xt7r4x54jf0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54jf0d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-04-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 16, 2008 2008 2008-04-16 2020 true xt7r4x54jf0d section xt7r4x54jf0d  



APRIL 16, 2008



FFARI 1:ssssN1‘1.ss EMBODIE 1)







A member of the UK swim team pauses in front of an article about diving coach Mike Lyden during a memorial service yesterday

‘He lived What he taught”

Community celebrates

life of family man,

'perfect diving coach’

_By Leila Kelegi

Laughter echoed off the blue-padded
walls of the UK basketball practice
courts yesterday as family and friends
listened to stories at a memorial service

for diving coach Mike Lyden.
Lyden lived by a motto:

“Bigger is

Lyden talks
about his
coach Mike
servnze in
the Joe

better." He kept that motto in mind as a
father trying to choose which branch he
would hang the family swing from.
About two-thirds up the hill behind his
house. he found the perfect one. but
friends thought he was crazy.

To John Brucato. UK‘s assistant
swimming coach and a close friend of
Lyden. the branch would have been high
enough to fling his daughter. Brittany.
onto the neighbor's roof -- the one
across the street.

The story was just one indication of
Lyden's fearlessness. Brucato said.

The UK diving coach since I993.
who led the program to its first national
championship in 2006. died Friday after
a two-year fight with cancer. He was 5].

“Mike lived what he taught." Bruca—
to said at the memorial service. “Fear
never holds you back. Fear never held
Mike back as a diver. never held him
back as a coach and never held him back

brought comfort to those who knew him.

as more than 300 people packed the
Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary
Catholic Church for the funeral
and the Joe Craft Center for
the memorial service to cele-
brate the life of the man who
had become familiarly known
s "Iron Mike."

“Mike would have wanted
everyone to sit and talk about
things they‘ve done and mem-
ories they have of Mike.“
swimming coach Gary Conclly

Those close to Lyden knew
the things that mattered most to him
were his family. his wife. Emily. and
three kids: Jessica. 17. Jack. l6. and

Mike Lyden

the basketball court and a wide receiyci
on the football field for Lexington
Catholic High School. Brucato said. And
members of the diving teaiii
knew that if they asked about
one of Jack‘s games. Lyden‘s e.\~
plariations would give them at
least a 304mimitc break from
their workouts.

During his career. Lyden was
named Southeastern ('onfercncc
Diving Coach of the Year nine
times. including three consecu—
tive seasons from 2005-07. and
NCAA Women‘s Diving Coach
of the Year in 1996, Twelve of
the divers he coached at UK combined
to cam 5i All—America selections.

In March 2006. then-Junior diver Taryn

with his fight with cancer."

Stories of Lyden‘s love for the sport
of diving. the outdoors and his family

Brittany. l0.
Lyden was especially
Jack‘s accomplishments as a guard on

proud of

Ignacio , who Ly dcn first coached at

SM? Lyden on page A3

LICGISI .»\'i‘ivi«: \y’tgiyifjljl’ ...


State approves budget with 6% cut

fiyJill luster

It's over.

After 60 days of deliberations.
the legislature brought the 2008 ses»
sion of the General Assembly to a
close by approving a budget for the
next two years. The budget adds an-
other 3 percent cut to higher educa-
tion on top of a 3 percent cut already
in place.

The budget doesn‘t include tax
increases or rely on funding from
Gov. Steve Beshear‘s failed plan to
bring casinos into Kentucky. Instead.
it will raise money by taking more
from the state lottery revenues each
year. restructuring . e state‘s debt
and not replacing about 3.400 state
workers after they retire this year.

The House and Senate passed
their budget a day after Beshear re-
turned the document with 10 line-
item vetoes.

The vetoes included changes. like
cutting $1.2 million from the Con-
nectKentueky program. which aims
to make broadband lntemet access
available throughout the state. and a
move that stopped the Horse Racing
Authority from collecting assess-
ments from tracks that take less than
SI .2 million per day on average.


Casino gaming

One of Gov. Steve Beshear’s key campaign is-
sues was casino gaming, expected to bring in
revenue to Kentucky as the state faced a $900»
million deficit the next two years. In February,
Beshear introduced a plan to allow Kentuckians
to vote on a constitutional amendment allowing
12 casinos in Kentucky, including one shared be-
tween Keeneland and Red Mile racetracks in
Lexington. However, the bill failed to gain the
support needed to move out of the House.

