulness for this purpose.  
:   l
. as
  The initiative usually is taken by some one in the community ("
  who knows the benefits to be derived from scoring the community. {F
  This person should enlist the interest of a few active and cape- l"
  ble neighbors and together with them formulate plans for so- ,
  curing thc cooperation of the entire community. It usually is V V]
  found helpful to secure the cooperation of the county agricul- V
  tural agent, the home demonstration agent, the local school p `
'A' ‘ .il
: " lii V

 I .
p »  
A Nyslrnz. for Sroriiay i’i'eal1cehy ]liI()`((tl Cr/nzniztititzics 5 · .  
principal, local ministers, doctors and other professional per- `  
sons interested in community \vell’are. The local group should i` T i j  
he fully acquatinted with the scoring idea and should work out  
together ways and means for putting it into effect. Arrange- T A  
ments should he made for a general nieting at which as many T , i l  
memhcrs of the community as possihle shouldihe hrought to- `  
gether to consider the question. Special efforts and puhlicity  
usually are necessary to assure good attendance. At this meet- A _ _ _` Q_  
ing the plan of the community scoring, its purposes and hene- ‘ _ l » pl  
tits should he explained and the enthusiastic support of the en- A '~ _  
tire community secured. The meeting should give its formal it- V  
endorsement to the project, A general chairman should he y .  
selected and empowered to appoint committees for carrying out . I p — T  
the scoring. The selection of the proper personnel for these _. ` T _ ,  
committees is very important for the success of the project. ‘  Y
There should he a committee for earrh section of the score card, l , A  L,
including community spirit, citizenship. recreation. education, ` . ‘¢ `
religion and morals: health, homes, agriculture, and farm and  
community economies. Each committee should have an active  
chairinan and should make a thoro study of its particular proh- ‘ i  
lem, using the score eard and availahle hooks and hulletins, sup-  
plemented hy il study of actual conditions as they exist in the pi  
community. A sufficient numher of connnitte meetings should T ‘ i  
he held hy each committee to enahle the eommitte to arrive at a - , ·  
hroper understanding' of its pl‘0hlem. The score arrived at on v  
each point will he determined on the hasis of hoiv nearly the  
community eomes up to the standard for that point. lf it falls '  
short of the standard the community score will he cut in T  
proportion. The scoring, as done hy the committee, is tentative ‘  
A and snhjeet: to ratitieation or moditieation at a tinal community p _ y  
conterenee. Nothing is to he gained hy attempting to score a V  
given point higher than actual conditions warrant. On the T  
contrary harm yvill he done.  
l lt has heen found desirahle to hold a tinal ('tltllit‘l't‘llt'(‘. in— H  
rlnding several sessions, at which eontmunity prohlenis and  
nays and means ol? solving them are discussed in puhlie a; =__ ·.

 . IA
` Fi,
A System for Scoring Kemfucky Rural C0im11¤1m2`tz`es 7 I  
A. Community Consciousness:  
A map of the community has been made. All persons in this `  
area feel a pride that they are a part cf the community. I  
Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .,........ ) _ l  
B. Neighborlinessi  
All speak well of each other. Have a spirit of neighborliness, good ` I  
will and mutual helpfulness. There is a general willingness to ` · , · ` I_  
work in harmony, enter into collective efforts and "play the game," · ° ` .  
and a loyal response to leadership. There are few or no lawsuits I _  
between neighbors. V '  
Perfect Score ( 15) (.. ....... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) A` Q 
There ls a local paper, generally read and serving as a means of ~ ` ` ~ 4  
I community information and improvement. ' , ‘ ; 
Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ¤ i '  
C. Community History: , . I 
The people of the community have a long and honorable history. ` · _  
From the days of the first settlers their ancestors have been self- ~  
respecting and God—fearing men and women standing for and  
striving for high standards of integrity in both personal and public  
life. Sons and daughters of the community leaving tl1e com- fi
munity have attained success and recognition in business, politics, ‘ "g;
and in the professions.  
Perfect Score (10) ( .,........ ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )  
Persons spending their lives in the community have rendered good `  
service and received such recognition. . , I  
Perfect Score (10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ........», )  
D. Rural-Mindedness:  
The people genuinely love the country and prefer to live in the ·  
country rather than in the city. A proper share of the population  
has remained on the land from generation to generation. l  
Perfect Score ( 10) ( ...I»----- ) ( -»----—--- ) ( -----`---- )  
A I E. Home Ownership: `  
Most of thc families own their farms and homes. Those who are ` y  
not home owners support churches, schools and other community  
institutions and participate in community activities. Have new ig];
families come into the community in recent years and have these _` _  
` bee11 an element for bettering the community life?  
Perfect Score (20) ( --—·.--- --) ( -------»-- ) ( -----·---- )  
F. Premiums Won:  
Crops or live stock or other products of the community have won I Lv

