xt7r4x54jh9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54jh9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1951-07-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 06, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 06, 1951 1951 1951-07-06 2023 true xt7r4x54jh9s section xt7r4x54jh9s 1"



An old cowboy and ranchman
turned historian will tell some ab-
sorbing tales of the old West to-
night at 8 pm. in Guignol Theatre.
Dr. Thomas D. Clark. head of the
History Department. has announced.

Dr. Edward Everett Dale. research
professor of history at Oklahoma
University. who will give an en-
thusiastic interpretation of the
West in his distussion of "The
Spirit of the Frontier.“ is appearing
as a Blazer lecturer under the
sponsorship of the History Depart-
ment. There will be no admission

Lectures of a public nature are
sponsored regularly by the History
Department through a fund given
annually by Mr. and Mrs. Paul G.
Blazer of Ashland. Mrs. Blazer is a
member of the University Board of

TIONALLY as a charming story
teller and has a great reputation as
a humorist." Dr. Clark stated. “Many
will probably recall his popular lec-
tures given here at the University
two years ago."

The noted historian has lived
much of the Western life on which
he will be lecturing. Ranching in
Texas and Oklahoma was all he
know until he turned to country
school teaching at the age of 23
shortly after the turn of the century.

As his yen for teaching and his-
tory of the West increased..he pre-
pared himself further for his aca-
demic career. He was graduated
from Central State Teachers Col-
lege of Oklahoma in 1909. and in
1911 received his AB. degree from
Oklahoma University. He earned his
MA. degree from Harvard in 1914
and his PhD. in 1922.

ING has been at Oklahoma Uni-
versity. where he first held the po—
sition of instructor in history in
1914. His successive positions were
professor of history and head of the
department. 1924 to 1942. and grad-
uate professor of history and di-
rector of the Frank Phillips collec-
tion for the year 1942-1943. He has
been research professor of history
since 1943. .

Dr. Dale has written extensively

BeSt copy Available



of his native area. Besides “A His-
tory of Oklahoma." he has turned
Range Cattle History“ and “Cow
Country." Tales of lore are re-
corded in such books as “Frontier
Trails." “A Rider of the Cherokee
Strip,“ and “Tales of the Tepee."

also done research work at places
other than at Oklahoma University.
In 1925 he was a collaborator in his-
torical research for the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture and in
1926-1927 was a member of the
Indian Survey Commission of the
US. Institute for Government Re-

He holds membership in and is
former president of the Mississippi
Valley Historical Association; Agri-
cultural Historical Association; and
the Oklahoma State Folk Lore As-
sociation. He also holds member—
ship in the American Historical As-
sociation. the Southern Historical
Association. the Oklahoma Histor-
ical Association, and Phi Beta Kap-

Prof. Gillis Measures Life
By Service, Not Success


The life of Prof. Ezra L Gillis

would make a touching novel. It
would be the story of a man who
measures life not by years or by
popular succes. but by the service
he is able to render to his fellow
Prof. Gillis. who heads UK's
Bureau of Source Materials for
Higher Biucation. has contributed
the University and the State of
Kentucky. Inst year he was.the re-
cipient of the University‘s Sullivan
Medallion. a presentation made an-
nually to the Commonwealth's “out-
standing citinn of the year."

In this ceremony. President Dono-
van mid him the kind of tribute
which can come only from lasting
affection and respect. Prof. Gillis
taught Herman Lee Donovan in
high school. Dr. Donovan recently
said any success he has made was
due greatly to the influence of Prof.

The genial professor keeps a
quotation in his office which is an
insight into his philosophic nature.
It reads: “You can do a lot of good
in the world if you don‘t care who
gets the credit." The August. 1947.
edition of “The Kentucky Alumnus"
carried the pictures and biographical

sketches of UK alums killed during
World War II. Gathering the neces-
sary information was quite a job.
The credit was due Prof. Gillis but
he did not want it said. in the

IN 1942 PROF. GILLIS was
honored at a Chicago luncheon
given by his former students. Prof.
Gillis seems to relish this tribute.
partly. it seems. because he was
honored that day by a lengthy poem
composed by J. T. Cotton Noe, UK
professor and poet laureate of Ken-
tucky. The poem ended thus:

Those incidents and anecdotes

That grip our minds, sometimes
our throats.