Domestic~partner benefits

A bill banning domestic- partner benefits at pub
lic universities and other state institutions easily
passed the Senate in a 30-5 vote in January
However, when a House committee voted, the
bill failed 9- 6, stopping it from getting to the
House floor. The bill, similar to one that failed
last year, would have impacted the domestic-
partner benefits offered at UK and the University
of Louisville About 60 UK employees currently
use the domestic- partner benefits package. said
UK spokesman Jay Blanton

Concealed carry low

The debate over whether to allow students to
carry concealed weapons on campus it they

have a license for the weapon provoked strong
reactions on both sides of the aisle and on UK's
campus Some, such as nernbers of the organr
zation Students for Concealed Carry on Campus,
said it was a matter of Second Amendment
rights. Others, including UK Presrdent lee Todd.
said allowrng weapons on campus would an
danger students. The bill never made it out of
the House committee where it was started

Cigarette tax

When the House of Representatives created its
draft for the 200840 state budget, one way it
recommended bringing in money was by in
creasing Kentucky's cigarette tax The cigarette
tax would nearly double, up 25 cents per pack
from the 30 cents currently levied When the
House and the Senate negotiated a budget to
send to the governor, though. both the cigarette
tax and a i,5~cent gas tax were left out,

Primary elections

With a May 20 primary, Kentucky normally does
not have much say in who each party chooses as
the presidential nominee A bill pushing up the
primary to Feb. 5 passed in the House in January
and was approved by the Senate the next month,
The change would take effect during the next
round of presidential primaries in 2012



One year later,
Va. Tech tragedy
still impacts UK


A year ago today. (‘hristy
Giles glanced up at the TV in
her office on Oldham Court. She
could not believe the scenes that
were flashing across CNN as the
anchors and reporters described
a mass shooting at Virginia Tech
University. By the end of the
day. the student shooter had
killed 32 members of the univer-
sity community and himself.

"Personally. I don't know' if
you can be prepared for that.
mentally," said Giles.
the director of the ()f—
ficc of Emergency
Management at UK.
“All the training in the
world can‘t prepare
you for that level of a

As she watched
the events unfold on
April In. 2007. all
Giles could think
about was what people
at UK would do if it
were happening on
this campus. she said.

The Office of Emergency
Management had been on cam»
pus since 2004. working with
eyacuation and disaster plans for
buildings. coordinating lines of
communication between admin—
istrators during crises and send»
iitg out campus safety alerts to
I.'K Public Relations and the
mass media.

Its presence was known and
felt among administrators. (iiles
said. and those lines of commu-
nication had always been clear.
But at the time of the Virginia
Tech shooting. the office did not
have many ways to communi-
cate directly to students. em-
ployees. parents and other con.-
munity members.

Since then. the office has
created ties to the community by
updating its Web
twyy'wukycdu em) and posting
other lnteriiet notifications on
UK‘s homepage. and also the


A candle burns next in it '1

"Now we are
in more of
a preventive
mode than we
were before
Virginia Tech."

UK director of public 5.

stalling the UK Alert system.
which allows people to sign up
for emergency notification by
phone. email. text messages
and fax.

“We have a much broader
vision of communication and of
keeping people informed more
up—to-date." Giles said.

Dean of Students Victor
Hazard said UK has learned
three main lessons from the
tragedy. all of which relate to
improving communication: in-
creased awareness. a sense of
communication between depart—
ments and
stronger collabo-
ration across cam—

“We have a
greater degree of
networking now
than we had be-
fore." he said.
“Plans are plans
until something
happens. and how
we communicate
during the interim
will be key to how'
we act during a crisis."

For administrators and stuv
dents. the most shocking realiza—
tion about this crisis was that it
happened on a college campus.

"I always feel safe at college
because there are so many peo-
ple around." said Jessica Fuson.
a merchandising. apparel and
textiles sophomore.

But after the shooting that
day. she thought about how
open the campus was and how.
unlike hiin school. there were
no barriers or metal detectors on
university boundaries.

“It’s just the college envi-
ronment. which is scary because
that's what makes it feel so safe
at the same time." f'uson said.

Director of Public Safety
Anthany Beatty also noticed the
threat the campus environment
posed after the tragedy at \'ir«
ginia Tech.