’€‘ {l
i i  8 Kon/:1cF.·y E.(`[C}l£?.O}i Circzllur N0. 188
  . .
  prizes in county, state or national fairs. Boys and girls have
L`•?§'i won prizes in club work, scholarship, oratory, athletic contests
 E or other competition in county, state or national groups.
  Perfect Score ( 10) ( .....-..-- ) ( --------—- ) ( -- -»»--- )
  G. Community Beauty: _
  Architecture of farm structures blends with the landscape. All
  persons in the community strive to make the physical features
  pleasant to the eye, keep weeds cut along tl1e highway, giving
  attention to buildings, lawns, lbarn lots, fences, to make them D
  attractive. abolishing or concealing ugly sights both in public and
 At private view.
  Perfect Score ( 10) ( ....,..... ) ( ....,..... ) ( .......... )
  Total Points Possible (100)
  Total Score Earned ( .......... ) ( ......,... ) ( ........l. )
 l T
 All A. Knowledge of and Participation in Public Affairs: '
  People generally feel that efficiency and honesty in the manage-
 s ment of public affairs are dependent upon the alertness of the
  private citizen as well as the public official. All citizens vo¢e
  and take an active part in elections.
  1 , Perfect Score ( 15) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Citizens read and inform themselves accurately concerning public E
  officials and institutions, know the names of principal local, state
  and national officials, especially their congressman and United
  ` States senators.
  Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ........., )
  Citizens know the location and functions of their principal state
 gig institutions and boards, including the University, Normal Schools.
  State Hosptals, Board of Health. Railroad Commission, State
 Q.,  Highway Board, Board of Education, etc. They call on these
 , _;i for help when needed.
  Perfect Score ( 10) ( .....,.... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  ‘ B. Law and Order:
g u There have been no cases of public disorder, bootlegging or other ,
  law breaking. Such law infractions meet with prompt indictment
  and punishment. Public opinion strongly condemns drunkenness,
  vulgarity and such offences as selling cigarettes to llllllOl'$»
  truancy from school, etc. ,
  Perfect Score ( 15 ) ( ......____ ) ( _____,_,,_ ) ( __..l..... )
  C. Citizenship Training:
  A large proportion of the boys and girls of the community are YG-
 f li.

 ’ sai
. U  
A Syslcm for Scoring ]i'cuiur·i·y Rural CUlllIilti}tl.[l·t’S 9 I Qivli
3 ceiving training as members of some Junior Club or similar _ . I 
g organization. -  
Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .,.....A.. ) ( .......... ) I  
) A high percentage of eighth grade graduates enter high school. i  
Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) (...; ...... ) ` ` * .  
1 ‘ A good proportion of high school graduates continue their edu- "  
_ cation in college or other institutions ot higher learning. _  
gf Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .........l ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) _ ‘  
.1 D. Definite Long-Time Plan for Development of Community g ‘ ’ ,‘ ~  
I Citizens of community, thru a well-organized Coinmunity Club `  
or Community Council with efficient officers and active commit- ,` - _ \ 
) tees, have a well·thought-out program of work for the develop- ~ · 4 
ment of all community interests, and are working actively to carry ~ - - _  
) out this program. ‘ ` ` l ~  
Perfect Score (10) ( ._........ ) ( ._........ ) ( ..,...... ) ' _ ‘ gi;
A This Community Club or Council is coordinating and streugthning · ` VA `_ A  
the efforts of farmers’ clubs and farm \\`Olll€11·5 clubs, the lodges, _ _  7
Q_ the churches and other community groups. All persons in the ,  
3 community attend community meetings and take an active part, ` . ‘ i
Q support leaders and work actively on committees when called  {Q
) Perfect Score (10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) 4  
C E. Cooperation With Other Communities: , 
3 Members of community cooperate in a whole-hearted way with A  
{ other communities in helping develop the county as a whole. ,  
Give active support to work of the county agent, home demon- ` ` l  
) stration agent, superintendent of schools, County Board ot Edu- _ I _  
3 cation and other county agencies in county-wide programs of .  
_ improvement, especially efforts to better conditions in other ‘ . `.;
g communities not as well organized as this one. Hi}
g Perfect Score (10) ( ....... ..) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) A .  
Total Points Possible (100) l  
) Total Score Earned ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) .  
l' A. Health Protection: ‘ ,  
Y A good doctor and adequate hospital and nursing facilities avail- '  
l· able without excessive cost.  
· Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .,r....... ) .  
1 Do the people of this community regularly read some health litera— ‘ , `  
i ture such as Hygeia Magazine, Extension circulars on llealth  {
topics, etc.? `  
_ Perfect Score ( 10) (.. ....... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) A  Q
Do the people in this community have a full-time health unit? lf ` P

