xt7r7s7hrt7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7hrt7c/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1997 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 73, No. 2, Fall - December 1997 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 73, No. 2, Fall - December 1997 1997 1997 2014 true xt7r7s7hrt7c section xt7r7s7hrt7c 1
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US ISSN 0016-2116  
Table of Contents ij
i 1
Introduction to the FNS - Deanna Severance 1  
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 3  
Wendover News - Jeremy T Bush 9  
Courier Program News - Karen Thomisee 11  
The Christmas Pennies - Loucinda Jane Eppes 15 ll
FSMFN/CNEP News - Susan Stone 17  
FSMFN Philosophy - FNS Board of Governors 19  
Midwifery Bound Follies - Barb Gibson 21  
Former FNS Nurse visits FNS — Connie Becker 23  
Boston Committee Luncheon — Jane Leigh Powell 27  
Tidbits 28 1
I Coverphoto: Connie Becker, FNS Nurse ~ 197] visits FNS [997  
Visit the FNS web site: www.baref00t.com/fns  
  Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin  
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. `il
Wendover, Kentucky 41775  
S Subscription Price $5.00 a Year for Donors
_. Subscription Price $15.00 a Year for Institutions
sj 1
  VOLUME 73 NUMBER 2 Fall December 1997 "
iy, Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing
V; offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS, Wendover, KY 41775.
  Copyright FNS/Inc. 1997 All Rights Reserved

    The Frontier Nursing Service
  ( Uy0u have never been introduced t0 the F r0ntier Nursing
      I Service we w0uld like 10 take this 0pp0rtunirv t0 briefyou 0n the
  it A, I historv and the 0n-g0ing w0rk of the Service. We encourage y0u
  I   t0 share this Bulletin with afriend.
  1. t Born in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary
  iriiii g Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world-
``»`L   ’i i Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
  E of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
  of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
y A I particularly children.
  . ` Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
. _ vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
t 1. I poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
  Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country.
‘ Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
  V fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to families
° I throughout an area of 700 square miles.
  l Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the
_- I _ driving force behind the work of the Service whose influence
_ ‘ T I today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier
  . School of Midwifery and Family Nursing hundreds of nurses have
  been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has
  _ . been carried throughout the world.
  ` Today the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
ij}. r q  for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Inc., home health agency, four
  I L outpost clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital, Kate
    Ireland Women's Healthcare clinic and for the Frontier School of
  l Midwifery and Family Nursing — the largest midwifery program in
  l the United States.
  Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
  l remained constant since 1925. —Deanna Severance, CEO

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Mary Breckinridge - Founder of the FNS  I

 ‘ Beyond the Mountains
 .» by Deanna Severance
 . "We are voyagers on the infinite river ryflife. " Deepak
l` Chopra M. D.
J Each year I do not write Beyond the Mountains in the
y August Quarterly Bulletin due to the publication of the audit.
Therefore, the Winter edition is packed with six months of news!
_ Best News 0fAll
Susan E. Stone has been the Acting Community-Based
. Nurse-Midwifery Education (CNEP) Program Director since
October 1996. This October Susan accepted the job permanently.
Susan, her husband Larry, and their youngest son, Josh, will be
_ moving to Kentucky in 1998. Sue's daughter is a registered nurse,
L and her son, Larry, Jr., will be entering college this Fall. A warm
. Kentucky welcome is sent to Sue and her familyl!
F SMF N Midwyfery Advisory Committee Meeting
The first meeting of the Midwifery Advisory Committee
to the Frontier School ofMidwifery and Family Nursing (FSMFN)
 ‘ Board of Directors was held in conjunction with the July Board
meeting. Ms. Judith Rooks and Ms. Ursula Knoki—Wilson had a
 I lovely dinner with the Board at the Lexington Club sponsored by
J Fifth Third Bank. Dr. Joyce Roberts was unable to attend. Ms.
Rooks and Ms. Knoki—Wilson briefed the Board on the state of
5 midwifery from an international and practice perspective. Ms.
Rooks has recently published the book Midwifery and C/iildbirt/1
¥_ in America which is a landmark publication on Nurse—Midwifery.
. Ms. Knoki—Wilson is a member of the Navaho Nations and had
2 valuable insights for the Board regarding the future directions for
E the FNS.
i Betty Lester Scholarship Award
Each year at the graduation ofLeslie County High School,
. the FNS awards a scholarship of $500 to a student in honor of
, Betty Lester. This year‘s award was to Marsha Stidham.