Another proof of Nature‘s plan—

The Boy is Father of the Man.

"If anyone feels himself indis-
pensable. he should fill a bucket
with water. put his finger in. then
take a look at the hole that is left."
This is a quotation tpyical of the

Prof. Gillis was born in 1867 in a
log house on Beaver Creek in An-
derson County. Kentucky. He be-
gan teaching in 1884.

In 1899 he came to Lexington
and attended Transylvania College
and in 1902 he went to Mason
County as president of Minerva Col-

Prof. Gillis came to UK in 1907
as an instructor in the Normal De-
partment. Later he became an as-
sistant professor. In 1910 he became
the first UK registrar, and served
in that capacity until 1937. It was
on this occasion that Dr. Donovan

ED on the faculty of the University
in 1907. the office of registrar was
virtually unknown in university
circles. You dignified this office
and made it one of the most im-
portant administrative agencies of a

Prof. Gillis was called on to train
many of the registrars of other col-
leges and universities. He helped
organize the American Association
of Collegiate Registrars and served
as secretary-treasurer and as presi—
dent of the organization.

In 1937 Prof. Gillis reached 70.
That is the retirement age for UK
personnel but he refused to quit
work. He founded and for 14 years
has directed the Bureau of Source
Materials in Higher Education. .

The Professor saw the University
of Kentucky grow from infancy. He
possesses all sorts of illustrated
anecedotes concerning UK. He is
an institution within himself.


Sociology Department Sponsors
Study In Inter-Group Relations

The Sociology Department in co-
operation with the Commission on
Mutational Organizations of the
National Conference of Christians
and Jews is presently conducting a
Seminar in Inter-group Relations

Awarding to Dr. Gordon W. Love-
J'oy. consultant for the seminar. this
is the first inter—racial seminar in
this field to be conducted in the

The purpose of the course is to
sensitize people to an awareness of
inter-group situations and to study
some of the approaches that can
be used in an effort to lessen any
tension in a situation that may exist.

The group is made up primarily
of teachers. with ministers and a
housewife. who is a community
worker. completing the class of 26.
The students are from Kentucky.
Tennessee. Virginia. Georgia. Ala-
bama. Mississippi. and Louisiana.

The class meets daily from 8 to
11:15 am. and on Monday. Wednes-
day. and Friday the group lunches
together in the Student Union
Building. The Seminar is offered

on a graduate or undergraduatef

level with six hours credit in so-
ciology or three in education and
three in sociology.

Dr. Lovejoy is being assisted by’

Dr. Roscoe Giffin. chairman of the
Department of Sociology at Berea.
Ky. and Jerome Lauliclit. graduate

Bob Butler Appointed

Bob Butler. College of Commerce
junior. has been appointed repre-
sentative for Chesterfield cigarettes.
His duties are to make contacts on
the campus for the Chesterfield pro-
motion program.

Wclch Ninth New Dean
At UK In Five Years

The appomtment of Dr. Frank J.
Welch. Dean of the College of Agri-
culture and Home Economics. makes
the ninth new academic division
head within a period of less than
five years.

Since September. 1942. each of
the Universities seven colleges have
acquired a new dean. the graduate
school having two changes

Five appointments were made to
fill vacancies created by retirement.
two as a result of deaths. and one
following a resignation. The ninth
position was that of Dean of the
College of Pharmacy created lll 1947.
when University of Louisville Col-
lege of Pharmacy merged with UK
and Dr. Earl P. Slone was ap-
pointed head after the consolidation

Of the nine changes adopted dur-
ing the administration of President
H. L. Donovan. eight were mem-
bers of the University faculty of
the time of appointment. Only Dr.
Wclch came from another institu—

UK‘s oldest dean both in ace and

length of service will be Dean D. V.
Terrell. 64. of the College of Engi-
neering. who has been a member
of the faculty since 1912. Dr. Ter-
rell became deal) in September.