 ¤ l · .
ll ’. g
  10 Ifcrztztcky E.rtc2zsi0n Circular N0. 188
  so, your rating is based on the advantage you take of the same.
  Perfect Score ( T0) ( ..-------- ) ( ----·--~-- ) ( ---------- l
  Some individuals in the community are buying antituberculosis
  seals. The number doing this in your community will count as
  your rating.
  perreet Score ( s > ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ....,..... )
  Vital statistics are reported accurately.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( ....,..... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  B. Sanitation:
  The l1011l€S, schools, churches and other public and private build-
  ings of the community are kept clean and are well ventilated and
 ll screened and free from roaches, rats and mice and omer pests.
  Screening ( 3 > ( ----...-.. ) ( ------»--. ) ( ·.--...... )
 si Ventilation ( 2 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ....,..... )
  Cleanliness ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( ........ ..) ( .......... )
  Freedom from pests ( 2 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ..,....... )
  No barns, cesspools, privies, etc., within 100 feet of water supply.
 ill Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ._........ ) ( _,,_____,_ )
  Water supply protected by adequate casing of concrete or brick,
  . Adequate curb to prevent surface drainage.
  Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Watei· supply cleansed systematically. All doubtful water sent
  ’ to Experiment Station for analysis.
  Perfect Score ( 2 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
 ll All privies or toilets located and constructed according to public
  _ health regulations. Outdoor toilets must have underground vault,
  tight—fitting covers, be kept clean, screened from ilies and have
  a some disinfectant, preferably lime for regular use.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .,._....__ ) ( __________ )
  Systematic cleaning and removal of contents of vaults when
  needed. ‘
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ..._..,... )
i f  C. Child Welfare:
  The child shall have regular physical examination either thru
  ~ = school inspection or from family physician.
  Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  ` Physical defects such as bad teeth, diseased tonsils and adenoids,
  nr weak eyes corrected either by private medical attention or
  thru the County Health Organization.
  Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( _.....____ ) ( .._....... )
  Preventive medicine. Is the child vaccinated against smallpox,
  has he been given the Schick test to see if he is immune from
  diphtheria, or typhoid serum to protect him from that disease.
  Perfect Score ( 2 ) ( .......... ) ( ._......_. ) ( _._....... )
¤i—  =