  Name Trademarks
  During this year we have received trademarks on the  if
  names Mary Breckinridge, Frontier Nursing Service, Frontier j
  School of Midwifery and Family Nursing and CNEP. Due to the  `
  outstanding work developed by Mary Breckinridge and the rapid t
  expansion of home health work and distance education programs, I
  we have found intent to use (or misuse) our name. We are very °
  pleased to have received these trademarks. ‘
  FNS Property Survey
{ A note of interest inside the mountains: We have finished
  our survey ofthe FNS properties. This has been an exciting project I
l and we discovered some of our most recent surveys were from ‘
  1931 l Tom Boggs of Mountain Surveys completed this work for l
i us and the entire process has taken the better part of the year. The
i Board of Governors loaded up in a van and drove around to all the
properties in October.  S
News from Mary Breckinridge Healthcare
The Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Board of Directors
j continues to explore means to ensure the long term stability of
f Mary Breckinridge Hospital, clinics and home health agency. In
j early June the Board met with three groups who had approached
  the Board interested in merger opportunities. After these meet-
j ings, and after having given much thought to the future of our *
. A health care system, the Board decided to approach all the not-for-
I profit major tertiary centers in Kentucky to discuss a partnership.
j All agreed to meet with the Board and we are in the process of
. continuing discussions with several ofthe institutions. The Board A
has defined a partnership as a coming together to get to know each ’
other, to begin to share information and certain services, to
. monitor the state of reimbursement for sole proprietor small mral  .·
hospitals, to introduce specialist providers to the community and
I to begin to define a long temi relationship.  l

' Courier News
 / All of our Couriers are special to us. In 1990, Fred Jordan
‘ arrived at Wendover as a Courier. Fred has remained in touch with
the FNS as a friend and donor. In November, we were honored to
 1., have Fred's mother, Mrs. Henry (Diane) Jordan, spend a week as
i a volunteer. Eighteen Level III CNEP students were on campus,and
as always, an extra pair of helping hands was greatly appreciated.
I A special thank you to Mrs. Jordan for the housekeeping help and
the physical assessment assistance. We all enjoyed getting to
know you!
July 4 and 5, Couriers Bronwen Burlekamp, Tolly Johnson
and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Johnson returned to Wendover for a
brief reunion. Browen and Tolly were Couriers during the fall of
1996. How we love to keep in touch! I wish all Couriers could
‘ return at sometime and visit with us.
In addition to Couriers, we’ve had several medical and
nursing students and sometimes doctors to rotate with Physicians
 I and Family Nurse Practitioners. Currently Internists Lija Mannen
from Wisconsin and Marek Ponizynski from Poland are here for
rotation. Medical student Jennifer Shott from Lexington, Ken-
tucky is also here doing a rotation.
g American College 0f Nurse-Midwy”ery Annual Meeting
May 31, Dr. Anne Wasson and I attended the American
College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) annual meeting in Boston.
A The reception for our alumna was an enormous success. Between
1939 and 1989, the FNS graduated over 700 Nurse-Midwives.
Between 1989 and 1997, we have graduated over 500 nurse-
ti The coming together of our graduates is a joyous experi-
l ence. We continue to be the oldest, largest, continuously operating
school of nurse-midwifery in the United States.
" Dr. Anne and I took this opportunity to place flowers on
the grave of Alice Whitman, Registrar for the School between
· 1975 and 1979. The School library in Hyden is named in her