Others named to deanship. when
their predecessors were given a
change of duty are: Dean Elvis J.
Stalir. 35. College of Law. appointed
September. 1948: Dr. C. C. Carpen—
191 4’7. College of Commerce. ap-
pointed July. 1948: Dr. M. M. White.
46. College of Arts and Sciences. ap-
pointed July. 1947: Dr. Frank
Dickey. 33. College of Education. ap-
pollllcd January. 1950. after the
death of William S. Taylor: Dr.
Lows Parduc. Graduate School. ap-
pointed July. 1948. after the death
of Dr. W. D. Funkhnuser; and Dr.
Herman F. Spivl-y. 43. appointed
iillf‘l' Di'. Purdue resigned last Sep-
tember to accept it post at Virginia
Polyieclinicul Institute.

Four of the deans are native Ken-
tuckians. They are Slfllll‘. Carpen—
ter. Terrell and Slouc.

Ag College Sponsors
. New Farm Broadcast

“Your Farm and Mine" is the title
of a new radio program which starts
Saturday. July 7 at 12:15 pm. over
1radio station WVLK.

The program is sponsored by the
Department of Radio Arts in co-
?operation with the College of Agri-
culture and Home Economics and
the Agricultural Extension Service.

out such standard volumes as “The 1


. C T . a
Cowboy Turned Historlan 1Keme' Qwek s...

To Speak At Guignol Tonight;

Into What’s Inside

For an insight into the politics
of Kentucky. . . . See page 2 .

A UK coed is to perform at
Transylvania College, for details
. . . See page 3.

The Department of Geography
is going to teach map—making for
the Army. . . . See page 3.

What do you know about sports?
1 . . . See page 4.

! Football season is really not far
1 off at all. . . . See page 4.

. The Inter-Mural softball league
1 is now under way. . . . See page 4.



Briggs Names

1Summer Cast

1 The cast of “Dover Road". a play
iby A. A. Milne. has been selected
. and rehearsals are under way. Wal-
ilace Briggs, director of the Guignol
1 Theatre has announced. There will
i be six performances of “Dover
:Road" starting Wednesday. July 25.
and ending Tuesday. July 31. There
will be no performance Sunday eve-
ning. Curtain time will be 8:30 pm.

Included in the cast of characters
lare Allan C. Watson as Dominic:
1Edward J. Henry as Latimer; Eve-
‘llyn Bennett Dummitt as Anne: Ed
.Faulkner as Leonard: Betty Deen
Stull as Eustasia; Logan English as
Nicholas: and John Rogers. John
Kayse. Mary Lewis Patterson. and
lJoan Anderson as the staff.

1 Mr. Briggs is the director of
l“Dover Road"; Ernest J. Rhodes.
itechnical director; Lola Robinson,
associate director; George Stone,
stage manager; Florence Becksted.
property mistress; and Kenneth
1 Johnson. lights.

I The action of the play takes place
‘in the reception-room of Mr. Lati-
‘mer‘s house. a little way off the
Dover Road. Mr. Latimer is an ec-
centric gentleman who turns his
‘ home into a sort of hotel for couples
1that are running away from their
! wives and husbands. In the course
Iof this forced stay he shows them
the folly of their actions.







1 Final Tests
1For Dcfermeni
'To Be Given

1 The final examination for the Se-
‘ lective Service College Qualification
Test is scheduled for approximately
150 students on July 12, according
to an announcement of the Univer-
sity Personnel Service. which is in

the campus.

day for those students who did not
because of religious reasons. Previ-

. days.

' timed for three hours. are to report

ences building at 8:30 am. No per-
son will be permitted to leave the
lroom during the test.


