xt7r7s7hr252 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7hr252/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1995-05-aug15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1995-05-aug15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1995-05-aug15. 1995 1995-05-aug15. 2011 true xt7r7s7hr252 section xt7r7s7hr252 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, August 15,1995.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m.
(Lexington time) on Tuesday, August 15, 1995 in the Board Room on the 18th
floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order
at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Loys Mather.

      B.    Oath of Office Administered

      Governor Breathitt asked Paul Van Booven, Associate General
Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the following members:

      Mr. Shea Chaney, who will serve as student trustee for the 1995-96
      academic year.

      Mr. Merwin Grayson, Jr., appointed by Governor Brereton C. Jones to
      replace William B. Sturgill, for a term expiring June 30, 2001.

      Mr. Billy Joe Miles, appointed by Governor Brereton C. Jones to replace
      Daniel C. Ulmer, for a term expiring June 30, 2001.

      Governor Edward T. Breathitt, reappointed by Governor Brereton C.
      Jones, for a term expiring June 30, 2001.

      President Wethington congratulated the new members and welcomed
them to the Board. He also congratulated Governor Breathitt on his
reappointment to the Board. He expressed his appreciation to Governor
Breathitt for the leadership he has provided and thanked him for his
willingness to accept another term on the Board.

      Governor Breathitt thanked President Wethington and informed the
new members that this is a united Board that is strongly behind the
administration and the President of the University. He said that everyone
will work together to advance the University as they have in the past.

      C.    R11 Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of
the roll: Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mr. Ted Bates, Mr.



Shea Chaney, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Mr. Merwin Grayson, Jr., Mr. James F.
Hardymon, Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe
Miles, Professor Jim Miller, Mrs. Elissa Plattner, Professor Deborah Powell,
Mr. Steven S. Reed, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian Moore Sims, Mrs. Lois
C. Weinberg, Mr. Martin Welenken, and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. Absent from
the meeting were Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell and Mr. Robert Clay. The
University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Ben W. Carr, James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth
Zinser; Vice Presidents Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Edward A.
Carter, and Eugene Williams; Professor Robert Lawson, Assistant to the
President for Administrative Affairs; Mr. George DeBin, Assistant to the
President for Fiscal Affairs; Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for
Academic Affairs; and Mr. Paul Van Booven, Associate General Counsel.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A
quorum being present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open
for the conduct of business at 1:06 p.m.

      D.   Approval of Minutes

      Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on
June 13, 1995 had been distributed. Mr. Shoop moved that the Minutes be
approved. Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it carried.

      E.   President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. UK had another record-breaking year for fund raising: a total of $37
         million in the 1994-95 fiscal year. The number of donors also
         increased by 24 percent to a record 40,413.

      2. A team of UK engineering students, members of UK's chapter of the
         Society of Women Engineers, has won a national championship for
         the second time in three years.

      3. Soy Protein Research by the UK metabolic research team, headed by
         Dr. James Anderson, appeared in the August 3, 1995, issue of The
         New England Journal of Medicine.

      4. The National Institute on Aging has renewed the Alzheimer's
         Disease Research Center program at UK's Sanders-Brown Center on
         Aging with a $6.4 million grant award.



     5. A UK College of Law scholarship program named in honor of the
        late Governor Bert T. Combs has exceeded its $1 million goal more
        than a year ahead of schedule.

     6. William T. Uzzle of Birmingham, Alabama, has been elected 1995-
        96 president of UK's National Alumni Association. Hank
        Thompson of Louisville was selected president-elect.

     7. New UK faculty members participated in a week-long "Our
         Kentucky" tour that began August 4 with an orientation to state

      8. Hilary J. Boone, Jr. has donated 16 works of art to the UK Art
         Museum for display in the Boone Faculty Center named in his

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in
the report at their leisure.

      F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

      President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted. Mrs. Plattner moved approval.
Her motion, seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the

      President Wethington called attention to the retirement of G. Bruce
Miller, Jr. who has been Director of the Employee Benefits Program for many
years. Mr. Miller will be retiring September 30, 1995 after 25 years of service to
the University.

