xt7r7s7hr24g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r7s7hr24g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1926-04-apr13. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-04-apr13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1926-04-apr13. 1926 1926-04-apr13. 2011 true xt7r7s7hr24g section xt7r7s7hr24g 

     Mirnutes of the regular quarttrl y meeting of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Tuesday, April 13,

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
regular quarterly session in the President's office of the Uni-
vorsity at 11:30 a. mi., Tuesday, April 13, 1926.  The following
members were present: Governoz Fields, Mr. E. B. Webb, Senator
H. M. Froman, Superintendent McHenry Rhoads, Mr. Frank McKee,
Judge P. C. Stoll, Mr. Lewis IM. Lebus, MrT. Louis Hi]lenmeyer,
Mr. J. W. Webb and. Mr. P. J. Bassett.  President Frank L. McVey
met with the Board.

     The minutes of the Board of Trustees for December 8. 1925
and the minutes of the Executive Committee since that time were
approved as published.

     1. Report of the Business A ent.   The report of the Busi-
ness Agent was read and ordered incorporated in the minutes.
The report was as follows:

Statement of Income and Expenditures
      Month of March 1926

General Fund Income
Federal Appropriation
Vocational Education Board
Special Agricul. Appro.
State Te.x                   5
Int. on Endowment Bonds
Int. on Liberty Bonds
Chemistry Bldg. Fund (,Binghamn
   Tax Int. Cers .)
 Chemistry Bldg. Fund (Bingham
   Tax Int.)
 Student Fees
    ni     I - Vet. Bureau
              - Summrer School
           " - Univ. High
    n      nt_ TTwri i v.F T+.



Previously  Cutrent.
Reported    Mohth


99, 575.08

85, 84S. 52
61l38. 00



I  Year
    To Date

.48 580,821.49

           99, 57 5 t08

  133.86  85.983.38
   12.00  24,480.21
   250.00   3,740.00
5,878.88  23,778.40
1,019.93   8,166.4'0
   60.50 6_198.50
55,973.65 914,245.43

-a.|v  .s u



  Administration Expense
  Additions & Betterments

368, 700.08
124,810. 50
75,202. 05
568 712-. 63

51 754. 08
17,002. 50
9,027 - 29
77 ;763.87

141,813 .00
22 29 4

  Excess of Income over Exp.
Girls' Halls Income
  Roorn Rent - Summer School
  Additions & Betterments
  Excess of Exp. over Inc.

General Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures

289,559.15  (21.810.22) 267,748.931

37, 711.09
2, 222,25

46,835. 55

617,554. 78

Excess of General Fund Income
over Expenditures          280,650.34
Excess of Receipts over Exp.
for General Ledger Acots.    8,152.35
1924-1925 Aocts. Payable
liquidated during Cur. Yr. (67,718.45)
Excess of Recei.pts over Ext.
for fiscal. yr. to date -
General Fund               221,084.24
Excess of Receipts over Exp.
for fiscal yr. to date - General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - General Fun
Cash in Bank March 31, 1926 - General F

Trust Fund Income
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Notes Paid
       Total Receipts

  Student Notes

5,950. 49


     Total                    5X731.75  -
Excess of Rec. over Exp.        218.74
Excess of Receipts over Exp.
for fiscal yr. to date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank March 31, 1926 - Trust Fund

3,840.88   41,551,97
             2,222.. 25
  840 . 38  4 3 .-14. 22

5,659.15   52)494-70
             2 , 006 q660
   .659(  5 .E 54 1 5-01 30
( 1,813,27) (1.0,727.08)

.59,814.53 958,019.65
83, 443.,02  700,9907.80

(23,628.49) (257,021,85



(29s,s82. 41) 191,401.83

Ad           (5, 255. 72)
und          126,106-11

.1 ,574.78

1,520 .00
  172. 5

1,748. 52
5, 944. 52

7, 301. 75


(3973,55-) (71,,92-00)