1 Students in order to be admitted
' to the test must present their iden-
tification card sent to them by the
.Education Testing Service. which is
administering the nation-wide pro-
gram. Examinees are also requested
to bring with them a pen or pencil.
.even though an electrographic pen-
cil will be provided for the test.

‘ A total of 632 students have tak-
en the test: 275 on May 26: 192 on
June 16; and 165 on June 30.


charge of administering the test on .

This test is scheduled on Thurs- '
take it on the three previous dates ‘
ous tests were scheduled on Satur— ‘
Those taking the test. which is‘

to room 200 in the Biological Sci- '




.. ‘W‘I‘IRV'wnr .\II (llr'r

Tuthill To Give First Talk


“Geographical Factors in Politics"

. Directing


UK‘s first Institute of



Band Concert
To Be Given
On July 11


Perfect Standing Made
By 60 UK Students

Perfect scholastic standings were. Nancy Turman.

Miss Helen Hamilton and Aimo f scored by 60 UK students during the
Kiviniemi will be featured vocalists Spring semester. deans of six UK

at the first concert of the Uni-.colleges have reported.

versity summer band to be held at1

Exactly half 07 the 3.0 standings

7 pm. July 11 in the Amphitheatre ' were recorded by students in the
behind Memorial Hall. the Music 1 College of Arts and Sciences. largest
1college of the University. The Col-
Miss Hamilton. lyric soprano and 1 lege of Engineering ranked second

Department has announced.

instructor in voice. and Kiviniemi.
tenor and assistant professor in ap-

;with 11 all-A students.
‘}had eight.

plied music. will sing "The Vaga-l

bond King"
band which is directed by Warren

The band will play “The Star
Spangled Banner." "Beautiful Sav-

accompanied by the‘

ior.“ "Funiculi Funicula.“ “March to ‘

the Scaffold." a selection
bond King." "Jingles All the Way."
and “Pavanne."

A second concert will be given on

August 3.


July 13 Is Deadline
To File For Degrees

Friday. July 13 is the last day
on which seniors and graduate
students expecting to complete
their requirements for graduation
in August may make application
for such degrees. No student will
be considered for graduation who
has not filed an application.

These applications should be
made in Room 16 0f the Adminis-
tration Building by all students
who have not filed one previously.

Candidates for the bachelor‘s
degree will be charged a gradua-
tion fee of $9. This will cover
the rental of cap and gown. the
diploma fee. The Kentuckian and
other necessary expenses. Candi-
dates- for advanced degrees. other
than the doctorate. will be charged

a fee of $20 which will cover the
above with the exception of The
Kcntuckian and in addition. the
cost of the hood to be presented
the candidate. The fee for candi-
dates for the doctorate is $25.
Graduation fees are payable not
later than Monday. Aug. 6.



from 1
"'Fantastic Symphony,“ “The Vaga-

Agriculture six. Com-
merce four. and Law one.

Names of the honor students are
as follows:

Mae Ratliff. Olin A. Elliott. Pierre
Lieux. Tom McKenny. Robert Tea-
ter. and Alvin Zachary.

ENCES — Dewey Arrington. William

.Baer. John Ballantine. John Big-

gerstaff. John Brabant. Vito Casa-
lenovo. Carol Caton. Carol Cham-
bers. Ransford Davis. Elbert Harber.
Robert Haun. Jeanne Hubbard. Rob-
ert Johnson. Charles Parman. Mary
Voorbes. William Erwin. Sally Hill.

Be Consistent WithChild,
Sociologist Tells Institute

Parents who spank a child one
day. only to coddle him the next
for the same offense. make it im-
possible for their offspring to
understand or trust his universe.
Dr. Mildred 1. Morgan, Florida State
University sociologist. told dele-
gates to UK‘s fifth annual Family
Life Institute recently.

Dr. Morgan told the UK audience
that consistency in the emotional
climate of the home is of major
importance in giving children a
feeling of stability.