      He noted that Judith R. James has been appointed Assistant Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs in the Community College System. Ms. James
was in the audience and President Wethington asked her to stand and be
recognized, following which she received a round of applause.

      G.    Lees College Actions (PR 3A)

      President Wethington said that PR 3A is a recommendation that the
Board take the following actions with respect to the proposed acquisition of
Lees College in Jackson, Kentucky, by the University of Kentucky:



      1. that the Board endorse a plan under which the University of
         Kentucky would acquire Lees College and operate it as a campus of
         the Hazard Community College,

      2. that the Board endorse a plan to use $1.1 million during 1995-96 and
         up to $1.5 million in 1996-97 and 1997-98 from the Robinson Forest
         Quasi-Endowment to operate Lees College as a campus of the
         Hazard Community College, and

      3. that the Board authorize the President to negotiate with the Board
         of Trustees of Lees College for the acquisition by gift of the College
         and to execute contracts and take such other actions as shall be
         necessary and appropriate to complete the acquisition by gift of Lees

      He asked Chancellor Ben Carr to comment on the recommendation.

      Chancellor Carr reported that the President of Lees College, the
Chairman of the Lees Board, and another Board member had met with UK
administrators to discuss the future of Lees College. He provided historical
information about the College and said that in the past several years, Lees
College had continuing financial problems which were beginning to threaten
the future of the College and its accreditation. Lees College representatives
have expressed interest to become a branch of Hazard Community College.
The University of Kentucky is interested in exploring the possibility and a
transition team, consisting of administrators and faculty from both
institutions, have been working on acquisition of the private college into the
Community College System. He said that an agreement could be finalized
this fall between the two institutions that would allow the Lees College Board
to transfer to the University of Kentucky all assets, including land, buildings,
and the remaining endowment funds. UK might then assist with the
management of Lees College as early as January 1, 1996, with completion of
the transaction no later than July 1, 1996. He explained that the acquisition is
contingent on the funds that UK must have from the Robinson Trust to
make up the difference in tuition levels of the two institutions. Dr. Carr
commented that this is an opportunity for Hazard Community College, the
Community College System and the University of Kentucky to continue
serving Breathitt County, the surrounding counties, and other students who
might wish to attend a nearby community college. UK would continue to
cooperate with Morehead State University to offer junior and senior level
courses in Jackson

      President Wethington said that he strongly believes that the University
of Kentucky and the Community College System have a responsibility to
serve Breathitt County, Jackson and the surrounding areas. He stated that
everyone is concerned about the future of Lees College because it has existed



since 1883 and has served a very useful role in the education of students,
particularly those in the mountain region. President Wethington stated that
the proposed affiliation with the University of Kentucky would be an
excellent way to insure that educational opportunity at the college level be
provided in the Breathitt County, Jackson and surrounding region. He said
that this proposal could not be made were it not for the possibility to use the
proceeds of timber and mining in Robinson Forest, and it is contingent upon
the Board approving the use of proceeds from the mining and timber in
Robinson Forest in PR 3B. He expressed his appreciation to everyone
involved in the process, especially those from Lees College. He recognized
Mr. Robert Garbesi, Chairman of the Board at Lees College, and Dr. Ed
Hughes, President of Hazard Community College, who were in the audience.

      President Wethington said that upon the Board's approval the
proposal would be taken to the Council on Higher Education for their review
and approval at the September meeting in order for the University to have
this plan in place by January 1, 1996 and a final transition of Lees College into
the University of Kentucky by July 1, 1996. President Wethington reiterated
that the proposed plan has two key conditions: 1) that Lees College is to come
to the University of Kentucky as a gift and 2) that it is to come to UK without

      President Wethington recommended that PR 3A be approved. After
receiving comments and questions from the members of the Board, Dr.
Meriwether moved approval. Mr. Grayson seconded the motion and it
carried. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