Mardi Perry Scholarship
Many thanks to Mrs. Arthur Perry (Mardi), Sue Perry,
Joyce Richter, and all the members of the Boston Committee who  '
have done such a marvelous job in the establishment of the Mardi —
Perry Scholarship Fund. Over $33,000 has been raised by these _
benevolent women. Thanks to all of you who contributed to this i
endowment. We were able to award a scholarship at October :
graduation to Catherine McDermott, Class 15, from Glastonbury,
Connecticut. The scholarship fund is restricted to a New England i
student. Endowed scholarships are very special because they f
continue to grow and provide support for students.
I became ill and was unable to attend the Boston Commit-
tee on October 2l; however, the Committee was in good hands as I
Chairman of the Board, Jane Leigh Powell, attended with news _
from the FNS. She has written of this fantastic luncheon on page
I 27 of this Bulletin.
F SMF N Campus Security _
Campus security rules require that we provide security
5 when students are on campus. Therefore, we have built a guard
house on Hospital Hill. Many, many thanks to the Parker Poe
~ Foundation, Mr. M. H. Allen and Miss Kate Ireland for making
. this possible.
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Z DCW News
il October 24, Mrs. A. W. (Harriet) Jurgeleit, President of
 r the Daughters of Colonial Wars (DCW), was in Lexington and
 F stopped at the Lexington office with Mrs. W. T. (Virginia)
 ~ Buckner, Mrs. David (Roberta) Watts and Ms. Stacia Kaufmann.
  As I have written before, the DCW knitted 900 baby caps for the
 . FNS which we are distributing to our Level III students. There-
  fore,   the student goes to clinical and attends the first birth, a
Q  FNS/DCW baby cap is given to the first baby!
- Additionally, wejust received 25 baby sweaters knit by
  the DCW women of New Hampshire!
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A Christine Collins, Housekeeping - Sweaters
_— F NP Program Development
 “ We "kicked" off the Family Nurse Practitioner Program
development July 21, 1997. Frontier School graduate Dr. Mar-
J guerite Pike agreed to be a primary consultant. Dr. Pike is currently
» living, teaching and practicing in Union, Oregon. CNEP Director
Susan Stone, Jackie Morrill, Clinical Director; Kerri
Schuiling,Academic Director and I met with Dr. Pike to work on
i program development. We began by writing a mission statement
for the School to present to the Board of Governors at their October

  meeting. The Board has adopted this statement which is published
  on page 19 of this Bulletin. Q_
  The group met again on September 4 and 5. At this time
  we were joined by Sue Peeples, FNP/CNM and FSMFN graduate »
  and Penny Waltman, CNM, FNP and CNEP Faculty member. At ‘_
  this meeting we developed the course descriptions. Many thanks
  to FNS graduate Mary Chris Banigan who could notjoin us for the *
  meeting but provided extremely valuable written input. »
 _ November I2, 13, and 14, Dr. Anne Wasson, Barb Gibson  ·
  and I traveled to the National Nurse Practitioner Conference in V
Q Washington, DC, to recruit Course Writers and a FNP Program .
. Director. This was a very successful trip, and it was very gratifying ‘
I because so many nurses came to our booth to say how happy they  
I were to see us back! {
Y Guests at Wendover .
. We were pleased to have Ms. Lawra Baumann and Mr. ;
Jim Smith visit Wendover on September 9. Mrs. Baumann is the 2
Foundation Officer with Fifth Third Bank in Cincinnati, Ohio. Ms. L_
Carolyn McCoy recently retired and Mrs. Baumann assumed this  L
L position. The Fifth Third Bank Foundation provides many philan— 1
thropic gifts in the region and FNS has been the beneficiary oftheir  
benevolence. We were privileged to have Ms. Baumann visit the ‘
Bluegrass Luncheon {
The Bluegrass Luncheon was held at the Spindletop Club F
in Lexington, Kentucky. We were delighted to have 40 people I
attend. The Luncheon was sponsored by Fifth Third Bank of
Lexington, Kentucky and we are grateful to Bill Hall and Holly ~
l Thompson, Fifth Third Bank staff, for their input.
I Many thanks to Charlie Rush, Fifth Third Bank, who is a .
  member of Spindletop Club and worked very hard to coordinate H
, the event.