A child with one over-protecting
parent and another who is stern and
unyielding must be a tight-rope
walker. she said. “Indeed fortunate
is the child who knows that both
his parents can be counted on to be
the same and they stand to-
gether in the things they believe
about him and his behavior.“


Dr. Frank Welch Takes Over Duties
As New Dean Of The UK Ag College

By Bill Podkulski

Dr. Frank J. Welch. former Dean
‘of Agriculture at Mississippi State
1 College. took over duties as the new
‘Dean of the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics and Director
of the Experimental Station and Ex-
tension Division at UK July 1.

Dr. Thomas Poe Cooper re-
linquished his position to the
younger dean and will be given a
change of work in accordance with
the University policy.

In a statement to the Board of
Trustees President H. L. Donovan
said. in part. “Cognizant of the fact
that Dr. Cooper was approaching
his seventieth birthday I began to
observe agricultural leaders in action
more than 2 years ago with the view
of havmg in mind a man of great
leadership to recommend to the
Board of Trustees for this position.

cations of men from our own state
and from all parts of the nation
with a view of finding the very
ablest man that could be secured
for this important assignment. In
my search I have consulted the
presidents and deans and some staff
members from many of the leading
land—grant colleges and universities
in the United States. I have also
communicated with every member
.of 1110 staff of the College of Agri-

sumes duties as new dean.

culture and Home Economics of
the rank of assistant professor or

“I have talked with farmers in
all parts of the state and secured
their advice. I have personally been
in contact with the officers of
practically every farm organization


and I have had some of them iii-
tcrvicw some of the pcople We had
under consideration.

“Extensive investigation has led
me to the conclusion that the ablesf
mun available for this position is
Ul'. Welch. I am completely satis-
flctl in my inii.d that I have found
the man the University and the
slain Elt‘t'l‘l to guide our agricultural
program :11 this time."

versity of Tennessee told President
Donovan that. "Dr. Welch is one
of the outstanding agricultural
(icons of [his country."

Dr. \Vt'lt'll. a native of Texas. was
born Alliillsl 2. 1902. spending most
of his youth on a farm in north-
mist Mississippi. He i‘cccivetl in:
Bachelor‘s (ll-gl't‘i‘ at the University
Of Mississippi in 1937. his Mastcr's
tlcgi'ec at lllt‘ Ulllvci‘suy of Colorado
111 1932. and completed l't‘qllll‘t‘tl
work for his Doctor's degree at the
Ullllt‘l'Hl)’ of WisConsin in 1943.
where he served as a graduate as-
sistant ill the agricultural economics
(lcpa rt incl it.

llc also .».m-vod as :1 high school
lll'lllt‘llml from 1928-34. official With
the Sum- Dt'[)ui'llllt‘lll of Education
1935-36. head of the Department of
Economics and Sociology at Missis-
‘imii Sum Comm-e. 1937-44. and
(loan :uiil director of AQYWUHUW

prior to his appointment to UK.

He has conducted considerable re-
search and prepared many reports
Currently he is working with the
Committee of Agricultural EC.)-
nomists. preparing a report on fun
tionul agricultural price policy and
progress and serving as chairman of
It con‘mittee composed of represent-
atives from land-giant colleges and
farm credit administration. prepar-
ing a procedure on pilot farm

Ouls'fanding experience has made
lvun a national figure in agriculture
He was a member of the National
War Labor Board. advisor to the
National Cotton CUUllCll. chairman
of the State Agriculture War Pro-
duction Committee and a member
of 1111 official delegation of 12 per—
sons from the U. S. to the United
Nation's conference on conservation
and use of natural resources. Re-
cently he has been named to a com-
mission of distinguished scientists
and educators to assist in the de—
velopment of a cooperaine pro-
gram by institutions to improve
graduate education in the South.

Dean Welcli is married and hm
one child. He is a member of the
Presbyterian church. Romrv. and a
member of the American Farm Eco-
nomics Association.