      H.   Robinson Forest Ouasi-Endowment (PR 3B)

      President Wethington said that PR 3B is a broader action in regard to
the use of the proceeds from the mining and timber in Robinson Forest. The
recommendation is that the Board approve the allocation of $3.3 million of
Robinson Forest coal and timber income to support the projects shown on the
attachment to PR 3B. These projects support the purposes of the Mountain
Fund Trust and have been recommended by the Robinson Trust Advisory
Committee and approved by the E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund Board of
Directors. He asked Mr. Carter to present the background and specifics of the

      Through a series of slides, Mr. Carter gave a brief history of Robinson
Forest. He reviewed the events leading up to the establishment of the
Robinson Trust and explained the purpose of the Trust and the areas of
emphasis. He said that the Board of Trustees authorized the creation of a
Robinson Forest Quasi-Endowment at the September 1992 meeting. He
reported that the Robinson Trust Advisory Committee had met several times
to develop guidelines and criteria as well as to review proposals and develop



recommendation for E. 0. Robinson Mountain Fund Board and the UK
Board of Trustees. After reviewing the grant guidelines and the grant criteria
for selection, he recommended that the Board approve PR 3B.

      Governor Breathitt called for questions from the Board.

      Mrs. Weinberg commented that she felt Mr. Robinson would have
appreciated the wise and judicious stewardship that the University has
attempted to make of the resources that he gave to the University. The
scholarship portion of the plan, she stated, is an attempt to help Eastern
Kentucky plan for the generations to come and to keep residents in the
region. She said that the young adults are leaving every day. She urged the
Board to do what it can to turn that tide and find productive jobs and
endeavors for the people in Eastern Kentucky.

      President Wethington recommended the approval of PR 3B. On
motion made by Mr. Wilcoxson, seconded by Mr. Shoop and carried, PR 3B
was approved. Governor Breathitt said that PR 3A was contingent on the
approval of PR 3B; therefore, PR 3A was approved. (See PR 3B at the end of
the Minutes.)

      President Wethington said that he believes that the opportunity to use
these funds from mining and timber in Robinson Forest is a wonderful
opportunity for the University. The administration is proposing that these
funds be spent in Eastern Kentucky in support of the betterment of the people
in the mountain region, which is extremely important to the state. He
expressed appreciation for the work that the Committee has done in getting to
the point to make this recommendation and for the fine cooperation that the
University has had with the Mountain Fund Board. The Mountain Fund
Board has participated in the development of these proposals and has acted
on them prior to their coming to the Board for consideration. He thanked the
members of the Board for their approval.

      I.   Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4A)

      President Wethington recommended that the degrees specified in PR
4A be awarded to the persons named, upon certification that the
requirements for those degrees have been satisfactorily completed. Mr.
Welenken moved approval. His motion was seconded by Professor Miller
and carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)



     J.   Appointment of President. Jefferson Community College (PR

     President Wethington said that PR 4B recommends that Dr. Richard
Green be named President of Jefferson Community College effective August
15, 1995. He asked Chancellor Carr to comment on Dr. Green's appointment.

     Chancellor Carr reviewed the search process and Dr. Green's superb
credentials. He said that Dr. Green was strongly supported by the Search
Committee and expressed pleasure in recommending Dr. Green's

     President Wethington said that he was pleased to recommend the
appointment of Dr. Green as President of Jefferson Community College. On
motion made by Professor Miller, seconded by Mrs. Sims and carried, PR 4B
was approved. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.)

     Dr. Green was asked to stand and be recognized, following which he
received a round of applause.

     K.   Naming of University Building - Elizabethtown Community
College (PR AC)

     President Wethington said that PR 4C involves the naming of a
University building. He noted that PR 4C and 4D are for Elizabethtown
Community College and asked Chancellor Carr to comment on them.