  Wendover News
 V, by Jeremy TZ Bush
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j  Jeremy and Trish at the "Chateau"
  Time marches on even here at Wendover. Modernization
 ` has caught up with us in this seemingly forgotten region of the
 _, Universe.
  Yes, my friends, Trish has indeed moved into her very
 ,‘ own apartment. No longer will she have to lounge on the porch
 » of the Garden House without a care in the world. She can now rest
,  easy in her hand crafted chateau not far from her summer hideaway
 p in the woods. I regret to inform you, however, that she has not
  received the Internet or HBO at this time. As for the future, who
  Trish's new home was handsomely crafted by some tal-
nl  ented vocational school students. It is painted in the same shade of
{  brown as the other facilities at Wendover. After much coaxing
from Barb and hesitation from Trish, she finally decided to move
 H in and settled down quite nicely. I personally painted her name
over the grand entrance as a proud badge of honor.

  Peach Update ·
  Peach has become increasingly fluffy over the past few  »
i weeks. This is undoubtedly a grim harbinger of El Nino. His fur ·
  has grown so much that he appears quite bloated when walking I
I headlong toward me. i'
 i Peach and I share a very good working relationship. Just .
L this moming he ran down a flight of stairs to meet me. I greeted him
J with my usual, "Hey, Peach! Whatcha doin". He greeted me with .
T his usual half meows while still bounding down the stairs. I bent ·
I down and he bent up and we almost touched noses. What a ·
, wonderful friend! l
El Nino @ Wend0ver.helpus.c0m -
El Nino, the weather system that strikes fear into the heart
i of every commuter and jubilation in every school child, appears to I
A be creeping up on Wendover. Those hot, surly days of August have I
quickly vanished along with most of the forest's leaves. It would
appear that the sun has also flown south for the winter. We have
had what seems to be endless days of dreary mist and fog in our ‘
beloved mountains. It looks like El Nino has struck again, sucking  
out our scalding August heat and blowing in the cold winter winds »
of December.
Wendover Grounds Work 1
The members of our Maintenance staff have been hopping I
J like jack rabbits trying to squeeze in last minute projects before the
bitter winter season sets in. Among these superhuman feats of Z
p modem/ancient engineering are the painting of the Pebble Work- "
~ shop and construction of hand lain rock drains. May I make a  ?
. personal interjection and say that the craftsmanship of our Main- I
p tenance employees is virtually flawless. The drains here at Wen-
  dover, especially the one near Pig Alley, actually augment the ~
i curve ofthe hillside and are exquisitely Iain. It is enough to make  V
  a Roman aqueduct builder eat his heart out! ’

t F SMFN Faculty Dinner and CNEP Graduation
On Friday, October 17, I had the honor of being present at
' the FSMFN Faculty Dinner. Virtually everyone from the educa-
, tional side of FNS was there. Dinner was prepared by our food
M service staff. Cassie and Linda Sawyers really outdid themselves
with the food. The Couriers served the tables and ensured that
everyone was right at home. We had many laughs and a good time.
Board members Bob Johnson, Dr. Anne Wasson, Ken
Tuggle and Jane Leigh Powell had the pleasure of attending the
_ CNEP graduation the following day.
A Tribute t0 Susie Hudgins
ln this issue, the staff at Wendover would like to bid Ms.
f Susie Hudgins, former author of Wendover News, a sad farewell.
Susie's genius sense of humor will be greatly missed around here.
; Susie, though a rough-as—a—cob New Englander, was a hopeless
~ Appalachian romantic. Her heart was a sea of love and compas-
 y sion.
Susie has left Wendover and moved to Georgia. Now
A "way down south in the land of Dixie", Susie has a lot of time to
reflect on her many accomplishments in life and to plan many,
‘ many more. I would like to say to Susie, "We will miss you and
don't ever lose your wonderful sense of humor!"
Snake! Snake! Snake!
S Alice Stidham from MBHC Data Processing has saved
D the day! During the fall, a somewhat hapless snake slithered into
` the Accounting Department. When the snake was discovered,
” Tammy scrambled in fear into her chair and Diane frantically
 P climbed on top of her filing cabinet! I can just imagine how
A terrified the snake was about all of this commotion. Before the
A snake could make his escape, Alice, the hero of our story, wielded
 " a hoe and killed the snake. It is uncertain as to the species of the
snake; whether he was a milk snake or a dreaded rattlesnake. All
» that matters is that Tammy and Diane were saved and able to do
payroll once again in peace.