Ex-eoiriment Station Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.       11,250,00
  Milk & Butter - Cash Rec.     9,258.01.   1,250.7
  Beef Cattle Sales             1,700.18
  Dairy Cattle Sales              586.23      142.3
  Sheap Sales                     948.67
  Swine Sales                   3,180.39      117.0
  Poultry Sales                 2,093.76      209.5
  Farm Produce Sales            3,261.81      183.1
  Horticultural Sales           1,224.85       27,8
  Seed Test                        680.0        6.0
  Rentals                       1,140.42       89,7
  -Miscellaneous                13,810.00      720.5
  Fertilizer - Fees            17,277.75    5,228.7
  Public Service - St. Appro.   9,0000o0
  Public Servioe - Misc.           87.96       24a3
  Feeding Stuffs - Fees        32,187.86    4,218.31
  Adams Federal Appro.         11,250.00
  Serum - Sales                 3,836.59      384.2
        - Virus Sales             190.55       l9-.C
        - Live Stock Sales        134.30      485.C
        - Supply Sales            100.45        6,  
        - Misocellaneous           13.18       14."
  State Appropriation          32,980.04
  Creamery - License Fees       1,734.50       34.,E
           - Testers Licenses   1,022.00       58.C
           - Glassware Tested     399.27       47.E
           - Miscellaneous          1.29
  Pobinson - St. Appro.         9,425.93
  w. Ky. - St. Arpro.          11,507.20
  Purnell - Federal Appro.     l5 00fl00
       Total                  _94, _ _1._2413_27_&_ .
Expenditures                               1
  Expense                     192,027.86   25, 533.,
  Additions & Betterments      14;921.77      157.(
       Total                  206,949.63   25 690.;
  Excess of Exp. over Inc..   (12,2 8.39) 12,4l1.~
  Petty Cash Returned.            300,00
  Excess of Exp. over eeop.   (11, 99P8.39) (12, 41.1,
  Excess of Exp. over Pecp.
  for fiscal yr. to date - Experiment Station
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Expea.iment Station
  Cash in Bank March 31. 1926 - Experiment Station
Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever         152,241.30
  Foderal Sunplementary        45,100.93
  State Smith-Lever            61,248 .90
  County and Other              2, 488, 1       65.
       Totval                 2R1.c08G04        65.

11. 250. 00
   I?8 . 60
   948. 67
 3, 297. 3T9
 2,303. 55
 3 ,444.94
 1, 252. 70
    7 4 00
 14,530 .51
36, 406.19
   107. 40
   447 .07
207.92, ,.55

(C4,710. 34)


261 145.04










?I 6

-  -I  -- :  




  Expense                     219,009.81   26,285.99  245,385.80
  Excess of Income over
    Expenditures               41,980.23  (26,220.99) 15,759.24
  Excess of Income over Exp.
    for fiscal yr. to date - Extension Division        15,759.24
  Cash in Bank July 1, 1925 - Extension Division        1,321.99
  Cash in Bank March 31, 1926 - Extension Division    17,081.23

  General Fund Income
  Trust Fund Income
  Experiment St. Income
  Extension Div. Income

General Fund Expenditures
Trust Fund Expenditures
Experiment St.. Exp.
Extensio'n Div. Exp.

   1 ,580p 75
1, 355,517.15

      301. 75

59,814.53 958019 .65
   167.77    1 ,748. 52
13,278.31  207;929.55
    65.00  261,145.04
73,325.61 1,428,842.'76

83,443.02  700,997.80
    50.00      351.75
25,690.26  232,639.89
26,285.99 245,385.80
135,469.27 1,1793375.24

Excess of Inc. over Exp.    311,611.18  (62,143.66) 249,467.52
Excess of Reop. over Exp.
  for General Ledger Acote.   8,152.35   (2,080.37)   6,071.98
Student Loan Fund - Notes    (1,060.2.6)    54.78    (1,005.48)
1924-1925 Accts. Payable
  liquidated during Current
  Year                      (67,718.45)   (3,973.55) (71,f692.00)
Excess of Reop. over Exp.
  for fiscal yr. to dae -
  Combined Fund             250,984.82   (68,142.80) 182,842.02
Excess of Recp. over Ex p.
..for fiscal yr. to date - Combined Fund            182,842.02
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1925 - Comb. Fund   (34,498.13)
Cash in Bank and on hand March 31, 1926 - Comb.Fund 148,343.89

     Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expendi-
tures as "Excess of Peceipts over Expenditures for General Ledger
Accounts $6,071.98. "