     Chancellor Carr expressed pleasure in recommending that the Board
approve the name of James M. Collier Learning Resource Center for the
Learning Resource Center at Elizabethtown Community College. He said that
Dr. Collier, founder of the North Central Kentucky Education Foundation in
Elizabethtown, was instrumental in bringing the community college to the
Elizabethtown area. The Foundation continues to provide invaluable
financial support and community support for Elizabethtown Community
College. This recommendation has the approval of the faculty, the Advisory
Board, the North Central Kentucky Education Foundation, and the Naming
University Buildings Committee. He recommended approval of PR 4C.

     President Wethington recommended approval of the name James M.
Collier Learning Resource Center for the Learning Resource Center at
Elizabethtown Community College. On motion made by Professor Miller,
seconded by Mr. Grayson and carried, PR 4C was approved. (See PR 4C at the
end of the Minutes.)



      L.   Naming of University Building - Elizabethtown Community
College (PR 4D)

      Chancellor Carr reported that Dr. James S. Owen served as
director/president of Elizabethtown Community College from the fall of 1964
through the spring of 1987. Under his leadership, the college acquired a
talented and dedicated faculty and staff and a reputation for producing some
of the finest college graduates that continued their education at the
University of Kentucky and other four-year institutions. He said that many
of the programs and initiatives that Dr. Owen started are still hallmarks of
distinction at the College. Under Dr. Owen's guidance, the institution went
from a few hundred students to over 4,000 students at the time of his
retirement. He reported that the recommendation has the support of the
faculty, the Advisory Board and the North Central Kentucky Education
Foundation. He recommended that the Administration Building be named
the James S. Owen Administration Building at Elizabethtown Community

      President Wethington said that he could not think of a more
appropriate recommendation to bring to the Board than the naming of this
building for Dr. James S. Owen. He noted that Dr. Owen has been retired for
several years, and this recognition is extremely well deserved. He said that he
was delighted to recommend the name James S. Owen Administratiaon

      Mr. Reed moved approval. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion and it
passed. (See PR 4D at the end of the Minutes.)

      M.   Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5A)

      President Wethington said that PR 5A is a recommendation regarding
degrees for the University System. The recommendation is that the President
be authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the list
presented in PR 5A the degree to which he/she is entitled, upon certification
by the Registrar and approval by the University Senate, that the individual
has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which
application has been made. Professor Powell moved approval. Her motion,
seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)



     N.   Appointments to University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation (PR 5B)

     President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the
appointment of Mr. Dennis Hatfield and Mr. Kevin Crutchfield as members
of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Mining Engineering
Foundation for four-year terms. He noted that these appointees were
unanimously elected to the Board of Directors at their May 1995 meeting. Mr.
Reed moved approval. Mrs. Sims seconded the motion, and it passed. (See
PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

      0.   Report of Leases (FCR 1)

      Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Committee met at 11:30 a.m. and reviewed eleven items for Board action.
He said that FCR 1 is the routine Report of Leases. He noted that the report
contained two new leases and one renewal of lease. He said that the leases
did not exceed $30,000 in value and moved approval of FCR 1. Mrs.
Weinberg seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the

      P.   Capital Construction Report (FCR 2)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 2 is the twelve month report on capital
construction, and these reports are received quarterly. He mentioned that
work had been done to insure that the report is a complete summary. He
reviewed one of the projects to illustrate the change and moved approval of
FCR 2. His motion, seconded by Dr. Meriwether, carried. (See FCR 2 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      Q.   1995-96 Budget Revisions (FCR 3)

      On motion made by Mr. Hardymon, seconded by Mr. Shoop and
carried, the 1995-96 Budget Revisions were approved. (See FCR 3 at the end of
the Minutes.)

      R.   Copyright Assignment (FCR 4)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 4 is a copyright assignment for an
Automated Inspection System for Wheel Weld. The software provides the
computer program necessary to implement the method and apparatus
provided for in a U.S. patent application relating to an automated inspection
system for wheel welds. He moved approval of the copyright assignment.
Mr. Welenken seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 4 at the end of
the Minutes.)