 l .
l .·-{
A System for Scoring Kcm‘uc!.·y Rural Communities 11 _  
Does the child have time to be a child, does he get plenty of l ‘ .  
) play time or is he doing a man’s work on a child’s strength? ‘  
is Perfect Score ( 2 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) \ . ` lg}
IS All lbabies under six years have lbirth certificates, gain in weight  
regularly, are fed properly and free from contagious disease. All ` I I ·  
) preschool children under supervision of family physician or ‘·  
county medical officer in "C‘hild Health Conference" for regular  
) weighing, examination, dietetic information and preventive medi- ·  
` cal care rather than being merely treated for illness after con- · . . · . ~,  
1- dition has developed. · ` , ` ~ ` \ 
"d Perfect Score ( 7 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) v» _  
Birth registered (This is compulsory). ` ,  
) Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) , ` V  
Have children good food and health habits? Weight checked by . ‘ I ,  
i school inspection. . h l 4  
5 Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( o......... ) ( .......... ) ~ . »  é
. Posture observed; is child stoop-shouldered, or slouching in seat. i '  
V` If keen. and alert should have shoulders thrown back, chest out, `. `  ’*
) sit erect in seat. |· NQ
L Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) `  
\ Personal habits, cleansing of teeth, washing hands before eating, ` i 
’ proper care of auger nails, pencil out of mouth, bathe more than  *23
it once a week. ¥: 
Perfect Score ( 4 ) ( ...... ) ( ..i....... ) ( .......... )  
) Hot lunches served in schools. ~  fj
C Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( ........i. ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) _ _ A  
L Total Points Possible (100)  
9 Total Score Earned ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) · l , ‘  
> l T -  
A. House: afi
) Construction suited to farm needs. XVell constructed, painted, in `  
good repair.  
ll Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... )· ( .......... ) ( .......... ) `  
All windows and doors screened. , vg;.
) perfect score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ........., ) ( .......... ) _  
Water sufficient and convenient for family use, adequate heating `  
é and laundry facilities.  
Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ......... ) Q
} B. lnterior Decoration: ~  
Background. XValls, neutral color, design iuconspicuous. Floor ·,'_
I Hnish inconspicuous, easily cleaned. Rugs or carpets plain of in- BQ
conspicuous design. _
` Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) i  

  . -l 
  12 Kcnluc/ry ]g.l'[C}l$l·O’}2 C‘l·}`(.'ll](U' N0. 188
  Windows and Pitures. Few pictures, no enlarged portraits in liv-
  ing rooms, Mantel and piano uncluttered with photographs and
 i useless ornaments. No almanacs, calendars a11d magazine cutouts
  on walls. Windows, curtains well made, hang evenly, inconspicu-
  ous design, admit light. Draperies, well made, l1a11g evenly, har-
  monize with colors of room.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Furniture. Furniture strong, usable, simple in line, suited to needs
  of fa111ily. Placed parallel with structural lines of rooms. No
  large pieces across C()1`1l€1`S.
t‘E°;§’  Miscellaneous. Mantels, desks Qlltl pianos not crowded with use-
 ii less ornaments and pictures, cheap vases, kewpie dolls, etc. Only
  what is useful and beautiful.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
,·   C. Home Management.
 ii Work planned i11 advance and plan followed in doing liouseworlc.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ..,....... ) ( .......... )
 A  Classified accounts kept so family knows l1ow money has been
, 4,,.,l Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( ........ .)
  = Modern Equipment. Indoor pump, sink, (ll`tllll, water, kitchen
*2  l cabinet, storage space for food and utensils, refrigerator, Iireless
 {Q cooker, oil stove. Arranged for convenience and right height for
   •‘  work e r.
  Ai Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Meals planned to supply needed materials for body building, body
  · regulating a11d energy: Milk, 1 quart per child, 1 pt. per adult per
  day. Fruits, two or more daily, fresh when possible. Vegetables,
  two besides potatoes a11d dried beans daily. Cereals, whole cereals
  in breads, puddings. l\l`eats, eggs and cheese, 1 serving per day.
  \\·'ater, 4 to S glasses per day. Sugar, no11e between meals, at end
`iii of meal only. Fried food, not more than once a day. ‘
  Perfect Score ( ’l5) ( .....,.... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Clothing. Comfortable, easily laundered, color selected i11 refer-
  ence to individual. Lines of garments and design of material se-
  ' lected i11 reference to individual. Material selected according to
  appropriateness, durability.
  Perfect Score (10) ( ....... ..) ( ,..._ . .,.. ) ( ........ )
  D. Home Grounds. Neat grounds and yard. \Valks of gravel, flag-
  stone or other suitable material to outbuildings.
  ‘Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ...1...... ) ( ........ -)
  Lawns, open, with massed shrub»bery, some shade trees, founda-
  tion plantings of shrubs around the buildings and screening unde-
j,_   sirable views.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ._......._ ) ( .......... )
f i t