  Courier Program News
  by Karen Thamisee
l _. ‘ _   t
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I Karen and Peach
As I look out my office window at the mountain across the i
way, only a few leaves remain on the trees. Winter is setting into `
the Cumberland Mountains - we have even been able to use the fire 1
place in the Big House. We've enjoyed an array of tours and i
ovemight guests including John Doyle who found us while riding
his bike across the country! He kept us entertained with a night full
of story telling.
We are now gearing up for the holiday activities. Our 1
Thanksgiving lunch, Christmas parties, decorating the tree . . . this »
is always an extra special time to be at Wendover. Our most recent Q
p group of Couriers are saying goodbye, but not before serving  L
i numerous dinners, continuing health education outreach in the p
l schools, rushing off on x—ray runs, and helping with the Mary  '
  Breckinridge Festival (including making multitudes of paper
Q flowers for the Wendover float!). Let me introduce you to the fall
  group:  .
  Nikki Haltmeirer came to us from Itaca, New York,
  where she recently graduated from Cornell University. Nikki is -
  interested in rural healthcare and was able to explore several

R different aspects during her stay. She spent much of her time on
, home health visits and at Beech Fork Clinic. She also enjoyed
working with Mrs. Adams' fourth grade class at Stinnett Elemen-
_ tary and spending time with Edith Wooton.
‘ Kate Sullivan from Milton, Massachusetts, is a student at
Goddard College in Vermont. Kate's interest is in women's health
care and midwifery and she was able to observe the work of the
l Hazard Prenatal Center. Kate also conducted a series of interviews
· with women from the region on their choice to breastfeed.
E Emily Achenbaum attends college at the University of
Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she is from. Emily, who spent a
couple of weeks in Leslie County working in the schools during
 I the spring of 1996, is interested in education. During her most
. recent stay at the EN S, Emily worked in the Leslie County Middle
School and tutored Cinda Morgan. She also observed surgery.
. Stacey Bank who resides in Utah, is a recent graduate of
Q the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Stacey is currently
- applying to medical schools. While in Leslie County Stacey spent
— the majority of her time observing the work of our physical
_ therapist and assisting at Stinnett Elementary School.
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Elizabeth Yellen, Stacey Bank, Kate Sullivan and Emily

Q Elizabeth (Liz) Yellen is originally from Washington, DC
j _ and recently graduated from Harvard University in Massachusetts  ·.
C (where she completed a thesis on the FNS). Liz who is applying P
  to medical schools, enjoyed observing Dr. Raghuvera in pediatrics
  and Heidi Froemke, FNP at the Wooton Clinic. Liz also assisted  "
g at Stinnett Elementary. ’ 
” F ormer Couriers  
Dan Eldridge ('94) was last in touch with us from Argen— x
_ tina! Dan wrote that he was finding many things to do, just not V
enough time and money to do it all. He found Argentina to be very —
j beautiful. We look forward to hearing where he ends up next. `
i Eric Wiesner ('96) sent a letter recently and filled us in on
his recent adventures. After working as a cook in New York City, .
Eric moved to Madison, Wisconsin, to spend time with old friends  .
before "cracking down for a few solid years of traveling and J
working". He was also able to work in the health care field as a  ·
personal assistant to a man with traumatic brain injury. At the time t
of his letter, E1ic‘s upcoming plans included a three week intern-  L
ship with the AFL-CIO's Organizing Institute and a seven week  Q
tour of the American West by motorcycle, followed by a trip
through Mexico. Eric, we anxiously await a report of your travels!
Katy Kr0pf('97) is taking time to explore other activities  l
before beginning medical school. Her current experiences include i
volunteering at a domestic violence center in her home town of .
Orrville, Ohio.  .
Michele Lee ('97) and Margaret Sawyer ( '97) both write A
that they are back in college (Harvard and Yale, respectively) and l
are much more inspired after having the opportunity to take time  ·
 1 .