Accounts Receivable
Insurance Paid in Advance
Sundry Accounts

Debit      Credit
           7,421 .10
8,763.03  14,835.01


     2. marterly Report of the PResident.    Th.e President made
an infornmal report covering the geiieral situattien at the Un.ivc
sity of Kentucky at the present time.   His repcr-c.-i in sub-,ta- ioe
was a  follows:

        (a) Attendance.  The attendance for the present year
   is as follows:

                   Residence Students ......... 2321
                   Summer Session Students .... 1331
                   Students in Extension Courses
                      for College Credit, inoludl  -
                      ing Correspondence Courses 1 098
        This is an enrollment in all departmren8ts of a little
   over four thousand.   The probable increase for next year
   in residence students will be about two hundred, making a
   total of some twenty-five hundred students.   The problem
   which arises in handling the new students is one of spave
   and room.

        (b) Finances.  The finances of the institution are in
   the best condition that they have been in during the past
   seven or eight years.   The indebtedness at the present time
   is less than it has been.   It is eetimated that we shall
   have a surplus for building of approximately $100,000.    It
   is hoped that a surplus of something like the same amount
   may be available next year.   It this is trbole it will be
   possible for the University to do some building out of its
   own income.

        (c) University Plant.   The University plant is in fair
   condition.   Most of our buildings are old and need con-
   stant repair.   The heating system is in excellent condition.
   we have nine heating plants and in addition, two heating
   plants on the Patterson Hall campus.   This means smoke and
   extra labor.

        (d) Legislation Affecting the University.   At the last
   session of the Legislature a number of measures were passed
   which affected the University.

        1. In the Budget Bill the University received an appro-
  priation of $150,000 distributed over a period of two years
  for the payment of the women's dormitory; $20,000 will be.
  available over a period of two years for the conduct of the
  summer school; $35,375 weas appropriated, olver a period. of two
  years for th e purchase of lend; the usual appropriation of
  $20,000 for the Experiment Station at Princeton and $25,000
  for the Experiment Station at Quicksand were placed in the
  budget.          t  



     2. The State Budget Bill introduced by Senator Stephen-a
son has been modified so as to make it workable for the edus
cational institutions of the State,

     3, A Purchasing Bill was passed providing for a Pur-
chasing Cormission and placitg all purchases for all insti-
tutions in the hands of the commission.   The commission is
now in process of organization and will be ready for the
conduct of business by July 1.

     The Inheritance Tax Law was modified.   It did not
change the 1924 Inheritance Tax Law except in the matter of
redistributing the income received under that law.   The new
arrangement gives the University 50%0; Western Teachers Col-
leze 25%-; Eastern Teachers College 12ilo; Morehead and Murray
State Normal each 6r1o.  The income of the University may
be increased in the neighborhood of $100,000 by reason of
tha change.

     A new Certification Bill was passed which is in the
main a recodification of the old certification measure under
which the University of Kentucky has been issuing certifi-
cates for a number of years.

     The Legislature passed the resolution accepting the
Purnell Act of Congress,   This act provides for an appro-
priation of $20,000 for research in Rural Econormics, Soci-
ology And Home Eeonomics.   The Act of Congress provides
that no state will be required to appropriate money, but
must pass an act accepting the provisions of the law,
The last Legislature adopted the measure and *the University
of Kentucky will now receive funds under the Purnell Act.

     (e) Construction of Buildings and Plans for the Grounds.
The first building that should be built will be the Memorial
building.   The money collected for this building has been
available for sometime and building should be started..
The idea at the present time seemrQs to be the construction
of a Memorial Chapel.   The location of such a building is
a matter of some question asnd we ought to determine rather
definitely where the building should be located.

     A library and recitation hall should be built.   Both
are greatly needed.   it is probable that the library should
be built, relieving the situation in the present library
and avoiding the problem of location which we have to de-
termine before building a rccization building.   We could
probably build a section of a projected library of some kind
at an approximate cost of $1C0,000.   The library would re-
lieve congestion and provide for a stack-room for about
75,000 books.   We could use the space vacated by the present



  library reading room for additional recitation rooms.

       If possible we should have some small addition to the
  Art building on Winslow Street.   At the present time there
  is no place available for some excess equipment, packing and
  storing of pictures and materials.