See Safety on page A3


take ”21ft memorial for Connie Biniiiit last night

near the corner of South Broadway and Maxwell Street, whe'e she was

hit and killed by a?

ruck etiriy San rev

Police checktruckfor
evidence in hit-and-run

By Juliann Vachon
ivachontrlkykerne! roni

I.e\ington police are per
forming tests on an impounded
pickup truck they think may
hay e struck and killed I'K fresh,
man (‘onnic lilount
early Sunday in a hit
and~run incident. the
father of the \ ictim said

Police told Jack
Blount they impounded
the tnick Monday night
and are now looking
for forensic evidence
that could determine if
it was involved in the
incident that killed his daughter.

“I am iust happy that they
were so confident that they had
found the right vehicle he said,

Police declined to comment
on the situation yesterday but
said in a news release that the
(‘ollision Reconstniction Unit
was “working diligently to lol.

Connie Blount

low leads and conclude the mi
\cstigation "

(‘onnic Blount. IX. of Park
(‘ity. l'tah. was crossing the in
terscction of South Broadway
ind “e si M iywell Street .11
about] IS a. m. w hen a pickup
truck. desc ribcd as .i
lightscolored extended
cab (‘hcyrolct. hit her
and then fled south on
South Broadway. police
said Sunday. Blouiit
died hours later at [K
Medical (enter from
her imuries

Police said they \Ilsr
pcct ('onnic and her
friend. a male in his late
teens or early 20s. were crossing
at a crosswalk while the light
was green for vehicles. Police
said the two had been drinking
that night. but they do not think
that Blount and her friend had
enough to impair their ability to

See Bloom on page A3

Neurone: 257-1915; W 257-2872


 PAGE A21 Wednesday, April )6, 200g” 7


7 your daily dose of entertainme
























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70 is the easrest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 7 ._ It's easy to figure out what
needs to be done Be quick and Win
the game, the prize and we|l~eamed
applause. Leave the competition in
your dust.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
IS a 7 h For a sense of delicious
security, go through comfortable
routines Include the whole family
Make plans for the future while
reminiscing about past good times
Gemini (May 21 — June 21) Today
is a 6 w Postpone an outing with
friends. You need to defrost the re-
frigerator or do something else the
general public never needs to know

4put com

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Accepting all insurance claims.
170 Dennis Drive (1 miles lrotn

about Grab some private time
Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 7 ~ You can provide the IlllOTA
mation somebody else is worried
about You know where to find it and
they don't Offer your assetance
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
7 ,. Your hard work is paying off
and not a moment too soon The bill
collectors Will be delighted and
there's enough left over for food
You're doing goodl

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 .,.. You and your sweetheart
have reason to celebrate You have
the resources you need Now you
jUSl have to agree on your priorities,
and go shopping

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
a 7 -~ Find the perfect thing for
your home in your own add. or
garage Some of the other stuff you
can take to the dump Create your
self some space

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 , The idea is so SITT‘iplB Why
didn't you think of it before7 lt's a

campus) 27?: l973

way to make your too a lot more
fun, and quality doesn't suffer
Youre brilliant

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21) To-
day is a 7 W You're getting a boost in
your climb up the ladder to success.
Don't get distracted by the view. Keep
climbing and don't look down
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 Try something a little
more radical than you've ever done
before It's OK to step outSIde your
comfort zone You have magical

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) Today
is a7 . Put your financial affairs illlfl
order now, while you're in the mood
The more. treasure you can hide away,
the better you'll sleep at night
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 7 . If you don't know the
answer, ask your friends or an ex~
pert Don't waste a lot of time trying
in figure it out without enough infor-

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Today’ 5
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nt, pop culture andifunw Kernel ‘ Ql


Jodie's silly light side!

1119 Di5l-l

No more drama! Foster
tells Us about her new
kids' fantasy flick

She may be known for in—
tcnsc films such as "The Silcncc
of the Lambs." but Jodie Foster
chars she is more silly than sc—
rious. "l‘m not a heavy pcrson
A really. I‘m not!" she tells Us.
The LA. native. 45, shows off
hcr comedic chops in the new
family fantasy “Nim‘s Island"
(in thcatcrs now i. in which she
plays a rcclusive author who
hclps a girl (Abigail Breslin)
search for her missing father
(Gerard Butler). Bonus‘.’ Foster
can watch the film with her
sons. Charles. 9. and Kit, 6. She
talks to Us.

Q: Would you describe
yourself as funny?