 I The Christmas Pennies
- by Loucinda Jane Eppes
_ Dawn was about to break as I began my morning walk.
. The sky was tinged with a few streaks of lavender in a rose glow
 I of the sun's halo. In the mountains December is usually cold, but
this moming it was brisk enough for a walk that would be
energizing and invigorating where I could arrange my thoughts for
 i the coming work day.
I Christmas was only two weeks away and the new year,
· with all of its exciting possibilities of things yet to come was fast
· approaching and I was not ready yet. While walking I found myself
_ reflecting on the past year. My life had not been too bad but then,
I again, it had not been a particularly good year either. I knew
everyone had problems but recently I found myself frequently
feeling overwhelmed and was trying to understand why, but I had
i some ideas. Both of my parents had been ill and being one of only
. two children and in addition to living the closest and being single,
I I provided a good deal of support and care. Their illnesses and
i resulting frailty had made me realize that the time we had left
together was limited. Not having a husband or children, I could
J foresee a lonely future.
Further upheaval involved two of my closest friends. One
. had relocated to another state earlier in the year to take advantage
of ajob opportunity which would benefit her career. The other was
making a career change which was not of her choosing. These
  changes would involve restructuring the time we could be to-
gether. I wanted to support my friends as they had supported me
i in my time of need, however, in the last few months I had found
 `· myself unable to provide or receive much support. Other changes
were happening in my own work place. In the previous six or eight
months my workload had continued to increase without any
 ' corresponding monetary increase, and I had begun to experience
work related stress and resulting health problems. I felt as if my
systems were shutting down.
_ So it happened that on my moming walk. I was not only
  feeling sorry for myself but angry because I was unable to talk

  truthfully of my concems about my parents, work, or my deep
  loneliness. I thought God had forsaken me in my time of need and
I wondered how I was going to go on. I felt totally alone, felt that no  fl
one really understood or cared what was happening in my life and  :
4 felt desperately ashamed of the mess my life was in and the  ,
I emptiness of my life. I felt such repugnance for myself that I was  L
j unable to bring myselfto even talk about my emptiness either with ` 
my family or friends. Worse, I found myself unable to pray.  ,
, During my walk I happened to notice a penny on the  
sidewalk. Without thinking, I picked it up. A short time later, I  i
found another penny and stooped to pick it up. Both pennies were fi 
heads—up and I knew finding a heads-up penny was supposed to be  _
good luck. Suddenly, I realized there was a reason for my walk!  i
God had not forsaken me. He was with me and was telling me  ~
these were my "Christmas Pennies", a special gift from Him to me.  I
The pennies appeared to have been through a great deal as both E
were wom and battered. Most people probably walked by without I
giving them a second thought, assuming the pennies were worth-  A
less. Although their value was only a penny, I realized that the ‘
pennies were still valuable and were worth salvaging. Perhaps I _
did not realize that even in the darkest of times everything had  I
value and I began to think that I too had more value and was worth ` 
salvaging.  t
While it might have seemed that a multitude of problems I
caused me to feel small and lost and separate from God, my j
"Christmas Pennies" illustrated to me that I had not lost my value  
by years of daily struggles. Rather, my true value shone steadily  =
through all the vicissitudes of life. This realization served as an  V
I inspiration, helping me to get back on the path to a useful life. I
My faith was once again renewed through my "Christmas  _»~
p Pennies". They reminded me that through good times and bad, no  ,
l matter how lost or valueless we may feel, God is always with us  
i and never forsakes us . . . wejust have to open our eyes, ears, and i'
heart to His message. The tme meaning of Christmas is that  
. everyone has value and a mission. The mission is to see the value  Q
I of ourselves and our fellow man. (This szmjv is condensed due to  
limited space). i

 __ by Susan Stone
{ For the Nurse-Midwifery Program, fall is the time when
 I we celebrate our accomplishments of the past year and begin
’ planning for the new year. The reason being, it is the time for our
fall faculty meeting and graduation ceremony.
_ Our faculty meeting was attended by 40 nurse—midwifery
faculty from across the country. There were several meetings
 S during which we shared problems and did problem solving. We
, reviewed the philosophy of our school (see page 19 for FSMFN
{ Philosophy) and started work on the annual by-laws review.
 . We had speakers regarding several topics including Bal-
  ancing Your Life as a Midwife, Test Construction, and Legal
  Issues for Nurse-Midwifery Education taught by our very own
 i Chairman of the Board of FSMFN, Ken Tuggle. Thank you, Mr.
T Tuggle, for your time andeffort.
 l This year (from October 15, 1996 - October 15, 1997) we
 i graduated 1