'the field of

In UK Institute Of Politics
Opening At Guignol Monday

Meetings To Deal With Important Questions
Raised In Understanding Two Party System;
Seven Speakers Will Appear On Program

The first UK Institute of Politics. sponsored by the UK I)!"
purtmcnt of Political Scit'ucc and made possible by the Lexington
Heraltl-Ltullcr. “ill officially open at S on]. Monday in the Cult:-
nol Theatre with Dr. Richard Tuthill of the Department of Geog,-
ruphy speaking on "Geographical Factors in Perspective Politics."

To further the interest in the nature of democratic politics
which has been stirred by contemporary events. domestic and
foreign. and to aid in the clarification and understanding of gov-
ernment uutlcr our two party system. the Department of Political
Science is sponsoring this institute. It will open july 9 and close
]uly 27.

The institute is beingy held in conjunction with the courst'.
“Perspectives in Contemporary Life." inaugurated by the (Iollcgc
fl 7 ,. __. 10f Arts and Sciences for the first

:time during the 1951 Summer Ses-
? sion.
I The purpOSe of the institute. ac-
1cording to Dr. Amry Vandenbosch.
jhead of the Department of P011-
.tlcal Science. is to bring together

Ipromlnent scholars in the field of
ipolitlcs and practical men of af-


Penrith Goff. 1
Thomas Weidc. Gene Eagan. Masakc 1
Inagain. Mary Patterson. Charles
Peck. Ann Perrine. James Scott. _
Anette Siler. Linda Smith. Sherman .
Warner. and David Woodhead.
James Davis. Marietta Georgiadou.|
William Gretter. and Carl Turner.
Alice Brown. Peggy Compton. Mar- I
garet Thurman. Josephine Jones. !
Virginia Lake. Nell Prater. Ertlc .
Thompson. and Murial Varney. i
Anne Ross Boyd. George Richard E
Carter. Phyllis A. Cliver. Jerry .
Hurwifz. Herbert G. Profitt. Ella 1
Roberson. Donald C. Robinson. '
Barbara Shanklin. Elmer Yvonne |
Smith. and Vu Tam Ich. 1
Edwin Berry. Paul Chung. 'I'homaslI
Clore. Charles Fergus. Robert
Grubbs. James Humphrey. William
McCarty. Glen Mills. Gerald Stevens.
Jack Turman. and Ben Van Beber
COLLEGE OF LAW — J a m c 5



the duties of parents would be
simple if children could be given
immunization shots against emo-
tional disorders as they are for
diphtheria. tetanus or typhOid. In-
deed. she went on. parents must at-
tempt to build children‘s emotional
strength through ordinary family

Parents do well. Dr. Morgan said.
who enlist the aid of their children
in family planning and who allow
their children. in so far as their age
and experience warrant. to share in
family responsibilities. Sharing such
experiences gives the child a sense
of belonging. she said.

Birthday and holiday celebrations
in which the entire family par-
ticipates, were cited as other ex-
amples of ordinary. but helpful. ex-
periences that promote family unify.
Dr. Morgan said. "The old saying.
‘The family which plays together
stays together} has been proved
true". the Florida educator declared

Dr. Morgan said that research in
family relations cur-
rently is leading to a more posmvs
approach to prcblems of broken
homes and juvenile delinquency

STUDIES on divorce. problem pur—

elits and problem children. author-

Vto lnukc part-ills

ities in recent years have been con-
ducting research on factors that
make for successful mun-mu: and
"This approach
courage and :zi'cufer ll‘.\l:ll'.

should one us
Lb 1741'-
of frin-

ents rather [11:11! .. It'f‘llli‘.’

frufion and f.iil‘.li‘t'. Conferenux
such us This should be :0 geared .n
l't‘ulllt‘ the

give us new \Klll\ and Zt'sl for llslllz’.

portunce of Iht‘ll‘ job. should
them lll helping our .hiltli‘en t'fllo‘.
reach their full

and murder \x‘l‘litt‘ lu lllllt‘2'\ 11‘. fills

life. {ltllt‘llllzllll.t‘\.
democracy of ours"