A: I'm witty. i think my hu—
mor is kind of language-based.
but my natural humor is sort of
dry and trusty. and kind of R-rat-

Q: Did you see similarities
between your younger self and
your 12-year-old costar. Abi-
gail Breslin?

A: Bccattsc l was a child act
tor' from thc timc l was 3. i do
scc picccs of myself in hcr.
That‘s a wholc dil’fcrcnt world
now. it's much hardcr to hc a
hcalthy young actor now than it
was whcn l was young.

Q: Would you ever let
your sons go into acting?

A: liy‘cry once in a whilc my
oldcr son will say. “I want to bc
on TV." i go, "That's nicc.” l‘d
likc thcm to bc intcrcstcd in thc

hehind~thc-sccncs become. to
me, that's the real world that l
live in. id be scared of them be-
ing actors.

Q: Do they watch any of
the films you made as a child?

A: They‘ve seen two movics
of mine from when l was a kid.
and they‘re bored with it! I
asked them. “Don’t you want to
scc ‘Frcaky Friday‘ again?" and
they were like, “No!"

Top four on 'Biggest Loser’

Trainers Jillian Michaels and
Bob Harper handicap the final
contenders for Us.

Ali Vincent

Why she’ll win: “She has
shown nothing but dedication."
Harper says of the single 32-
ycar—old Arizona hairdresser
(and former champion synchro-
nized swimmerl), who has lost
99 pounds. “I would put my
money on Ali."

Why shc won't: The other
three arc gunning for her. Says
Harper. “They know she is a big

Mark Kruger

Why he'll win: After losing
llo pounds. thc 35-ycar-old
married Massachusetts salcs rcp
is down to I69. “Hc's an awc-
some athlete." Michacls says.
"Hc won most of the chal-

Why he won‘t: Thc fathcr of
two may be too small now! “He
doesn't have that much morc to
lose." says Michacls. What's
Krugcr‘s goal? “To weigh lcss
than Bob!"

mm. ”as-KW w


Minor MAI-(mu In"


elMixed M


.0 . -, r "‘7“. L'

Kelly Fields

Why she'll win: The di-
yorccd 5-foot-6 nurse. 38. start-
cd at 27! pounds and has lost 93
so far. "Kelly has a lot to lose
and it put her in competition
with the men." says Harper.
“She‘s a really hard worker and
has done great every singlc

Why she won't: Fields has
struggled with self-doubt. “l was
always heavy and never popu-
lar." she has said.

Roger Shultz

Why he’ll win: The Alaba—
ma radio talk-show host. 40.
was the heaviest contestant.
He‘s lost 144 pounds and. as
Michacls says. “when everyone
else hits their goal. he can keep

Why he won‘t: He doesn't
always push himself: “He didn't
win one challenge.“

Heidi's new skincare line

Aut' Wicdcrschen. wrinkles!
Shc’s conquered the fashion
world. and now Heidi Klum has
her sights set on a new rcalm:
bcauty. The supermodel and
"Projcct Runway" host. 34. re-
ccntly teamed up with experts at
TV ad giant Guthy-chkcr to
crcatc In an Instant. a five-step
anti-aging regimen that mini-
mizes fine lines and cvens out
skin tone. The allurc‘? “I want to
look good. but I‘m not trying to
look l9." Klum tells Us.


Where have you been this year?

W: "K vs. Arkansas ‘nyettevxlle, AR UK‘vs Georja m 6A UK vs South Carolina cokxmblasc Nicely Iowl vs. North w
Basketball. Men’s SEC Method Tournament: Atlanta, (3A . Women's SEC WM 10W> Nashville. TN -

NCAA Men‘s Basketball Tournament Anaheim. CA


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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | PAGE A3


City council candidates pledge to listen to students

By Robin Pirchg


Candidates for the 3rd District seat
on the city council told students yester-
day that if elected. they would consider
what local people wanted in their com-
munity — not just what would be good
for downtown business and development.

“Big interest doesn‘t overtake the
common good of the people." said
Jonathan Rodgers, one of the five can-
didates who spoke last night at a forum
in the Student Center‘s Worsham The-

Rodgers and the other candidates
spoke about community issues near

campus. including the proposed down-
town development project Centrev
Pointe. campus safety and last semes-
ter's discussions about off-campus
housing for students.

Students and members of the com-
munity were scattered throughout the
theater to listen to proposals for the 3rd
District, which includes UK.