      S.   Anonymous Gift (FCR 5)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 5 recommends that the Board accept a gift
of $1,020,000 from a grateful patient's family which wishes to be anonymous,
and authorize the establishment of an endowed chair in the Department of
Gastroenterology in the College of Medicine. On motion made by Mr.
Hardymon, seconded by Dr. Meriwether and carried, FCR 5 was approved.
(See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      T.   Anonymous Bequest (FCR 6)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept the initial distribution of
$300,000 from an anonymous bequest to Madisonville Community College's
Partners in Progress Campaign. He noted that this gift is for the student
scholarship endowment at Madisonville Community College. Mrs. Sims
seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

      U.   Establishment of David I. Carter Professorship in Cardiology
Research (FCR 7)

      Mr. Hardymon noted that Mr. Carter, who was an Associate Vice
President for Facilities Planning and Management at the University of
Kentucky prior to his retirement, had been instrumental in assisting with a
gift to the University to endow a chair. The chair is in the name of his late
wife, Janet Carter, and this gift is in recognition of the patient care provided by
the Medical Center to his late wife. He moved that the Board authorize the
establishment of an endowed professorship in the College of Medicine,
Department of Medicine, to be entitled the David I. Carter Professorship in
Cardiology Research. His motion, seconded by Professor Powell, carried. (See
FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

      V.   Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation Gifts and Pledge (FCR 8)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept gifts totaling $254,000 from
the Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation, New York, as payment toward a $348,000
pledge to the Department of Veterinary Science in the College of Agriculture.
The gift will support a number of post-graduate research assistantships; and
each student receiving support will be known as a "Geoffrey C. Hughes
Scholar." He noted that the late Mr. Hughes, an international thoroughbred
owner and breeder, had a life-long interest in horses and equestrian sports.
Mr. Shoop seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 8 at the end of the



      W. John N. Miracle Pledge (FCR 9)

      Mr. Hardymon moved that the Board accept a pledge from John M.
Miracle in excess of $100,000 in support of intercollegiate and club sports
competition at the University. His motion was seconded by Mr. Reed and
carried. (See FCR 9 at the end of the Minutes.

      X.   Rockwell International Suspension System. Inc. and Mitsubishi.
Inc. Gifts and Pledges (FCR 10)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 10 recommends that the Board accept gifts
and pledges totaling $259,000 from Rockwell International Suspension
Systems, Inc., and Mitsutishi, Inc. and Rockwell's wholly-owned subsidiary,
Allen-Bradley, Inc., to the Regional Technology Seed Fund of Hopkinsville
Community College's Partners in Progress Campaign. The two companies are
committed to the technology center and workforce development. Rockwell
will make five $15,000 annual payments through 1999, Mitsubishi will make
five $6,000 annual payments through 1999, and Allen-Bradley Inc., will give
computer equipment valued at $154,000 over a three-year period beginning
this year. He moved approval of FCR 10. Mr. Chellgren seconded the
motion, and it passed. (See FCR 10 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Y.   Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky accepting the Successful Bid for the Purchase of $12.025.000 (plus or
minus up to $1.200.000) Principal Amount of University of Kentucky
Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds. Series 0. Dated August
1. 1995 (FCR 11)

      Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 11 is a resolution accepting the successful
bid for the purchase of $12,025,000 principal amount of University of
Kentucky Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series 0,
dated August 1, 1995. The majority of the money is for the new parking
structure on Limestone Street across from the Administration Building.
Some money will go toward the laboratories in the College of Dentistry. He
reported that five bids were received, and they were extremely close. J.J.B.
Hilliard, W. L. Lyons, Inc. submitted the most attractive bid at 5.7119%. He
moved approval of the Resolution. His motion, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson,
carried. (See FCR 11 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Z.   Resolutions

      Professor Powell presented the following Resolution to the Board in
appreciation of the service of Professor John Sistarenik:

         John served from July 1992 to June 30, 1995 as the elected
         representative of the faculty of the Community colleges. During



     that time he worked hard to ensure that the interests and concerns
     of the faculty he represented were made known to members of the
     Board. During his tenure on the Board, John was steadfast in his
     devotion to the interests of faculty and students and to balancing
     these with the goals and aspirations of the leadership of the
     University. We admire him as our colleague and wish to thank
     him for his service to the University of Kentucky as we welcome
     the new representative from the Community College System to the
     Board of Trustees.