A System for Scoring Kcntuclry Rural C0‘lll`ll’l’tl7ll·lll·€S 13 l '  
v- Flowers furnishing blooms for cutting thruout growing season. `  
tl Lawns free from weeds, with grass cut. f  
;s Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( _,.,....,. ) ( _,________ ) ‘  
¤· E. Family. `  
¤`· Families find happiness and companionship at home. Labor fairly . _  
distributed and each memiber of family cheerfully performs his or ‘ $.7;)
~) her share. Parents take due responsibility for the school work  
ifi and the moral and spiritual development of their children and do · p  
i0 not leave these entirely to the school, church and other agencies. , _ , A  
There have been very few divorces in the community. There are . ` ‘ V `  
€· good ll13.g£1Zlll€S, books and other good reading matter for children  
-Y ° and parents. Games and music and other forms of recreation and ‘  
pleasure are provided in the home and are enjoyed by all members 5 .
») of the family. V . . ~ lf 
Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) V L — T  
L Total Points Possible (100) p ` . _ ,  
*) Total Score Earned ( ....,..... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) V Q? 
in ` ` '  
In A. Objectives.  
N The people of the community are genuinely religious, acting on  
)`I_ the belief that the essence of religion is brotherly love and active  
work for the -betterment of o11e’s community, state and nation.  
) Perfect Score ( 20) ( .......... ) ( ......,... ) ( .......... )  
`V B. Congregations. l\lem°bership in church increasing, members at- ~  
  tend regularly i11 at least 0119 service a week. There is an active p .  
Q group of church officers.  
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( ,.,....... ) ( ......,... ) l  
Y Church has a map of the homes of the community, and a census of  
Z members of the community a11d their religious status. `  
` Perfect Score ( 4 ) ( .,.... ) ( .......... ) ( .,........ )  
) Church has good congregational singing. `  
Y- Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )  
X People contribute regularly to the support of the church and its ' lbf?
3 auxiliaries in proportion to their financial ability. Have the Budget ` .  
system of financing, every-mem~ber canvass annually and monthly l  
) payments of obligations. There is harmony and cooperation ~  
L among denominations, especially in such joint projects as union  
° Sunday night services, union Thanksgiving meetings, etc.  
Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) · ~-  
) Church paper goes into homes of most members. `  
5 Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )  
'- C. Church Building and Equipment. F
) Size and style and location of building suited to needs of the com- ~  

  14 Kcm‘Vucl:y ];'.l`l'€llSl·07l O’Ii}‘CllZt17’ N0. 188
` i l
  munity, Well lighted, heated, ventilated, clean, well kept and in S
  good repair. Provision for appropriate music. Equipped for social
will as well as religious needs. There are sanitary and convenient out- I
 l bulidings and water supply.
  Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  D. Resident Pastor.
 I Each church has a full-time resident pastor who is well trained
  and has a knowledge and experience in rural life problems. Pastor
  possesses the necessary quantities of leadership. Works actively
  not only for the spiritual welfare of his congregation but also for
  the temporal and economic well-being of all the people of the com- E
  munity. Is paid adequately on the basis of compensation of other
  well-trained professional men.
  » Perfect Score ( 10) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  E. Sunday School.
  Children of the community attend Sunday school regularly. There
  ` are organized classes for adult, senior, intermediate, junior, pri-
  mary, cradle roll and home departments.
 ill Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Teachers have had special training in denominational or inte1·de—
? · nominational training classes.
;Q,,Z‘·$ Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  School is equipped with suitalble classrooms, movable partitions or
  . curtains. There are small chairs and other special equipment for
  little children. Sunday school also has library, piano or organ,
  song books, maps, charts, blackboards.
  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  ` There are special exercises each year for Rally day, C‘hildren’s
  day, Christlnas, Easter, Thanksgiving day, etc. A goodly number
  of members of the Sunday school join the church each year.
 i  Perfect Score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  Sunday school sends delegates regularly to county, state or other
4$,,; ——  Sunday school conventions.
‘.  Perfect Score ( 3 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  F. Other Organization in the Church.
  The church has a young people’s society in which most ofthe
Q  {gl young people take an active part. The young people also take an
  active interest and help in promoting the community program of
  Perfect Score ( 10 ) ( .......... ) ( .......... ) ( .......... )
  There is _an active Ladies’ Aid Society, Womau’s Missionary Soci-
.;;,_.,jj;lj ety or Men’s Brotherhood in the church.
  Perfect score ( 5 ) ( .......... ) ( _...,.__.. ) ( .......... )
    Total Points Possible (100)
  Total Points Earned ( ......,.., ) ( _