       The roads on the University campus will have to remain
  very much as they are until new plans can be developed..   M~r.
  White, of the University of Illinois, who has been engaged
  to work on plans has made a tentative report and wve are at-
  tempting to study the plans so as to make sure that the
  recommendations are workable.

        (f) Changes in the Board.   The following changes in
  the Board have been made:  Judge Wells has resigned to be-
  come President of the Murray Normal School and his place has
  been filled by the appointment of W. J. Webb of Mayfield.
  Mr. W. H. Grady has been succeeded by Mr. E. B. Webb.    Mr.
  Frank McKee and Mr. Turner have been reappointed, Mr. J. M.
  Finch, of Minerva, succeeds Mr. Lebus.

        (g) Retirement Plans.   The question of retirement
  plans is still a matter for consideration and it is mention-
  ed at this time so that it may be brought to the attention
  of the Board.   (At this point Governor Fields made the
  statement that at his request at the December meeting of the
  Board the question for retirement plans for the University
  had been postponed until after the meeting of the Legislature
  and he suggested that the chairman appoint a committee to
  take the question of retirement under consideration.     A
  motion was made, seconded and carried that such a committee
  be appointed and the Governor appointed the following per-
  sons:  Dr. Edward Wiest, Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer and Mr. E.
  B. Webb.)

     3. Election of a Member of Executive Committee.    The Board
of Trustees proceeded to the election of a member of the Exec-
utive Commnittee to succeed Mr. R. T. "Tells, Prid Mr. Frank McKee
was elected.

     4. Contract for Stock-Judgin  Building.    A motion was made,
seconded and carried that the contract for brick for the work on
the stock judging building be let to Mr. Robert Hogan.

     5. Inheritance Tax Law.   A statement was made to the Board
that the Inheritance Tax Law is being tested in the Court of Ap-
peals and that the matter is to come up at once for oral argu-
ment before that court.   A motion was made, seconded and carried
authorizing the President to employ counsel to represent the
University in this matter.



     67 Organizatjion of the Department of 'olitical Science.  On
recomrmendation of President McVey a motion was mlde , seconded and
carried that a department of Political Science tbe crganizedL

     7. University Option on Purchase of Patterson Faeon.  A -ten-
tion was called to the option on the C. B. Patterson farm for
which the Legislature made an appropriation.   A Motion was made,
seconded and carried that the option of the University be closed
and that the President of the University be authorized to take
the necessary steps to complete the matter.

     8. Fraternities Required to have House Mothers.   A motion
was made, seconded and carried that fraternities be required to
supply house mothers not later than January 1, 1927.

     9. Resignations.   The resignation of Dr. 7W. W. ZSick ef-
fective July 24, 1926 was presented and accepted.

     10. Appointments.   Under recommendation of President McVey,
Mr. Paul C. Taylor was appointed as Associate Professor of Ac-
counting in the College of Commerce at a salary of 832OO a year,
effective the beginning of the next semester.

     Appointment of Mrs. Mary B. Tate, stenographer, Department
of Hygiene and Public Health, to take Mrs. Beheler s place.
Salary $85 a month, effective April 12, 1926.

     11. Fraternity Houses on the Campus.   MT Hugh Merriwoather
appeared before the Board and made a statemtent advocating a plan
for the building of fraternity houses on the University campus.
The matter was discussed at length and Mr. E. B. Webb and Mr.
Louis Hillenmeyer, who had previously been appointed as a com-
mittee to make a report, stated that they would like to Bee a
plan worked out whereby the University could acquire land upon
which to build fraternity houses, but that under the plan sug-
gested by Mr. Merriweather they doubted whether the University
could legally enter into an arrangement of this kind.   Upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried th3 report was received
and the committee discharged.

     12. Budget for 1926-1927.   The budget of the University for
the year 1926-1927 was presented by President MoVey and consid-
ered at length by the Board.   A motion was made, seconded and
carried that the budget as presented be accepted as the basis for
expenditures for the fiscal year 1926-1927.

     13. Next Meeting of the Board to be May 29.   A motion was
made, seconded and carried that the Board adjourn to meet at 11:30
a. in., Saturday, May 29, 1926.

                                        Respectfully submitted
                                           Wellington Patrick