     Therefore, be it resolved that the members of the University of
     Kentucky Board of Trustees offer their appreciation to Professor
     John Sistarenik for his meritorious service as a member of the
     Board from 1992 to 1995 and for his continued dedication to the
     goals and programs of the University of Kentucky.

     Governor Breathitt called for a motion of approval. Mrs. Plattner
moved approval. Her motion, seconded by Mr. Reed, carried.

      Professor Mather offered the following Resolution honoring Mr.
Scott Crosbie:

      WHEREAS, Scott Crosbie has served his student constituents twice
      on the Board of Trustees, first as President of the Student
      Government Association during the 1991-92 Academic Year and
      again this year being elected at a special election as student trustee,

      WHEREAS, on issues before the Board of Trustees, he articulated
      student views and concerns tactfully and factually, and

      WHEREAS, he worked diligently and effectively for the good of his
      constituency within the policy-making and administrative systems
      of the University, and

      WHEREAS, he has proven himself an excellent listener as well as
      an eloquent and effective speaker on matters at issue before the
      Board, and

      WHEREAS, he has, in all matters, conducted himself with
      decorum, thoughtfulness, and consideration of the opinions and
      feelings of others,



        NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that his colleagues on the
        University of Kentucky Board of Trustees do formally declare their
        deep appreciation and gratitude to

                           MR. SCOTIT A. CROSBIE

         for his meritorious service and dedication to duty as a member of
         the UK Board of Trustees and for his exemplary service to the
         University of Kentucky during the 1991-92 and 1994-95 Academic

      Governor Breathitt entertained a motion of approval. On motion
made by Mrs. Sims, seconded by Mr. Shoop and passed, the Resolution was

      Governor Breathitt said that both Resolutions were very appropriate
and they expressed the feelings of the entire Board.

      Mr. Wilcoxson made a motion that Resolutions be prepared for Mr.
William B. Sturgill and Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer for their service on the Board.
Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it passed. Governor Breathitt
directed the legal staff to prepare Resolutions for Mr. Sturgill and Mr. Ulmer.

      AA. Meeting Adjourned

      There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2:36 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                          Lois C. Weinberg
                                          Board of Trustees

(PR 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 5A, 5B; FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 which
follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                                                   PR 2

Office of the President
August 15, 1995

Members, Board of Trustees:

                                PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments, actions and/or other
staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or
changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff changes require
approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations
of the University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain appointments and/or other staff
changes is delegated to the President or other administrators who are required to report their
actions to the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken:


U Disapproved


J Other






      Employee Benefits

      Boyanowski, Francis E., Disabled Staff, Employee Benefits, after 18.75
          consecutive years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section III.B, effective

      Vice President for Information Systems

      Leigh, Anne P., Scientific Programmer Analyst Lead, Computing Center,
          after 13.75 years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section II.B, effective

      Vice President for Management and Budget

      Baber, Gayle D., Staff Auditor 11, Management and Organization, after
          29.0 consecutive years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section 1Il.B,
          effective 7/31/95.


      Human Resource Services

      Miller, Jr., G. Bruce, Assistant Director, Employee Benefits, after 25.25
          years of service, under AR 11-1.6-1 Section 11.A.2, effective 9/30/95.

       Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

       Mcllwain, Laura J., Data Librarian, Tobacco and Health Research Institute,
          after 23.0 years of service, under AR 11-1.6.1 Section 11I.A.2, effective




               Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies

               Crowe, M. Ward, Director of the Division of Laboratory Animal Resources
                  (part-time), 7/1/95 through 9/30/95.



               Vice President for Information Systems

               Hale, Gracic, Librarian IV,