The UK Insulate Lion-(t .it ixnoi.
June ‘38

afici’ .. series of llllvl’l.‘.l._

>t‘\:lt|ll.\ Ull L'l‘llllllui.ll'.


preparation for TIL.“

ridge-and resources for funilly lllt‘


Miss Chloe Gifford. L'iutx-rsitf.
Extensmn assistant. sci-\ed us ex-
ccutlve secretary for lllt‘ three-oi}
program. Cowliuirincn were Mrs

Sarah B. Holmes. dean of \thlllt‘ll.
and Dr. Ful Knufl‘mwn. l
profc. or m pityaqil coumhon.



several books and articles.

fairs along with mature students of
the American way of life. It is
hoped. Dr. Vandenbosch continued.
that the stimulation aroused from
this cross fertilization of ideas will
be fruitful of a clearer conception
of the role of parties in responsible
democratic government.

Among the practical politicians to
be featuied during the institute will
be Congressman Patrick J. Billings
of California. Senator Paul H. Doug-
las of Illinois. and the Hon. John
Sherman Cooper of Kentucky.

SPEECHES there will be an open
forum period during which the top-
ic of the period will be discussed.

Dr. Vandenbosch has Lssued invx-
tations to political science teachers
all over Kentucky. as well as to
numerous Kentucky politicians. and
he expects a goodly turnout from
their ranks.

Prof. 'I‘uthill will open the insti-
tute Monday with his lecture on
“Geographical Factors in Perspec~
fives and Politics" at 8 am. in the
Gulgnol Theatre.

Dr E. E. Schattschneider. profes-
sor of political science. Connecticut
Wesleyan University. wxll head the

[second program of the institute at

8 am. Tuesday. July 10 in the
Guignol Theatre. "The Need for

Political Leadership and Responsi-

bility" will be the title of his lec-

Al'G. II. 1892. Dr. Schattschneider
was graduated from the University
of Wisconsin in 1915 and received
his PhD. degree from Columbia
University in 1935. He was a mem-
ber of the Connecticut Board of
Mediation and Arbitration from
1937 to 1943. the Election Laws Com-
mittee of Connecticut in 1939 and
1940. and the counctl of the Ameri~
can Political Science Association
from 1944 to 1946.

Dr. Schattschneider has written
them “Politics. Pressures and the
Tariff“ and "Party Government."

At 12:15 pm. the institute WIII
hold a luncheon in the Student Un-
ion Building. at which Dr. Schatt-
shchneldcr will speak on "Is Our
Party System Failing?"

professor of political science. “‘1“
deliyer the fourth talk of the insti-
tute. "What is Propaganda?". at 3
a.m. Wednesday. July 11. in the
Gnignol Theatre.

Widely known in pollllCfll sClt’llCt'
c1rcl:~. Dr Shannon has recently
had publl:hed his book. "Presiden-
tial Fulfill“ in Kentucky". COvWI‘lE-
(til wuh Miss Ruth McQuown.

At is am. Thursday. July 12. Dr.
Shannon Will again speak before
the lll>lllul€ in the 011121101 Them
fl‘t‘. His topic Wlll be "The War of

Cnnurcssman Patrick J. Hillznzs.
C.lllf0l'l‘.lil Republican. will tlclivt-f'
.in address. "The Responsibilu} of
the Minority Pariv in the L€:i\1;l-
live Proces~I at 630 pm. Thursday
:1. the Student Union Building Fol-
10“”); his address Hillinas \vill lmd
1t (izswssion on "What is the Effet'
of Nonunating Systems on Party

born .l' Hobui't Mills. Cal. in 1933.
thus :1. “n: him one of the yo:il::«
er members of Congress. After art'-
in: u: ‘lze L‘ S Army from lib-13 '1»
1946 Hilluiss \V.i\ araduatcu foul
[Ilt' 1'1..'.'er~.t_v of Southern Calm»;-
n..i 111 1947.

A \luof'ous. pl'ogl‘PSSiVe Republi-
mn. Hillugs has been called .in
rmmple of the "white hope of the
Republu an Party."