Running candidates introduced
themselves. described their ties to cam-
pus and explained what they propose to
do if elected. Each of the candidates or
one their family members has attended
UK. and they stated ways they could
keep in touch with students and the
ideas students bring to them.

Responsibilities of the newly elect~
ed 3rd District councilmember will in-
clude the changes to downtown be-
cause of the CentrePointe project. The
development would take away hotspots
where students spend their evenings
and weekends. said candidate Garry
Weston. Weston said he hopes to be—
come the bridge between campus, com—
munity and city.

Identifying who constituents are
and what they want is the first step in
decision making. said Eric Thomason.
He said he plans to be a voice for stu-

Candidate Don Pratt said he be-
lieves his honesty and courage provide

a better solution.

Diane Lawless said that through her
experience as the previous executive di-
rector of the Bluegrass Rape Crisis
Center. she has accrued empathy and
respect for people.

Rodgers said he favors the preser—
vation of art and entertainment centers
in Lexington‘s 3rd District and is an ad—
vocate for making sure Lexington
maintains its culture and creative heart.

Lexington residents have a commu—
nity interest in the downtown develop-
ment. Lawless said, which is why they
need a representative who listens to
their concems.

“Decisions should not be made be-

hind closed doors." Lawless said. "This
is why it is important to have leaders
and council members. We hear what you
have to say and decide the next step."

The last day to register for the May
20 primaries is April 2]. Student Gov—
ernment is working with Kentuckians
for the Commonwealth to help register

“You as a student body have a large
say in what happens." Pratt said. "I en—
courage you to register and vote.“

The platform of each candidate is
available on the SG Web ‘site
(www.uksga.org) and each candidate's
Web site. Links are available at


junior Shelley
Kylor, the swim-
ming and diving
team's student
athletic trainer.
looks at pic-
tures of diving
coach Mike
Lyden and his
family during a
memorial ser-
vice yesterday.





Continued from page A1


age 12 — earned UK its first nation-
al diving title with a record—setting
dive on the platform.

While he's known for diving. Ly-
den's real legacy is his kids. Conelly
said. Lyden would want people to tell
stories to his kids about him so they
could get to know the real Mike and
know how much he loved them.
Conelly said.

If there was ever any doubt about
Lyden's influence. it was removed by
the number in attendance at Lyden‘s
service and memorial. said senior
diver Kari Retrum.

“I thought it was an amazing
turnout." she said. “Showing him and
his family support. it‘s evident that he
touched people‘s lives."

"I think the support was trcmen~
dous from the community." said se-
nior swimmer Will Vietti. “It was fit»
ting because Mike was an outstand—
ing guy and will be missed by a lot
of people."

The number was so substantial
that the funeral procession blocked
many of chington‘s main roads. in-

cluding the intersection of South
Broadway and Waller and the inter-
section of South Broadway and Main

whelming.“ Conelly said. “Looking
out my window. I had a line of cars
in front and behind me while stop-
ping at a major intersection.

stopped traffic."

just family. friends and current mem-
bers of the UK athletic department.
UK President Lee Todd. Athletics Di-
rector Mitch Barnhart and head foot-
ball coach Rich Brooks were also in
attendance. Conelly said that with
one exception. every UK diver Lyden
ever coached was there.

the loss of a coach and friend. Correl—
ly said. but to remember the times
shared with Ly den. ‘

and incredible guy to be with « a
family man. and I've said it before.
the perfect diving coach. " Conelly

“The number of people was over-

"Mike would have loved that he

The turnout was not limited to

The day was not meant to mourn

“Mike was an amazing person.



Continued from page A1

“For college administrators it cerA
tainly made us realize that campuses
are very vulnerable by creating an open
atmosphere that is conducive to leam-
ing.“ he said.

Because of the vulnerability. it is
necessary to prepare for an emergency
situation. but just as important to learn
how to prevent it. Beatty said.

"Now we are in more of a preven-
tive mode than we were before Virginia
Tech.“ he said. “What caused the per—
son to do what they did. and how do
you intervene?"

One campus initiative that targets
that question is a recently formed group
of administrators called Students of
Concern. The panel identifies students
going through personal problems or

stressful situations and helps them find
resources on campus, such as the Cen-
ter for Counseling and Testing, the Of-
fice of Student Financial Aid or an aca—
demic adviser.

Many of the preparative measures
depend on cooperation from students.
faculty and staff. Beatty said. By now.
he said everyone on campus should
have signed up for the UK Alert system
because it is integral in getting informa—
tion out to the campus community in
the case of an emergency. The system
launched in January and now has
H.000 subscribers.