Prof Quincy Wright of the Una
\‘ef‘sity of Chicago Will resume the
lllslllillt‘ program With an i1(l(irt‘\>
Tl..:-.~~duy. July 19. nt 8 11111. in the
(lulcilol Theatre. His speech xvzll
be titled "American PolitiCs and
:\illt‘llt'.lll Foreign Policy."

Former presidcnt of the American


lCannucd on Page 2).


3. Tlll“. KERNFIH Friday. July 6. 1951

The Kentucky Kennel



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Editorial Staff

1‘ "112‘s \ssistant \Ianaginu l-Tditor; Bur. Bourmn‘. Assistant News
lIi\i\1.1eK. l‘u Mums”: Ili’xruicr. VAN lions. and Bill
1 \l.l lu {\rvi’ti'rs. \l \r i; lb «.111 s. Photographer. CHARLES “'monr. Car-

1.1, It”.

I Know Better Than You

I‘m 1 vllllll ol the Pl‘t‘ss. guaranteed by our Constitution. is e11-
vr-z ‘. 1i 1: 1 growing obstacle in the flat refusal of many public
.‘lu ls l . lliHilge \\ hat is Quin: on in their conduct of office.

’11- s lLam-lwtter-thai1-tlie-pt-ople policy. so common today
v1.1, ; 1 iimltitude of oiliel holders. is rapped by James S. Pope.
111'; editor of the l.(uiis\ ille Courier-Journal. in an article in
til: I 'I\ \‘Ilailtic \Ionthly.

\\ aslungton is the Imuitainliead of a cult “which holds that
J' ‘\ II .1121 rons for 11(‘\\\ of «Joyernment to leak out in any natural.
mph.” sst'tl form." according to \Ir. Pope.

:.t' :‘_

fllnmush. tew public olIiciaIs would dare challenge Freedom
11 HIV l w-ss. \et they can weaken and perhaps eventually destroy
i1 :2 ‘l1.\ 'il't‘ allowed to strangle freedom of information through
111111 l'ltl.lil( processing.

"l'hl Huth is that we can have a completely legalistic Freedom
, 1 the Hess and at the same time lose a vital part of the informa—
1.. :1 \\lllt h L'ives‘ this freedom any meaning." says Editor I’ope.

\\~ 1.11: low it through .1 combination of guileful concealment
1nd toloration by public serxants. and just plain apathy among
th. \\1lll\t'l'\ ot the press."

TIMI" is hope in the report that many leading newspapers are
mmlut 1111': on-the»spot open-forum and court battles against the
1.111111111’11: trend toward official suppression. This spreading philos»
nihp that the inside man. the head of a department or agency.
11111 on better than any one else what the public should he told.
and must screen his records accordingly. is lethal poppycock which
can undermine our denim-racy.

“A robut scepticism is needed in the approach to the whole
problem of freely flowing public information." Pope writes. Such
si't‘i‘llt'hlll has been strangely dormant for some time. but there
.il'!‘ signs of regeneration.

Committees Then And Now

One hundred and seventy-live years ago the committee system
in our national government apparently functioned better than it
lltlt s today This could be because in 1776 committees were ap-
p tllllt‘tl for noble purimses—such as for the Writing of the Declara~
tinn oI Independence.

t present it appears that Washington committees are formed
fur no nobler purpose than to dig up political dirt about opposi-
tion bigwigs. One wonders whether there is any comparison
lu-twwn the framers ot the Declaration of Independence and the
party—mimled politicians senile: on a number of current govern»
nwnt committees.

The Fight Will Go On

\pparently there is now some basis for believing that the fight-
inu in Korea will soon end.

lint .1 truce in Korea will not mean that the line has been held
1'_' znst totalitarianism. Above all. we must not be lured into the
'vmlisli dream that the world is on the verge of peace.

The .\nn'rican people must have foresight enough and courage
IIHHIL‘II to continue the present build—up of our defenses. even
\ 1thont the impetus of bloody war.



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