Giles. who manages UK Alen, said
she hopes more people will sign up dur‘
ing the summer and next school year.
After the initial uses of the system re—
vealed problems. such as when a toma-
do warning only reached about a third
of the people who had signed up for
alerts. the system has been improved,

she said. To subscribe. visit

Beatty said everyone on campus
must be involved in emergency tests.
which include fire drills. building evac—
uations and emergency scenarios on
campus. In the past. he said. many peo-
ple have questioned why UK has those
drills and whether it is an extreme pre-

“The reality is. we have to (be pre-
pared). and that‘s why one has to take
the exercises seriously." he said.

Yesterday. when Giles reflected on
the how her job has changed since the
Virginia Tech shooting. she said she
does the same work that she did before
the incident. The difference lies in how
people from outside her office view the
importance of emergency management.

“It was more of a back-bumer issue
if you will." she said. “Now it‘s more
apparent that things can happen."



Continued from page Al


walk home safely.

Blount's body underwent an autop—
sy Sunday. Toxicology reports that will
show whether she was intoxicated will
not be available for another one to three

Jack Blount said hc and his wife
traveled to Kentucky on Sunday and
stayed until yesterday. meeting with po—
lice. doctors and friends who had been
with Connie late Saturday night and car-
ly Sunday.

Upon arriving in Kentucky. they
found a community of support hun—
dreds of friends. professors. administrav
tors and city officials who wanted to
express how much Connie had meant to
them. he said. Hundreds of people at~
tcndcd a memorial service for Blount
on Monday before the family took hcr
body back to Utah yesterday.

“The amount of support we've re-
ceived is unreal. Jack Blount said.

Services for Blount are scheduled in
her hometown. Visitation will be to-
morrow from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. at the
Park City Community Church. The fu-
neral is at 10 am. Friday at the same
location. and Blount will be buried im-
mediately afterward at the Park City
Cemetery. All services are open to the

Friends from across the country
have told the Blounts that they will
travel to Park City for Blount's funeral
on Friday. Jack Blount said.

Iirin Whitney. a friend of Blount's
who lives in Utah and went to high
school with her. said the incident hits
“rockcd Park (‘ity to its core." and II is
hard for the community to imagine
(‘onnic rctuming to her home for thc fi
nal time. unable to speak with the
friends and family who were milcs
away when she w as killed.

But the town. which Whitney said

has experienced 6 or 7 deaths of young
people in the last two years. has a built-
in support system. After news of Con-
nie's death. friends who had left for col-
lege or work immediately started recon-
necting to help one another through the
tragedy. Whitney said.

"It just huns knowing that she‘s
coming back here and we‘re not going
to be able to spend time together."
Whitney said yesterday. "But we sup—
port each other with anything and

The Blounts are working with UK
to create a scholarship in Connie's
name that would go to a student study-
ing equine science. Jack Blount said
many people have askcd how they
could donate money in his daughter's

Connie Blount was a horse lover
who started riding when she was 10.
She collected more than 150 trophies in
hunter-jumper equestrian competitions
and was on l'K‘s cqucstritin team.





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ears are mam-ALMS stirs;
i AND weaves: mos ABOUT




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ll r) ARMY






April l6, 2008
Page A4



M Smiley. editor in chief
Um Mel, managing editor
Sue flue, managing editor

Une- U. opinions editor
Erie um. sports editor
Curie I... columnist

The opinions page prowdes a forum lor the emhange of ideas Unlike news stories, the Kernels
unsrgned editorials represent the Views of a majority of the editorial board Letters to the editor, columns, cartoons and
other features on the opinions page reflect the views of their authors and not necessarily those of the Kernel



UK's budget crisis
makes peer tutoring
even more important

As UK administrators figure out
how to deal with next school year‘s
tight budget. they should recognize
peer tutoring as a cost-effective reten—
tion tool. not an easy target for cuts.

But prospects for The Study. UK‘s
main center for peer tutoring. are look—
ing dim as of now. If additional fund-
ing doesn‘t conte in soon. The Study
will have to cut

to struggling students. If there are sub-
stantially fewer tutors at The Study.
students in academic trouble will be
left looking to overworked teaching as—
sistants. unqualified friends or expen-
sive private tutors for help instead.

UK has shown its willingness to
spend money on improving retention.
This schrx>l year. the university pur-
